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Charmes, M., contributor of Débats, 355.
Cholera, 23, 166, 325.
Christ Church, Duns, 397.
Christina, Queen, 11.
Cockburn, Lord, 2.
Commercial Convention, advantages of a, 168; basis of the Treaty, 179;
ratification, 182; revision, 338, 343, 348, 360.
Constantinople, 30.
Copenhagen, 66.
Curzon, Robert, 49.

Dad i Sirr Island, 292.

Daha, 128.
Dar Aklau, 85.
Dar-el-Baida, 314, 340; number of deaths from cholera, 325.
Dar-Mulai-Ali, 341.
Davidson, 317.
Denmark, King of, confers the order of the Grand Cross on Sir J. D. Hay, 71,
Derby, Lord, 317, 353; his Eastern policy, 319.
Diosdado, Señor, 343.
Doyle, Percy, 30, 49.
Dra, 127.
Drummond, Dean, Rector of Hadleigh, 5.
Dufferin, Lord, 336.
Dukála, Governor of, 105.
Duns, 397.
Dupplin Castle, 5.
Dwarf, The, 40; his wife, 41.

‘Eating up,’ the practice of, 233.

Edinburgh, 1.
Egypt, plague in, 22.
El Araish, 87, 136.
El Kántara, 179.
El Kra, a lake or marsh, 89.
El Ksar battle, 241.
El Kus river, 87.
Eleg, 128.
Erhamna district, 106, 266.
Escazena, 112, 116.
E’Sfi, or the pure, 285.
E’Suizi, Governor, 93.
‘Etymons of the English Language,’ 5.

Fairlie, 232.
Falcons, hunting with, 266; legend, 267.
Fas, 93; first mission to, in 1868, 236; second mission in 1875, 307; third
mission in 1880, 329; the ladies of, 237.
Fatmeh, 190.
Féraud, M., 354.
Ferguson, 3.
Ferry, M., 345, 351.
Ford, Sir Francis Clare, 11.
—, Mr., his ‘Handbook of Spain,’ 11.
Forde, Mr., 214.
Forster, Henry, 20.
France, relations with Morocco, 66, 133, 135, 345; demands of, 69.
Franciscan Brotherhood, Father Superior of the, 343.
Frost, J., 99 note.
Fum Ajrud stream, 158.

Gaulois, charges against the Foreign Representatives, 346, 351.

Ghaba Sebaita, 366.
Ghamára mountains, 158.
Gharbía, Kaid Sheikh of, 85.
Ghásats E’Nil, or the Garden of the Nile, 112, 118.
Ghemáts river, 291.
Gibraltar, question of the exchange for Ceuta, 233; measures against the
cholera, 325, 326.
Gibraltar Chronicle, extract from, on the Moorish loan, 220.
Gla, a stream, 88.
Glaui, heights of, 292.
Glücksberg, Duc de, 68.
Gordon, Captain, 6.
Gordon, Hon. A., letter from Sir J. D. Hay on his mission to Sultan Mulai
Abderahman, 76.
Goschen, Mr., 336.
Granville, Lord, interview with Sir J. D. Hay, 350; his defence of him in the
House of Lords, 351.
Green, Mr., 207, 226.
Gregorio de Borgas y Tarius, Don, 7.
Grey, Admiral, 233.
—, Mrs., 9 note.

Habor, 128.
Hadj Abdallah Lamarti, 148, 376.
Hadj Abdallah Tif, Governor of Rabát, 93.
Hadj Abderahman Ben el Amri, 90.
Hadj Abd Selam, 104, 109.
Hadj Alarbi, 312, 378.
Hadj Gabári, the jester, 116.
Hadj Hamed Lamarti, 296, 376; illness, 365.
Hadj Kassem, 100.
Hadj Kassim, 161-164.
Haffa wood, 377, 378.
Haha, Governor of, 284.
Hajara el Ghaghab, or rock of ravens, 224.
Hajot, 315.
Hall, Captain, 148, 152.
Hamádsha, dances of the, 91, 177.
Hammond, Lord, 20.
Hara, or village of lepers, 107, 111.
Hashef river, 85.
Hassan, Mosque of, 92.
Hastings, Marquess of, 5.
Havelock, 4.
Hay, Lady, 296, 312, 328; letter from Hans Christian Andersen, 225.
—, Sir Edward, 6.
—, Sir John Hay Drummond, birth, 1; at the Edinburgh Academy, 2;
Charterhouse, 4; at Tangier, 7; under the tuition of Don Gregorio, 8; meets
José Maria, 11; proficiency in Arabic, 16; his ‘Western Barbary,’ 17; his
fortune told by Leila, 17; appointed Attaché at Constantinople, 20; at
Marseilles, 22; fear of the plague, 22; attacked by cholera, 24; at
Alexandria, 24; purchases a gem, 26; at Constantinople, 30; his first
dispatch, 30; life at the Embassy, 42; at the Armenian banker’s, 45; effect
of the narghileh, 47; selected confidential Attaché to Sir S. Canning, 50;
sent to Broussa, 51; receives hospitality from a Turk, 52-57; obtains leave
of absence, 58, 66; at Paris, 60; Egypt, 63; Stockholm, 66; Tangier, 67; his
letter to Sir S. Canning on the state of affairs in Tangier, 68-71; appointed
Political Agent and Consul-General in Morocco, 74; starts on his mission to
Sultan Mulai Abderahman in 1846, 77; an Arab serenade, 91; reception at
Rabát, 92-96; attacked by a mob at Salli, 101; at Marákesh, 108; received
by the Sultan, 113, 118, 216, 217, 232, 270; conferences with Uzir Ben
Dris, 115, 117; his return to Tangier, 124; on the habits of the Moors, 124;
the Jews, 125; promoted to the rank of Chargé d’Affaires, 134; his efforts
to develop trade, 134, 140, 168; his ride from El Araish, 136; adventure
with a Moslem, 138; his firm policy, 139; marriage, 142; influence over the
natives, 142, 363; love of sport, 143, 365; suppression of piracy among the
Rifians, 144; his kindness during the famine, 164; on the advantages of a
Commercial Convention, 168; his second mission to Marákesh in 1855,
169; reception at Azamor, 169; at Shawía, 171; result of his mission, 179;
ratification of the Treaty, 181; created a C.B., 183; on the downfall of
Benabu, 184-192; gift of a leopard, 199; on the outbreak of hostilities with
Spain, 206; his efforts to protect property, 208; attack of influenza, 213; his
mission to Meknes, 214; terms of the proposed loan, 218; nominated
K.C.B., 219; suffers from his eyes, 219; the British Legation, 221; ‘The
Wilderness,’ 223; his summer residence, 224; acts of kindness, 226; third
mission to Marákesh in 1863, 230; at Rabát, 230; on the exchange of
Gibraltar for Ceuta, 233; at Fas, 236; audiences of the Sultan, 238;
proposed reforms, 238; Minister Plenipotentiary, 264; fourth mission to
Marákesh in 1872, 264; legend of the falcon, 267; enters Marákesh, 269;
dinner with Sid Musa, 272; the menu, 273; his final interview with the
Sultan, 276-282; entry into Mogador, 284; crossing the bar at Saffi, 286;
expedition to the Atlas mountains, 289; mission to Fas in 1875, 307;
proposes various reforms, 314, 317; reception by Sultan Mulai Hassan,
315; at the feast of the Mulud, 316; on the Sahara scheme, 317; his annual
holidays, 318; on the crisis in Turkey, 319; on Sir H. Layard’s appointment,
320; on the question of Protection, 321; famine, 324; cholera, 325; the
quarantine regulations, 325; illness of his son, 327; third mission to Fas in
1879, 329; interview with Uzir Mokhta, 330-333; reforms agreed to, 334;
promoted to the rank of Envoy Extraordinary, 335; letters from M. Tissot,
336; failure of his project for the exportation of grain, 339; at Marákesh,
340; on the state of Morocco, 344, 347; on the relations between France
and Morocco, 345, 349; charges against him, 346; interview with Lord
Granville, 350; G.C.M.G. conferred, 350; exoneration in the House of
Lords, 350-353; his impression of M. Féraud, 354; weariness of his work,
356; on the system of slavery, 357; prison reform, 358; fails to obtain a
revision of the Commercial Treaty, 360; delight at leaving, 360; letter from
the Sultan’s Prime Minister, 361-363; Privy Councillor, 363; accounts of
boar hunts, 366-389; introduces pigsticking, 373; hunting a lion, 390;
death, 397.
—, Mr. E. A. Drummond, 1, 5, 28, 293; appointed Political Agent and Consul-
General in Morocco, 6; his mission to Marákesh, 66; illness and death, 68.
—, Mr. R. Drummond, 293, 296; consul at Mogador, 324; illness, 327.
—, Mr. R., 8.
—, Mr. R. W., 139.
—, Mrs., 4.
—, Mrs. R. Drummond, 237, 328.
—, Miss, 237, 240, 312; extracts from her diary, 284, 289; received by the
Sultan, 342.
—, Miss A., 266.
—, Louisa, 9.
Hiazna, Governor of, 72.
‘Hill,’ the, 224.
Hitchcock, Major, 296.
Hodges, Colonel, 21, 24.
Hooker, Sir Joseph, letters from Sir J. D. Hay, 264, 318, 324.

Ibdaua, Sheikh of, 87.

Ibrahim Pasha, 30.
Isly, battle of, 79.

Jamah Makra village, 390.

Jebar, the Khalífa of Wazan, 345.
Jebel Habíb hills, 371.
Jebel Kebír, 207 note, 224.
Jebel Musa, 224.
Jebíla hills, 105, 269.
Jelab, torture of the, 186 note.
Jewesses, the, 129, 271; dress, 130, 271.
Jews, the, of Morocco, 125, 271; number of, 129; despotic rules, 130; oath,
Jin, or evil spirit, 389, 391.
João, the Portuguese Gunsmith, story of, 241-263.
Joinville, Prince de, 67, 68.
José, Don, 101.
José Maria, the famous brigand, 11; account of his pardon, 12; his robberies,
13; his horse, 14; his death, 15.
‘Journal of the Society for Psychical Research,’ extract from, 327.
Judah Azalia, 126; his memorandum about the Jews, 127-129.
Judah El Hayugni, 129.
Kab ghazal, or gazelle hoofs, 273.
Kaddor, 109.
Kaid Abbas Emkashéd, 161.
Kaid Abd-el-Kerim, 77, 109; his account of the battle of Isly, 79-81.
Kaid Ben Abu, 78, 98.
Kaid Ben Tahir, Governor of Azamor, 169.
Kaid Bu Aiesh, 269.
Kaid ‘Bu Jebel,’ 78.
Kaid-el-Meshwa, or High Chamberlain, 216.
Kaid Erha, meaning of the term, 265.
Kaid E’Susi, 96.
Kaid Maclean, 327.
Kaid Madáni, 112.
Kaid Maimon and the lion, 303-306.
Kaid Meno, theft of a horse, 308-311.
Kaid Serbul, 87.
Kasba Faráo, 214.
Kasba Jedída, 342.
Kenneth III, King of Scots, 267.
Khamás mountains, 158.
Kholj river, 85.
Kinnoull, Earl of, 1, 5.
Kubbats E’Suiera, or the ‘Picture Cupola,’ 112.
Kus, 317.
Kutubía Mosque, 106, 108, 111, 269.

‘Lab-el-barod,’ 311, 313.

Lahleh, 128.
Lalande, Admiral, 60; his message to Lord Ponsonby, 61; death, 63.
Lamarti, Selam, 17.
Lambton, Colonel, 296.
Lane, E. W., his ‘Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians,’ 77.
Lasakia, 129.
Lasats, 129.
Laurin, M., 27.
Layard, Sir Henry, letters from Sir J. D. Hay on the exchange of Gibraltar for
Ceuta, 233; on his reception by the Sultan, 288; on the accession of Mulai
Hassan, 307; on laying a cable, 314; appointed Ambassador at
Constantinople, 320.
Leech, 4.
Legation, the British, at Tangier, 221.
Leila predicts Sir J. D. Hay’s fortune, 17-19.
Lerchundi, Padre, 344.
Liddell, Mr., 207.
Lion and the lark, anecdote of the, 84; hunting a, 390.
Lively, H.M.S., 264, 285.
Loncarty battle, 267.
Londonderry, Lady, 36; her interview with the Sultan, 37.
Londonderry, Lord, 36.
Lorimer, Dr., 23.
Lynedoch, Lord, 1.

Maada or sedge canoe, 89, 90.

Mactavish, 49.
Madrid, conference on the system of protection in Morocco, 323.
Mahazen river, 243.
Mahmud Canal, 25.
Mahmud, Sultan, his dwarf, 40.
Maimon, the leopard, 199.
Malmesbury, Lord, 198, 353.
Marákesh, 66, 105, 108; first mission to, in 1846, 77; second mission in 1855,
169; third mission in 1863, 230; fourth mission in 1873, 264; in 1882, 340.
Marcussen, Mme., letters from Sir J. D. Hay, 138, 139.
Marseilles, 22.
Marshan plateau, 268.
Matra, James Mario, 221.
Mauboussin, M., 60.
Maule, William, 49.
Mazagan, 264, 314.
McKenzie & Co., 317.
Mehemet Ali, 24, 44.
Meknes, mission to, in 1861, 214.
Melilla fortress, 144.
Mesfíwa village, 106, 291, 292.
Meteor, the, 124.
Miranda, H.M. frigate, 148.
Mishra-el-Hashef river, 137, 239.
Mogador, Island of, 69, 123; famine in, 324.
Mohammed Ben Abdallah, Sultan, 123.
— Ben El Amrani, bastinadoed, 105.
— Gharrit, letter of farewell to Sir J. D. Hay, 361.
Mokhta, the Uzir, 329; questions of etiquette, 331; interview with Sir J. D. Hay,
332; his palace, 333.
Mona, system of, 86, 340.
‘Moorish Prince, a story of a,’ 300-303.
Moors, habits of the, 124; their reception in England, 135.
Morocco, introduction of the plague in 1826, 24; famine in, 164; decline of
trade, 167; population, 167; advantages of a Commercial Convention, 168;
ratification of the Treaty, 182; cattle-lifting, 193; punishment of, 194;
proposed loan, 214; terms of the payment, 218; final settlement, 220;
slavery in, 357.
—, Sultan of, 113, see Mulai Abderahman.
Mujáhidin or ‘Warriors of the Faith,’ 185.
Mul Meshwa, or chief Usher, 71, 112.
Mulai Abdelmalek, 241.
Mulai Abderahman, Sultan of Morocco, 71, 72, 113, 144; receives Sir J. D. Hay,
113, 118, 180; appearance and dress, 114; harem, 119; his fondness for
animals, 199, 202; death, 205.
Mulai Abderahman Ben Hisham, Sultan, 300.
Mulai Ahmed, 242, 300-303.
Mulai Ali, 129, 341.
Mulai Hashem, 129.
Mulai Hassan, Sultan of Morocco, accession, 307; reception of Sir J. D. Hay,
315, 330, 340; appearance, 315.
Mulai Ismael, 119.
Mulai Mohammed, Sultan of Fas, 241.
Mulai Sliman, 274.
Mulai Soliman, 110.
Mulai Yazid, tomb of, 110.
Mulud, feast of the, 316.
Murray, Mr. H., 68.
—, John, 4.
Murray’s Magazine, Sir J. D. Hay’s reminiscences, 367.

Napier, Admiral Sir Charles, 30, 145.

—, and Ettrick, Lord, 49, 73.
— of Magdala, Lord, 353.
Nares, Captain, 318.
Nelson, Lord, 235.
Nicolas, Commander, 218.
Nion, M. de, 68.
Norderling, Mrs., letters from Sir J. D. Hay on his reception from Sultan Mulai
Hassan, 315; on the Sahara scheme, 317.

Ofran, 128.
Ordega, M., 345; recalled, 354.
Oriental phraseology, specimen of, 361.
Orléans, Duc de, at Tangier, 203; his letter to Sir J. D. Hay, 203.
Oscar, King of Sweden, 66.

Palmerston, Lady, 75.

—, Lord, 17, 20.
Peñon fortress, 144, 148.
Pisani, Etienne, 49.
—, Mr. Frederick, Chief Dragoman of the Embassy, 31, 49, 73.
Plague, the, in Egypt, 22, 24.
Ponsonby, Lady, 33, 42, 75.
—, Lord, 25, 30, 42; his address to the Sultan, 32; entertains Bosco at dinner,
33; charm of manner, 43; his policy, 44; reply to Admiral Lalande, 63; his
letter to Sir J. D. Hay on his appointment in Morocco, 74.
Pontet, M., 44.
Poole, Stanley Lane, his ‘Life of Sir S. Canning,’ 73.
Porter, Commodore, 63.
—, Mr. George, 64.
Protection, system of, 322; Conference on, 323.

Rabát, 62, 217, 230.

Raeburn, 1.
Rahma, 247.
Ras-ed-Daura lake, 89.
Ras-el-Ain fountain, 129.
‘Ravensrock,’ Sir J. D. Hay’s summer residence, 224.
Reade, Mr., 207.
Reshid, Governor of Shawía, 171.
Reshid Pasha, 36.
Rif country, 144, 158; population, 158; inhabitants, 159.
Rifians, piracy of the, 144, 146; costume, 152; parley with Sir J. D. Hay, 153-
157; industry, 159; courage, 160; morality, 160.
Robinson and Fleming, Messrs., 220.
Roche, M., 95.
Rosebery, Lord, 360.
Russell, Lord John, 205; his defence of Sir J. D. Hay, 207.

Sabbatyon river, 131.

Saffi port, 285, 292, 314.
Sahara scheme, 317.
Sahel or plain, 242.
Salamis, H.M.S., 340.
Salisbury, Lord, 322; his estimation of Sir J. D. Hay, 352.
Salli, 100; Governor of, 102.
San Stefano village, 64.
Sawle, Captain, 296, 298.
Scott, Sir Walter, 3.
‘Scraps from my Note-Book,’ 367, 396.
Sebastian, King of Portugal, 241.
Sebu river, 238.
Senya el Hashti, or Spring of Hashti, 223.
Serruya, Mr. J., 92.
Seville, 11, 225.
Sharf village, 193.
Sharf el Akab, 371.
Shashon, Sheikh, 243.
Shawía district, 104, 170.
Shebá, 368.
Shebenía, 378.
Shedma district, 122.
Shella, 99.
Sherarda, Governor of, 214.
Sheridan, 4.
Shirreff, Miss, her recollection of Sir J. D. Hay’s early home, 8.
Shloh tribe, 291; the women, 295, 299; hospitality, 295, 298.
Sicsu, Mr. David, the Interpreter, 88, 109, 131, 216.
Sid Abd-el-Malek, 78.
Sid Alarbi Mokta, 113.
Sid Bel-Abbas, tomb of, 110.
Sid Ben Yahia, 88.
Sid Buselham, 136.
Sid Buselham Ben Ali, 68.
Sid Dris Ben Yamáni, 275.
Sid Mogdul, 123.
Sid Mohammed, Sultan of Morocco, 79, 216; reception of Sir J. D. Hay, 216,
231, 237, 270; final interview, 276-282; his entry into Rabát, 230; method
of quelling a rebellion, 233; death, 307.
Sid Mohammed Bargash, 321.
— — Ben Dris, 72; manner of his death, 72.
— — Khatíb, 180, 181.
Sid Musa, the Hajib, 272, 289.
Simpson, Dr., 90, 101, 103.
Slavery in Morocco, 357.
Smith, General, 30.
‘Snabi,’ 376.
Spain, question regarding Ceuta, 68; declares war with Morocco, 205; peace
concluded in 1860, 213; claims indemnity, 214.
Spanish chapel, protection of, 208-211; ‘three-decker,’ model of a, 192.
Spartel, Cape, 192, 390.
St. Leger, 89, 112.
Stockholm, 66.
Stopford, Admiral Sir Robert, 62.
Stunmer, Baron, 36.
Suanni, 78, 148.
Suánnia, 105.
Suiera, 123.
Sus, 122, 291.
‘Sweet Waters,’ 39.
Symes, 2.

Tafilelt, 128.
‘Taherdats’ river, 368.
Taheret, 129.
Tait, Archbishop, 3.
Takulebat, 129.
Tama, history of the son of, 82.
Tamista plain, 242.
Tangier, 7; condition of, 68: arsenal, 192; bridge, 193; quarantine regulations,
Tápia, 99 note.
Taza, 289.
Telin, 128.
Tensift river, 106, 269, 292.
Tetuan, 144, 180.
Thackeray, 4.
Thala, 128.
Thomson, Captain J., 5; his ‘Etymons of the English Language,’ 5.
Times, leader in the, 346; extract from, 351.
Tissot, M., 288; letters to Sir J. D. Hay, 336.
Torras, 355, 360.
Torribat, 129.
Trafalgar, battle of, 192.
Tres Forcas, Cape, 144.
Tsemsalla village, 243.
Turkey, the Sultan of, receives Lord Ponsonby and suite, 31; interview with
Lady Londonderry, 37.
Uhara, 86.
Ujda, 69.
Uríka, 289, 293.
Urquhart, Mr., 99.

Vaden, 127, 128.

Vakka, 128.
Valenciennes, 1.
Veneno, 13; kills José Maria, 15.
Vesuvius, H.M.S., 180.
Villiers, 360.
Vismes et de Ponthieu, Prince de, 5.

Wad el Halk river, 192.

Wad Nefis, 67.
Wadan, 127.
Wadnun, 317.
Wales, Prince of, 318; his visit to Tangier, 203.
‘Washington, Mount,’ 207.
Wazan, Sheríf of, 345.
Weber, 356.
Wedderburn Castle, death of Sir J. D. Hay at, 397.
‘Western Barbary,’ 17, 86 note, 177.
Winton, Major de, 296.

Yaden, 127.

Zacchian, 129.
Zarhon district, 160.
Zarhoni, Ben Taieb and Ben Nasr, dialogue between, 81.
Zebdi, Governor, 93.
Zerhóna, the, 214.
Zinat Kar Mountain, 292, 296.
Zinats village, 196, 228.
Zouche, Lord, 49; his defence of Sir J. D. Hay, 351.


[1]Henry Cockburn, one of the Senators of the College of

Justice, and a leading member of the literary and political society
in Edinburgh of that day.
[2]Mrs. Grey.
[3]Mrs. Norderling.
[4]It was thought improper to speak about any woman to the
[5]Sultan Mulai Abderahman was renowned for his
extraordinary strength.
[6]Life of Stratford Canning, by Stanley Lane-Poole, vol. ii. p.
[7]His uniform.
[8]A species of shad.
[9]See description of Shemis in Hay’s Western Barbary.
According to Tissot, in his Itinéraire de Tanger à Rabat, 1876,
scarcely a trace of these ruins remains.
[10]According to Mr. J. Ball the ‘Elaeoselinum (Laserpitium)
[11]Tápia is a kind of cement formed of lime, mixed with small
stones, beaten down in blocks by means of large wooden cases.
The Moorish castle at Gibraltar is built with tápia, and still looks as
solid as if new.—J. H. D. H.
[12]The Sultan Assuad referred to was the seventh of his
dynasty. He was buried at Shella, where his tomb bears an
inscription, of which the following translation has been kindly
supplied by J. Frost, Esq., British Vice-Consul at Rabát:—‘This is
the tomb of our Master the Sultan, the Khalifah, the Imam, the
Commander of the Muslims and Defender of the Faith, the
Champion in the path of the Lord of the worlds, Abulhasan, son of
our Master the Sultan, the Khalifah, the Imam, &c., &c. Abu Said,
son of our Master the Sultan, the Khalifah, the Imam, &c., &c.,
Abu Yusuf Ya’kub, son of ’Abd al-Hakk, may God sanctify his
spirit and illumine his sepulchre. He died (may God be pleased
with him and make him contented) in the mountain of Hintatah in
the night of (i.e. preceding) Tuesday, the 27th of the blessed
month of Rabi ’al-Awwal, in the year 752, and was buried in the
Kiblah of the Great Mosque of Al-Mansor, in Marakesh (may God
fill it with His praise). He was afterwards transferred to this
blessed and sainted tomb in Shella. May God receive him into His
mercy and make him dwell in His paradise. God bless our
Prophet Mahammad and his descendants.’
[13]Zizyphus lotus.
[14]Elaeodendron argan.
[15]2 Kings xviii. 9.
[18]? Flirgh.
[19]An orange dye.
[20]The White Fast.
[22]The French Representative.
[23]In consequence of the immunity he had claimed under
protection of the horse.
[24]The population of Morocco have never accepted, like other
Mohammedans, the Sultan of Turkey—who is not a descendant
of the Prophet—as ‘Kaliph Allah.’
[25]No attempt was made to land troops, neither was a gun
[26]Afterwards General Buceta, a very distinguished officer.
[27]Written in 1887.
[28]‘Cedrus atlantica.’
[29]Term generally applied to Europeans.
[30]Term used for horses of great speed, fed on dates.
[31]The torture of the wooden jelab is only resorted to in
extreme cases to extort a confession about wealth supposed to
be hidden. The instrument of torture is made of wood, and
resembles the outer hooded garment of a Franciscan friar. It is
placed upright, and the victim is squeezed into it in a standing
position; points of iron project in various parts preventing the
inmate from reclining or resting any part of his body without great
suffering. There he is left upon bread and water, to pass days and
nights, until he divulges where his wealth is hidden.
[32]Mohammedans believe that dates of all deaths are written
in a book by Allah.
[33]Fatmeh is dead. He was a spendthrift, and the bags of gold
were soon squandered in dissipation.
[34]There are no remains of houses or other buildings within
the solid walls which were erected on the north and west side of
this small arsenal. There are two wide gates adjoining each other
through which the galleys were hauled up and placed in safety.
The gateways are of beautiful solid brick masonry; the north wall
is of stone; on the south-eastern side high ground rises from this
enclosure. On the top of the hill there are the remains of a rude
‘Campus Aestivus.’ About a mile up the river are the ruins of a
Roman bridge leading to Tangier, the Tingis of the Romans; the
chief arch of this interesting monument fell in 1880. The date of
the arsenal and bridge is, I believe, the year 1 A.D.
[35]About twenty miles from Trafalgar.
[36]House of succour.
[37]Readers may be shocked that such barbarities are
practised by the Moors; but they are a thousand years behind the

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