Jesus_Chapter 1

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The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ

Chapter 1: Genesis

(Manga is 18 Pages)

Panel 1:
[Opening shot of a vast, dark universe engulfed in a swirling, malevolent energy known as

Caption: In the beginning, a dark entity of pure negative energy, known as Chaos covered the
universe with its malevolence for eons...

Panel 2:
[Suddenly, a blinding flash of light cuts through the darkness, revealing the majestic form of The

Caption: ...until a white light entity of pure positive energy, known only as The God-Head,

God-Head: Chaos, your reign ends now! Prepare to face the full might of my divine power!

Chaos: (sinisterly) You underestimate my strength, God-Head. I am primordial, eternal. You

cannot destroy me!

Panel 3:
[Fierce battle scene between God-Head and Chaos, showcasing their incredible powers
clashing against each other]

Caption: After fighting for what seemed like an eternity...

Panel 4:
[God-Head strikes a decisive blow, shattering Chaos into countless fragments]

Caption: ...The God-Head was able to finally destroy Chaos.

God-Head: (radiating immense power) It is done. Chaos has been vanquished.

Panel 5:
[God-Head's form begins to change, splitting into two beings]

Caption: In order to purify the universe and maintain the balance of energy...

Panel 6:
[God, a wise and serene figure, stands separate from a glowing white ball of energy called The

Caption: ...The God-Head split itself in half, forever. One half would be known simply as God...

God: I shall dedicate myself to guiding and nurturing this universe, ensuring harmony and

Panel 7:
[The Archetype floats in mid-air, radiating immense positive energy]

Caption: ...while the other half would reside within The Archetype, a glowing white orb of pure
positive energy.

God: (voice echoes) The Archetype, you shall hold the very essence of hope and balance.
Protect it at all costs.

Panel 8:
[A group of the first Angels gather around The Archetype, their faces filled with determination]

Panel 1:
[A breathtaking shot of the cosmos with stars twinkling in the vast expanse]

Caption: In the dawn of time, God spent six days creating Heaven, Earth, and all its wondrous

Panel 2:
[A serene image of God resting on the seventh day, surrounded by a divine glow]

Caption: After resting, on the eighth day, God harnessed the remnants of Chaos' energy.

Panel 3:
[A grand display of divine power as God shapes the chaotic energy into a mystical realm]

Caption: And with this energy, He created a realm, a magnet, where all negative energy would
be drawn - a realm that would come to be known as Hell.

Panel 4:
[Close-up of the Hell's gates, which are adorned with intricate carvings]

Caption: The Gates of Hell stood as a threshold between worlds, securing the negative energy
Panel 5:
[Inside Hell, a desolate landscape covered in swirling dark mists and ominous shadows]

Caption: Within the realm of Hell, the negative energy thrived, festering and consuming any light
that entered its domain.

Panel 6:
[A glimpse of powerful demons and grotesque creatures residing in Hell, fueled by the

Caption: The worst of creations lurked within Hell, dwelling on the malevolent energy that fed
their existence.

Panel 10:
[The Gates of Hell begin to tremble and emit a blinding dark light]

Caption: Regardless of which side wins the battle, as long as positive and negative energy exist,
there will always be an endless cycle of creation, destruction, and war.

Panel 1:
Large Title: The Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus Christ

[A panoramic shot of the impoverished town of Nazareth, occupied by the Roman Empire. The
people are shown struggling and in despair, while the demons of Hell lurk in the shadows.]

Caption: Nazareth, a town oppressed by the Roman Empire. Its people, impoverished and
desperate, face cruelty at every turn. But in this darkness, a glimmer of hope emerges.

Caption: Due to unforeseen circumstances… The Archetype now resides in the body of a
young boy called Jesus of Nazareth

Panel 2:
[Two eight year old boys, Jesus and his best friend, Zeno, running in a lush field near a towering
tree. Zeno looks up to the tree top, while Jesus watches with concern.]

ZENO: Jesus, I bet you can't climb to the top!

JESUS: Climbing so high can be dangerous, Zeno

ZENO: Oh, come on! Don't tell me the great Jesus is scared.

Panel 3:
[Close-up shot of Jesus, looking worried but determined.]
JESUS: it's not about fear. I just don't want you to get hurt.

Panel 4:
[Zeno starts climbing and Jesus has a frustrated look on his face, but following after Zeno,
Jesus and Zeno start climbing the tree, while Zeno's mother approaches them, her face filled
with worry.]

ZENO'S MOTHER: Oh no, Zeno!

Panel 5:
[Close-up shot of Jesus still in the tree, as Zeno lies on the ground, unconscious and pale.
Jesus's mother, Mary, rushes to the scene, her expression a mix of concern and anguish.]

ZENO'S MOTHER (CONT'D): Jesus pushed Zeno! He killed him!

MARY: No, that's not true! Jesus would never harm anyone!

Panel 1:
[Mary is calling for Jesus to come down.]

MARY: Jesus, come down.

Panel 2:
[Zeno's mother confronts Mary, accusing her son of murder.]

ZENO'S MOTHER: Your son is a murderer, Mary! He killed Zeno. I saw everything!

Panel 3:
[Jesus descends and rushes to Mary.]

JESUS: I didn't push him, mother.

Panel 4:
[Zeno's mother doesn't believe Jesus's words.]


Panel 5:
[Jesus looks determined.]

JESUS: I didn't, I can prove it.

Panel 6:
[Jesus walks towards Zeno, who lies motionless on the ground, barely alive.]

ZENO'S MOTHER: Get away from my son!

MARY: Just shut up and watch him work.

Panel 7:
[Jesus touches Zeno's body, his hands begin to emit a radiant light. Zeno starts to regain

Panel 8:
[Jesus confidently speaks to Zeno.]

JESUS: Zeno, tell your mother that I didn't push you.

Panel 9:
[Zeno's mother screams in horror, grabbing her son.

Zeno's Mother: No, it can't be!

Panel 10:
[Close-up of Jesus, displaying a calm and gentle smile.]

Panel 1:
[Scene: Mary and Zeno's mother standing face to face.]

ZENO'S MOTHER: I'm going to tell everyone, Mary. Your son is a demon. Only demons can do
what he did.

Panel 2:
[Jesus overhears the conversation and confronts his mother.]

JESUS: Mother, what's a demon?

Panel 3:
[Mary kisses Jesus on the head, reassuring and comforting him.]

MARY: Don't worry, my dear. It's just false accusations. You are not a demon.

Panel 4:
[Meanwhile, a boy named Joshua of the same age as Jesus passes by Zeno and his mother, as
they are leaving]
ZENO'S MOTHER: Stay away from that boy, Joshua! He has a demon spirit inside him.

Panel 5:
[Joshua looks intrigued and curious, observing Jesus and Mary from a distance.]

JOSHUA: (thought) What's so special about Jesus that this mother thinks he has a demon
spirit? I need to find out more.

Panel 6:
[Joshua walks towards Jesus and Mary, his eyes filled with determination.]

JOSHUA: Excuse me, Jesus? Can I talk to you?

Panel 7:
[Mary grabs Jesus’s hand and starts to leave]

Mary: Not Today.

Panel 1:
[Scene: The town of Nazareth at dusk. Joseph, stumbling and clearly intoxicated, is trying to
make his way home. People in the town are laughing and mocking him.]

TOWNSPERSON A: Look at silly Joseph! He's had quite a day!

TOWNSPERSON B: Haha! I've never seen him this happy before. Must be the drinks!

Panel 2:
[Joseph stumbles towards a group of people, happily hugging strangers.]

JOSEPH: Haha! You're all my friends! I love you guys!

RANDOM STRANGER: Easy there, Joseph. Enjoying yourself a bit too much tonight?

Panel 3:
[Meanwhile, inside their home, Mary and Jesus are lying in bed together. Mary holds Jesus

JESUS: I don't understand, Mother. Why did Zeno's mother get so upset? I thought she would
be happy I brought Zeno back alive.

Panel 4:
[Mary's warm smile reassures Jesus.]
MARY: Some people can never find happiness, my dear. Their hearts are clouded with pain and

Panel 5:
[Jesus looks earnestly at Mary, seeking her happiness.]

JESUS: But are you happy, Mother?

Panel 6:
[Mary softly kisses Jesus on the forehead.]

MARY: As long as I know you're safe, my love, I will always be happy. You bring light into my
life, just as you did for Zeno.

Panel 7:
[Jesus reflects on Mary's words, a sense of warmth enveloping him.]

Panel 1:
[Scene: Zeno and his mother walk inside their home, only to find the father murdered, brutally
beaten to death. Zeno's mother screams in horror, and Zeno trembles in fear.]

ZENO: (whispering) No... Father...

Panel 2:
[Joshua emerges from the shadows, holding a stone in his hand. He strikes Zeno's mother with
a powerful blow, overpowering her as she tries to fight back.]

ZENO'S MOTHER: (weakly) Stop...

Panel 3:
[Joshua chases Zeno's mother, who struggles to defend herself. She is no match for his
strength and determination.]

ZENO'S MOTHER: (desperately) Get away from me!

Panel 4:
[Joshua stones Zeno's mother to death, leaving Zeno crying in terror.]

ZENO: (whimpering) No... Please...

Panel 5:
[Joshua approaches Zeno, still holding the blood-stained stone.]
ZENO: (pleading) Please don't hurt me...

JOSHUA: (coldly) You should run.

Panel 6:
[Zeno starts heading for the door, desperately trying to escape.]

ZENO: (whispering) I have to get away...

Panel 7:
[Joshua stops Zeno in his tracks.]

JOSHUA: (menacingly) But before you go...

Panel 8:
[Zeno looks at Joshua, fear etched on his face.]

ZENO: (shaking) Yes?

Panel 9:
[Joshua delivers a chilling command to Zeno.]

JOSHUA: Forget you ever heard the name Jesus.

Panel 10:
[Zeno's eyes widen, realizing the weight of Joshua's command.]

ZENO: (screaming internally) No... I can't forget...

Panel 11:
[Zeno runs through the streets of Nazareth, terror evident on his face. Suddenly, two men grab
hold of him, forcibly dragging him into an alley.]

ZENO: (pleading) No! Let me go!

Panel 12:
[Zeno's cries for help echo through the alley as he is dragged away, his fate uncertain.]

Panel 1:
[Scene: Jesus and Mary lying in bed.]

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