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235 Defiance disobedience, compliance, Angry protestors with

forwardness, obedience, clenched fists shouted

open resistance; insubordination, submission, their defiance.
bold disobedience intractability, subordinations,
obstreperousness, subordination,
rebellion, tractability,
rebelliousness, traceableness
236 Decree behest, charge, cue, hint, The decree stopped
command, suggestion, short of a full
an official order commandment, intimation, request declaration of
that has the force dictate, direction, independence.
of law. directive, do,
instruction, order
237 Dominion authority, anarchy, Man has been created
command, control, confusion, to have dominion in
the territory of a jurisdiction, power disintegration, this world.
sovereign or disorder,
government insubordination,
238 Desolate inhospitable, build, construct, The desolate quietness
exposed, deserted erect, put up, raise, was almost painful.
uninhabited and uninhabited, rear, set up
giving an unoccupied,
impression depopulated
of bleak forsaken,
emptiness. godforsaken,
239 Endowed gifted, talented, Denuded, striped, Nature has endowed
given, bestowed, dis-endowed, her with beauty and
provide with a endued, invested, deprived, divested. intelligence.
quality, ability, or supplied, enriched
240 Expedient judicious, politic, impolitic, This solution is
practical, imprudent, politically expedient
convenient and pragmatic, inadvisable, but may well cause
practical although strategic, tactical inexpedient, long-term problems.
possibly improper politic, prudent, injudicious,
or immoral. wise unwise
241 Enumerate spell out, detail confound, The names of items are
particularize, miscount, too numerous to
mention (a summarize, misreckon enumerate.
number of things) recount, recite,
one by one rehearse,
recapitulate, quote

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