Vampire the Masquerade - Nosferatu Bloodline Mnemachian

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Drutalos Spawn: The Bloodline

of Mnemachian

from Dark Ages: France by Night 20th Anniversary

Preface: This is a simple attempt at translating, cleaning up and potentially converting the table
top mechanics for the Mnemachian Bloodline.


Nicknames: The Pale

Founder: Drutalos and Mnemach
Faction: Independent
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Thaumaturgy

Weakness: They share the strange appearance of their founder due to the Breed of Nosferatu
they are, the Parisii, this diaphanous and almost transparent skin which reveals their veins,
muscles and tendons. They also have one more quirk, if they feed on a human that is not fully
consenting, they will immediately vomit the ingested blood.

History: The bloodline originated in Drutalos, an old nosferatu druid who protected for centuries
the Parisii gaulish tribe in the area of Lutetia, the future French capital city Paris. He took a
gifted druidess under his protection, Mnemach, who would direct the bloodline in the name of
her Sire since the time of the Roman invasion.

In the Dark Ages, in the city of Paris, where the Mnemachians evolve alongside the Tremere,
led by Goratrix. Their competition was fierce, with numerous clashes happening between the
two clans. A brief alliance did see Mnemach united with the powerful Regent, uniting the many
foundations of Paris to exile the would be Prince of Paris, Alexander. The Matriarch of the
Mnemachian had been aware of the demonic activity that had grown in the royal capital, She
was convinced that the Tremere were also not strangers to it as well.

Bloodlines Philosophy: Heirs of ancient druidic rituals, they generally follow the Path of
Humanity, as Mnemach does. The worship of the old gaulish gods is not, as one might think, at
the center of their philosophy. They in fact mostly devoted themselves more to the relations
which unite kindreds, humans and natural cycles. In this, abandoning their humanity to follow
another Path would be to deny the elementary foundations taught by their matriarch. The
Mnemachiens use their strengths as a service to mankind, of the poor and disadvantaged ones,
amongst whom they live, taking care not to inflict on them any suffering due to their condition as
vampires. For them, the blood of mortals must not be taken by force (physical or mental) or
trickery, but should be deserved. All of this is part of a cycle in which humans and kindreds
ensure their survival by respecting a principle of balance. Despite their monstrous appearance
and their rituals of another age, the Mnemachians are among the greatest Prodigals, protecting
their communities, sometimes risking their unlives. All of them follow the Path of Humanity, or
variations of the Path of Breath or the Path of Community. The Mnemachians remain nosferatu
and their thirst for knowledge and secrets knows no bounds, especially when it comes to the
realm of the occult.

● VDA: Libellus Sanguinis 4: Thieves in the Night (2001) - Page 65
● VDA20: France by Night (2019) - Page 247,248
Mnemach, matriarca Nosferatu, "Bruxa de Paris"

Mnemach enjoyed the respect of all members

of the Gallic tribe of Parisii and many men
wanted to make her his wife. But the young
woman had other points of view, considering
that a greater destiny awaited her and that it
was all her people – and not one of her own.
representatives – that she had to serve. This
attitude angered his younger sister.

Suleviae who interpreted this as arrogance

and considered herself much more deserving
than her eldest (cf. "Saviarre d'Auvergne",
page 235).

In -52, Mnemach watched helplessly as the

leader of the Parisii, the old warrior
Camulogen, was defeated by the troops of
the Roman general Labienus. Overnight, her
people no longer existed. Maddened with
rage and at the height of despair, she
attempted to infiltrate the Roman camp under
the cover of night to kill General Labienus
with her own hands, but a mysterious druid
stopped her, persuading her that her action was doomed to failure and failure. that a greater
purpose awaited him.

This Druid, called Drutalos, was a Nosferatu and a Parisii. Caring for his people for centuries, he
was unable to do anything to prevent his people's defeat. He, however, saw the Roman soldiers
coming up the river in their boats, hidden by the new moon. He had warned the Gallic warriors,
but it was too late; the Ventrue and their ghouls had already infiltrated, hidden by the shadowy
darkness and the powers of their Malkavian spies.

Considering himself responsible for the virtual annihilation of his people, Drutalos felt the need
to safeguard his culture and saw in Mnemach the disciple he had been waiting for decades, so
he made her his carrion to teach her the mysteries of the god Sucellos. and his consort
Nantosuelta, masters of life, death and natural cycles.

For five years, Mnemach proved to be a particularly gifted student. His mind and body (now
covered in tattoos and ritual scarifications) are entirely dedicated to the occult secrets taught by
Drutalos who embraces him under the full moon according to an ancient druidic rite.
Although the Kiss partially deprived her of her beauty, altering her face and destroying her
abundant hair, the rest of her body changed in strange ways: her skin became white and
translucent, revealing the veins, muscles and tendons beneath. This surprising appearance,
mixed with the many tattoos that cover her body, produces an almost hypnotic effect on those
who watch her ritual dances, which she performs entirely nude, with only her face hidden behind
a mask of bones. The rest of the time, she wears long dresses, white, black or ochre, depending
on the seasons, lunar cycles and the rituals she practices.

According to Drutalos, the mysteries of the deities Sucellos and Nantosuelta (celebrating nature,
life, death, and the afterlife) can only be fully understood by Cainites who, by virtue of their
nature, are on the border between the two. worlds. Mnemach learned to master her Beast and
maintain balance between the monster she lurks beneath the surface and the priestess serving
the telluric and chthonic deities, without abandoning the path of Humanity.

During the centuries that followed, Mnemach and her lord took refuge in the underground
passages and catacombs of Lutèce (on the island and on the left bank in full expansion under
Roman influence). A large community of Nosferatus then formed beneath the city, becoming its
masters for a time. At the beginning of the fourth century, Drutalos fell into a long torporous
sleep, entrusting the future of the city to Mnemach for the next thousand years.

The nosferatu matriarch of Paris is probably the oldest Cainite in the city she considers hers, no
offense to the Ventrue and Toreadors. But while they share the surface, the cellars belong to
him, and at these depths there is no risk of fire or exposure to the sun.

Despite belonging to the lower clan of Nosferatus, no one is deceived by her occult influence
and her opinion is regularly sought at the Great Court by Salianna and Geoffrey, whom she
participated in placing on the throne by participating in the conspiracy.

If no secret is unknown to her, especially because she woke her sister from her torpor and was
thus able to learn more about the mysteries of the Great Court, a certain lethargy begins to
numb her body and mind, a consequence of her death. millennium of uninterrupted activity.
Perhaps she should have abandoned herself to a long sleep for some time now that stability
seems to have returned to Paris and the kingdom, but she awaits the awakening of her master
who must soon leave of her long torpor.
Mnemach Character Sheet - France by Night, 209

Clan: Nosferatu (Mnemachian)

Breed: Parasii
Sire: Drutalos
Nature: Architect
Demeanor: Enigma
Generation: 6th
Embrace: 47BC
Apparent Age: Indefinable
Path: Humanity 6
Willpower: 9
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-control 4, Courage 4

● Physicals: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
● Socials: Charisma 6, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1 (Curse seems to not affect her)
● Mentals: Perception 4, Intelligence 6, Wits 4

Abilities: Brawl 2, Leadership 2, Empathy 4, Intimidation 3, Intuition 5, Subterfuge 4, Vigilance

4, Animalkin 4, Craft 3, Stealth 4, Melee 1, Survival 3, Handbag 3, Investigation 4, Medicine 3,
Occult 6, Politics 3, Folklore 5, Theology 1

Disciplines: Animalism 5, Auspex 3, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 6, Presence 1, Potense 5,

Thaumaturgy 6

Paths of Thaumaturgy: Strength of The Gods 5, Elemental Mastery 4, Path of Blood 3,

Weather Control or Path of Levinbolt (In Latin: Potestas Tempestatum means Path of Storms) 2

Thaumaturgy Rituals: Mnemach knows many rituals related to nature, protection or divination.

Background: Allies 5, Contacts 5, Dominion 4, Influence 3, Resources 2, Servants 3, Status 4,

Herd 3
New Thaumaturgy

Path: Strength of The Gods (Cammano-deuonertos) - France by Night, 238

The path, whose name is Gallic in origin, was created by the Methusalah known as Drutalos of
Clan Nosferatu. Based on ancient druidic rituals, the powers of this path allow you to borrow the
strengths and qualities of the gods of Gaul. Although the names of these powers and rituals
recall the abilities of the Ogham discipline of the Lhiannans, the witches' powers are merely a
perversion of the powers of the ancient gods, invoking blood and sacrifice. Mnemach and her
lineage have been known to attack and destroy any Lhiannan they come across.

Many of the paths of Thaumaturgy that Drutalos and his lineage practise came about from their
reverence for Celtic deities. Thus, “Iter Pernis” becomes “Don of Epona” and “Potestas
Tempestarum” becomes “Gift of Taranis”.

Note: Only one effect can be used at a time. Any new use of a gift from the path cancels the
effects of the previous one if it is still active.

Gift of Cernunnos (Basic)

The horned god presides over divination rites and whoever invokes his help can benefit
from a certain foreknowledge expressed in the form of a vision.

System: For one hour per success obtained on the activation test, the user can benefit
from a “déjà-vu” effect, as if already witnessed this moment. This allows him to retest an
ability challenge of his choice once or not be surprised.

Gift of Teutates (Basic)

The father of the Gallic people brings his knowledge, wisdom and his advice to anyone
who needs it.

System: For each success obtained on the activation, the user can distribute a point in
one or more of the following Abilities: Crafts, Enigmas, Intuition, Folk Wisdom and
Survival. If the user does not have the ability in question, the first point in it “costs” two.
This boost lasts for one hour and the ability levels cannot exceed 5.

Gift of Esus (Int.)

This ruthless god grants his warrior power to those who ask for it.

System: During a scene, the user can distribute a number of points equal to the
successes obtained between Strength and Stamina related traits (with a maximum of +3
in each attribute). In return, he cannot otherwise increase physical attributes or heal
himself until the end of the scene.

Gift from Nantosuelta (Int.)

The goddess of fertility is also that of nature and beneficial fire. Whoever appeals to her
benefits from her protection against natural forces.

System: Each success obtained on the activation grants one additional die to absorb
damage from natural sources such as cold, lightning, storm or fire. Nantosuelta's Gift
lasts for one scene.

Gift of Sucellos (Adv.)

The god who reigns over the dead and the living favors the Cainites who, like him, are
located on the border of the two worlds. Sucellos' gift allows him to overcome certain
restrictions inherent to the condition of convicts.

System: Each success achieved on the activation the user gains two dice they can
“spend” by adding to one or more dice to rolls related to his vampiric nature. This can be
used to resist Frenzy, Rötschreck, Sun, and True Faith. They can also be used to
awaken from daytime torpor or stay awake during the day. This effect disappears at the
next dawn or dusk, whichever comes first.

New Rituals

Ritual: Sucellos Torque - level 4

This ritual enchants a golden torc that makes it easier to resist the frenzy in "hindering"
the Beast.

System: Under a new moon, the thaumaturge pierces his hand with an oak stake (which
inflicts a level of lethal damage that cannot be absorbed) and expends 3 blood points
which he pours into a large willow wood bowl. He then reduces some mistletoe leaves to
ashes and mixes these ashes with his blood. He then places the golden torque into the
bowl which will absorb the mixture within an hour. This torque, worn on the casters neck,
reduces the difficulty of all his frenzy and Rötschreck rolls by -1. The "Sucellos torque"
only works on those who performed the ritual and its effects last until the next new moon.
Ritual: Blessing of Belenos - level 5

This ritual considerably reduces the effects of the daytime torpor that affects vampires,
but it is not without compensation.

System: The thaumaturge places a rock crystal into his chest that has been exposed to
external light during the previous day, dealing a level of lethal damage that cannot be
absorbed. Then, upon successful activation of the ritual, this time a level of aggravated
damage is required that cannot be absorbed, as the crystal spreads the blessing of the
Belenos Fragment God into the Cainite's body. During the following day, the vampire
may remain awake and act normally (if asleep, he is aware of his surroundings and may
wake up automatically).

Additionally, your Track level is considered two points higher (maximum 10) for purposes
of calculating your dice pool limit. In return, for every hour spent thus awake, the Cainite
loses 1 blood point, and while the crystal is in him, he cannot voluntarily spend blood
points and cannot feed (he cannot replenish his blood supply). The crystal is expelled
and disintegrates once night falls, but can be removed sooner by inflicting a lethal level
of damage to itself.

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