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Mass shootings guns prop

Clear backpacks at school, fear on the streets, countless of deaths of innocent

people regardless age, race, sex. This is the life of an average American in 21st
century and what is the best America can do? Organize school shooting training
for its children. Is this the perfect life for an American child? To live in constant
fear, to have seen horror and death on the streets… The tool of destruction, being
sold like candy to people. Human beings having the power to end another human
being's life. It sounds like an actual horror movie doesn't it?

Hello dear judge/s and opposition team. I am Muzi the first spokesperson of the
proposition team and in today's debate the proposition team will advocate to end
this horror story that every single American forcefully lives. I would like to give
you a roadmap .
Our burden of proof is that by the end of this debate if we mange to proof that by
banning gun ownership….
(We are striving for a better society that has no victims of school/mass shootings,
no innocent people being killed and for American citizens to be able to trust their
government enough to protect them instead of choosing guns as the only solution
for protection. I would like to give you a roadmap ) nz za tva
as the USA – the United States government
ban – an official or legal prohibition
gun - as the proposition we define it as a tool, a weapon that's sole purpose of
existence is to kill and to destroy.
ownership – the act of possessing something
Secondly i will present the model of how we would be implementing the concept
of the ban in the real world - a proposal for national security. This model aims to
prioritize citizens safety, reduce crime rates, and address the root causes of gun-
related tragedies. We would implement a nationwide prohibition on the
possession, sale, and manufacturing of firearms for civilian use. Exceptions
would be made for law enforcement, military, and licensed security personnel.
The way this ban would be implemented is with a buyback system. It aims to
purchase privately-owned firearms from their owners. Immediately after the
law’s passing, there would be a period of 1 year during which citizens will be able
to turn in their firearms for a financial reward the size of the purchase price of
the weapon in question ensuring that there will be a smooth transition to a
society with less guns overall. Instead of forcing people to give up their weapons
forcefully immediately, we are incentivizing them into willingly returning their
guns to the government. After that 1-year period has passed, anyone found in
possession of a firearm will be treated in accordance with the law with either
heavy fines or imprisonment. A buyback system similar to ours was used in
Australia back in the 90s in order to achieve the same aim. It was called the
“National Firearms Buyback Program” and it ran from October 1996 through
September 1997 and retrieved 650,000 guns which were then destroyed. And to
fund it, the Australian government only needed to raise the Medicare Levy from
1.5% to 1.7% of income for one year. This proves that a government program of
this type can provide considerable results which is why we believe it would also
work in the US. Over a cultural shift will occur regarding attitudes towards gun
ownership and violence. The younger generations, in particular, will grow up in a
society where firearms are less prevalent, leading to a far safer and less gun-
obsessed society.

With the model set let me start the main part of my speech with presenting to you
our team’s first argument - the problem of mass shootings in the USA as for now.

First let me talk about the states individually and their own gun laws. Among the
50th states, when it comes to gun law strength, California is on the leading
position and Arkansas ranks as the weakest. (According to Everytown for Gun
Safety) Following the Super Bowl celebration in Kansas City, Missouri, a tragic
shooting occurred, revealing the harsh reality of gun violence in a state ranked
47th. Moreover, Missouri is among the top 10 states with the highest number of
firearm-related deaths, emphasizing the urgent need for effective measures to
address the issue.
In a battle between California and Arkansas whenever mentioning gun laws, i
think we can all understand which state we should look up to. At this specific
moment the mindset of most is set on the Arkansas type. The Missouri type. The
“i, as a person who doesn’t say anything about this mass problem, am in fact
supportive of these mass shootings” type. You know where the irony comes? The
state with the most laws - California - is also the one with the most mass
shootings - according to different sources the numbers vary - but whether 20 or
40, if only 1 innocent life was taken- that is a tragedy that should not be ignored.
What am I trying to prove here? Lack of any foundational gun violence
prevention laws, dear judge/judges - including passing background checks and/or
purchase permitting, secure gun storage requirements, requiring a concealed
carry permit, Extreme Risk laws and rejecting Shoot First laws. Now let me
bring some clearness here with some definitions. Extreme Risk laws, also called
Red Flag laws, temporarily prevent a person in crisis from accessing guns by
letting police or loved ones intervene through petitioning a court order - lack.
Shoot First laws, or Stand your ground laws, “allow people to shoot and kill in
public even if they can safely walk away from the situation” - abundance. These
scary theories im stating here are not some fantasy scenarios taking place in sci fi
comic books. No no. Reality for more than half of the population in the USA. If
this system lasts ANY LONGER it would result in a tragic world - preferably
let’s leave exactly that in the fictional volumes. Because, dear judge/judges and
opponents - what is our top priority and value - isn’t that the individual life as
something so sacred, a right that belongs to ALL OF US CITIZENS
The States have become a gun rights paradise - allowing the so called “good guys
with guns” to easily access weapons and defend themselves and their
communities. So if u have to translate that on a basic level english, even slang -
let’s gift the Americans all it needs to take a life, because that’s the land of
freedom isn’t it? Where do we draw the line of land of freedom and gun violence
paradise. Because I am assuring you that every one recognises the USA under the
second name…
Horrific interviews often start with the words: The story you’re about to see is
true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. In the recurring
American nightmare of gun violence and mass shootings, laws aren’t changed to
protect the innocent. Datelines and names change, but the easy availability of the
weapons responsible for the carnage remains the same. Thoughts and prayers
are always given for the harm done, but thoughts and prayers for a ban to
prevent future harm aren’t universally offered. Let’s rewind the situation from
the Super bowl that was an object of discussion earlier. 21 injured and at least 11
from them children. Had this been a normal day, the children who were shot,
ranging in ages 6 to 15, would not have been in danger because they’d have been
in school instead of at the parade. Or maybe they would have not been safe in
school that day. What was going on in the mind of these literal children when the
shooting began, when they ran for safety? Did they run in fear while giving
thanks that the fingers pulling the triggers had the Second Amendment right to
fire those shots? This isn’t written with the expectation to make mass shootings
more likely. Our ancestors wouldn’t want to see new generations dying in agony
because of a document signed in a totally different period of time that has
absolutely NOTHING to do with the present moment.
After these HORROR scenes, oops wait - historical events, many of us thought
naively this was the horror that would compel lawmakers to enact meaningful
and commonsense gun safety legislation. Without a result. We were dreamers at
best, fools at worst, to imagine this. In retrospect, we learned that if it was
acceptable for 6- and 7-year-old children to be slaughtered in their classroom
without significant change in our gun laws, no mass shooting would move
politicians beyond their effortless thoughts and prayers.
That is where we, as The USA government, draw the line. The model explained, I
am here to conclude. The situation is too serious to make insignificant changes
anymore. The ban will let the children be children, will let the people be people.
The story you just heard about the Kansas City shooting is true. There will be
new shootings with new names, if we don’t do anything to protect the innocent.
Ban guns, allow life.

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