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W life in spqce
re Vocqbulory
(l circte the correct onswer.
I toke off / lond 4. -ár ostronout / spoce

.s#h rocket / spocecroft 5.

crbii / lond
solor sysiem ,/ rocket 6. rocket / plonel

@ U.trn to lhe podcasl. Complete lhe sentences. fl) rn: e:

l. Yuri Gogorin, from Russicl, rvos the first humon to lecve this ond trovel into

2. His wos colled Vostok I

3. tt Eorth once.
4. ln l9ó9, Americon Neil Armstrong ond Buzz Aldrin become the first people
on the moon,
5. Apollo ll from Eorth on July lóth
é. The lunqr module on the moon on July 20th
7. Aldrin ond Armstrong spent two ond o holf on the moon,
8. Bock on Eádh, more thon 530 million people vrotched fhe moon londrnqs on

g Answer the questions. Use lhe words in the boxes.

\¡ilhot is o soiclr system? sun plonets orbit
A solor sysfem is o sun cnd fñe - ft¡e

2. Whcrt do ostronouts do? trovel spoce spocecroft rockets


3. Whot is Mors? plonet our solor system

Mors is

4. V/hot is the Curiosity rover? spocecroft took off Mors 2012

The Curiosity rover is

See p.
ffi I 2ó.

O Connplete lhe sentences wilh wilt or won'tondthe verbe in porenlheses.

I. I think v¿e (go) on vocotions to the moon in the future.

(lond) on Mcrs, but they

too cold ond fhere isn't cny fresh wqter,

5. I hope thot (find) new plonets in the fufure,

ó. Perhops we houses on the moon,

B usten to Then write sentences using wiII or won'f. i i l;¡ l.-

The boy's
/ live /
We'il liv* urder ih*
2. we / trovei / to spoce

3. robots I teoch / us

4.we /go / to school

The girl's predictions

5, we / live / on lr4ors

ó. spoce trovel / be / loo expenstve

7. robols / build / spcrcecroft for us

§ Wtite two sentences with w¡llond two sentences with won'f obout your predictions for 2050.
§ehools in 2050

Homes in 2050



UNIT 7 Life in Spoce 57 :§

# Reoding
§ S"on the text. Why do children go to Spoce Comp? Circle the best onswer (A, B, or C). moke rnovíes obout spoce B. to leoi-n obout spoce trovel C. 1o swim, clirnb, ond ploy

Spoce Ccmp
li's Iuncirtime, ond the students ot Spoce Comp
ore oll very hungry, They'r7s hcd o busy morning.
After breokfcrst, they plonned their spoce mission to
lv4<rrs, ond then they spent on hour in o spoce flight
sir¡ulc¡tor. After thot, they learnecl hov,¡ to build rockets.
Yourng people from counlries oll orournd the world
come fo Huntsville, Alobomo. in the US, every summeÍ
to spend o week of Spcce Comp. Here they fincl out
oboui science ond spoce, ond they lec¡rn cll¡cut
tri;'¡eling to other plonels.
Whnt's on the scheclulo for fhis ofternoon? They're
ot Hunlsville using the spoce flight
climbing the "Mors wcrll." There ore some very high ffiT,:tJJ
mountoins on Msrs, so it's imporlcni to be good ot
climbing when you visii the Red Pionet. Tonighl, they're woiching o show obout New words
ostronomy. Then tomorrow, some of the ofder children cre playing boskeibcll... plcnned
seven meters underwster in c specicl pool. This will help them understand hcw ts
move on planets where there is no grovity.
Some of todoy's astronouts wenl io Spoce Ccmp when they were chi[dren'
Perhops one of the children ot Spoce Comp todoy will wolk on Mars in lhe futu¡e,

§) neoO ogoin. Write T (true) or F (folse).

l. The siudents ol Spoce Comp did o lot of ihings in the morning
2. They're leorning hor¡¡ io build rockels in the ofternoon,
3. The "[r¡]ors \¡Voll" is the nome of cr mountoin on lVlars.
4. All the siudents ployed underwofer bosketboll.
5. Some people who rvent to Spcce Ccmp in the post ore now osl¡'ct^'=---

§l Comptete the senlences with the words from the box. There is o*e sc{= yc;r don't need.

os.tronomy floci grovity missions muscle plon ?-' i ::: '-

: --:li

The ostronouts on the ISS in ihe oir becouse ti',er= . .=- " : --.-.-- ---
2. This morning they hoveto the Dragon spocecrcrfic#Éteffi.
3. The people on the ISS know o lot obout science snd
4. At night they get into their-.
5. Scientists con use informqtion from the ISS to help --.--
inlo spoce.

58 uNtr 7 Life in spoce

p See I 2ó.

§! complete the conversotion with lhe verbs in porentheses. use the presenl progressive
A: 1 t!.'liti".} (you do) this ,**ekencl?
Vy'hol /
B: I? ==-- (visii) ihe Eurcpecn Space Agency in Noordwilk with my ount on Soturdoy.
There's o specicrl open doy for vísitors. Scne ostronoufs 3
(speok) in the mornrrrg.
There's olso o virluql reolity tour of the lnlerrrolionol Spoce Stcrtion.
We ¿ __ (rrof I go)
on thol becouse in the ofternoor-l we 5 (leorn) hov.¡ to build robots,
A: ó ..-----.._-------_.'.-
(you ioke) the troln there? -
B: No, we 7.-(not / be). lr,ly ount ¿ _*=- (drive) there.
A; But your brother hotes cars!
B: My brother e _'-__ (not / come) wilh us. He rc (plciy) in o soccer gome,

@ vuriond olgc ore ot spoce camp. rook qr their schedutes qnd write sentences.
Yuri Olgo

@ c spcce mission buifcl o rocket

I ciimb the "ltlors Woll" moke o spoce suit

@ w,o1ch o movie oboui spoce vvotch o movie oboul spcice

L Olgo / plon o spoce mission / of two o'clock,

i. Iit ¡,;: j¡:;¡; j l:.lanninct | ) :.;t )í:, it' rnission at lwo o'clock.
2. Yuri / plon o spoce mission / al two c¡'clock.

3. Yuri / n¡oke q spqce suit / ot four o'clock,

4. Olgo / moke o spoce suii / qt four o'clock iti

5. They / r¡rotch o movie obout spoce / c¡t seven o.clock.

§ magine you sre ot Spoee Comp. whqt ore you doing this ofternoon? write
using the ideos in lhe box or your own ideos.

build cr robot hove dinner meeT cn ,estronout visil the spoce mLrseum

UNIT 7 Life in Spoce 59

Writing An lnformotionol Text
$ fUot.n the sentences ('l-3) with the follow-up stotements (A-C).
t. Check the dote on cny website.
2. Dcn'Í use informoiion from personol blogs.
3. Look for o museum or c newspclper website.
A.The informolion is probcrbly correct on this kitrd of website,
B. lf the informotion is old, lt might be different now,
e " ivicrybe the writer hosn't checked the focfs,

Sf Comptete the text obout Pluto with the phroses from lhe box.

different from time on Eorth It olso hos five moons it gets very cold
Pluto isn't o plonet smoller thon our moon We don't know ruch crbout Pluto

There ore eight plonels in our solor system, but scientists used to belier¡e:ne¡e
were nine, The ninth plonet wos Pluto, Bul most scientists todoy belie're ihcr
This is becouse it's much smoller thoi' ilre c:'e:

plonets, ln foct, it's 2

Scientists now csll it c "durorf
plonet" (dwarf meons "very smoll"), Becouse it's so for from the sun,
---qbout -230'C,
Time on Plt¡to is ' One doy on Plr,to is:^,; :;*- ::
hours on Eorth. One yeor on Pluto is 248 yeors on Eorth.
becquse it is veryfor owcy, bui in 2015, ilesW=rdt New Horizans
look some photos of it. ln the photos we con see that Pluto hos blue skies, *d rrlotlr.l6sns. snd red
snowl ó . The biggesi m@n is called Choror¡-

@ Writ" o shorl léxt obout Jupiter. Use the focts Jupiter

from the box. lnclude o coption for the photo. . 1hei¡r^::-:-- ---- ,*#ffi".
|he s;-- ,,*ffi*
. a!^a a - _ _:'
- ^-_

. the bre t::- : *-'- :' -

+a^ i :- ,----.
filg)! ^^ -.- r

60 uNtT 7 Life in spoce


I Look of the picfures. Check (/) fhe pictures thot show someone shoring. Put on ,( for the
pictures lhot show someone not shoring.

B. E.

Motch the descriptions (I-ó) with the pictures (A-F).

l. I couldn't sit down becouse the other sludenfs put their bogs on the seot,
2. We took our bogs off the seot becouse we lryonted our friend to sit down.
3. lfelt sod, crnd no one tolked io me
4. I felt sccl, but then my friend mode o coke for me.
5. l\4y friend ond I looked ot his mogozine iogether,
ó. I didn't hc¡ve o dictionory, oncl my friend didn't shore hers.

o Are you good ct shoring?

Write o sentence obout q time when you shored scmething with o friend,

Write o sentence obout o time when o friend shored something with you.

UNIT 7 Life in Spoce 61


(l lonelthe picture with the words from the box
.r;¿,áf !i¡ñ4r6:;rfr,i!ias@:llsr#r.r,i ;

oudience king queen stoge theoter





@ Circte the eorrect onswer.

I. The girl on the sfage / audience con sing very wef l, ond she cc:n c:r 's,:c':ocl
2. A fairy fale / queen is c¡ kind of traditionai i marriedstory.
3. I enjoye( thestory, but it didn't act / end hoppily
4. The womon met the mcrr, qnd ihen they gol married / endeC.
5. The fairy tale / audience loved the shoi^¡.

S litt.n to the convers«rtion qnd complete the sentenc€s. .q ¡ tii .:.i

1. The boy wenl to o show,
2. The theqfer wos in the
3. The oudience sot on
4. The shor,v wqs crboul c beouliful from the{oresl utr?K: ry¡*ets c pircle.
5. Tt-ey got *
é. in the end, 'ihey lived
- on s


ff. ri,


Grommsr "'M"
Qoen vvv f
i4¡ '

words in order to moke sentences.

'1. the / going / ls I circus / he / to / visit?

oren't / show / wotch / going /\"ie /ihe ¡'rc

3. to / story / reod / going / l'm / this

to/they/going/o / Ne / song / sing?

5. going / Whqt / are /to / tomorrol'¡ / v¿e / see / mcvie?

ó. octor / to / going / be / She's / on'

complete the conversqtion wiih be going fo ond the verbs in
A: Whotl
.rr:' ,J!rl :,i|ilit|', :
(r¡ou I do) tomorrov¡?
B: Well, I won't be in school, of bourse, L:ecouse it's the weekend!
3 _=__==-- (toke) me to the
(gei up) Iote, ond then my grondfother
beoch in Sonios,
A: a (you / svrim) in the oceon?
B: Probobly. But my grcndfother 5 (not / go) in ihe woter' ll's too
cold for himl
A: Whot obout Your brothers?
B: They ó (not / come) to the becrch with uts
(lvotch) o puppet snow in SÓo Poulo.
re They ?

lhe box
whot qre you going to do next week? write true sentences. use the ideos in
or your own ideos.

l do oll my homework eot some Vietnonrese food go to o puPPet show
ploy the fiuie
go 1o
r^¡otch TV

Iisten 1o some music ploy soccer


Next week, l'm going to

l'm nof going to


UNIT I Come io fhe Showl 63

(l loot< ot the photo ond the title' Guess. Whqt is
A. o street lheoter festivol B' o foiry tole C. o circus sncir

Behind the Door

It's o worm evening in July, cnd l'm in Progue in the Czech
Republic. There ore lois of people here, ond r,'ve're oll wotching
some cliggers-big mqchines thot rlig holes, Bul they oren'1
cligging holes tocloy, They're performing o bqllet. Now the
doncing finished, ond l'm wotching o juggler. She's throwing
fire sticks high up into the oir, Suddenly she folls on'lo the grounci,
ls she going to drop the frre sticks? No, she cotches them oil, ond
A pertcrñer ot Beh¡nd th€ Door in
tlre oudience loughs ond clops loudly.
Every July. for five doys, sfreel performers from oll oround'lhe worlcl
come to Progue to toke port in Behind ihe Door-the Progue Street Theoter Festivol. New words
Tlrere ore more tlron forty different shows qt the festivol, including huge puppets, bollei
clowns, ocrobots, musicions, ond people who wolk on slilts, Perhops you'd like to stilts
wafch o movie? You con visil o yurt-o troditionol tent-ond wotch Pioir ond Jocek. mime
Piotr is on octor, ond Jocek is o musiciqn, Together, they perform o movie story, with
mime, music, ond sounds bui no words.
Vüould you like fo toke port in o streel theoter festivol? Whqt would your show be clbout?

B neoO the.tpxt. Answer fhe questions

L Whot ore the diggers doing?

?. Do the people in the oudience like the iuggler's pqrformcrnce? How do you know?

3. How long is the festivol?

4. Where con you see o movie story with no words?

@ fUot.n the words in the box with the pictures (l-5). There ore two words you don'l need.

acrobofics bollet hoop lives mime prob'lem stilts

1 2. 3. 4. \/ 5. ft
0 s/ «.dá
.F I§

il /,?
/\ tr
64 UNI I Come to the Showl

:. Grr¡mrnor{&o See p.1 27.

f Motch sentences (1-é) with the predictions (A-F).

I. There oren't ony ciouds in ihe sky. A. She's going to moke o coke.
2. She's the best singer in the compeiiiion. B. The show is going to begirr.
3. She hos eggs, suEor. flour, ond buiter, C. l'm not going to enjoy the circus.
4. The octors ore on the stoge, D. We're going 1o be lote for sclrool.
5. l'm ofroid of clowns. E. lt isn't going to roin,
ó. lt's eight o'clock, ond we hoven't F. She's going to win rhe prize,
left home yel,

Listen fo the conversqtion, Complete the predictions (I-4) with be going fo snd the
phroses from the box. f *'r+: i:*

I be lote be very tired tomorrow love the shor,v not be wcrm enough
1. Tlrey
2. A T-shiri
3. The boy
4. The girl

look ot the piclures. Moke predictions using be gaing fo ond the words in the box. Then
drow your own picture qnd write o pred¡ction.

eot ihe sondwich foll off the stoge lose the gome vrin the gome
-:¡f f ¡3r3!*.:¿*iafsÉ¡1r*Fy¡-+*rÉr?n

I. The doncer


@ l-?
2. Blockfield School
Llij 3. Lindthorn School
5CHO0t tcHoot

4. The cot


UNIT I Come to the Show! 65

Writing A Script
(f loot ot the pictures. Then reod the stoge instruclions ond circle the conect onswer.

I ^ She reccis the messoge orr her phone ond 4. She ongrlly / cctrefully puts the violin on the
then looks sadly / badlyal fVonico. chcir,


2. He's singing o song loudly / carefully,
5. He wolks sadly / slo,"^,,lyinfo the room

t,fl aa

ffi "Éw room.

3. They run quickly / happily out of the ó. She thror,vs the krolls high / loudly into the oir,

@ fUot"f,lhe instructions from Aetivity I with the script extrqcts.

l. wolks
Jock: l've hocl c greot doy, but l'm very tireci nov.¡, \n/ho's going to make me o cup of coffee?

lVom; Oh. nol Dod hos fo stoy in Jopon for ivro weeks. He won't be home for your porty.

Lola: Look of mel I leorned hor,,¡ to ;ugglei
Dod: lt's o wonderfui doyl A fontoslic cloyl Tro lo icr lo iol
\lcrio: l'm going to prcrclice every doy. I v",ont io be the oest pioyer in the v¡crld,
Alex: I heord o reclly slronge noise. Lef 's get oul of here nov;l

o Reod this story. Then moke it into o scrípt. Remember lo include instructions for the octors.
lV1om. Lee, cnd Jone ore in the kitchen, Jone is looking of her phone. Lee is soci. He wcrrrts to go
to the circus, "No. we ccrn't go," scys l'4om, ''The tickets o¡'e tco expeirsiv*. Jcne leqves the room,
lüom storts to moke dinner'. Then Jone comes bcrck into the roon'r. Sne rs slrliinE. 'llust got o
message from my piono teocher. I won the music competitionl" The il¡:¿e is ic'Jr iickefs to the circus.
Everyone is very hoppy,

66 UN'T I Come to the Showl

VElue ::..:¡

(f lootot the pictures" Check the pictures (/) thot show people working together' Put §n X

when they oren't working together'

1. 3. s
jv),§ !q
¿, q. 6' É3" .QgO
:_Á2 (Ut'¿
Reod the text onci qnswer the questions.
Lost week our ieocher gcve us some homev.¡ork, lVe hod to write o show obout our fovorite festivol
Ivly friends ond I wonted to work together. First, rve thought clbout oll the lestivols from our country.

chose lhe Chinese New Yeor. lt isn't my fcrvorite fesfivol, but ii wss fhe best one for our group. Then we
tolked obout the costumes. lQicordo is good of moking things, so he moc{e some omc¡zing costumes.
Theo on6 I drew o poster Íor the shov,¡ Theo wrote the scripi becouse he loves writing. Riccrrdo ond
I octed in the shorv. Ricorclo wqs very furrnyl At the errd of the show, I song o specicrl
song lt wos o
greot show!
1. Did the students ivork together?
2. Why dicl fhey choose the festivol of the Clrinese New Yeor?
3. V/hy did Ricordo moke the costumes?
4, lVhy dicj Theo wrife the scriPt?
5. Wos the shoiv good or k¡od? -''--
Think qbout when you work in o group. Toke the quiz. Do you"'
iisten to other people in the group? Alwoys Sometimes Never
osk other people for their Alwoys sometimes Never
find out whot other people like doing? Alwoys Sometimes Never
mcike sure thot everyone in the group is hoppy? Alwoys sometimes Never

Score 3 points for every "Alwoys" cnswer.

Score 2 points for every "Sometimes" c;nswer'
Score I point for every "Never" onswer.

lf your score is I 0-12points lf your score is 7-9 points lf your score is 4-ó poínts
You ore greot ctt working in You ore good ot working wiih You probobly prefer working on
o group! other people, but sometimes your ovvn. Thcl's OK, but think
you prefer to work on your own obout other people cls rvell

UNIT I Come to the Showl 67

§ Comptete the puzzle. Whot's the mystery plonet?
1 3.
ffi 5.
-@' 7.

2. 4. 6.








The mystery plonet is

@ Comptele the words

1. You go to this ploce 1o wotch ploys ond shows. t
2. The people who wotch o ploy or show. C
3. Sometimes the most imporfoni mon in ct country. k
4. Sonretin¡es the most importont v,/omctn in o counlry, C
5. A troditioncil story, f t
ó. Actors do this, 0__
7. Aciors stond on this, s____
o Circle
fhe eorrect
won'f leorn aren'i learning in school in the future-we 'lj have / 're ha,"ring robot teochers
of home.
2.1 nteet / 'm meefing my friend Chen ot the gym ot ten c'ciock tomorrow.
3. Monny's in Peru right now, so he y¿on'f come / isn''l coming to Íhe pcr.iy on Thursdoy.
4. lthink l'll be / l'm being o fomous ocfor in tlre future.
5. \Uill you move / Are you movingto o different country when you cre oider?
6. They ga / They're goingfo the circus nexi week.

70 RÉvrEW 4; unirs 7-8


to the conversqtion ond complete the sentences. Use be going fo with the correct
phrose from the box. ; i Ii!, :1!.t
b,e in o big tent (not) go vuith her (noi)
i ge+e-+heeireus meei his friends play

l. girl
The .is g*ing {? go fo fhe circus with her cousins
2. The circus in the town squcre.

3. Her l¡rother

oi the sports center.
5. Tirey - in the new pool

ó. They in the gym.

Write predictions obout these s¡tuotions with be going fo. Use the words in the box.
'" t

be ongry be lqte be very hoppy drop something feel-siek get wei I

i. She's eoten ten cookres 4. lt's roining, ond we don't hav.e on umbrelio,
., 1

's going lo feel sick. We

2. l've made o delicious cake for my ount. 5. The bus is very slow todoy.

She We

3. l've lost my broiher's fovorite T-shirl. ó. l'm corrying for-rr plotes ond fve glosses

REVIEW 4: Unifs 7-8 71

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