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Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957

DOI 10.1007/s13204-013-0275-0


Explicit numerical study of unsteady hydromagnetic mixed

convective nanofluid flow from an exponentially stretching sheet
in porous media
O. Anwar Bég • M. S. Khan • Ifsana Karim •

Md. M. Alam • M. Ferdows

Received: 17 August 2013 / Accepted: 28 September 2013 / Published online: 18 October 2013
 The Author(s) 2013. This article is published with open access at

Abstract A numerical investigation of unsteady magne- thermophoresis effects. However, flow is decelerated with
tohydrodynamic mixed convective boundary layer flow of a increasing viscosity ratio and combined porous and hydro-
nanofluid over an exponentially stretching sheet in porous magnetic parameters. Temperatures are enhanced with
media, is presented. The transformed, non-similar conser- increasing Brownian motion and thermophoresis as are
vations equations are solved using a robust, explicit, finite concentration values. With progression in time the flow is
difference method (EFDM). A detailed stability and con- accelerated and temperatures and concentrations are
vergence analysis is also conducted. The regime is shown to increased. EFDM solutions are validated with an optimized
be controlled by a number of emerging thermophysical variational iteration method. The present study finds appli-
parameters i.e. combined porous and hydromagnetic cations in magnetic nanomaterials processing.
parameter (R), thermal Grashof number (Gr), species Gras-
hof number (Gm), viscosity ratio parameter (K), dimen- Keywords Nanofluid  Exponentially stretching sheet 
sionless porous media inertial parameter (r), Eckert number Mixed convective flow  Magnetic field  Porous media 
(Ec), Lewis number (Le), Brownian motion parameter (Nb) Transient flow  Brownian motion  Explicit finite
and thermophoresis parameter (Nt). The flow is found to be difference method (EFDM)  Stability analysis  Variational
accelerated with increasing thermal and species Grashof iteration method (VIM)
numbers and also increasing Brownian motion and
B0 Magnetic field strength
C Nanoparticle concentration
O. A. Bég C0 Reference concentration
Gort Engovation Research (Propulsion/Biomechanics),
Cw Nanoparticle concentration at stretching surface
15 Southmere Avenue, Bradford BD73NU, UK
C? Ambient nanoparticle concentration as y tends to
M. S. Khan  I. Karim  Md. M. Alam infinity
Mathematics Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, C Dimensionless concentration
cp Specific heat capacity
M. Ferdows DB Brownian diffusion coefficient
Department of Mathematics, Dhaka University, Dhaka, DT Thermophoresis diffusion coefficient
Bangladesh g Acceleration due to gravity
Present Address: Gr Thermal Grashof number
M. Ferdows Gm Species (mass) Grashof number
Quantum Beam Science Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Le Lewis number
Authority, Tokyo, Japan L Reference length
O. A. Bég (&) Nb Brownian motion parameter
Narvik, Norway Nt Thermophoresis parameter

944 Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957

P Fluid pressure exponentially stretching continuous surface with an expo-

Pr Prandtl number nential temperature distribution, deriving solutions which
R Combined porous and magnetic parameter exhibited an exponential dependence on the temperature
Re Local Reynolds number distribution in the direction parallel to that of the stretch-
t Time ing. Partha et al. (2005) studied the effect of viscous dis-
K Permeability of the porous regime sipation on the mixed convective boundary layer heat
T Fluid temperature transfer from an exponentially stretching surface. El-
T Dimensionless temperature bashbeshy (2001) considered wall transpiration (suction)
T0 Reference temperature effects on heat transfer in boundary layer flow from an
Tw Temperature at the stretching surface exponentially continuous stretching surface. Khan (2006)
T? Ambient temperature as y tends to infinity studied non-Newtonian (viscoelastic) boundary layer fluid
u, v Velocity components along x and y axes, flow over an exponentially stretching sheet. Sanjayanand
respectively and Khan (2006) considered viscoelastic heat and mass
U, V Dimensionless velocity components transfer from an exponentially stretching sheet. A numer-
U0 Reference velocity ical simulation of boundary layer flow over an exponen-
x, y Cartesian coordinates measured along stretching tially stretching sheet with thermal radiation was
surface undertaken by Bidin and Nazar (2009). The exponential
stretching sheet scenario is important both for practical
Greek symbols reasons and also for mathematical treatment. In real poly-
m Kinematic viscosity mer stretching systems, Stastna et al. (1991) have shown
m~ Reference kinematic viscosity that relaxational processes in polymer systems can be
ðqcÞp Effective heat capacity of the nanofluid characterized by a relaxation function which exhibits a
ðqcÞf Heat capacity of the fluid stretched exponential behaviour. By stretching polymer
a Thermal diffusivity sheets at exponential rates, the relaxation of elastic stresses
bT Coefficient of thermal expansion is overcome and a homogenous material distribution is
b*c Coefficient of mass expansion achieved. Analytically exponential sheet models have also
s Dimensionless time been studied by Elbashbeshy (2001) who obtained simi-
larity solutions based on the exponential stretching velocity
distribution in the stretching direction. Therefore, expo-
Introduction nential stretch rates are both physically relevant and also
allow mathematical similarity analysis. Although the ori-
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) boundary layer flows with ginal study by Ishikwa et al. (2007) considers only linear
heat and mass transfer from a continuously stretching stretching, quadratic stretching has been investigated by
surface with a given temperature distribution moving in an Kumaran and Ramanaiah (1996). A generalized form of
otherwise quiescent fluid medium have stimulated consid- stretching can also be achieved and indeed has been for-
erable interest in recent years. Magnetic fields can be used mulated by Weidman and Magyari (2010) for continuous
to manipulate thermal or mechanical energy in flowing surfaces stretching with arbitrary polynomial velocities,
electrically conducting polymers and can yield significant designated as ‘‘super-stretching’’. In the context of actual
cost savings in manufacturing processes (Garnier 1992). materials processing operations, the exponential model for
Many robust applications of MHD materials processing stretching achieves the best efficiency (Bataller 2008).
have been developed including micro-structural modifica- Convective transport in porous media also has extensive
tion by heat transfer control (Asai 2012), induction heating applications in industrial systems including energy storage,
of ceramic metal matrix composites (Garnier 1996), liquid filtration of liquids, drying processes, etc. Gorla and
metal stirring operations (Fautrelle et al. 2009) and Zinolabedini (1987) investigated free convective heat
boundary-layer separation control via Lorentzian forces transfer from a vertical surface to a saturated porous
(Ishikwa et al. 2007). Transport phenomena in stretching medium with an arbitrary varying surface temperature. Bég
sheet flows are of particular relevance to boundary layer et al. (2009) obtained non-similar solutions for hydro-
modeling (Abdou and Soliman 2012). After the pioneering magnetic transport in a porous medium from a stretching
mathematical studies of Sakiadis (1961) and Crane (1970), sheet with cross-diffusion effects.
several researchers further investigated stretching sheet In recent years, a fundamental new development in
boundary layer flows for different types of stretching thermo-fluid mechanics has been the introduction of
velocity. Magyari and Keller (2000) considered the steady nanofluids. Choi (1995) described such fluids as being
boundary layer heat and mass transfer flow from an suspensions comprising nanometer-sized metallic particles

Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957 945

strategically deployed in common working fluids (air, into dimensionless, strongly coupled, non-linear partial
water) which achieve highly enhanced thermal properties. differential equations featuring a number of thermophysi-
Kang et al. (2006) presented an experimental study of cal parameters. An explicit finite difference computational
nanofluid thermal conductivities. Crainic et al. (2003, algorithm is employed to yield solutions. Elaboration of the
2007) identified the significant magnetohydrodynamic stability and convergence characteristics is also included.
properties of specific nanofluids which are exploitable in The present study is relevant to the manufacturing of
their manufacture. The performance-enhancing character- magnetic nanofluids (Baron et al. 2007) and chemical
istics of magnetic nanofluids in industrial MHD pumps engineering operations involving electro-conductive
used in materials processing have also been emphasized by nanofluid suspensions (Stephens et al. 2010) and has not
Shahidian et al. (2011). Boundary layer flows of nanofluids been, to the authors’ knowledge, thus far reported in the
in either non-porous (purely fluid) and porous media, have literature.
also received significant attention following the study of
Kuznestov and Nield (2010) in which buoyancy effects
were considered. This study highlighted that Brownian Mathematical model
motion and thermophoresis are significant mechanisms in
nanofluid performance. Bég and Tripathi (2012) further Consider the time-dependent (unsteady) two-dimensional
showed the substantial role of Brownian motion and ther- flow of an incompressible viscous and electrically con-
mophoresis in augmenting heat transfer in peristaltic ducting nanofluid induced by a stretching sheet in a porous
nanofluid transport. Khan and Pop (2010, 2011) studied, medium saturated with quiescent ambient nanofluid. The
respectively, the laminar boundary layer flow of a nano- sheet uniform temperature and species concentration are
fluid past a stretching sheet and also free convection raised to Tw ð [ T1 Þ and Cw ð [ C1 Þ respectively, which
boundary layer nanofluid flow in a porous medium. Hamad are thereafter maintained constant, where Tw ; Cw are tem-
and Pop (2011) addressed the stagnation-point nanofluid perature and species (nanoparticle) concentration at the
boundary layer flow on a permeable stretching sheet in a wall and T1 ; C1 are temperature and species concentra-
porous medium in the presence of a heat sink or source. tion far away from the sheet, respectively. The x-axis is
Bég et al. (2012) studied the free convection nanofluid orientated along the exponentially stretching sheet in the
boundary layer from a spherical body to a porous medium direction of the motion and y-axis is perpendicular to it. A
using a homotopy analysis method and a Darcian drag variable strength magnetic field, B(x) is applied normal to
force model. Rana et al. (2012) employed a variational the sheet and induced magnetic field is neglected, which is
finite element method to study natural convection nanofluid justified for MHD flow at small magnetic Reynolds num-
boundary layer flow from a tilted surface in porous media. ber. The physical configuration and coordinate system are
Magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid boundary layer flows shown in Fig. 1. Under the above assumptions and usual
have also recently garnered interest. Hamad et al. (2011) boundary layer approximation, the transient MHD mixed
used a group theoretical approach and shooting quadrature convective nanofluid transport is described by the follow-
to study magneto-nanofluid natural convection boundary ing equations, which extend the earlier formulation of
layer flow from a vertical plate. Khan et al. (2011) analyzed Kuznetsov and Nield (2010) to consider magnetic field and
numerically the thermal radiative flux effects on hydro- inertial porous medium drag effects:
magnetic nanofluid boundary layer flow from a stretching Mass conservation
surface. Recently Rana et al. (2013) studied using a finite ou ov
element technique, the transient magnetohydrodynamic þ ¼0 ð1Þ
ox oy
boundary layer flow in an incompressible rotating nano-
fluid over a stretching continuous sheet, showing that both Momentum conservation
Brownian motion and thermophoresis enhance wall mass ou ou ou o2 u v rB2
transfer rates (Sherwood number). Very recently Abbas- þu þv ¼ m~ 2  u  c e2 u2  u
ot ox oy oy K q
bandy and Ghehsareh (2012) used the Hankel–Padé þ gbT ðT  T1 Þ þ gbc ðC  C1 Þ ð2Þ
expansion method to study nanofluid hydromagnetic
boundary-layer flows. Energy conservation
The vast majority of nanofluid boundary layer flow  
oT oT oT o2 T m~ ou 2
models have been steady-state in nature. In the present þu þv ¼ a 2 þ
ot ox oy oy cp oy
article we therefore simulate the transient MHD dissipative (     )
mixed convective boundary layer nanofluid flow over an ðqcÞp oT oC DT oT 2
þ DB : þ ð3Þ
exponentially stretching sheet adjacent to a non-Darcian ðqcÞf oy oy T1 oy
porous medium. The governing equations are transformed

946 Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957

Fig. 1 Physical model and

coordinate system

Species (nano-particle concentration) conservation temperature gradient and the second and third terms on the
2 2 left hand side represent the convective heat transfer terms.
oC oC oC o C DT o T
þu þv ¼ DB 2 þ ð4Þ The first term on the right hand side signifies thermal dif-
ot ox oy oy T1 oy2
fusion, the second term is viscous heating, and the last dual
where u and v are the velocities in the x- and y-directions, component term denotes Brownian motion and thermo-
respectively, t is time, q is the fluid density, m the kinematic phoresis contributions. In Eq. (4), which is a statement of
viscosity, m~ the reference kinematic viscosity, K the per- Fick’s law of mass (species) diffusion, the first term on the
meability of the porous regime, cp the specific heat at left hand side is the transient concentration gradient, and
constant pressure, T and C the fluid temperature and con- the second and third terms are the convective mass transfer
centration in the boundary layer, c e2 is the inertia terms. The first term on the right hand side denotes the
parameter, a is the thermal diffusivity, ðqcÞp is effective species diffusion and the last term is the relative contri-
heat capacity of the nanofluid, ðqcÞf is heat capacity of the bution of thermophoresis to Brownian motion.
fluid, DB is the species diffusivity and DT is the thermo- The relevant initial and boundary conditions are:

t ¼ 0; u ¼ 0; v ¼ 0; T ¼ T1 ; C ¼ C1 everywhere
t  0; u ¼ 0; v ¼ 0; T ¼ T1 ; C ¼ C1 at x ¼ 0
x=L ð5Þ
u ¼ uw ¼ U 0 e ; v ¼ 0; T ¼ Tw ; T1 þ T0 e2x=L ; C ¼ Cw ¼ C1 þ C0 e2x=L at y ¼ 0
u ¼ 0; v ¼ 0; T ! T1 ; C ! C1 at y ! 1

phoresis diffusion coefficient. In Eq. (2) (Newton’s second where U0 is the reference velocity, T0 ; C0 the reference
law), the first term on the left hand side is the temporal temperature and concentration, respectively, and L is the
velocity gradient, the second and third terms are the con- reference length. To obtain similarity solutions, it is
vective acceleration terms. The first term on the right hand assumed that the magnetic field B(x) and the variable
side denotes viscous shear, the second represents the Dar- thermal conductivity K* are of the form:
cian porous media drag (linear), the third designates second x
order Forchheimer porous media drag, the fourth is the B ¼ B0 e2L ð6Þ
magnetohydrodynamic Lorentz body force, the fifth is the x
K ¼ K0 e L ð7Þ
thermal buoyancy term and the last term on the right hand
side of Eq. (2) is the species buoyancy force. In Eq. (3) where B0 denotes constant magnetic field and K0 is the
which is a statement of Fourier’s law of heat conservation, constant thermal conductivity. This exponential
the first term on the left hand side denotes the transient formulation has also been adopted by several other

Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957 947

researchers in magnetohydrodynamics, as elaborated by U2

number, Pr ¼ at is Prandtl number, Ec ¼ cp T00 is Eckert
Yakovlev et al. (2013) who have also adopted exponential ðqcÞp DB ðCw C1 Þ
magnetic field relations. Sadooghi and Taghinavaz (2012) number, NB ¼ mðqcÞf is Brownian motion parame-
have also explained the validity of employing ter, Nt ¼
ðqcÞp DT ðTw T1 Þ
is thermophoresis parameter, Le ¼
mT1 ðqcÞf
exponentially decaying functions of magnetic field. x
m LU0 eL
Exponential decay in thermal conductivity has also been DB is the Lewis number and Rex ¼ v is the local Rey-
related to energy transport in nanomaterials, as elaborated nolds number.
by Wang (2012). Furthermore the formulations adopted in
Eqs. (6), (7) in addition to being physically valid, also
provide an elegant simplification in the mathematical
Explicit numerical solutions
complexity of the non-dimensional transport equations, as
will be demonstrated now. Introducing the following non-
In order to solve the non-similar unsteady coupled non-
dimensional variables;
linear partial differential equations (9)–(12), under
xU0 x yU0 x u x v x boundary conditions (13, 14), an explicit finite difference
X¼ eL ; Y ¼ eL ; U ¼ e L; V ¼ e L;
m m U0 U0 method (EFDM) algorithm, as described by Carnahan
tU 2 2x T  T1  C  C1 et al. (1969) has been developed. Finite difference algo-
s ¼ 0 e L ; T ¼ ;C¼ :
m Tw  T1 C  C1 rithms are still employed widely in unsteady multi-phys-
ical materials processing flows and generally yield very
From the above transformations the, non-linear, coupled
accurate and stable solutions and can easily accommodate
partial differential Eqs. (1)–(4) become non-dimensional as
time variables. Finite difference simulations have been
conducted recently by, for example, Mohiddin et al.
oU oV (2010) who studied transient double-diffusive non-New-
þ ¼0 ð9Þ
oX oy tonian convection form a cone. Further studies using dif-
oU oU oU o2 U ference methods include Prasad et al. (2011) who
þU þV ¼^ 2 analyzed unsteady viscoelastic natural convection bound-
os oX oY oY
1   ary layer flow from a vertical surface and Prasad et al.
 RU þ DU 2  Gr T  GM C
Re (2011) who studied radiative-convective non-Newtonian
ð10Þ flow from a cone. An extensive review of applications of
   2 finite difference (and other numerical) methods in hydro-
oT oT oT 1 o2 T oU magnetic materials processing flows has recently been
þU þV ¼ 2
þ ^E c
os oX oY Pr oY oY conducted by Bég (2012). In the explicit approach, a
    2 rectangular region of the flow field is chosen and the

oT oC oT
þ Nb : þ Nt ð11Þ region is divided into a grid of lines parallel to the X and
oY oY oY
   2  Y axes, where X-axis is taken along the sheet and the Y-
oC oC oC 1 o2 C Nt o T axis is normal to the sheet, as depicted in Fig. 2.
þU þV ¼ þ : ð12Þ
os oX oY Le oY 2 Nb oY 2 Here the sheet of height Xmax ð¼100Þ is considered i.e. X
varies from 0 to 100 and assumed Ymax ð¼25Þ as corre-
The non-dimensional boundary and initial conditions
sponding to Y ! 1 i.e. Y varies from 0 to 25. There are
transform to:
mmax ð¼125Þ and nmax ð¼125Þ grid spaces in the X and Y
s  0; U ¼ 0; V ¼ 0; T ¼ 0; C ¼ 0 everywhere directions, respectively (Fig. 2). It is assumed that DX; DY
s [ 0; U ¼ 0; V ¼ 0; T ¼ 0; C ¼ 0 at X = 0 are constant mesh sizes along the X and Y directions,
U ¼ 1; V ¼ 0; T ¼ 1; C ¼ 1 at Y¼ 0 respectively, and are prescribed as follows: DX ¼
ð14Þ 0:8ð0  X  100Þ and DY ¼ 0:2ð0  Y  25Þ with the
U ¼ 0; V ¼ 0; T ¼ 0; C ¼ 0 at Y ! 1 0
smaller time-step, Ds ¼ 0:005. Let U 0 ; V 0 ; T and C
where the notation primes denote differentiation with
denote the values of U; V; T and C at the end of a time-
respect to g and the parameters are defined as follows:
 step, respectively. Using the explicit finite difference
rB2 L
R ¼ KmL0 U0
þ qU00 is the combined porous and magnetic approximation, the following system of finite difference
parameter, ^ ¼ mv is viscosity ratio parameter, r ¼ c e2 L is equations is obtained:
0 0
dimensionless porous media inertia parameter, Gr ¼ gbT
Ui;j  Ui1;j Vi;j  Vi;j1
0 þ ¼0 ð15Þ
is thermal Grashof number, Gm ¼ gbC 0L
is species Grashof DX DY
U2 0

948 Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957

Fig. 2 Finite difference space


Ui;j  Ui;j Ui;j  Ui1;j Ui;jþ1  Ui;j Here the subscripts i and j designate the grid points with
þ Ui;j þ Vi;j
Ds DX DY X and Y coordinates, respectively, and the superscript
Ui;jþ1  2Ui;j þ Ui;j1 n represents a value of time, s ¼ n  Ds where n = 0, 1, 2,
ðDYÞ2 …
 ðRUi;j þ rUi;j 2
 Gr Ti;j  Gm Ci;j Þ ð16Þ
0 Stability and convergence analysis
Ti;j  Ti;j Ti;j  Ti1;j Ti;jþ1  Ti;j
þ Ui;j þ Vi;j
Ds DX ! DY ! Since an explicit procedure is being employed, a discussion
1 Ti;jþ1  2Ti;j þ Ti;j1 Ui;jþ1  2Ui;j þ Ui;j1 of the stability and convergence aspects of the finite dif-
¼ þ ^E c
Pr ðDYÞ2 ðDYÞ2 ference scheme is warranted. For constant mesh sizes the
Ti;jþ1  Ti;j Ci;jþ1  Ci;j Ti;jþ1  Ti;j stability criteria of the scheme may be established as fol-
þ Nb : þ Nt
DY DY DY lows. Equation (15) will be ignored since Ds does not
ð17Þ feature in it. The general terms of the Fourier expansion for
U, T and C at a time arbitrarily called s = 0 are all eiaX eibX ,
Ci;j  Ci;j Ci;j  Ci1;j Ci;jþ1  Ci;j pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
þ Ui;j þ Vi;j apart from a constant, where i ¼ 1. At a time s, these
Ds " DX ! DY !# terms become:
1 Ci;jþ1  2Ci;j þ Ci;j1 Nt Ti;jþ1  2Ti;j þ Ti;j1
¼ þ U : wðsÞeiaX eibY
Le ðDYÞ2 Nb ðDYÞ2
ð18Þ T : hðsÞeiaX eibY ð21Þ
C : /ðsÞeiaX eibY
with initial and boundary conditions:
Ui;j 0
¼ 0; Vi;j ¼ 0; Ti;j0 ¼ 0; Ci;j
¼0 After the time-step these terms will become:
ð19Þ 0
n n n  n
U0;j ¼ 0; V0;j ¼ 0; T0;j ¼ 0; C0;j ¼ 0 U : w ðsÞeiaX eibY
Ui;0 n
¼ 1; Vi;0 ¼ 0; Ti;0
¼ 1; Ci;0
¼1 T : h ðsÞeiaX eibY ð22Þ
Ui;L n
¼ 0; Vi;L n
¼ 0; Ti;L n
¼ 0; Ci;L ¼ 0; where L ! 1: ð20Þ C : / ðsÞeiaX eibY

Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957 949

Substituting (21) and (22) into Eqs. (16)–(18), regarding the Ds Ds ibDY
E ¼1U ð1  eiaDX Þ  V ðe  1Þ
coefficients U and V as constants over any one time-step, we DX DY
obtain the following equations upon simplification, 1 2ðcos bDY  1Þ
þ Ds
0 Pr ðDYÞ2
w ðsÞ  wðsÞ wðsÞð1  eiaDX Þ wðsÞðeibDY  1Þ
þU þV 2 2
Ds( DX ) DY ðeibDY  1Þ eibDY  1
þ Nb C Ds þ Nt T Ds;
2wðsÞðcos b DY  1Þ DY DY
ðDYÞ2 ð33Þ
R rU Gr 0 Gm 0 1 Nt 2Ds
 wðsÞ  wðsÞ þ h þ u F¼ ðcos bDY  1Þ ð34Þ
Re Re Re Re Le Nb ðDYÞ2
h ðsÞ  hðsÞ hðsÞð1  eiaDX Þ hðsÞðeibDY  1Þ Ds Ds ibDY
þU þV G¼1U ð1  eiaDX Þ  V ðe  1Þ
1 2hðsÞðcos bDY  1Þ 1 2Ds
¼ þ ðcos bDY  1Þ: ð35Þ
Pr ðDYÞ2 Le ðDYÞ2
 ibDY 2  ibDY  2
e 1  ð sÞ e  1 Again using Eqs. (27) and (28) in (26):
þ ^Ec UwðsÞ þNb Ch
DY DY w0 ¼ Hw þ Ih þ J/ ð36Þ
 ibDY  2
e 1
 ð sÞ
þ Nt Th where,
H ¼ A þ BD;
I ¼ BE þ CF and : ð37Þ
/ ðsÞ  /ðsÞ /ðsÞð1  eiaDX Þ /ðsÞðeibDY  1Þ
þU þV J ¼ CG
Ds "( DX ) DY
1 2/ðsÞðcos bDY  1Þ Therefore Eqs. (26)–(28) can be expressed as:
Le ðDYÞ2 w0 ¼ Hw þ Ih þ J/ ð38Þ
  ( )#
Nt 2hðsÞðcos bDY  1Þ h ¼ Dw þ Eh ð39Þ
þ :
Nb ðDYÞ2 0
/ ¼ Fh þ G/ ð40Þ
ð25Þ Furthermore the Eqs. (38)–(40) can be expressed in
The Eqs. (23)–(25) can be written in the following form: matrix–vector form as follows:
2 03 2 32 3
w ¼ Aw þ Bh0 þ C/
ð26Þ w H I J w
4 h0 5 ¼ 4 D E 0 5 4 h 5 ð41Þ
h0 ¼ Dw þ Eh ð27Þ /0 0 F G /
/ ¼ Fh þ G/ ð28Þ that is, g0 ¼ Tg where
2 03 2 3 2 3
where w H I J w
Ds Ds ibDY 2Ds g ¼ 4 h 5; T ¼ 4 D E
0 0
0 5 and g ¼ 4 h 5 ð42Þ
A¼1U ð1  eiaDX Þ  V ðe  1Þ þ /0 0 F G /
R rU To determine the stability condition, it is necessary to
^ ðcos bDY  1Þ  Ds  Ds
Re Re evaluate the eigenvalues of the amplification matrix T but
ð29Þ this task is very difficult since all the elements of T are
different. Hence the problem requires that the Eckert
B¼ Ds ð30Þ Number Ec is assumed to be very small and tends to zero.
With this consideration D ¼ 0 and the amplification matrix
Gm becomes:
C¼ Ds ð31Þ
Re 2 3
Ds T¼40 E 05 ð43Þ
D¼ 2
^ Ec UðeibDY  1Þ2 ð32Þ
ðDYÞ 0 F G

950 Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957

Hence the problem requires that after simplification of the Ds Ds Ds R rU

matrix T, we get the following eigenvalues, U þ jV j þ2^ 2
 Ds  Ds  1
DX DY ðDY Þ 2Re 2Re
k1 ¼ H; k2 ¼ E and k3 ¼ G. For stability, each of the
eigenvalues k1 ; k2 and k3 must not exceed unity in  
modulus. Hence the stability condition is jH j  1; jEj  1 Ds Ds Ds 1  
U þ jV j þ2 þ Nb C þ Nt T  1 ð50Þ
and G  1, for all a; b Now we assume that U is DX DY ðDY Þ2 Pr
everywhere non-negative and V is everywhere non-
Ds Ds 2 Ds
positive. Details for this assumption are given in U þ jV j þ  1: ð51Þ
Carnahan et al. (1969) and are required for well- DX DY Le ðDY Þ2
posedness of the boundary value problem and to ensure From the initial condition, U ¼ V ¼ T ¼ C ¼ 0 at s ¼ 0
the elimination of spurious modes of oscillation. The and the consideration due to stability and convergence
assumption is founded on numerical analysis, and is more a analysis is R  0:5 and Re  0:5. Hence the convergence
computational aspect than a physical one. It follows that, criteria of the method are
H ¼ A þ BD ¼ A; since D ¼ 0. ^  4:01; Pr  0:25 and Le  0:25:
Ds Ds ibDY
)H ¼ 1  U ð1  eiaDX Þ  V ðe  1Þ
2Ds R rU Validation with variational iteration method
þ ^ ðcos bDY  1Þ  Ds  Ds
ðDYÞ2 Re Re
  To verify the EFDM solutions, the present non-linear
R rU
)H ¼12 aþbþ2^c Ds  Ds boundary value problem has also been solved with an
2Re 2Re
optimized He variational iteration method (VIM). VIM is
ð44Þ also a very powerful semi-analytical/numerical technique
where a ¼ U DX Ds
; b ¼ jVj DY Ds
and c ¼ ðDYÞ 2 . The coefficients
developed by He (1999). This procedure was originally
developed for environmental chemical engineering pollu-
a, b and c are all real and non-negative. We can
tion problems and approximate solutions for the problem of
demonstrate that the maximum modulus of H occurs
seepage flow in a porous medium with fractional deriva-
when aDX ¼ mp and bDY ¼ np, where m and n are
tives were obtained (Anwar Bég 2013). VIM has been
integers and hence H is real. The value of jHj is greater
subsequently successfully applied to variety of other fluid
when both m and n are odd integers. To satisfy the jHj  1,
dynamic phenomena including shallow water hydrody-
the most negative allowable value is H ¼ 1. Therefore,
namics (Tari et al. 2007), bio-thermal tissue treatment
the first stability condition is:
  simulations (Elsayed 2013), electro-thermal thruster sim-
R rU ulation for spacecraft (Anwar Bég 2013), brain tissue
2 aþbþ2^c Ds  Ds  2 ð45Þ
2Re 2Re chemo-mechanics (Anwar Bég 2013), Von Kármán swirl-
" # ing flows in porous regimes (Shahmohamadi et al. 2012).
Ds Ds Ds R rU VIM is a robust method therefore in obtaining exact and
) U þ jV j þ2^  Ds  Ds  1
DX DY ðDY Þ2 2Re 2Re approximate solutions of linear and non-linear differential
ð46Þ equations. In this method, general Lagrange multipliers are
introduced to construct correction functionals for the
Likewise, the second stability condition jEj  1 requires problem. The multipliers can be identified optimally via the
that; variational theory. There is no need for linearization or
"  #
Ds Ds Ds 1 discretization, and excessive computational work and
) U þ jV j þ2  
þ Nb C þ Nt T 1 round-off errors are thereby avoided. Time is easily
accommodated as a third dimension to the two spatial
ð47Þ dimensions (X, Y). VIM demonstrates exceptional stability,
exponential convergence and accuracy and is ideal for non-
Similarly the third stability condition jGj  1 requires that;
" # linear transport phenomena encountered in chemical
Ds Ds 2 Ds engineering problems. For readers not familiar with this
U þ jV j þ 1 ð48Þ
DX DY Le ðDY Þ2 procedure, we provide here a brief overview. Consider the
following non-linear differential equation:
Therefore, the stability conditions of the method are;
Lu þ Nu ¼ gðtÞ; ð52Þ

Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957 951

where L; N and gðtÞ are the linear operator, the non-linear Table 2 EFDM and VIM computations compared for temperature
operator and a heterogeneous term, respectively. VIM uses  with = 20, R = 4.0, Gr = 4.0, Gm = 2.0, K = 1.5,
field (T)
a correction functional (He 1999) and for Eq. (52) this can r = 1.0, Ec = 0.01, Le = 5.0, Nb = Nt = 0.3, Pr = 1.0, Re = 0.5,
X = 10.0
be written as:
Z t Y T (EFDM) T (VIM)
unþ1 ðtÞ ¼ un ðtÞ þ k ½Lun ðsÞ þ N u~n ðsÞ  gðsÞ ds
0 ð53Þ 0 1.0000 1.0000
n  0; 5.0 0.5610 0.5614
10.0 0.1642 0.1647
The successive approximations, uj , j  0 can be
15.0 0.0325 0.0329
established by determining k; a general Lagrangian
20.0 0.0010 0.0013
multiplier, which can be identified optimally via the
25.0 0.0000 0.0000
variational theory. The function u~n is a restricted
variation which means d u~n ¼ 0: Therefore, we first
determine the Lagrange multiplier k that will be
identified optimally via integration by parts. The Table 3 EFDM and VIM computations compared for nanoparticle
 with s = 60, R = 4.0, Gr = 4.0, Gm = 2.0,
concentration field (C)
successive approximations unþ1 ðtÞ; n  0 of the solution
K = 1.5, r = 1.0, Ec = 0.01, Le = 5.0, Nb = Nt = 0.1, Pr = 1.0,
uðtÞ will be readily obtained upon using the obtained Re = 0.5, X = 10.0
Lagrange multiplier and by using any selective function u0 :
When k has been determined, then several approximations Y C (EFDM) C (VIM)
uj ðtÞ; j  0; follow immediately. Consequently, the exact 0 1.0000 1.0000
solution may be obtained by using: 5.0 0.3125 0.3128
u ¼ lim un : ð54Þ 10.0 0.0985 0.0987
15.0 0.0253 0.0258
We therefore construct correction functionals and 20.0 0.0000 0.0000
thereafter apply the variational iteration formula. Very
lengthy algebraic expressions result from the functionals
and are omitted here for brevity. The series expansions are methods demonstrate exceptional accuracy, stability and
evaluated in a purpose-built Matlab-based code, fast convergence characteristics and show excellent
TRANSNANOVIM (Anwar Bég 2013), developed for promise in simulating non-linear problems in
transient nanofluid dynamic flows. Computations on a nanophysical flows. It is also evident from the current
dual-processor Unix workstation are achieved in tens of simulations that these methods are an elegant alternative to
seconds. Comparison of the EFDM and VIM solutions are other popular but computationally intensive methods for
documented in Tables 1, 2, 3, for the velocity, temperature nonlinear boundary value problems e.g. Chebyschev
and nanoparticle concentration fields, for various spectral collocation methods (Anwar Bég et al. 2013)
combinations of the governing thermofluid parameters which are also popular for electrical transport phenomena
and different time steps. In all cases excellent agreement is simulations.
obtained, testifying to the accuracy of the EFDM
computations, the latter being used to present all
graphical solutions in the next section. Confidence in the Results and discussion
EFDM results is therefore justifiably very high. In fact both
Extensive numerical solutions have been obtained for the
system governing Eqs. (15)–(18) under boundary condi-
Table 1 EFDM and VIM computations compared for velocity field tions (19) and (20), with the EFDM algorithm. The values
(U) with = 5, R = 4.0, Gr = 3.0, Gm = 2.0, K = 1.5, r = 1.0, of the governing parameters are chosen to be physically
Ec = 0.01, Le = 5.0, Nb = Nt = 0.1, Pr = 1.0, Re = 0.5, X = 10.0
representative of actual nanofluids (Kuznetsov and Nield
Y U (EFDM) U (VIM) 2010; Khan et al. 2011; Rana et al. 2013; Abbasbandy and
Ghehsareh 2012). Non-dimensional velocity, temperature
0 1.0000 1.0000
and species concentration are computed for different values
2.5 0.6710 0.6709
of combined porous and hydromagnetic parameter (R),
5.0 0.0200 0.0201
thermal Grashof number(Gr), species Grashof number
10.0 0.0000 0.0001
(Gm), viscosity ratio parameter (K), dimensionless porous
15 0.0000 0.0000
media inertial parameter (r), Eckert number (Ec), Lewis
25 0.0000 0.0000
number (Le), Brownian motion parameter (Nb),

952 Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957

Fig. 3 Thermal Grashof number ðGr Þ effect on velocity profiles Fig. 5 Combined porous and magnetic parameter effect on velocity

Fig. 4 Species Grashof number ðGm Þ effect on velocity profiles

Fig. 6 Viscosity ratio parameter ð^Þ effect on velocity profiles

thermophoresis parameter (Nt) and Prandtl number (Pr) and acceleration in the flow. A distinct velocity shoot arises for
local Reynolds number (Re). To obtain the steady-state all profiles near the sheet surface (Y = 0) and this is
solutions, the calculations are executed for a range of non- accentuated with increasing thermal Grashof number. With
dimensional times, s ¼ 5 to 80. Velocity, temperature and increasing thermal Grashof number the thermal buoyancy
concentration profiles do not exhibit any subsequent vari- force is increased which aids in momentum development in
ation after s ¼ 60. Therefore, the solution for s  60 is the boundary layer. Velocity boundary layer thickness is
taken as the steady-state solution. The distributions of the therefore increased with increasing Gr. With greater elapse
flow variables are illustrated in Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, of time, s, the velocity is also found to be enhanced
11, 12, 13. In all cases, X is prescribed a value of 10. substantially.
Figure 3 represents the evolution of dimensionless Figure 4 illustrates the distribution of dimensionless
velocity ðUÞ with Y for different values of Gr and non- velocity distribution ðUÞ with transverse coordinate, Y for
dimensional times, s. An increase in thermal Grashof various species (mass) Grashof numbers, Gm and non-
number clearly enhances velocity i.e. induces a strong dimensional times, s. Again a significant elevation in

Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957 953

Fig. 7 Thermophoresis and Brownian motion parameter ðNt and Nb Þ Fig. 9 Prandtl number ðPr Þ effect on temperature profiles
effect on velocity profiles

Fig. 8 Thermophoresis and Brownian motion parameter ðNt and Nb Þ Fig. 10 Viscosity ratio parameter ð^Þ effect on temperature profiles
effect on temperature profiles

inhibit the momentum development in the boundary layer.

velocity is observed with progressively greater velocity The first term i.e. Darcian linear drag causes greater
shoots near the stretching sheet, as species Grashof number impedance to the flow of the nanofluid. The second term
is increased. Greater values of Gm imply a greater species i.e. Lorentzian hydromagnetic drag, acts transverse to the
buoyancy force associated with the mass diffusion of magnetic field i.e. in the negative X-direction and also
nanoparticles in the regime. With greater values of s the retards the flow considerably. For R = 0.5, 2.5 a velocity
nanofluid flow is also strongly accelerated. shoot is still present near the sheet surface; however, this
Figure 5 displays the dimensionless velocity profiles vanishes for R = 5.0. With increasing time, s, velocity is
ðUÞ versus Y for different values of combined porous again found to be enhanced. Progression in time therefore
media drag and hydromagnetic drag parameter, R, and non- once again accelerates the flow in the porous regime.
dimensional time, s. A marked deceleration is witnessed in Figure 6 presents the dimensionless velocity distribu-
the vicinity of exponentially stretching sheet with tions ðUÞ versus Y for different values of the viscosity ratio
increasing R. In the dimensionless momentum equation parameter, K and also non-dimensional time, s. The

rB2 L
(10), the components of R ¼ KtLU þ qU both serve to parameter K features both in the momentum conservation

954 Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957

Fig. 13 Prandtl number effect on nanoparticle concentration profiles

Fig. 11 Lewis number effect on nanoparticle concentration profiles

with greater time values, there is a more gradual decay in

velocity from the near-wall regime to the free stream.
Figure 7 depicts the response in dimensionless velocity
profiles ðUÞ through the boundary layer, transverse to the
sheet surface for different values of thermophoresis
parameter, Nt, and Brownian motion parameter, Nb, and
also with various non-dimensional times, s. Thermopho-
resis serves to warm the boundary layer and simultaneously
exacerbates nanoparticle deposition away from the fluid
regime (on to the surface). This effectively accentuates
momentum development in the regime and elevates the
velocity, as observed in Fig. 6. A similar effect is induced
with increasing Brownian motion parameter values i.e. the
flow is accelerated. The presence of smaller nanoparticles,
which corresponds to higher Nb values, implies a stronger
contribution from Brownian motion. This assists the
boundary layer flow and increases velocity boundary layer
thickness. Similar trends have been observed by, among
Fig. 12 Thermophoresis and Brownian motion parameter effect on others, Kuznetsov and Nield (2010) and also Khan and Pop
nanoparticle concentrations (2010, 2011). As in the other velocity distributions, an
increase in time is again shown to significantly accelerate
Eq. (10) and also the energy conservation Eq. (11), where it the flow throughout the boundary layer.
is associated with the momentum diffusion term and vis- Figure 8 displays the evolution of dimensionless tem-
cous heating term, respectively. Close to the stretching  with transverse coordinate, Y for different
peratures ðTÞ
sheet, an increase in K, causes a notable rise in velocity values of thermophoresis parameter, Nt, Brownian motion
magnitudes, however, further from the sheet surface this parameter, Nb, and various non-dimensional times, s. As
trend is reversed and the flow is slightly decelerated. The expected, the boundary layer profiles exhibit similar pat-
contribution of viscosity is progressively reduced from the terns to those for regular heat transfer fluids i.e. base fluids.
sheet surface (wall) towards the free stream. Momentum The temperature in the boundary layer increases with an
boundary layer thickness is therefore found to be increased increase in both the thermophoresis and Brownian motion
closer to the sheet surface. In all cases a velocity shoot is parameters. In numerous studies reported in the literature
computed in close proximity to the wall. With progression e.g. (Choi 1995; Kang et al. 2006), various mechanisms
in time, s, the velocity is strongly accelerated. However, have been proposed to account for the thermal conduction

Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957 955

enhancement in nanofluids. These explanations include Prandtl number. For Le [ 1, thermal diffusion rate exceeds
interfacial ordering of liquid molecules on the surface of species diffusion rate and nanoparticle concentrations are
nanoparticles, ballistic transport of energy carriers within therefore suppressed. Concentration boundary layer thick-
individual nanoparticles and between nanoparticles that are ness is also reduced with increasing Le values. Conversely
in contact, as furthermore the geometrical nanoparticle an increase in Brownian motion and thermophoresis
networking. A popular explanation is the direct contribu- parameters (Fig. 12) acts to enhance nanoparticle concen-
tion of nanoparticles which transport thermal energy since tration values. These two mechanisms therefore assist the
nanoparticles are often in the form of agglomerates and/or diffusion of nanoparticles in the boundary layer and elevate
aggregates. As elucidated earlier, for larger nanoparticles, the concentration boundary layer thickness. Similarly
Brownian motion is weak and the parameter Nb will have increasing Prandtl number (Fig. 13) is also found to ini-
small values, and vice versa for smaller nanoparticles. A tially boost the nanoparticle concentration values (closer to
greater concentration of smaller nanoparticles is therefore the sheet surface); however, further from the sheet surface
expected to enhance thermal conduction more effectively (wall) this behaviour is reversed and an increase in Prandtl
than a smaller concentration of larger nanoparticles. The number is observed to marginally decrease concentration
influence of Brownian motion on thermal fields is generally values. In all cases (Figs. 11, 12, 13) an increase in time, s,
very strong and tends to thicken thermal boundary layers as generally enhances concentration values.
does the thermophoresis effect. The temperatures are also
generally enhanced with an increase in time for all values
of Y. Thermal boundary layer thickness is therefore
increased with elapse in time.
A mathematical model for transient hydromagnetic mixed
Figure 9 illustrates dimensionless temperature distribu-
 versus Y for different values of Prandtl number, Pr convection boundary layer flow of an electrically conducting,
tion ðTÞ
nanofluid over an exponentially stretching sheet embedded in
and non-dimensional time, s. Prandtl number signifies the
an isotropic, homogenous porous medium has been devel-
relative contribution of momentum diffusion to thermal
oped. The non-dimensionalized conservation equations have
diffusion in the boundary layer regime. For Pr [ 1,
been solved with a robust, EFDM, with details of the stability
momentum diffusion rate exceeds thermal diffusion rate.
and convergence characteristics included. Validation has
As a result the temperatures in the nanofluid regime will be
been obtained with an optimized transient VIM algorithm. A
decreased with a rise in Pr from 3, through 5 to 10.
detailed study of the effects of several key thermophysical
Thermal boundary layer thickness will also be markedly
parameters controlling the flow characteristics has been
decreased. With increasing time, temperatures are again
conducted. The computations have shown that:
observed to be strongly enhanced throughout the regime
i.e. for all values of Y from the sheet surface through to the 1. Velocity and momentum boundary layer thickness are
free stream. enhanced with increasing thermal Grashof Number,
Figure 10 shows the dimensionless temperature profiles species Grashof number, Brownian motion parameter
 versus Y for different values of viscosity ratio param-
ðTÞ and thermophoresis parameter, whereas they are
eter, K and non-dimensional time, s A strong increase in decreased with increasing Darcian porous media drag
temperature accompanies a rise in viscosity ratio, and this parameter, hydromagnetic parameter and viscosity
pattern is sustained for all distances into the boundary ratio parameter.
layer. Thermal boundary layer thickness is therefore 2. Nanofluid temperature and thermal boundary layer
enhanced with increasing viscosity ratio. With greater thickness are elevated with increasing thermophoresis,
values of time, s, nanofluid temperatures are also elevated. Brownian parameter and viscosity ratio parameter,
Figures 11, 12, 13 present the response of nanoparticle whereas they are suppressed with increasing Prandtl
concentration profiles for various Lewis number, Brownian number.
motion and thermophoresis numbers, and Prandtl numbers, 3. Nanoparticle concentration and concentration bound-
respectively. In all plots the effect of non-dimensional ary layer thickness are both increased with increasing
time, s, is also studied. An increase in Lewis number sig- thermophoresis, Brownian parameter and Prandtl
nificantly reduces the nanoparticle concentration values number, whereas they are reduced with increasing
(Fig. 11) in the regime. Lewis number defines the ratio of Lewis number.
thermal diffusivity to mass (nanoparticle species) diffu- 4. Increase in time generally accelerates the flow i.e.
sivity. It is used to characterize fluid flows where there is increases momentum boundary layer thickness,
simultaneous heat and mass transfer by convection. increases temperatures and enhances nanoparticle
Effectively it is also the ratio of Schmidt number and the concentration values in the boundary layer regime.

956 Appl Nanosci (2014) 4:943–957

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will be communicated in due course. layers from an isothermal spherical body in a permeable regime.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Int J Microscale Nanoscale Thermal Fluid Transp Phenom
Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, dis- 3(4):367–396
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