RFQ Pratapam Singh Construction OHT 300KL-14M

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Vendor Name : Pratapm Singh Constructions Vendor Code 684067

Quotation for the Construction of Over head tank (OHT) offor300Universal

KL Capacity with 14 MStaging heigh ( Scheme Name- Firojpur Kalla &Dullapur, Block- Dubeypur, Sultanpur District
MEP Projects & Engineering services Ltd (UMPESL)

SL. No Description of Item Qty 300KL/14M

UOM Rate Amount

Earth work in excavation below ground level for allkinds of work in foundations, pipe sleepers, pits valve chambers,
manholes etc. in all types of SOLS for a depth upto 21 Meters including removals of vegetation, shrubs and debris
cutting and dressing of sides in slopes, leveling, grading and ramming of bottoms, dewatering of accumulated water
from any source and keeping the surface dry for subsequent works , as decided including providing temporary
Cum 75.5 286.1 21604.90
supports to existing sevice lines like water pipes, sewage pipes, electric overhead and underground cables etc. all
complete, but excluding shoring and strutting. Using mechanized equipment/)CB for excavation of OHT Foundation
Backfill1ng in all positions and heights and descents in foundations, pits, pipe trenches, tunnels, sewer lines. around
foundations and structures, in plinth etc with approved excavated material obtained within a lead of 0.5 KM including
reclaiming from spoil heaps at allheights, or reclaiming from dump at alldepths, transporting, depositing and dressing Cum 39.1 241.0 9433.50
complete all as per approved drawings, specifications and directions of the Engineer, alltools, plant and labour
Disposal of excavated excess eath with in 5 KM lead as per direction of engineer-in-charge. Cum 46.0 45.1 2074.09

Providing, laying and compacting mechanically mixed cement concrete of M15 grades as defined by IS:456, in al
|foundations etc including curing but excluding cost of Cement, centering &shuttering, cement willbe provide at
UMPESL Store, and sub contractor willbe picking the cement from UMPESL store, allas per DrawingS, Specifications
and direction of the Engineer/Conslutant all materials,tools, plant and labour complete in allrespect in your Sub 0.00
Contractor Scope. Ajax flori Self loading concrete mixer provide by UMPESL on chargeable basic. Concreting in
presence of Lead Engineer/QA-QC/CM Wastage- Maximum allowable wastages is 2%. Extra consumption would be
|debited with current market rate +handling charges @10%. UMPESL shall submit approved design mix to the Vendor
before RCC work. This approved design mix norms shall be considered as part of WO for reconciliation.
PCC Up to Ground Lavel Cum 800.0 9.7 7739.20

Providing, laying and compacting mechanically mixed cement concrete of M25 grades as defined by IS:456, in all
foundations and super structure in column, Brace Beam, stair and Bottom Slab etc including curing but excluding Cost
|of Cement centering &shuttering. cement will be provide at UMPESL Store, and sub contractor will be picking the
cement from UMPESL store, all as per Drawings, specifications and direction of the Engineer/Conslutant al materials,
tools, plant and labour complete in all respect in your Sub-Contractor Scope. Ajax flori Self loading concrete mixer 0.00
provide by company on chargeable basic Concreting in presence of Lead Engineer/QA-QC/CM Wastage- Maximum
allowable wastages is 2%. Extra consumption would be debited with current market rate +handling charges @10%
UMPESL shall submit approved design mix to the Vendor before RCC work. This approved design mix norms shall be
considered as part of WO for reconciliation.

Concrete up to ground lavel Cum 950.0 35.4 33671.80

Concrete up to Bottom Slab with satircase Cum 950.0 44.0 41780.05
Concrete of Bottom Slab Cum 950.0 35.9 34120.20

6 Painting face 2 coats with weather coat paint of approved shade over Priming 1 coat with any approved primer on a 149.0
Sqm 526.1 78377.76
work to give an even shade including cost of Labour tool, takels, paint &primer in Sub-Contractor Scope

Steel willbe provide by Universal MEP. Cutting, bending, Laying &Placing of Steelreinforcement, allas per Drawings,
specifications and direction of the Engineer/Conslutant all materials, tools, plant and labour complete i/ccost of
binding wire in all respect in Sub-Contractor Scope but Steel will be provide at UMPESL Store, and sub contractor will
be picking the steel from UMPESL store.
Steel Cutting, bending and fixing check and finalized by Lead Engineer/QA-QC/CM 0.00
7 Wastage
Maximum allowable wastages is 3% (non-measurable 1% and measurable 2% (scrap to be returned back otherwise
cost to be recovered in RA Bills). Extra consumption would be debited with current market rate +handling charges
Steel up to ground lavel MT 7918.9 3.5 27478.58
Steel up to Bottom Slab with satircase MT 7918.9 5. 45375.30
Steel of Bottom Slab MT 7918.9 6.2 49176.37

Column,Brace Beam &Ring Beam MS Shuttering will be provide by Universal MEP. Laying &Placing of Shuttering in
Column, Brace Beam &Ring Beam in Sub-contractor Scope inculding Shuttering matterial of slab, satircase, raft &
ong,laying and placing as per Drawings, specifications and direction of the Engineer/Conslutant all materials, tools 0.00|
pnd labourcomplete in allrespect in Sub-Contractor Scope, MS Shuttering will be provide at UMPESL Store, and sub
Contractor will be picking the Shuttering from UMPESL store.
Below Ground Level shuttering in Sub Sam 450.8 208 9370.41
|Above Ground level up to bottom of Contractor Scope. Sqm 150.8 298.5 44998.13
King Beam Grid Bearm and Bottom Slab Container Sgm 450.8 168. 76060.47
shuttering in Sub Contractor Scope.
Satircase shuttering in Sub Sam 450.8 73.1 32946 40
Contractor Scope

Pratapm Singh Construction

Deseription of tem Oty 300KL/14M
SL No UOM Rate Amount

Caplock stsndard ledger base iak ja ISMC MSCipe SS MS Rord& loint in will he provide by UMPESI for 20
days onh (tn CAKe f any delayed found in teturning of sraffolding material than INR 2400 per month per metric tonne
will he charged as Apenalty) aying &Clatng of St affolding in Column Brace Beam & Ring Beam in Stub contractor
MT 3558 2 )99 106212 27
Scope inculding laying and placing as per Drawings, specifications and direction of the Engineer/Conslutant all
matervals tools and labout complete in all respect in Sub Contractor Scope, Scaffolding materialwill be provide at
UMPESI Store and sub contractor will be picking the Scaffolding from UMPESLstore

Making plinth protection 60mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6(1 cement:3 coarse sand (zone-lI) derived from
natural sources 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources) over 60mm thick bed of
10 dry bric ballast 40 mm nominalsize, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, including necessary SOM 767 2 92.9 71232.99
labour too, Itakels materal, excavation, levelling & dressing &finishing the top smooth, but excluding cost of cement.
Cement will be provide at UMPESL Store, and sub contractor will be picking from UMPESL store

Supply and fixing of 80x80x8mm thk MS inserts plate, 50*50*6 mm MS Angles and 20 mm GlIPipe alaying and placing
as per Drawings, specifications and direction of the Engineer/Conslutant all materials, tools and labour complete in all 0 00
respect in Sub-Contractor Scope.
MSinserts Plate 80X80X8mm THK KG 90.0 754 6782 40
Hand Railing with 20mm dia medium class G.pipe (in 3 rows) on both sides of stair case, Botom Slab supported on 104.7 133019.80
Mtr 1270.0
5Ox50x6mm MS angle setion
MS ladder made of 50x50x6 mm angle section and 20mm plain M.S. bars with hand rails of 20mm medium class G.l. 10000.00
Mtr 4000.0 2.5
Labour for laying and fixing of puddle, DI DFPipe, valve, duck foot bend DIl & MS Pipes as per approved drawings in
12 vour scope, Pipe fittings valve provide by UMPESL on free issue, material will be provide at UMPESL Store, and sub 0.00
contractor will be picking from UMPESL store
12 m Staging LS 50204.4 0.00
14 m Staging 58389.9 1.0 58389.90
16 m Staging LS 66029.7 0.00
18 m Staging 74760.9 0.00
20 m Staging LS 83674.0 0.00
V 22 m Staging LS 92041.4 0.00

Fittings LS 1.0 0.00

Construction of Earthing pit chamber with all Respect (Exevation, Brickwork, filling of Earting Material, supply and
fixing of Earthing material and Manhole Cover etc.) alaying and placing as per Drawings, specifications and direction of Nos 2500.0 1.0 2500.00
the Engineer/Conslutant all materials, tools and labour complete in all respect in Sub-Contractor Scope. SIZE 0.5 x 0.5 x

Construction of surface Chamber inside the campus (inlet, outlet, washout, overflow) with all Respect (Exevation, PCC,
Brickwork, plaster, manhole cover and backfilling etc.) alaying and placing as per Drawings, specifications and direction
15 of the Engineer/Conslutant all materials, tools and labour complete in allrespect in Sub-Contractor Scope, but Nos 15000.0 4.0 60000.00
excluding cost of cement.Cement will be provide at UMPESL Store, and sub contractor will be picking from UMPESL
store SIZE 1 x 1.2 x13
Providing and lay1ng of 15mm thick cement plaster in single coat i/c finished even, smooth and curing complete but
SOM 298. 109.3 32606.44
16 excluding cost of cement, Cement will be provide at UMPESL Store and sub contractor will be picking from UMPESL

17 Deduction against Labur compliances LS 1.0 87377.1 87377 12

Total Basic Sub-Contractor Amount 1082328.09

Pratapm Singh Construction

SL. No. Description of Item UOM Qty Rate Amount

Terms and Condition

Supply of Free Issue Maternal
UMPESL will Issue -Free issue material on reconcilation basis:
SC will collect Cement, Stee, DF Pipes, Puddles,Fittings & Valve at UMPESL Store yard at Dera Basi-Sultanpur and
transport from UMPESL store to site location is in Sub contractors scope.
a. Cement - maximum allowable wastages is 2%. Extra consumption would be debited with current market rate + handling
charges @10%. UMPESL shall submit approved design mix to the Vendor before execution. This approved design mix
norms shall be considered as part of WO for reconciliation.
b. Reinforcement - maximum allowable wastages is 3%
(non-measurable 1% and measurable 2% (scrap to be returned back
otherwise cost to be recovered in RA Bills). Extra consumption would be debited with current market rate + handling
charges @10%.
Sub Contractors scope for Material -
|Aggregate, Sand, Admixtures, Brick for Concrete are in the scope of Vendor.
Sand- Source of sand is Hamirpur urai (UP) amd Rampur ( MP) as per
2296/Cum approved design mix and we have considered RS
Aggregate -10mm - Source of Aggregate is Kabri (UP &MP), as per approved
|2200/Cum design mix and we have considered RS
|Aggregate -20mm - Source of Aggregate is Kabri (UP &MP) as per approved design mix
2770/Cum and we have considered RS
|AllMachinery, equipments and tools
AlMachinery, equipments and tools or any
machinery such as Concrete pump, Concrete/ Transit Mixture, vibrator
needle, weigh batcher, winch machine etc. required
by UMPESL on chargeable basic. for work is in Vendor scope. flori Self loading
concrete mixer provide
|Staging Material
Staging Material will be provided by UMPESL store yard
store yard by Vendor) on returmable basis for agreed Sultanpur(transport from UMPESL store to site
shall be applicable RS 2500 per month per MT. construction period (2.3 Months) after that standard location & site to
rental charges
|The material shall be returned in good
recovered in RA Bills RS 60000/-per MTworking condition. In case of any damage/ theft/ loss etc otherwise cost to be
MS Shuttering Material
MS Shuttering material will be provided
Column, Brace Beam & Ring Beam only by UMPESL store yard
Sultanpur(transport from UMPESL store to site location &site to store yard by Vendor) on Dera Basi
|construction period (45 Days) after that standard rental charges returmable basis for agrecd
Shuttering matterial of slab, satircase, raft & footing in scope ofshall be applicable RS 4375/per day per set.
sub contractor.
The material shall be returned in good
working condition. In case of any
recovered in RA Bills RS 1,45,000/-per MT damage/theft/loss etc otherwise cost to be
All types of labours
|Operator, skilled, semi skilled &c non-skilled ctc. all
applicable govt laws, fooding, compliances regarding labor to
&Conveyance facilities for the labor isbetocompleted by Vendor as per
|UMPESL - will arrange one thirdaccomodation
party be provided by the Vendor.
be debited from Vendor. -(This one consultants for labour compliances and chrages
applicable for those Vendor - who are not famulaira (PF+ESIC+Consultant
with these process)
Charge) will
You shall ensure that all your
personnel follow the site safety norms as directed by the EIC.
without any lapse. No work shall be permitted This shall be followed strictly
be no reason to slip on the committed dates of unless the safety instructions are adhered to. Delay in
are duly calibrated and certified prior to usage.completion. It shall be your
responsibility non-compliance shall
that any lifting
All implements for tools and tackles
7 |decision of our EIC/ Safety Engineer shall be final. During and erection and installation shall be safe and reliable.
|end cap, utmost care is to be taken by after bore well till completion of pipe lowering and The
negligence if any providing barricading to avoid entry of any chldren from the villages. Due tofixing
AHIRA to be accident caused you will be held sole responsible. your
Safety Material
Safety jackets, Helmet,
consumpion or lost or Shoes Safety PPEs etc is in UMPESL scope. Issuance
theft then same will be debitted at 10% will be on free basis but if in case of
Admin charges.
Vendor haveCHEQUE
to against SECURITY
Signatiure must besubit one undated cheque of 10 lacs amount against order for 1 OHT.
Submit ed Undated Chequebywillconcern bank.
be realease immediate after the handover of OHT to UMPESL Team.
Pratapm Singh Construction

Description of ltem UOM Qty Rate Amount
Payment Terms
Monthly RA bill - within 15 days after certification on item rate basis by the site in
Retention on work 5% from each bill will be held from their account, and
that will be relcase after completion of DLP.
Paynent for GST
We agree to pay GST EXTRA 18% as applicable on above prices
GST reterntion amount will be retained and will be released within 7-14
days of receipt of GST return proof.
Royality Charges
Included in the rate and Royality slips for Sand and aggregates has to be
MEP Projects & Engineering Services Ltd.) If not submitted then the submit with each RAbills ( Name of -Universal
amount for sae will be duducted as per
Governnent norms.
11 Above OHT Works shall be strictly as per SWSM specifications only. In case of any
work is liable for rejection. defects found at any stage, the executed


Entire scope of work shall be completed strictly as per the schedule of our site
the Work Order within the above time limit, we will oficials, In case you are not able to execute
12 have the right to either cancel the Work Order without prejudice to
any other rights or make altemate arrangements for completion of the
job. The experses incurred by us will be to your
account only. In case of delaya penalty @1% per week of delay will be imposed, subject to a maximum of 5% of the value of
such delay. Completion up to Bottom Slab within 45 days.
Commencement of work
13 You shall commence the work only on receipt of necessary approv al on
drawings, techrical data sheets, installa bion
methodology, Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and Inspection Test plan (TP) from ou client/ consultants.
Notwithstanding the makes mentioned in the contract or agreed upon, it shall be ensured that the items/materials
are of good quality as per approved drawing and good engineering supplied
14 requirement, the same will be carried-out by us and the rectification practices. If the quality and progress is not as per our
charges will be debited to you. However, if required
our Client/QA-QC Team get the materials tested at UMPESL lab to confirm the
quality of the materials to confirm as per
our speciications and relevant IS code. If test results arce not confirmed to the
requirement same shall be liable for rejection
at any stage of the work.
Reconciliation of material
Free Issued material by UMPESL wil be reconcile with each RA Bills and submit the recouncillation sheet with each RA
15 Bills, if available (physical) stock at sites will not match with the consumption report then Vendor will be responsible for the
same and will be debit from Vendor RA bill
Empty cement bag to be returmed weekly basis before submission of RA bill atherwise cost to be recovered in RA Bils.
Other Terms -
1. Barricading work site -Baricading supply by UMPESL and erection by Vendor scope.
|2. Electricity for construction and area lighting in Vendor scope.
16 3. Water for construction and labour in Vendor scope.
|4. Equipment Insurance in Vendor scope.
5. AlSafety and QA/ÌC Compliances as per UMPESL Guidelines
6. Vendor to have proper storage &security facilty for cement and steel at site.
Flori Self load (Ajax)
. UMPESL will provide flori self load for concreting work -that willbe charge to Vendor For Supply of Flori @INR 400 /
Cum. & HSD cost @INR 250/CUM
|Documents and Information require dfor Vendor Registration
1. Company Name.
2. Propritor / Director Name.
3. PAN No.
4. GST No.
|5. Bank Details (Cancel Cheque).
|6. Registered Addres.
7. Mobile No.
8. Email ld.
|9. Turnover details of last 2 FY.
Pratapm Singh Constructier

Rate Amount
S. No Description of Item UOM Qty
Sub-Contractor Obligation: S/c Shall be required to maintain the below manpower subject to full front being made
available by UMrESL. In case of full front being made available by UMPESL andcontractor not maintaining the
required manpower strength on sustainable basis, the contractor shall be debited for delay.
Supervisor -0.5 Nos per site and maximum one supervisor for two sites
ü. Foreman - 1Nos
iü. Fitter - 2 Nos.
iv. Shuttering- 2 nos
19 v. Labor - 5 Nos
B. Machinery owned & Rental
i. JCB Excavator with diesel
ü Vibra tor with diesel
iü. DG - 7.5 KVA with diesel
iv. Concrete Lifting Machin
v. Pump for Dewatering & Curing
vi. Steel Cutting Machine
vü. Cutting wheel

Pratapm Singh Construction


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