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Manual for laboratory research


Title: Manual for laboratory research RoadCem™
Publication: PowerCem Technologies B.V.
Plaza 24
4782 SK Moerdijk
+31 168 409440
Version: 4.1
Publication: December 2017

Contents ......................................................................................................................................................................................3
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................6
1.1 PowerCem Technologies B.V. ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 RoadCem™ .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Index ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Process flow ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
2 Sampling ..............................................................................................................................................................................8
2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Storage and transportation of soil samples ............................................................................................................ 8
3 Soil classification & characteristics ......................................................................................................................................9
3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Unified Soil Classification System............................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 Standard ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2.2 Explanation ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.3 Analysis of coarse-grained material ................................................................................................................. 11
3.2.4 Analysis of fine-grained material...................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Visual description and identification of soils ........................................................................................................ 13
3.3.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.3 Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.4 Execution.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.5 Calculations ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.6 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.3.7 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Particle size distribution by sieving analysis ......................................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.3 Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.4 Execution.......................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.5 Calculations ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.4.6 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
3.4.7 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.5 Atterberg limits ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5.3 Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5.4 Execution - Liquid limit ..................................................................................................................................... 18
3.5.5 Execution – plastic limit ................................................................................................................................... 19
3.5.6 Calculations ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.5.7 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.6 Moisture content .................................................................................................................................................. 21
3.6.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.6.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.6.3 Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.6.4 Execution.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.6.5 Calculations ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.6.6 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
3.6.7 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.7 Organic content .................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.7.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 22

3.7.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.7.3 Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.7.4 Execution.......................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.7.5 Calculations ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.7.6 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
3.7.7 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.8 Compaction characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 24
3.8.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.8.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.8.3 Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.8.4 Implementation ............................................................................................................................................... 24
3.8.5 Calculations ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.8.6 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
3.8.7 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.9 pH value ................................................................................................................................................................ 26
3.9.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.9.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.9.3 Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.9.4 Execution.......................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.9.5 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................... 26
4 Sampling ............................................................................................................................................................................27
4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................. 27
4.2 Pre-treatment ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Mixture composition............................................................................................................................................. 27
4.4 Mix procedure....................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.5 Compacting samples ............................................................................................................................................. 29
4.5.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.3 Execution.......................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.4 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.6 Storage .................................................................................................................................................................. 30
4.6.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.6.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.6.3 Execution.......................................................................................................................................................... 30
5 Tests ..................................................................................................................................................................................31
5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................. 31
5.2 Compressive strength ........................................................................................................................................... 31
5.2.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.2.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.2.3 Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.2.4 Execution.......................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.2.5 Explanation ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.2.6 Calculations ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.2.7 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
5.2.8 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3 Flexural strength ................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.1 Standard ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.3 Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.4 Execution.......................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.5 Explanation ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.6 Calculations ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.7 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
5.3.8 Reporting.......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Overview Standards ..................................................................................................................................................................35
List of symbols ...........................................................................................................................................................................36

Appendix 1: Indicative mixture dosing based on USCS .............................................................................................................38
Appendix 2: Determination table USCS .....................................................................................................................................39

1 Introduction
1.1 PowerCem Technologies B.V.
PowerCem Technologies (PCT) was founded in 1996, and through the years the company has become an institute in civil
engineering. PCT is unique when it comes to (our) the proprietary technology and products. Based on our innovation,
experience and expertise, we are confident that we are capable to provide our clients with successful solutions.

PCT have an enthusiastic global and dedicated team, respectful to society and the environment and taking pride in the
uniqueness of the products and sustainability of the solutions that we are able to offer our clients.
PCT stands for quality, acknowledged by reputable international organizations and universities such as UNESCO, TU Delft,
TNO, etc...

1.2 RoadCem™
RoadCem™ enables the binding of nearly all kinds of materials to form pavements by making use of in situ materials such as
clay, sand and peat. The application of RoadCem™ with in situ materials brings the advantage that excavation and disposal
of materials plus the supply of new aggregate materials are no longer required. The use of in situ materials and the unique
properties of RoadCem™ allow the creation of an infrastructure in a more cost-effective way and with a shorter construction
time, whether this concerns pavements for the various categories, or the efficient stabilization of ground for various
applications such as dams, dikes, slopes and other supporting constructions.

RoadCem™ improves and increases the physical properties of road metaling in general, and essentially those of all cement-
bonded materials which are used in for example soil works, road construction and hydraulic engineering. This will make it
possible to create road surfaces without dilatations. RoadCem™ in combination with cement even allows the use of secondary
construction materials, which are considered as unsuitable when traditional construction principles are applied.

When using RoadCem™, no additional safety provisions are required. The product RoadCem™ and the use of it are completely
safe. Safety Data Sheets are available and can be provided upon request.

1.3 Index
When using the PowerCem technology, you can use materials that are available on site. Usually this is the natural subsoil or
the materials from the existing road structure, but these could also be elevation or other broken materials. In short, we are
working with heterogeneous materials that differ from project to project. In order to get a sound indication of the in situ
material properties, each project has to be preceded by laboratory research. PCT have their own material test laboratory,
but this research can also be done locally. This manual was drawn up by PowerCem Technologies to limit the deviations
between results from different laboratories. This manual provides a step-by-step description of how the laboratory research
should take place.
- Chapter 2: Describes how soil samples should be taken.
- Chapter 3: After arrival in the laboratory, the soil must be classified in accordance with the USCS soil classification
and if necessary tests for soil characteristics must be done.
- Chapter 4: Based on the classification, an indicative mix dosing can be determined and test samples can be made.
- Chapter 5: Depending on the objective of the research, the properties of the material are determined. The most
familiar properties are the compressive strength and tensile strength of the material, which should be determined
for each project. In addition, it will be possible to determine material properties such as shrinkage and fatigue.
- Appendixes.

1.4 Process flow
Figure 1.1. Provides a schematic overview of the process, from start to finish.

Sampling Soil classification Creating test pieces Tests

Start End
[Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5]

Fatigue test
Pre-treatment Compressive
Sampling Sieve analysis (Sweeps)
[if necessary] strength

Atterberg Fatigue
Storage & Flexural
limits Mix design relationship
transport strength
[if necessary] [optional]

Organic Mixing Indirect tensile Shrinkage

content procedure strength [optional]

Frost - Heat
Proctor density Compaction Frost - Thaw


Figure 1.1 Schematic overview of the process

2 Sampling
2.1 General
For an accurate recommendation representative soil samples needs to be extracted from the site. The amount of required
soil samples is depending on the size and homogeneity of the area. At least one (1) sample per 2000m 2 should be extracted.
In case there are deviations in the soil type (or visible damage in case of an existing pavement), additional samples are

Extract the soil sample from the area that will be stabilized at a later stage, taken in account possible elevations, excavations
or leveling. When extracting the soil sample the maximum depth should be corresponding with the expected thickness of the
future stabilization. The thickness is related to the expected loads and the bearing capacity of the subsoil and will be given by

RoadCem™ is based on a unique composition of alkaline (earth) substances and synthetic zeolites, with the addition of
activators developed by PowerCem™ and required a minimum amount of 50 grams of RoadCem™ within each batch. In the
formula below an example is given with a RoadCem™ dosage of 2.0 kg/m3 with a soil density of 1500 kg/m3.

𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑜𝑎𝑑𝐶𝑒𝑚 (𝑔𝑟) 50 𝑘𝑔

𝐵𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 (𝑑𝑚3 ) = = = 25𝑑𝑚3 = 25𝑑𝑚3 𝑥 1,500 3 = 37,5 𝑘𝑔
𝐷𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝑎𝑑𝐶𝑒𝑚 (𝑘𝑔⁄𝑚3 ) 2 𝑚

Important notes:
- Grain size should not exceed >30mm. Contact PowerCem™ when grains exceed this value.
- For all test to be conducted by PowerCem™ laboratory, there is need for a minimum soil sample of 120kg.
- Cement used in laboratory needs to be in correspondence with the cement to be used in project.
- When taking the soil sample, the moisture content should also be taken into account. If, for instance, the natural
moisture content is 40%, more soil need to be send. In case the soil has a high natural moisture content, please
contact PowerCem.

2.2 Storage and transportation of soil samples

Seal the soil in airtight packaging and send it to the research laboratory. Clearly state on the packaging the location where
the sample was taken from.
For transportation from outside the EU to the Netherlands, it may be necessary to apply for a transportation permit. This can
be arranged in consultation with PCT.

3 Soil classification & characteristics

3.1 General
PCT aim to classify all samples in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification (USCS). The USCS is based on American ASTM
standards, which include most decisive properties of the soil.

The natural moisture content and the organic substance content must also be determined. On the basis of these data, PCT is
able to provide an indicative mix dosing under laboratory conditions.

The tests in relation to soil classification should be performed in accordance with the standards mentioned in table 3.1.1 and
the tests in relation to soil characteristics according the standards mentioned in table 3.1.2.

Soil classification Standard Demands soil for performing test

Visual description and identification of soils ASTM D 2488 All soils
Unified Soil Classification ASTM D 2487 All soils
Particle-size distribution by sieving analysis ASTM D 6913 All soils
Atterberg Limits (Liquid- and Plastic Limit) ASTM D 4318 Depending on sieve analysis, see figure 3.2
Table 3.1.1: overview of tests for the benefit of soil classification

Soil characteristics Standard Demands soil for performing test

Natural moisture content ASTM D 2216 All soils
Organic Content ASTM D 2974 For organic soils, see appendix 2 – table 3
Compaction characteristics (standard effort) ASTM D 698 Fine grained soils
Compaction characteristics (modified effort) ASTM D 1557 Coarse grained soils
California Bearing Ratio ASTM D 1883 All soils
Swelling characteristics ASTM D 1883 Fine grained soils
pH value of soils ASTM D 4972 All soils
Table 3.1.2: overview of tests for the benefit of soil classification

3.2 Unified Soil Classification System

At PCT we classify all soils in accordance with USCS. The reason for this is that this classification includes most of the major
properties that have an effect on the mix dosing. In addition, the test methods are more accurate and therefore, provide
more reliable results than for example the Unified or AASHTO method.
Classifying soils in accordance with USCS consists of four analyses, which together will result in a grouping. This classification
is determined by performing the following analyses;
- Sieve analysis.
- Liquid limit.
- Plastic limit.
- Organic substance content.

3.2.1 Standard
- ASTM D-2487

3.2.2 Explanation
The USCS classification is based on three main groups, i.e;
- Coarse-grained soils.
- Fine-grained soils.
- Highly organic soils.

These main groups are subdivided into 15 basic groups, as shown in table 3.2. If a type of soil has been classified but is also
close to another group, both classification symbols must be used separated by a forward slash, e.g. CL/CH, GM/SM, SC/CL.
The first symbol refers to the main group.

soil classification
Criteria for assigning group symbols and group names using laboratory tests symbol group name
> Cu ≥4 and 1≤ Cc ≤3 > GW Well-graded gravel
Gravels (More than 50% of > Clean Gravels Cu <4 and/or [Cc <1 or Cc
> coarse fraction retained on (Lees than 5% fines) > >3] > Poorly graded gravel
COARSE-GRAINED SOILS No.4 sieve) Gravels with Fines > Fines classify as ML or MH > GM Silty gravel
(more than 12% fines) > Fines classify as CL or CH > GC Clayey gravel
More than 50% retained on > Cu ≥6 and 1≤ Cc ≤3 > SW Well-graded sand
No. 200 sieve (75 µm) > Clean Sands Cu <6 and/or [Cc <1 or Cc
Sands (50% or more of coarse SP
> (Less than 5% fines) > >3] > Poorly graded sand
fraction passes on No.4 sieve)
Sands with Fines > Fines classify as ML or MH > SM Silty Sand
(more than 12% fines) > Fines classify as CL or CH > SC Clayey sand
PI >7 and plots on or above
> > "A"line > Lean clay
Silts and Clays
Inorganic > PI <4 or plots below "A" line > ML Silt
Liquid limit less than 50 > liquid limit - oven dried / > Organic clay
FINE-GRAINED SOILS > liquid limit - not dried = < OL
Organic > 0.75 > Organic silt
50% or more passes the No. PI >7 and plots on or above
200 sieve (75 µm) > > "A"line > Fat clay
Silts and Clays
Inorganic > PI <4 or plots below "A" line > MH Elastic silt
Liquid limit 50 or more > liquid limit - oven dried / > Organic clay
> liquid limit - not dried = < OH
Organic > 0.75 > Organic silt
Highly organic soils > Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor > PT Peat
Table 3.2: USCS classification

3.2.3 Analysis of coarse-grained material
Coarse-grained material is classified on the basis of table 4 in appendix 2. The following data from the sieve analysis are also
- D10, D30 and D60, these are the diameters of the particles that correspond with respectively 10%, 30% and 60%
passes on the cumulative sieve curve (see figure 3.1 for an example).
- Based on D10, D30 and D60 it is possible to calculate Cu and Cc, whereby Cu is the uniformity coefficient and Cc the
curve coefficient.


𝐶𝑢 =

𝐶𝑐 =
𝐷10 ∙ 𝐷60


Passing [%]








Sieve size [mm]

Figure 3.1: Determination of D10, D30 and D60

3.2.4 Analysis of fine-grained material
Fine-grained material is classified on the basis of tables 2 and 3 in appendix 2. For this, the data from the following tests:
plastic limit and liquid limit are required. In addition, the plasticity index has to be plotted against the liquid limit in the
following figure.



Plasticity index


MH or OH
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Liquid limit

Figure 3.2: Plasticity index plotted against liquid limit

3.3 Visual description and identification of soils
This practice covers procedures for the description of soils for engineering purposes and also describes a procedure for
identifying soils, at the option of the user, based on the classification system described as in the UCSC test method. The
identification portion assigning a group symbol and name is limited to soil particles smaller than 75 mm. For precise
classification of soils for engineering purposes the USCS is needed.

3.3.1 Standard
- ASTM D-2488

3.3.2 Requirements
- Drying oven; minimum range 105°C ± 5°C.
- Muffle furnace; constant temperature of 440°C ± 22°C.
- Scales; accurate to 0.01g; range min. 500g.
- Porcelain or tin dish.
- Spatula, spoon.

3.3.3 Preparation
- Take a representative homogeneous soil sample for clayey soils of at least 30g and for sandy/gravelly soils of at
least 300g and place it on a dish.
- Immediately cover the dish with aluminum film so that no moisture can escape.
- Write down the mass, at an accuracy of 0.01g.

3.3.4 Execution
- Dry the soil uncovered for at least 16 hours or longer if necessary at 105°C, until the mass remains constant within
a time frame of one hour.
- Write down the constant oven-dried mass, at an accuracy of 0.01g. Do this as fast as possible to avoid attraction of

3.3.5 Calculations

Moisture content
The moisture content is determined in relation to the oven-dried soil.
𝑀 −𝑀
- 𝑉𝑑 = 𝑤 𝑑 ∗ 100

3.3.6 Definitions
Symbol Description Unit
vD Moisture content %
MW Mass wet g
MD Mass dry g
Table 3.5.6: Definitions

3.3.7 Reporting
- Location of soil sample and sampling date.
- Date of execution test.
- Mass of oven-dried soil.

Moisture content.

3.4 Particle size distribution by sieving analysis
The sieve analysis is performed to determine the granular distribution of the soil. The test is executed according to ASTM
D6913-04 method A and is related to the USCS classification system. This standard is only intended for determining the
particle size up to a minimum grain size of 75µm. The test can be performed under dry and wet conditions. By means of a
sieve analysis a sieve curve is determined. Here, the cumulative percentage lying on the sieve is plotted against the grain size
in mm.

USCS - (CL) Lean Clay

Passing [%]
USCS - (SM)-(ML) Silty Sand

USCS - (SP) Poorly Graded Sand








Sieve size [mm]
Figure 3.3: Sieve analysis

3.4.1 Standard
- ASTM D6913-04

3.4.2 Requirements
- Scales, accurate to 0.1g
- Mechanical vibrating sieve machine.
- Standard sieve set, consisting of the following sieves;
o 75 mm
o 50 mm
o 37.5 mm
o 25 mm
o 19 mm
o 9.5 mm
o 4.75 mm (Sieve No. 4)
o 2 mm
o 850 µm
o 425 µm (Sieve No. 40)
o 250 µm
o 150 µm Figure 3.4: Sieve tower
o 106 µm
o 75 µm (Sieve No. 200)
o 63 µm
At least 8 of these sieves have to be used, whereby the following sizes must be used at all times: 19 mm, 4.75 mm,
425 µm and 75 µm.
- Drying oven, range 60 ± 1°C

3.4.3 Preparation
- Dry the sample until it is a constant mass at a temperature of 60°C ± 1°C.
- Depending on the maximum grain size, a representative soil sample should be used, see table 3.3;

Maximum grain size Mass of soil sample

[mm] [gram]
19 25000
8 800
4.75 300
Table 3.3: Dry mass of soil sample at maximum grain size.

- Write down the dry mass of the soil sample.

3.4.4 Execution
- Place the sieves on the vibration machine, stacking the sieves from small to large with the smallest grain size
opening above the collector at the bottom.
- Place the soil sample in the upper sieve and securely close the sieves, in such a way that the lid cannot come loose
due to vibration.
- Set the time of the mechanical vibration machine to a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 20 minutes.
- Adjust the frequency of the mechanical vibration machine to 2.0 Hz.
- If the sieve analysis is taking place under wet conditions, dry the soil again for each sieve and determine the mass.
- Depending on the size of the sieve, a maximum weight has been imposed, see table 3.4. If the achieved results from
the sieve analysis do not meet this requirement, the test should be repeated. Do note that in this case the size of
the soil sample or the sieve size is adapted to obtain a representative result.
Sieve diameter [mm]
sieve (mm) Ø 200 Ø 305 Ø 400
[gram] [gram] [gram]
75 2700 6100 12000
50 2000 4500 9000
37.5 1500 3400 6700
25 1100 2500 5000
19 900 2000 4000
9.5 550 1200 2500
4.75 325 730 1500
2 180 410 800
0.85 115 260 500
0.425 75 170 330
0.250 60 140 270
0.150 40 90 180
0.106 30 70 135
0.075 20 50 90
Table 3.4: Maximum amount of mass per sieve


- If the soil has a high content of fine fractions, the sieve analysis will have to be performed under wet conditions. In
that case the sample must be soaked in water for at least 5 minutes before the test is started. Then, the same
procedure can be observed as described above. Do note: In this case the fractions will have to be dried again at
60+/- 1oC in order to then be able to determine the mass per sieve.
- If the sieve analysis has to be performed under wet conditions, there is an alternative method for performing the
sieve analysis by sprinkling a constant flow of water over the sieves during the test.

3.4.5 Calculations
The mass retained on each sieve must be determined by weighing each (empty) sieve independently and then weighing the
sieves after the sieve analysis with the residual soil.
- 𝑀𝑡𝑜𝑡 = (𝑀𝑧 + 𝑀𝑠;𝑟𝑒𝑠;𝑧 ) − 𝑀𝑧

The cumulative weight that passed through the sieves is determined by means of the following formula. The ‘mass of the
residual soil on the sieve’ is subtracted from the ‘total mass of soil that passed through the sieve above’. For the top sieve
the following applies:
- 𝑀𝑠;𝑟𝑒𝑠;𝑐𝑢𝑚 = (𝑀𝑠;𝑡𝑜𝑡 − 𝑀𝑠;𝑟𝑒𝑠;𝑧 )

For the remaining sieves the following applies:

- 𝑀𝑠;𝑟𝑒𝑠;𝑐𝑢𝑚 = 𝑀𝑠;𝑟𝑒𝑠;𝑡𝑜𝑡 − 𝑀𝑠;𝑟𝑒𝑠;𝑧

Result is presented cumulatively in percentage. Do note that this has to be calculated per sieve. Following applies:
(𝑀𝑠;𝑡𝑜𝑡 − 𝑀𝑠;𝑟𝑒𝑠;𝑐𝑢𝑚 )
- 𝑃𝑠;𝑟𝑒𝑠;𝑐𝑢𝑚 = 1 − ( )

3.4.6 Definitions

Symbol Description Unit

MS;TOT total mass of soil sample g
MS;RES;Z cumulative mass of soil sample remaining on the sieve g
MS;RES;TOT Mass of soil sample remaining on the sieve

MZ mass sieve g
PS;RES;CUM cumulative percentage soil sample remaining on the sieve %
Cu uniformity coefficient *
Cc curve coefficient *
Table 3.5: Definitions

3.4.7 Reporting
- Total of dry mass that passes through the sieve.
- Mass of the individual fractions.
- The percentage of soil that passes the sieve, per sieve.

3.5 Atterberg limits
The Atterberg Limits are the so-called consistency limits which provide a good indication of certain properties of the soil. This
includes the plasticity and water demand, which have a major influence on the classification of the soil.

Components of the Atterberg Limits are:

- Liquid Limit.
- Plastic Limit.
- Plasticity index.

3.5.1 Standard
- ASTM: D-4318.

3.5.2 Requirements
Liquid limit
- Casagrande Cup.
- Glass plate; size of approx. 5000 mm².
- Scales; accurate to 0.01 g.
- Drying oven; minimum range 110°C; accurate to 5°C.
- Glass, porcelain or tin dish.
- Spatulas and/or filling-knife.
- Distilled water.
- Evaporating dish.

Plastic limit
- Glass plate; size of approx. 5000 mm².
- Scales; accurate to 0.01 g.
- Drying oven; minimum range 110°C; accurate to 5°C.
- Glass, porcelain or tin dish.
- Spatulas and/or filling-knife.
- Distilled water.
- Evaporating dish.
- Metal rod; Ø 3 mm.

3.5.3 Preparation
- Take one sample of approx. 400 g from the homogeneously mixed material < 425 µm. Dry this material at 60°C.
- Add distilled water and knead it together with the soil, in such a way that it is homogeneously mixed. Mixing can
be done on a porcelain dish or glass plate, just as long as the moisture content remains homogeneously distributed
over the sample.
- Place the mixed soil sample in an air-tight plastic bag and leave it for the next 24 hours (or one night), so the water
is able to penetrate the soil properly.
- Divide the sample into 2 parts, as follows:
o 250 grams for Liquid limit.
o 50 grams for Plastic limit.
- The soil sample contains sufficient water when it is estimated that closing the groove will take at least 30 to 35 lifts
and drops with the Casagrande Cup.

3.5.4 Execution - Liquid limit
The liquid limit of a type of soil is the moisture content, expressed in percentage of the dry weight of the soil, on the boundary
between the liquid and plastic state of the soil. The moisture content on this boundary is determined by separating an amount
of soil into two half ‘soil cakes’ and then allowing them to merge by means of shaking. For this, the Casagrande cup is used.
This cup will shake the soil by dropping the cup from a height of 10 mm, at a speed of 2 lifts and drops per second. The
moisture content where the groove between the 2 half soil cakes closes is the so-called liquid limit.

1. Place a portion of the soil sample in the ‘cup’ above the point where the cup is resting on the plate and then spread
it out as shown in figure 3.5. Using a spatula or a thin filling-knife, flatten the soil at a height of 10mm at the thickest
point. Make sure there are no air bells in the soil.
2. Place the remaining soil of the sample back in the porcelain evaporating dish.
3. Separate the soil in the ‘cup’ into two equal halves using the grooving tool. Prevent the formation of cracks at the
sides of the groove, or prevent soil from sliding across the cup by making the groove with as few actions with the
grooving tool as possible, a maximum of 6x.
4. Lift and drop the ‘cup’ with a speed of approximately 2 lifts and drops per second. Repeat this until the halves are
making contact across a length of 12 mm along the groove line. See figure 3.6 and 3.7.
5. Write down the number of drops that is required to close this groove over a length of ½ inch (12 mm).
6. Take a piece of soil of approximately 15 grams, distributed over the groove length of the portion in the Casagrande
Cup, and determine its moisture content. Dry the soil in the oven at 110 ± 5 °C to a constant mass.
7. Move the remaining soil in the cup to an evaporating dish.

Wash and dry the cup and the grooving tool, reset the counter of the cup and make everything ready for the next test. Repeat
steps 1 to 7 for at least two additional tests with each time a higher moisture content, until at least 1 measurement yields
between 25 and 35 drops and one measurement between 15 and 25 drops. Do note that the water must be added
homogeneously, in such a way that the soil is a more fluid substance.

The aim of this procedure is to get samples with a consistency whereby the number of drops needed to close the groove is
above and below 25. The maximum number is 35 drops and the minimum is 15. The test must be performed in such a way
that you are always going from a dry to a wetter condition of the soil.

If the soil seems to be organic, the liquid limit test should be performed once more. However, in this case the soil must be
dried at a temperature of 110°C for a certain period, until a constant mass is achieved. The results of both tests are compared
to each other and provide an indication of the organic content of the soil. Whether the soil could be organic, should be
established visually. A soil contains many organic parts if it has a dark color. In case of doubt, this test must be performed at
all times.
The soil sample used for the Liquid Limit ‘must’ also be used for the Liquid limit oven-dried.

Figure 3.5: Distribution of the soil sample Figure 3.6: Casagrande cup Figure 3.7: Casagrande cup

3.5.5 Execution – plastic limit
The plastic limit of a type of soil is the moisture content, expressed in percentage of the ‘oven dried’ weight of the soil, on
the boundary between the dry and plastic state of the soil.
The plastic limit is used in combination with the liquid limit to determine the plasticity index and provides the classification
of cohesive soils in graphical form. The empirically established moisture content of the soil determines the classification of
dry to plastic soil.

- Take approximately 20 grams of the material and knead it until a plastic ball is formed (if necessary, add distilled
water and knead for 10 minutes).
- Roll the ball between the palms of your hands, so that the heat of the hands will slowly dry the ball. The moment
that light cracks start to appear on the surface, cut the ball into two equal halves of approximately 10 grams. Then
cut both halves into four equal pieces. Keep both sets of four separated.
- Shape a part into a 6 mm diameter thread, by rolling it between index finger and thumb. The thread must be intact.
- Roll the thread between the fingers of the hand and the glass plate until the diameter is reduced from 6 to 3 mm.
Perform the test in such a way that the number of movements to and fro of the hand remains between five and
ten and make sure there is a constant pressure on the hand.
- Some types of soil require more than five to ten movements to and fro, because the soil has the tendency to reach
the plastic point with more difficulty. It is also very important to maintain a constant pressure until 3 mm has been
- If at a 3 mm diameter no cracks or crumbling can be seen, you must roll the soil back to a 6 mm thread and repeat
the previous step until you can. At each repeat, continue rolling to a maximum of 3 mm. (The moment that cracks
or crumbling can be observed, stop rolling and do not continue rolling until 3 mm is reached!).
- Important: When rolling for the first time, the soil should at least reach a diameter of 3 mm. If cracks only appear
at 3 mm, this will be the plastic limit. If they occur sooner, the moisture content is too low and the test will have to
be started again with a higher moisture content.
- The metal rod serves as reference for a 3 mm diameter.
- The moisture content of the moment that the first cracks or crumbles are created is the plastic limit. Collect the
pieces of the first session and place them in an evaporating dish.
- Repeat this session with the other three pieces of the same half and place them in the same evaporating dish.
Measure the moisture content as quickly as possible as a whole as a standard moisture content procedure. A
minimum of 6 grams of material is necessary for a representative measurement.
- Repeat this process with the other half of the 20 grams as well.
- The end result will be two moisture content values.

3.5.6 Calculations
Liquid limit
Calculate the moisture content of the soil, expressed in percentage in relation to the soil that is dried in the oven at 60 oC.
𝑀 −𝑀
- 𝑉𝑑 = 𝑤 𝑑;60℃ ∗ 100

Calculate the moisture content of the soil, expressed in percentage in relation to the soil that is dried in the oven at 110 oC.
𝑀 −𝑀
- 𝑉𝑑 = 𝑤 𝑑;110℃ ∗ 100

Plastic limit
Take the average of both moisture contents. If the difference is more than 0.5 % in comparison to the measured moisture
contents, the test will have to be repeated.
The moisture content is calculated using the following formula.
𝑀 −𝑀
- 𝑉𝑑 = 𝑤 𝑑 ∗ 100

Plasticity index

3.5.7 Reporting
Liquid limit
- Number of drops with the accompanying Determining the liquid limit
moisture content.
- LL; corresponds with the intersection of 80
the flow curve at 25 drops. 70
Moisture content [%]

- LLOD; corresponds with the intersection of
the flow curve at 25 drops.
Determining whether soil is organic or inorganic 30
- LLOD / LL ≥ 0.75 = Inorganic 20
- LLOD / LL < 0.75 = Organic 10
Plastic limit 0 10 20 30 40 50
- The measured moisture contents; Number of drops
rounded to a nearby whole number.
- The average moisture contents; rounded Figure 3.8: Determining the liquid limit
to a nearby whole number.
- Treatment of the soil.

Plasticity index
- The plasticity index is the liquid limit minus the plastic limit, rounded to a nearby whole number.

3.6 Moisture content
The moisture content is the percentage of moist in the soil. This is expressed in percentages in relation to the dry soil.

3.6.1 Standard
- ASTM D-2216

3.6.2 Requirements
- Drying oven; minimum range 105°C ± 5°C.
- Muffle furnace; constant temperature of 440°C ± 22°C.
- Scales; accurate to 0.01g; range min. 500g.
- Porcelain or tin dish.
- Spatula, spoon.

3.6.3 Preparation
- Take a representative homogeneous soil sample for clayey soils of at least 30g and for sandy/gravelly soils of at
least 300g and place it on a dish.
- Immediately cover the dish with aluminum film so that no moisture can escape.
- Write down the mass, at an accuracy of 0.01g.

3.6.4 Execution
- Dry the soil uncovered for at least 16 hours or longer if necessary at 105°C, until the mass remains constant within
a time frame of one hour.
- Write down the constant oven-dried mass, at an accuracy of 0.01g. Do this as fast as possible to avoid attraction of

3.6.5 Calculations

Moisture content
The moisture content is determined in relation to the oven-dried soil.
𝑀 −𝑀
- 𝑉𝑑 = 𝑤 𝑑 ∗ 100

3.6.6 Definitions
Symbol Description Unit
vD Moisture content %
MW Mass wet g
MD Mass dry g
Table 3.5.6: Definitions

3.6.7 Reporting
- Location of soil sample and sampling date.
- Date of execution test.
- Mass of oven-dried soil.
- Moisture content.

3.7 Organic content
The organic content is the percentage of organic material in the soil. This is expressed in percentages in relation to the dry
soil. Organic material predominantly found in soils is remnants of plants, shrubs, trees, and other vegetation.

3.7.1 Standard
- ASTM D2974

3.7.2 Requirements
- Drying oven; minimum range 105°C ± 5°C.
- Muffle furnace; constant temperature of 440°C ± 22°C.
- Scales; accurate to 0.01g; range min. 500g.
- Porcelain or tin dish.
- Spatula, spoon.

3.7.3 Preparation
- Take a representative homogeneous soil sample of at least 50g and place it on a dish.
- The peat may not be more than 3cm thick. Break the lumps with a spatula or spoon.
- Immediately cover the dish with aluminum film so that no moisture can escape.
- Write down the mass, at an accuracy of 0.01g.
- Dry the soil uncovered for at least 16 hours or longer if necessary at 105°C, until the mass remains constant within
a time frame of one hour.
- Write down the constant oven-dried mass, at an accuracy of 0.01g. Do this as fast as possible to avoid the attraction
of moisture.

3.7.4 Execution
- Place the soil sample in the muffle furnace and increase the temperature to 440°C ± 22°C.
- Dry the soil until it reaches a constant mass.
- Immediately cover the soil sample with aluminum film after removing it from the muffle furnace.
- Write down the mass, at an accuracy of 0.01 g.

3.7.5 Calculations

Moisture content
The moisture content is determined in relation to the oven-dried soil.
𝑀 −𝑀
- 𝑉𝑑 = 𝑤 𝑑 ∗ 100

Organic content
The organic content is determined in relation to the oven-dried soil.
- 𝑎𝑐 = 𝑎 ∗ 100
- 𝑂𝑐 = 100 − 𝑎𝑐

3.7.6 Definitions
Symbol Description Unit
vD Moisture content %
MW Mass wet g
MD Mass dry g
aC Ash content %
MA Mass ash g
OC Organic content %
Table 3.6: Definitions

3.7.7 Reporting
- Location of soil sample and sampling date.
- Date of execution test.
- Mass of oven-dried soil.
- Moisture content.
- Ash content.
- Organic content.

3.8 Compaction characteristics
The maximum compaction of a soil strongly depends on the moisture
content and the method of compaction. Maximum compaction of a soil is

Dry density [kg/m3]

essential for obtaining good quality test specimens. For that reason, the 2100
optimum moisture content is determined before making test specimens,
in order to obtain a test specimen with maximum compaction. 1900

The proctor test is the method for determining the maximum proctor 1700
density (MPD) and the optimum moisture content (OMC). In this test the
soil is compacted using the chosen method at different, increasing 1500
moisture contents. In the first tests the density will increase and then 2,5 12,5 22,5
decrease again after a certain moment. The highest achieved density is the Moisture content [%]
maximum proctor density (MPD), the accompanying moisture content is
the optimum moisture content (OMC).
Figure 3.9: MPD graphs

3.8.1 Standard
A number of standards apply to this test. The set-up of this test is the same for these standards, but the methods of
compaction depend on the chosen standard.
- ASTM D 698 Standard effort
- ASTM D 1557 Modified standard effort

3.8.2 Requirements
- Scales; accurate to 0.1 g.
- Drying oven; minimum range 110°C; accurate to 5°C.
- Mixer.
- Cylindrical metal mold with an internal diameter of 101.6 ± 0.4 mm and a height of 116.4 ± 0.5 mm (content 944 ±
11 cm³), provided at the top with a removable collar piece with the same internal diameter and a height of 60 ± 10
- Compaction device in accordance with the standard concerned.

3.8.3 Preparation
- Take a representative soil sample of at least 5 kg.
- Bring the moisture content of the material, either by adding water or drying in the air, to such a level that the
optimum moisture content can be reached after at least three additions of water.

3.8.4 Implementation
The execution of the test depends on the standard concerned, but will be largely as follows:
1. Mix the material carefully during one minute in the mixer.
2. Depending on the standard, compact the material in the metal mold with collar piece in 1 or several equal strokes.
3. Once the shape is fully compacted and reaches above the mold up to approximately halfway the collar piece,
remove the collar piece and level off the top surface using the ruler.
4. Determine the mass and the volume of the compacted soil, at an accuracy of 0.1 g.
5. Next remove approx. 100 grams of material from the middle of the sample and determine the moisture content by
re-drying the material at a temperature of 110oC until a constant mass is obtained.
6. Remove the material from the mold and mix the material with the residue of the soil.

Repeat steps 1 to 6 a number of times, each time increasing the moisture content by 1 – 2 % with water. Repeat the steps
until the mass volume reduces at least 2 times in a row.

3.8.5 Calculations
Calculate the moisture content of the soil, expressed in percentage in relation to the soil that is dried in the oven, at an
accuracy of 0.1%.
𝑀 −𝑀
- 𝑉𝑑 = 𝑤 𝑑 *100

Calculation of the wet density at an accuracy of 1 kg/m³.

- ρ=

Calculation of the dry density at an accuracy of 1 kg/m³.

- ρ𝑑 = ∗ 100
100+ 𝑉𝑑

Do note that the dry density is decisive for the proctor curve.

3.8.6 Definitions

Symbol Description Unit

vD Moisture content %
MW Mass wet g
MD Mass dry g
ρ Density kg/m3
M Mass g
V Volume (mold) dm3
ρD Dry density kg/m3
ρW Wet density kg/m3
Table 3.7: Definitions

3.8.7 Reporting
- Date of execution test.
- Soil type.
- Dry proctor density with the accompanying moisture content of all results in a graph.
- The maximum dry proctor density with the accompanying moisture content.

Figure 3.10: Proctor compactor

3.9 pH value
The pH value is the amount of acids, which are inside of an aqueous solution. Solutions with a pH value lower than 7 are
characterized as acidic and higher than 7 are characterized as basic solutions.

Denomination pH range
Ultra acidic < 3.5
Extremely acidic 3.5–4.4
Very strongly acidic 4.5–5.0
Strongly acidic 5.1–5.5
Moderately acidic 5.6–6.0
Slightly acidic 6.1–6.5
Neutral 6.6–7.3
Slightly alkaline 7.4-7.8
Moderately alkaline 7.9–8.4
Strongly alkaline 8.5–9.0
Very strongly alkaline > 9.0
Table 3.9. pH ranges

3.9.1 Standard
- ASTM D 4972– pH value of soils

3.9.2 Requirements
- pH measuring device
- Buffer solution pH 4
- Buffer solution pH 7
- Stir bar
- Tray
- Distilled water

Figure 3.9.1 pH device Figure 3.9.2 Buffer solutions pH 4 and 7

3.9.3 Preparation
- Calibration of the pH measuring device must be done before starting each new measurement;
- Clean the electrode of the meter with distilled water and wipe it dry;
- Dip the electrode into the buffer solution with a pH value of 7, stir gently and wait until the display is stabilized.
When done, clean the electrode with distilled water;
- Dip the electrode into the buffer solution with a pH value of 4, stir gently and wait until the display is stabilized.
When done, clean the electrode with distilled water.

3.9.4 Execution
- Mix 3 parts of distilled water and 1 part of oven dried soil;
- Place the pH measuring device into the solution;
- Wait until the display is stabilized and read the display for results;
- Take out the pH measuring device and clean it with distilled water.

3.9.5 Reporting
- pH value;
- Location of soil sample and sampling date;
- Date of execution test.

4 Sampling
4.1 General
Representative samples must be modified based on the soil classification and the accompanying mix doses. These samples
are tested in accordance with the tests described in chapter 5. The results of these tests must provide a representative picture
of the material properties that may be expected in practice. A crucial component is the process of making and storing samples.
Therefore, it is important that the procedures described in this chapter are strictly followed.

An important element when creating samples is that at all times a minimum amount of 50 grams of RoadCem™ should be
used per batch. The minimum amount of 50 grams of RoadCem™ is necessary to obtain a representative functioning of the
product. In case of lower doses, not all active substances will be contained in the mix and no representative results will be

4.2 Pre-treatment
Before creating the samples, the soil must be classified as described in chapter 3. Then, the soil must be homogenized and
grains or solid lumps of more than 32 mm must be removed from the soil.
If the proctor test shows that the in situ soil has a moisture content that is too high, the soil may have to be dried in advance.
In order to decide whether the soil should be dried, an engineer from PCT will have to be consulted first.

4.3 Mixture composition

The indicative dosage recommendation is determined on the basis of the classification in accordance with USCS. Here, a
distinction is made between organic and inorganic soils.
The indicative dosage recommendation (appendix 1) is based on laboratory research under laboratory conditions. Deviations
or project circumstances may lead to an adapted mix and RoadCem™ dosage.

In principle, it will be possible to use any type of cement. However, the type can have an effect on the dosing of RoadCem™
and cement. The type of cement should always be determined in consultation with an engineer from PCT.

Moisture content:
The moisture content is an essential element in getting the required result. A rule of thumb is that the ideal moisture content
of the mixture is OMC + 2 to 4% extra water. OMC is the optimum moisture content of the natural soil as determined in the
proctor test. Additional water is needed because of the addition of RoadCem™ and cement.

If the natural moisture content is considerably higher than the optimum content, you should contact PCT to determine how
the tests should be used.

4.4 Mix procedure
Once the mix dosage has been determined and the preparations have been made, we can start mixing. Preferably, a
compulsory mixer is used, as this method provides an optimum result. A different type of mixer may affect the result. The
size of the batch depends on the required number of samples, thereby taking into consideration a minimum batch size based
on the minimum amount of RoadCem™ of 50 grams.

PCT recommends making at least the following samples:

- 12x compressive strength: cylinder (100mm x 120mm) = 12 dm3.
- 12x splitting strength: cylinder (100mm x 120mm) = 12 dm3.
- Additional samples depending on the required tests.
- Total: minimum 24 dm3.

Calculations of the amount of RoadCem™ and cement:

The amounts of RoadCem™ and cement are usually expressed in kg/m3. The doses of RoadCem™ and cement to be added to
the laboratory mixture must be determined as follows:

𝐷𝑅𝐶 𝑉. 𝜌𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙
𝑅𝑜𝑎𝑑𝐶𝑒𝑚 𝑑𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 (𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚) = .
𝜌𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 1000

𝐷𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑉. 𝜌𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙
𝐶𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 (𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚) = .
𝜌𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 1000

Drc = Dosing RoadCem™ per m3
Dcement = Dosing cement per m3
V = batch size in dm3
ρsoil = Volumic mass of the soil determined in accordance with test NEN EN 13286 – 2, NEN EN 13286 – 3 of NEN EN
13286 – 4. The volumic mass (VM) relates to wet VM including the optimum moisture content (OMC).

Mixing sequence
The materials should be mixed as follows:
1. Place the soil in the mixer and, if necessary, add water until OMC of the soil + 2% is reached.
2. Add the RoadCem™, spread out the RoadCem™ as evenly as possible through the soil. Then mix the soil, water and
RoadCem™ for at least 3 minutes. It is sufficiently mixed once the material is homogeneous and no more color
differences can be observed in the soil.
In the case of heavy clay or highly organic soils you should leave the mixture to rest for a few hours, occasionally
mixing it a few more times. Compact the material to avoid evaporation of moisture and close the bowl or mixer
while resting.
3. Add the cement to the mixture and mix for at least 3 minutes until the mixture is fully homogeneous. It is sufficiently
mixed once the material is homogeneous and no more color differences can be observed.
4. If necessary, add extra water to get the correct consistency of the mixture.
5. Mix everything once more until everything has been fully homogenized.

4.5 Compacting samples
Compacting is essential for creating the samples. Maximum compaction is essential to obtain the required test results.
Different methods are possible, depending on the standard concerned and the possibilities in the laboratory:
- Manually, using a pestle and a heavy hammer.
- Proctor machine.
- Vibrating hammer with pestle.
- Hydraulic press.

The method of compaction will be adjusted depending on the available machines.

4.5.1 Standard
A number of standards apply to this test. The set-up of this test is the same for these standards, but the methods of
compaction depend on the chosen standard.
- ASTM D 558 Modifying samples.

4.5.2 Requirements
- Scales; accurate to 0.1 g.
- Mold’s, depending on the required samples.
- Compaction device in accordance with the standard concerned.
- Finishing tool.
- Paraffin or lubricating oil must be used to grease the molds just before making the samples.

4.5.3 Execution
The compaction of the samples depends on the available machine, and is largely as follows:
Method: Manually Proctor machine Vibrating hammer Hydraulic press
Number of 3-51, before applying a 3-51, before applying a 3-51, before applying a 1
layers next layer, scratch open next layer, scratch open next layer, scratch open
the surface with a the surface with a the surface with a
screwdriver. screwdriver. screwdriver.

Method of A minimum of 25 strokes 25 strokes per layer. Compaction per layer For x seconds with a force
compacting per layer. until the mixture comes of x MPa.
up along the pestle.

Table 4.1: Compaction methods

The samples must be compacted and processed within 2 hours after the cement has been added to the mixture. While
compacting the samples, keep the residue of the mixture in a closed bucket/tub and spray it with a little water every 5
minutes. Stir the mixture every 15 minutes.

When finishing the samples you should have a smooth and flat surface. No cracks or pits in the sample.

4.5.4 Reporting
- Method of compacting.
- Soil type.
- Weight and volume of individual samples.

Mixtures made of cohesive soils (Plasticity Index >4) must be compacted in 5 layers. Mixtures made of non-cohesive soils must be made in
3 layers.
4.6 Storage
The storage method for samples is essential for the hardening process of cement bound materials.

4.6.1 Standard
- ASTM 1632 Curing method of samples.

4.6.2 Requirements
- Climate chamber with a constant relative humidity of at least 90% and a temperature of 23 ± 1.7°C.

4.6.3 Execution
- After compacting and finishing, cover the samples with a moist cloth or paper. Do not cover with plastic, as the
binding reaction and the hardening reaction require oxygen.
- Within 24 hours after they were made, the samples must be removed from the mold and placed in the climate
- Remove the samples from the climate chamber when you start the tests.

Samples made of highly organic material (more than 4% organic particles) must be stored under the following conditions:
- Constant relative humidity of 45% maximum.
- Temperature 20°C ± 1.7°C.

5 Tests
5.1 General
Depending on the research, at least the compressive strength and flexural strength or the indirect tensile strength are
necessary. There is an option to perform several more tests. Table 5.1 describes the accompanying standards. Compressive
strength, flexural strength and indirect tensile strength are explained in more detail in this manual.

Test Standard Comments

Compressive Strength ASTM D 1633 Test must be performed at all times
Flexural strength ASTM D 1635 Test must be performed at all times
Fatigue (sweep) EN 12697-24 Optionally to be performed by PCT
Fatigue (..) EN 12697-24 Optionally to be performed by PCT
Shrinkage ASTM D 559 Optionally to be performed by PCT
Frost-thaw ASTM D 560 Optionally to be performed by PCT
Table 5.1: overview of tests

5.2 Compressive strength

The compressive strength is the maximum exercised resistance expressed in MPa (or N/mm2)
against downward compressive forces, ‘equally distributed over the complete surface’, at the
moment that the sample collapses as a result of those forces. Samples that are tested in the
laboratory for compressive strength for the benefit of stabilizations, are made and tested in a
cylindrical shape.

Figure 5.1 Pressure test

5.2.1 Standard
- ASTM D 1633

5.2.2 Requirements
- Scales; accurate to 1 g.
- Ruler or square; accurate to 0.5 mm.
- Cylindrically sample.
- Hydraulic press; accurate to 1 N in range 0 – 15 kN, accurate to 10 N in range 15 – 300 kN.
- Sander or sanding block

5.2.3 Preparation
- Check the surface of the sample for flatness and very large pores that may affect the compressive strength. If
necessary in case of spherically-drawn or beveled samples, sand the surface until it is flat (horizontal). If treated,
record this (deviation may not be more than 2 mm per 100 mm measured at both sides).
- Determine the dimensions of the sample and write them down (average of three measurements).
- Determine the mass of the sample.
- Place the cylindrical sample in the hydraulic press.

5.2.4 Execution
Execute the destructive test in such a way that the sample will collapse between 30 to 60 seconds. You can use the following
table as a guideline for the testing speed in N/mm2 per second;

Age Sand Clay Organic

[days] [N/mm2 per second] [N/mm2 per second] [N/mm2 per second]
3 0.1 0.05 0.05
7 0.3 0.05 0.05
28 0.5 0.1 0.07
>28 0.5 0.1 0.07
Table 5.2: Test speeds

5.2.5 Explanation
- Check the sample for a correct fracture line, see figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Examples of correct fracture lines.

5.2.6 Calculations
Calculation of the compressive strength in N/mm² with an accuracy of 0.1 N/mm².
- σ𝑐𝑠 =

Calculation of the area of the top / lower surface of the cylindrical sample, accurate to 0.5 mm.
- 𝐴 = 𝜋 ∗ 𝑅2

5.2.7 Definitions

Symbol Description Unit

σCS Compressive strength N/mm²
F Force N
A Area mm²
R Radius mm
Table 5.3: Definitions

5.2.8 Reporting
- Project code.
- Operator name.
- Date of test and age of the sample.
- Dimensions, mass and density.
- Maximum force exercised on the sample.
- Compressive strength.
- Possible adaptations and deviations at the samples.

5.3 Flexural strength
The flexural strength is the maximum exercised resistance expressed in N/mm² against
crack formation as result of bending. Make sure that the flexural strength test is
performed on a beam supported at two points (with distance 100mm) and that the
downward load (force) is taking place in the middle between these two supports.

Figure 5.3 Flexural strength test

5.3.1 Standard
- ASTM D 1635

5.3.2 Requirements
- Scales; accurate to 1 g.
- Ruler or square; accurate to 0.5 mm.
- Test specimens (160mm ∙ 40mm ∙ 40mm).
- Hydraulic press; accurate to 1 N in range 0 – 15 kN, accurate to 10 N in range 15 – 300 kN.
- Coupling piece ‘3 point flexural strength test’ on a hydraulic press in accordance with EN-1015.

5.3.3 Preparation
- Determine the dimensions of the sample and write them down (average of three measurements).
- Determine the mass of the sample and write it down.
- Place the sample between the coupling piece and the hydraulic press.

5.3.4 Execution
- Make sure tests are performed on the side of the sample, in order to get a surface that is as flat as possible.
- Perform the test with a pressure velocity between 0.01 kN/s and 0.05 kN/s, so that the sample collapses after
between 30 and 90 seconds.

5.3.5 Explanation
- During the test, the current flexural strength is indicated and the graphical display shows the progression of the

5.3.6 Calculations
Calculation of the flexural strength in N/mm² with an accuracy of 0.1 N/mm².
𝐹 ∗ 𝑙𝑟𝑜𝑙
- σ𝑓𝑙 = 1.5 ∗ 2

Calculation of the area of the top / lower surface of the sample, accurate to 0.5 mm.
- 𝐴=𝑙∗𝑤

5.3.7 Definitions

Symbol Description Unit

σFL Flexural strength N/mm²
F Force N
Roller distance mm
h Height mm
w Width mm
l Length mm
A Area mm
Table 5.4: Definitions

5.3.8 Reporting
- Project code.
- Operator name.
- Date of test and age of the sample.
- Dimensions, mass and density.
- Maximum force exercised on the sample.
- Flexural strength.
- Possible adaptations and deviations at the samples.

Overview Standards
Soil classification

Visual description and identification of soils ASTM D 2488

Unified Soil Classification (System) ASTM D 2487

Particle-size distribution ASTM D 6913

Atterberg Limits ASTM D 4318

Soil characteristics

Natural Moisture Content ASTM D 2216

Organic Content ASTM D 2974

Compaction Characteristics (Standard Effort) ASTM D 698

Compaction Characteristics (Modified Effort) ASTM D 1557

California Bearing Ratio ASTM D 1883

pH value of soils ASTM D 4972

Soil-cement bounded material

Wetting- and drying compacted soil-cement mixtures ASTM D 559

Freezing and thawing compacted soil-cement mixtures ASTM D 560

Compressive strength on cylindrical samples ASTM D 1633

Flexural strength on simple beam with third-point loading ASTM D 1635

Fatigue cycle EN 12697 – 24

Fatigue relation EN 12697 – 24


Cement quality check NEN-EN 196 – 1

RoadCem quality check NEN-EN 196 – 1

Shrinkage cement mortar

Modifying samples ASTM D 558

Curing method of samples ASTM D 1632

List of symbols
Symbol Description EN Description NL unit
A Area Oppervlakte mm²

aC Ash content As gehalte %

Ɛ Strain Rek µm/m

δ Deflection Doorbuiging mm

ρ Density Dichtheid Kg/m³

ρB Density; bulk Dichtheid; bulk Kg/m³

ρO Density; maximum Dichtheid; maximaal Kg/m³

ρD Density; dry Dichtheid; droog Kg/m³

ρP Density; proctor Dichtheid; proctor Kg/m³

ρW Density; wet Dichtheid; nat Kg/m³

Ø Diameter Diameter mm

lROL Distance; rollers Afstand; rollers mm

E Elasticity Elasticiteit N/mm2

F Force Kracht N

h Height Hoogte mm

hM Height; mold Hoogte; mal mm

WL Liquid limit Vloeigrens %

I Length Lengte mm

M Mass Massa g

MA Mass; ash Massa; as g

MC Mass; container Massa; schotel g

MD Mass; dry Massa; droog g

MM Mass; mold Massa; mal g

MS Mass; sample Massa; proefstuk g

MW Mass; wet Massa; nat g

v Moisture content Vochtgehalte %

vD Moisture content; dry Vochtgehalte; droog %

vNMC Moisture content; natural Vochtgehalte; natuurlijk %

vOMC Moisture content; optimum Vochtgehalte; optimaal %

vW Moisture content; wet Vochtgehalte; nat %

OC Organic content Organic content %

WP Plastic limit Uitrolgrens %

P Perimeter Omtrek mm

σ Stress Spanning N/mm²

R Radius Radius mm

σCS Strength; compression Spanning; druk N/mm²

σFL Strength; flexural Spanning; buigtrek N/mm²

CU Coefficient of uniformity Uniformiteit coëfficiënt

σST Strength; splitting tensile strength Spanning; splijtsterkte N/mm²

t Time Tijd Days/dagen

V Volume Volume dm³

VB Volume; bulk Volume; bulk dm³

VM Volume; mould Volume; mal dm³

VS Volume; sample Volume; proefstuk dm³

w Width Breedte mm

Appendix 1: Indicative mixture
dosing based on USCS

Soil Type Soil Description Indicative quantity Indicative quantity of

of RoadCem™ cement
kg/m³ on MPD, kg/m³ on MPD,
based on based on
requirements requirements
imposed within imposed within the
the civil and civil and hydraulic
hydraulic engineering sector
engineering sector
GW Clean, well-graded gravels 1.0 – 1.4 100 – 140
GP Clean, poorly graded gravels 1.2 – 1.6 120 – 160
GW-GM Well-graded gravel with silt 1.2 – 1.6 120 – 160
GW-GC Well-graded gravel with clay 1.4 – 2.0 140 – 200
GP-GM Poorly graded gravel with silt 1.4 – 2.0 140 – 200
GP-GC Poorly graded gravel with clay 1.4 – 2.0 140 – 200
GM Silty gravel 1.5 – 1.8 150 – 180
GC Clayey gravel 1.6 – 2.0 160 – 200
GC-GM Silty, clayey gravel 1.6 – 2.0 160 – 200
SW Clean, well-graded sand 1.2 – 1.6 120 – 160
SW-SM Well-graded sand with silt 1.2 – 1.6 120 – 160
SW-SC Well-graded sand with clay 1.4 – 2.0 140 – 200
SP Clean, poorly graded sand 1.2 – 1.8 140 – 200
SP-SM Poorly graded sand with silt 1.2 – 1.6 120 – 160
SP-SC Poorly graded sand with clay 1.4 – 1.8 140 – 180
SM Silty sand 1.4 – 1.8 140 – 180
SC Clayey sand 1.6 – 2.0 160 – 200
ML Inorganic silt with fine sand 1.6 – 2.0 160 – 200
CL Inorganic clay with low plasticity (lean clay) 1.7 – 2.0 170 – 200
OL Organic silt with low plasticity 1.5 – 1.9 150 – 190
MH Inorganic silt with high plasticity (elastic silt) 1.6 – 2.0 160 – 200
CH Inorganic clay with high plasticity (fat clay) 1.8 – 2.2 180 – 220
OH Organic clay with high plasticity (organic silt) 2.0 – 2.4 200 – 240
PT Peat and other highly organic soil 2.2 – 2.8 220 – 280
Table 1: Indicative dosing recommendations

Appendix 2: Determination table USCS
soil classification
Criteria for assigning group symbols and group names using laboratory tests group symbol group name
Clean Gravels > Cu ≥4 and 1≤ Cc ≤3 > GW Well-graded gravel
Gravels (More than 50% of coarse fraction (Lees than 5% fines) > Cu <4 and/or [Cc <1 or Cc >3] > GP Poorly graded gravel
retained on No.4 sieve) > Fines classify as ML or MH > GM Silty gravel
> Gravels with Fines
(more than 12% fines) > Fines classify as CL or CH > GC Clayey gravel

More than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve Clean Sands > Cu ≥6 and 1≤ Cc ≤3 > SW Well-graded sand
Sands (50% or more of coarse fraction passes on (Less than 5% fines) > Cu <6 and/or [Cc <1 or Cc >3] > SP Poorly graded sand
(75 µm) >
No.4 sieve) > Fines classify as ML or MH > SM Silty Sand
> Sands with Fines
(more than 12% fines) > Fines classify as CL or CH > SC Clayey sand
> PI >7 and plots on or above "A"line > CL Lean clay
Silts and Clays >
Inorganic > PI <4 or plots below "A" line > ML Silt
Liquid limit less than 50 > liquid limit - oven dried / liquid > Organic clay
Organic > limit - not dried = < 0.75 > Organic silt

50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve > PI >7 and plots on or above "A"line > CH Fat clay
Silts and Clays >
Inorganic > PI <4 or plots below "A" line > MH Elastic silt
(75 µm) >
Liquid limit 50 or more > liquid limit - oven dried / liquid > Organic clay
> OH
Organic > limit - not dried = < 0.75 > Organic silt
Highly organic soils > Primarily organic matter, dark in colour, and organic odor > PT Peat
Table 1: USCS classification

> <15% pl us No. 200 > Le a n cl a y
> < 30% pl us No. 200 > % s a nd ≥ % gra ve l > Le a n cl a y wi th s a nd
> 15%≤+No.200<30%
> % s a nd < % gra ve l > Le a n cl a y wi th gra ve l
PI >7 a nd pl ots > CL
> on or a bove "A"l i ne > <15% gra ve l > Sa ndy l e a n cl a y
> % s a nd ≥ % gra ve l
> ≥ 15% gra ve l > Sa ndy l e a n cl a y wi th gra ve l
> ≥ 30% pl us No. 200
> <15% s a nd > Gra ve l l y l e a n cl a y
> % s a nd < % gra ve l
> ≥ 15% s a nd > Gra ve l l y l e a n cl a y wi th s a nd
> <15% pl us No. 200 > Si l ty cl a y
> < 30% pl us No. 200 > % s a nd ≥ % gra ve l > Si l ty cl a y wi th s a nd
> 15%≤+No.200<30%
> % s a nd < % gra ve l > Si l ty cl a y wi th gra ve l
4≤ PI ≤7 a nd > CL-ML
> Inorga ni c > pl ots on or a bove "A"l i ne > <15% gra ve l > Sa ndy s i l t
LL <50 > % s a nd ≥ % gra ve l
> ≥ 15% gra ve l > Sa ndy s i l t wi th gra ve l
> ≥ 30% pl us No. 200
> <15% s a nd > Gra ve l l y s i l t
> % s a nd < % gra ve l
> ≥ 15% s a nd > Gra ve l l y s i l t wi th s a nd
> <15% pl us No. 200 > Si l t
> < 30% pl us No. 200 > % s a nd ≥ % gra ve l > Si l t wi th s a nd
> 15%≤+No.200<30%
> % s a nd < % gra ve l > Si l t wi th gra ve l
PI <4 or pl ots > ML
> be l ow "A"l i ne
> <15% gra ve l > Sa ndy s i l t
> % s a nd ≥ % gra ve l
> ≥ 15% gra ve l > Sa ndy s i l t wi th gra ve l
> ≥ 30% pl us No. 200
> <15% s a nd > Gra ve l l y s i l t
> % s a nd < % gra ve l
> ≥ 15% s a nd > Gra ve l l y s i l t wi th s a nd
> Orga ni c > LL - ove n dri e d / LL - not dri e d <0.75 > OL (See
(s e eTable 3) 2)
fi gure
> <15% pl us No. 200 > Fa t cl a y
> < 30% pl us No. 200 > % s a nd ≥ % gra ve l > Fa t cl a y wi th s a nd
> 15%≤+No.200<30%
> % s a nd < % gra ve l > Fa t cl a y wi th gra ve l
PI pl ots on or > CH
> a bove "A"l i ne
> <15% gra ve l > Sa ndy fa t cl a y
> % s a nd ≥ % gra ve l
> ≥ 15% gra ve l > Sa ndy fa t cl a y wi th gra ve l
> ≥ 30% pl us No. 200
> <15% s a nd > Gra ve l l y fa t cl a y
> % s a nd < % gra ve l
> ≥ 15% s a nd > Gra ve l l y fa t cl a y wi th s a nd
> Inorga ni c
LL ≥50 > <15% pl us No. 200 > El a s ti c s i l t
> < 30% pl us No. 200 > % s a nd ≥ % gra ve l > El a s ti c s i l t wi th s a nd
> 15%≤+No.200<30%
> % s a nd < % gra ve l > El a s ti c s i l t wi th gra ve l
PI <4 or pl ots > MH
> be l ow "A"l i ne
> <15% gra ve l > Sa ndy e l a s ti c s i l t
> % s a nd ≥ % gra ve l
> ≥ 15% gra ve l > Sa ndy e l a s ti c s i l t wi th gra ve l
> ≥ 30% pl us No. 200
> <15% s a nd > Gra ve l l y e l a s ti c s i l t
> % s a nd < % gra ve l
> ≥ 15% s a nd > Gra ve l l y e l a s ti c s i l t wi th s a nd
> Orga ni c > LL - ove n dri e d / LL - not dri e d <0.75 (See
> OH (s e eTable 3) 2)
fi gure
Table 2: analysis of fine-grained material

> <15% pl us No. 200 > Orga ni c cl a y
> < 30% pl us No. 200 > % s a nd ≥ % gra vel > Orga ni c cl a y wi th s a nd
> 15%≤+No.200<30%
> % s a nd < % gra vel > Orga ni c cl a y wi th gra vel
PI ≥4 a nd pl ots
> on or a bove "A"l i ne > <15% gra vel > Sa ndy orga ni c cl a y
> % s a nd ≥ % gra vel
> ≥ 15% gra vel > Sa ndy orga ni c cl a y wi th gra vel
> ≥ 30% pl us No. 200
> <15% s a nd > Gra vel l y orga ni c cl a y
> % s a nd < % gra vel
> ≥ 15% s a nd > Gra vel l y orga ni c cl a y wi th s a nd
> <15% pl us No. 200 > Orga ni c s i l t
> < 30% pl us No. 200 > % s a nd ≥ % gra vel > Orga ni c s i l t wi th s a nd
> 15%≤+No.200<30%
> % s a nd < % gra vel > Orga ni c s i l t wi th gra vel
PI <4 or pl ots
> bel ow "A"l i ne
> <15% gra vel > Sa ndy orga ni c s i l t
> % s a nd ≥ % gra vel
> ≥ 15% gra vel > Sa ndy orga ni c s i l t wi th gra vel
> ≥ 30% pl us No. 200
> <15% s a nd > Gra vel l y orga ni c s i l t
> % s a nd < % gra vel
> ≥ 15% s a nd > Gra vel l y orga ni c s i l t wi th s a nd
> <15% pl us No. 200 > Orga ni c cl a y
> < 30% pl us No. 200 > % s a nd ≥ % gra vel > Orga ni c cl a y wi th s a nd
> 15%≤+No.200<30%
> % s a nd < % gra vel > Orga ni c cl a y wi th gra vel
PI pl ots on or
> a bove "A"l i ne > <15% gra vel > Sa ndy orga ni c cl a y
> % s a nd ≥ % gra vel
> ≥ 15% gra vel > Sa ndy orga ni c cl a y wi th gra vel
> ≥ 30% pl us No. 200
> <15% s a nd > Gra vel l y orga ni c cl a y
> % s a nd < % gra vel
> ≥ 15% s a nd > Gra vel l y orga ni c cl a y wi th s a nd
> <15% pl us No. 200 > Orga ni c s i l t
> < 30% pl us No. 200 > % s a nd ≥ % gra vel > Orga ni c s i l t wi th s a nd
> 15%≤+No.200<30%
> % s a nd < % gra vel > Orga ni c s i l t wi th gra vel
> Pl ots bel ow "A"l i ne > <15% gra vel > Sa ndy orga ni c s i l t
> % s a nd ≥ % gra vel
> ≥ 15% gra vel > Sa ndy orga ni c s i l t wi th gra vel
> ≥ 30% pl us No. 200
> <15% s a nd > Gra vel l y orga ni c s i l t
> % s a nd < % gra vel
> ≥ 15% s a nd > Gra vel l y orga ni c s i l t wi th s a nd
Table 3: Determination of fine-grained material that does or does not contain organic material.

<15% s a nd > Wel l -gra ded gra vel
> Cu ≥4 a nd 1≤ Cc ≤3 > GW
≥15% s a nd > Wel l -gra ded gra vel wi th s a nd
> <5% fi nes
<15% s a nd > Poorl y gra ded gra vel
> Cu <4 a nd/or [Cc <1 or Cc >3] > GP
≥15% s a nd > Poorl y gra ded gra vel wi th s a nd
<15% s a nd > Wel l -gra ded gra vel wi th s i l t
> fi nes = ML or MH > GW-GM
≥15% s a nd > Wel l -gra ded gra vel wi th s i l t a nd s a nd
> Cu ≥4 a nd 1≤ Cc ≤3
<15% s a nd > Wel l -gra ded gra vel wi th cl a y
> fi nes = CL, CH or CL-ML > GW-GC
≥15% s a nd > Wel l -gra ded gra vel wi th cl a y a nd s a nd
GRAVEL > 5-12% fi nes
<15% s a nd > Poorl y gra ded gra vel wi th s i l t
% gra vel > > fi nes = ML or MH > GP-GM
≥15% s a nd > Poorl y gra ded gra vel wi th s i l t a nd s a nd
% s a nd > Cu <4 a nd/or [Cc <1 or Cc >3]
<15% s a nd > Poorl y gra ded gra vel wi th cl a y
> fi nes = CL, CH or CL-ML > GP-GC
≥15% s a nd > Poorl y gra ded gra vel wi th cl a y a nd s a nd
<15% s a nd > Si l ty gra vel
> fi nes = ML or MH > GM
≥15% s a nd > Si l ty gra vel wi th s a nd
<15% s a nd > Cl a yey gra vel
> >12% fi nes > fi nes = CL or CH > GC
≥15% s a nd > Cl a yey gra vel wi th s a nd
<15% s a nd > Si l ty, cl a yey gra vel
> fi nes = CL-ML > GC-GM
≥15% s a nd > Si l ty, cl a yey gra vel wi th s a nd
<15% gra vel > Wel l -gra ded s a nd
> Cu ≥6 a nd 1≤ Cc ≤3 > SW
≥15% gra vel > Wel l -gra ded s a nd wi th gra vel
> <5% fi nes
<15% gra vel > Poorl y gra ded s a nd
> Cu <6 a nd/or [Cc <1 or Cc >3] > SP
≥15% gra vel > Poorl y gra ded s a nd wi th gra vel
<15% gra vel > Wel l -gra ded s a nd wi th s i l t
> fi nes = ML or MH > SW-SM
≥15% gra vel > Wel l -gra ded s a nd wi th s i l t a nd gra vel
> Cu ≥6 a nd 1≤ Cc ≤3
<15% gra vel > Wel l -gra ded s a nd wi th cl a y
> fi nes = CL, CH or CL-ML > SW-SC
≥15% gra vel > Wel l -gra ded s a nd wi th cl a y a nd gra vel
Sa nd > 5-12% fi nes
<15% gra vel > Poorl y gra ded s a nd wi th s i l t
% s a nd > % > fi nes = ML or MH > SP-SM
≥15% gra vel > Poorl y gra ded s a nd wi th s i l t a nd gra vel
gra vel > Cu <6 a nd/or [Cc <1 or Cc >3]
<15% gra vel > Poorl y gra ded s a nd wi th cl a y
> fi nes = CL, CH or CL-ML > SP-SC
≥15% gra vel > Poorl y gra ded s a nd wi th cl a y a nd gra vel
<15% gra vel > Si l ty s a nd
> fi nes = ML or MH > SM
≥15% gra vel > Si l ty s a nd wi th gra vel
<15% gra vel > Cl a yey s a nd
> >12% fi nes > fi nes = CL or CH > SC
≥15% gra vel > Cl a yey s a nd wi th gra vel
<15% gra vel > Si l ty, cl a yey s a nd
> fi nes = CL-ML > SC-SM
≥15% gra vel > Si l ty, cl a yey s a nd wi th gra vel
Table 4: Determination of coarse-grained material.


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