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V20 Companion

·​ ​Vitality Hack: Basic Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual, page 60

Anarchs Unbound
·​ ​Anarch Information Exchange: Background, page 98
·​ ​Peacemaker: Merit, pg 102
·​ ​Prized Patch: Merit, pg 102
·​ ​Soapbox: Merit pg 102
·​ ​Sugar Daddy: Merit pg 102
·​ ​Expiration Date: Flaw pg 102
·​ ​Black Sheep: Flaw pg 102
·​ ​The Humberside Panic: Combination Discipline, pg 106
·​ ​Internet Famous: Combination Discipline pg 106
·​ ​Quickshift: Combination Discipline pg 106
·​ ​Remote Access Buffer: Combination Discipline pg 107
·​ ​Slenderman: Combination Discipline pg 108
·​ ​Stonesight: Combination Discipline pg 109
·​ ​Alabastard: Fortitude 6, pg 110
·​ ​Oathbreaker: Vicissitude 8, pg 111
·​ ​Scourging the Instinct: Presence 7, pg 111
·​ ​Tireless Tread: Celerity 6, pg 111
·​ ​Vengeance of the Martyr’s Legacy: Presence 6 or 7, pg 112
Rites of the Blood
·​ ​Brand: Basic Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual, pg 23
·​ ​Chime of Unseen Spirits: Basic Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 23
·​ ​Sigil of Authority: Basic Hermetic Thaumaturgy page 24
·​ ​Eyes of Babel: Basic Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 24
·​ ​Preserve: Basic Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 24
·​ ​Seal Egress: Basic Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 25
·​ ​Amulet of Mnemosyne: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 25
·​ ​Dante’s Urban Legend: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 26
·​ ​Translocation of the Vessel: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 27
·​ ​Preservation of the Sanguine Heart: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 27
·​ ​Summon the Blood Imp: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 28
·​ ​Vigil of the Stone Guardian: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 29
·​ ​Mirror Prison: Adv Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 29
·​ ​Sanctuary: Adv Hermetic Thaumaturgy ritual pg 29
·​ ​Way of the Wendigo: Adv Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual pg 30
·​ ​Blood and Bane: Int Dur-An-Ki Ritual pg 37
·​ ​Weight of Shadows: Basic Abyss Mysticism Ritual pg 38
·​ Feed the Darkness: Basic Abyss Mysticism Ritual pg 38

·​ ​Abyssal Threads: Int Abyss Mysticism Ritual pg 38

·​ ​Maw of Ahriman: Int Abyss Mysticism Ritual pg 38

·​ ​Ahriman’s Wight: adv Abyss Mysticism Ritual pg 38

·​ ​Mark of Caine: Merit pg 41

·​ ​Irad’s Wall: Ritae pg 47

·​ ​Renunciation: Ritae pg 47

·​ ​Atra Sacramemtum: Ritae pg 48

·​ ​The Last Rites: Ritae pg 49

·​ ​Purity of Babel: Ritae pg 49

·​ ​Calling the Directions: Ritae pg 50

·​ ​Mrtyr’s Eyes: Ritae pg 50

·​ ​The Blessings of Saint Blaise: Ritae pg 51

·​ ​One of My Tribe: Ritae pg 51

·​ ​Laurel of Concordance: Ritae pg 51

·​ ​Sanctify the Temple: Basic Old School Thaum Ritual pg 62

·​ ​Haruspice: Basic Old Skool Thaum Ritual pg 62

·​ ​Craft Dream Catcher: Int Old Skool Thaum Ritual pg 62

·​ ​Hougan’s Doll: Int Old Skool Thaum Ritual pg 62

·​ ​Skinhwalker’s Belt: Adv Old Skool Thaum Ritual pg 63

·​ ​Water Walking: Basic New Age Thaum Ritual pg 63

·​ ​Blood Crystal: Basic New Age Thaum Ritual pg 63

·​ ​Enfolding the Believers: Int New Age Thaum Ritual pg 64

·​ ​Transcending Barriers Through Love: Int New Age Thaum Ritual pg 64

·​ ​The Pursuit of Apotheosis: Adv New Age Thaum Ritual pg 64

·​ ​Calling Card: Basic Punk Sorcery Thaum Ritual pg 65

·​ ​Beat Your Way to Glory: Basic Punk Sorcery Thaum pg 65

·​ ​BFU: Int Punk Sorcery Thaum Ritual pg 66

·​ ​Baron Zaraguin’s Sting: Int Punk Sorcery Ritual pg 66

·​ ​Bloody Mary: Adv Punk Sorcery Thaum Ritual pg 67

·​ ​CCTV: Basic Hacktivist Thaum Ritual pg 67

·​ ​Self-Executing File: Basic Hacktivist Thaum Ritual pg 68

·​ ​Telecommunication: Int Hacktivist Thaum Ritual pg 68

·​ ​Non-Disclosure Clause: Adv Hacktivist Thaum Ritual pg 69

·​ ​Ghost in the System: Adv Hacktivist Thaum Ritual pg 69

·​ ​Rite of Reclamation: Basic Dur-An-Ki Ritual pg 76

·​ ​Blade of Smoke and Shadow: Basic Dur-An-Ki pg 77

·​ ​Bound by Oath: Int Dur-An-Ki Ritual pg 77

·​ ​Blasphemous Shrine: Background pg 78

·​ ​The Word of the Dark God: Basic Akhu Ritual pg 83
·​ ​To Lace with Hidden Nectar: basic Akhu Ritual pg: 84
·​ ​Rings Like Chains: Int Akhu Ritual pg 84
·​ ​Summon Ethereal Horde: Int Necromancy Ritual pg 89
·​ ​Thanatos’ Caress: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 90
·​ ​Point of the Needle: Int Voudoun Necromancy Ritual pg 90
·​ ​Word of Insight: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 93
·​ ​Draining the Well of Life: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 93
·​ ​Tempest Prison: Int Necromancy Ritual pg 94
·​ ​Kashaph: Incounu Merit pg 100
·​ ​Eradication of Secrets: Inconnu Combination Discipline pg 100
·​ ​Hidden Haven: Basic Inconnu Thaum Ritual pg 101
·​ ​Father’s Freedom: Int Inconnu Thaum Ritual pg 101
·​ ​Warding Circle Versus Technology: Adv Inconnu Thaum Ritual pg 102
·​ ​Death’s Head: Int Tal’Mahe’Ra Necromancy Ritual pg 103
·​ ​Impregnable Soul” Int Tal’Mahe’Ra Necromancy Ritual pg 104
·​ ​Enochian Passage: Adv Tal’Mahe’Ra Necomancy Ritual pg 104
·​ ​Asymmetrical Reproduction: Adv Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual pg 109
·​ ​Creation of the Shabti: Adv Akhu Ritual pg 109
·​ ​Animus Ligature: Inqusition Combination Discipline pg 124
·​ ​False Death: Josian Combination Discipline pg 127
·​ ​Infusion of Kalif: Basic Dur-An-Ki Ritual pg 162
Dread Names
·​ ​Lucinde’s Revenge: Combination Discipline pg 100
·​ ​Trophy Allegiance: Merit on pg 100
·​ ​Trophy Arrogance: Flaw pg 100
·​ ​Communicate with Kindred Bond Mate: Basic Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual pg 101

Lore of the Clans

·​ ​Assamite, Sectarian Ally: Merit pg 26
·​ ​Assamite, Thousand Meter Killer: Merit pg 26
·​ ​Assamite, Outcast: Flaw pg 26
·​ ​Assamite, Multiple Curses: Flaw pg 26
·​ ​Assamite, Sorcerer Quietus: pg 26
·​ ​Assamite, Vizier Quietus: pg 26
·​ ​Assamite, Baal’ Sight: Combination Discipline pg 28
·​ ​Assamite, Eyes of Alamut: Combination Discipline pg 28
·​ ​Assamite, Honeyed Words: Combination Discipline pg 28
·​ Brujah, Leaps and Bounds: Combination Discipline pg 49

·​ ​Brujah, Reluctant Performance Artist: Combination Discipline pg 50

·​ ​Brujah, The Benefits of Bashing: New Advantage, pg 51

·​ ​Setite, Aura of the Typhon: Flaw pg 67

·​ ​Setite, Alternative Children of Damballah/Serpents of the Light: Pg 70

·​ ​Gangrel, Hive-Minded: Merit pg 86

·​ ​Gangrel, Skald: Merit pg 87

·​ ​Gangrel, Lesser Mark of the Beast: Merit pg 87

·​ ​Gangrel, Totemic Change: Merit pg 87

·​ ​Gangrel, Rat in a Cage: Flaw pg 87

·​ ​Gangrel: Blood Thorns: Combination Discipline pg 89

·​ ​Gangrel: King of the Beasts: Combination Discipline pg 90

·​ ​Gangrel, Shatterproof: Combination Discipline pg 90

·​ ​Gangrel, Spirit Tracking: Combination Discipline pg 90

·​ ​Giovanni, Cannibal: Merit pg 106

·​ ​Giovanni, Consanguineous Resistance: Merit pg 106

·​ ​Giovanni, Mortuario: Merit pg 106

·​ ​Giovanni, Eyes of a Thousand Shades: Combination Discipline pg 107

·​ ​Giovanni, Sharing the Master’s Vigor: Combination Discipline pg 107

·​ ​Giovanni, Memento de Morte: Background pg 107

·​ ​Giovanni, Death’s Communion: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 108

·​ ​Giovanni, The Ferryman’s Recall: Adv Necromancy Ritual pg 109

·​ ​Lasombra, Court Favorite: Merit pg 121

·​ ​Lasombra, Eyes of Shadow: Merit pg 121

·​ ​Lasombra, Bigger Boys Came: Merit pg 121

·​ ​Lasombra, Call of the Sea: Merit pg 122

·​ ​Lasombra, Secret Stash: Merit pg 122

·​ ​Lasombra, Aura of Command: Merit pg 122

·​ ​Lasombra, King or Queen of Shadow: pg 122

·​ ​Lasombra, Long-Term Planning: Merit pg 123

·​ ​Lasombra, Instrument of God: Merit pg 123

·​ ​Lasombra, Insubordinate: Flaw pg 123

·​ ​Lasombra, Unproven: Flaw pg 123

·​ ​Lasombra, Empower Minion: Combination Discipline pg 125

·​ ​Lasombra, Fear of the Dark: Combination Discipline pg 125

·​ ​Lasombra, Mind Strike: Combination Discipline pg 125

·​ ​Lasombra, Shadow Mark: Combination Discipline pg 125

·​ ​Lasombra: Light within Shadow: Basic Abyss Mystic Ritual pg 126

·​ ​Lasombra, Comforting Darkness: Basic Abyss Mystic Ritual pg 126

·​ Lasombra, Claiming the Dark: Int Abyss Mystic Ritual pg 126

·​ ​Lasombra, Vision of Shadow: Int Abyss Mystic Ritual pg 126

·​ ​Lasombra, Commune With the Abyss: Adv Mystic Ritual pg 127

·​ ​Malkavian, Distracting Aura: Merit pg 142

·​ ​Malkavian, Prophetic Dreams: Merit pg 142

·​ ​Malkavian, Cold Read: Merit pg 142

·​ ​Malkavian, Paper Trail: Flaw pg 142

·​ ​Malkavian, Infectious: Flaw pg 142

·​ ​Malkavian, Overstimulated: Flaw pg 142

·​ ​Malkavian, Dead Inside: Flaw pg 142

·​ ​Malkavian, Creepy Clown Coat: Combination Discipline pg 144

·​ ​Malkavian, Days of Passions Past: Combination Discipline pg 144

·​ ​Malkavian, Do As I Say, Not As I Say: Combination Discipline pg 144

·​ ​Malkavian, Ignore Me: Combination Discipline pg 144

·​ ​Malkavian, Malkav’s Pavovian Response: Combination Discipline pg 145

·​ ​Malkavian, Rando: Combination Discipline pg 145

·​ ​Malkavian, Screams Made Real: Combination Discipline pg 145

·​ ​Malkavian, Ze Monkey’s Paw: Combination Discipline pg 145

·​ ​Nosferatu, Bestial Presence: Combination Discipline pg 164

·​ ​Nosferatu, Cloak the Beast: Combination Discipline pg 164

·​ ​Nosferatu, Forbidden Zone: Combination Discipline pg 164

·​ ​Nosferatu, Haunted Place: Combination Discipline pg 164

·​ ​Nosferatu, I Know: Combination Discipline pg 165

·​ ​Nosferatu, Power Animal: Combination Discipline pg 165

·​ ​Nosferatu, Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Combination Discipline pg 165

·​ ​Ravnos, Antitoxin Blood: Merit pg 181

·​ ​Ravnos, Brahmin: Merit pg 182

·​ ​Ravnos, Kshatruya: Merit pg 182

·​ ​Ravnos, Legerdemain: Merit pg 182

·​ ​Ravnos, Mute Devotion: Merit pg 182

·​ ​Ravnos, Vaishya: Merit pg 182

·​ ​Ravnos, Critters: Merit pg 182

·​ ​Ravnos, Heart of Needles: Merit pg 182

·​ ​Ravnos, Chandala: Flaw pg 182

·​ ​Ravnos, Flawed Reality pg 182

·​ ​Ravnos, Oathbreaker: Flaw pg 182

·​ ​Ravnos, Lost Svadharma: Flaw pg 183

·​ ​Ravnos, Carriage Horses: Combination Discipline pg 183

·​ ​Ravnos, Eventide Strength: Combination Discipline pg 183

·​ Ravnos, Waking Dream: Combination Discipline pg 184

·​ ​Ravnos, Path of Samsara: Path of Enlightenment pg 186

·​ ​Toreador, Indelible: Merit pg 200

·​ ​Toreador, Impressive Restraint: Merit pg 200

·​ ​Toreador, Master of the Masquerade: Merit pg 200

·​ ​Toreador, Private Life: Flaw pg 200

·​ ​Toreador, Devil’s Mark: Combination Discipline pg 202

·​ ​Toreador, Haunting Seduction: Combination Discipline pg 203

·​ ​Tremere, Secret Society Member: Merit pg 218

·​ ​Tremere, Keys to the Library: Merit pg 218

·​ ​Tremere, Outside Haven: Merit pg 218

·​ ​Trenere, Unmarked Antitribu: Merit pg 218

·​ ​Tremere, Quartermaster: Merit pg 219

·​ ​Tremere, Arcane Curse: Flaw pg 219

·​ ​Tremere, Cloistered: Flaw pg 219

·​ ​Tremere, Mage Blood: Flaw pg 219

·​ ​Tremere, Blood Sight: Combination Discipline pg 220

·​ ​Tremere, Chain of Slaver: Combination Discipline pg 220

·​ ​Tremere, Theft of Will: Combination Discipline pg 220

·​ ​Tremere, Ascension of the Blood: Basic Hermetic Thaum Ritual pg 221

·​ ​Tremere, Brotherhood of the Cup: Int Hermetic Thaum Ritual pg 221

·​ ​Tremere, Sanguine Trail: Int Hermetic Thaum Ritual pg 221

·​ ​Tremere, Research: Background pg 222

·​ ​Tremere, Sanctity: Background pg 222

·​ ​Tremere, Stores: Background pg 222

·​ ​Tzimisce, Bioluminescence: Merit pg 238

·​ ​Tzimisce, Faceless: Flaw pg 239

·​ ​Tzimisce, Ears of the Bat: Combination Discipline pg 241

·​ ​Tzimisce, The False Drink: Combination Discipline pg 242

·​ ​Ventrue, Prayer to St. Gustav: Ritae pg 261

·​ ​Ventrue, Connoisseur: Merit pg 261

·​ ​Ventrue, Blessed by St. Gustav: Merit pg 261

·​ ​Ventrue, Uncommon Vitae Preference: Flaw pg 261

·​ ​Ventrue, Command from Afar: Combination Discipline pg 262

·​ ​Ventrue, Divine Aura: Combination Discipline pg 262

·​ ​Ventrue, Impeccable Manners: Combination Discipline pg 263

·​ ​Ventrue, Rescue Beacon: Combination Discipline pg 263

·​ ​Ventrue, Retaliatory Terror: Combination Discipline pg 263

·​ ​Ventrue, Telepathic Command: Combination Discipline pg 263

·​ Caitiff, Bagman’s Shelter: Combination Discipline pg 270

·​ ​Caitiff, Beneath Contempt: Combination Discipline pg 271

·​ ​Caitiff, Mover and Shaker: Combination Discipline pg 271

The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra

·​ ​The Nightshade Path: Necromancy Path pg 70
·​ ​Rite of the Two Trees: Mystical Bahari Rite pg 73
·​ ​The Serpent’s Seed: Path of Enlightenment pg 74
·​ ​The Red Midwives: Path of Enlightenment pg 74
·​ ​The Thorn Garden: Path of Enlightenment pg 74
·​ ​The Lulin Witches: Path of Enlightenment pg 74
·​ ​The Blessings of the Great Dark Mother: Dur-An-Ki Path pg 86
·​ ​Asakku: New System for Vicissitude pg 108
·​ ​The Path of Asakku: Path of Enlightenment pg 115
·​ ​Abominations: New Rules pg 140
·​ ​Itarajana Sorcery: New Magic System pg 147
·​ ​Offering of the Awakened Soul: Spell pg 153
·​ ​Chain the Enlightened: Combination Discipline pg 153
·​ ​Maeghar: Bloodline pg 167
·​ ​The Karina of Enoch: Koldunic Sorcery Path pg 169
·​ ​The Karina of the Well: Koldunic Sorcery Path pg 172
·​ ​Path of Haunting: Necromancy pg 174
·​ ​Parting the Veil: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 176
·​ ​Discerning Palate: Merit pg 177
·​ ​Grand Library: Merit pg 177
·​ ​Psychic Leech: Merit pg 179
·​ ​Kiss of Death: Flaw pg 179
·​ ​ Devil’s Mark: Flaw pg 179
·​ ​Lord of the Night: Flaw pg 179
·​ ​Vassal of the Clan: Flaw pg 179

V20 Dark Ages

·​ ​Bonsam: Bloodline pg 76
·​ ​Danava: Bloodline pg 80
·​ ​Impundulu: Bloodline pg 86
·​ ​Niktuku: Bloodline pg 96
·​ ​Ramanga: Bloodline pg 98
·​ ​Salubri Watcher Caste: pg 104
·​ ​Path of the Hunter: Path of Enlightenment pg 117
·​ Path of Journeys: Path of Enlightenment pg 118

·​ ​Path of Liberation: Path of Enlightenment pg 118

·​ ​Path of Christ: Path of Enlightenment pg 119

·​ ​Path of Life: Path of Enlightenment pg 119

·​ ​Path of the Prophet: Path of Enlightenment pg 120

·​ ​Path of Devaraja: Path of Enlightenment pg 126

·​ ​Path of Daena: Path of Enlightenment pg 128

·​ ​Path of Thorns: Path of Enlightenment pg 130

·​ ​Path of Veils: Path of Enlightenment pg 131

·​ ​Path of Making: Path of Enlightenment pg 131

·​ ​Path of the Eightfold Wheel: Path of Enlightenment pg 137

·​ ​Path of the Watchful Gods: Path of Enlightenment pg 137

·​ ​The Silence of Death: Basic Obfuscate pg 225

·​ ​Quietus Cruscitus: Warrior Quietus pg 244

·​ ​Quietus Hematus: Vizier Quietus pg 248

·​ ​Serpentis: New Version pg 252

·​ ​Ending the Watch: Advanced Warrior Valeren pg 263

·​ ​Watcher Valeren: Discipline pg 265

·​ ​The Body Impolitic: Advanced Vicissitude pg 269

·​ ​Pierce the Veil: Basic Abyss Mystic Ritual pg 271

·​ ​Eyes of the Abyss: Basic Abyss Mystic Ritual pg 271

·​ ​Subsume the Darkness: Basic Abyss Mystic Ritual pg 272

·​ ​The Third Eye of Rickard Argentis: Int Abyss Mystic Ritual pg 273

·​ ​The Transylvania Karina: Koldunic Sorcery Path pg 275

·​ ​The Black Sea Karina: Koldunic Sorcery Path pg 277

·​ ​Foxfire: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 292

·​ ​Final Sight: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 292

·​ ​Shew-Stone: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 293

·​ ​Memento Mori: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 293

·​ ​Witch Eye: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 293

·​ ​Prepare the Vessel: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 293

·​ ​Totenpass: Basic Necromancy Ritual pg 294

·​ ​Nightmare Drums: Int Necromancy Ritual pg 294

·​ ​Tempest Shield: Int Necromancy Ritual pg 294

·​ ​Vision of St. Anthony: Int Necromancy Ritual pg 294

·​ ​Treasures of Hades: Adv Necromancy pg 296

·​ ​Orphic Sojourn: Adv Necromancy Ritual pg 296

·​ ​Flaming Weapon: Basic Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual pg 304

·​ ​Witness of Whispers: Basic Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual pg 304

·​ ​Animated Assistants: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual pg 306
·​ ​Samiras Kihanah: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual 307
·​ ​Scry the Hearthstone: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 307
·​ ​Animated Weapon: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 307
·​ ​Candle of Haunting: Int Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 308
·​ ​Dedicate the Haven: Adv Hermetic Thaumaturgy pg 310
·​ ​Return of the Heart: Int Dur-An-Ki ritual pg 310
·​ ​Displacement of the Pneuma: Int Akhu Ritual pg 311
·​ ​Cheat the Scales of Hades: Adv Akhu Ritual pg 311
·​ ​Bird in Ear: Combination Discipline pg 313
·​ ​*Bulgroth’s Exquisite Torture: Combination Discipline pg 314
·​ ​Hindsight: Combination Discipline pg 315
·​ ​*Livia Yorke’s Ouroboros: Combination Discipline pg 315
·​ ​*McShaw’s Grace: Combination Discipline pg 316
·​ ​*Nikolai Steen Acuity: Combination Discipline pg 316
·​ ​*The Rod Raw Rending: Combination Discipline pg 317
·​ ​The Beast’s Transmogrification: Combination Discipline pg 313
·​ ​The Bloodsoaked Saint’s Resurrection: Combination Discipline pg 314
·​ ​Komnenos’s Honor: Combination Discipline pg 315
·​ ​Sawafi’s Form: Combination Discipline pg 317
·​ ​Vicente de Las Navas de Tolosa’s Holy Shield pg 317
·​ ​Assamite Sorcerers: New In clans pg 431
·​ ​Road of the Abyss: Path of Enlightenment pg 442
·​ ​Path of Apep: Path of Enlightenment pg 449
·​ ​Warriors of Glycon: Bloodline pg 449
·​ ​Witches of Echidna: Bloodline pg 450
Darkening Skies
·​ ​Fires of the Abyss: Combination Discipline pg 108
·​ ​Gazing Into the Abyss: Combination Discipline pg 108
·​ ​One of Us: Combination Discipline pg 108
·​ ​Shadow Looking Glass: Combination Discipline pg 108
·​ ​Soul Stain: Combination Discipline pg 109

Dark Ages 20 Companion

·​ ​New Archetype: Pure Brujah (Brujah Genre)
·​ ​New Path of Enlightenment: The Path of the Pure (Brujah Genre)
·​ ​New System: Ventrue Lineages (Ventrue Genre)
·​ ​New Bloodline: The Nephilim (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Path of Enlightenment: Path of the Archangel (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Path of Enlightenment: The Road of Angra Mainyu (Assamite genre)
·​ ​New Path of Enlightenment: The Road of Ahura Mazda (Assamite genre)
·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Guardian’s Gaze (Assamite genre)

·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Vengeance of Angra Mainyu (Assamite genre)

·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Tower of Silence (Assamite genre)

·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Yasna’s Protection (Assamite genre)

·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Padyab (Assamite genre)

·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Compelling Darkness (Lasombra genre)

·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Obscurity of Shadows (Lasombra genre)

·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Shadow Communion (Lasombra genre)

·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Weight of Shadows (Lasombra genre)

·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Whispered Passions (Lasombra genre)

·​ ​New Merit Variant: Blooded By the Code (Salubri genre)

·​ ​New Merit: Ravnos Jati (Ravnos genre)

·​ ​New Merit: Vassal

·​ ​New Merit: Settlement

·​ ​New Background: Servants

·​ ​New Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual: Tame the Maddening Flame (Tremere genre)

·​ ​New Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual: Banning Rituals (Tremere genre)

·​ ​New Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual: Wield the Spear of Damnation (Tremere genre)

·​ ​New Hermetic Thaumaturgy Ritual: Ravening Walls of Ceoris (Tremere genre)

Lore of the Bloodlines

·​ ​New Merit: The High Price (Demon Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Simply Waiting (Demon Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Carrion Presence (Demon Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw Variant: Dark Aura (Demon Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Plague of Demons (Demon genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Command the Swarm (Demon genre)
·​ ​New Discipline: The Re-Embrace (Demon Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Chorus Trained (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Banshee-in-Waiting (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Celebrity (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Silent Voice (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Tune Out (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Discipline: Mosh Pit (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Discipline: Primal Scream (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Discipline: Haunting Melody (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Discipline: Calling Song (Toreador Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Shoulders of Atlas (Tremere Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Falconer’s Dive (Tremere Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Carry the Mountain’s Burden (Tremere Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: I Am The Keystone (Tremere Genre)
·​ ​New Gargoyle Variant Rules: Scout, Sentinel and Warrior Gargoyles (Tremere Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Stillness of Death (Tremere Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Heavy Hands (Tremere Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Stone Tongue (Tremere Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Blood Weakness (Tremere Genre)
·​ ​New Hermetic Thaumaturgy Gargoyle Ritual: Ward of the Winged Sepulcher (Tremere
·​ ​New Merit: Disciple of Lazarus/Japheth (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Styx Baptism (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Half-Life (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Unsanctioned Embrace (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Shadow Scarred (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Bloodied Hands (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Leer of Hades (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Sutekh Father’s Anubis (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Necromancy Ritual: Generation of the Acheron Vortex (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Prized Collection (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Alien Perfection (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Paranormal Link (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Skin of Porcelain (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Vitae Mutation (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Lightweight (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Illiterate (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Refined Palate (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Dreadful Mara (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Dreamstalker (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Sacrifice to Nightmare (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New System: Kysiad Alchemy (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Extra Sharp (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Speed Eater (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Wolverine’s Palate (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: The Largest Maw (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Body Trail (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Soul Separation (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Unseen Spirit (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Scent of the Other (Salubri Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Warrior’s Heart (Salubri Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: The Eighth (Salubri Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Permanent Third Eye (Salubri Genre)
·​ ​New Discipline: Auguring the Sickness (Salubri Genre)
·​ ​New Discipline Variant: Ending the Watch (Salubri Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Vital Fluids (Salubri Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Switched At Death (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Grisly Gris-Gris (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Exquisite Corpse (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Discipline: Marrow Sucker (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Death Grip (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Stitcher (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Brittle Body (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Mortal Flashbacks (Giovanni Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Advanced Tech (Brujah Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: Fatalist (Brujah Genre)
·​ ​New Merit: True Celerity (Brujah Genre)
·​ ​New Flaw: Out of Phase (Brujah Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Old Friend (Brujah Genre)
·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Jackhammer Punch (Brujah Genre)
·​ ​New Discipline: Insight (Brujah Genre)
·​ ​New Discipline: Temporal Understanding (Brujah Genre)
·​ ​New Discipline: Rewind (Brujah Genre)
Tome of Secrets
·​ ​New Background: Oubliette (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: The Abyss Knows (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: Locating the Oubliette (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: Abyssal Blade (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: Implant the Bezoar (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: One With the Dark (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: Summoning the Blatherskites (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: Angra Mainyu Consumes Spenta Mainyu (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: Lord Aludian’s Orifices (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: Boukephos’ Gateway (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: Beckon The Ingurgitant (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Abyss Mysticism Ritual: Boukephos’ Chosen Oubliette (Lasombra Genre)
·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Call the New Blood Home (Assamite Genre)
·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Path: The Keeper’s Way (Assamite Genre)
·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Strength of Haqim (Assamite Genre)
·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Ritual of Return (Assamite Genre)
·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Blood Calls to Blood (Assamite Genre)
·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Strength in Wisdom (Assamite Genre)
·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: A Shield of Mirror (Assamite Genre)
·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Rebirth In the Light of Haqim (Assamite Genre)
·​ ​New Dur-An-Ki Ritual: Occlude the Western Road (Assamite Genre)
·​ ​New Koldunic Sorcery: The Bialowieza Kraina (Tzimisce Genre)
·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Unnatural Decay (Tzimisce Genre)
·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Drinking Death (Tzimisce Genre)
·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Treasured Ornaments (Tzimisce Genre)
·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Master of the Domain (Tzimisce Genre)
·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Truth In Water (Tzimisce Genre)
·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Servitor’s Perception (Tzimisce Genre)
·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Borne by Wind (Tzimisce Genre)

·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Autumn’s Armor (Tzimisce Genre)

·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Concentrated Vitae (Tzimisce Genre)

·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Eyes of the Dead (Tzimisce Genre)

·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Animate Curios (Tzimisce Genre)

·​ ​New Rites of Kraina:​ ​ One With the Forest (Tzimisce Genre)

·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: The Floating Dead (Tzimisce Genre)

·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Scrying Pool (Tzimisce Genre)

·​ ​New Rites of Kraina: Evoke the Storm (Tzimisce Genre)

·​ ​New System For Necromancy: Sequela Effects (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Necromancy Path: The Path of Skulls (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Necromancy Path: The Path of Woe (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Flaw: Heretical Sympathizer (Setite Genre)

·​ ​New Flaw: Hunted by the Hierophants (Setite Genre)

·​ ​New Merit: Postulant of Echidna (Setite Genre)

·​ ​New Akhu Path: The Revelations of Duat (Setite Genre)

·​ ​New Akhu Path: The Revelations of Eden (Setite Genre)

·​ ​New Akhu Path: The Revelations of Midgard (Setite Genre)

·​ ​New System: Incantations

·​ ​New Merit: Incantation

·​ ​New Background: Martial Training

·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Dark Father’s Stigmata

·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Eye For the Weakness of Steel

·​ ​New Holy Artifacts

·​ ​New Branch of Necromancy: Biblical Necromancy (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Biblical Necromancy Ritual: Pull of the Grave (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Biblical Necromancy Ritual: Clarion Call to the Loyal (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Biblical Necromancy Ritual: The Blessing of Valhalla (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Biblical Necromancy Ritual: Lure of Elysium (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Biblical Necromancy Ritual: Weighing of the Heart (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Biblical Necromancy Ritual: Restoration of Styx (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Biblical Necromancy Ritual: Lazarus Rises (Giovanni Genre)

·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Nikolas’ Blessing

·​ ​New Combination Discipline: Messenger’s Voice

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