A Science and Risk Based Pragmatic Metho

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AAPS PharmSciTech ( # 2017)

DOI: 10.1208/s12249-017-0925-8

Brief/Technical Note

A Science and Risk-Based Pragmatic Methodology for Blend and Content

Uniformity Assessment

Naheed Sayeed-Desta,1 Ajay Babu Pazhayattil,1,2 Jordan Collins,1 and Chetan Doshi1

Received 14 October 2017; accepted 21 November 2017

Abstract. This paper describes a pragmatic approach that can be applied in assessing
powder blend and unit dosage uniformity of solid dose products at Process Design, Process
Performance Qualification, and Continued/Ongoing Process Verification stages of the Process
Validation lifecycle. The statistically based sampling, testing, and assessment plan was
developed due to the withdrawal of the FDA draft guidance for industry BPowder Blends and
Finished Dosage Units—Stratified In-Process Dosage Unit Sampling and Assessment.^ This
paper compares the proposed Grouped Area Variance Estimate (GAVE) method with an
alternate approach outlining the practicality and statistical rationalization using traditional
sampling and analytical methods. The approach is designed to fit solid dose processes
assuring high statistical confidence in both powder blend uniformity and dosage unit
uniformity during all three stages of the lifecycle complying with ASTM standards as
recommended by the US FDA.
KEY WORDS: blend uniformity; content uniformity; dosage uniformity; process validation; solid dose;
lifecycle stages.

INTRODUCTION Statistical tools should be used to ascertain sampling locations

across the blender and to conduct a valid analysis. The
Since the withdrawal of the US FDA draft guidance regulator is concerned about proper sampling of powder
document for industry, BPowder Blends and Finished Dosage blends since it is supposed to ensure that no differences exist
Units—Stratified In-Process Dosage Unit Sampling and between locations in a blend that could adversely affect
Assessment^ on August, 2013 (1), the pharmaceutical indus- finished product quality. They acknowledge that traditional
try required a science and risk-based approach, justified sampling using a powder-thief can have drawbacks such as
sampling, and testing plans to ensure drug product uniformity. causing disturbance to the powder bed, sampling errors, etc.
Although a draft, the guidance was extensively used by the though it is widely used and provide reliable results. Further,
industry and in some circumstances, continued to be used for the agency believes that the procedure and acceptance
lack of an alternate practical approach replacing the guid- criteria in United States Pharmacopeia (USP) General
ance. A drug product manufacturer is required to justify their Chapter <905> Uniformity of Dosage Units are not statisti-
assessment method for blend and content uniformity. US cally sound and hence should not be extrapolated to a larger
FDA has also set an underlying expectation for manufac- sample. US FDA therefore no longer supports its use for
turers to ensure consistent product quality by demonstrating batch release.
no significant difference in uniformity between and within One strategy available for blend and content uniformity
locations. The draft guidance was withdrawn since some assessment was developed by Garcia et al. (3) as part of The
sections did not agree with regulators’ current thinking. International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE)
According to the subsequently issued Level 2 guidance: sponsored Blend Uniformity and Content Uniformity
Question and Answers on Current Good Manufacturing (BUCU) Initiative. The teams initial two-part paper (Part 1:
Practices—Production and Process Controls (2), Sections V Modifications to Withdrawn FDA Draft Stratified Sampling
and VII of the guidance were not adequate. US FDA Guidance and Part 2: Technical Discussion of Sampling Plans
recommends demonstrating that the variability attributed to and Application of ASTM E2709/E2810) defined alternate
blend sample location is minimal in addition to ensuring that approaches for the assessment of blend and content unifor-
the sample size is adequate for a valid statistical analysis. mity attempting to address FDA’s primary concerns that led
to the withdrawal of the draft guidance document. The
Apotex Inc., 150 Signet Drive, Toronto, Ontario M9L 1T9, Canada. proposed enhanced sampling, testing, and assessment plan
To whom correspondence should be addressed. discussed in this paper was developed as an approach
(e-mail: apazhaya@apotex.com; abapaz@gmail.com) primarily fit for solid dose manufacturing processes with

1530-9932/17/0000-0001/0 # 2017 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

Sayeed-Desta et al.

powder blending and dosing operations. The authors applied is applicable to bin blenders though the same methodology
well-established principles of pharmaceutical science along may be applied to other blenders such as V-blenders. Bin
with sound statistical justification in developing the Grouped blenders provide good containment of the in-process batch
Area Variance Estimate (GAVE) method. The blend unifor- and easy loading and unloading of the blend. The bins are
mity and dosage uniformity plan can be practically accom- also used to store and transport material to the next
modated within the current solid dose manufacturing processing stage and therefore also referred to as intermedi-
operations and laboratory capabilities without confounding ate bulk containers. Gallay bin blenders are an example of
sample logistics. such blenders. Material is loaded top-to-bottom in bin
blenders and mixing of the powder occurs by tumbling. Low
POWER BLENDS shear axial and radial mixing is applied when the bin blender
is rotated at a set speed and time on an angled rotational axis
Bin blending is a batch manufacturing process wherein (6). Bin blenders are known to exhibit slower axial mixing
all materials are charged before the start of the processing compared to radial mixing (7).
and discharged at the end of the processing. Blend analysis is The geometry of the blenders is symmetric in design with
conducted at multiple lifecycle stages as it provides an insight distinct sections being the rectangular and hopper-shaped
to the adequacy of mixing and the final dosage unit section. A numbered sample location is therefore unwar-
uniformity. Blend results are significant in gaining process ranted as long as representative locations are sampled, that is,
knowledge and understanding impact of changes related to corners of the bin blender versus center of the bin blender. A
manufacturing process, formulation, raw material, equipment, newly designed blend sampling plan is therefore proposed to
and scale up on uniformity. However, it has to be noted that have five sample locations from the Btop^ area, four locations
current blend sampling practice of sampling post blending from the Bmiddle^ area, and three locations from the
operations violates the representative sampling rule of Bbottom^ area of the powder blend. Five locations from the
sampling materials when in motion to determine blend top assure that the four corners of the bin blender as well as
adequacy (4). Blend and content uniformity data can be the center location are sampled. The four locations from the
compared but not correlated as powder flow properties differ middle assure that the four corners of the bin blender are
between formulations and batch sizes, and may also vary with sampled. Three locations from the bottom of the bin blender
change in raw material physical characteristics. Location to hopper section assure that there are a minimum of three
location blend and dosage unit correlation is not applicable samples from this area for a statistically valid analysis.
since powder rheology is complex and affected by multiple Although traditionally 10 locations are deemed adequate to
product specific factors as understood during the Process map tumbling type mixers, 12 locations are recommended
Design stage. For instance, the dependent variables are based on the geometry of Gallay bin blenders.
different when mixing cohesive materials in comparison with Figure 1 shows the geometrical design of the blenders.
mixing free flowing materials (5). The bin volume is higher in the top rectangular section and
It is typical for gravity-fed powder blends to be on dosing decreases with the hopper-shaped section. Hence, more
equipment where the blenders are enclosed and the powder sample locations are recommended for the top and the
flow patterns during processing are not visible. The variations middle areas of the bin blender than the bottom to
in powder blend characteristics can be mitigated with the adequately represent the blend as per sectional volumes of
application of control strategies based on well-characterized the bin. Table I provides estimated volumes of each of the
raw material properties, robust manufacturing processes, and sections for the bin blender sizes for comparison.
accurate measurement systems. Blend process parameters are Based on the estimated volumes, the rectangular section
established during Process Design (Stage 1) blend time is ~ 75% and the hopper section is ~ 25% of expected bin fill
analysis study to assure consistent uniformity. Some of the volumes. Therefore, from a sampling perspective, there is
main factors systematically studied in establishing uniform good representation of the samples from each of the sections
blends are the percentage of active pharmaceutical ingredient relative to the volumes where 75% of the samples (9/12) are
(API) in the formulation, particle size distribution in relation obtained from the Btop^ and Bmiddle^ areas of the rectangu-
to other excipients, particle shape, density, batch size and bin lar section and 25% of the samples (3/12) are obtained from
fill, loading and unloading methods, blend time, and blender the Bbottom^ area of the hopper section. The samples from
speed. The aforementioned factors have not been discussed the 12 predetermined locations of the bin blenders are
further in this paper based on the underlying assumption that obtained using qualified powder-thief sampling methods.
the process and formulation is optimized through extensive The second sample from each location is required in case
Quality by Design (QbD)-based development studies. Sam- there are issues with first samples (e.g., spilled or missed
pling and testing of powder blends and finished dosage units sample). The blend sample size is set at 1×–3× dosage units
during manufacturing of development batches may mimic the unless otherwise justified during Stage 1.
sampling and testing plan recommended here for Process Even though one sample is taken from each location,
Performance Qualification (Stage 2B) batches. there are sufficient samples to determine within- and
between-location variability. This is accomplished by group-
BLENDERS AND BLEND SAMPLING ing of locations within an area. Samples obtained from each
of the Btop,^ Bmiddle,^ and Bbottom^ areas of the bin are
Bin blenders are commonly used intermediate bulk considered as one group for the purpose of statistical analysis.
containers for mixing powders and granules during solid dose Analysis of within-location (within-group) variability for each
manufacturing. This paper further discusses the approach as it of the three areas is conducted by analyzing each of the
A Science and Risk-Based Pragmatic Methodology

not contribute to any potential segregation issues resulting in

variable dosage uniformity. If powder segregation occurs during the
process, it will be more likely identified through a stratified
sampling and testing of the dosage units produced from each blend
In a typical setup, bin blenders are staged over dosing
equipment, and blends are discharged from the bottom of the
blender into lay flats that transfer the blend into hoppers. Powder
blends are either compressed or encapsulated into unit doses.
Commercial dosing operations are typically semi-continuous
processes where material is simultaneously charged and discharged
and completed once the entire blend batch is consumed. Tableting
presses and encapsulators are set up so that each unit dose
consistently meets the required output of the controlled process (8).
This is verified by frequent sampling and testing for in-process
physical quality attributes such as weight, hardness, thickness,
friability, and disintegration time. In addition to equipment control
capabilities and verification of the physical attributes, the dosage
uniformity of the units is also verified.
Samples for dosage uniformity testing are taken throughout
the semi-continuous dosing process. A stratified sampling plan is
followed during a dosing operation. The first sample is taken at the
Fig. 1. Schematic of bin blender areas (T, M, B) with sampling
start and remaining samples are taken at equal intervals until the
end of the process with sampling points at no more than 5% of the
batch. This results in a total of 20 strata samples of dosages
samples grouped by location area. Therefore, in this ap-
representing the entire dosing run. Stratified sampling increases
proach, replicate sampling is not recommended as there are
confidence of the uniformity of the batch as sample locations target
≥ 3 samples obtained from each of the three areas. Statistical
problematic areas prone to potential segregation. A risk-based
justification of using area grouped samples versus single
sampling plan that includes additional sampling points at the
location replicate is provided later in this paper. The
beginning and the end of the run may be applied based on product/
statistical criteria for blend uniformity is stringent in this
process knowledge. Random variation is expected throughout a
method, i.e., the overall blend uniformity standard deviation
population; therefore DU results are expected to be a normal
(SD) for the batch should be ≤ 3.0% in order to proceed with
distribution with no special cause variation. A minimum of seven
Tier 1 dosage uniformity (DU) assessment which includes
units from each of the 20 locations are required to be sampled for
stratified sampling and testing of three unit doses from each
testing. For statistical rigor, 20 sample locations are sufficient. Three
of the 20 locations sampled during the dosing process. If the
random samples are tested from each of the 20 strata resulting in 60
blend uniformity SD is > 3.0%, an extended Tier 2 DU
units from each blend for Tier 1 testing and a total of 140 (20 × 7)
assessment is applied wherein seven units are tested from the
units for Tier 2 dosage uniformity testing.
20 locations sampled.



Once the blend uniformity has been verified, the unit dosages It should be noted that the measure of blend uniformity
produced from the blend are tested for uniformity as well. This is to is designed to capture homogeneity of the blend batch. The
ensure that the end unit dosage given to patients has uniform active measure of homogeneity is determined by the dispersion
content/s as per its approved label claim. Since the internal flow measured in a blend sample, and not the location. Further-
dynamics of the powder/granule systems are not completely known more, given that mean and individual results may be affected
for each of the formulation, it is important to ensure that the by bias introduced due to sampling, a measure of dispersion
powder flow from blenders and subsequent dosing process does within areas is scientifically and statistically appropriate than

Table I. Comparison of Rectangular and Hopper-Shaped Sections of Bin Blender

Bin size (cu.ft.) Volume (L) Rectangular section Hopper section

L (in.) W (in.) H (in.) Volume (L) R (in.) H (in.) Volume (L)

2 56 15.1 17.9 10.6 47 8.9 12.5 9

4 113.3 18.8 22.2 13.8 94 11.1 14.9 19
11.3 320 24 30 20.5 242 15 22.7 78
80 2266 44.3 52.2 47.8 1811 26.1 37.1 454
Sayeed-Desta et al.

a measure within an individual location. Since blend uniformity is DU testing is required, it is proposed that the results be further
of interest as a precursor to homogeneity in the dosage units analyzed utilizing Variance Component Analysis (VCA) when
themselves, the statistical criteria for the BU results should not be needed, to increase knowledge of the product and as an aide in
designed such that the batch could be questionable solely upon its Stage 3 continuous improvement efforts (9).
basis. The statistical criteria proposed for the blend uniformity is The proposed GAVE method for blend and dosage
appropriate as it focuses on measures of variability and not an uniformity during solid dose manufacturing processes at the
acceptance criterion with individual results within ± 10% of the Process Performance Qualification stage is provided in Fig. 2.
mean. The criteria put forth in this paper serve the purpose of A tiered approach is applied to the testing of dosage
dictating whether extended testing should occur at the DU stage of uniformity using ASTM E2709/E2810 methodology sampling
testing. Apart from being applied to determine whether extended plans (10).

The sampling, testing plan, and acceptance criteria for

Stage 2B is summarized below.

Stage 2 PPQ Blend Sampling:

Assay 1 blend sample from each of the 12 locations
1. If the overall SD ≤ 3.0% of target, proceed to Tier 1 Dosage Unit Testing
2. If the overall SD > 3.0% of target, proceed to Tier 2 Dosage Unit Testing
Stage 2 PPQ Dosage Unit Sampling:
Sample at least 7 in-process dosage units from 20 approximately equally spaced
predetermined locations through the batch
Tier 1 Testing: Tier 2 Testing:
Assay 3 dosage units per location from all 20 locations (n = 60) Assay an additional 4 dosage units per location from
all 20 locations (n = 140)
Acceptance criteria:
All individual values within 75.0–125.0% (as-is) and data complies with the ASTM
E2709/E2810 acceptance criteria standards
If either is not met, proceed to Tier 2 dosage unit testing If either is not met, dosage units are not uniform

The proposed assessment of blend and dosage unifor- Continued/Ongoing Process Verification stage is provided in
mity during solid dose manufacturing processes at the Fig. 3.

The sampling, testing plan, and acceptance criteria for

Stage 3A (11) and 3B is summarized below.

Stage 3A CPV Blend Uniformity Sampling:

Assay 1 blend sample from each of the 12 locations
1. If the overall SD ≤ 3.0% of target, proceed to Tier 1 Dosage Unit Testing
2. If the overall SD > 3.0% of target, proceed to Tier 2 Dosage Unit Testing
Stage 3A CPV Dosage Unit Sampling:
Sample at least 7 in-process dosage units from 10 approximately equally spaced
predetermined locations through the batch
Tier 1 Testing: Tier 2 Testing:
Assay 3 dosage units per location from all 10 locations (n = 30) Assay an additional 4 dosage units per location from
all 10 locations (n = 70)
Acceptance criteria:
All individual values within 75.0–125.0% (as-is) and data complies with the ASTM
E2709/E2810 acceptance criteria standards.
If either is not met, proceed to Tier 2 dosage unit testing If either is not met, dosage units are not uniform

Stage 3B CPV Dosage Unit Sampling:

Tier 1 Testing: Tier 2 Testing:
Assay 1 dosage units per location from all 10 locations (n = 10) Assay an additional 2 dosage units per location from
all 10 locations (n = 30)
Acceptance criteria:
All individual values within 75.0–125.0% (as-is) and data complies with the ASTM
E2709/E2810 acceptance criteria standards
If either is not met, proceed to Tier 2 Dosage Unit Testing If either is not met, dosage units are not uniform
A Science and Risk-Based Pragmatic Methodology

FOR BLEND UNIFORMITY (BU): Collect duplicate samples from 12 locations (2 x 12)

Assay 1 sample per location (1 x 12)

SD > 3.0 % SD < 3.0 %

BU Statistical DU Tier 1
DU Tier 2

Sample at least 7 dosage units Sample at least 7 dosage units

from at least 20 locations from at least 20 locations
(7 x 20) (7 x 20)

Assay 7 units per location Assay 3 units per location

(7 x 20) (3 x 20)

DU Acceptance Criteria:
Fail All individual ‘as-is’
Assay remaining 4 units per
results within 75.0 –
location (7 x 20)
125.0% and mean
results pass ASTM std.

DU Acceptance Criteria:
All individual ‘as-is’ Pass
results within 75.0 – BU & DU Acceptable
125.0% and mean
results pass ASTM std.

Conduct Variance
Component Analysis (VCA)


BU & DU Not

Fig. 2. Process flow diagram for assessment of blend and dosage uniformity for Process Performance Qualification batches (Stage 2B)

If the variability in any Stage 3A blend batches is > 3.0%, enhanced based on product formulation and process (ex. low
VCA is recommended to understand the contributing sources active content drug products).
of variation and determine a path forward. Firms may decide
to continue with the heightened sampling and testing in Stage VARIANCE COMPONENT ANALYSIS
3B to gain more product understanding. Note that the ASTM
E2709/E2810 acceptance criteria are known to provide a VCA allows for the quantification of sources of variability
conservative approach for DU acceptance limits (12), and across different levels of units from a sampling scheme. VCA
therefore, using these acceptance criteria provides great analysis is conducted to determine the potential source of
assurance of product quality. The GAVE method may be variability: either within area and or between areas. High
Sayeed-Desta et al.

FOR BLEND UNIFORMITY (BU): Collect duplicate samples from 12 locations (2 x 12)

Assay 1 sample per location (1 x 12)

SD > 3.0 % SD < 3.0 %

BU Statistical DU Tier 1
DU Tier 2

Sample at least 7 dosage units Sample at least 7 dosage units

from at least 20 locations from at least 20 locations
(7 x 20) (7 x 20)

Assay 7 units per location Assay 3 units per location

(7 x 20) (3 x 20)

DU Acceptance Criteria:
Assay remaining 4 units per Fail All individual ‘as-is’
location (7 x 20) results within 75.0 –
125.0% and mean
results pass ASTM std.

DU Acceptance Criteria:
All individual ‘as-is’ Pass
results within 75.0 – BU & DU Acceptable
125.0% and mean
results pass ASTM std.

Conduct Variance
Component Analysis (VCA)


BU & DU Not Continue with routine IPDU

Acceptable sampling and testing for
Stage 3B

Fig. 3. Process flow diagram for assessment of blend and dosage uniformity for Continued/Ongoing Process
Verification (Stage 3A)

between-area variance could indicate poor mixing, resulting in non- uniformity and hence is non-process/product related. There-
uniformity within the blender and potential for segregation. High fore, it should have no impact on the dosage unit uniformity
within-area variance could indicate sampling bias or analytical of the batches. When between-areas variability is observed, it
errors (13). In the sampling plan proposed, single testing per indicates uniformity issues related to process/product. The
location is performed with multiple tests per area, hence VCA is identified potential source of variation observed in blend
possible. Adequate mixing is directly assessed since it is more likely batches may be further evaluated and implement preventa-
that mixing issues will appear as a difference between top, middle, tive actions if required. For further assessment, additional
and bottom areas of the blender than between locations lying data is required which can be gathered from heightened
potentially in the same area. Figure 4 provides representative sampling and testing of Stage 3 batches.
examples of products where BU results were out of specification;
however, dosage uniformity results of the batches met the STATISTICAL CONSTRUCT FOR THE BLEND
acceptance criteria. The results indicate that the variability in BU SAMPLING PLAN DESIGN
is not related to mixing issues. Analyzing the within-area and
between-area variance components supports this. In both exam- To elucidate the benefits of the proposed methodol-
ples, the between-area SD is 1.80 and 1.02 compared to the within- ogy, it is compared to one of the recent well developed
area SD which is higher at 3.82 and 2.91. plan (Garcia, 2015). The value of taking three BU
If all dosing batches tested meet Tier 2 dosage uniformity samples per location and testing as opposed to grouped
(n = 140) acceptance criteria, it also indicates that the within- BU samples by area is unclear. Although further investi-
area blend variability is not carried over to the dosage gation is required, it appears that the extra cost of testing
A Science and Risk-Based Pragmatic Methodology

Fig. 4. BU variance component analysis examples

three samples does not outweigh the benefits gained from testing of BU at 12 locations with a sample each will
the data analysis. The plans are compared here with a allow for an analysis of variance via VCA comparing
view of practical implementation at brand, generic, and within-group (within-area) and between-group (between-
contract manufacturing pharmaceutical organizations. The area) variability when grouping the 12 locations according

Table II. Review of Assessment Conditions Across Various Methodologies


Conditions Draft Garcia et

Guidance al

Within and between group variability is evaluated

Statistical tools used to justify number of sampling locations

Statistically valid blend uniformity criteria

Minimal blend disturbance with powder-thief sampling

Minimal potential for sample management errors

Application of VCA for enhanced product knowledge

Minimal sampling and testing cost.

Application of ASTM statistical acceptance criteria

Cells in gray represent most fitting for the listed conditions

GAVE Grouped Area Variance Estimate, VCA Variance Component Analysis, ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
Sayeed-Desta et al.

With 3 samples tested; SD = 0.76 With 1 sample tested; SD = 0.64

Scenario 1

With 3 samples tested; SD = 3.72 With 1 sample tested; SD = 3.80

Scenario 2
Fig. 5. Representing four scenarios

to top, middle, and bottom areas of the bin blender. It is versus within areas can be used. For this proposed
acknowledged that with only three areas, the estimate of sampling plan, the analysis of total variation is based
between-area variability will not be as precise as the plan upon the following model of blend uniformity:
with 10 locations. If a more precise estimate is required,
the recommendation for performing VCA with 12 location 8
i ¼ 1; 2; 3
triplicates can be followed (14). However, given that the
> >
j ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 for i ¼ 1
< =
between- and within-location partitions are used as a Yij ¼ a þ Li þ EjðiÞ
> j ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4; for i ¼ 2 >
rough guide for further learning and investigation, precise >
j ¼ 1; 2; 3 for i ¼ 3
estimates are not necessary; one is looking here for overt
deviations from what is expected, not subtle differences
dependent upon the most precise estimates possible for Where Yij is the jth blend uniformity measure at the
blend uniformity. i area, a is the overall average blend uniformity values,
In the proposed sampling plan, total variation in the Li is the random effect attributable to the ith area where
blend can be measured as the sum of the variability Li is normally distributed with mean 0 and variance σL,i2,
between areas and variability within areas, due to random and Ej(i) is the random error which is assumed to be
unknown sources. The latter comprises variability due to normally distributed with mean 0 and variance σ2.
sampling, equipment, personnel, etc. Attributable to the The purpose of this breakdown is to estimate the total
unbalanced nature of the sampling plan, total variation is variance and to have an estimate of the variability between
estimated from an REML estimate of the variance areas. Since the measure of the blend is meant as an indicator
components. It is possible to devise balanced sampling of potential segregation, and determining if there is a need for
plans with an equal number of replicates per area; in this extended dosage unit testing requirement, rough estimates is
case an ANOVA table breakdown of the sources of all that is required here; the cost of extended error prone
variation into the variance components between areas blend sampling and testing for the sake of purported
A Science and Risk-Based Pragmatic Methodology

With 3 samples tested; SD = 4.16 With 1 sample tested; SD = 3.56

Scenario 3

With 3 samples tested; SD = 5.16 With 1 sample tested; SD = 5.46

Scenario 4
Fig. 5. (continued)

improvements in statistical measures of homogeneity are not COMPARATIVE SIMULATION STUDIES

warranted. The proposed sampling plan includes grouped
testing of BU samples by area. Grouped area BU testing is The following (Fig. 5) graphical representations of below
sufficient for providing an estimate of variance within an area. scenarios highlight the way in which the proposed approach
The difference in performance between single and triplicate will be different. For the sake of comparability, it is assumed
testing for 12 locations has been thoroughly examined (15) that there are 12 locations with three samples tested and 12
demonstrating that grouped BU testing provides clearer dis- locations with one sample tested as proposed.
crimination versus triplicate location testing. It is generally well In Scenario 1, the data is generated such that there is a
known that size of group-level variables is more important than small between-location and small within-location variability,
individual-level variables (16–18). In fact, based on slightly SD < 3.0%. The practical outcome of these BU results in both
different criteria, Madsen (15) simulated OC curves for the proposals would be to continue with Tier 1 DU testing. In
probability of passing as a function of standard deviation with 12 Scenario 2, there is a large between-location and small within-
locations (4 from the top, 4 from the middle, and 4 from the location variability. In Scenario 3, there is small between-
bottom) with single samples tested per location versus OC location and large within-location variability. In Scenarios 2
curves for triplicate samples tested. It is remarked that the and 3, the SD < 5.0%. In Scenario 4, there is a large between-
relation between total variation and probability of passing is less location and large within-location variability, SD > 5.0%. The
clear with three replicate samples per location than under the practical outcome of these BU results in Scenarios 2, 3, and 4
sampling plan with grouped area observations. The study would be to continue with Tier 2 DU testing. As a result of
therefore shows that grouped area testing is in fact more the non-exhaustive list of scenario simulations, it is apparent
appropriate than triplicate per location testing when the goal is from a practical perspective that the proposed sampling/
to assess the total variability of the blend. Extensive testing is testing plans do not differ much in the outcome. The plan
appropriate during Stage 1, Stage 2B, and Stage 3A, and not for proposed in this article requires a greater number of total
Stage 3B if it can be justified with the substantial data generated tests, but the emphasis is on extended DU testing, as opposed
as part of the previous stages (Table II). to BU testing.
Sayeed-Desta et al.

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