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Mixing Tests: Diagnostic Aides in the

Investigation of Prolonged Prothrombin Times
and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Times
Geoffrey Kershaw, FAIMS1 Daniel Orellana, BSc1

1 Haemostasis Laboratory, Institute of Haematology, Royal Prince Address for correspondence Geoffrey Kershaw, FAIMS, Institute of
Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia Haematology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Missenden Road,
Camperdown, New South Wales 2065, Australia
Semin Thromb Hemost 2013;39:283–290. (e-mail:

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Abstract Mixing tests are a relatively simple procedure used in the hemostasis laboratory as a first-
line investigation into the cause of an abnormal screening test, typically a prolonged
activated partial thromboplastin time and/or a prolonged prothrombin time. The
mixing test involves combining the test plasma with normal plasma, then repeating
the screening test on the mixture to assess whether the clotting time becomes normal
or remains prolonged. The primary purpose of a mixing test is to guide further
investigations. When mixing test results “normalize,” this suggests the test plasma is
deficient in clotting factor(s) and thus specific factor assays can be performed to
determine which are reduced. When the mixing test result does not “normalize,” this
suggests the presence of an inhibitor or other type of interference (e.g., the presence of
an anticoagulant such as high-dose heparinoids), and so the laboratory needs to
determine if this is a lupus anticoagulant or a specific coagulation factor inhibitor, or
another type of inhibitor. Because these follow-up investigations are more costly and
time-consuming than the basic screening tests, the appropriate performance and
interpretation of mixing tests is advantageous for the laboratory. Moreover, the correct
laboratory approach is also clinically relevant, as patient management is ultimately
affected, and an incorrect interpretation may lead to inappropriate therapies being
established. Components of a mixing test that can influence result interpretation
include the sensitivity of the used screening reagents to various factor deficiencies and
Keywords inhibitors, the source or composition of the normal plasma, and the setting of cutoffs for
► PT the formula used in expressing mixing test results. Numerous and differing criteria for
► APTT mixing test interpretation have been suggested historically, which can lead to confusion
► mixing test as to which approach is the most appropriate. The use of differing criteria will also lead to
► factor deficiency differing interpretations regarding “normalization.” For this pivotal reason, standard-
► inhibitors ized mixing test procedures and a consistent set of validated interpretive criteria
► correction represent the most favorable approach to maximizing the utility of a mixing test, and
► non-correction ensure the most accurate diagnosis for investigated patients.

The mixing test is a routinely performed assay in the hemo- acquired hemophilia)2,3 and antiphospholipid antibodies
stasis laboratory, and it is an essential test in the diagnostic syndrome,4 as well as for troubleshooting other less frequent
approach of clotting factor deficiencies,1 other severe disor- pathological or physiological conditions.5 The reason for
ders such as acquired inhibitors of coagulation factors (i.e., performing a mixing test entails typically a prolongation of

published online Issue Theme Quality in Hemostasis and Copyright © 2013 by Thieme Medical DOI
March 2, 2013 Thrombosis, Part II; Guest Editors, Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0033-1336832.
Giuseppe Lippi, MD, Mario Plebani, MD, New York, NY 10001, USA. ISSN 0094-6176.
and Emmanuel J. Favaloro, PhD, Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
284 Mixing Tests in the Investigation of Prolonged PT and APTT Kershaw, Orellana

one of or both prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial prolonged CT must be made before proceeding to a mixing
thromboplastin time (APTT). The combination of the PT and test, as preanalytic errors are still the leading source of
APTT provides the most commonly applied general screen for uncertainty in laboratory testing7 (►Fig. 2). Preanalytic phase
deficiencies of the coagulation factors, comprising tissue errors that affect PT and APTT include incorrect anticoagulant
factor and contact factor pathways of the hemostatic system, type (e.g., heparin or EDTA contamination), under-filled
respectively (►Fig. 1). The longer pathway is the contact tubes, hemolysis, activated or clotted samples, and incorrect
factor (or “intrinsic”) pathway, which is started in vitro by labeling, and each of these can compromise result quality.8–11
the reciprocal activation of the contact factors prekallikrein The mixing test chosen should be based on the same test
(PK, Fletcher factor) and FXII in the presence of high-molecu- principle used to detect the prolonged CT. For example, if the
lar-weight kininogen (HMWK). These contact factors are PT is prolonged and the APTT normal, then only a PT mixing
needed for initiation of the coagulation cascade as reflected test is required. If both PT and APTT are prolonged, then two
in vitro by the APTT, and also by the silica clotting time (CT) mixing tests can be performed. Although the principle of the
test and kaolin CT test. The tissue factor (or “extrinsic”) mixing test is simple, a large number of patient-related and
pathway begins with the binding of tissue factor with FVII laboratory-related variables will influence the outcome of

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to form a complex that activates FX, leading to the first part of mixing tests. These include the specific factor(s) that may be
the “common” pathway of the cascade.6 deficient and the severity of the deficiency; the nature and
The CT is the time taken (in seconds) from addition of the strength of the inhibitor that may be present; the choice of
starting reagents to the formation of an insoluble fibrin clot. A normal pooled plasma (NPP) for the mixing test; the factor-
CT above the upper limit of the laboratory’s reference interval deficiency sensitivity or inhibitor sensitivity of PT and APTT
can be caused either by a deficiency of one or more of the reagents; and the method of result interpretation. Although
clotting factors contained in the coagulation pathways or by the majority of mixing tests are probably performed in a 1:1
the presence of anticoagulants (e.g., heparinoids) or inhib- ratio of test plasma to NPP, variations exist such as 4:1 and 1:4
itors that interfere with the cascade, even in the presence of ratios that, in some instances, may clarify interpretations.
normal levels of clotting factors. A mixing test might be
warranted when a prolonged CT is observed in the absence
Mixing Tests and Factor Deficiencies
of anticoagulant therapy or other identifiable causes, such as
liver disease or preexisting hemophilia. Efforts to check for The various types of factor deficiencies and inhibitors that
and exclude preanalytic phase errors as a cause of the may be encountered in the hemostasis laboratory are

Fig. 1 Diagrammatic representation of the two major clotting pathways (prothrombin times [PT] and activated partial thromboplastin times
[APTT]). The names in italics are the names of some other clotting time tests and the points at which they act in the cascade. The APTT test is
potentially sensitive to prolongation when there is a deficiency of any clotting factor except FVII. The PT is sensitive to loss of FVII but insensitive to
loss of factors above FX in the contact factor pathway. When a test plasma has a prolonged PT and/or APTT that corrects in a mixing, performing
additional tests such as the Russell’s viper venom (RVV) time, Echis time, thrombin time, and reptilase time can assist in locating which region of
the cascade the deficiency is located.

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Mixing Tests in the Investigation of Prolonged PT and APTT Kershaw, Orellana 285

cause of an isolated prolonged APTT that corrects on

When a factor deficiency is detected with the mixing test,
specific factor assays are normally needed to determine
which factor is deficient. When the APTT is prolonged and
the PT is normal, a standard protocol would be to perform
individual assays for FVIII, FIX, FXI, and FXII, as these factors
are those that are unique to the APTT (►Fig. 1). Deficiencies of
PK and HMWK may also prolong the APTT and correct on
mixing, but they are more rarely encountered and are not
generally considered diagnostically important because, like
FXII, they are not associated with a bleeding phenotype.16 The
basis of correction in a CT due to mixing is that a normal CT
will occur with 50% or more of all coagulation factors. Thus,

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even mixing patient plasma devoid of clotting factors with
NPP (representing approximately 100% of each factor by
definition) will correct.

Mixing Tests and Inhibitors

Fig. 2 Flowchart for the investigation of prolonged screening tests.
Before performing a mixing test, it is useful, where possible, to exclude From the hemostasis laboratory’s perspective, inhibitors are
preanalytic variables such as an under-filled citrate collection tube or something in the test plasma that prolongs one or more CTs,
the presence of a fibrin clot. The thrombin time test, when prolonged such that the CT remains significantly prolonged after the test
in conjunction with a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin
plasma is mixed with NPP. This non-normalization or non-
times (APTT), may point to the presence of heparin in plasma as a
contaminant. When the mixing test shows a correction, specific factor correction upon mixing indicates that the initial prolongation
assays can be performed to identify the reduced factor(s). If the mixing was not due to a factor deficiency. Inhibitors can be global in
test shows non-correction, then assays for the lupus anticoagulant or nature, such as the lupus anticoagulant (LA), which prolongs
specific factor inhibitor can be performed. Knowledge of the patient’s CTs in the lack of inherited factor(s) deficiency, or they can be
clinical history may be useful in directing which inhibitor to test for, as
directed against a specific factor, such as FVIII antibodies seen
lupus anticoagulant predisposes to a thrombosis and factor inhibitors
to a bleeding tendency. in congenital or acquired hemophilia A (AHA).
LA tends to preferentially prolong the APTT with the PT
being only rarely prolonged. Even so, there are large differ-
summarized in ►Table 1. Prolongation of CTs above the upper ences in sensitivity to LA among APTT reagents (►Table 2)4
limit of the laboratory’s reference interval combined with a such that one laboratory may detect the inhibitor and per-
mixing test result that “normalizes” is said to “correct” and is form a mixing test followed by specific tests for LA, while the
indicative of factor deficiency. There are numerous PT and APTT may be within the reference interval therefore with no
APTT reagents available in the market, and each will have its follow-up required in another laboratory using a LA-insensi-
own factor-deficiency sensitivity profile. This means the level tive APTT reagent. The laboratory needs to be aware of the LA
below which, for example, FVIII must fall before the APTT sensitivity of the reagent in use, as general background
becomes prolonged will not be the same for all APTT reagents, knowledge to assist in mixing test interpretation. If a labora-
nor is this level likely to coincide with the laboratory’s tory is using a relative LA-insensitive reagent such as Actin FS
reference interval lower limit for that factor. The APTT (Siemens, Marburg, Germany), it may then be beneficial to
reagents should be sensitive to deficiencies of factors VIII, use a more LA-sensitive reagent to perform the mixing test
IX, and XI at concentrations of 35 to 40 U/dL.12 when the prolongation of APTT is by just a few seconds.
There is wide variability in the relative frequencies of Testing plasma by two APTT reagents with differing LA and
inherited deficiencies of specific coagulation factors in the factor-deficiency sensitivities can give insight to the nature of
general population and therefore the frequency with which the abnormality ahead of the mixing test results.
these are encountered in the laboratory. The X-linked defi- Occasionally, global inhibitors such as a very strong LA can
ciencies of FVIII and FIX, combined with von Willebrand cause an apparent reduction in activity of all clotting factors
disease, make up the vast majority of inherited factor defi- (especially those of the intrinsic pathway, i.e., FVIII, FIX, FXI,
ciencies associated with a bleeding disorder.13 The presum- and FXII) as measured by one-stage assays with a lupus-
ably homozygous forms of the rarer factor deficiencies range sensitive APTT reagent.17,18 It is important to be aware of this
in frequency from 1 in 2 million for FII deficiency to 1 in phenomenon, so as to avoid misinterpretation of the LA with
500,000 for FVII deficiency.13,14 The combined prevalence of a specific factor inhibitor. This could occur if the patient had a
moderate and severe inherited FXII deficiency has been clinical presentation of bleeding, with the low factor level
estimated at approximately 2.3% of the central European assumed to be the result of a factor inhibitor. The LA in this
population.15 Although there is no bleeding phenotype asso- setting would also interfere with a subsequent Bethesda
ciated with FXII deficiency, this may be the most common assay, thus compounding the misinterpretation.19

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286 Mixing Tests in the Investigation of Prolonged PT and APTT Kershaw, Orellana

Table 1 Classification of plasma factor deficiencies and inhibitors and their typical behavior in clotting time tests

Clotting time test

PT APTT PTmix APTTmix TT dRVVT Echis Reptilase
Inherited factor deficiencies
FII R R cor cor N R R N
FV/FX R R cor cor N R N N
FVII R N cor N N N N
Fibrinogen/dysfibrinogenemia R R cor cor R R R R
VWF (with low FVIII) N R cor N N N N

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Acquired factor deficiencies
Liver disease R R cor cor N/R R R N/R
Vitamin K deficiency/warfarin ingestion R R cor cor N R N N
Disseminated intravascular coagulation R R cor cor R R R R
Amyloidosis (with loss of FX) R R cor cor N R N N
Nephrotic syndrome (with loss of FXII) N R cor N N N N
Low FVIII secondary to VWF inhibitor N R cor N N N N
Immunoglobulin-type inhibitors
Lupus anticoagulant N R n-c N R N N
FVIII inhibitor N R n-c N N N N
FIX or FXI inhibitor N R n-c N N N N
FV or FX inhibitor R R n-c n-c N R N N
Therapeutic agents
Unfractionated heparin N R n-c R N R N
Lepirudin R R n-c n-c R R R N
Dabigatran (FIIa inhibitor) R R n-c n-c R R R N
Rivaroxaban (FXa inhibitor) R R n-c n-c N R N N

Abbreviations: APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; cor, correction; dRVVT, diluted Russell viper venom time; HMWK, high-molecular-weight
kininogen; N, normal; n-c, slow-acting non-correction; n-c, non-correction; PK, prekallikrein; PT, prothrombin time; R, raised; TT, thrombin time; VWF,
von Willebrand factor.
Note: The presence of and/or degree of raised clotting times in tests can vary with the degree of factor deficiency and reagent sensitivity to particular
factor deficiencies or global inhibitors.

Table 2 Demonstration of the wide variation in sensitivity of APTT reagents to the presence of lupus anticoagulants in plasma

APTT in seconds
Upper limit 34 35 40 36 54
Patient 1 62 61 65 31 132
Patient 2 88 74 74 34 138
Patient 3 234 186 164 47 > 300
Patient 4 60 64 69 30 253
Patient 5 154 171 136 66 258

Abbreviation: APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time.

Notes: Samples are from five individuals with lupus anticoagulant demonstrated by the diluted Russell viper venom test. The upper limit (mean þ 2 SD)
determined on 50 normal samples is also shown.

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Mixing Tests in the Investigation of Prolonged PT and APTT Kershaw, Orellana 287

Inhibitors to single coagulation factors occur far less cases, the presence of a common pathway factor inhibitor
frequently than LA. The most frequently observed single such as a FV inhibitor can be excluded due to the correcting
factor inhibitor is directed against FVIII. In persons without PT.24 The non-correcting APTT suggests the presence of an
a prior bleeding history, this leads to the condition of AHA, inhibitor, the nature of which still needs to be elucidated by
which has an incidence of 1.48 per million persons per year.20 further tests including factor assays and LA testing. If an
These individuals usually have FVIII inhibitors with different inhibitor develops in a patient with congenital hemophilia A
kinetics when compared with FVIII inhibitors seen in indi- or B, the PT will be unchanged (remains normal), but the APTT
viduals with congenital hemophilia A.19,21 This means FVIII:C mixing test will switch from correcting pattern before the
levels in plasma of up to 10 U/dL or even higher can coexist inhibitor development to non-correcting pattern.
even with a very high titer FVIII inhibitor. FVIII inhibitors
show slow acting kinetics, which is often also temperature
Normal Plasma for Mixing Tests
dependent, so that mixes require incubation at 37°C for 1 or 2
hours for full expression of their activity. To be classified as a The NPP used in a mixing test ideally has close to 100 U/dL of
FVIII inhibitor, there must be an increase between the APTT all the clotting factors so that a 1:1 mix with patient plasma

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measured immediately upon mixing and the APTT measured will contain at least 50 U/dL of all factors. This factor level
after extended incubation. A minimum difference of 10 sec- ensures that a correction is possible in the absence of an
onds has been suggested.22 The difference achieved will be inhibitor. NPP can be prepared in-house from routine normal
influenced by amount of FVIII present in the patient’s plasma samples or sourced commercially as either frozen plasma or
and the effect this has on the initial APTT, with some APTTs lyophilized plasma. Because the concentration of some clot-
being only moderately prolonged. Although FVIII inhibitors ting factors can vary up to fourfold in different normal plasma
are generally accepted as being slow acting, the neutralization samples, the larger the number of donors in the pool, the
of FVIII in the NPP begins immediately upon mixing, with a more likely the pool clotting activity will be close to 100 U/dL,
rise in the APTT being seen in as little as 10 minutes.18 It is with a minimum of 20 donors suggested.12 Some caution is
important, therefore, to minimize any delay in performing the needed if “normal plasma” from patients is used, as these
APTT on the immediate mix tube so as to maximize the frequently contain high levels of FVIII. The NPP should be
chance of observing a difference between the CTs of the double centrifuged to ensure a platelet count of less than
immediate and incubated mixes. One method of achieving 10  109/L before freezing.25
this is to program the coagulation analyzer, if possible, to do
the immediate mix test. The incubation period itself can cause
Setting Cutoff Levels for Mixing Test
some loss of FV and FVIII, given that the incubation is
performed at 37°C, and that these are labile coagulation
factors. This effect can be negated by incubating separate Several different approaches to setting cutoff levels for rou-
tubes of patient’s plasma and of NPP, alongside the 1:1 mix of tine mixing test interpretation have been proposed
the patient’s plasma and NPP. At the end of the 1 to 2 hours (►Table 3), but there appears to be no universally accepted
incubation, the separately incubated patient’s plasma and method. One method is to look at the CT of the 1:1 mix relative
NPP are mixed and tested immediately for APTT.23 to a fixed value such as the upper limit of the reference
Occasionally, patient plasma may contain both factor interval for PT or APTT used. A correction occurs with this
deficiency and an inhibitor, for instance, LA in the presence approach if the 1:1 mix CT falls below the limit. Other
of multiple factor deficiency (as in liver disease) or LA in the methods include, but are not limited to, the following: (i)
presence of a common pathway factor deficiency. If PT and seeing if the mix CT correction is within the mean normal CT
APTT mixing tests are performed in this situation, the PT will, plus 2 to 3 standard deviations; (ii) expressing the mix CT as a
in most cases, correct and the APTT will not correct. In these simple ratio to the NPP CT, with a correction occurring when

Table 3 Examples of cutoff levels for mixing test interpretation

1. Methods that use only the 1:1 mix CT

a. Comparing the 1:1 mix CT with the upper limit of the reference interval
b. Comparing the 1:1 mix CT with the mean normal CT plus 2 SD or plus 3 SD
2. Methods that use the 1:1 mix CT and NPP CT
a. Comparing the ratio of 1:1 mix CT to NPP CT to a level such as 1.1 or 1.2
b. Comparison of the difference in CTs between the 1:1 mix and NPP with a preset difference, such as 5 seconds.
c. Comparing the normalized 1:1 mix CT to the 99th percentile of the normalized 1:1 mixes of samples from healthy
3. Methods using CTs of the 1:1 mix, NPP, and patient’s plasma.
a. The ICA (Rosner index), where ICA ¼ [(1:1 mix CT  NPP CT)/patient CT] x 100
b. A percent correction formula, where % correction ¼ [(patient CT  1:1 mix CT)/(patient CT  NPP CT)] x 100
c. Does the 1:1 mix CT correct to more than half the difference between the patient’s neat CT and the NPP CT?

Abbreviations: CT, clotting time; ICA, index of circulating anticoagulant; NPP, normal pooled plasma.

Seminars in Thrombosis & Hemostasis Vol. 39 No. 3/2013

288 Mixing Tests in the Investigation of Prolonged PT and APTT Kershaw, Orellana

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Fig. 3 Comparison of four different formulae used in activated partial thromboplastin times (APTT) mixing test interpretation. These 1:1 mixing
tests were performed on 55 samples containing either single or multiple factor deficiencies (solid triangles) and on 44 samples comprising
inhibitors to single factors, lupus anticoagulants, therapeutic doses of unfractionated heparin, or the direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran (open
circles). All mixing tests were performed without incubation on the STA-R analyzer (Diagnostica Stago, Asnieres, France) using TriniCLOT APTT S
(Tcoag, Bray, Ireland) as the activating reagent and a commercial lyophilized NPP (TriniCHECK Level 1 control; Tcoag) and all are immediate mixes.
Panel A shows the values obtained by subtracting the NPP CT from the 1:1 mix CT. Corrections to within 4 seconds of the NPP were consistent with
factor deficiency and more than 8 seconds difference consistent with the presence of an inhibitor. Between these values, inhibitors and factor
deficiencies could not be distinguished from one another. Data for the ratio of the 1:1 mix APTT to normal pool APTT (panel B) are remarkably
similar to panel A. Here, a ratio of below 1.1 would exclude an inhibitor and a ratio above 1.2 would exclude the presence of a factor deficiency in all
but one case of FVIII deficiency. When the mixing data were calculated for the index of circulation anticoagulant (ICA, or Rosner index) (panel C), a
level of > 11% was consistent with the presence of an inhibitor; levels below 5% were consistent with factor deficiency. The cutoff of 15% for ICA
is shown for comparison. When the percent correction formula of Chang was used (panel D), all factor-deficient samples had greater than 72%
correction, as did some inhibitor-containing samples, most noticeably the heparinized samples. A percent correction below 72% therefore
excluded factor deficiency.

the mix result is less than a chosen ratio value (e.g., 1.2); and Rosner Index, or the index of circulating anticoagulant (ICA).
(iii) comparing the mix CT to the NPP CT plus 5 seconds.26 The ICA of a test plasma is calculated from the CTs of the NPP,
When mixing tests are performed in the context of testing the patient’s neat plasma, and the 1:1 mix of these, where
for the presence of LA testing, two choices for setting cutoff ICA ¼ [(CT 1:1 mix  CT NPP)/CT patient]  100. The origi-
levels have been recommended.25 The first is to determine nal ICA cutoff level (i.e., 15%) was taken as the upper level of
the 99th percentile of the distribution of healthy volunteer the 95% confidence interval of data from 34 plasma samples
plasma samples tested in 1:1 mixes with NPP. If the 1:1 mix of (18 hemophiliacs and 16 inpatients defined as “normal”)
the test plasma falls below the cutoff, the presence of LA is tested manually using the kaolin CT.27 Samples showing an
excluded. The second method is the use of a numerical index ICA above 15% were considered non-correcting, hence po-
first proposed by Rosner et al,27 which has been known as the tentially containing LA. However, 15% is unlikely to be the

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Mixing Tests in the Investigation of Prolonged PT and APTT Kershaw, Orellana 289

appropriate cutoff for individual laboratories testing with CT, the pattern of data is very similar (►Fig. 3, panels A, B).
modern PT and APTT reagents by automated analysers.4 To Third, the result patterns from applying the ICA and percent
use the ICA most effectively, a local cutoff value based on the correction formula, both of which use all the available CTs,
specific screening test reagent/NPP/analyzer combination is show clear differences from each other (►Fig. 3, panels C, D).
thus preferable. These cutoff levels may vary with different By adjusting the cutoff levels to make all of the known factor-
test types, namely, APTT or PT. We have established a cutoff of deficient samples show a correction, some of the inhibitor
11% for the ICA in an APTT test system as shown in by testing samples are also classified as correcting. ►Table 4 summa-
samples covering a wide range of factor deficiencies and rizes the percentage of samples having correct interpreta-
inhibitors that were processed under the same conditions tions according to different cutoffs. In the laboratory setting,
as the routine hemostasis work. the performance of mixing tests in identifying inhibitors will
Another approach to interpreting mixing test results is to be better than that these figures suggest if additional infor-
calculate the “percent correction” as described by Chang mation is taken into account. For plasma containing heparin
et al.28 Like the ICA, the percent correction formula incorpo- or one of the direct thrombin inhibitors, the thrombin time
rates the patient’s neat plasma CT, where percent correction will be prolonged, alerting the technologists to their presence

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¼ [(patient neat CT  1:1 mix CT)/(patient neat CT  NPP should this information not be otherwise available.
CT)]  100. With this formula, there was some overlap in the When evaluating the percent correction formula using
percent correction ranges observed in factor-deficient sam- immediate 1:1 mixes in our test system, all of the 57
ples and inhibitor-containing samples.28 The discriminatory factor-deficient samples tested showed a greater than 72%
power of the formula was improved when mixes were tested correction with only 2 of the 18 samples with LA correcting
as 4-part patient plasma to 1-part NPP, with the 4:1 mix CT more than 72% (false negative for inhibitor) (►Fig. 3, panel D).
replacing the 1:1 mix CT in the equation.28 By using an The FVIII inhibitor samples were split evenly between correc-
adjusted cutoff of 50%, the authors observed that plasmas tion and non-correction, as might be expected with immedi-
with more severe factor deficiency tended to have higher ate mixes as opposed to incubated mixes where the FVIII
percent corrections than samples with mild factor deficiency inhibitory action is more completely expressed.
that had only borderline percent corrections plus some that The heparinized plasmas all showed more than 72% cor-
fell below the cutoff (false negative for factor deficiency). rection (false negative for inhibitor), but in routine practice a
We have applied four of these cutoff levels to 1:1 mixing thrombin time test can be performed when an unexpectedly
tests performed on 57 samples with a range of single factor prolonged APTT is observed to check for the possible presence
deficiencies or multiple factor deficiencies and 44 samples of heparin or a direct thrombin inhibitor such as dabigatran.
with inhibitors of various types (►Fig. 3, panels A–D). All the Occasionally, a patient has a slowly rising PT and/or APTT in
samples tested were surplus citrated plasma from patients the absence of, or inconsistent with, any concomitant antico-
having coagulation tests performed in our laboratory. The agulant therapy. The clinician may request a mixing test to
first observation is the overlap in 1:1 mix CTs of samples with exclude the presence of a factor inhibitor that may have
factor deficiency and samples containing inhibitors regard- recently arisen. In these situations the clinician may be
less of the interpretive method. This suggests no single satisfied that a correction of the mixing test excludes an
method of setting a cutoff can perfectly differentiate between inhibitor, without the need for further investigation. The
factor deficiencies and inhibitors in this test system. Second, laboratory should be aware of the limitations of their mixing
for methods that primarily use the 1:1 mix CT relative to a test cutoff value in excluding inhibitors, and perhaps choose a
fixed cutoff such as NPP þ 5 seconds or as a ratio to the NPP different cutoff for this purpose.

Table 4 Percent of samples in the mixing test study in ►Fig. 3 showing a correct interpretation according to different methods of
evaluation and different cutoff levels

Method of evaluation Correction cutoff Correct interpretation

Factor deficient, n (%) Inhibitor, n (%)
(A) 1:1 mix CT minus NPP CT < 4 seconds 50 (88) 44 (100)
< 8 seconds 57 (100) 34 (77)
(B) Ratio 1:1 mix CT to NPP CT < 1.1 46 (81) 44 (100)
< 1.2 56 (98) 36 (82)
(C) ICA < 11% 57 (100) 33 (75)
< 15% 57 (100) 27 (61)
(D) Percent correction > 72% 57 (100) 26 (59)

Abbreviations: CT, clotting time; ICA, index of circulating anticoagulant; NPP, normal pooled plasma.
Notes: Factor-deficient samples (n ¼ 57) must satisfy the cutoff level to have a correct interpretation. Inhibitor-containing samples (n ¼ 44) must fall
on the opposite side of the cutoff to be called non-correcting.

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290 Mixing Tests in the Investigation of Prolonged PT and APTT Kershaw, Orellana

Conclusion 10 Lippi G, Salvagno GL, Montagnana M, Lima-Oliveira G, Guidi GC,

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