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Chapter 7

The Role of Imaging in Paleopathology

Chiara Villa1, Bruno Frohlich2,3 and Niels Lynnerup1
Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, DC, United States, 3Department of Anthropology, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States

WHY IS MEDICAL IMAGING IMPORTANT? Egyptian mummies: a child and a cat (König, 1896).
Many other radiographic examinations were performed
Radiographic techniques, such as X-rays and computed in the following years, not only on mummies, but also
tomography (CT), are important diagnostic tools for on dry bones and hominid fossils (for a review of the
examining mummified and skeletal remains. They are early literature see Böni et al., 2004; Chhem, 2008).
noninvasive and nondestructive approaches that facilitate Entire collections of mummies were radiographed
visualizing the internal structures of a bone or a mummy. (Moodie, 1931; Harris and Weeks, 1973; Harris and
Radiological examinations can be complementary to the Wente, 1980; Dawson and Gray, 1968). Even though the
macroscopic analyses of bones but are indispensable when primary purpose of using X-rays was for documenting
dealing with mummified remains. Radiography and CT collections (Chhem, 2008), several pathological changes
scanning of bones should be performed whenever possible, were described, including osteoarthritis, atheroma,
both to help in the diagnosis of the disease and for a per- healed fractures, dental disease, and parasite-induced
manent documentation of the remains. Importantly, a per- changes (Brothwell and Sandison, 1967; Dawson and
manent digital documentation of pathological samples can Gray, 1968; Christensen, 1969; Harris and Weeks, 1973;
be shared among experts and can be used to establish David, 1979; Harris and Wente, 1980; Bloomfield, 1985;
pathology databases such as, “The IMPACT Radiological Lynnerup, 2007 and references therein). The first X-ray
Mummy Database of mummies” (Nelson and Wade, 2015) studies with the aim of visualizing pathological changes
or “Digitized diseases” ( in humans for diagnostic purposes are attributed to
This chapter provides a brief history and discusses the Eaton (1916), Means (1925), and Williams (1929).
basic technical principles and terminology regarding the In the early 1970s, the introduction of CT greatly
use of radiography in paleopathology. It also illustrates improved the capabilities of radiology (Hounsfield, 1973).
how several diseases appear on X-rays and CT, including Once again, anthropologists and paleopathologists imme-
taphonomic alterations, as distinguished from vital diately realized its importance for studying mummies and
changes. We also address certain borderline pathologic skeletal remains. The first CT scan was performed on an
conditions, which are often considered when compiling a Egyptian mummy in 1979 (Harwood-Nash, 1979). Many
general health profile from a skeleton and which rely on others soon followed; for a detailed review of the early
radiography. Finally, the chapter will also address the use studies see Chhem (2008), Lynnerup and Ruhli (2015),
of certain other imaging modalities. Cox (2015), and references therein. Today, X-rays and
CT scanning are routine research tools for studying mum-
A BRIEF HISTORY OF RADIOLOGY IN mies, fossils, and bones.
The use of radiographic techniques in paleopathological
studies has a long history, starting soon after the discov- This section is not intended to be exhaustive, but will intro-
ery of the X-rays in 1895 by the German physicist duce the reader to basic principles and provide a glossary
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (Röntgen, 1972; Thomas and for the most common terms (Table 7.1) associated with
Banerjee, 2013). Less than a year after the discovery of radiography and CT scanning. For a full presentation,
X-rays, König performed the first radiographies on please refer to, e.g., Bansal (2006), Buzug (2008),
Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains. DOI:
© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 169
170 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

TABLE 7.1 Glossary of Basic Radiology Terminology

Term Meaning
Artifact A discrepancy between the reconstructed values in an image and the true attenuation
coefficient of the object
Attenuation The reduction of X-ray intensities when passing through matter
Axial view In or along the axis (midline) of the body. A plane that is parallel to both the left right and
anterior posterior axes in the “patient-oriented” coordinate system
Beam (X-rays beam) The pack of primary X-rays emerging from the X-ray tube
Collimator Mechanical device for defining the shape of an X-ray beam
Contrast The contrast is defined as the difference in density (blackness) between various regions on a
Contract resolution Ability to detect small differences in the attenuation coefficient of adjacent structures
Coronal view Coronal or frontal plane runs the length of the body and passes through it from side to side,
thereby dividing it into anterior and posterior portions
CT number An intensity scale for CT images. The unit for CT attenuation is called the Hounsfield unit (HU).
The numbers are set on a scale in which 1000 represents the attenuation of air and 0 is the
attenuation of water
Density The degree of darkening of a radiographic image: black areas (air spaces) have maximum
density, while white areas (bones, metal objects) have minimum density
Detector A physical instrument to measure the intensity of the incident X-rays
Exposition An image is underexposed, i.e., the object appears white or relatively featureless if insufficient
X-rays reach the film during the exposure; an image is overexposed, i.e., the object is not
distinguishable from the background if an elevated number of X-rays penetrate it during the
Field of view (FoV) Area of the scan
Helical (spiral) scan A CT scan mode in which the patient table travels continuously during the data acquisition
HU (Hounsfield unit) The unit for the CT number scale (see also CT number)
Pixel 2D picture element
Reconstruction algorithm or A mathematical process used to reconstruct the CT images from the measured attenuation
convolution kernel profiles
Radiolucent/radiolytic Material or structure that is easily penetrated by X-rays. Such an object appears dark on the
radiography or CT image
Radiopaque/radiodense Material or structure that absorbs and scatters X-rays. Such an object appears light on the
radiography or CT image
Resolution The ability to differentiate objects
Sagittal view The sagittal plane runs superiorly inferiorly along the dorsoventral axis.
Section parallel to the median plan of the body
Scanogram (scout view, tomogram, Survey image used for orientation in the CT scanning. A projection image similar to an X-ray
project radiograph) radiograph acquired with a stationary gantry and a continuously moving patient table
Slice thickness Refers to the resolution of the CT scan (axial plane)
Slice increment Refers to the movement of the table/scanner for scanning the next slice
Voxel 3D volume element, in a CT, is defined by the pixel and the slice thickness
Window (or windowing) The parameter that determines the interval of gray tones that are visualized
X-ray tube Source of X-rays. It consists of an anode and a cathode enclosed in a vacuum envelope

Fleckenstein and Tranum-Jensen (1993), Goldman (2008), object, and this pattern is recorded to form an image (i.e.,
Hsieh (2009), Kalender (2011), Seibert (2004), and Seibert radiography). The image will be darkest where the greatest
and Boone (2005). number of X-rays has reached the image detector (i.e.,
Radiographic techniques use X-rays to visualize the film, digital plate) and lightest where the greatest propor-
internal structures of the object. X-rays are electromagnetic tion of the X-rays is absorbed by the sample. The materials
waves able to penetrate materials. They interact with the with a high density, such as compact bones and metal
atoms of the material and can be absorbed or scattered. objects, inhibit passage of the X-ray, i.e., they are radio-
The X-rays are said to be attenuated with a reduction in X- dense or radiopaque and are visualized in white or light
ray intensity. Their absorption depends on the density, gray. Less dense materials, e.g., soft tissues, allow a major
thickness, and atomic number of the material. The X-rays number of X-rays to pass, i.e., they are more radiolucent
that pass through the examined object have a pattern of and are visualized in black-gray. Empty space is rendered
intensity that reflects the absorption characteristics of the in black.
The Role of Imaging in Paleopathology Chapter | 7 171

An X-ray machine consists of: (1) a source of X-rays position of the object, the X-ray source, and the image
(an X-ray tube) and (2) a medium to record the attenua- detector can also have a great influence on the image, cre-
tion of the X-rays and produce an image (i.e., an image ating artifacts and distortions. The object should be
detector). The image detector is a film in conventional directly under the center of the X-ray beam, parallel and
radiography, or a digital plane in computed radiography close to the image detector (Seibert, 2004; Seibert and
(CR) and digital radiography (DR). A radiograph is a 2D Boone, 2005; Saab et al., 2008).
visualization of attenuation variations in a 3D item. While a single image of the object is created using an
The main factors that can influence the quality of radi- X-ray machine, hundreds of slices may be produced dur-
ography are the tube voltage (kV) and the X-ray dose ing CT scanning. This is possible because the source of
(mAs), which determine the energy and number of X- the X-rays rotates continuously around the object that
rays, respectively. The penetration power of X-rays is moves through the CT scanner, and multiple image detec-
determined by their energy. Low-energy X-rays are more tors simultaneously acquire the X-ray projections (Hsieh,
likely absorbed by the object and do not reach the image 2009; Kalender, 2011). Thus, the CT images are the result
detector, while high-energy X-rays easily pass through of processing a large number of X-rays acquired from dif-
material and are registered by the image detector. A good ferent angulations. The cross-sectional images (recon-
image is obtained when most the details of an object are structed slices) are usually represented in a 512 3 512
visualized; thus a greater variation of X-rays should reach pixel matrix, with each pixel representing the X-ray atten-
the film, such that a greater difference of shades of gray uation coefficient in a small volume (voxel) determined
appears. Increasing the energy of X-rays (kV) is not by the underlying anatomy. The x and y (pixel dimen-
always the solution. Indeed, if all the high-energy X-rays sions) of each slice in the transverse plane are determined
easily penetrate the object regardless of its composition, by the matrix size and the fields of view. The third voxel
the resulting image is completely homogeneous, and thus dimension (z) is perpendicular to the transverse plane and
the different structures cannot be distinguished. The num- equals the slice thickness (Kalender, 2011).
ber of X-rays (determined by mAs) reaching the film dur- Exposure parameters, such as the tube voltage (kV)
ing the exposure can also determine the quality of the and the X-ray dose (mAs), can influence CT image qual-
image. An image may be underexposed, i.e., the object ity, as well as slice thickness, slice increment, pitch, and
appears white or relatively featureless, if insufficient X- the reconstruction algorithm (see Table 7.2 for further
rays reach the film during the exposure. Alternatively, an details). As a general guideline, we suggest that the sam-
image may be overexposed, i.e., the object is not distin- ple should be scanned with the smallest thickness possi-
guishable from the background, if an elevated number of ble, and the pitch and slice increment values should be set
X-rays penetrate it during the exposure. Modern clinical lower than the values used for the thickness to reduce
X-ray equipment (CR and DR) is now fully digitized, so possible artifacts. For more in-depth technical considera-
images can easily be manipulated such that brightness, tions, see Hsieh (2009), Kalender (2011), and Zollikofer
contrast, and sharpness can be improved. The relative and Ponce de Leon (2005). In medical CT scanning, the

TABLE 7.2 Overview of the Most Typical Appearances of the Several Pathological Conditions as Observed by X-Rays
and CT Scanning

Inactive Active Aggressive

Radiolytic Description Confined or Confined or circumscribed No clear border, cortical expansion and
lesions circumscribed and without a rim, meaning that destruction
surrounded by a the lesion is still growing
sclerotic rim of bone
Examples Osteomyelitis (Fig. 7.1), Benign tumors Malignant tumors, osteosarcoma,
osteoblastoma aneurysmal bone cyst, infectious diseases
(Fig. 7.2), hematopoietic diseases
(Fig. 7.3)
Radiodense Description Amorphous New bone formation, which can be extraosseous and/or intraosseous
lesions Example Calcification Osteosarcoma (Fig. 7.4), metastases of carcinoma of the prostrate,
fractures, osteochondroma (Fig. 7.5), cartilaginous exostoses (Fig. 7.6),
osteomyelitis (Fig. 7.1)

The staging between “inactive,” “active,” and “aggressive” is best understood as a spectrum.
172 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

FIGURE 7.1 Osteomyelitis on a left femur: (A) photograph; (B) radiograph; (C) coronal CT scan; (D F) axial CT images (the 3D visualization on
the right indicates the slice position). Osteomyelitis has a complex development, and radiographically is characterized by both radiolytic and radio-
dense areas. In image (C), the sequestrum, highlighted by the lower arrows (white arrows in online version), is visualized as a regular radiolytic/radio-
lucent area, while the internal sclerosis, highlighted by the middle arrows (orange arrows in online version), is visualized as radiodense areas. Note
that the increased thickness of the cortical bone due to elevated periosteum production is well visible on the CT images, highlighted by the upper
arrows (light blue arrows in online version).

differences in X-ray attenuations of the tissues, i.e., the three main advantages: (1) it overcomes the superimposi-
difference in material density, can be measured using the tion problem that prevents one from clearly seeing deep
Hounsfield unit (HU) scale. The HU scale is calibrated areas or juxtaposed structures in plain radiography; (2) it
arbitrarily according to the attenuation of water (HU 0) and better visualizes the contrast between the different bones
air (HU 1000). Materials more radiopaque than water and soft tissue; and (3) it generates 3D visualizations of
result in correspondingly higher positive values of HU; soft single structures. However, ordinary X-rays are probably
tissues have values around HU (20 100), while bones the most accessible technology for most anthropologists
have HU over 200, with higher values for compact bones. and paleopathologists, especially considering that there
X-ray and CT scanning examinations should ideally are portable X-ray machines that can be used in the field
be seen as complementary examinations. CT scanning has (Conlogue et al., 2004; Nystrom et al., 2004).
FIGURE 7.2 Femur with pronounced destruction (arrows) of the diaphysis due to syphilis: (A) photograph; (B) radiograph; (C) coronal CT scan.

FIGURE 7.3 Multiple lytic lesions (arrows) of a skull probably caused by multiple myeloma (hematopoietic disorder): (A) photograph; (B) lateral
X-ray; (C) 3D visualization from CT scanning of the inside of the skull; (D) axial CT scan.
174 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

FIGURE 7.4 Destruction of the frontal bone (lytic area) with sunburst appearance in the frontal bone due to an osteosarcoma.

FIGURE 7.5 Osteochondroma on a rib: (A) photograph; (B) lateral X-ray; (C and D) transverse CT images of the rounded formations (the 3D visual-
ization on the right indicates the slice position). Note the nodular character of the mineralized portion of the tumor visualized as radiodense areas in
the X-ray and the CT images.

RADIOGRAPHIC APPEARANCE OF knowledge of the normal anatomy, anatomical variations,

PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS and pathological conditions is essential. Abnormal bone
changes can be broadly categorized as abnormal bone
The evaluation of pathological changes in radiographic size, abnormal bone shape, abnormal bone formation,
images is not easy and requires experience. A thorough and abnormal bone destruction (see Chapter 5). The
The Role of Imaging in Paleopathology Chapter | 7 175

FIGURE 7.6 Cartilaginous exostoses between the fibula and the tibia: (A) photograph; (B) radiograph; (C) coronal CT scan. The bone formation on
proximal epiphysis shows a marked bone sclerosis visualized as a radiodense area (white arrows).

radiographic findings of abnormal bone size and shape provide further information, but the procedure is not
often correspond well with the macroscopic changes. always essential for diagnosis. For example, osteoarthritis
Abnormal bone formation and bone destruction can be can be recognized by the presence of osteophytes, poros-
visualized as whiter (radiodense) or darker (radiolytic) ity of the joint surface, and eburnation; lingual hyperosto-
areas. As emphasized for dry bones (Buikstra and sis of the mandible (torus mandibularis) can also be
Ubelaker, 1994; Ortner, 2012), a clear and detailed identified from a gross examination. Indeed, some patho-
description of the radiographic images is fundamental. logical lesions are only visible on direct inspection of dry
Table 7.2 provides an overview of the most typical bones since the resolution of the radiography/CT images
appearances of the several pathological conditions as is not adequate. This would pertain to slight periosteal
observed by X-rays and CT scanning. Aside from the reactions on ribs, scorbutic changes (porous hypertrophic
basic diagnostic distinctions between bone remodeling bone), or cribra orbitalia. On the other hand, there are
(bone growth and bone destruction resulting in radiopaque pathologies such as osteoporosis, endosteal sclerosis, mid-
and radiolytic areas, respectively, on X-ray and CT), it is dle ear infection, and confirmation of suspected previous
equally important, for dry bone macroscopic study, to (well-healed) fractures, which are invisible by gross
evaluate if these basic processes occur inside the bone examination of the bone. Finally, there are cases where
(intraosseous/intramedullar), on the bone surface (extra- both a gross evaluation and radiographic examination pro-
osseous), or a combination thereof, and whether a lesion vide excellent complementary information, e.g., in cases
is superficial or involves more of the internal bone struc- of lytic lesions, Paget’s disease (Mays, 2008), and tumors.
ture (see Chapters 4 and 5). Modern radiological imaging constitutes an important
Most of the pathological conditions affecting dry bone source of information (Ortner, 2005; Roberts and
can be evaluated macroscopically. Radiography can Manchester, 2007; Mays, 2011). Comparing radiological
176 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

images of archeological specimens with those of living Harris Lines

patients can help the paleopathologist reach a diagnosis.
Indeed, paleopathologists can benefit from the large num- HL are bands of increased bone density that are seen as
ber of radiographic images available in the medical litera- opaque lines across the diaphysis and metaphysis of long
ture that present a great range of manifestations of bones, parallel to the metaphyses (Harris, 1926, 1931a,b,
various diseases. An example of this is “radiopaedia” 1933). They have been studied primarily in tibiae and fem-
(, a free resource with one of the ora, but they have also been observed in other long bones
web’s largest collections of radiology cases and reference such as the radii (see Primeau et al., 2018 and references
articles. Additionally, paleopathology may contribute to therein). Diverse terms have been used for HL: bone scars
modern medicine, as not all lesions visible on dry bones (Dreizen et al., 1964), Park lines or Park Harris lines
can be seen on radiological imaging, and notation of these (Lee and Mehlman, 2003), transverse lines (Mitchell,
allows a more complete overview of the manifestation of 1964; Garn and Schwager, 1967; Gindhart, 1969; Clark
the disease (Ortner, 2005; Roberts and Manchester, 2007). and Mack, 1988; Egawa et al., 2001), growth recovery
lines or grow restart lines (Ecklund and Jaramillo, 2002;
Sajko et al., 2011), growth arrest lines (Harris, 1931a;
Mummies, Paleopathology, and Radiography Blanco et al., 1974; Yao and Seeger, 1997; Khadilkar
et al., 1998), radiopaque transverse lines (Blanco et al.,
Mummies and bog bodies are unique samples for studying 1974; Clarke, 1982; Hummert and Van Gerven, 1985;
ancient disease (refer to Chapter 22), as they allow for Byers, 1991), growth recovery zones (Siffert and Katz,
examination of pathological conditions affecting soft tis- 1983), and opaque transverse lines (Khadilkar et al., 1998).
sues and with a rapid onset and/or a short course As will be noted, some of these terms reflect that radiogra-
(Cockburn et al., 1998). Outside of performing a destruc- phy is needed to observe HL.
tive autopsy, pathological conditions of the bones in mum- HL arise from dissimilar reaction times between
mies can be investigated only through radiographic and osteoblasts and osteoclasts in times during temporary
endoscopic imaging. Several pathological conditions have cessation of growth, causing a band of increased bone
been identified in mummies (refer to Chapter 22). Given density, which becomes evident once the individual
the continuing progress in medical imaging, mummies pre- resumes normal growth (refer to Chapter 4). Once the
viously examined by X-rays may yield much revised and epiphyses have fused to the diaphysis, HL can no longer
additional information when CT scanning has been applied develop (Scheuer and Black, 2000). HL, caused by tem-
(Villa et al., 2015; Zesch et al., 2016) or when newer gen- porary growth arrest, are attributed to a broad array of
erations of CT scan equipment is used (e.g., an embedded etiologies such as malnutrition, metabolic diseases,
arrow head in the shoulder region of a mummy was not childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, and chicken
seen until a later, second, CT scan, capable of smaller slice pox (Harris, 1931a; Hewitt et al., 1955; Park, 1964;
thickness, was used (Seiler et al., 2013)). Gindhart, 1969), diabetes (Harris, 1931b), hypoparathy-
roidism (Rosen and Deshmukh, 1985), children with
psychosocial short stature (Khadilkar et al., 1998), juve-
OTHER BONE CHANGES AND nile chronic arthritis (Fiszman et al., 1981), consumption
RADIOGRAPHY of ethanol (Gonzalez-Reimers et al., 1998), or repeated
Aside from using radiography as a diagnostic tool for well- child abuse (Walker et al., 1997).
defined diseases, as discussed in the previous section, radi- There is little research in the form of longitudinal
ography may also be used to study changes in bone mor- studies regarding the rate of disappearance and persis-
phology and internal architecture, which may reflect tence of HL. Dreizen et al. (1964) and Gindhart (1969)
changes related to diseases or perhaps be indicative of a found that some lines persisted, while others disappeared
more general health (or growth) insult. For instance, a mac- during developing years. On the other hand, HL have
roscopic observation of bilateral, often distal diffuse perios- been confirmed in modern populations with known ages
titis of the lower limb bones may be indicative of a above 50 years (Ameen et al., 2005) and from cadaveric
nonspecific, chronic disease or its effects. Equally, there material with known ages above 60 years (Egawa et al.,
are some observations that can only be observed radio- 2001).
graphically. In this section, we briefly focus on Harris lines Plain radiography is the most commonly used method
(HL), the estimation of body mass, and osteoporosis. to evaluate HL (Brickley and McKinley, 2004) (Fig. 7.7).
While perhaps debatable in terms of diagnostic precision However, recent research suggests that CT scanning may
or evidence, these changes are nonetheless often reported also be a valid tool (Primeau et al., 2016).
and interpreted in a diagnostic discussion.
The Role of Imaging in Paleopathology Chapter | 7 177

information to include in diagnostic deliberations (e.g.,

Kacki et al., 2018). Body mass can also be used to
assess behavior-related changes due to activity.
Alternative noninvasive methods to evaluate the cross-
sectional area have been suggested based on the use of
radiographs (Runestad et al., 1993; Stock Jay, 2002;
O’Neill and Ruff, 2004).

Osteoporosis is a complex bone disorder of multifactor
etiology. It is a frequent metabolic bone disorder that
affects many postmenopausal women and elderly people of
both sexes. Diagnostic determination of osteoporosis in
past populations may, alongside specific underlying dis-
eases, supplement the “osteobiography” of a skeleton, as
osteoporosis may also reflect bone modifications related to
age, menopausal status, or lifestyle (see Curate, 2014 for a
review, and Chapter 16). Here we simply address the fact
that radiography, along with dual X-ray absorptiometry, is
probably the most commonly used technique to study oste-
oporosis in skeletons (Mays, 2008; Curate, 2014).
Radiogrammetry quantifies the cortical bone in tubular
bones and can be measured on a plain radiograph (usually
by computing the ratio between the total width of diaphy-
sis and the medullary cavity thickness, not unlike mea-
surement for calculating body mass) (Ives and Brickley,
2004). Singh et al. (1970) proposed the “Singh index” as
a score of the pattern of trabecular bone. For comprehen-
sive guidelines for radiogrammetric analysis, the reader
can refer to Meema and Meema (1987), Ives and Brickley
(2004), and Brickley and Agarwal (2003).
Radiogrammetry of the femur and the tibia has been
applied to evaluate age-related cortical bone loss in skele-
tal remains (Gonzalez-Reimers et al., 1998; Mays et al.,
1998). Also, many anthropological studies of cortical
bone has used the second metacarpal (e.g., Ekenman
et al., 1995; Lazenby, 1995; Mays, 2000, 2001, 2006;
FIGURE 7.7 A radiographic of paired tibiae showing bilateral Harris Robb et al., 2010; Beauchesne and Agarwal, 2011). No
lines (arrows). Image courtesy of Dr. M.L. Jørkov, University of paleopathological radiographic studies appear to have
Copenhagen. been conducted on trabecular bone loss in lumbar verte-
brae, which is diagnostic of osteoporosis in living
Body Mass Calculations
Several methods for deducing body mass are based on
measuring the cortical cross-sectional area of the femur
or determining diameters and thickness of the cortical, Taphonomic and diagenetic processes can influence imag-
compact bone component of the femur, and other bones ing and need to be considered carefully to avoid incorrect
(e.g., Ruff, 2000; Ruff and Hayes, 1983; Torchia and diagnoses. For example, soil intrusion within bones can
Ruff, 1990; Lacoste Jeanson et al., 2017, and reference be visualized as radiopaque areas and can be misinter-
therein). In a paleopathological context, body mass may preted as pathological lesions (Fig. 7.8) such as sclerotic
reflect growth stunting and may be used as ancillary bone tumors (Mays, 2011).
178 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

(A) (B) rendering technique are not always suitable for mummies,
especially if the mummy is wrapped or inside a coffin or
bundle. Bog bodies are an extreme case of postmortem
alteration: the diagenetic changes are so massive in these
mummies due to the acidic bog environment, that all
tissues, including bones and teeth, show very similar
values of HU (Villa and Lynnerup, 2012). In such cases,
a manual segmentation process, i.e., manual slice-by-slice
image editing, is necessary. The manual process of seg-
mentation (delineation and extraction) is often very time-
consuming (Lynnerup, 2008), but it can result in accurate
and precise 3D models. Software applications such as
Mimics (
mimics), Amira (
life-sciences/), and 3D slicer (
allow postprocessing of the 2D images (surface rendering
(SR)). In addition, the resulting 3D model obtained using
SR can be exported as “.stl” for further analysis, e.g., to
be 3D printed, and/or for virtual reconstruction. Three-
dimensional printed copies of bones can be used for
teaching or, as recently demonstrated, they can be manip-
ulated to overcome extensive diagenetic changes and help
in the final diagnosis (Lynnerup et al., 2016).


(C) Microcomputed Tomography
Microcomputed tomography (micro-CT or µCT) is a CT
scanning technique forfeiting FoV for the highest possible
resolution. Objects can be scanned with a voxel resolution
of 1 µm. A micro-CT is equipped with similar compo-
nents to those present in a CT scanner but at a smaller
size; e.g., the X-ray tube typically has a window of
1 50 µm; the field of view is around 1 100 mm.
Different from CT scanning, a long acquisition time
(from 10 to 300 minutes) is necessary (Kalender, 2011).
Micro-CT has been used in bioarcheological contexts.
Some examples include the study of taphonomical
FIGURE 7.8 CT images of a left femur with radiopaque artifact result- changes in bog body bones (Boel and Dalstra, 2007) and
ing from soil embedded in the diaphysis (arrows): (A) sagittal view; (B) the investigation of fossil teeth to evaluate antemortem
coronal view; transverse view (C). Note that the cortical and the trabecu- treatment of dental pathology (Oxilia et al., 2017).
lar bone does not present any pathological change.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Postmortem alterations are usually more marked in Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a nonionizing imag-
soft tissues than in bones (Ruhli and Boni, 2000; Ruhli ing (not using X-rays) technique that provides detailed
et al., 2004; Lynnerup, 2007; Lynnerup and Ruhli, 2015; information of organs and soft tissues. MRI uses properties
Sydler et al., 2015). Unfortunately, these values cannot be of the hydrogen atoms to “see” within a body. Hydrogen is
applied directly to mummies or degraded dry bones. the most abundant atom in the body and is commonly
Though morphologically well preserved, mummified tis- found in water and fat. The magnetic resonance (MR)
sues display a different radio-opaque response (Ruhli activate nuclei of the hydrogen, i.e., nuclei where the num-
et al., 2004; Lynnerup, 2007). Consequently, 3D visuali- ber of protons is not equal to the number of neutrons align
zations created using the clinical ranges and the volume- their axis of rotation to the magnetic field generated inside
The Role of Imaging in Paleopathology Chapter | 7 179

the MR. When the field is turned off, the hydrogen atoms REFERENCES
gradually return to their normally random orientation. The
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return process produces a radio signal that can be measured
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by receivers in the scanner and rendered into an image
populations, medieval and contemporary in Central Europe. Skeletal
(Rinck, 2001; Talbot et al., 2011). Radiol. 34, 279 284.
There are fewer hydrogen atoms in bones and in desic- Bansal, G.J., 2006. Digital radiography. A comparison with modern con-
cated mummies, making MRI technique less efficient. ventional imaging. Postgrad. Med. J. 82, 425.
Several attempts have been made, unfortunately, without Beauchesne, P., Agarwal, S.C., 2011. Age-Related cortical bone mainte-
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