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Chapter 5

Abnormal Bone: Considerations for

Documentation, Disease Process
Identification, and Differential Diagnosis
Haagen D. Klaus1 and Niels Lynnerup2
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, United States, 2Department of Forensic Medicine, University of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

The overview of normal bone biology in Chapter 4 pro- lesions that characterize many disease states (Schinz
vides a context for considering pathological alterations to et al., 1951 1952; Resnick, 2002: 609 651). Local and
the human skeleton. Many, if not all, of these phenomena systemic factors interacting with bacteria, viruses, proto-
can be understood in terms of alterations, transformations, zoa, multicellular parasites, fungi, external nutritional fac-
or deviations of underlying mechanisms involving normal tors, and innate genetic disorders can all pathologically
osteoblast osteoclast coordination, bone growth, mainte- modify normal osteoblast and osteoclast functioning and
nance, and metabolic functions. Here, discussion moves behavior (see below, and Chapter 4; also see chapters in
to an overview of key issues surrounding abnormal bone Anderson et al., 2011).
tissue. This chapter outlines the basics of abnormal bone, In human skeletal paleopathology, a crucial first step
from gross appearance to documentation, disease process in the study of disease is distinguishing normal from
identification, and differential diagnoses of skeletal abnormal bone, which necessitates understanding the full
abnormalities. range of normal (or otherwise nonpathological) anatomi-
cal variation and physiological functions that produce dif-
ferences of size, shape, and morphology that do not lead
ABNORMAL BONE: GENERAL to functional impairment. Within this “range of normal,”
CONSIDERATIONS AND GROSS some examples include anomalies such as cranial ossicles,
APPEARANCE persistence of the metopic suture into adulthood, the sep-
As noted in Chapter 4, bone is paradoxical—remarkably tal aperture of the olecranon fossa, or the presence of ses-
complex in its biology but evolutionarily and functionally amoid bones in the hands and feet. A definitive source to
constrained in its phenotypic responses to many diseases. consult on nonpathological nonmetric cranial and postcra-
Bones can only respond in three ways to pathological pro- nial variation is Mann et al. (2016; also Hauser and De
cesses: formation of abnormal tissue, abnormal loss of tis- Stephano, 1989). Such normal variation also changes
sue, or a combination of formation/loss. In some throughout the life course. For instance, the presence of
syndromes, these responses are nonspecific, while in highly vascular and porous new bone formation is normal
others the patterns of bone alteration can lead to a possi- in a fetal and infant skeleton and reflects the rapid pace
ble or probable differential diagnosis (Appleby et al., of growth (Lewis, 2018). However, bone tissue of a simi-
2015; Aufderheide and Rodrı́guez-Martı́n, 1998; Buikstra lar gross appearance in an individual over the age of two
et al., 2017; Lewis, 2018; Ortner, 2003, 2012; Ragsdale is likely indicative of a pathological process. In another
and Lehmer, 2012; Roberts and Manchester, 2007; example involving the need to carefully distinguish nor-
Weston, 2012). mal from abnormal, a slight degree of superficial porosity
Linking gross appearance and molecular signaling may often be present on the ectocranial surfaces of the
mechanisms are the osteoblasts and osteoclasts discussed parietal and frontal bones in adulthood. Such features rep-
in Chapter 4. The behavior of these cells produce skeletal resent fine arrays of nonpathological nutrient foramina

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60 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

FIGURE 5.1 Postmortem damage to bones can often resemble perimortem or antemortem pathological processes. In these cases, careful observation
of margin morphology and coloration demonstrates a range of postmortem features including: (A) depressed parietal bone fracture; (B) incomplete post-
mortem breakage of a proximal ulna resulting from a torsional force; (C) penetrating puncture wound to a parietal bone; (D) penetrating chop damage to
a lumbar vertebral body; and (E) oblique chop/slicing damage to the diaphysis of a humerus. These bones were damaged in antiquity as their respective
skeletons were exhumed and placed in a large collective secondary burial (Mórrope, Peru, Middle/Late Colonial Period; photos: HDK).

and are not necessarily healed porotic hyperostosis rodents, and the action of fungi (Henderson, 1987; Child,
lesions. To evaluate the possibility of porotic hyperosto- 1995). Abiotic factors are typically geological, which can
sis, further observations regarding the location, morphol- include variations in temperature, salinity, pH, pressure of
ogy, density, and size of porous features are required. the overburden, and so forth. For example, growth of salt
Paleopathologists must also distinguish between crystals within bone can produce damage at first glance
changes in bone produced during life and the range of quite similar to gummatous caries sicca lesions produced
pseudopathological postmortem alterations that can mimic by treponemal disease. Careful observation, however, can
disease conditions. These are produced either by factors rule out disease (Verano, 2012). Also, the chemistry of
within the immediate depositional environment or through specific soil microenvironments even within a single
excavation. Within a burial setting, various biotic pro- burial can produce variations in preservation that might
cesses can alter bone, and include the growth of plant be confused with abnormal bone tissue. For example,
roots around and through bones, burrowing insects or bone in contact with wood from a coffin tends to break
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 61

down faster than other elements in a burial, leading to

erosion on the anterior aspect of vertebral bodies that has
been confused with the influence of infectious disease.
Careless excavation can produce alterations to bone
that may be confused with pathological processes. So-
called examples of “trowel trauma” resemble, and must
be differentiated from, sharp force injuries. The accidental
swipe of a shovel might produce damage analogous to a
wound from a bladed weapon. Natural taphonomic forces,
such as the pressure exerted by the overburden on a skele-
ton or precipitation of salt crystals, can also break bone in
a wide variety of ways (Fig. 5.1A E). At least three crite-
ria can be considered to distinguish genuine pathological
processes from postmortem artifacts.
First, postmortem destructive processes generally pro-
duce jagged, sharp, or otherwise highly irregular edges.
Second, the coloration of the defect margin is especially
important to consider. In virtually any kind of postmortem
bone breakage, the edges of the defect are often more
lightly colored than the outer cortical bone surface. More
recently exposed inner surfaces of the bone have not been
in contact with the surrounding depositional environment
for the same amount of time. Therefore, they are lighter in
color. While wooden digging tools are optimal when exca-
vating skeletons, subtle examples of damage can occur
when a fine-tipped implement (such as a bamboo skewer)
comes into contact with bone and produce features resem-
bling cut-marks. The postmortem nature of such damage
can be discerned as postmortem due to the shiny or slightly
reflective bone surface within the defect, particularly
FIGURE 5.2 Some types of skeletal lesions require extremely careful
evident at low magnification. Authentic, perimortem
examination to include the distribution of lesions in the skeleton and
cut-marks display no such polish. Along these lines, key radiographic characterization to distinguish it from pseudopathological
features to look for on the edge of “cuts include evidence or taphonomic processes, such as this case of metastatic cancer (primary
that the bone at the edge of the cut has been altered in color site unknown) affecting the vertebral column and os coxae (left supero-
to resemble external bone surface color. Bright, light- posterior ilium pictured here) (34 year-old male, Terry Anatomical
Collection, NMNH P0001606; photo: HDK).
colored edges are evidence of recent taphonomic events.
Third, biologic processes experienced in life, espe-
cially those involving chronic conditions promoting bone taphonomic changes. Of course, when applying their taph-
loss, will demonstrate comparatively greater degrees of onomic terms, using the additional adjective “postmor-
smoothed or rounded margins. With the exception of only tem” is quite important (Buikstra et al., 2017).
the most aggressive osteoclastic chronic diseases, bone Incorrect identification of a postmortem artifact of
destruction is commonly accompanied by reparative new taphonomy as an antemortem process is bad science and
bone formation surrounding the margins of the defect that certainly embarrassing. That said, some cases of altered
involves an inflammatory/reparative axis in response to bone present significant challenges, even for experienced
bone destruction. Still, in the case of aggressive disease paleopathologists. Very careful and nuanced observation
processes such as certain metastasized cancers, careful may be required, and further use of tools such as micros-
examination of lesion characteristics, distribution of copy or medical imaging technologies (e.g., radiographs,
lesions in the skeleton, and its radiographic appearance CT scanning) can often provide definitive diagnostic
are required to distinguish it from any pseudopathological information. Sometimes, even after all that effort, a case
process (Fig. 5.2; see Chapters 15 and 20). Additionally, may still be ambiguous. Still, a few guidelines can be con-
when describing postmortem taphonomic changes, sidered that can assist in the macroscopic differentiation
Manchester et al. (2016) offer an outstanding set of struc- between a postmortem pseudopathological condition and an
tured lists of descriptive terminology including abnormality that arose in living bone (Ortner, 2003, 2012).
62 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

DESCRIPTION OF ABNORMAL BONE paleopathological description and differential diagnosis,

the terms we use “. . .often make a big difference between
When an antemortem or perimortem bone abnormality confusion and understanding. Indeed, a basic component
has been identified, goals turn to reconstructing pathologi- of any scientific discipline is rigor in defining and using
cal processes and the most likely causes of the abnormal- terms” (Ortner, 2012: 250). Critiques from both within
ity. In paleopathology, traditional reliance is placed upon and outside our discipline have aimed at improving our
visual (gross) examination of bone that is the focus of this descriptive terminological rigor (Manchester et al., 2016).
chapter. Of course, the more lines of available evidence, Particularly those who work in the anatomical sciences
the better, and gross examination is often best comple- provide good models for paleopathologists to follow, as
mented by radiography (Chapter 7; Wanek et al., 2012), their exacting and rigorous use of terminology helps in
various forms of microscopy (e.g., Schultz, 2001; getting the highest achievable precision in the observation
Ragsdale and Lehmer, 2012), chemical or isotopic analy- and description of anatomical structures.
ses (Koon, 2012), and increasingly, ancient pathogen and Specifically, the foundation of a common descriptive
microbiome DNA analysis (Chapter 8; Bos et al., 2014; system in paleopathology can and should consistently
Rasmussen et al., 2015; Vågene et al., 2018; Warinner embrace the international terminological standards estab-
et al., 2014). lished by the Nomina Anatomica (NA) and its successor,
Description in paleopathology. Best practices in 21st the Terminologica Anatomica (TA). These works are the
century paleopathology rely on a multitiered logical officially approved nomenclature for anatomy as desig-
framework that first describes an abnormality. Second, nated by the International Congress of Anatomists. The
these features are used to identify diseases most likely to NA had its origins in 1955 and represented an effort to
have caused this change. Third, one engages in differen- better standardize the earlier Basle Nomina Anatomica.
tial diagnosis. Of course, in many cases, it may be impos- The NA was continuously revised in 5-year intervals until
sible to determine the ultimate cause or exact disease 1985. Technically, the yet further streamlined TA suc-
(e.g., Weston, 2008). For example, while there are more ceeded the NA in 1998, although the NA is still very
than 100 known conditions that can produce enamel widely used (International Anatomical Nomenclature
hypoplasias (Schultz et al., 1998), they are nonetheless Committee, 1989).
among the most valuable windows on early life stress and For example, a paleopathologist using the TA or NA
physiological disruption. While the exact trigger for hypo- would not varyingly use any of the multiple, imprecise, or
plasia formation is not observable in skeletal tissue alone, confusing terms for the orbit seen in paleopathological lit-
the fact that a stress-induced physiological state occurred erature (referred to as many things, such as the eye orbit,
is what matters. In other situations, a combination of care- ocular orbit, orbital plate). Beyond the simple fact that the
ful description and differential diagnosis can identify a TA/NA identify this structure as the orbit, there is a consis-
disease process, especially when the types and patterns of tent logic to this: there is only one structure in the skeleton
bone involvement tend toward unique patterning. that is an anatomical orbit, so the use of any other adjec-
As Ortner (1991, 2003, 2011, 2012) and others tives is redundant or misleading. Likewise, according to
(Buikstra and Ubelaker, 1994) have emphasized, a clear these standards, there are no such structures in the human
and detailed description is one of the most important and body as “the frontal,” “the parietal,” or “the sphenoid” as is
fundamental elements to proper practice of paleopathology. so often written in paleopathological descriptions. As
Ortner defined four key components to a descriptive system named structures, these features do not exist in the natural
for abnormal bone conditions. First, standardized and world. However, the sphenoid bone (the os spehnoidale),
unambiguous terminology must be used. Second, a com- along with the frontal bone (os frontale), and the parietal
plete inventory of all skeletal material observed must be bone (os paretale) are recognized. Other descriptive termi-
made. Third, abnormalities are then precisely described in nological errors are even more common, such as the sur-
terms of the size, shape, and other morphologic characteris- prisingly frequent misuse of the term skull when the
tics such as the characteristics of the defect margins. anatomical cranium is being explicitly described (and see
Fourth, the location(s) and distribution of the pathological Knüsel (2014) for more on this issue, including thoughtful
features are described. Ortner framed description as being perspectives derived from funerary archaeology).
conceptually anchored by thinking about bone abnormali- Using the human anatomical terminology in the
ties in terms of altered osteoclast and osteoblast activity. Terminologica Anatomica (1998) as its foundation,
The strength of any descriptive system is only as good Manchester et al. (2016) developed systematic termino-
as its descriptive terminology. In a very concrete sense, logical conventions tailored specifically to paleopatholog-
words matter. Ortner (2011, 2012) argued that in ical documentation and interpretation. They drew upon
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 63

the experiences and lessons learned from a series of work- and the location of the abnormalities within the skeleton.
shops hosted by Donald Ortner and Bruce Ragsdale Basic directional terminology drawn from the TA/NA
beginning in 1985 (Powell, 2012; Ragsdale, 1992). This should always be used consistently when describing
effort initially involved the need to counter the use of defect locations (e.g., anterior, posterior, anterolateral,
inconsistent or inappropriate terms when describing nor- inferoposterior, distal, proximal, and so forth). Then,
mal and abnormal structures, as well as the fundamental observations are to be mapped onto an anatomical organi-
importance of the correct use of widely held descriptive zational framework. This framework provides a system-
conventions. Manchester and colleagues (2016) add to atic nomenclature and can be expanded with as much
this further refinement and systemization of terms to the anatomic specificity as required or dictated by preserva-
ends of increasing consensus, replicability of observation, tion, research design, or other factors (Buikstra and
and accuracy in paleopathology. Their schema spans gen- Ubelaker, 1994; Ortner, 2003; Wilczak and Dudar, 2011).
eral terms, systemic and functional anatomy and physiol- Process recognition in paleopathology. Once the
ogy, systematic anatomy (bones, joints, muscles, abnormality is described, the work then turns to distin-
cardiovascular, lymphoid, and neural), pathological, clini- guishing the potential biological process or processes
cal, radiological, and taphonomic descriptive categories. responsible for the abnormality. Abnormal bone can be
The broader point is that the use of anatomical descrip- described in terms of possibilities of altered bone forma-
tive standards lends greater precision, reduces ambiguity tion, bone loss, bone size, or bone shape. Again, all of
and interobserver error, and builds cross-disciplinary credi- this comes back to basic bone biology and variations of
bility. Further, we would argue even further that such abnormally elevated or depressed osteoblast or osteo-
terminological rigor enhances how we observe and docu- clast activity. Another option involves normal osteoclast
ment anatomical structures and their deviations from function but depressed osteoblast activity that cannot
normal anatomy. The language that we use directly shapes mineralize normally osteoid matrix. Since unmineralized
our thinking and perception. Descriptive terminological osteoid decomposes along with the rest of the soft tissue,
quality is not just about a state of mind, but it helps foster this last phenomenon might visually appear as a case of
better practice, tying together the description process elevated osteoclastic responses. Again, the following
recognition differential diagnosis process. categories again are not intended to be comprehensive
Rooted within a rigorous terminological foundation but to serve as a framework than can be expanded upon
(see Chapter 2; Buikstra et al., 2017; PPA Website) the as needed:
initial descriptive analysis then attempts to determine
whether a skeletal abnormality is: (1) a solitary abnormal- 1. Abnormal bone size
ity possessing a single or solitary focus; (2) a bilateral a. Abnormally small size for age and/or sex
multifocal abnormality in which abnormal bone is located b. Abnormally large size for age and/or sex
in two or more sites of the skeleton; (3) a randomly dis- 2. Abnormal bone or bone group shape
tributed multifocal pathological phenomenon; (4) a dif- a. Abnormal shape resulting from defects in growth
fuse abnormal reduction of bone mass throughout the and development
skeleton (but not necessarily equally reduced in all areas, b. Abnormal shape resulting from poorly mineralized
and; (5) a local or generalized disturbance of normal size bone or biomechanical loading
and shape of bone that may be accompanied by abnormal c. Abnormal shape resulting from poor alignment fol-
bone (Ortner, 2003: 49). In the case of solitary lesions, lowing fracture
the lesion itself should be described minimally in terms of 3. Abnormal bone formation
size, shape, depth or height, bone quality (e.g., reactive a. Abnormal new bone formation
new bone, remodeled bone), and characteristics of the i. Immature reactive new bone (no discernable
margins of the abnormality. In the case of bilateral multi- pattern or organization of vascular pores or
focal abnormalities, the contralateral lesion may be of a striations)
perceptively different size, shape, and position. In this ii. Porous bone
case, it is best to measure each lesion and discuss the var- iii. Striated bone
iation in size. Of course, more than one pathological con- iv. Spiculated bone
dition may be at play in a skeleton, and beginning with b. Abnormal formation of compact (lamellar) bone
the process of documentation and description, the poten- i. Smooth compact bone (nonplaque-like forma-
tial of comorbid conditions must always be considered. tions (e.g., osteomas))
Further, a descriptive analysis of an abnormal skeleton ii. Porous compact bone
should be highly specific in regard to the bones involved iii. Striated compact bone
64 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

iv. Spiculated compact bone characteristic or diagnostic of specific disorders which

v. Plaque-like formations (relatively thin and flat themselves are products of yet more fundamental molecu-
formations of smooth compact new bone atop lar or genetic phenomena.
a normal bone surface) The human body can endure a range of abnormal or
4. Abnormal bone destruction altered physiological stimuli that can produce diverse phe-
a. No margin or clearly defined border nomena. Many states reflect physiological plasticity and
b. Clear border but no evidence of repair (marginal are reversible. They can be identified as consistent with a
new bone formation absent) few broad pathophysiologic categories that then are pro-
c. Clear border with evidence of repair (marginal gressively narrowed down to specific conditions (see
new bone formation present) Kumar et al., 2014). For example, an increased demand
d. Defined focus with centralized destruction accom- or tissue-level stimulation can promote hypertrophy or
panied by marginal new bone formation hyperplasia. Hypertrophy involves an increase in the size
e. Repair of defined focus with centralized destruc- of cells as more cellular protein is synthesized to meet a
tion accompanied by marginal new bone formation functional demand. In contrast, hyperplasia is an increase
f. Focal porous destruction in the number of cells to similarly meet a perceived func-
g. Generalized porous destruction tional demand, resulting in increased tissue or organ
h. Destructive remodeling mass. Abnormal production of hormones or growth fac-
i. Osteopenia tors is one driver, while compensatory hyperplasias gener-
j. Fracture ate increased tissue mass following tissue damage (e.g., a
bone callous following fracture). Atrophy represents an
Pathophysiology and disease processes—defining
opposite process where tissue or organ size decreases due
mechanisms of abnormal bone. The pathological varia-
to an abnormal loss of cells or a reduction of cell size.
tions of abnormal bone size, shape, formation, and
Atrophy can be subdivided into several pathologic catego-
destruction varyingly span several biologic phenomenon:
ries such as disuse atrophy, denervation atrophy (damage
vascular disturbances, innervation/biomechanical disease,
to nerve fibers that affect muscles and bone mass), inade-
trauma/repair, errors in growth, metabolic diseases,
quate blood supply (ischemia), inadequate protein/calorie
inflammatory processes, and neoplastic disorders (see
nutrition (cachexia), depressed endocrine signaling, and
Chapters 10 23). For an additionally key overview of
tissue compression (pressure) (Kumar et al., 2014).
this topic, we recommend Ragsdale and Lehmer (2012).
Cell injury and death can relate to either acute or
Further, Donald Resnick’s (2002) five-volume Diagnosis
chronic reduced oxygen supply (hypoxia), microbial
of Bone and Joint Disorders, Fourth Edition, is a vital ref-
infection (fungal, parasitic, bacterial, and viral agents),
erence work. While Resnick’s emphasis is skeletal radiol-
external physical causes (mechanical trauma, thermal
ogy, it also provides excellent coverage on the
trauma), and chemical insults (excess fluoride, poisons,
pathogenesis and patterning of skeletal diseases extending
drugs, pollutants). These produce myriad forms of cell
down to the cellular level and should be a standard refer-
injury that may be varyingly reversible or irreversible.
ence for anyone engaging in the study of ancient disease.
Generally, they all involve changes to cell morphology,
The broader message here is that integrating these
from initial exposure to crossing over so-called “points of
explicitly biological perspectives encourages rigorous and
no return” leading to cell death (Kumar et al., 2014).
informed disease process identification, and thus, differ-
Cellular swelling is a near universal feature of cell injury
ential diagnosis (Mays, 2018). Pathophysiology is the
and occurs when ion pumps in the plasma membrane can
holistic study of disease physiology, at the center of
no longer maintain fluid homeostasis. This produces fatty
which are the structural and functional changes to the
swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria
body caused by disease or anatomical alteration. Key
as well as swollen outpouchings of the cell membrane
components to the broader perspectives pursued by patho-
(blebs). Persistent or excessive injury or cell death may
physiology are its additional foci involving defining vari-
produce necrosis spanning coagulative, liquefactive, gan-
ous etiologies and the progression of disease
grenous, caseous, fatty, and fibrinoid forms (Kumar et al.,
pathogenesis—the sequence of nested or contingent cau-
2014: 15, 16). An inflammatory response, degradation of
salities spanning cellular, tissue-level, system-wide, and
the cell membrane, and leakage of the cellular contents
body-level events beginning with the initial exposure or
all characterize necrosis. Apoptosis is another reaction
manifestation of a disease state to its conclusion (Kumar
involving a regulated form of preprogrammed, noninflam-
et al., 2014; Porth, 2014). These events influence morpho-
matory cell death. For a look at the nature, processes, and
logical changes to underlying tissues that are often
variations of inflammatory responses, we direct the reader
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 65

to Kumar and colleagues’ (2014) overview of acute and still remain as possible interpretations (Oxenham and
chronic inflammation. Cavill, 2010; McIlvaine, 2015).
Another component of pathophysiology is to consider Abnormal size and shape. Based on these pathophysio-
how cellular responses play out on larger tissue- or organ- logical mechanisms outlined above, disease processes can
level scales. This is not only intrinsically valuable to the produce abnormal bone sizes, shapes, formation, and loss
study of disease progression but further assists paleopa- (Fig. 5.3). A spectrum of abnormalities in bone size can
thology in the identification and differential diagnosis of be linked to genetic, developmental, mechanical, or envi-
skeletal lesions. That is to say the combination of an ronmental factors. Errors in growth, or dysplasias, involve
understanding of cell and tissue-level physiology and abnormal bone size and shapes, and are often found in
related anatomical features is important to rigorous paleo- developmental disorders occurring in embryological
pathological practice. For example, it was long held that development and that play out over development, such as
porotic hyperostosis lesions were a product of chronic scoliosis (Fig. 5.4). Skeletal dysplasias can be seen as a
childhood iron-deficiency anemia (e.g., Stuart-Macadam, spectrum of connective tissue disorders (Chapter 19).
1987, 1992). Walker and colleagues (2009) took a patho- Rubin (1964) proposed that the various disorders could be
physiological approach to the behavior of marrow cells organized according to the anatomic site of the potential
and the process of erythropoiesis and suggest that megalo- defect: epiphyseal, metaphyseal, and diaphyseal. Some
blastic anemias (vitamin B9 and B12 deficiencies) are at errors are triggered by environmental cues, such as the
the roots of its etiology, though iron deficiency or comor- link between maternal folate deficiency and neural tube
bidity between megaloblastic and iron-deficiency anemia defects (spina bifida) (Pitkin, 2007). Likewise, chronic

FIGURE 5.3 Examples of abnormal

bone shape. Left: distinctive anterior
pseudo-bowing of the tibia produced by
pathological apposition of new bone on
the anterior surfaces of the diaphysis in a
clinically documented case of venereal
syphilis (79-year-old female, Terry
Anatomical Collection, NMNH
P0000172). Right: medial bowing and
marked anteroposterior flattening of a left
tibial diaphysis possibly attributable to
rickets or osteomalacia (adult individual;
Huntington Anatomical Collection 850,
NMNH; photo: HDK).
66 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

vitamin D deficiency (rickets in children and osteomala-

cia in adults) where elements such as the long bones, cra-
nial base, and pelvic girdle bow or flattened due to their
inability to resist normal weight-bearing owing to insuffi-
ciently mineralized osteoid content (Fig. 5.5).
Other size abnormalities have genetic origins such as
improper expression of Wnt3 in tetra-amelia syndrome
that inhibits the formation of the appendicular skeleton
(Niemann et al., 2004). Achondroplasia (Fig. 5.6) is
another example resulting from a mutation of the fibro-
blast growth factor receptor gene FGFR3. This leads to a
failure of normal endochondral ossification at the level of
proliferating and maturing cartilage, along with impacts
to intramembranous ossification (DiRocco et al., 2014),
but most of the axial skeleton forms and develops rela-
tively normally. Such errors may be understood less as a
“malfunction” of chondroblasts, osteoblasts, and osteo-
clasts, but as those cells faithfully executing impaired
Abnormal bone size can also result from elevated
osteoblast activity in a range of morphological forms of
hypertrophy (Fig. 5.7). These conditions may relate to a
state where there is disequilibrium between bone forma-
tion and bone resorption in a bone environment where:
(1) osteoblast and osteoclast formation are both ele-
vated; (2) osteoblast activity is elevated while osteoclast
functioning is normal; and (3) osteoblast activity is
either normal or elevated while osteoclast functioning is
Importantly, size/shape variations and abnormal new
bone production do not represent mutually exclusive
phenomena. Hypertrophic conditions can be products of
pathologic processes producing abnormal new bone,
including alteration of the shape of the anterior tibia in
treponemal disease, or localized hyperostosis of the cra-
nium under conditions of chronic anemia, or the general-
ized skeleton-wide hyperostosis of the skeleton in
pachydermia. The other side of this coin included osteo-
petrosis, or Albers Schönberg disease. This features
normal osteoblast functioning but virtually nonexistent
osteoclast activity. Extensive abnormal bone formation
in the endosteal envelope (Fig. 5.8) formed as osteo-
clasts fails to remove bone enlarging the marrow cavity
during growth.
Anatomical factors may produce pathological size
and shape variations. Altered or insufficient vascular
supply to bone can produce necrosis or ischemia. A
compromised arterial blood supply to bone in Calve-
Legg-Perthe disease involves the idiopathic blockage of
arterial supply to the femoral head, which is delivered
FIGURE 5.4 Scoliosis of the vertebral column resulting from develop-
almost exclusively from major arteries running by the
mental errors producing wedge-shaped vertebral bodies and characteristic neck of the femur (the circumflex arteries). The growing
abnormal spinal curvature; also note fusion of right inferior rib (59-year- femoral head cannot receive enough blood from the aux-
old female, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P0001636; photo: HDK). iliary artery that passes through the round ligament of
FIGURE 5.5 Medial bowing of the
left and right femoral diaphyses (left)
(48-year-old male, Terry Anatomical
Collection, NMNH P0000828; photo:
HDK) and tibial diaphyses (right) (65-
year-old female, Terry Anatomical
Collection, NMNH P0000770 charac-
teristic of healed (inactive) rickets.
Photo: HDK).

FIGURE 5.6 Normal adult femur size and morphology (left) and achondroplastic femoral (right). Also note the flaring distal femoral metaphyses and
epiphyses, which is also characteristic of achondroplastic dysplasias (37-year-old female, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P0000512 (left), and 59-
year-old female, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P0001636; photo: HDK).
68 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

FIGURE 5.7 Hypertrophy of the left and right femoral diaphyses attribut-
able to Paget’s disease. Contralateral lesions on the right femur are clearly
not as severe but abnormal bone formation is still clearly present (75-year-
old male, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P0000531; photo: HDK).

FIGURE 5.9 Skeletal disuse atrophy (humerus, left; femur; right) asso-
ciated with quadriplegic paralysis for at least the final 16 years of this
individual’s life (21-year-old male, NMNH 6087; photo: HDK).

the head of the femur. The shape of the femoral head

progressively changes as bone tissue necrotizes and
adjacent bone atrophies.
Additional size and shape abnormalities relate to
innervation and biomechanical disease. These alterations
generally follow Wolff’s law. These can involve a spec-
trum of abnormally hypertrophied bone emerging from
excessive strain from high levels of physical activity to a
pathological loss of bone mass/strength and resultant atro-
phy in contexts of disuse or paralysis (Fig. 5.9).
Traumatic injuries span a wide array of abnormal
FIGURE 5.8 An example of abnormal bone formation in the endosteal bone shape/size, bone formation, and bone loss stemming
envelope of a right proximal femoral diaphysis leading to near total
from fractures, dislocations, cuts, blunt force injuries, dis-
obliteration of the medullary cavity (Huntington Anatomical Collection,
NMNH; photo: HDK). memberment, trepanations, cranial deformation, and burn
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 69

FIGURE 5.10 Complete fracture of the distal femoral diaphysis. While poorly reduced (aligned), the bone demonstrates very advanced healing
(enlarged view, right) (adult male, NMNH (169) Huntington Anatomical Collection 321053; photo: HDK).

injuries (Redfern, 2016) (Figs. 5.10 5.17). Immediately bone-forming signaling mechanisms can be at play, from
following sublethal bone fractures, a repair process begins Wnt expression to RANK and OPG ratios. On a tissue
with the formation of a hematoma and a cascade of level, conditions that produce passive hyperemia elevate
molecular signaling mechanisms including the master blood oxygen tension such that the locally negatively
organizer Runx2 that begin to direct the organization of charged environment stimulates osteoblasts (MacGintie
the clot into a semistable fibrous mass that is further orga- et al., 1993). Abnormal periosteal new bone formation
nized into bone as repair proceeds (Fig. 5.18) (Lieberman can be morphologically quite variable (Ragsdale et al.,
and Friedlaender, 2005). 1981; Resnick, 2002). While the timing of response is
Abnormal bone formation and destruction. Abnormal variable, injury or inflammation to the periosteum will
new bone formation may occur as both periosteal and activate its osteogenic potential such as with treponemal
endosteal envelopes. On the molecular level, a host of disease, localized trauma, staphylococcal or
70 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

FIGURE 5.11 Femoral diaphyseal fracture exhibiting a large and relatively well-organized and extensively remodeled bony callous that originated
as a hematoma surrounding the traumatic injury (48-year-old female, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P0000016R; photo: HDK).

streptococcal infection, or scurvy (Figs. 5.19 and 5.20) compared to plaque-like periostosis. New bone formation
as new, reactive bone is rapidly formed. It is initially typically produces defects with persistent well-defined
highly vascularized and poorly organized but is destined borders. New bone formation may also be fundamentally
for remodeling (Figs. 5.21 and 5.22). Contrary to com- reparative in function, from callous formation in fracture
mon use in paleopathology, it is probably incorrect to repair to inflammation or bone destruction in osteoarthri-
refer to such new bone formation as “woven bone” since tis, vertebral tuberculosis, or intervertebral disk herniation
usage of that term should be based on histological (osteophytosis) (Fig. 5.25). In that sense, abnormal new
identification. bone formation in degenerative joint disease is not pro-
The faster new bone formation occurs, the less orga- duced by the disorder, but rather, it is an attempted repar-
nized the new tissue will be (Figs. 5.23 and 5.24). So- ative response to the underlying pathological condition.
called “sunburst” formations of spiculated new bone pro- Neoplasms represent accelerated proliferation of
duced by an adrenoneuroblastoma, for instance, represent abnormal cells (Brothwell, 2012; Resnick, 2002) that may
high-velocity abnormal new bone formation when be either localized and benign or systemic and malignant
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 71

FIGURE 5.13 Well-healed depressed cranial fracture affecting the

right posteroinferior parietal bone (adult individual; Huntington
Anatomical Collection, NMNH; photo: HDK).

FIGURE 5.14 Crush fracture affecting the left lateral aspect of the L-5
vertebral body; subsequent remodeling and fusion to the bony sacrum
FIGURE 5.12 Complete fracture of the right humerus characterized by
can be observed (adult individual; Huntington Anatomical Collection
successful union and significant remodeling of the callous (79-year-old
213, NMNH; photo: HDK).
female, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P0000047R; photo: HDK).
72 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

FIGURE 5.15 Abnormal bone loss owing to a surgical intervention

seen here in an example of trepanation; little to no remodeling can be
observed and it is likely this individual did not survive long after the
procedure was concluded (adult male individual, pre-Hispanic Peru,
NMNH 204254; photo: HDK).

(Figs. 5.26 and 5.27). Neoplasms or osteopenia can also

compromise normal bone size, shape, or strength. Bone
tumor types are numerous (Ragsdale and Lehmer, 2012:
Fig. 13.1) but generally can be characterized by the loca-
tion of the types of cells in which they arise (chondro-
blasts, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts) and by their products
(cartilage, fibrous tissue, or bone). Metastatic cancer,
especially breast, prostate, lung, and kidney tumors have
a special affinity for bone (Resnick, 2002; and see below
in Case Study 2: Abnormal Bone Destruction and
Formation discussed at the end of this chapter).
Depending on the neoplasm, resulting bone involvement
can be lytic (e.g., multiple myeloma), blastic (e.g., sarco-
mas), or mixed (leukemia, prostate/pancreatic/bladder/car-
cinoid metastases) (e.g., Klaus, 2016, 2018b). Other more
exotic neoplasms can include bone- and tooth-forming
teratomas that arise from errors in embryological develop-
ment (Wasterlain et al., 2017), and depending on their
size, can become malignant (Charlier et al., 2009; Klaus
and Ericksen, 2013).
Abnormal bone loss can relate to either a failure of
formation or the destruction of preexisting tissue. The for-
mer can include embryological errors such as an epider-
mal inclusion cyst (Ortner, 2003), where epidermal tissue
is improperly sequestered in the mesoderm and bone can-
not form. Destruction or removal of preexisting bone
occurs far more commonly as seen in pathogenic pro-
cesses including the fine vascular response to scurvy in FIGURE 5.16 Abnormal bone size resulting from bilateral amputation
of the lower limbs approximately at the midpoint in the tibia and fibula
the sphenoid bone to more wide-ranging and larger associated with clinically documented chronic syphilis (right side shown
volumes of bone loss seen in brucellosis, tuberculosis, here) (approximately 42-year-old female, Terry Anatomical Collection,
and various metastatic diseases. In these processes, there NMNH P0000745; photo: HDK).
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 73

FIGURE 5.20 New bone formation present on the right zygomatic

bone indicative of an abnormal osteoblastic phenomenon (63-year-old
female, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P0000240R; photo: HDK).
FIGURE 5.17 Pronounced fronto-occipital style of artificial cranial
deformation produced by application of chronic low-grade pressure dur-
ing childhood when the cranium is incompletely ossified (adult female again is a spectrum of predicable responses in relation
individual, pre-Hispanic Bolivia, NMNH 390818; photo: HDK). aggressiveness and speed of progression. Slowly progres-
sive lytic lesions can feature partially remodeled and rela-
tively regular borders, whereas more acute and
destructive processes will produce highly irregular,
“punched-out,” or “moth-eaten” lesions in appearance
that do not elicit marginal inflammation (Fig. 5.28).
Bone destruction can be seen as a net increase in oste-
oclastic activity, itself a downstream state of the funda-
mental cellular signaling mechanisms that emerge during
a chronic inflammatory event in or around bone (Gosman,
2012). Simply stated, inflammation causes bone to
destroy itself. Related active hyperemia increases tissue
oxygen tension and positively charged solutes in blood
FIGURE 5.18 Abnormal periosteal new bone formation on the anterior are optimal for osteoclast activity (MacGintie et al.,
diaphysis of a right femur; size, shape, and sharply defined margin char- 1993). Inflammatory disorders are the result of an
acteristics, along with the abnormal medial angulation of the superior immune response to infectious agents such as bacteria,
diaphysis, are together suggestive of the abnormality’s origin as subper- viruses, parasites, fungi, and autoimmune disorders (Ward
iosteal bleeding is associated with a fracture (adult male individual;
and Lentsch, 1999; Straub and Schradin, 2016). The
Huntington Anatomical Collection (144) 318956, NMNH; photo: HDK).
inflammatory process begins with a standard, coordinated
vascular cellular response, but bone itself is incapable of
swelling (one of the three biologic manifestations of
inflammation). Inflammation involves an exaggerated
form of normal cell turnover, encompassing elaborate cas-
cades of cell signaling factors and pro- and antiinflamma-
tory signals. Inflammation triggers the recruitment of
leukocytes, activation of macrophages, neutrophils, pha-
gocytes, regulatory interleukins, and other factors that
may ultimately conclude inflammatory and healing pro-
cesses. Importantly, inflammation-driven bone destruction
and reactive new bone formation can coexist in bone, and
represent two adjacent bone microenvironments with con-
FIGURE 5.19 Abnormal periosteal new bone formation located on the
trasting osteoblast and osteoclast activity. This is dis-
anterior crest of the tibia, exhibiting fine, highly vascularized new bone
formation and associated sclerotic activity. Abnormal periosteal new cussed further later in this chapter. Many such
bone formation (adult individual; Huntington Anatomical Collection, inflammatory disorders follow these patterns, though a
NMNH; photo: HDK). few exceedingly rare osteoclastic disorders follow their
FIGURE 5.21 Abnormal periosteal new
bone formation affecting much of the
diaphysis of this right tibia. Bottom close-
up image demonstrates the presence of
newer, more vascularized tissue (A) and
lesion surfaces exhibiting a greater degree
of age and remodeling (B) (63-year-old
female, Terry Anatomical Collection,
NMNH P0000240R; photo: HDK).

FIGURE 5.22 As abnormal periosteal new bone is progressively remo- FIGURE 5.23 Exuberant, relatively poorly organized, and generally
deled, impressions of blood vessels in the periosteal membrane may rapid idiopathic new bone formation and partial ossification of the inter-
form as the remodeling processes occurs around the adjacent vasculature osseous membrane affecting the left tibia and fibula (60-year-old male,
(adult male individual; Huntington Anatomical Collection (448) 132316, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P0000868; photo: HDK).
NMNH; photo: HDK).
FIGURE 5.24 Manifestations of periosteal new
bone formation on the same tibial diaphysis, demon-
strating a highly vascularized active state of new
bone formation on the left anterior aspect of the
bone (A) simultaneously accompanied by a more
inactive, healing, and remodeling surface on the left
posterior aspect (B) (adult male individual;
Huntington Anatomical Collection (1556) 227958,
NMNH; photo: HDK).

FIGURE 5.25 Examples of abnormal joint morphology. Left: Extensive vertebral osteophytosis and partial fusion between the T12 and L1 vertebral
bodies can often be understood in terms of the pathophysiological response and reparative attempt in response to underlying inflammatory disorders
(Burial 2007-2 DIST, 35 45-year-old individual of indeterminate sex, late pre-Hispanic Peru). Right: similarly, marginal lipping can be observed in
the superior and anterior borders of the glenoid fossa, while purely lytic joint surface porosity of the joint surface itself is related to subchondral bone
death (adult individual; Huntington Anatomical Collection (22.2) ‘93-‘4. NMNH). Photos: HDK).
76 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

own unique rules, such as Gorham Stout syndrome. Also Lehmer, 2012). Septic inflammation is dominated by
known as vanishing bone disease or progressive massive polymorphonuclear immune cells that rapidly produce
osteolysis, a still-unknown mechanism(s) abnormally sti- exudate (pus) that can fill a marrow cavity, strip perios-
mulates osteoclasts in the absence of an inflammatory teum, and kill bone. Septic inflammation, such as that
trigger whereby bone is resorbed and replaced by hyper- seen in osteomyelitis (Fig. 5.30), can generate swelling
vascular connective and lymphatic tissue (Nickolaou and edema in the medullary cavity with increasing pres-
et al., 2014) (Fig. 5.29). sure, promoting infarction of cortical tissue. The result is
The five modes of inflammation are septic, granulo- a sequestrum (necrotic bone destined for resorption) and
matous, angiitic, toxic, and reactive (Ragsdale and accompanying involucrum (a shell of new, reparative
periosteal bone). Granulomatous inflammation is a
slower, histiocyte-moderated mode of inflammatory
response. It involves the accumulation of rounded aggre-
gates of macrophages and lymphocytes around a necrotic
focus that spread and can lead primarily to bone destruc-
tion such as with tuberculosis. Angiitic inflammation is
driven by antibody-producing cells (plasma cells, lym-
phocytes) that accumulate around blood vessels and pro-
duce a necrotizing gumma as seen in treponemal
diseases. Toxic inflammation includes rheumatoid arthri-
tis when fluid effusion in a joint triggers an inflamma-
tory response. Reactive inflammation, associated with
viruses and parasitic infection, tends to be the most
localized and least severe in skeletal tissue (Ragsdale
and Lehmer, 2012).
Other disorders feature both abnormal bone loss and
FIGURE 5.26 A benign and localized neoplasm in the form of a well-
defined and circumscribed “button” osteoma observed on the anterior formation. These are associated with biphasic hyperemia
aspect of the right parietal bone (70-year-old male, Terry Anatomical with the disease beginning as active hyperemia but later
Collection, NMNH P00000061; photo: HDK). transitioning to a passive state such as chronic

FIGURE 5.27 Aggressive and purely osteolytic processes affecting the ilium (A) and scapula (B) associated with clinically identified metastasized
breast cancer (48-year-old female, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P0000016R; photo: HDK).
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 77

FIGURE 5.28 Contrasting processes: (A) an example of a chronic and inflammatory condition involving both bone destruction and new bone forma-
tion, particularly notable along the margins of the destructive focus attributable to tertiary syphilis (adult individual, NMNH (1263) Huntington
Anatomical Collection 317848; photo: HDK); (B) a more acute and purely lytic phenomenon producing so-called “moth-eaten” irregular margins in a
case of probable subadult tuberculosis (Burial U10 05-29, Middle/Late Colonial Period, Mórrope, Peru; photo: HDK).
78 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

flatten, or otherwise become distorted under conditions of

normal loading. Rachitic bone may also feature “slit/strut”
morphology in metaphyseal regions. These formations
represent parallel zones of alternatingly mineralized and
unmineralized osteoid that provide both greater resistance
to bending and a basis for rapid mineralization when suf-
ficient vitamin D becomes available (Ortner and Mays,
1998: 53).
Skeletal signs of scurvy can be understood as a mani-
festation of vitamin C deficiency that leads to poor-
quality type-I collagen, which produces weakened blood
vessels prone to tearing and hemorrhage. With bleeding
occurring in the periosteal envelope, various osteoblastic
and osteoclastic-related responses occur, including the
removal of bone to make way for new blood vessels and
the formation of new bone from subperiosteal hematomas
(see papers in Crandall and Klaus, 2014). Beyond tradi-
tionally recognized nutritional, hormonal, and environ-
mental factors, other deeper systemic and genetic factors
may underlie generalized disorders of the skeleton are
considered “metabolic” regardless of immediate cause,
including hereditary diseases such as osteogenesis imper-
fecta or osteopetrosis. Yet, a metabolic disorder such as
osteoporosis is probably best understood as a syndrome or
FIGURE 5.29 Radiographic view of Gorham Stout syndrome (also group of diseases resulting in a reduction of bone mass.
known as vanishing bone disease or progressive massive osteolysis).
This rare osteoclastic disorder involves abnormally stimulated osteoclasts
Similarly, drawing distinctions between endocrine dis-
in the absence of an inflammatory trigger whereby bone (in this case, the eases, nutritional deficiencies, and hereditary syndromes
entire mandible) is resorbed and replaced by hypervascular connective can logically organize and distinguish such disorders and
and lymphatic tissue (image courtesy of Dr. Aditya Shetty, Radiopaedia. is advantageous in terms of diagnostic logic; the underly-
org). ing pathophysiological processes of systemic skeletal dis-
eases very much form a continuum.
osteomyelitis, Paget’s disease, or pulmonary hypertrophic Ultimately, all pathological variations of bone size,
osteoarthropathy. In the case of gummatous treponemal shape, formation, and loss are multicomponent phenom-
lesions, a region of reactive abnormal periosteal new bone ena. To understand them in the most complete way possi-
formation surrounds a central destructive focus. ble, cultural/behavioral influences to the physiological
Tuberculosis lesions in vertebral bodies produce signifi- components of inflammation, hyperemia, and osteoblast
cant bone loss and mechanical fragility. Reparative new and osteoclast activity must also be considered. An under-
bone attempts to offset the destruction (Fig. 5.31), but standing of these conditions ultimately must rest with the
since osteoclastic activity is far more rapid, greater net body of knowledge regarding: molecular signaling
bone loss always occurs, leading to Pott’s disease and mechanisms and gene expressions—and how particular
kyphosis. Recognizing a biphasic phenomenon may be disease states change, alter, or manipulate osteoblast and
very valuable to disease process identification, such as osteoclast signaling to their own ends (see examples at
with Paget’s disease (Fig. 5.32) and metastasized prostate the end of this chapter). The fundamental factor is the
cancer both featuring initial lytic activity that later behavior of the RANKL/RANK/OPG regulatory axis, the
switches over to abnormal new bone formation. RANKL:OPG ratio, and the expressions of Wnt/β-catenin
Metabolic diseases also produce a host of atypical pathway (also known as the canonical pathway) (Porth,
bone phenotypes through abnormal production, minerali- 2014; Gosman, 2012; also see Chapter 4 and various
zation, maintenance, or as secondary sequellae to meta- chapters in Rosen et al., 2014). This is critical to how
bolic deficiencies. For instance, rickets and ostemalacia paleopathologists think about identifying and understand-
stem from chronic vitamin D deficiency in subadults and ing disease processes.
adults, respectively. Improper mineralization of osteoid Classify with caution (see Chapter 1). Classification
leads to mechanically insufficient bone that can bend, systems are useful tools but also involve perils. While
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 79

FIGURE 5.30 Fracture of the left femur demonstrating advanced yet incomplete healing with swelling of the diaphysis and extensive reparative new
bone formation (left); posterior close-up view of the fracture with a single, large draining cloaca resulting from chronic osteomyelitis (21-year-old
male, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P000128; photo: HDK).

they can minimize ambiguity and error in assigning a bone is considering causation and pathogenesis at the
given disorder to any of the categories in the system, center as the guiding principles for understanding the
they are typologies and do not guarantee unambiguous disease process (see examples below). The pathologic
assignment (Ortner, 2012). Therefore, the most prudent and radiographic features of skeletal disorders at various
way to pursue the necessary classification of abnormal stages of a disease known from living patients are vital
FIGURE 5.31 Two views of osteoclast-driven bone destruction and osteoblast-mediated responses, including putative attempts at stabilization via
ossification of adjacent connective tissue, are seen here in a case of extensive chronic tuberculosis affecting the T7 L5 vertebral bodies (23-year-old
male, Terry Anatomical Collection, NMNH P000468; photo: HDK).

FIGURE 5.32 Bone destruction and formation can be observed in cases of Paget’s disease, which is a biphasic disorder. Initial and persistent bone
loss affecting the posterior cranium (right) can be contrasted with subsequent abnormal bone formation that has altered the geometry of the facial skel-
eton (adult male, NMNH, Historic New York; photos: HDK).
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 81

factors in differential diagnosis, but paleopathology can differential diagnosis is a method that involves a process
only reconstruct disease processes in bone most often of elimination that reduces the probability of candidate
confined only to the last moments of a person’s afflic- conditions until one or more conditions are concordant
tion and may or may not be the immediate cause of with observations and cannot be excluded.
death (Ortner, 2011). Also, while we depend on analo- Plurality, creativity, and differing opinions should
gies with clinical literature for interpreting skeletal evi- always be encouraged in science, but when it comes to dif-
dence of disease, we must recognize that we are making ferential diagnosis, there is arguably less flexibility regard-
a uniformitarian assumption (Buikstra et al., 2017). That ing best practice. An increasingly rigorous, streamlined,
is, we would be wise to question whether or not a patho- and systematic approach can reduce interobserver error,
logic process unfolded in the past as it does in the clini- enhance comparability across studies, and produce more
cally observed present, especially when there are certain and accurate differential diagnoses of skeletal dis-
significant discontinuities in ecogeographic space and ease. This can be possible through operationalizing a few
evolutionary time. This gives us at least some critical different elements. First, it is key to comparatively and
understandings to evaluate the strengths of any classifi- visually map the anatomical distribution of lesions in an
catory analogies we may draw. individual or across a sample. Then, process identification
and pattern matching can make equal use of this frame-
work or rubric to rank potential differential diagnoses to
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS the progressive exclusion of unlikely diagnostic options.
The process of description and process identification in Once again, the use of rigorous and explicit terminol-
paleopathology builds toward the final goal—the differ- ogy plays a key role in differential diagnosis and the confi-
ential diagnosis of abnormal skeletal tissue. Quick visual dence of the assessment. A review of the literature reveals
examination is never sufficient to securely identify a a wide range of often-ambiguous terminology used in diag-
pathological process. Given the multitude of distinct dis- nosis, from considerations of a lesion being perhaps a
eases that can produce similar or overlapping patterns of likely candidate condition to claims of pathognomonic cer-
pathological bone formation or destruction, the method tainty. For the sake of both standardization and logical
of differential diagnosis is a necessary tool in the study rigor, we concur with Appleby et al. (2015) and find great
of abnormal bone. A survey of the literature uncovers value in their recommendation to adapt the logic and orga-
multiple “styles” of differential diagnosis. As Buikstra nization of the Istanbul Protocol Manual on the Effective
et al. (2017) emphasize, there are clinical approaches Investigation and Documentation of Torture and other
that focus upon individual skeletons, while in other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
cases, a population-based approach may be followed. In (UN, 2004). Appleby et al. (2015: 20) replaced the
the latter case, key diagrams or pattern-fit methods may Istanbul Protocol’s use of “trauma” with “condition(s)”
be applied. and proposed the following criteria:
Modern paleopathology aims to practice rigorous dif- G Not consistent: the abnormality could not have been
ferential diagnosis (Buikstra et al., 2017; Klaus, 2017;
caused by the condition(s) described;
Mays, 2018). Some investigators have sought confirma- G Consistent with: the abnormality could have been
tion of what they deem is a likely diagnosis. Others con-
caused by the condition(s) described, but it is nonspe-
duct what could be called “snap” diagnoses, drawing on
cific and there are many other possible causes;
intuition or appealing to “expert opinion.” Instead, the G Highly consistent: the abnormality could have been
most advisable approach is to adapt the methods and epis-
caused by the condition(s) described, and there are
temology using the hypothetico-deductive method of dif-
few other possible causes;
ferential diagnosis as used in clinical practice. G Typical of: the abnormality is usually found with this
The relationship between disease and skeletal lesions
type of condition(s), but there are other possible
is not isomorphic. Accordingly, differential diagnosis is
by nature a probabilistic endeavor. First, one gathers all G Diagnostic of: the abnormality could not have been
available information in the description of a pathological
caused in any way other than by the condition(s)
condition. Second, possible etiological and pathogenic
described (i.e., it is pathognomonic).
conditions are identified. Third, the observed abnormal
bone is compared to known disease patterns and contrast- This system possesses several advantages, including
ing forms of disease are systematically removed from making the degree of diagnostic confidence overt.
consideration. Diagnostic options are thus progressively Naturally, we seek the most specific identification of
narrowed down in an exclusionary fashion. As in hypoth- ancient disease. Ortner (2011, 2012) always stressed that
esis testing, the most likely diagnostic option(s) is that differential diagnoses must always be restrained—never
which cannot be ruled out or rejected. In other words, to exceed the evidence. Ragsdale and Lehmer (2012) also
82 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

emphasized the need for a conservative practice of differ- with other lines of information is often wise. At the same
ential diagnosis. For them, the greatest diagnostic confi- time, we need to increase the explicit biological (patho-
dence and comparability can be found in the level of physiological) emphasis in understanding of skeletal
disease identification (see also Miller et al., 1996). In one lesions, further practical and philosophical evaluation
example, Klaus and Ortner’s (2014) study of treponemal- regarding our uses of analogy, and the potential of
like lesions in a skeleton from early postcontact Peru are Bayesian methods to reduce diagnostic ambiguity. Further
highly concordant with those produced by known cases of thinking regarding any uniformitarian notions should be
venereal syphilis. Still, there is highly significant overlap critically assessed. Continuing advances in genomics,
with lesions produced by yaws (another treponemal mani- metagenomics, and proteomics are permitting increasingly
festation) with no one specific feature to argue the lesions unambiguous forms of direct identification, which may
were diagnostic of either candidate condition. Therefore, eventually transcend many of the challenges that currently
the differential diagnosis can reject a variety of abnormal face paleopathological differential diagnosis.
proliferative and lytic conditions but can only say the
lesions are either typical of yaws or venereal syphilis.
It is also equally important to avoid careless diagnos- CASES OF ABNORMAL BONE: MODELING
tic comparisons between an archeological skeletal abnor- DESCRIPTION, IDENTIFICATION, AND
mality and radiographic or gross images of clinical
patients with skeletal disorders. The legendary American
orthopedic pathologist Lent Johnson, M.D., decried what We close this chapter with a summary of two abbreviated
he called “ribbon matching” in which he referred to diag- case studies involving archeological examples of ancient
nostic efforts that attempted to match either a pathologi- bone from a site in Peru that attempts to apply examples
cal gross specimen or a radiograph with an image in an of the frameworks described in this chapter. We review
orthopedic pathology or skeletal radiology text (Ortner, one case dominated by abnormal bone loss and one case
2011: 6). Instead, Johnson urged paleopathologists to featuring abnormal bone destruction and formation.
base their diagnoses in the reconstruction of the patholog- Case Study 1: Abnormal Bone Destruction. The arche-
ical history of a skeletal disorder and then to seek an ological site of Ventarrón is located in the Lambayeque
understanding of the pathogenesis of the abnormality. Valley Complex on the arid north coast of Peru.
Ortner (2011) extended this excellent advice to all possi- Ventarrón was a prominent monumental site during
ble analyses of archaeological examples of skeletal Peru’s precocious Formative era beginning around 2800
pathology. When examining a lesion in dry bone, close BCE (Alva Meneses, 2012). Though abandoned for mil-
examination will allow the observed to identify the prog- lennia, the complex was seen as a sacred locus by later
ress of a disease. As part of differential diagnosis, one societies who continued to bury their dead among the
should consider the disease process in both soft and hard ruins (Klaus, 2018a). Burial 2007-2 DIST-A was a
tissue, as it culminates in the observed lesion. While this 35 45-year-old individual of indeterminate sex. This
will not always be possible in every skeleton, it should context likely dates to the late pre-Hispanic Middle Sicán
still be attempted based upon a reasonably comprehensive culture (AD 900 1050/1100). The vertebral column dem-
knowledge of basic osteoblastic and osteoclastic onstrated significant bone destruction between the sixth
processes. and eighth thoracic vertebrae (Fig. 5.33).
We end this section by considering a number of epis- The greatest degree of destruction was centralized at
temological and theoretical observations regarding differ- the T7 vertebrae. More than 95% of the vertebral body
ential diagnosis offered by Mays (2018). Ultimately, had been destroyed, leaving only small intact portions of
differential diagnosis involves an attempt to bridge the superior vertebral endplates anterior to the left and
unknown to known, but we must always question and right pedicles. The T8 vertebra demonstrated a large
improve the ways in which we generate this knowledge. defect present in the anterior aspect of the vertebral body
These include the relationships between heuristic (intui- that had extended anteriorly to destroy nearly all of the
tive) and formal analogies, the limitations of comparabil- superior vertebral endplate. Well-organized sclerotic new
ity of archaeological material with the medical, clinical, bone formation was present on the remaining anterior, left
and paraclinical literature, and the benefits and shortcom- lateral, and right lateral surfaces of the T8 vertebral body.
ings from comparisons with anatomical reference samples The left lateral side of the T6 vertebral body was missing
(Mays, 2018). In particular, Mays (2018: 17) argues for a as a large cavity-like defect exposed the trabecular struc-
greater metacognizance that can prevent “the unthinking ture all the way to the anatomical center of the vertebral
empiricism that reliance on a reference/target sample body. Well-organized sclerotic new bone formation was
methodology can engender.” Of course, reference data similarly present on the remaining anterior and right lat-
and collections will always be useful, but combining them eral surfaces of the T6 vertebral body.
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 83

FIGURE 5.33 Two views of affected vertebrae diagnostic of pre-Hispanic tuberculosis on the north coast of Peru, with a detailed view of the extent
of bone destruction and osteoclastic activity affecting the T6, T7, and T8 vertebral bodies (right) (Burial 2007-2 DIST, 35 45-year-old individual of
indeterminate sex, late pre-Hispanic Peru; photo: HDK).

Before the differential diagnosis can proceed, we must this Gram-negative bacteria. Pulmonary infection fre-
evaluate whether these defects are taphonomic in nature. quently disseminates to the skeleton, mainly affecting
We can reject the pseudopathological options. These fea- noncontiguous vertebrae and frequently destroying verte-
tures are not consistent with patterns of salt crystal precip- bral endplates and the intervertebral disc. Brucellosis is
itation in bone in the region (Verano, 2012; Klaus and not a consistent diagnostic option due to the involvement
Ortner, 2014). They do not conform to any form of post- of contiguous vertebrae and that endplate destruction here
depositional damage caused by looting. There is no evi- appears as collateral damage due to the progression of an
dence of fungal growth, bioturbation (animal or root osteoclastic process focused in vertebral bodies.
activity), or other geological cause (e.g., high water table, Echinococcosis tapeworms are transmitted to humans via
high acidity). These abnormalities were from a biological contaminated meat, crops, or drinking water. Infection
process incurred during life. New bone formation on the generally begins in the liver with disseminated cases
T6 and T8 vertebral bodies further validates this involving the growth of cysts in bone as part of the para-
interpretation. site’s lifecycle. Here, these lesions are highly inconsistent
Disease process identification involves these defects with echinococcosis, including lesion size, the presence of
narrowed down to that of a primarily osteoclastic phe- marginal repair, and the fact that vertebral transverse pro-
nomenon of the vertebral column that can be accompa- cesses and neural arches were spared.
nied by some reactive bone. The lack of more extensive Paracoccidoidomycosis is a fungal infection that pro-
reparative or reactive new bone appears to reflect a rap- duces either singular or multiple destructive lesions in
idly progressing, though chronic, condition. Within this marrow spaces. Again, this condition is inconsistent with
category, the most likely diagnostic options are brucello- these observations, as paracoccidoidomycosis tends to
sis, echinococcosis, paracoccidoidomycosis, and tubercu- produce relatively rounded lesions that are far more
losis (see Resnick, 2002; Ortner, 2003, this volume). numerous, better defined, and distributed on noncontigu-
Brucellosis is a zoonosis caused by ingesting the milk ous vertebrae. Tuberculosis is acquired by either aerosol-
or meat of an animal infected by one of three species of ized transmission or via consumption of infected animal
84 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

meat or milk. Disease progression consists of primary tuberculosis bacilli. Their results showed that intracellular
infection and later reactivation with the potential of hema- infection of multinucleated osteoclasts resulted in a rapid
togenous dissemination to hematopoietic marrow. advance of tuberculosis infection and prompted an osteoly-
Vertebral lesions associated with tuberculosis are predom- tic response. Tuberculosis bacteria were also able to escape
inantly osteoclastic but as the infection persists and pro- from the infected osteoclast. This triggered an abnormal
gresses, increased venous blood flow with reduced pattern of osteoclast activation rooted in the bacteria’s
oxygen tension produces a contrasting anoxic bone micro- manipulation of the osteoclast itself, with development via
environment around the margins of a destructive focus. dysregulation of cytokine and chemokine expression—the
Thus, osteoblasts can be stimulated to produce reactive or purposes of which require additional investigation.
reparative new bone around and within the margins of Of course, abnormal new bone formation also occurs
lytic foci (Resnick, 2002). in tuberculosis immediately adjacent to the margins of
Using the modified Istanbul Protocol (Appleby et al., destructive foci. This means that pathogenic and molecu-
2015), we would argue that lesions in Ventarrón Burial lar signaling pathways within a lytic lesion are more or
2007-2 DIST-A are diagnostic of tuberculosis. less the diametric opposite of what is occurring just
Mycobacterial infection cannot be ruled out. It is the most beyond its margins as an attempt at sclerotic repair is
probable diagnostic option. Still, much of the skeleton of made. Certainly, we may suspect responsible agents are
this individual was missing, and one of the bases for a upregulated Wnt, BMP, and related signaling involving
confident differential diagnosis involves evaluation of the RANKL-OPG axis. This also helps highlight the fact
lesion distribution throughout the entire skeleton. The that disease processes may not be characterized in terms
missing elements here prohibit this broader perspective, of binary molecular signaling processes (also see
so we may state the lesions are tentatively diagnostic of Chapter 8).
tuberculosis. It is, however, always better to err on the Case Study 2: Abnormal Bone Destruction and
side of caution. In general, however, this set of changes is Formation. One of the other structures at the Ventarrón
consistent with findings from prior, rigorously established Archaeological Complex involved another Middle Sicán
differential diagnoses of tuberculosis (Buikstra, 1981; occupation at the truncated pyramid of Zarpán (Alva
Buikstra et al., 2017; Roberts and Buikstra, 2003). Meneses, 2012). There, 43 funerary contexts were docu-
If the differential diagnosis leads to tuberculosis, it is mented. Zarpán Burial 9 possessed abnormal patterns of
useful to evaluate the degree of consistency between these bone loss and bone formation on their L5 vertebra and S1
lesions and the known pathophysiology and molecular sacral segment (Klaus, 2018b). This adult male was
signaling mechanisms of mycobacterial disease. Here, we 40 45 1 years old at the time of death and was generally
find high consistency. When tuberculosis disseminates very well preserved and complete except for the missing
from the lungs, the bacilli take a hematogenous route left and right feet. A complex mixture of bone resorption
aided by the venous plexus of Baston to the vertebrae. As and new bone formation were observed on the anterior
an iron-loving bacterium, the rich hematopoietic marrow and lateral surfaces of the L5 vertebra and S1 segment of
inside the vertebral bodies represents the most optimal the bony sacrum (Figs. 5.34 and 5.35). These abnormali-
environment for bacilli colonization and growth (Wilbur ties featured a mixed reaction involving bone loss and
et al., 2008). A granuloma then forms around infectious bone formation. On the anterior aspect of the L5 and S1,
foci in the bone marrow microenvironment. The granu- dozens of focal points of bone loss involved well-
loma is surrounded by numerous multinucleated circumscribed oval or circular defects, some of the smal-
osteoclast-like and osteoclast precursor cells. These and lest examples of which could be mistaken for enlarged
other innate immune cells are activated to manage the nutrient foramina. A larger area of contiguous bone loss
infection. They release multiple inflammatory factors destroyed the right anteroinferior margin of the L5 verte-
such as IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-1. In particular, the bra. These lytic loci were accompanied by areas of fine
cytokines TNF-α and IL-1 locally disregulate the normal reactive new bone formation initiated on the right anterior
balance between osteoclasts and osteoblasts. The aspect of the L5, more advanced spiculated bone forma-
RANKL-OPG ratio is altered in the context of tuberculo- tion on the left anterior aspect of the L5, and areas of fine
sis infection (OPG downregulated; RANKL upregulated). new abnormal bone formation on the S1 sacral segment,
In fact, osteoblasts are in charge of the downstream effect especially on the left side.
of increased osteoclastogenesis (Li et al., 2016; Zhang The inferior portion of the L5 vertebra exhibited bone
et al., 2015). Pathological bone loss then follows. destruction affecting most of the inferior vertebral end-
Further, experimental evidence suggests that bone plate. Anteriorly, substantial irregular areas of bone had
destruction in tuberculosis goes beyond the release of been resorbed, and were generally surrounded by errati-
inflammatory factors. Tuberculosis reprograms osteoclasts. cally distributed additional circular or oval foci of pene-
Hoshino et al. (2014) infected cultured osteoclasts with trating bone loss. Additional vertebral margin bone loss
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 85

FIGURE 5.34 Mixed abnormal bone

resorption and new bone formation on
anterior and lateral surfaces of the L5
vertebra and S1 segment of the bony
sacrum, highly consistent with metastatic
prostate cancer (adult male, Zarpán
Burial 9; photo: HDK).

FIGURE 5.35 (a) Detailed left anterolateral view of the L5 lumbar vertebrae; (b) abnormal multifocal bone loss affecting the inferior vertebral end-
plate of the L5 vertebral body; and (c) abnormal multifocal bone loss affecting the superior vertebral endplate of the S1 vertebral segment of the bony
sacrum (adult male, Zarpán Burial 9; photo: HDK).
86 Ortner’s Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains

was present on the left posteroinferior aspect of the L5 and when lesions are confluent over multiple vertebrae,
body. This lytic process extended into the superior end- intervertebral disk spaces may be invaded by cancer cells
plate of the S1 segment of the bony sacrum. There, the (Resnick, 2002: 4304). Clinical findings of abnormal scle-
most significant destruction was again localized on the rosing bone formation on vertebral bodies of older adult
left side, and extended into the superior left wing of the men are nearly always correlated to metastasized prostate
bony sacrum. Vertebral endplate destruction of the L5 cancer (Resnick, 2002: 4293). New bone proliferation on
and S1 sacral segment was not associated with marginal the os coxae is highly unique though not quite diagnostic
new bone formation. The only other pathological pro- for disseminated prostate cancer (Ortner, 2003), and diag-
cesses in this individual’s skeleton included well-healed nosis does not oblige pelvic involvement. Any related
cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis lesions, as well bone destruction is characterized by poorly defined,
as active periodontal disease. highly irregular loci (Resnick, 2002; Johnson and
Pseudopathology can be convincingly excluded, as Sterling, 2013). On these bases, we argue that these
there are clearly multiple antemortem processes of de lesions are highly consistent with metastatic prostate can-
novo bone proliferation and bone resorption. Process iden- cer. We are cautious because bladder, pancreatic, and car-
tification of these lesions falls into the range of disorders cinoid caners may not be differentiated from prostate
that can produce mixed blastic and lytic phenomena in the metastases via either visual or radiographic means.
inferior vertebral column. These lesions are inconsistent However, differential diagnosis is a probabilistic exer-
with osteomyelitis due to the lack of necrotizing foci or cise, and bone involvement in these other cancers is far
cloaca. Nonspecific periostosis is equally inconsistent as less common, especially for carcinoid and pancreatic
anterior vertebrae are an extraordinarily rare anatomical malignancies. Even further, the former tends to be pre-
location for nonspecific lesions. Brucellosis should be con- dominantly lytic, while the latter preferentially involves
sidered but can be ruled out as not consistent the basis that both thoracic and lumbar vertebrae (see discussion in
brucellosis is intensely osteolytic, has a predilection for Resnick, 2002). The solitary lesion in the T4 vertebra is
thoracic vertebrae, and rarely involves new bone formation very likely to represent another kind of disease process
(Ortner, 2003). Tuberculosis is inconsistent due to the infe- such as tuberculosis. Thus, comorbidity is possible, if not
rior anatomical location, lack of large destructive foci, and likely, in this individual (independent differential diagno-
the presence of endplate involvement. Chronic fungal sis of that abnormality is required, but is a bit beyond the
infections such as coccidoidomycosis or paracoccidoido- scope and space that we have here).
mycosis are rejected as they are characterized by well- Again, we can check our most probable differential
defined lytic foci, often coupled with sclerotic margins on diagnosis of metastasized prostate cancer against anatomi-
noncontiguous vertebrae, clavicles, ribs, and long bones cal, clinical, and molecular factors. Anatomical structure
(Long and Merbs, 1981; Ortner, 2003; Temple, 2006). is consistent. In the case of a primary prostate cancer
An evaluation of sclerosing bone disorders, such as tumor, the paravertebral plexus of Baston is the most
hypertrophic (pulmonary) osteoarthropathy, melorheosto- likely vascular intake point for prostate cancer cells that
sis, and fluorosis can each be ruled out on the basis of a seed them directly to lumbar vertebral bodies (Resnick,
clear mismatch of lesion morphology, distribution, and 2002). The rich hematopoietic marrow, large capillary
cooccurrence of lytic foci. Metastatic disorders, however, networks, and sluggish blood flow in lumbar vertebrae
can produce a variety of mixed blastic and lytic bone represent an appealing environment for tumor metastases.
involvement (Johnson and Sterling, 2013). Most metasta- Experimental and therapeutic perspectives demon-
ses, such as metastasized breast cancer, are highly osteo- strate disseminated prostate cancer lesions likely begin
lytic (Resnick, 2002). Potential diagnostic options such as with a strong bone resorption component, and as the dis-
multiple myeloma, leukemia, and Hodgkin’s and non- ease progresses, the formation/resorption control axis flips
Hodgkin’s lymphomas can be rejected based on differing dramatically (Johnson and Sterling, 2013). The patho-
lesion morphology and distribution (Resnick and physiology of sustained metastasized prostate tumor
Haghighi, 2002). Of all metastatic diseases, prostate can- growth requires secretion of osteoblast-derived growth
cer is by far the most likely to produce osteoblastic factors. Prostate cancer cells themselves appear to secrete
lesions (Resnick, 2002). multiple Wnt ligands to activate the canonical Wnt path-
The distribution of metastatic prostate cancer is dis- way along with multiple other bone-forming factors
tinct from the majority of hematogenous metastases, as within the cancer microenvironment (Klaus, 2018b). In
this condition has a clear anatomical preference for the other words, once the cancer establishes a foothold, osteo-
lumbar vertebrae, bony sacrum, and ossa coxae (Resnick, blasts become the “master switches” manipulated by the
2002; Ortner, 2003; Coleman, 2006). Related osteosclero- malignant cells for their survival and growth. Also, dis-
tic new bone formation may possess radial, sunburst-like seminated cancer cells likely home-in toward specific
formations. Single or multiple vertebrae may be involved, organs that provide the most ideal microenvironments for
Considerations for Documentation, Disease Process Identification, and Differential Diagnosis Chapter | 5 87

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