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Part 2

Support Activities
Chapter 4:
Job Analysis and Rewards

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Staffing Organizations Model
Goals and Objectives

Organization Strategy HR and Staffing Strategy

Staffing Policies and Programs

Support Activities Core Staffing Activities
Legal compliance Recruitment: External, internal
Planning Measurement, external, internal
Job analysis Decision making, final match
Staffing System and Retention Management
Chapter Outline
 Changing Nature of Jobs  Job Rewards
 Job Requirements Job  Types of Rewards
Analysis  Employee Value
 Job Requirements Matrix Proposition
 Job Descriptions and Job  Collecting Job Rewards
Specifications Information
 Collecting Job  Job Analysis for Teams
Requirements Information  Legal Issues
 Competency-Based Job  Job Relatedness and
Analysis Court Cases
 Nature of Competencies  Essential Job Functions
 Collecting Competency

Learning Objectives for This
 Understand the rationale behind job analysis
 Know the difference between a job description
and job specification
 Learn about methods for collecting job
 Understand why competency-based job analysis
has grown in prominence
 Learn about methods for collecting competencies
 Recognize the types of rewards associated with
 Become familiar with the legal issues surrounding
job analysis

Discussion Questions for This
 What is the purpose of each type of job analysis, and how can the
three types described in this chapter be combined to produce an
overall understanding of work in an organization?
 How should task statements be written, and what sorts of problems
might you encounter in asking a job incumbent to write these
 Would it be better to first identify task dimensions and then create
specific task statements for each dimension, or should task
statements be identified first and then used to create task
 What would you consider when trying to decide what criteria (e.g.,
percent time spent) to use for gathering indications about task
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using multiple
methods of job analysis for a particular job? Multiple sources?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of identifying and using
general competencies to guide staffing activities?
 Referring to Exhibit 4.18, why do you think HR professionals were
not able to very accurately predict the importance of many rewards
to employees? What are the implications for creating the EVP?

The Need for Job Analysis

 The process of studying jobs in order to

gather, analyze, synthesize, and report
information about job requirements and
 Three main types
 Job requirements
 Competency-based
 Job rewards

Exhibit 4.1 Comparison of Types of
Job Analysis
Job requirements Competency Job rewards
Method Collect information on Collect information on Collect information
activities performed on company strategy to from employees on
the job to assess determine KSAOs preferences and
needed KSAOs for and behavioral outcomes of jobs
each job capabilities across the
Process Collect data on tasks, Discuss strategy with Develop lists of
duties, responsibilities executives, then potential rewards for a
from incumbents and review how each job job and survey job
supervisors, develop fits with the overall incumbents and
job requirements goals leaders
Staffing implications Documents task Links organizational Provides guidance for
requirements for legal strategy with planning how to develop
purposes, determines process and recruiting materials
specific KSAOs for determines broad and retention
selection KSAOs for selection strategies

Changing Nature of Jobs

 Major sources of change

 Jobs are constantly evolving
 Need for greater flexibility
 Team- based work
 Employees need to go beyond “tasks and
duties as written”
 Implication
 Job analyses must be able to adapt to these

Job Requirements Job Analysis:
 Definition
 Process of studying jobs to gather, analyze, synthesize, and
report information about job requirements
 Two major forms
 Job requirements
 Specific KSAOs for the job
 Competency based
 General KSAOs for all applicants
 Has different degrees of relevance to staffing activities
 Support activity for staffing activities
 Provides foundation for successful staffing systems

Ex. 4.2: Job Requirements
Approach to Job Analysis

Ex. 4.3 Job Requirements Matrix

Task statements
 Definition
 objectively written descriptions of the behaviors or
work activities engaged in by employees in order to
perform the job
 Each statement should include
 What the employee does, using a specific action verb
 To whom or what the employee does what he or she
does, stating the object of the verb
 What is produced, indicating the expected output of
the verb
 What equipment, materials, tools, or procedures, are
Task Dimensions
 Definition
 Involves grouping sets of task statements into dimensions,
attaching a name to each dimension
 Other terms -- “duties,” “accountability areas,”
“responsibilities,” and “performance dimensions”
 Characteristics
 Creation is optional
 Many different grouping procedures exist
 Guideline - 4 to 8 dimensions
 Grouping procedure should be acceptable to organizational
 Empirical validation against external criterion is not possible

Importance of Tasks/Dimensions
 Involves an objective assessment of importance
 Two decisions
 Decide on attribute to be assessed in terms of
 Decide whether attribute will be measured in
categorical or continuous terms
 Ex. 4.4: Ways to Assess Task/Dimension
 Relative time spent
 Percentage (%) time spent
 Importance to overall performance
 Need for new employee training


 What are KSAOs?

 Knowledge
 Exh. 4.6: Knowledges Contained in O*NET
 Skill
 Exh. 4.7: Skills Contained in O*NET
 Ability
 Exh. 4.8: Abilities Contained in O*NET
 Other Characteristics
 Exh. 4.9: Examples of Other Job Requirements

Exhibit 4.9
Examples of Ways to Assess KSAO Importance

Discussion questions
 What is the purpose of each type of job analysis, and
how can the three types described in this chapter be
combined to produce an overall understanding of work
in an organization?
 How should task statements be written, and what sorts
of problems might you encounter in asking a job
incumbent to write these statements?
 Would it be better to first identify task dimensions and
then create specific task statements for each
dimension, or should task statements be identified first
and then used to create task dimensions?
 What would you consider when trying to decide what
criteria (e.g., percent time spent) to use for gathering
indications about task importance?

Job Descriptions and
Job Specifications
 Job description
 Describes tasks, task dimensions, importance of
tasks / dimensions, and job context
 Includes
 Job family, job title, job summary
 Task statements and dimensions
 Importance indicators
 Job context indicators
 Date conducted
 Job specifications
 Describes KSAOs

Collecting Job Requirements
 Methods  Sources to be used
 Prior information  Job analyst
 Observation  Job incumbents
 Interviews  Supervisors
 Task questionnaire  Subject matter
 Committee or task experts

Exhibit 4.13 Factors to Consider in Choosing
Between Internal Staff or Consultants or Job Analysis

Exhibit 4.14 Example of Job
Requirements Job Analysis Process

Competency-Based Job Analysis
 Nature of competencies
 an underlying characteristic of an individual that
contributes to job or role performance and to
organizational success
 Usage reflects a desire to:
 connote job requirements that extend beyond the
specific job itself
 describe and measure the organization’s workforce
in more general terms
 as a way of increasing staffing flexibility in job

KSAOs or Competencies?

 Similarities between competencies and

 Both reflect an underlying ability to perform a job
 Differences between competencies and
 Competencies are much more general
 May contribute to success on multiple jobs
 Contribute not only to job performance but also to
organizational success

Exh. 4.16: Examples of Competencies

Organization Usage
 Organizations are experimenting with
 Developing competencies and competency models and
 Using them as underpinnings of several HR applications
 Three strategic HR reasons for doing competency
 Create awareness and understanding of need for change in
 Enhance skill levels of workforce
 Improve teamwork and coordination
 Emphasis -- Establishing general competencies

The “Great Eight” Competencies
 Leading: initiates action, gives direction
 Supporting: shows respect, puts people first
 Presenting: communicates and networks
 Analyzing: thinks clearly, applies expertise
 Creating: thinks broadly, handles situations
 Organizing: plans ahead, follows rules
 Adapting: responds to change, copes with
 Performing: focuses on results, shows
understanding of organization
Collecting Competency Information

 Best practices
 Establish mission and goals prior to
determining competency requirements
 General competencies should be important at
all job levels
 All competencies should have specific
behavioral definitions, not just labels
 Recent research suggests these methods
are a rigorous and accurate as those based
on job requirements

Discussion Questions

 What are the advantages and

disadvantages of using multiple methods
of job analysis for a particular job?
Multiple sources?
 What are the advantages and
disadvantages of identifying and using
general competencies to guide staffing

Job Rewards
 Extrinsic rewards
 external to the job itself
 designed and granted to employees by the organization
 pay, benefits, work schedule, advancement, job security
 Intrinsic rewards
 intangibles
 experienced by employees as an outgrowth of doing the job
 variety in work duties, autonomy, feedback, coworker and
supervisor relations
 Employee value proposition
 the “package” or “bundle” of rewards provided to employees
and to which employees respond by joining, performing, and
remaining with the organization

Job Rewards:
Collecting Information
 Within the organization
 Interviews with employees
 Surveys with employees
 Outside the organization
 SHRM survey
 Organizational practices

Ex. 4.16: Examples of Job
Rewards Interview Questions
 Rewards Offered
 What are the most rewarding elements of your job?
Consider both the work itself and the pay and
benefits associated with your job.
 Looking ahead, are there any changes you can
think of that would make your job more rewarding?
 Reward Magnitude
 Describe the amount of potential for growth and
development in your job.
 Do you feel like the pay and benefits provided for
your job are adequate for the work you do, and if
not, what would you change?

Ex. 4.16: Examples of Job
Rewards Interview Questions
 Reward Mix
 If you could change the mix of rewards
provided in your job, what would you add?
 Of the rewards associated with your job, which
two are the most important to you?
 Reward Distinctiveness
 Which rewards that you receive in your job are
you most likely to tell others about?
 Which of our rewards really stand out to you?
To job applicants?

Exhibit 4.17 Job Rewards Survey

 Developing questions
 Should cover material identified in
 Identify both extrinsic and intrinsic elements

 Response options
 Importance of each type of reward for
 Extent to which each type of reward is
provided on the job

Legal Issues
 Job relatedness and court cases
 Recommendations -- Establishing job-related nature of
staffing practices
 Essential job functions
 fundamental job duties of the employment position the
individual with a disability holds or desires
 the reason the position exists is to perform the function
 a limited number of employees available among whom the
performance of that job function can be distributed
 the incumbent is hired for his or her expertise or ability to
perform the particular function

Recommendations: Establishing
Job-Related Nature of Staffing Practices

 Job analysis must be performed and

must be for the job for which the
selection instrument is to be utilized
 Analysis of job should be in writing
 Job analysis should describe in detail the
procedure used
 Job data should be collected from a
variety of current sources by
knowledgeable job analysts

Recommendations: Establishing
Job-Related Nature of Staffing Practices
 Sample size should be large and representative of
jobs for which selection instrument is used
 Tasks, duties, and activities should be included in
 Most important tasks should be represented in
selection devise
 Competency levels of job performance for entry-level
jobs should be specified
 Knowledge, skills, and abilities should be specified,
particularly if content validation model is followed

Ethical Issues
 Issue 1
 It has been suggested that “ethical conduct” be
formally incorporated as a general competency
requirement for any job within the organization.
Discuss the pros and cons of this suggestion.
 Issue 2
 Assume you are assisting in the conduct of job
analysis as an HR department representative. You
have encountered several managers who want to
delete certain tasks and KSAOs from the formal job
description having to do with employee safety, even
though they clearly are job requirements. How
should you handle this situation?


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