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Business plan

Writing your plan
This business plan template helps guide you through the process of writing a business plan, when you’re doing
it keep these thoughts in mind.

1. Keep it simple
Make sure your plan is written in language that everyone can understand, try and keep the jargon out of

2. Keep it short
This is your business plan and, if its working for you, it should be something that you can come back to
and chop and change as you get new ideas or plans evolve. Try not to make it a document you dread
opening and keep it to the point.

3. Know who you are writing it for

There’s no doubt that the person that has to spend the most time with the business plan is you. So,
whilst yes, it’s important if you are looking for financial backing, to think about a manager at a bank as
your audience don’t let that stop you getting it completed. It’s your plan and believing it and owning it
are more important than anything else when you come to look for money.

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About you
Your name:

Your business name:

Who owns the business?

Business contact details:


Phone number:

Email address:

Business contact details:


Phone number:

Email address:

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Executive summary
What’s the problem / gap in the market that your business is going to fill?

What are your strengths? How are you different so that you can fill the gap you’ve spotted?

How will you get people to notice your business, why will you stick out?

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Executive summary Its easiest to fill this section in after you
have completed all the sections below

How will your business work

(e.g. where are you going to work from? how will you create your product or supply your service?)

What are your financial projections?

How much money do you think you’ll need to get started?

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Your business
Describe what your business is going to do and how it’s going to do it

What problem does it solve / gap does it fill?

How does it solve the problem?

Are you going to be a sole trader / partnership / limited company?

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Your business experience
What’s your history and experience? (training, work experience & qualifications)

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Your customers
What do you know about your customers. Have you done any market research yet? Who are they likely to
be what have they said to you. Can you find out how many there are, how big the gap in the market is?
Describe your customers.

Where are your customers based?

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Your customers
How do your customers currently choose where to shop?

How will you target your customers?

Do you have any customers already?

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The market
Who are you competing against?

Are there any market trends that you have noticed that makes you think you will have an advantage?

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The market
What do people say about your competitors?
Do they like them, what do they like and what do they think they could do better?

What have people told you about your business? What do they like and dislike?

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Your competitors
Name, location & business Product / services Price Strengths Weaknesses

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Your competitors
Name, location & business Product / services Price Strengths Weaknesses

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SWOT Analysis
Fill in the SWOT analysis below to get a strategic understanding of your business idea.


Unique Selling Point (USP)

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Marketing strategy
How will your product or service be helpful / unique / beneficial to your customers?

How will you get your business out there? What will you do to advertise it and let people know you are

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Marketing strategy
Why have you chosen these marketing methods?

How much will your marketing will cost?

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How will you make your product or service?

How will you get your product or service to your customers?

Who are your suppliers? Please list them, the items and your terms.

Supplier name & Items required & prices Payment arrangements Reasons for choosing
location supplier

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What equipment do you need and how much is it going much cost?

Do you have a business premises or work from home? Does it have space for expansion?

What are your transport arrangements?

Have you given any thoughts to your legal requirements, will you have a contract with your customer?

Do you have any business insurance (public liability insurance, employers’ liability insurance, product
liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance)

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Your team
Are you the only one running your business?

Are you going to recruit any employees?

What’s the management structure of your business?

Outline the experience of anyone you’re bringing in to help you run your business.

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Costs and pricing strategy:
Product/service name
A Number of units in calculation

B Product/service components

C Total product/service cost

D Cost per unit
E Price per unit
F Profit margin (£)
G Profit margin (%)
H Mark up (%)

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Sales and costs forecast
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total


Sales forecast

B Product/


C Product/

Costs forecast

D Product/


E Assumptions
(e.g. seasonal trends)

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Cashflow forecast:
Month Pre- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total
A Month name
Money in (£)
External funding £0.00
Own funds £0.00
Incomes from sales £0.00
Other £0.00
C Total money in (£) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Money out (£)
Loan repayments £0.00
Personal drawings £0.00
E Total money out (£) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Balance (£) £0.00
F Opening balance £0.00
Closing balance £0.00

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Your financials
Budget – what income do I need to survive?

Section Monthly cost (£)

A – Estimated Costs Mortgage/rent


All personal and property insurances


Food and housekeeping


Hire charges (things you’re using on loan)

Subscriptions (e.g. clubs and societies)

Entertainment (meals and drinks)

Car tax, insurance, service and maintenance

Children’s expenditure and presents

Credit card, loan and other personal debt repayments

National Insurance


B Total costs (£) £0.00

C - Estimated Income Income from family/partner

Part-time job

Working tax credit

Child benefits

Other benefits


D Total income (£) £0.00

E Total income needed to survive (£)

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Your financials
Balance sheet

Assets Liabilities

Current assets Current liabilities

Cash Accounts payable

Accounts receivable Accrued compensation

Inventory Income taxes payable

Temporary investment Unearned revenue

Prepaid expenses Any other liabilities

Total current assets 0.00 Total current liabilities 0.00

Fixed assets Long-term liabilities

Property and equipment Mortgage

Leasehold improvements Other long-term liabilities

Equity and other investments Total long-term liabilities 0.00

Less accumulated depreciation Shareholders’ equity

Capital stock

Retained earnings

Total shareholders' equity 0.00

Total liabilities

Total net fixed assets 0.00

Total assets

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Include any information that you couldn’t fit into the main body of your plan here

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