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Checklist for Zinc Alum Tank

PROJECT: Survey, Design, Preparation of DPR, Construction, Commissioning and O&M for 10 years of various Rural Water Supply
Projects in the State of Uttar Pradesh as per Request for Proposal for Division-Ayodhya
Client: State Water & Sanitation Mission (SWSM), Uttar Pradesh
TPIA: Fichtner Consulting Engineers (India) Private Limited
Contractor: Universal MEP Projects & Engineering Services Limited
Location: Date:

S.No. Checking Parameters Limits Accepted

1 Layout done to place the liner.
2 Bolts & nuts are fixed with washer
3 Nozle marking & cutting done as per dia of Inlet/overflow pipe
4 PE tape installation done to cover the bolting of vertical joints.
Geotextile is laid at the floor beneath the liner to avoid any foreign
5 particles/debris.
6 Heavy Duty FPP Liner fixed inside the tank for leak proof water storage.
7 The zinc alum sheet to be in plumb.
8 Fabric taping applied on overlapping joints.
Steel galvanized trusses, Z Purlins etc are bolted at the top ring over which roof
panels to be fix.
Access Hatch/Manhole & Intermediate Platform to be fixed for maintenance
Outside ladder (with safety cage) and inside ladder are fixed to climb to the
access hatch .
12 Hold down bracket installation done.
13 Ventilator installed at the top.
14 Water Level Indicator as per the capacity of Tank.
15 Lightening conductor fixed.

Checked by:-
Site Engineer QA/QC Construction Manager

Sign.: Sign.: Sign.:

Name: Name: Name:

Designation: Designation: Designation:

Date: Date: Date:

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