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Kotebe University of Education

College of Business, Technology & Vocational Education

Department of Management
Strategic Management Assignment

Name : Alazar Workneh

IDno:ugr/21023/13 I

Submitted to- ins . Eskedar Gizat

Identification of dream organization
The chosen organization is a personal dream organization. It's a large store that sells electronic
devices like personal computers and phones to customers.

Vision Statement
To be the leading global destination for innovative and cutting-edge electronic devices, inspiring
a future where technology seamlessly enhances every aspect of life.

Mission Statement
At A Dream Come True, our mission is to provide customers with the latest and most reliable
electronic devices, exceptional service, and expert guidance. We strive to create a shopping
experience that empowers our customers to connect, create, and thrive in a rapidly evolving
digital world. Our commitment is to quality, innovation, and sustainability, ensuring that every
product we offer contributes to a brighter and more connected future.

External and internal environmental scanning

External environment scanning

→Growing demand for eco-friendly electronic devices
→The market space is untapped
→Partnerships with leading tech companies
→Increasing digitalization trends

→Intense competition in the electronics industry.
→Rapid technological advancements lead to shorter product life cycles.
→Economic downturns and geopolitical instability disrupt supply chains.
→stringent regulations regarding the device imported .

→ Effective inventory management systems.
→Well-trained and knowledgeable staff providing exceptional customer service.
→Diverse product offerings including.
→Established distribution network and partnerships with leading manufacturers.
→High overhead costs
→Reliance on traditional marketing channels
→Challenges in adapting to rapidly changing consumer preferences and technological
→Limited online presence and e-commerce capabilities

Formulate corporate, business, and functional level strategies based on

SWOT analysis
Corporate level strategy
Key factors weight Market penetration Market Product or
development Service
Opportunities AS TAS AS TAS AS TAS
Growing demand for eco- 0.08 3 0.24 4 0.32 3 0.24
friendly electronic devices
The market space is 0.06 4 0.24 4 0.24 3 0.18
Partnerships with leading 0.02 3 0.06 3 0.06 4 0.08
tech companies
Increasing digitalization 0.05 2 0.1 3 0.15 3 0.15
Intense competition in the 0.18 4 0.72 3 0.54 3 0.54
electronics industry
Rapid technological 0.21 3 0.63 4 0.84 3 0.63
advancements lead to
shorter product life cycles
Economic downturns and 0.21 3 0.63 4 0.84 4 0.84
geopolitical instability
disrupt supply chains
stringent regulations 0.19 2 0.38 4 0.76 4 0.76
regarding the device
TOTAL 1 3 3.75 3.42
Effective inventory 0.09 3 0.27 3 0.27 3 0.27
management systems
Well-trained and 0.11 2 0.22 4 0.44 2 0.22
knowledgeable staff
providing exceptional
customer service
Diverse product offerings 0.11 2 0.22 3 0.33 4 0.44
Established distribution 0.04 4 0.16 2 0.08 3 0.12
network and partnerships
with leading manufacturers
High overhead costs 0.20 3 0.6 4 0.8 4 0.8
Reliance on traditional 0.16 3 0.48 2 0.32 3 0.48
marketing channels

Challenges in adapting to 0.19 3 0.57 3 0.57 2 0.38

rapidly changing consumer
preferences and
technological advancements
Limited online presence and 0.1 2 0.2 4 0.4 2 0.2
e-commerce capabilities
TOTAL 1 2.72 3.21 2.91
Sum Total AS 5.72 6.96 6.33

→ The corporate level strategy selected focused on growth and expansion to enhance the
company's overall performance. The primary objective is to pursue avenues that will facilitate
the company's growth and broaden its market presence. By adopting this strategy, the company
aims to increase its market share, enter new markets, diversify its product lines, and potentially
explore strategic partnerships or acquisitions. This comprehensive approach is designed to not
only boost revenue and profitability but also to strengthen the company's competitive position
and ensure long-term sustainability. Through continuous improvement and innovation, the
company seeks to capitalize on emerging opportunities and adapt to changing market dynamics,
thereby driving its growth and expansion agenda forward.

→ In addition to the growth and expansion strategy, the company has chosen a targeted market
development strategy. This strategy is specifically designed to expand the company's mobile
devices and personal computers into new markets. The goal is to identify and capitalize on
opportunities in regions where the company’s presence is minimal or non-existent, thereby
broadening its customer base and increasing sales.
Identifying High-Potential Markets

Market Research: Conduct thorough research to identify new markets with high growth
potential for mobile devices and personal computers. This includes analyzing economic
indicators, technological adoption rates, consumer preferences, and competitive landscapes in
various regions.

Target Segmentation: Focus on specific demographics or industries within these new markets
that have a high demand for technological products, such as educational institutions, small
businesses, or tech-savvy consumers.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with local laws and regulations, including import
restrictions, tariffs, and product standards. This may involve working closely with local
regulatory bodies and industry associations.

Business Level Strategy:

At the business level, our strategy is to implement a uniqueness approach by offering a superior
customer experience and a curated selection of high-quality mobile phones and laptops that stand
out in the market. We aim to differentiate ourselves through exceptional customer service, expert
advice, and exclusive product offerings. Our store will provide a personalized shopping
experience, where knowledgeable staff assist customers in finding the perfect device to meet
their needs. We will also offer value-added services such as extended warranties, repair services,
and trade-in options to enhance the overall customer experience.

Functional Level Strategies:

1.Marketing Strategy

- Develop targeted advertising campaigns highlighting the unique features and benefits of our
product range.

- Utilize social media platforms and influencer partnerships to increase brand awareness and

- Implement a loyalty program to reward repeat customers and encourage referrals.

2. Financial Strategy:

- Manage cash flow efficiently to ensure adequate inventory levels without overstocking.

- Secure competitive financing options for customers to make high-end products more

- Monitor financial performance closely and adjust pricing strategies to maintain profitability
while remaining competitive.

3. Human Resources Strategy:

- Hire and train staff to become experts in the latest mobile and laptop technologies, ensuring
they can provide valuable insights to customers.

- Foster a supportive and motivating work environment to retain top talent and maintain high
levels of employee satisfaction.

- Implement ongoing training programs to keep employees up-to-date with new products and
industry trends.

By focusing on these comprehensive strategies, our electronic device store will be well-
positioned to attract and retain customers, differentiate ourselves from competitors, and achieve
sustainable growth.

Identify how organizational strategies can be implemented

1. Clear communication of strategy

2. Setting specific goals and objectives

3. Allocating resources

4. Developing action plans

5. Training and development

6. Monitoring and evaluation

7. Adaptation and flexibility

8. Use of technology

9. Performance incentives

Identify how the organization strategies can be evaluated and controlled

1. Performance Metrics and KPIs

-Evaluation: Set specific KPIs such as sales targets, customer acquisition rates, average
transaction value, and customer retention rates. Regularly measure these metrics to assess how
well the store is performing against its strategic goals.

- Control: Review these KPIs weekly or monthly. If sales are below target, investigate the
causes (e.g., pricing issues, marketing effectiveness) and adjust strategies accordingly, such as
introducing promotions or enhancing sales training.

2. Regular Strategy Review Meetings

-Evaluation: Schedule monthly meetings with key staff to review strategic progress. Discuss
sales performance, customer feedback, inventory levels, and marketing effectiveness.

-Control: Use these meetings to identify any deviations from the strategic plan. Assign action
items to address issues, and ensure accountability by setting deadlines for these actions.

3. Financial Analysis and Audits

-Evaluation: Conduct monthly financial reviews to examine revenue, expenses, and profit
margins. Ensure the store is operating within budget and achieving financial targets.

- Control: If financial analysis reveals discrepancies or inefficiencies, adjust the financial

strategy. This could include cost-cutting measures, renegotiating supplier contracts, or revising
pricing strategies.
4. Customer Feedback and Surveys

-Evaluation: Regularly gather feedback through surveys, reviews, and in-store interactions.
Assess customer satisfaction with product quality, service, and overall shopping experience.

- Control: Analyze feedback to identify common issues or areas for improvement. Implement
changes such as staff training, product range adjustments, or enhancing customer service
protocols to address these concerns.

By following these steps, our electronic device store can effectively evaluate and control its
organizational strategies, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives and adapting to market
conditions and customer needs.

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