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APGAR Score Normal Measurements

Appearance 1 Minute 5 Minutes
Pink torso and extremities 2 Weight: 6-10 lbs.
Pink torso, blue extremities 1 Length: 18-22 in.
Blue all over 0 Head circumference: 33-35 cm.
Pulse 1 Minute 5 Minutes Chest circumference: 30-33 cm.
> 100 2
< 100 1
Absent 0 Meds and Labs
Grimace 1 Minute 5 Minutes
Vigorous cry
Vitamin K: prevent hemorrhage
Limited cry 1 Optic Antibiotic: prevent newborn blindness
No response to stimulus 0 PKU Level: After 24 hrs of age when good
Activity 1 Minute 5 Minutes feedings have occurred
Actively moving 2
Coombs’ Test: if mother Rh-neg.
Limited movement 1 Immunizations: Hep-B can be given
Flaccid 0
Respiratory E ort 1 Minute 5 Minutes Newborn Assessment
Strong loud cry 2
Hypoventilation, irregular 1
Appearance: pink, loud cry, well-flexed, full ROM
Absent 0
Total: Fontanelles:
anterior (diamond-shaped),
8-10 normal, 4-6 moderate depression, 0-3 aggressive resuscitation posterior (triangular)

Mouth: Heart:
assess for cleft assess for
lip or palate murmur

Respirations: Umbilical Cord:

assess breathing 1 vein, 2 arteries

equal length
10 fingers and toes

male: testes palpable
female: discharge of blood or mucus normal

Possible Complications During Delivery

Meconium Aspiration Limb Presentation

Cord Presentation Postpartum Hemorrhage
Breech Presentation - "Tools and Confidence to Succeed in Nursing School."

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