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Diagnostic discrepancies between antemortem clinical diagnosis

and autopsy findings in pediatric cancer patients
Nikhil Raghuram 1 & Khalid Alodan 2 & Ute Bartels 1 & Sarah Alexander 1 & Jason D. Pole 3 & Paul Gibson 4 &
Donna L. Johnston 5 & Carol Portwine 6 & Mariana Silva 7 & Lillian Sung 1,8

Received: 26 September 2020 / Revised: 12 December 2020 / Accepted: 18 December 2020

# Crown 2021

Prevalence of discrepancies between antemortem clinical diagnoses and postmortem autopsy findings is uncertain in pediatric oncology
given improving diagnostic capabilities over time. Primary objective was to describe discrepancies between antemortem and postmortem
diagnosis of pediatric cancer deaths. Secondary objective was to compare clinical characteristics of deaths with and without major
diagnostic discrepancies. This was a retrospective study that included pediatric cancer patients diagnosed and treated in Ontario and who
died from 2003 to 2012. Antemortem clinical diagnoses associated with mortality were determined by reviewing the patient’s health
records 2 weeks prior to death while the postmortem diagnoses were determined by the autopsy report. Discrepancies among these
diagnoses were classified using the Goldman criteria where major discrepancies were directly related to the cause of death in contrast to
minor discrepancies. Among the 821 patients who died, 118 (14%) had an autopsy and were included. Of these autopsies, 12 (10%) had
a major diagnostic discrepancy between antemortem and postmortem diagnoses. Major discrepancies consisted of opportunistic infec-
tions (n = 5), missed cancer diagnosis (n = 3), and organ complications (n = 4). Death in a high acuity setting (12/12, 100% vs. 60/106,
57%; P = 0.003) and treatment-related mortality (12/12, 100% vs. 60/106, 57%; P = 0.003) were significantly associated with major
discrepancy. Major diagnostic discrepancy was found in 10% of pediatric oncology autopsies. Missed infections and organ complica-
tions were predominant etiologies. Death in a high acuity setting and treatment-related mortality were associated with major diagnostic
discrepancies. Autopsies continue to be important for improving diagnostic insight and may improve future clinical care.

Keywords Autopsy . Diagnostic discrepancy . Pediatric oncology . Cancer . Clinical decisions

* Lillian Sung Background
Pediatric cancer survival has improved significantly over the
Division of Haematology/Oncology, The Hospital for Sick Children, past several decades, with 5-year overall survival rates ex-
555 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 1X8, Canada
ceeding 80% in high-income countries [1]. Despite the suc-
Division of Pediatric Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, cesses, approximately 20% of children diagnosed with cancer
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
will not survive due to progressive cancer or treatment-related
Centre for Health Services Research, The University of Queensland, mortality [2]. In addition, during the most recent 10 years,
Brisbane, Australia
improvement in survival has started to plateau [3]. This find-
Division of Haematology/Oncology, McMaster Children’s Hospital, ing has prompted the need for innovative therapeutic strate-
1280 Main St West, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5, Canada
gies as well as an urgent need to understand the causes of
Division of Hematology/Oncology, Children’s Hospital of Eastern death in an effort to improve survival rates.
Ontario, 401 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8L1, Canada
Medical autopsy remains an important procedure to estab-
Department of Pediatrics, McMaster Children’s Hospital, 1280 Main lish postmortem diagnosis and detect clinically missed diag-
St West, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5, Canada
nosis, thus supporting quality assurance [4–6]. While some
Department of Pediatrics, Kingston General Hospital, 76 Stuart St, studies have evaluated the prevalence of diagnostic discrep-
Kingston, Ontario K7L 2V7, Canada
ancies identified by autopsy in general and among adults with
Child Health Evaluative Sciences, The Hospital for Sick Children, cancer, there are a limited number of studies that have
Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning, Toronto, Ontario,
assessed diagnostic discrepancies in pediatric oncology
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patients [4, 7, 8]. Evaluating diagnostic discrepancies between A discrepancy in diagnosis was defined as when the autopsy
antemortem and postmortem cause of death in pediatric on- identified a diagnosis that was not suspected prior to the patient’s
cology is important as in this setting, treatment-related mor- death. Diagnostic discrepancies were graded based on the
tality can be prevalent [9, 10], and identifying patterns of Goldman criteria for autopsy discrepancies [6, 12]. With this
diagnostic discrepancies may impact diagnostic testing in crit- system, discrepancies are graded I to V where I and II are clas-
ically ill patients. Better identification of underlying processes sified as “major” findings, and III and IV are classified as “mi-
that could contribute to mortality may improve care and out- nor” findings. Class V represents the lack of diagnostic discrep-
comes, potentially increasing survival rates. ancy, or diagnostic congruence between antemortem and post-
Consequently, our primary objective was to describe dis- mortem diagnoses. Major diagnostic discrepancies were those
crepancies between the antemortem and postmortem diagno- that were directly related to the cause of death and consisted of
sis of pediatric cancer deaths. Secondary objective was to class I and II discrepancies. Class I or critical diagnostic discrep-
compare clinical characteristics of deaths with and without ancies were defined as missed diagnoses that were directly relat-
major diagnostic discrepancies. ed to the cause of death, would likely have changed clinical
management, and likely would have prolonged survival if they
had been known prior to death. Class II or serious diagnostic
Methods discrepancies were defined as missed diagnoses that were direct-
ly related to the cause of death but would not have prolonged
This study was approved by the Research Ethics Board at The survival if they had been known prior to death. Correct antemor-
Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and all participating tem diagnosis may fail to prolong survival if there was a lack of
centers. Given the retrospective nature of the study, the re- effective therapy available at the time, or because the patient was
quirement for informed consent was waived by the SickKids already receiving appropriate therapy (for example, receiving
Research Ethics Board. empiric treatment for invasive fungal disease). Minor diagnostic
discrepancies were those that were not directly related to the
Setting and patients There are five centers that treat children cause of death and consisted of class III and IV discrepancies.
with cancer in Ontario, namely London Health Sciences Class III diagnostic discrepancy was defined as a missed diagno-
Centre (London), Hamilton Health Sciences Centre sis that was not directly related to the cause of death but was
(Hamilton), SickKids (Toronto), Cancer Centre of either symptomatic and should have been treated, or would even-
Southeastern Ontario at Kingston (Kingston), and Children’s tually have affected survival. Class IV diagnostic discrepancy
Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Ottawa). These centers report was defined as a missed diagnosis that was not directly related
cancer incidence, treatment, and outcome data to a provincial to the cause of death and did not meet class III criteria.
population-based cancer registry named the Pediatric The antemortem diagnoses were determined by reviewing
Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO) Networked the patient’s health records up to 2 weeks prior to the date of
Information System (POGONIS). For this study, we included death and included admission and discharge notes, progress
all deaths reported to POGONIS from January 1, 2003, to notes, clinic letters, laboratory and microbiology results, radi-
December 31, 2012, for patients who were ≤ 18 years of age ology reports, death certificates, and notes from allied
at the diagnosis of cancer. Patients who were not seen within healthcare professionals. The postmortem diagnoses were de-
1 year or no longer cared for by a POGO center and who died termined by the autopsy report.
in a non-POGO center were excluded (as antemortem diagno- For classification, two investigators (NR and KA) indepen-
sis could not be retrieved). Evaluable autopsies were defined dently assigned the antemortem and postmortem diagnoses.
as eligible deaths in which an autopsy was performed and in These were compared and a single set of antemortem and
which the report was available in the medical records. postmortem diagnoses were arrived at by consensus. The
Research only autopsies and coroner cases in which results same two investigators then categorized diagnostic discrepan-
were withheld were excluded. cies (classes I to V) and resolved differences by consensus.
For class I and II diagnostic discrepancies, these were present-
Design This analysis was a component of a study aimed at ed to a panel comprised of three pediatric oncologists (SA,
defining and describing treatment-related mortality in pediat- UB, and LS) where the overall final categorization was made
ric cancer patients [10, 11]. For this study, occurrence of an by consensus.
autopsy and the autopsy report itself was collected. We first
described the percentage of deaths in which an autopsy was Statistics Descriptive statistics were used to describe the study
performed, both overall and by year of death. Next, we fo- population, antemortem diagnosis, and postmortem diagnosis.
cused on cases in which an autopsy was performed to deter- The Fisher’s exact test was used to compare the clinical char-
mine whether there was a discrepancy between the antemor- acteristics of those with major diagnostic discrepancies (clas-
tem diagnosis and postmortem diagnosis. ses I or II) vs. those without major diagnostic discrepancies
Virchows Arch

(classes III, IV, or V). Factors evaluated were autopsy type leukemia or lymphoma in 51 (43%) patients. Overall, the pro-
(unrestricted vs. restricted), sex, age at death, year of death, portion of patients who had an autopsy was 118/821(14%),
underlying cancer diagnosis, relapse status, hematopoietic with a range of 9–19% among the five participating centers
stem cell transplantation receipt, location of death (high acuity (Fig. 2). Between 2007 and 2012, the proportion ranged be-
setting defined as the emergency department, intensive care tween 5/74 (7%) to 19/90 (21%) by calendar year (Fig. 3).
unit or operating room vs. low acuity setting defined as ward, Among the 118 autopsies, there were 887 postmortem di-
home, or hospice), withdrawal of supportive care, and study- agnoses (median 6, interquartile range 2–10 diagnoses per
adjudicated treatment-related mortality (defined as absence of death). Table 2 shows major diagnostic discrepancies
progressive cancer) [10]. A P value less than 0.05 was con- consisting of class 1 (critical) (n = 8) and class 2 (serious)
sidered statistically significant. Statistical analysis was per- (n = 4) diagnostic discrepancies occurred in 12 patients,
formed using Graphpad Prism (version 8.4.1 for Mac, resulting in a major diagnostic discrepancy prevalence of
GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA, www.graphpad. 10%. Among the 8 patients with class I (critical) diagnostic
com). discrepancies, 5 patients had missed infectious causes of mor-
tality. Among the 5 patients with missed infectious causes, 4
of these patients had a primary diagnosis of leukemia or lym-
Results phoma. The other 3 patients with class I (critical) diagnostic
discrepancies had missed diagnosis of malignancy. Table 2
Between January 1, 2003, and December 31, 2012, there were also shows class II or serious diagnostic discrepancies, which
a total of 821 eligible deaths registered in POGONIS and all consisted of unrecognized organ complications (n = 4).
included in our study (Fig. 1). Among these deaths, 141 pa- Table 1 shows the comparison of clinical characteristics be-
tients underwent an autopsy of which 118 patients were tween the presence vs. the absence of a major diagnostic discrep-
evaluable and included in the final analysis. Table 1 and ancy. Two factors were significantly associated with major diag-
Supplemental Table 1 describe the characteristics of these nostic discrepancy, namely death in a high acuity setting (12/12,
patients; unrestricted autopsies comprised 67 (57%) of all au- 100% among major discrepancies vs. 60/106, 57% among no
topsies. The most common underlying cancer diagnosis was major discrepancy; P = 0.003) and study-adjudicated treatment-

Fig. 1 Flow diagram of Deaths identified in POGONIS during the study period
identification and selection of (n=964)
patients included in the study

Did not meet eligibility criteria (n=143)

>18 years at the time of diagnosis (n=1)
Died outside the study period (n=1)
Inaccurate identification of patient outcome (n=2)
Uncertain or unconfirmed cancer diagnosis (n=3)
Not seen within 1 year or no longer cared for by
POGO center and died in a non-POGO center

Number of patients included in study


Number of deaths without an autopsy (n=680)

Number of eligible deaths that underwent an autopsy


Excluded from analysis (n=23)

Missing/incomplete autopsy results (n=15)
Coroner case (documents withheld) (n=5)
Non-diagnostic autopsy (n=1)
Autopsy done for research purposes only (n=2)

Number of autopsies included in final analysis

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Table 1 Characteristics of pediatric cancer patients who underwent autopsy and comparison of presence vs. absence of major diagnostic discrepancy

Characteristic Total, n = 118 Number with major Number without major P value*
diagnostic discrepancy, n = 12 diagnostic discrepancy, n = 106

Autopsy type 0.550**

Unrestricted 67 (57%) 8 (67%) 59 (56%)
Restricted, all organs excluding head/neck 7 (6%) 2 (17%) 5 (5%)
Restricted, CNS only 28 (24%) 1 (8%) 27 (25%)
Restricted, specific organ systems only 16 (14%) 1 (8%) 15 (14%)
Male sex 57 (48%) 7 (58%) 50 (47%) 0.550
Age at death in years 0.743
0–5 years 46 (39%) 6 (50%) 40 (38%)
> 5–10 years 30 (25%) 2 (17%) 28 (26%)
> 10–18 years 42 (36%) 4 (33%) 38 (36%)
Year of death
2003–2007 66 (56%) 7 (58%) 59 (56%) 1.000
2008–2012 52 (44%) 5 (42%) 47 (44%)
Underlying diagnosis 0.089
Leukemia or lymphoma 51 (43%) 9 (75%) 42 (40%)
Solid tumor 29 (25%) 1 (8%) 28 (26%)
Brain tumor 38 (32%) 2 (17%) 36 (34%)
Relapse status 36 (31%) 4 (33%) 32 (30%) 1.000
Received hematopoietic stem cell transplant 32 (27%) 4 (33%) 28 (26%) 0.733
Allogeneic 24 (20%) 4 (33%) 20 (19%)
Autologous 8 (7%) 0 (0%) 8 (8%)
Location of death 0.003#
Emergency department 3 (3%) 2 (17%) 1 (1%)
Intensive care unit 68 (58%) 10 (83%) 58 (55%)
Operating room 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)
Ward 24 (20%) 0 (0%) 24 (23%)
Home 17 (14%) 0 (0%) 17 (16%)
Hospice 5 (4%) 0 (0%) 5 (5%)
Withdrawal of supportive care 40 (34%) 4 (33%) 36 (34%) 1.000
Study-adjudicated treatment-related mortality 72 (61%) 12 (100%) 60 (57%) 0.003
Groups compared using Fisher’s exact test
Compared unrestricted vs. restricted combined
Compared high acuity settings (intensive care unit, emergency room, and operating room) vs. low acuity settings (ward, home, and hospice)
CNS, central nervous system

related mortality (12/12, 100% among major discrepancy vs. 60/ treatment-related mortality were significantly more likely to
106, 57% among no major discrepancy; P = 0.003). be associated with a major diagnostic discrepancy.
Our study underscores the importance of autopsies in pro-
viding important information to clinicians caring for pediatric
Discussion oncology patients [4–6]. Our finding that missed infection was
an important contributor to diagnostic discrepancy is consis-
In this study, we found an overall autopsy prevalence of 14% tent with other studies of pediatric oncology patients in which
and an overall major diagnostic discrepancy prevalence of undetected opportunistic infections, especially invasive fungal
10% among pediatric cancer patients who underwent an au- disease, were a common contributor to major diagnostic dis-
topsy. Unrecognized infection and organ complication were crepancies [4, 7, 8]. We also found that undetected organ
the predominant etiologies of these major diagnostic discrep- complication is an additional key contributor to diagnostic
ancies. Deaths in a high acuity setting (emergency department, discrepancy. This finding is consistent with contemporary
intensive care unit, or operating room) and adjudicated as adult oncology studies [13].
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Fig. 2 Percentage of deaths

Percentage of autopsies performed per

associated with autopsy among % of patients with a restricted autopsy
the five participating centers
% of patients with an unrestricted autopsy

number of deaths



Site A Site B Site C Site D Site E Aggregate
Participating sites

The prevalence of major diagnostic discrepancies (10%) was undergoing autopsy [6]. In contrast, we identified two factors
lower in our study when compared to other studies that de- associated with major diagnostic discrepancy, namely loca-
scribed estimates of 23.5% among all autopsies performed tion of death in a high acuity setting and treatment-related
[6], and 25% among autopsies in adult and pediatric oncology mortality. Death in high acuity settings has been studied be-
[8, 13]. Our lower prevalence could be a reflection of improved fore and no correlations with major diagnostic discrepancies
diagnostic tests and better antifungal and antibacterial prophy- were found among pediatric patients [21]. The difference be-
laxis in the past decades [14–16]. However, our study also tween that study and ours may be related to our focus on
found a relatively low prevalence of autopsies (14%) performed pediatric oncology patients, and differences in characteristics
in our select patient population, with just over-half the total of diagnostic discrepancy in our population compared to a
number of autopsies (57%) being unrestricted. This low rate general pediatric population. Our finding that both high acuity
is consistent with a single North American institution where settings and treatment-related mortality were associated with
the autopsy rate for pediatric oncology patients was 18% [8]. diagnostic discrepancy is not surprising since we would ex-
Consequently, our lower prevalence of diagnostic discrepancy pect them to be correlated with each other.
may also be related to the lower rate of autopsy. Nonetheless, if The strengths of this study include its multi-center na-
the autopsy rate were increased, it may provide more opportu- ture, use of two reviewers, and further adjudication of
nity to better understand the causes of death and could lead to diagnostic discrepancies by a panel of clinical oncolo-
improved processes that impact on patient outcomes. gists. However, the retrospective nature of the study poses
Despite the prevalence of diagnostic discrepancies, previ- some limitations. There may have been selection bias with
ous studies have failed to identify factors associated with ma- autopsies more likely being performed in patients with
jor diagnostic discrepancies [5, 12, 13, 17–20]. This finding uncertain antemortem diagnosis or with treatment-related
may have been related to the small number of patients mortality. Furthermore, we relied on the accuracy of

Fig. 3 Percentage of deaths

Percentage of autopsies performed per

25% % of patients with a restricted autopsy

during the study period (2003–
2012) % of patients with an unrestricted autopsy
number of deaths




2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
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Table 2 Major diagnostic

discrepancies identified from Diagnostic discrepancy Antemortem diagnosis Postmortem diagnosis n
autopsy class* and type

Class I: Critical diagnostic 8

Infection 5
Multi-organ failure of unknown Systemic herpes simplex virus type 1
etiology 1 infection including pneumonitis
Hepatic encephalopathy Disseminated varicella zoster 1
infection with hepatic necrosis
Hemorrhagic shock Pseudomembranous colitis 1
secondary to Clostridium difficile
Respiratory failure secondary Escherichia coli sepsis 1
to large abdominal tumor
Multi-organ failure of unknown Multi-organ candidiasis 1
Cancer diagnosis 3
Multi-organ failure of unknown Primary hemophagocytic 1
etiology lymphohistiocytosis
Pneumonia and Epstein-Barr virus Multi-organ post-transplant 1
infection lymphoproliferative disease,
diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Cerebral edema, query metabolic Diffuse neuroglial tumor 1
Class II: Serious 4
Organ complication 4
Septic shock Cardiomyopathy 1
Presumed cerebral vascular Ruptured brain aneurysm 1
thrombotic event
Infection, pneumonic process Pulmonary occlusive vasculopathy 2
See methods for definitions of class I and class II diagnostic discrepancies

medical records, which may not necessarily reflect the evaluated the manuscript. SA, UB, and LS analyzed the data. LS wrote
the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
team’s understanding and interpretation of symptoms
and signs. Finally, our rate of unrestricted autopsies was
Funding This study was funded by an operating grant from the Pediatric
low and thus, we may have underestimated the rate of Oncology Group of Ontario. LS is the Canada Research Chair in Pediatric
diagnostic discrepancies. Oncology Supportive Care.

Data availability The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current
study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

In conclusion, major diagnostic discrepancy was found in Compliance with ethical standards
10% of pediatric oncology autopsies. Missed infections and
organ complications were predominant etiologies. Death in a Ethics approval and consent to participate This study received research
ethics board approval from the Hospital for Sick Children Research
high acuity setting and treatment-related mortality were asso- Ethics Board (#1000041703). Given the retrospective nature of the study,
ciated with major diagnostic discrepancies. Autopsies contin- the requirement for informed consent was waived by the SickKids
ue to be important for improving diagnostic insight and may Research Ethics Board.
improve future clinical care.
Consent for publication Not applicable.
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary
material available at Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing
Author’s contributions NR and KA collected and analyzed the data and
wrote the manuscript. CP, MS, PG, and DJ contributed data. JP critically Code availability Not applicable.
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