cita al médico.docx

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Escena 1(familiar y paciente)

Paciente: I don't feel well.

Familiar: What's wrong? You haven't touched your food.

Paciente: I have a headache, a stomachache, and I might not have much of an appetite. It could
be something I ate or maybe just stress. I hope it passes soon, but the pain is quite intense.

Familiar: I'm really worried about you. Have you taken any medication?

Paciente: Not yet. I was hoping to rest a bit first.

Familiar: I think we should see a doctor. I might need to make an appointment.

Paciente: Okay, thank you. I really appreciate it.

Familiar: I'll call the doctor's office right away. They might be able to see you today. In the
meantime, would you like a warm compress or some water?

Paciente: Maybe some water would help. Thanks.

Familiar: No problem. I'll get that for you and then might make the call. The doctor may also
suggest some tests, so be prepared for that.

Paciente: Alright. Hopefully, they can figure out what's wrong.

Familiar: I'm sure they will. I'll be right back with the water, and then I might call to set up the
appointment. If it gets worse, you might need to go to the emergency room. Let me know if you
need anything else.

Paciente: I will. Thank you for taking care of me.

Escena 2 (familiar y recepcionista en llamada)

A: Hello, Dr. Peter's office. How can I assist you?

B: Hi, this is Eylen Rubio. My daughter is feeling very unwell and needs to see the doctor

A: I'm sorry to hear that. Could you tell me what symptoms she's experiencing?

B: She has a severe headache, stomach pain, and she may have a fever.

A: I understand. It sounds concerning. Let me check the schedule for the earliest available
B: Thank you. We might not be able to come in today, it's too late . Do you have any openings
for tomorrow?

A: Yes, we do. We have an opening at 9:00 AM tomorrow. Would that work for you?

B: That should be fine. Can we also arrange for them to get some tests done, like a blood test
and possibly an ultrasound?

A: Certainly. We might be able to schedule those for tomorrow as well, depending on availability.

B: Thank you. We'll need to do everything we can to find out what's wrong.

A: Of course. I'll book the appointment for tomorrow at 9:00 AM and check on the tests. Please
make sure she doesn't eat or drink anything after midnight tonight, just in case they need further

B: Understood. Thank you for your help.

A: You're welcome. We'll see you tomorrow at 9:00 AM. If there's any change in her condition,
don't hesitate to call us.

B: Alright. Thanks again.

Escena 3(paciente, familiar y asistente)

A: Good morning. How can I assist you?

Madre: Good morning, we're here for Leyli's appointment.

Assistant: Great! Let me check you in. Is this for the checkup, injection, and tests scheduled for

Mother: Yes, that's correct. Leyli has been experiencing headaches and stomachaches lately, so
we're hoping to get everything checked out.

Assistant: I understand. Leyli, could you please confirm your date of birth for me?

Leyli (Paciente): Sure, it's [date of birth].

A: Thank you, Leyli. Are you still feeling the same symptoms?
Leyli (Paciente): Yes, the headache is still bothering me a lot, and my stomach hasn't been great

A: Alright, I'll make sure to note that for the doctor. Let me just update your information here.

Leyli (Paciente): Might we schedule an x-ray for Monday, we aren't be able to stay the whole
morning today. Sorry for the inconvenience.

A: No problem at all, Leyli. It's important to take care of your health properly. Leyli, so, would
you prefer to do the x-ray on Monday?

B (Madre): Yes, that works best for us.

Assistant: Alright, we have an appointment scheduled for Monday at 10:00 AM for the tests. If
anything changes please let us know.

B (Madre): Thank you so much for your help.

A: You're welcome! We'll see you shortly in the examination room.

Escena 4(doctor y paciente)

Doctor: Hello, Leyli. How are you feeling today?

Leyli (Paciente): Hi, Doctor. I'm not feeling well. I've been having headaches and stomachaches,
and I don't have much of an appetite.

Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that. How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?

Leyli (Paciente): It's been about three days now.

Doctor: I see. Have you taken any medication for the pain?

Leyli (Paciente): No, I haven't taken anything yet. I was hoping it would go away on its own.

Doctor: Alright. Besides the headache and stomachache, do you have any other symptoms?
Fever, nausea, or dizziness, perhaps?

Leyli (Paciente): I've been feeling a bit nauseous, but no fever or dizziness.

Doctor: It could be a number of things. Sometimes, these symptoms might be related to

something you ate, a viral infection, or even stress. We'll need to run some tests to get a clearer
Leyli (Paciente): Okay. What kind of tests will I need?

Doctor: We'll start with a physical exam and then do a blood test. Since you have an
electrocardiogram and x-ray scheduled for Monday, those will also help us understand what's
going on. We might need to do a few other tests depending on what we find.

Leyli (Paciente): That sounds good. I hope we can figure this out soon. The pain is quite

Doctor: I understand. We'll do our best to get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I'll prescribe
something to help manage your pain and nausea. Make sure you stay hydrated and rest as
much as possible.

Leyli (Paciente): Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate it.

Doctor: You're welcome, Leyli. We'll take good care of you. If your symptoms worsen or you
have any concerns before Monday, don't hesitate to contact us.

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