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Core Words of Languages:

There are a couple of places you can find core words for languages:

 AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) Resources: These resources

often have lists of core words, which are the most frequently used words in everyday
communication. They typically focus on verbs like "go" or "come," adjectives like
"good" or "little," prepositions like "to" or "on," pronouns like "you" or "that," and
articles like "the" or "a." You can find core word lists for free on websites like AAC
Language Lab [1].
 Language Learning Textbooks: Many language learning textbooks will have a section
on core vocabulary or high-frequency words. These can be a good starting point for
building your basic vocabulary.

Dictionaries for Learning Languages:

Here's where to find good dictionaries for learning languages:

 Learner's Dictionaries: Look for dictionaries specifically designed for language

learners. These will often have simpler definitions, grammar explanations, and example
sentences to help you understand how words are used in context. Popular options include
Collins Learner's Dictionaries and Oxford Learner's Dictionaries.
 Bilingual Dictionaries: Bilingual dictionaries can be helpful for translating words
directly between your native language and the language you're learning. However, they
might not provide as much detail on usage as a learner's dictionary.
 Online Dictionaries: There are many good online dictionaries available, such as
Merriam-Webster and These can be a convenient way to look up
words on the go, but they may not have all the features of a physical dictionary, like
example sentences or pronunciation guides.

Here are some additional tips for choosing a dictionary:

 Consider your level: If you're a beginner, choose a dictionary with simpler definitions
and more illustrations. As you progress, you can move on to more advanced dictionaries.
 Think about features: Some dictionaries offer audio pronunciations, conjugation tables,
or example sentences. Choose one that has the features you find most helpful.
 Read reviews: Read online reviews of different dictionaries to get other learners'

I hope this helps!

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