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James M.

Wallace, MSc, PhD

Toronto, ON • (647) 667-6725 • •

Energetic Policy and Research Analyst with deep knowledge of formulating research analysis plans and
conducting in-depth data analysis activities. Expertise in handling research with data integrity as the key
operative. Demonstrated knowledge of using unique techniques such as GIS technology, surveys and focus
groups to assist in marketing products more effectively. Well-versed in predicting future trends through effective
research analysis. English (native speaker), French (fully bilingual - reading + writing & conversational/spoken).
 Report Writing  Leadership
 Project Management  Data/Text Mining
 Planning and Implementation  Statistics
 Strategic Research skills  Cross-functional team collaboration

Technical Skills
• Survey Platforms (Surveymonkey) • Operating Systems – Windows (including 7 and
• GIS Software (ArcGIS, Carto, QGIS) 8), Mac OS X
• Statistical Software (SPSS) • Data Visualization Platforms
• Qualitative Data Analysis (NVivo) • SEO & Web Design (var.)
• Microsoft Office – Word, Excel, PowerPoint • Endnote X8

Professional Experience
The Learning Partnership 2016 – Current
• Identified and seized opportunities for collaborations and partnerships to strengthen TLP’s role as a credible and
reputable national organization
• Co-authored 4 reports of national and provincial level significance with respect to computer programming,
career education and entrepreneurship
• Presented results of the research in format appropriate to the audience such as GIS mapping, text mining and
report writing and synthesis of national survey data
• Prepared policy briefs as a result of the findings for information to relevant stakeholders-government, business,
• Completed annual evaluations of TLP's student programs (e.g. Entrepreneurial Adventure and Dragon’s Nest)
according to the highest standards of rigor and professional evaluation practice
• Developed and updated work sample evaluation metrics for the Entrepreneurial Adventure and Dragons' Nest
• Evaluated student work samples from metrics based on the evaluation rubric
• Publicized research in refereed and non-refereed journals and participate in and presented at conferences to
disseminate research findings, and stay at the forefront of developments in the field


McGill University 2015 – 2016
• Provided student innovators and entrepreneurs with the resources / networking opportunities needed to realize
their startup ideas
• Organized innovation-related events as part of McGill’s Community Engagement Day (in partnership with the
Social Equity and Diversity Education Office) and planned those for the McGill Innovation Week 2015 calendar
• Represented McGill at innovation and entrepreneurship related events while actively seeking out new external
partnerships for the university that resulted in experiential learning opportunities for students (including internships
and paid research opportunities)


McGill University 2006 – 2015
• Performed in-depth research and data analysis for tenured faculty in a range of fields including 20thcentury law
and legal history, health policy and legislative reform, the history of science, business and industry development,
and cultural history
• Taught and evaluated groups of undergraduate students on both their course knowledge and skills in research,
writing and oral presentations
McGill University 2012 – 2013
• Acted as a principal researcher on the “Humanities dissemination & making publics using the resource
description framework” Public Outreach Grant project (SSHRC)
• Developed visualization or rendering techniques (through jQuery) for relational networks between individuals,
institutions and other forms identity found in historical sources and open-source scholarly databases
McGill University 2012
• Supervised and evaluated students in a senior-level undergraduate seminar surveying communications / print
culture theory, media and cultural history
• Trained students in both research design and academic writing techniques for long (7500 words +) assignments
and presentation techniques using a wide range of resources
History Compass Exchanges (Blackwell Publishing) 2009 – 2012
• Authored a weekly article that explored and critiqued recent innovations in qualitative and quantitative historical
research methodologies, reviewed prize-winning monographs, and discussed technical and logistical problems
facing graduate students in the pursuit of their research
Ontario Ministry of the Environment 2006
• Conducted in-depth research on the state of municipal policy related to smog days across the province
• Attended municipal school board meetings as a provincial observer in order to strengthen the provincial-
municipal working relationship and further develop ministry understanding of local initiatives and policy

Selected Publications and Conference Papers

• James Wallace and Todd Julie. Learning to Code: Perceptions of coding education in Canada from students
and working professionals (Toronto: The Learning Partnership, June 2018)
• Gen-ling Chang, Negin Vatandoost, James Wallace, Jacqueline Lambert and Todd Julie. Changing World,
Building Careers - It's My Future 2: Student Voices Across Ontario (Toronto: The Learning Partnership, 2016)
• James Wallace, Print Culture and Popular Politics: Emergence of the British Tabloid Press,1670-1865 (forthcoming)
• Margaret Carlyle and James Wallace, “Making Mechanics Modern: Mary Somerville’s Translation of Laplace’s
Mécanique celeste”, in Katie Barclay and Deborah Simonton (eds.) Women in Eighteenth-Century Scotland:
Intimate, Intellectual and Public Lives (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2013) Viewable online at: JamesWallace
• Association francophone pour le savoir. «Le sodomite scandaleux: la culture de la presse profane du XVIIIe
siècle» (May 11, 2011)
• Northeast Conference on British Studies (NECBS) Conference – “Dying Speeches, Elegies and the House of Reid:
Popular Print Culture in Eighteenth-Century Edinburgh” (September 24-25, 2010)
• Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) Conference – “News and Networks: Cheap
Print and the News in Eighteenth-Century Scotland” (June 24, 2009)
• British Scholar (2nd Annual Conference) – “Chapmen and Cadies: The Movement of Popular Print in Eighteenth-
Century Scotland” (February 21, 2009)
• Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference – “Popular Print and the Public Sphere in
Eighteenth-Century Scotland” (October 18, 2008)

Curated Exhibitions
• Team Leader – Making Publics “Spheres” Digital Exhibit, McGill University (June 2010) Website:
• Guest Curator – “Tower of Babel or Universal Understanding: The Art of Translation in the 18th Century”, McLennan
Library (September 2008)

Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) 2016 - Present
British Evaluation Society (BES) 2016 - Present
Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE/CERA) 2016 - Present

PhD (publishing and communications history), McGill University, Montreal (Quebec) 2015
MSc (economic and social history), University of Edinburgh, (UK) 2005
BA (history and classics), University of Toronto, Toronto (Ontario) 2004

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