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On Dorghar, Steed of the Apocalypse

Dorghar is Archaon's Daemonic mount, his massive winged Chosen of the Gods: Uniquely, Archaon counts as having all
form swollen upon the souls of his vanquished foes. Such is Marks of Chaos for the purpose of using his Inspiring
the fell sorcery coursing through Dorghar's blood that the Presence rule. This does not prevent Archaon from joining
foes he consumes never truly die – instead, their souls are any unit that has a Mark of Chaos, nor does it prevent any
trapped within his gut and their tormented faces mark his other character that has a Mark of Chaos from joining
hide. Archaon's unit. As the Chosen of Gods, Archaon has the
following bonuses: Immunity (Psychology), Immunity
During Archaon's long quest to become the Everchosen, each (Poisoned Attacks), Magic Resistance (2), and he may re-roll
of the Dark Gods sent a daemonic champion to slay him. As any channelling dice rolls of a 1. Re-roll any Eye of the Gods
Archaon crushed each challenger in turn, Dorghar drank the rolls of 2 and 12.
soul from its shattered carcass. With each draught of malefic
power he underwent horrific transformations, sprouting Lord of the End Times: If you take Archaon, he must be
monstrous heads twisted into the likenesses of those he had your army General. His Inspiring Presence has a range of
slain. Only Slaanesh, in his mysterious absence, failed to 18". Any Battle Standard in his army is not allowed to have a
send a champion. Mark of Chaos.

Note: This is an alternative non-canon version of Archaon on The Swords of Chaos: If your army includes Archaon, one
Dorghar, and as a result you may not include both at the unit of Varanguard may be upgraded to be the Swords of
same time in your army. Chaos for +3 points per model. This unit has the Hatred and
Immunity (Psychology) special rules.
Archaon 4 9 5 5 5 4 7 5 10 Triple-Headed Monstrosity: After resolving Dorghar's
Dorghar 8 6 0 6 6 6 4 6 9 normal Attacks, you may pick one of the following effects if
at least one model was slain by those attacks:
POINTS: 915. • Filth-spewer: Dorgar inflicts D3 Wounds which Ignores
Armour Saves on one enemy unit in base contact.
TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).
• Skull-gorger: If any of the slain models were Characters,
MAGIC: Archaon is a Level 2 Wizard who uses the Dorghar's Khornate head devours their skulls and Archaon
heals D3 Wounds up to his starting value.
Lore of Tzeentch.
• Spell-eater: If any of the slain models were Wizards,
EQUIPMENT: Shield. Dorghar's Tzeentchian head devours them, learning any
spells they knew and passing them on to Archaon.
SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic (Dorghar only), Eye
of the Gods, Large Target (10), Fly (7), Strider. MAGIC ITEMS:
The Slayer of Kings (Magic Weapon)
The Slayer of Kings has the Ignores Armour saves special
rule. In addition, Archaon may unleash the power of
U'zuhl in any Close Combat phase. If he does this, he
fights with double his normal number of Attacks (to a
maximum of 10) but any rolls To Hit of a 1 will strike
either himself or a friendly model in base contact
(controlling player's choice). Archaon may not re-roll To
Hit results of a 1 when unleashing U'zuhl. Once U'zuhl is
unleashed, Archaon must use this special ability in every
close combat he is subsequently involved in for the rest of
the battle.

The Armour of Morkar (Magic Armour)

Full plate armour. The Armour of Morkar gives
Archaon an additional +1 to his armour save. No attack
against Archaon may ever have a better chance To
Wound than a 3+, regardless of special rules.

The Eye of Sheerian (Talisman)

The Eye of Sheerian grants Archaon a Ward save (3+).

The Crown of Domination (Enchanted Item)

The Crown of Domination grants Archaon the Terror
special rule. In addition, any friendly unit within 12" may
re-roll failed Break tests.

The Damned
Do any remember how Count Mordrek the Damned came to MAGIC ITEMS:
his fate? Are there any amongst the wise of the Old World Sword of Change (Magic Weapon)
who recall which god he served? If such men exist they keep The Sword of Change was wrought within the magical
their own council. balestorm of the northern Chaos Gate. It was fashioned by
the Daemon Warlord Amon'Chakai, whose fossilised eye is
It is commonly supposed that the gods rewarded Count still grasped in the weapon's pommel. The Sword of Change
Mordrek with the gift of Living Damnation. He walks the is saturated with the mutating power of Chaos. Even the air
world at the whim of the Chaos gods, never dying, yet never around the blade is in flux: at one moment, the blade is
ascending to the Realm of Chaos. He has been slain many wreathed with the scent of sweet perfumes, only to be
times and each time he has been resurrected to serve his replaced a heartbeat later with the stench of rot and decay.
masters again. He has endured many deaths and lived many An eye-blink later and the air around the Sword of Change
lifetimes of mortal men. shines with multi-coloured hues before being surrounded in a
haze of misted blood. This magical sword has the power to
The curse that lies upon Count Mordrek the Damned is to reduce those whose flesh it pierces into mindless, flailing
endure eternal change as well as eternal life. Within his mounds of flesh, warping their bodies into monstrosities
Chaos armour his form writhes with constant mutation. Only known as Chaos Spawn.
the Chaos gods know why they have chosen such a fate for
their servant, and their reasons are not of mortals to If an enemy character or monster is slain by the Sword of
understand. Change in close combat, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, the
model is transformed into a Chaos Spawn under the control
He slays in the name of the Dark Gods, hoping against hope of the owner of the Sword of Change, exactly as if the enemy
that one day he might be freed of his curse a ascend to the model were a Chaos Champion that had suffered a
peaceful rest of death. Those that die under his sword or turn Spawndom result on the Eye of the Gods table.
into grotesque Chaos Spawn he envies, for they gain the
oblivion he craves. Such is the curse of Count Mordrek the Chaos Runeshield (Magic Armour)
Damned. This shield was created by bitter Chaos Dwarf forgemasters
as a defence against the runeweapons of the sons of Grungni.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld The Chaos Runeshield is covered with writhing runes that
Mordrek 4 4 3 3 3 3 7 1 9 have the power to destroy an enemy's magic.
Chaos Steed 8 4 0 5 5 3 3 3 9
Shield. The Runeshield negates the power of any magic
POINTS: 265. weapons carried by all models in base contact – treat them as
ordinary non-magical weapons of their type.

TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Lord).

EQUIPMENT: Full plate armour, barding.

SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Will of


Living Damnation: Beneath his Chaos armour the

physical form of Count Mordrek the Damned, changes
constantly, ravaged by the terrible mutations caused by
the changeling power of Chaos.

At the start of each of his turns, Mordrek must roll a

D6 for his Weapon Skill and Attacks characteristics, as
well a D3 for his Strength and Toughness and
characteristics, and add the result to his profile.

"I have no right to pray for White Sigmar

anymore, but from the Daemons guarding the
gateway to the Realm of Chaos, I ask for your
deliverance. Rest now, sleep for eternity. You are
now free of the withering clouds of war."
Count Mordrek the Damned,
to a dying Reiksguard Knight

Harry the Hammer
In the tales of the Norse and the Kurgan, there is a legend that driving through the skeletal warriors. After a day and a night
concerns one of the greatest feats of arms ever seen in the of fighting, as dawn rose the next day, the Undead were all
northlands. It tells of the great warrior Harald Hammerstorm, but destroyed, piles of bones a storey high left in the wake of
known fondly to his followers as Harry the Hammer. the Chaos Warriors.

Harald was famed for killing the Daemon Mathrag Since that day, Harald has held a special loathing for the
Brainmangler during the Battle of Khorsvold, having Undead. So efficient and determined is Harry at slaying the
smashed the Daemon Prince’s head from his body with a Undead that even their mindless spirits regard him with
single blow of his hammer. On a cold midwinter day, as he horror – he is an elemental force who hurls back the Undead
led his warband across the Chaos Wastes, Harry came across with his steely will. The dead do not rest easy in the Chaos
the outcrop of an old ruin jutting from beneath the snows. wastes, and Harald has no shortage of foes upon which to
Upon investigation, he located an ancient gateway leading vent his anger.
into a dark tunnel. Thinking that there might be treasure
within, Harald and his warriors descended into the crumbling M WS BS S T W I A Ld
vaults. Harald Hammerstorm 4 8 3 5 5 3 8 5 9
Their intrusion awoke something long-dead in the darkness
beneath the snow. Ancient warriors sworn to protect the POINTS: 300.
secrets of the tomb-city were roused from their eternal
slumber; with rusted blades, bony fingers and eyes aglow TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).
with witchfires, they fell upon the northmen.
SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Hatred
Stumbling out of the depths, Harald and his men were
horrified to see the Skeletons pursuing them still. The (Undead), Will of Chaos.
tumbledown ruins now glowed with power and the melting
snow revealed forbidding stones burning with magical Bane of the Dead: So strong is the aura of Chaos that
energy. The Chaos warband found themselves in the middle surrounds Harry, even the dead dread to face him!
of a great settlement from the dawn of time. Knowing that he Somewhere in the vestigial remains of their souls, a spark of
had to fight his way free, Harald turned and faced the awareness flickers to life upon seeing Harry – a memory of
advancing legion. their deaths…

The favour of the gods fuelled Harry as he fought; his Harry causes Terror in models with the Undead special rule,
hammer rose and fell with monotonous destruction, smashing even though they have Immunity (Psychology). They must
skulls and ribcages to powder. Harald’s followers pressed in take Break tests and can flee like ordinary troops. If they are
behind their leader and Harry formed the point of a wedge not forced to flee from combat, Undead units suffer from
Unstable as normal. Fleeing Undead units rally automatically
during their next turn.

The Hammer of Harry (Magic Weapon)
Harry’s hammer is blessed by the gods to banish the souls of
those he strikes, and is powerful enough to send back the
raised spirits of the Undead.

The Hammer of Harry has the Ignore Armour Saves and

Multiple Wounds (D6) special rules. In addition, against
models with the Undead or Vampiric special rules, Harry can
re-roll any failed rolls To Wound and has the Killing Blow
special rule.

Armour of Damnation (Magic Armour)

This ornate suit of Chaos armour shimmers with the eldritch
energies of the Chaos Wastes, distorting the wearer's outline
and clouding its foes' minds.

Full plate armour. Any model striking the wearer in close

combat must re-roll successful rolls To Hit.

Bane Shield (Magic Armour)

The Bane Shield discharges a magic blast every time it is
struck, rebounding the enemy’s blows back to him.

Shield. For each successful armour save or Parry save made

in close combat, the shield inflicts a Strength 4 hit on the
model who struck the blow.

Twisted Seer of the Wastes
Sayl the Faithless, infamous arch-sorcerer of the surviving apprentices to fuse together into the
Dolgan tribe, is an utterly self-serving egotist and horrific entity known as Nightmaw the Spawn.
practiced murderer. His powers have as their Although victorious, Sayl was not untouched by
cornerstone a mastery of betrayal and treachery his treachery in the ritual, his flesh mutating and
which has seen him rise supreme over rivals his mortal sight lost to be replaced with hellish
whose arcane powers were greater and champions and maddening senses of the Daemon realm.
who have enjoyed the favour of the Dark Gods.
Such is Sayl's paranoia and hubris that he has Hated and feared by his own people, Sayl the
never himself sworn allegiance to any single Faithless was nevertheless a strong war-leader
Ruinous Power, but rather paid lip service to whose mastery over the unholy storms of the
many, and pursued pacts and bargains with northern Chaos Wastes and prophetic seer-craft
numerous petty Chaos godlings and daemons, made the Dolgan tribes under his sway greatly
betraying each in turn when expedient, earning feared. However, as his reign stretched into scores
him the epithet of 'the Faithless'. of years, the list of Sayl's enemies, both mortal
and daemon grew long, and Sayl's throne was ever
Sayl's ascendancy within the Dolgan tribe began threatened. When Tamurkhan's burgeoning horde
with his swearing allegiance to the powerful crashed through the Dolgan's lands, Sayl shrewdly
Shaman-sorcerer Schalkain the Vile as one of his turned impending calamity to his advantage and
cabal of seven seer-apprentices, the covenant of allied his forces with those of the Maggot Lord.
which used their prophetic powers to guide the That is, for as long as it suited his purposes.
tribe in war and in propitiation of the Chaos gods.
From the beginning Sayl served no-one but
himself and worked on the inherent paranoia and
suspicion of the sorcerers, and with honeyed lies
turned them against each other and fanned the
flames of suspicion into murderous strife. He
goaded Schalkain into conducting a daemonic
ritual involving Sayl and his master's three other
remaining 'loyal' sorcerers, to gain vengeance on Sayl the Faithless 4 6 3 4 4 3 6 3 9
the traitors. This ritual Sayl sabotaged, causing Nightmaw * 3 0 4 5 3 2 * 10
Schalkain to be torn to pieces and the other
POINTS: 370.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character,

Nightmaw: Monstrous Beast.

MAGIC: Sayl is a Level 3 Wizard uses spells

from the Lore of the Heavens or Lore of Shadow.
In addition, he always knows the spell Traitors

Traitor's Mist Cast on a 6+

With this spell, Sayl can both evade his enemies
and sow death in his wake.

Traitor's Mist is an augment spell that Sayl can

cast upon himself. Sayl may immediately make a
move using the Fly special rule as if it were the
Remaining Moves sub-phase. In addition any
model (friend or foe) in base contact at the start of
the move suffers an automatic Strength 3 hit
which Ignores Armour saves.

SPECIAL RULES (Sayl): Eye of the Gods, Will MAGIC ITEMS:
of Chaos. The Viperous Staff (Magic Weapon)
A foul heirloom of the Dolgan tribe, this dark-iron
Mutant Sight: Sayl's particular mutation has staff is entwined with serpents which come alive at
turned his head into a lumpen inhuman mass of the wielder's command, glowing venom dripping
boiling flesh, opening in a single baleful eye from their fangs as they strike with formidable
which stares through the mortal realm into the speed and power to defend their master and slay
spheres beyond time and matter. his enemies.

This preternatural vision and precognition means All attacks with the Viperous Staff have the
that any Characteristic test Sayl fails can be re- Killing Blow special rule. In addition, it grants the
rolled and he channels Power dice on a 3+. wielder the Ward save (5+) special rule.

SPECIAL RULES (Nightmaw): Random Schalkain's Teeth (Arcane Item)

Attacks (D6+1), Random Movement (3D6), This corpse-skin bag contains numerous sigil-
Unbreakable. etched teeth and fangs Sayl has torn from the
skulls of the various wizards and magical beasts
Shadow-kin: Nightmaw is accompanied by a he has deflated in his unholy career, not least of
shifting veil of darkness and shadows, which blur all those of his first master, Schalkain. Should his
and distort his outline, and only at close range is magic go awry, Sayl may hurl a handful of the
the true horror of the creature's form apparent. teeth as part of a treacherous curse against an
ally to divert the wrath of the winds of magic.
Enemy missile attacks suffer a -1 To Hit penalty
against Nightmaw. In addition, Nightmaw must One use only. If Sayl incurs a Miscast he may
deployed within 3" of Sayl, but may otherwise choose to inflict its effects on a single friendly
move like an independent unit. Nightmaw does model within 12" instead of himself. This must be
not award any Victory Points if killed. decided before the effects of the miscast have
been rolled. If the subject of the miscast is not a
Wizard and Power Drain is rolled, then the effect
is voided.

Like many of the followers of Chaos, Ungorr the Impetuous: Ungorr has become a bloodthirsty
Merciless is a traitor to the Empire. The Baron warrior, always eager to fight and prove his
began his military career in the Reiksguard Foot worth in the eyes of the Dark Gods, and he could
Knights. He fell to Chaos during the Great War of quickly become a brilliant general if their
2301, when Magnus, who was later called the benevolence protects him long enough.
Pious, broke the siege of Kislev, dispersing the
dark hordes and pushing them back to the icy Ungorr, and any unit he joins, gains the Vanguard
desolations. Ungorr, then Captain of the special rule.
Reiksguard, was bitter at the time because he
believed that his superiors poorly awarded his MAGIC ITEMS:
military genius and his revolutionary strategic Vampiric Axe (Magic Weapon)
methods. As a result, he felt neglected and strong Ungorr picked up this axe near the body of the
resentment. champion who convinced him to join the black
hordes. It is a weapon of huge size that draws life
During the pursuit of the remains of the Chaos energy from its victims and transmits it to its
forces, Ungorr was isolated from the rest of his owner.
unit and, as he attempted to rejoin them, came
across a dying Champion of Chaos. Abandoned Great weapon. The Vampiric axe gives Ungorr +1
by his master who did not tolerate the failure of Strength. In addition, for each unsaved Wound he
his servant, the warrior, totally at the mercy of the inflicts with it, he gains +1 Wound up to his
Imperial officer, still managed to interfere in his starting value.
thoughts and quickly detected the flaw in his
loyalty towards the Empire and its allies. The Star of Chaos (Talisman)
Chaos Warrior tried to exploit the last chance of The star was given to Ungorr by the Dark Gods as
survival he had and spoke to him of power and a sign of belonging to them. The Star allows the
recognition, reminding him of everything that the Gods to always spot Ungorr even in the heart of
Empire had always kept from him and what Chaos the fighting and to watch over him (or to just
could give him. Before he was finished, Ungorr watch him).
interrupted the speech of the telepathic mutant
with a blow from his sword. However, he had Ungorr may re-roll one failed To Hit, To Wound,
been seduced by the images of glory that this Armour or Ward Save roll in each phase.
creature had instilled in him. He picked up the
superb axe that was lying next to the corpse and
resolutely headed north to join the remains of the
Chaos armies who were falling back. The Dark
Gods finally noticed Ungorr's military skills and
turned him into one of their champions. Ungorr is
now often seen leading the regiments of the Gods
of Chaos in devastating assaults, never taking any
prisoners, which has earned him the nickname,
"the Merciless Baron".

Baron Ungorr 4 7 3 5 4 2 6 4 8

POINTS: 180.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Hero).

EQUIPMENT: Full plate armour.

SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Will of


The snow on the frozen peaks of Norsca had sparkled with Inner Rage: Once Lokjar suffers his first unsaved
a crystals red as dusk announcing the arrival of a new day. Wound, he will be subject to Frenzy for the rest of the
An eerie silence laid upon the village of the Norse, for the battle.
Hordes of Chaos have been sighted a few days ago and
the scouts reported that this army was marching directly MAGIC ITEMS:
towards their village. The sight of the Chaos hordes was Skull Gorger (Magic Weapon)
well known for the men of the north, but this time it was This magical weapon was crafted out of the skull of a
an unusually large army they would face. White Dragon, who was known for preferring killing his
victims with one mighty bite of his enormous jaws.
The clan chief Tjodalf Smödir called his men together to
discuss the situation. Facing such a huge army, even the Skull Gorger gives Lokjar the Killing Blow special rule.
brave men of Norsca felt a little nervous. The clan could
not agree upon a solution to deal with this threat. The Clan Shield (Magic Armour)
group around clan chief Smödir suggested a fight in Once in the possession of Smödir, this magical shield is
difficult terrain, where they could surprise the Chaos now property of Bjoergir, from the day when he slayed the
hordes. The other's group voice was Lokjar Bjoergir, who old chief. The immemorial symbols of Order engraved on
suggested resettling the entire village somewhere else and the shield have since been defiled by Bjoergir.
thus evading the total annihilation of the clan by the forces
of Chaos. Smödir listened to this option, however he Shield. All enemy characters belonging to the Forces of
ignored it. The clan should prepare and leave for battle the Order in base contact with Lokjar must always issue and
next day. accept challenges against him.
Mortified by Smödir's ignorance, Bjoergir decided to save Snow Troll Amulet (Talisman)
the clan his way. By night he rode to the enemies' camp This amulet has the spirit of a Snow Troll bound within it.
and sneaked into the Chaos Lord's tent. He offered the Those who wear it are said to begin taking on the traits of
Lord to reveal the position of the clan warriors and in the Troll themselves.
return he asked for his people to be spared. Thus
Bjoergir's followers would survive and the clan would This amulet gives Lokjar the Regeneration (4+) special
continue to exist. The Lord accepted the offer and in order rule. At the end of each close combat phase, Bjoergir
to seal the pact, he let Bjoergir have a glass of his blood. automatically regenerates 1 Wound lost earlier.
Thus the pact was sealed.

The following battle the next day was short and full of
bloodshed. Pressed by the Chaos hordes and with a traitor
in their own ranks, the death of Smödir's men was short
and gruesome. Smödir realized the betrayal and set off to
find and kill Bjoergir, who had worked himself into a
battle frenzy during the fight, and decapitated his chief
with only a single mighty strike. As an act to demonstrate
his new rule over the clan, Bjoergir took the axe Skull
Gorger from Smödir's cold and lifeless hands the symbol
of reign for the clan.

Bjoergir had saved his clan from obliteration, but now his
consciousness started to change. The blood of the Chaos
Lord and the pact with the forces of Chaos made him and
the remains of his clan into a part of Chaos. Influenced by
Chaos and possessing the Skull Gorger, he waged wars
which got more devastating with each one, always driven
by a thirst for blood that would never come to an end.

Lokjar Bjoergir 4 6 3 4 4 2 6 3 8

POINTS: 135.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Hero).

EQUIPMENT: Light armour.

SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Will of


Destroyer of Khorne
From the desolate Northern wastes the armies of the Blood God. At the city of Praag in the
the Blood God march upon the world. Proud cities northlands, Arbaal led one hundred Daemons in
are razed to the ground and whole populations the assault on its boundaries. It was Arbaal who
slaughtered – a sacrificial offering to the Dark finally breached the gates of the city and ended
Gods who seek to overthrow the Old World. the siege. Legends claim that Arbaal slew a
Among this foul host lurk all manner of terrifying thousand warriors that day.
daemons and twisted Beastmen, but it is from the
ranks of bloodthirsty Chaos Warriors that the
most fabled of these dark foes comes.

Of all the four Chaos powers, only Khorne scorns

the use of magic. No wizards lurk within the ranks
of his followers, instead his servants are chosen
from the among the mightiest warriors in the
world. Clad in skull-encrusted Chaos Armour of
black and burnished brass, Khorne's greatest Arbaal is the favourite of his master and his most
champion – Arbaal the Undefeated, sits high devoted servant. Khorne has gifted him with the
above the mass of lesser warriors on the back of a power of the Destroyer in recognition of his
huge daemonic mount. devotion, a reward that belongs to Khorne’s most
favoured Champion alone. Only one warrior may
Of all the warrior heroes of Khorne there are few bear the gift of the Destroyer of Khorne. This
so utterly devoted to their bloodthirsty master as unique boon enables him to cut down all who dare
Arbaal the Undefeated. Thousands of his foes to challenge his might. Should his Champion be
have fallen beneath the crimson arc of his axe and defeated Khorne’s wrathful eye will turn Arbaal
now their bleached-white skulls lie at the feet of to a foul Chaos Spawn, for only the victorious are
worthy enough to serve Khorne.

As the Chaos host sights their foe they begin to

chant, working themselves into a frenzy of hate
and bloodlust. Their cries grow louder and more
insistent as they strain forwards, eager for battle.
Finally, with a rush, they surge towards their
enemy, screaming their terrifying battle cry:
"Blood for the Blood God!".

Arbaal 4 8 3 5 5 3 8 5 9
Hound of Khorne 7 5 0 5 5 3 3 4 8

POINTS: 300.

TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Cavalry (Special

Character, Lord).

EQUIPMENT: Full plate armour.

"Fill the moat with the corpses of your comrades.

Trample on their broken carcases to reach the
ramparts. Bring down the walls with the weight of
the dead."
Arbaal the Undefeated to the Warriors of Chaos
during the Siege of Praag

SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic (Hound of Khorne
only), Daemon of Khorne (Hound of Khorne
only), Eye of the Gods, Mark of Khorne,
Natural Armour (6+), Will of Chaos.

Wrath of Khorne: Arbaal is the most favoured of

Khorne's many Champions. He is constantly
under Khorne's scrutiny and should he fail in his
duty then the Blood God's anger will descend
upon him.

Arbaal must always issue and accept challenges.

In addition, if Arbaal flees for any reason, he will
be turned into Chaos Spawn of Khorne. Make the
flee move with Arbaal as normal, and then replace
the model with a Chaos Spawn of Khorne
following the rules for Damned by Chaos on the
Eye of the Gods table.

The Hound of Khorne: The Hound of Khorne is

the Blood God’s own Flesh Hound, a Daemon of
huge proportions combining the attributes of a
Flesh Hound with massive size and power. Only
Khorne’s chosen Champion is rewarded with the
Hound of Khorne, which the Champion rides in
the fashion of a monstrous beast. The Hound is an
insatiable hunter, which benefits from the MAGIC ITEMS:
protection of its magic-hating god, embodied by Destroyer of Khorne (Magic Weapon)
the heavy collar around its neck. The Destroyer of Khorne is the gift Khorne, the
god of war, gives to his most favoured of
The Hound of Khorne has the Frenzy and Magic Champions. It turns Arbaal into a tireless
Resistance (2) special rules. warrior; a hurricane of fury and destruction upon
the battlefield.

The Destroyer of Khorne allows Arbaal to make

D3+1 additional attacks in close combat.

"I have slaughtered armies of Elves! I have

broken the backs of Dragons, and eaten the
hearts of sea-leviathans!"
Arbaal the Undefeated, on his many great

Daemonic Lord of Khorne
Skarr Bloodwrath began killing in Khorne's name from hacked the heads from the Greatspawn Wythlych,
the moment he was strong enough to heft an axe, before hurling the abomination from atop Bloodfire
swiftly garnering a reputation as a bloodthirsty butcher Falls. It was Skarr who fought for twenty years amid
of the worst kind. While still a mere whelp in the eyes the daemon-thick morass of the Blood Marshes, and he
of his fellow Skaramor, he slew their tribe's chieftain in who felled the Keeper of Secrets T'shy'thnis below the
a brutal display of violence. Though this was far from Infinite Arch.
the first skull that Skarr had claimed for Khorne, it was
the one that drew the vast and terrible eye of the Blood Unstoppable though Skarr was, none could fight with
God. Stood over the corpse of a rival twice his size, such raging abandon without eventually being slain.
Skarr roared in agony as the rune of Khorne branded Yet death proved not to be the end for this champion of
itself upon his beating heart. Khorne.

Though the tribes of the Skaramor did not deign to Skarr met his first death in the lair of the sorcerer
challenge the weak peoples of the south, Skarr found Vydas the Liar. Skarr slew every one of the
no shortage of foes to battle in Khorne's honour. The Tzeentchian magus' nine hundred and ninety nine
Chaos Wastes rang to the sound of Skarr's war cries, worshippers, only to be sliced in half by Vydas' crystal
and as the years passed so his legend grew. Skarr cut blade. Yet Khorne judged the blow a cowardly one,
down Lingolor of the Tahmaks with insulting ease. He struck from behind a veil of sorcerous illusion. Thus,
the Blood God breathed fresh life into his champion
that day.

Skarr's mortal form burned away to nothing, only to be

reborn from the pooled blood of Vydas' followers.
Skarr surged up from the bloody lake, huge daemon
axes on brazen chains clutched in his white-knuckled
fists. Hurling his new weapons across the shadowed
chamber, Skarr sunk both blades deep into Vydas'
unnatural flesh. Dragged with horrible inevitability into
Skarr's embrace, Vydas the Liar pleaded and squirmed.
By way of a response, Skarr tore his foe's throat out
with his teeth. Glittering blood sprayed in a wide arc,
before Khorne's champion ripped one axe free and
lopped the sorcerer's head from his shoulders.

Skarr Bloodwrath has died many times since that day,

but always Khorne has brought his champion back to
life through the spilled blood of his foes. In return,
Skarr reaps such a tally of skulls that none can keep
count. Skarr is one of Khorne's most favoured, savage
to the point of madness, devoted to nothing but
slaughter in the name of his merciless deity. In battle,
his chain-linked daemon axes whirl about him in a
hurricane of blood and death. Those who follow him
must keep pace with his murderlust, or else fall by the
wayside, their skulls in turn offered up for the glory of
Khorne. One by one, they are all cut down. Eventually
only the gore-soaked Skarr remains, to gather new
followers and lead them to war once more.

Incessant resurrection has its price, however. With each

bloody rebirth, Skarr has lost a little more of himself,
his grasp upon reality slipping with each step upon the
road to daemonhood. These days, Skarr needs no
sustenance save combat. He does not sleep, and the fire
in his veins is such that he could never rest even should
he wish to. His fury is endless, his hunger for battle a
constant clamour that drowns out all consideration of
strategy or caution.

So lost to Khorne's rage has Skarr become that none
save Archaon Everchosen can command him. Even
then he bends the knee only at Khorne's behest, his
form trembling every moment with the barely
suppressed need to kill. To Archaon, Skarr is nothing
but a blunt instrument, a living weapon to be wielded
unto destruction. Skarr, lost amid a red haze of
bloodlust, could not care less. Khorne demands a
slaughter like never before, and Skarr Bloodwrath will
deliver it gladly.

Skarr Bloodwrath 5 8 3 5 5 4 7 5 8

POINTS: 260.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).

EQUIPMENT: Medium armour.

SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Immunity

(Psychology), Magic Resistance (1), Mark of

Bloodborn: Keep a count of the number of times Skarr

Bloodwrath kills an opponent in a challenge or kills a
monster – this is referred to as the Blood Tally. If he is
removed as a casualty as a result of anything other than
Spawndom or Dark Apotheosis, mark his position with
a counter (a small coin is ideal). At the end of the turn,
roll a D6 and add the current total of the Blood Tally. If
the result is 1-3, remove the counter from play – this
rule has no further effect. If the result is 4+, Skarr is
reborn: place Skarr anywhere within 6” of the centre of
the counter and at least 1" away from any unit and
impassable terrain, then reset the Blood Tally to 0. If it
is not possible to place Skarr, remove the counter
instead, and Skarr is not reborn. Skarr returns to play
with D3 Wounds, and suffers no bonuses or penalties
incurred from his former existence. For example, if
Skarr was fleeing or affected by an augment or hex
spell at the time of his death, the reborn model will not
be. However, any bonuses or penalties conferred as a
result of Skarr rolling on the Eye of the Gods table do
remain in effect.

Bloodstorm Blades (Magic weapon)
In each hand Skarr wields a Bloodstorm Blade, a pair
of Daemon weapons gifted to him by Khorne and
imbued with the essence of Daemons. These axes are
so huge that a man would struggle to lift just one of
them. The head of each axe features the screaming face
of the Daemon bound within it, their unholy energy
fuelling Skarr’s already prodigious strength. Attached
to the haft of each blade is a lengthy chain-flail capped
with a skull of a defeated champion of Chaos. In battle,
Skarr swings these flails about him, bludgeoning his
foes to death with the weighted ends or dragging them
close and garotting them with the razor-edged chains.

Two hand weapons. Attacks made with the Bloodstorm

Blades have the Strength Bonus (2) and Impact Hits
(D3) special rules.

In the cold north of the world lies the realm of hundred and twenty years Hrothgar is said to have
Norsca, peopled by ferocious tribesmen who walked the world, fifty champions fell beneath his
worship the dark gods of Chaos. Of these fierce axe in single combat. Hrothgar eventually went
warriors, the Vargs are counted amongst the most north and disappeared into the Realm of Chaos.
bloodthirst and devout, their ancestors originally Some say he was destroyed, others claim that he
hailing from far to the east. They were fearsome lives on as a Daemon Prince who goes by the
warriors worshipped Akhar, known to others as name of Akhara Varg. The truth will probably
the war god Khorne. never be known, but Hrothgar is now worshipped
as a demigod by the Vargs and many of their
The fighter most renowned in the legends of the neighbouring tribes.
Vargs is Hrothgar of the Daemonaxe. It was
Hrothgar, the Varg's bards claim, who first led
their ancestors on their great migration from
across the World's Edge Mountains. None know
what drive them forth from their ancestral
grounds, but under the leadership of Hrothgar, the
tribe moved westwards, enslaving many other
tribes on their long journey. Hrothgar himself
carried a mighty heirloom, an ornate battle-axe,
which was said to contain the essence of a
Bloodthirster. In battle he was unstoppable,
hewing through his enemies with his daemonaxe
whilst shouting the praise of Akhar.

As the Vargs movies further to the west and

conquered or scattered more people, they learnt of M WS BS S T W I A Ld
the other gods of Chaos, and began to worship Hrothgar 4 8 3 5 5 3 8 5 9
them along Akhar, eventually dedicating
themselves equally to all the gods. Hrothgar POINTS: 245.
became one of the most feared warlords in the
Chaos Wastes, and also the one who Champions TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character,
of the gods sought out to do battle with, in order Lord).
to prove their own dedication and might. In the
EQUIPMENT: Heavy armour.

SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Mark of

Khorne, Will of Chaos.

Daemon-Axe (Magic Weapon)
This most deadly of all blades contains a bound
Daemon trapped within its form. Although
powerful, any daemonic weapon is treacherous
and, if not guarded against, it will betray its
wielder. Hrothgar carried such a possessed axe
which, constrained in its shape, is the most feared
of Daemons; a mighty Bloodthirster.

The Daemon-axe gives Hrothgar +D3 to his

Strength and +D3 Attacks, to a maximum of 10
(roll separately for these values at the start of each
round). However, every To Hit roll of a 1 made by
this character in close combat is resolved against
himself; the character can never re-roll a To Hit
roll of a 1.

Champion of Khorne
In the shadowlands of the Realm of Chaos, to the north from shoulder to chest. As the blood sprayed onto his
of the Old World, lies the land of Norsca. Here it is the clothing Haargroth unleashed his anger upon the fallen
law of nature that rules, where only the strong survive. beast, the humiliation of every beating he had sustained
So it was when Haargroth's parents were killed in a came out in a frenzy of hatred. Repeatedly, he hacked
savage raid by a rival tribe, he was expected to perish. at the body until only a bloody carpet of broken bone
With no one to teach him the skills needed to survive and flesh remained on the forest floor. In those
as a warrior and hunt with the tribe, he found he was moments, something had stirred within the oppressed
forced to scrape a living eating scraps left by the dogs. soul of the simple goatherd. He had experienced a
sensation that he had never dreamt of, and so began his
Each summer the warriors of the tribe would take to path to damnation and glory.
their massive longships and set off on raids to the rich
southern lands. There they plundered and pillaged, Haargroth stood motionless, the bloodied weapon held
returning with provisions enough to see the tribe tight in his hand. He watches with fascination as the
through the bitter winter. Those too young to join these blood on the axe vanished, absorbed by the blade. To
voyages would remain, hunting meat for the tribe and his astonishment, the crude wooden handle began to
honing their combat skills. During these months, the smooth, developing a silvery sheen, whilst a strange
beatings Haargroth usually received from the other rune on the blade glowed bright for just a brief
youngbloods abated in favour of these worthwhile moment. Emerging from the forest, Haargroth made his
activities. The tribe saw fit to let him tend to the goats way back to the village. As he reached the gates, the
and Haargroth would sit in the fields, hunger gnawing guards rushed out to question the blood-stained youth
at his stomach. When one of his herd disappeared into but, as they approached, Haargroth swung out with his
a nearby forest, Haargroth could not foresee the events axe killing both guards with one blow.
that would soon change his life forever.
Gone was the cowering, skulking weakling. Now
Haargroth raced after the beast but, upon entering the Haargroth walked proudly into the village, adorned in
forest, he found the bloodied remains of the goat and a the bloody pelt of the beastman. The young hunters of
trail of blood. Anger welled inside him and he set off to the village fled before him and he strode into the great
track down the culprit and soon found himself in the hall. Having killed the guards, no one dared challenge
darkest glades. Before him a Beastman rested on the Haargroth and so he took his place at the head of the
forest floor, its mouth stained red with the blood of the great table, helping himself to the food and drink. All
dead goat. Haargroth noticed the creature had left its summer he took whatever he desired from the villagers
crude axe by its side as it slept and a voice stirred in the and no one found the courage to prevent his reign of
mind of the boy, telling him to slay the creature. terror.
Picking up the axe, he could hear the whispering grow
louder as though the axe itself spoke to him. Suddenly As the first leaves fell from the forest trees, the return
the creature awoke and with a guttural bray forming on of the longboats was a welcome sight to the tribe. The
its lips, launched itself at Haargroth. Instinctively the warriors were greeted with loud cheers and the
youth brought down the axe cleaving the beast apart womenfolk rushed to the shores to meet them. The
raids had proved successful, their ships were laden with
treasures, slaves and all manner of exotic provisions.
The Norscan warriors sang of their glorious victories as
they marched to the great hall to begin their
celebrations. Upon entering, the songs stopped abruptly
and a deathly silence ensued. As was traditional, the
chieftain was the last to enter the hall, and with no
rousing cheer to greet his arrival, he knew something
was amiss. The crowd parted and he was shocked to
see a stranger sat in his throne. Anger began to well
inside him as it slowly dawned that the impostor to his
throne was none other than the orphaned goatherd.

The youth had grown at an astonishing rate since the

chief had last set eyes upon him. With a raging bellow
he drew his axe, leapt towards the outcast, and brought
down his great axe in a mighty arc, fully intent on
killing the youth for his impudence. The whole hall
gasped in amazement as Haargroth simply raised his
own weapon, casually deflecting the blow onto the
table. Whilst the chief tried desperately to free his axe

from the solid timbers, Haargroth mercilessly felled the In the winters, he would return with his warriors and
Norscan leader. He stared deeply into the eyes of every continue to wage war against the tribes of Norsca. His
one of the warriors who had returned, daring any to pursuit of slaughter was ceaseless, leading his band to
challenge him, but all bowed their heads. Haargroth the far north of Norsca towards the Chaos Wastes. Still
commanded that the warriors feast, but what should the tribes fell before him, but Haargroth relished this
have been an occasion of great celebration was combat closer to the Chaos Wastes. The tribes here
undertaken in silence. were stronger and more brutal, something in the
atmosphere also invigorated him with a fierce
The following months were a difficult time for the savagery. Finally, when even Haargroth himself
tribe, the unity and brotherhood that the chieftain had thought that nobody could withstand the might of his
once provided was gone. Whilst all acknowledged warband, he called to his god Khorne to bring him an
Haargroth as their new leader, none rallied to his side. opponent worthy of his skill.

For those tribes whose summer raids fared poorly, Instantly a great storm broke in the skies and the mists
winter was a desperate time. As the provisions ran low of the Chaos Wastes enveloped his warriors. Mighty
these tribes were forced to go to war against Daemons wielding great axes charged from the thick
neighbouring tribes in order to survive. With the first blanket of fog, cutting down many of his finest
onset of snow came one such invasion. The peaceful warriors. In the confusion Haargroth found himself
silence of the morning was broken by the battle cries of separated from his own force, lost in the unearthly
a rival tribe. mist. Then, from the shadows, he heard the sound of
heavy hooves and the deep snorting of some terrible
The warriors gathered their weapons and prepared to beast. As though appearing from thin air, a great steed
defend the village. Haargroth marched out to the open reared before him. Its eyes burned with unholy fire and
ground outside the village, and for the first time ever on its back was mounted a huge knight clad in dark
the warrior united under their new chieftain. As the armour that mirrored the night sky. Amongst numerous
enemy warriors charged, Haargroth stood in front of strange runes embossed upon the behemoth's armour,
his tribe. His axe rose and fell with such speed and he recognised the mark of Khorne. In the warrior's
strength that soon a pile of bloody corpses surrounded hand a fiery blade was held aloft, and to his side he
him. His warriors were inspired by his ferocity and bore a mighty shield.
they met the enemy with deadly savagery. Soon every
single invader lay dead for no loss to the tribe. Only The gods had answered his challenge! Haargroth let
now did the warriors welcome Haargroth as their out a tremendous battlecry, charging headlong at the
leader, and returned to the village holding him aloft. mounted warrior. With all his might he brought down
Saturated with the blood of slain foes, the once crude his axe only to find it blocked by the massive shield.
axe had now transformed into a mighty and ornate Such was the force of the attack that Haargroth felt the
weapon, but that was not the only change. The God of bones in his arm jar at the impact. To his dismay not
War, Khorne, pleased with the slaughter that this even a dent marked the shield and now the knight
mortal wrought, blessed Haargroth. In just a matter of brought round his sword in a wide arc, the flaming
days his body transformed, muscles bulged out from edges of the blade ripping into the chest of the
beneath his armour and his form now resembled that of Champion of Khorne. He flew backwards with the
a mighty beast. That winter, Haargroth led his warriors force of the blow, landing roughly in a crumpled heap
on many raids against neighbouring tribes and with and pain coursed through his chest as visions of terror
each battle, the tribe conquered their foes, spilling filled his mind.
rivers of blood in the snow-covered valleys. Soon the
enemy tribes gladly surrendered at the sight of For the first time since his downtrodden youth, he felt
Haargroth's warriors, but he would give them no the humiliation of defeat. The steed walked over to
respite, killing in a frenzy of bloodshed until only the where he lay and the mighty warrior dismounted. He
strongest amongst his foes survived. These warriors reached down, grasping Haargroth by his throat and
would be offered the choice to either join his band or picked him up so that his feet dangled above the
die. This merciless reputation quickly led to the ground. The knight pronounced himself to be Archaon,
warband's the Slaughterers, and all feared their coming. the Lord of the End Times. He commanded that
Haargroth and his warriors bow down before him and
Over the next few years. Haargroth led his warriors on join his force. Archaon bade that Haargroth's men
daring raids across the world, sailing his fleet of would fight together with his own warriors, leading the
longships as far as Naggaroth and even into the thick army into the thick of battle where the fighting would
jungles of Lustria. With each victory, he would grant be the bloodiest. Having finally met a warrior who
the spoils of war to his worthiest warriors. Those who could best him, Haargroth accepted and now his
had proven themselves were given fine suits of armour warbands march at the front of Archaon's army, joined
blessed by the gods, enchanted weapons and huge dark by hordes of fearsome Bloodletters and fierce
steeds to ride into battle upon. During these raids Daemonic hounds. However Haargroth still longs to
Haargroth marched at the front of his force, fighting in build up his strength, sacrificing the skulls of his
the thickest combats, cutting a bloody swathe through enemies slain in battle to the throne of his god. Then he
the enemy ranks. will once again challenge the Everchosen, for such is
the way of Khorne.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Spelleater Shield (Magic Armour)
Haargroth 5 8 3 5 5 3 7 5 9 The Spelleater Shield is made from daemonhide
stretched across a framework made from the bones of a
POINTS: 285. Liche, its surface heavily adorned with symbols of
power. When spells are cast against the bearer, it
TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord). drains away their power.

EQUIPMENT: Heavy armour. Shield. The Spelleater Shield gives the bearer Magic
Resistance (2). In addition, roll a D6 each time a spell
is cast at the bearer of the Spelleater Shield and is
MUTATIONS: Blood Fever. dispelled. On the roll of a 4+, the spell is destroyed and
the enemy Wizard may not cast it for the rest of the
SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Mark of battle.
Khorne, Will of Chaos.
Bloodskull Pendant (Talisman)
MAGIC ITEMS: The bearer wears around his neck a tiny brass skull
Axe of Khorne (Magic Weapon) filled with the blood of a Daemon Prince of Khorne.
This blood-forged axe is a sign of Khorne's favour, and When the Bloodskull's contents are tasted, the bearer
unerringly severs heads with bloody sweeps so that yet becomes a maelstrom of violence.
more skulls might be laid at Khorne's feet.
Instead of making his normal attacks for that round, the
This axe confers +1 Strength and the Killing Blow bearer of the Bloodskull Pendant may choose to inflict
special rule upon the bearer. an automatic Strength 8 Hit with the Killing Blow
special rule on every enemy model in base contact.

Lord of the Goretide
Amongst the greatest of Khorne's mortal champions, Korghos armour was earned through countless acts of unspeakable
Khul has made the subjugation of all other tribes his personal violence. Yet perhaps his most prestigious possession is the
crusade. He is a mighty warrior and a fearsome leader both, Flesh Hound Grizzlemaw, gifted to Khul following his
his daemon hound Grizzlemaw snarling at his side as his horrific purge of the Direbrand tribe. This muscular daemonic
monstrous axe tears holes in reality itself. beast can tear a man to shreds with its razor-sharp teeth and
claws, while its barbed brass collar, crafted in the daemonic
The lands tremble before the tread of Korghos Khul. He is a forges of the Blood God’s realm, negates magic cast in its
darkly glorious warrior-king, the master of a nation of blood- presence. Grizzlemaw delights in devouring terrified mages
mad killers. However, as spectacularly successful, as who find themselves suddenly stripped of their power.
Korghos Khul is, he still desires more. Such is Khul's power
that he has raised up a pyramid of skulls as high as a building
in praise of Khorne, hoping by this gruesome act to earn his
Khorgos Khul 4 8 3 5 5 3 7 5 9
final reward of daemonhood and immortality. Yet Khul is
Grizzlemaw - 5 0 5 - - 4 3 -
plagued by a gnawing suspicion that, having climbed almost
to the pinnacle of Khorne's favour, his grip is slipping. Ever
since he first swung an axe, Korghos Khul has held himself POINTS: 345.
to a twisted sort of warrior's honour. But in recent years, the
lord of the Goretide Tribe has been tempted into betraying his TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).
own blasphemous code by the nearness of his prize. He has
bolstered his numbers with the Bloodreaver Tribe, despite his
distaste for their corpse-eating degeneracy. He has loosed
EQUIPMENT: Full plate armour.
Wrathmongers into his enemies' stockades and seen the foe
tear themselves apart in the grip of madness rather than fight SPECIAL RULES: Daeamonic (Grizzlemaw only),
in honourable battle. Worse still, worthy quarry have become Daemon of Khorne (Grizzlemaw only), Eye of the
harder and harder to come by, leaving Khul bereft of a hero's Gods, Mark of Khorne, Will of Chaos.
skull to cap his towering pyramid. For all his creeping
doubts, however, Korghos Khul is still amongst the greatest
Grizzlemaw: Khorgos Khul is accompanied by his
of the mighty lords of Khorne.
Flesh Hound Grizzlemaw into battle. They should be
A lifetime of service to Khorne have earned Korghos Khul placed on the same base and counts as a single model
many foul boons. His daemonic axe was bestowed after the for all purposes. Grizzlemaw attacks using its own
slaughter of a great lord of Slaanesh. His suit of bloodsoaked profile which are not subject to any other special rules
that Khorgos Khul has.

Favoured of Khorne: Khul swings his deadly axe

assured of the Blood God’s blessing.

Khorgos Khul may re-roll failed rolls To Hit.

Mortal Bane: Not content to be feared for his past

conquests, Khul embraces combat more eagerly than
any other seasoned general.

Khorgos Khul and any friendly unit he joins may re-

roll failed charge distances.

Lord of the Goretide: Khul’s indomitable will has led

his warband to greatness, and all his warriors are
hungry to please him.

All friendly units with the Mark of Khorne within 12"

of Khorgos Khul may re-roll failed To Hit rolls of 1.

Reality-splitting Axe (Magic Weapon)
After a Khorgos has made all of his attacks with his
axe in close combat, roll a D6 for each enemy model
that suffered one or more wounds as a result of those
attacks but was not slain. On a roll of 5+, the axe
cleaves a rent in the fabric of reality, hurling the victim
to Khorne’s realm, and the model is removed as a

And Skalok, the Skull Host of Khorne
Legends tell of the trail of slaughter left behind by SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Fly (7),
Vorgaroth the Scarred and Skalok, the Skull Host of Impact Hits (D6), Mark of Khorne, Natural
Khorne, their path of destruction having run for Armour (2+), Will of Chaos.
millennia, their victims beyond count. Although one
would not hesitate to kill the other if given the chance, Fettered Servitude: Vorgaroth demands unwavering
together they have razed civilisations to the ground. obedience from any of Khorne’s followers that are in
Whenever the mortal armies of Khorne falter, it is his presence and will severely punish any warriors who
Vorgaroth and Skalok that the Blood God sends to turn show the slightest sign of fear.
the tide of battle in his favour.
If a friendly unit with the Mark of Khorne is within 3"
Vorgaroth and Skalok soar through the skies high of Vorgaroth and needs to take a Break test, you can
above the land, ever-watchful for any sign of say that Vorgaroth demands unwavering obedience. If
bloodshed. Wherever battle may be found they swoop you do so, the unit suffers D3 Wounds worth of
down, bringing death and destruction to all who stand models, but the unit will count as being Unbreakable
in their way. Possessing a speed at odds with her for the rest of this phase. If you do not do so, and the
immense size, even the nimblest of warriors may be Break test for that unit is failed, it suffers D6 Wounds
crushed underfoot when Skalok charges, and each beat worth of models (after the opponent has decided to
of Skalok’s great wings disrupts the balance of the pursue or not, but before rolling the flee distance).
winds of magic.

Vorgaroth 4 8 3 5 5 3 7 5 9
Skalok 6 6 0 8 8 10 2 6 8

POINTS: 790.

TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord). Fuelled by Death: When battle is joined, the servants
of Khorne are overcome with a murderous rage. Such
MOUNT: Skalok, the Skull Host of Khorne (Chaos fury sweetens their blood, strengthening Skalok with
Dragon). each ally she devours.

At the start of each of your turns, you may pick one

friendly model within 3" and roll a D6; if the roll is
greater than the model's Wound characteristics, that
model is slain and Skalok regains a number of lost
Wounds equal to the number of Wounds on the slain
model's profile.

Wings of Fury: Each beat of Skalok’s great wings

disrupts the balance of the winds of magic.

Enemy Wizards within 18" of Vorgaroth suffer -1 to

cast and dispel.

White-hot Balefire: This is a Strength 5 Breath

Weapon with the Armour Piercing (1), Flaming
Attacks and Multiple Wounds (D3) special rules.

Skull Cleaver Axe of Khorne (Magic Weapon)
Believing only the greatest of beasts can hope to
challenge his might, Vorgaroth hunts the world,
seeking out the mightiest to do battle with.

Vorgaroth may re-roll failed To Wound rolls when

attacking Monsters. In addition, for each To Wound
roll of 6, that attack is resolved using the Multiple
Wounds (D3) special rule.

The King of Ashes
Even amongst the crazed followers of Khorne, infernal aura. Those in his presence are
there are those who whisper the name of Khazek overwhelmed with the urge to slaughter in
in fear. The King of Ashes has left a trail of Khorne’s name, renouncing their former loyalties
bloody slaughter across the Mortal Realm. as they cry aloud their supplications to the Blood
The tribes of the Chaos Wastes tell that Khazek
was once a nobleman until his proud land was At the battle of the Elder Gates, Khazek was
overthrown by Khorne’s legions. The young separated from his host and stood alone against a
prince was always in the vanguard of the ever trio of Bloodthirsters. The clamour of battle fell to
shrinking defenders, fighting until his weapons silence as mortals and daemons alike turned to
broke and his shield split. The legend goes on to watch the epic combat playing out before the
say that he was taken by the Daemon Prince of his Elder Gates themselves. Tales of the duel differ,
enemy and thrown into the sea of blood spilt in some say that Khorne himself reached out and
the battle. When the young prince emerged from crushed the Daemons, forever binding them
the hellish water he had been transformed. His together. Others say that Khazek slew them and
eyes were gone, replaced with pits that shone with beat them into a new form. Whatever the truth, the
fire, his once pale flesh had turned to iron and the King of Ashes returned from the Elder gates atop
rune of Khorne blazed upon his brow. Howling his new steed, the Daemonic drake Nazgharoth
with rage, Khazek fell upon the Daemon Prince and none could stand before him.
that had consigned him to the sea of blood,
wrenching a brazen tipped horn from its head he Khazek lives only to bring death in Khorne’s
speared it through the heart. name, he himself has no desire for glory or
immortality. For him only the taking of worthy
Since that day, the King of Ashes has never skulls brings the briefest moments of satisfaction.
ceased in his eternal quest of carnage in Khorne’s The King of Ashes will never stop until the mortal
name. The rewards bestowed for his endless tally realms are reduced to a blasted wasteland strewn
of skulls have been many. with the shattered corpses of all who defy the
Blood God.
After the Night of Six Hundred Skulls. Khazek
pulled the sword Azharon from the pillar of flame M WS BS S T W I A Ld
that sprung from the heaped bodies of the Khazek 4 8 3 5 5 3 7 5 9
Nazgharoth 6 6 0 6 6 6 3 7 8
followers of Slaanesh he had slain. This splinter
of Khorne’s wrath throbs with volcanic heat, those
POINTS: 635.
it strikes are consumed with the blood god’s anger
and burned to ash. TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).
Following his destruction of the League of Blades, MOUNT: Nazgharoth, a towering monstrosity with
Khazek was presented with the Armour of Blood. three heads resembling those of mighty Bloodthirsters.
Capped with the horns of the Daemon Prince he
slew on the day of his rebirth, the armour EQUIPMENT: Shield.
constantly drips with infernal ichor. Maddened
prophets cry that this blood comes directly from SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Fly (7), Mark
the realm of Chaos itself, weakening those nearby of Khorne, Natural Armour (3+), Will of Chaos.
as they are overcome with the otherworldly
foulness of its aura. The King of Ashes: At the start of each of your turns,
one unit in within 12" of Khazek may be forced to take
Khazek is said to have stood before Khorne a Psychology test. If the test is failed the unit is
himself, sacrificing his entire army to reach the overcome by the urge to slaughter in Khorne’s name,
brass keep. Atop a hill of skulls he called out the and they will gain the Frenzy special rule until the start
of your next turn.
names of all those he had slain for Khorne. The
sky wept, turning black as pitch as the Blood God Scorn for Sorcery: Khazek can channel Dispel Dice as
came forth. When he returned to the mortal if he was a Level 2 Wizard.
realms, The King of Ashes was suffused with an

Triumvirate of Blood: Each of Nazgharoth’s heads MAGIC ITEMS:
bears the visage of a mighty Bloodthirster of Khorne, Azharon (Magic Weapon)
first among the Blood God’s host of daemons. The legendary blade Azharon is a singular weapon
which blazes with the boundless fury of the Blood God
After attacking with Nazgharoth each close combat himself.
phase (before Stomps), you may pick one of the
following effects. You may not choose the same effect If an enemy model is Wounded but not slain by
in two consecutive rounds of combat. Azharon, roll a D3 at the end of the close combat
phase. If the result is greater than their remaining
• Fires of Wrath: One of the heads belches forth a Wounds characteristic, they are immolated by
roiling stream of hellfire. Khorne’s wrath and removed as casualties.

Nazgharoth uses a Breath Weapon Attack with

Strength 4 and the Flaming Attacks special rule.

• Furious Ruin: The ground around Nazgharoth’s

hooves twists and cracks, molten brass flowing forth Armour of Blood (Magic Armour)
and warriors falling to their doom. Khazek is clad in the eternally gore-slick Armour of
Blood. The daemonic ichor that weeps it has a
Nazgharoth rolls 2D6 with its Stomp Attack this debilitating effect on any who have not sworn their
phase. service to Khorne, bombarding them with images of
endless slaughter and filling their mouths with the taste
• Enraged Roar: One of the heads draws breath of fresh blood.
before letting forth a bellow of such unnatural rage
that enemies’ heads explode into red mist. Full plate armour. At the start of each close combat
phase, roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 8" of
All models in base contact with Nazgharoth must Khazek. On a 4+, the models in that unit are overcome
pass a Toughness test or suffer 1 Wound with no with visions and suffer -1 To Hit for the remainder of
saves allowed. the close combat phase.

The Maggot Lord
One of the most powerful Champions of Nurgle to Tamurkhan, as he called himself was not as other
rise up in the Chaos Wastes for many centuries, warlords and warriors of Chaos, but was subject
numerous legends and lies clustered about to a terrible mutation, as truly hideous as it was
Tamurkhan long before he had gathered his great rare. In mortal form he had been transformed into
horde and in fulfilment of prophecy struck out like a befouled, maggot-like creature the size of a
a poisoned talon at the wider world beyond the human child, grey-green and rotting, studded with
Chaos Wastes. Some tales speak of him to be the lambently glowing corpse-light eyes and a needle-
millennia-old scion of the Great Kurgan, one of like snout that split open to reveal row upon row
four sons, mighty and terrible, who each set out to of glassy, razor-barbed teeth. More awful yet than
the four winds to conquer in the service of the even his form was the creature's ability to fall
four great powers of Chaos. Others had it that he upon a human or near-human victim and spear
was no more than vermin once – a corpse-canker into its flesh, bore deep within and devour it from
grown far and clever on the spoiled entrails of the the inside out, inhabiting its dead flesh like a
battlefield, swelled up and transfigured in the puppet, turning his victim into a stolen second
basking light of the Eternal Battle in the uttermost skin in which to do battle. Thus empowered did
north. In either case he was an arrogant, savage Tamurkhan prove all but unstoppable, and many
and monstrous warlord, and a true reveller in mighty foes fell before him. Even if the enemy
decay and death, fated as one of Father Nurgle's managed to best him, the true beast would show
most favoured children for the carnage and its face and the temporary victor would become
suffering he had wreaked in his god's name. As Tamurkhan's newly rotting host.
the leader of a decaying warband of fanatical
acolytes and twisted monstrosities, mightiest of
which was the infamous Bubebolos the Toad
Dragon, Tamurkhan carved a bloody path for
himself on the road to victory, amassing around
him a great host in his master's name.
At the outset of Tamurkhan's attempted incursion
into the Old World, he wore the flesh of Sargath
the Vain, once a powerful Champion of Slaanesh,
and took great joy in the slow decay of the
warrior's formerly beautiful flesh and the
corrosion of his bejewelled armour. This body,
which he had worn for nearly a year, failed him
however in single combat against the raw strength
and brute skill of the Ogre Tyrant Karaka
Breakmountain and was cut downy only for
Tamurkhan to rise' again in the Tyrant's flesh and
bone. This perhaps proved his undoing, as never
before had Tamurkhan tasted such unrestrained
strength and fury, and even though the body
continued to rot and sustain grievous injury, he
would not abandon it. There were those even in
his own camp that maintained that something of
the Ogre king's savage spirit remained within it to
worry at the Maggot Lord, who seemingly became
increasingly dull-witted and crude as the hulking
frame rotted around him.

Sargath 3 7 3 5 6 3 4 5 9
Tyrant 5 7 3 5 6 5 2 5 9
Possessor * 7 3 * * * * * 9
Bubebolos 8 4 0 7 7 10 2 4 6

Note: Tamurkhan must choose to start the game in equal to the possessed model's stats. Note that any
either Sargath's or the Tyrant's body. wounds they previously suffered are still in effect.
So, for example, if a model has only one wound
POINTS: 655. remaining when it is possessed, it now has two
wounds including the +1 for the Possession
TROOP TYPE: Monster (Infantry, Special modifier.
Character, Lord).
Tamurkhan now uses any weapons or armour the
EQUIPMENT: Heavy armour. victim had (including magical types), discarding
both his own and any other equipment the victim
MOUNT: Bubebolos the Toad Dragon. has. Likewise, any ability the victim had as a
Wizard is lost. This includes any special rules the
SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Mark of victim formerly used other than their unit type,
Nurgle (included in profile), Unbreakable. Natural Armour and Regeneration.

Nurgle's Favoured Son: Such is his pride he will If no eligible model is available or the possession
kneel before none but his rotting Father in attack fails, Tamurkhan is killed outright. Also,
Plague. Tamurkhan's power cannot save him if he is
destroyed by an attack which causes a model to be
If Tamurkhan is taken as part of an army, he must slain outright rather than causing wounds.
always be its General.
Feast of the Maggot Lord: If Tamurkhan's Tamurkhan's Rune Blade (Magic Weapon)
current body is slain, the true beast inside, a While Tamurkhan was in possession of the rotting
rotting maggot-like parasite, will immediately remains of the Slaaneshi Champion Sargath the
attempt to attack and possess a new host, gnawing Vain, he also wielded that fallen warrior's
its way beneath their flesh and consuming their murderous Chaos Rune Blade – an ancient
brain and organs from within. weapon finally shattered in combat with the Ogre
Tyrant Karaka Mountainbreaker.
If Tamurkhan is slain in close combat, a special
possession attack is made against the model that Sargath only. Attacks with the Rune Blade are
delivered the final wound to Tamurkhan. If Armour Piercing (1) and inflict Multiple Wounds
Tamurkhan's death occurs as a result of shooting (2).
or other means, the attack will be made against the
nearest eligible model (friend or enemy) within
6". If multiple models fall into this category,
Tamurkhan's player chooses which to attack.

Both players roll a D6 and add the Weapon Skill

value of their respective models. If the result is a
draw, roll again until one side wins. If
Tamurkhan's player wins, the victim is killed
outright and their body is possessed. From then
onwards, Tamurkhan takes over the victim model,
which is detached from its unit and placed l" away
from it. The model is now controlled by
Tamurkhan's player for the rest of the game
exactly as if it were their own character model.
Only Infantry and Monstrous Infantry models are
eligible to be possessed. Tamurkhan cannot take
possession of a model with the Animated
Construct, Daemonic, Ethereal, Forest Spirit or
Vampiric special rule.

The characteristics of the new body possessed

body uses the Possessor profile, but with the
following changes: -1 Movement, +1 Toughness,
+1 Wounds, -2 Initiative. Strength and Attacks is

The Black Cleaver (Magic Weapon) Bubebolos is an impossibly huge creature – a
As part of his pact with the Chaos Dwarfs of the lumbering horror from a forgotten age whose
Black Mountains, Tamurkhan was gifted by them flesh festers with unwholesome rot, and whose
with a great double-handed axe, fitted with a black blood is clotted with maggots and carrion
smouldering, cleaver-like pitted blade, borne up worms. The strength of this colossal beast is
from deep within their vaults. The strange greyish prodigious, as is its appetite, while its tainted
fumes the massive weapon exudes when swung breath is so corrosively foul it can liquefy flesh
are foully poisonous, which pleases the Maggot- and whither steel in moments. Those it does not
Lord greatly. devour or smash flat it can smother beneath its
feculent bulk as it crawls across the earth – its
Tyrant only. Great weapon. Any model that questing tongue darting out with terrifying speed
suffers a wound from the weapon and survives to snatch up more victims to disappear down its
must take a Toughness test or suffer a permanent yawning maw. Such is the vast size of the beast it
reduction of -1 to their Toughness score. is uncommonly hard to kill by normal means. Its
bulk and resilience are such that arrows and
BUBEBOLOS THE TOAD blades are of little more account than pinpricks,
and even cannon fire and powerful magics must
DRAGON strike at the vitals of such a creature in order to
Toad Dragons are huge, reeking, primeval slay it.
horrors. They are, for the fate of the world,
blessedly few in number, and confined largely to
the trackless, otherworldly fens known as the Cold
Mires under the coruscating skies of the uttermost
north. These colossal beasts are near-mindless,
violent and almost impossible to kill, and have a
dire repute in the legends of the Northern Wastes
which name them for their appearance and raw
power, when in truth they are perhaps far closer to SPECIAL RULES: Natural Armour (3+),
the lumbering beasts that inhabit the jungles of Immunity (Psychology).
Lustria than the true and ancient lineages of
dragon-kind. It is here it is said that Tamurkhan, Colossal Beast: This creature is so massive it can
chosen son of Nurgle tracked, and using crush dozens beneath its bulk and annihilate great
unspeakably foul rites bound to his will swathes of men with a lash of its tail.
Bubebolos, greatest of all Toad Dragons and
carrion-thing of Nurgle to be his mount and carry Bubebolos' Stomp inflicts 2D6 hits, rather than the
him southward. normal D6.

Unspeakable Foulness: A Toad Dragon may

exhale a blast of flesh-rotting foulness from his
gaping jaws. Any unfortunates caught in the path
of this tide of horror suffer the most appalling fate
imaginable as their flesh sloughs from their bones
and their lungs fill with blood and pus.

This is a breath weapon attack and any model

caught within its template is automatically hit and
must take a Toughness test at -1 of suffer a wound
with the Multiple Wounds (D3) and Ignores
Armour saves special rules.

Tongue Lash: In addition to the Toad Dragon's

normal attacks, it may also make a single special
lash attack with its befouled and venomous
slurping tongue. This single attack may be
inflicted against any enemy model in base contact
with the Toad Dragon; it is a Strength 4 Poisoned
attack with the Always Strikes First special rule.
Should the victim survive, they suffer -1 to hit that
round of combat.

Befouled Brothers of Nurgle
The story of the Glottkin began in the Empire, on the The triplets that became known as the Glottkin grew tall
coast of the Sea of Claws. The father of the triplets was and strong, and over time each showed great promise.
Ollos Glott, a humble Nordland farmer, and their mother Ethrac in particular was a quick study, drinking in the
was Ethra Greenblood, a magic user schooled in the lore occult lore his mother had mastered. Meanwhile Otto and
of Life. Having witnessed a bloody Norscan invasion, Ghurek wrestled each other, clambered across the
Ollos and Ethra stowed away with the armies that sailed treacherous cliffs of the fjords, and even sparred with the
across the Sea of Claws in search of retribution. However, local youths of nearby Fjordlingtribe. For a time, all
where their comrades brought bloody vengeance to their seemed well, and the Glotts brought the arts of the
Norscan foes, they instead brought enlightenment. By civilised realms to their adopted people. Otto helped his
teaching the crafts of the farmer and the healer to the father harvest his crops with a great scythe of his own
savages of Norsca, they hoped not to prolong the cycle of making, Ethrac aided his mother in rituals of fecundity
violence, but to break it. that coaxed verdant life from the Norscan ice fields. Only
Ghurek proved wayward, more interested in brawling and
After deserting from the Empire armies under cover of chasing women than helping his family in more
darkness, the two emissaries slowly carved out a new life. wholesome pursuits.
Ollos raised a humble house for his wife and tilled the
stubborn ground around it; Ethra acted as a wise woman Though the Glottkin's parents worked hard to promote
who influenced many of the fjord clans. Over the course peace, they could not dissuade the Norscans from the
of the winter, Ethra's belly swelled to prodigious size - seaborne raids that were so deeply ingrained within their
that year her womb nourished not one child, but three. A culture. In the autumn of 2506, the forces of Nordland
jealous Norscan hag cut Ethra's finger with a rusted knife, came in search of retribution once more. Over a thousand
and the shallow wound became badly infected. Unable to state troops made landfall to bring war to the fjord tribes
heal herself from the gangrenous curse that flowed in her that had taken the Glotts into their culture.
blood, the she-wizard cried out in the night, begging the
gods to save her children from the lethal infection. Father This time the triplets were at the fore of the fight. Otto
Nurgle was listening, and sent a daemon fly to alight on hacked away with the same scythe he had used to reap his
the pregnant Ethra's gravid belly. Instantly the infection's father's harvest, Ethrac used his darkest growth-magicks
deadly grip lessened, and less than a week later Ollos to turn his foes into obese boulders of flesh, and the
delivered three strong triplets near the rugged cliffs of brawler Ghurek flattened soldiers and champions alike
Fjordlingtribe. Each bore a three-lobed birthmark, the sigil with his fists. Still it was not enough, for the black powder
of the Lord of Decay, but their delighted father was weapons of the Nordlanders could kill at fifty paces, and
unaware of its significance. He named his children Otto, the great cannons winched up to the clifftops from the gun
Ethrac and Ghurek, and counted himself amongst the decks of their galleons took a gruesome toll. The Glottkin
luckiest men alive. fought hard as their people were cut down around them,
blood dribbling over the lips of the cliffs and into the
crashing waves below.

The triplets soon became surrounded by the bloody

confusion of melee. When they saw their mother and
father cut down by Nordland halberdiers, all three of the
Glottkin cried out as one for vengeance. The seeds of
mayhem that had been planted within their souls, watered
by the blood of battle, finally began to bear fruit. Otto cut
men down like autumn corn as his scythe swung left and
right. Handgunner bullets thudded into his chest and even
his face, but they did not break the skin. Ethrac's magics
became ever more destructive, reducing men to pools of
black slime and causing maggots of dark energy to eat his
foes from the inside out. Ghurek was filled with a
daemonic strength, the warrior punching clean through
torsos and guts before picking up a great cannon by its
muzzle and swinging it like a giant club to sweep his foes
over the cliff. The Empire army broke under the fury of
the Glottkin's onslaught, and their legend began in earnest.

Since that fateful battle, Nurgle bestowed gifts upon the

triplets with every passing year, spoiling them much in the
manner a generous grandfather treats his grandchildren.
Little by little, the Glotts become very different men.
Ghurek grew larger and larger as his ravenous appetite for
life turned into desperate gluttony. Eventually man
became monster as Ghurek gained terrible strength, but

lost the ability to reason. Known for growling a corrupted SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Impact Hits
version of his own name, 'Ghurk' was refashioned by his (D3), Mark of Nurgle (included in profile), Poisoned
adoptive grandfather into an obese spawn-thing so large Attacks, Regeneration (4+), Will of Chaos.
his brothers took to riding him to war. Great horns
sprouted from his shoulders, popping boils covered his Otto Glott: Otto Glott can hurl his scythe to cut down
back, and his arms mutated hideously, one into a lamprey
his enemies, even when he is standing on Ghurk's
maw, the other into a muscular tentacle, the better to
mighty shoulders.
scoop up victims to sate his terrible hunger. Ghurk could
slay giants and ice drakes alike, devouring their corpses
and later defecating heaving mounds from which strange Roll a D3 at the start of each Close Combat phase, and
new forms of life emerged into the light. add the result to the number of Attacks on Otto Glott's
profile. This bonus lasts until the end of the phase.

Ethrac Glott: Ethrac casts spells from his perch high

on his brother's shoulders.

The Glottkin are treated as if they were a Level 4

Wizard that can use spells from the Lore of Nurgle.

Ghurk Glott: Ghurk Glott can use the massive

tentacle that has replaced one of his arms to crush the
life from even the mightiest foe.
Embittered by the loss of his mother and father, Ethrac
became dark of heart. His spells turned ever fouler, and Before rolling To Hit, nominate one of the Ghurk's
the types of life they propagated were vile and Attacks as the Lashing Tentacle. This Attack has
unwholesome. The sorcerer burnt his parents' bodies on a Strength 10 and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule.
brazier that he has borne ever since, the stinking scent of
burnt offal drawing clouds of flies wherever he roams. Lords of Nurgle: The Glottkin, and all other friendly
The remains of his parents still smoulder there to this day, models within 12" that have the Mark of Nurgle special
a cremated reminder of the vengeance their sorcerous son rule, re-roll failed charge distances. In addition, if the
has yet to wreak. Glottkin are ever required to roll on the Eye of the
Gods table, do not roll any dice. Instead, the Glottkin
Of all the triplets, Otto embraced his new destiny with the always count as having rolled the Aura of Chaos
most fervour. He became a true devotee of Nurgle, reward.
intending to sow unbridled life across the world in every
manner and form, no matter how stomach-churning. His Pestilent Torrent: Ghurk has a Strength 3 Breath
scabrous body bloated and became as tough as bark. Weapon with the Ignores Armour saves special rule
Though the wounds he suffered on his steady rise to glory
which can only be used in close combat.
often did not heal completely, the contagions that drizzled
from his opened guts grew so virulent they were soon
weapons in their own right. Otto took to coating the blade
of his scythe with his own poisonous juices whenever he
went into battle, cementing his reputation as a harbinger
of plague. Amongst all the brothers it is Otto who is the
most driven. His taste for carnage has seen the roaming
Glottkin triumph against warbands that worshipped
Slaanesh, Tzeentch, even mighty Khorne. Yet, despite
their growing favour in the eyes of their patron, it was
only when Archaon approached them to lead his vanguard
that the triplets began their deadly journey in earnest...

Otto Glott 4 8 3 5 - - 5 5 9
Ethrac Glott 4 4 3 5 - - 3 3 8
Ghurk Glott 6 3 0 6 7 10 1 5 7

POINTS: 880.

TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).

MOUNT: Ghurk Glott.

EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, great weapon (Otto

Glott only).

MUTATIONS: Nurgle's Rot.

Lords of Icehorn Peaks
The Maggoth Riders hail from a bleak and deadly south, and it is their Lord, Orghotts, and his Jarl
place known simply as Icehorn Peak. It is in the and Sorcerer who march as his vanguard.
lands of the Icehorn tribe, a band of Warriors of
Chaos who are led by the notorious Orghotts Collectively, Orghotts Daemonspew, Bloab
Daemonspew. Their domain is far, far to the north Rotspawned and Morbidex Twiceborn are known
of the Empire, where only the insane would travel as the Maggoth Lords – warriors of Chaos capable
and hope to live. To go further would be to tread of mastering and riding foul pox maggoths into
the borders of the Realm of Chaos itself, and to war. Though these huge, larvae-like creatures
court the certain death to be found there. share dominant physical features, they are quite
different from one another. Each has its own grim
As the End Times draw nearer and the power of personality and a name that describes its foul
the Everchosen of Chaos waxes stronger, Orghotts physical attributes: Whippermaw, Tripletongue
has led his fellow Maggoth Lords southwards, a and Bilespurter.
deadly triumvirate riding upon vile maggot-
things: Bloab Rotspawned, Orghotts’s chosen Though not Daemonic, pox maggoths definitely
Sorcerer, and Morbidex Twiceborn, his Jarl, both sit within the unwholesome menagerie of
renowned scions of Chaos in their own right (and creatures under Nurgle’s patronage, keeping
mighty enough to lead vast armies of their own). company with the slug-like Beasts of Nurgle and
They willingly ride at Orghotts’s side, for Nurgle bloated, rot-winged Plague Drones. For their part,
rejoices in things that come in threes, a homage to the pox maggoths have vile bodies akin to grubs
the triple bubo that is his sacred sign. To the or maggots with gangly limbs, their distended
tribesmen of the Icehorn tribe this is a time of flesh covered in layers of rippling flesh, bulging
great omen – Father Nurgle is stretching forth his pustules and sagging folds of greasy skin. At the
hand to bless the dull and torpid world to the end of their forelimbs are curved claws, as large
and strong as sword blades.

Master of the Pox Maggoths
Orghotts' one and only wish is to become a true There was a period in Orghotts' history where he
daemon. His origins are buried under the blood- would regularly consort with – and even consume –
flecked snow of three hundred winters, though the the daemonic servants of the Lord of Decay in an
people of the Icehorn Tribe whisper that he was born attempt to contract Nurgle's Rot. He did this in the
of an unholy union between a Great Unclean One hope that he would die from the spiritual disease and
and a human witch. Whether this tryst was the result become a Plaguebearer, as had so many lesser
of a daemonic pact or something even fouler is best tribesmen before him. Devout as he was, he felt sure
not dwelt upon. that the Lord of Decay would take pity on his
devoted disciple and reforge him in immortal form.
Orghotts is consumed by resentment that he has one Ironically, the same unnatural resilience granted to
foot in the mortal realm and one in what he sees as him by his half-daemon nature kept him from the
his rightful domain, the Garden of Nurgle. The embrace of death and the nirvana that lay on the
enemies of the Icehorn tribe call Orghotts the other side. Nurgle's Rot claimed him as a vessel,
Bastard King of Icehorn Peak, though none use this even reshaping his mortal form so that the single
title in his presence, for the well of buried anger that horn of a plaguebearer sprouted from his skull in
suffocates the warlord's soul can boil over in a single place of his left eye, but it did not claim him
deadly instant.

Icehorn Peak is situated in the far north of the world,

on the penumbra of the Realm of Chaos, and the
people that eke out a living from the god-touched
wilderness are well used to seeing the shimmering
landscape disgorge entire hosts of daemons.
Orghotts has dwelt on the margin of his master's
domain for several centuries, for the ichor that runs
in his veins lends him a sham immortality that has
extended his lifespan to many times that of the
oldest human.

The Realm of Chaos ebbs and flows across the lands

as the power of the Dark Gods waxes and wanes,
and at times it has spilt over the mountains to
consume Icehorn Peak and those who dwell in its
shadow. Orghotts has, at times, even walked the
twisting pathways of the Garden of Nurgle, though
instead of being the transcendent paradise he had
hoped for it proved instead a tantalising hell. The
Bastard King wandered the Realm of Chaos at one
step removed, able to see the garden unfold around
him but unable to breathe in the nostril-blasting
scents of its bright fungus or taste the rancid spores
that floated lazily through the air.

It was a vision of heaven dangled in front of his

aching senses, granting not peace but instead
inflaming Orghotts' desire to appreciate Nurgle's
gifts fully. The only things he was able to touch
there were a pair of rotbladed axes that he found
embedded deep in the trunk of a twisted tree that had
once been a dreaming life-wizard. The axes were of
mortal origin, and though it took every ounce of his
strength, Orghotts wrenched them loose and took
them for his own. He fights with these plague-caked
Rot Axes to this day, a permanent reminder of the
time he stood upon the threshold of his destiny.

completely as he had hoped. Though he has since tongue whipped out to ensnare him and yank him
spread that most transcendent of diseases to towards its two gnashing mouths, the scent of
countless mortals, Orghotts remains stranded on the daemon ichor gave the beast pause.
mortal plane.
Seeing his chance, Orghotts caught the beast's
Like countless warlords before him, Orghotts walks lashing tongue in his gauntlet and swung up onto its
the path to glory in search of his god's favour. This back, using the whip-like appendage as an
treacherous road leads only to death, to improvised rein with which to yank the pox maggoth
transformation into a mewling Chaos spawn, or – for left and right until it had learned to obey his
a rare few – to immortality as a daemon prince. commands.
Though Orghotts' daemonic allies have intimated
that even daemon princes bear the stigma of the Any other warrior would have been swiftly thrown
mortal seed that birthed them, he strives for that off and chewed in half, but the scent of Nurgle's
status nonetheless, for if he wins favour enough to favour ran in Orghotts' veins. So it is that he rides a
cross the divide he will at last become a true powerful pox maggoth to this day, a beast just as
immortal. impervious to harm as its master. As the scale of his
deeds grows ever greater, Orghotts' chances of true
In his quest for Nurgle's approval, Orghotts has immortality become greater with every passing
sailed in search of glory on many occasions. He has night.
led entire tribes south across the Sea of Chaos,
through the wilderness of Norsca and into the
Empire. He fought at the Battle of Kislev's Gates
during the Great War Against Chaos in 2303,
challenging and swiftly slaying the warrior priests
and grand masters of the Sigmarite armies sent to M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Orghotts - 8 3 5 6 3 5 5 9
stop him. Whippermaw 6 3 3 6 6 6 1 4 -

Though Orghotts considers himself a mere shadow POINTS: 420.

of the warrior he will one day become, in battle he
has always proved to be a force of terrible TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).
destruction. Heavily armoured and all but immune to
physical wounds, those fast enough to land a blow MOUNT: Whippermaw.
on Orghotts' stout frame invariably find their attack
shrugged off, and a decapitating blow levelled at EQUIPMENT: Full plate armour.
them in return. Even those of his blows that do not
truly connect can be lethal – a single scratch from MUTATIONS:
the Rotaxes will fester and turn gangrenous in a
Acid Ichor: Whenever Orghotts Daemonspew suffers
second, laying the victim low even as Orghotts
an unsaved Wound in close combat, the model that
barrels past in search of fresh opportunities to prove inflicted that hit must pass an Initiative test or suffer a
his worth. Those assailants that do manage to Strength 4 hit. Wounds inflicted by Acid Ichor count
penetrate Orghotts' armour and pierce his skin towards the combat result.
quickly learn the truth behind his name. Whenever
the warlord's flesh is cut open, a gout of daemonic SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Mark of
ichor spew out with shocking force. Its vitriolic Nurgle (included in profile), Ward Save (6+), Will of
potency is enough to burn through steel and dissolve Chaos.
the flesh beneath. It is a testament to the length of
Orghotts' violent odyssey that more men have been Whippermaw: Orghotts Daemonspew can make a
killed by his tainted lifeblood than by the blades of shooting attack using the following profile:
the latter-day champions that march alongside him.
Range: Strength: Special Rules:
The daemonic vitae that runs in Orghotts' blood 6" 4 Killing Blow
proved unpredictably useful in the harnessing of Poisoned Attacks,
Whippermaw, the pox maggoth that the warlord Quick to Fire
rides to war. Orghotts first encountered the
monstrous maggotthing slumbering in the quagmires MAGIC ITEMS:
of the Eternal Lagoon. Guided into the stinking The Rotaxes (Magic Weapon)
morass by a vision of Nurgie's fecund favour, Rotaxes are a pair of long-handled weapons which can
Orghotts wisely waited until Whippermaw was in a kill a foe with the merest of scratches.
digestive torpor after devouring a swamp drake
before approaching the beast. The maggoth slammed Two hand weapons. Close combat attacks made by the
a long claw into Orghotts' neck, but just as its long wielder have +2 Strength and the Poisoned Attacks
special rule.

Harbinger of Fecundity
From afar, the sorcerer Bloab Rotspawned appears Nurgle values all forms of life, no matter how small.
to be constantly surrounded by swarms of unnatural On some level it offended him that such a powerful
insects. Only his fellow warriors in the Icehorn tribe young warrior spent his time seeking out and
know that Bloab is in fact the swarm, and the swarm mutilating the least of foes instead of claiming glory
is Bloab. Though there was a time when he was a by cutting down the champions of the Urfather's
tall and athletic warrior, now there is nothing left of rivals. Every winter Bloab fought alongside the rest
his mortal form but a sack of leathery skin filled of his tribe's menfolk against the tribes of Kvellig
with wriggling daemon-maggots. and Tong, but when spring approached he always
went back to his sadistic one-man war against the
Even as a child, Bloab had an unhealthy fascination worlds of the tiny creatures that eke out a life from
for the smaller forms of life in the world. He took the arctic wastes.
great by in pulling the legs from snow spiders and
trapping ice moths inside wax-sealed skulls until As with most of the Icehorn tribe's menfolk, Nurgle
they starved to death. It was a habit that he took with had given Bloab the gift of resilience. Though the
him into adolescence, and then into adulthood. Such Lord of Decay usually toughens the constitutions of
was his persecution of the Icehorn Peaks' most his devotees so they can better appreciate the
diminutive creatures that Bloab eventually came to plagues that spill out from his garden, Bloab's skin
the notice of Grandfather Nurgle. became Thundertusk-thick for quite a different

The Lord of Decay resolved to teach Bloab a lesson.

On one of his long hunting expeditions, the young
warrior began to find ever larger and more surreal
forms of insects. One by one he took his dagger to
them, cutting them into pieces and cooking their
chitinous legs over small cavefires for sustenance.

One night, when Morrslieb waxed full, Bloab was

taking his rest in a cave near the Forest of Decay. He
had just enjoyed a long but arduous day of torturing
large insects and small animals, and as night fell and
he drifted into a deep sleep, he started snoring loud
enough to scare off a cave bear. As his dreams
strayed into the Garden of Nurgle, a daemonfly with
human features wound its way down from the
craters of Morrsleib's surface and flew in lazy spirals
into Bloab's cavern refuge. Another came down
from the skies, then three more.

Soon the cave echoed to the roar of a thick black

swarm, but still Bloab did not wake. Forming a
twisting funnel like that of a tornado, the
daemonflies dived for his yawning mouth and
plunged down his throat into his body. There they
laid eggs by the thousand, nestling the clutches of
their larvae in his lungs, his guts, and his heart. Once
their business was done they flew out once more into
the night, blood-slick and grinning.

Bloab woke in agony from strange and disturbing

dreams, his insides burning. Within him the
daemonfly larvae had hatched, and the wriggling
beasts were eating him alive from the inside out. Just
as he had taken his time dismembering and
persecuting those creatures smaller than him, the
daemon larvae were in no hurry, lazily chewing at

their screaming host with their tiny razored recovered from his shock, his daemonflies swarmed
mandibles until there was nothing left of him save a around him and lifted him atop its shoulders.
sac of toughened skin. However, Grandfather
Nurgle, in his beneficence, wished not to kill Bloab, Bloab's joy was magnified threefold when a warband
but to put him to new use. With the energies of of vengeful Tong sought him out. His pox maggoth
Nurgle sustaining him, Bloab survived his ordeal, heaved great sloshing balls of acidic bile into their
even with his insides hollowed out like a drained ranks even as his daemonfly swarms fell upon them
gourd. One by one, the fat pupae that wriggled in a frenzy of tiny mandibles. His pets attacked with
inside him matured and split. New daemonflies such fury that they laid the tribesmen low before
hatched one after another to crawl out of Bloab's Bloab had muttered a single incantation. Since that
mouth and buzz in his wake, their affection for their day Bloab has been known in the north as the Lord
host like that of grateful children. of the Daemonflies, a title that he delights in.

Since that grotesque experience, Bloab Rotspawned Not content to rest on his laurels, Bloab Rotspawned
has found himself high in the favour of Nurgle, for has travelled south with the intention of bringing the
the Lord of Decay is as forgiving of his worshippers joys of plague to the civilised realms. Now it is his
as an indulgent father is of his errant sons. When maggoth, Bilespurter, that dismembers his victims,
Bloab becomes enraged, the contours of his flesh and his daemonflies that ensure he has space enough
ripple and pulse, spells of rot and dismemberment to work. In recent months his swarm has thinned in
spilling from his lips as his daemonflies hiss praises number, its eldest members buzzing out on lengthy
to Nurgle around him. migrations to seek out new champions for Nurgle.
Rumour has it that those touched by the Lord of the
Daemonflies' swarm are destined for great things,
though there are just as many reports of their painful
bites bearing deadly infection as there are rumours
of the seeds of greatness.

Bloab Rotspawned - 5 3 4 5 3 3 3 8
Bilespurter 6 3 3 6 6 6 1 4 -

POINTS: 455.

TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).

MOUNT: Bilespurter.

Bloab was even allowed to walk the paths of his MAGIC: Bloab is a Level 3 Wizard who uses spells
master's garden, escorted through its treacherous from the Lore of Nurgle.
reaches by a humanoid figure that coalesced from
the very swarm that makes his fleshsac its home. EQUIPMENT: Great weapon, medium armour.
There he stood upon the threshold of Nurgle's great
rotting manse, marvelling at its entropic glory. He SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Mark of
did not have the courage to disturb his master's Nurgle (included in profile), Will of Chaos.
studies at the cauldron, though when Bloab made his
obeisances and left, he found that a pair of bell from Bilespurter: Bloab Rotspawned can make a shooting
the windspeaker that had clanged softly on Nurgle's attack in the same manner as a stone thrower, using the
veranda now hung from his travelling scythe. They following profile.
still hang there now, their dolorous toll harming the
concentration of enemy mages and helping Bloab to Range: Strength: Special Rules:
focus his own. 24" 3(4) Ignores Armour saves

Daemon Flies: At the start of each of your Magic

Bloab has truly repented of his former sins, taking
phases, before rolling for the Winds of Magic, every
great pains to overcome sterility wherever he finds
enemy unit within 6" of Bloab Rotspawned suffers D6
it. So tireless has Bloab been in the propagation of Strength 3 hits with the Magical Attacks special rule.
his master's diseases that, after introducing the
contagion known as the Black Blossoms to the Tong MAGIC ITEMS:
tribe, he awoke one morning to find a giant pox Doombells (Arcane Item)
maggoth looming over him. The long-limbed The bearer gains +1 to all of his casting results. Enemy
creature had sought him out not with intent to maul Wizards within 12" of the bearer suffers -1 to all of
and destroy, but to befriend. Once Bloab had their casting results.

Enemy of Sterility
The young warrior known as Morbidex Fireborn vowed to take his revenge. His shamans were
had a troubled birth, heaved from his mother's horrified at the very idea, but Fireborn insisted.
womb even as his parents' village was being burnt He made preparations for a great voyage, and set
down around their ears. Badly disfigured by the out for the Realm of Chaos in search of aid from
flames, Morbidex's fearsome appearance Tzeentch's greatest rival – Grandfather Nurgle.
impressed all who saw it. Yet it was his skill at
arms that saw him rise to chieftain of his nomadic Further and further north went Morbidex,
tribe, for Morbidex was a merciless fighter with a climbing through snowdrifts and hauling himself
will of iron. up mountains in his ceaseless pilgrimage. The
landscape around him became stranger the further
Morbidex had been brought up as a devout north the chieftain went. Caves became glistening
worshipper of the Dark Gods, and had listened mouths, cliff faces folded in on themselves over
well to his shamans. During their nightly tutelage and over again, skies screamed and withered trees
he learned that the great god Tzeentch was clutched at Morbidex as he battled past. Yet not
associated with the flames of change. The young for one moment did he entertain the notion of
chieftain grew to believe that it was the Great retreat.
Architect that had scarred him as a baby, and
In the end, the Garden of Nurgle came to
Morbidex. The aethyric winds were blowing
strong that year, and the Realm of Chaos spilled
out into reality, consuming the lands in a tide of
unreality. Unholy vegetation spread rapidly across
glacier and ice floe alike, fungi sprouted and
spores choked the air until the world became ever
more similar to the fecund paradise of the Lord of
Decay. Morbidex was climbing the sheer side of
Icehorn Peak with only a pair of sharp axes when
this wave of strangeness washed over him. As he
hung precariously from the mountainside, an
avalanche descended upon him – not of snow and
ice, but of giggling, excited nurglings. The
nurgling avalanche took Morbidex with it all the
way to the bottom of the mountain, each of the
portly little daemons squealing in delight around
the chieftain as they tumbled into the mortal
realm. The chieftain cried out too, but not in joy,
for he feared he was being carried to his death.

Buried alive by countless tonnes of suppurating,

daemonic flesh, Morbidex lost consciousness.
When he recovered he was swimming in a pitch-
dark morass of diseased liquids and squishy,
bloated bodies. He did not know which way was
up and which was down, and his breath came in
ragged gasps, each foul mouthful carrying a
throat-searing stink. He tried to dig his way
through the mass, flailing and thrashing as the
nurglings around him tittered and wriggled,
occasionally tickling him or poking tiny holes in
his flesh.

The boldest of the nurglings, introducing himself

as Little Bubo, slipped and squirted his way

through the living quagmire to Morbidex's side. squelching, farting pile of the creatures to their
He asked the chieftain a child's riddle, and though caves beneath Icehorn Peak, where he introduced
Fireborn sullenly ignored it at first, eventually he himself as Morbidex Twiceborn. Recognising a
gave the answer – it was a riddle he himself had kindred spirit, Orghotts Daemonspew offered
told as a child. Little Bubo burrowed down and Morbidex the position of jarl in his tribe –
yanked hard at Morbidex's belt, but he was little provided, that is, he could conquer a beast of
stronger than an infant, and achieved nothing. greater size than a mere nurgling. Incensed,
Next to speak was Bull Boil, a comparatively Morbidex set off for the Eternal Lagoon in search
brawny nurgling with a steer's horns. He asked the of a pox maggoth much like the one that Orghotts
trapped chieftain a riddle of his own, and after himself rode.
long thought, Morbidex gave the correct answer to
this conundrum too. Bull Boil shouldered his way He found one soon enough; a giant drooling fiend
to Morbidex's feet and pushed upwards with all with a triple tongue protruding from its mouth.
his inconsiderable might. Over and over again this The chieftain ducked and rolled out from the
strange test was undertaken, each of the bravest maggoth's powerful swings, and though his
nurglings asking his own riddle. Those to whom nurglings distracted and confused the beast,
Morbidex gave the right answer would aid him, whenever Morbidex's scythe lopped off a limb or
pushing and pulling as the chieftain struggled to a tongue it would swiftly grow back. The
get free. Though they were individually weak, rampaging maggoth swallowed dozens of
when a dozen Nurglings strove to help, their aid Morbidex's daemon-mites whole, and for a while
finally paid off. Slowly, inch by painstaking inch, the chieftain feared for his life. However, the pox
Fireborn managed to climb through the morass. maggoth's unholy appetite proved its downfall.
The nurglings inside the maggoth frolicked in its
There was a price to be paid, of course, as there stomach acids, giggling and splashing even as
always is when dealing with daemons. Those they dissolved. Blending their essence with the
nurglings to whom Morbidex gave the wrong beast's, they mingled their minds with that of their
answer would laugh evilly and touch a part of his devourer until it too became a devoted followeil
anatomy with their spindly fingers. Mere of the Twiceborn. Morbidex rode the beast back
moments later, that part of Morbidex would to Orghotts, taking his place at Daemonspew's
change to echo the form of the daemon-mite that right hand.
had touched it. When the chieftain failed to
answer Wobblegut's riddle he felt his belly M WS BS S T W I A Ld
distending to become a pallid boulder of Morbidex Twiceborn - 7 3 5 6 3 4 4 8
suppurating fat. When Slitherlimb's question went Tripletongue 6 3 3 6 6 6 1 4 -
unanswered, Morbidex found a tentacle sprouting
POINTS: 410.
painfully from his left elbow. Last of all was the
question posed by Grinling, a nurgling who had
TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).
suckled at Nurgle's own blistered teat. The riddle
was simple in nature – what were a man's desires MOUNT: Tripletongue.
next to those of a god? By this point Morbidex
was at his wits' end. His head swimming, he EQUIPMENT: Great weapon, medium armour.
roared in frustration and caught the nurgling in his
hands, squashing it until it popped like an overripe MUTATIONS: Nurgle's Rot.
pimple. He found his maddened shout change to a
contralto yelp, then to a high pitched giggle as his SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Mark of
face changed to that of the Nurgling he had just Nurgle (included in profile), Regeneration (4+),
destroyed. Ward save (6+), Will of Chaos.

Morbidex fought through the pain of his Lord of Nurglings: All friendly Nurgling units (see
transformations, bursting up from the nurgling- Daemons of Chaos) within 12" of Morbidex
tide like a zombie clawing out from the grave. The Twiceborn have the Regeneration (4+) special rule.
daemon-mites, impressed by the tenacity of the
champion in their midst, cheered in unison as Tripletongue: Morbidex Twiceborn can make a
Morbidex threw back his newly-horned head and shooting attack using the following profile.
laughed manically at the shimmering skies.
Range: Strength: Special Rules:
Morbidex has been followed by hundreds of 6" 6 Poisoned Attacks,
jubilant nurglings ever since. He was borne on a Quick To Fire

The Lord of Tentacles, Master of the Plague Fleets
Gutrot Spume is the lord of the Dragonbone tribe and from his foolhardy quest. Yet Grandfather Nurgle was
the commander of the greatest plague fleet in the north. feeling even more generous than usual, and though his
A proud warrior whose towering arrogance often leads rival gods turned away in disinterest at Spume's failure,
him into battles against overwhelming odds, Spume the Lord of Decay saw fit to reward him for his
has risen from the ashes of former failure to reclaim his bravery. When Gutrot finally surfaced, his body had
position as one of the pre-eminent warlords of his age. changed beyond recognition. His left side had merged
with the kraken-spawn that had taken his arm, and his
The love of the sea runs in Spume's veins. As a youth, entire flank bristled with tentacles that writhed with a
he earned his name from his habit of plunging into the mind of their own. His gut had swollen to twice its
Sea of Claws with nothing but a knife. He spent more original bulk, and his skin was the ghostly white of an
and more time underwater, slaying the eater-fish and undersea beast. Spume climbed aboard his flagship
swordsharks that roamed the fjords and dragging their once more, not as the jarl of a Norscan tribe, but reborn
corpses back to his tribe. His ability as a warrior and a as the Lord of Tentacles.
provider did not go unnoticed, and Spume soon became
the jarl of the Dragonbone tribe. It was not long before Spume marshalled his armada
once more, this time intending to sack the coastal
Gutrot was not seeking to impress his fellow humans, settlements of the Empire. Word spread of his powers,
however, but the gods above. Spume dived time and for those who opposed him quickly sickened and died,
time again into the Sea of Claws. Whilst his or were found drowned inexplicably in the night. By
contemporaries hunted spawn, trolls and the spring equinox Spume's fleet of ramshackle vessels
slaughterbrutes on the tundra of his homeland, Spume was plunging through the waves of the Sea of Claws
sunk his knife into kharibdyss, sea serpent and towards the coast of Nordland. Ten thousand men and
merwyrm alike. When Spume heard tell of a gigantic more were held within the hulls of the algae-caked
rot-kraken that was haunting the coast of the Bile ships, marauding tribesmen and armoured killers in
Lands, he made haste to hunt it down. The lunatic equal number. This time they would carve their
ambition of his plan saw his expedition amassing a destinies from the soft flesh of southerners.
flotilla of Norscan wolf ships, each filled with
tribesmen eager to turn the seas red with the blood of Gutrot Spume's fleet reached the Nordland coast all but
monsters. intact, braving the cannon fire of its fjord-forts only to
find the beach packed with rank upon rank of Empire
Though it took Spume several months of battling not state troops. Above them, commanders in elaborate
only the deadly beasts of the Sea of Claws but also the helms flew on pegasus and griffon, bawling down
elf fleets that sought to stop them, his shattered fleet
eventually found the oily slicks of diseased fluids that
were said to follow the rot-kraken's passage. Wasting
no time, Spume stripped to the waist and dived deep
into the waters. He followed the noisome stream of
secretions that he reasoned led to the kraken's lair,
swimming ever deeper until he glimpsed a tentacled
shadow of immense size writhing in the depths.

His confidence brimming, Spume swam down and

buried his blade in the thick fat that protected the
kraken's skull. A series of low subsonic shivers
pounded through the water, their tempo sounding
uncomfortably like booming laughter. Too late, Spume
saw smaller tentacle beasts converging upon him. Each
of the pallid things was no larger than a hound, though
they attacked in such number that he soon found
himself fighting for his life. Rubbery white tentacles
slapped and grabbed, razored beaks bit into his flesh.
One of the creatures swallowed Spume's left arm

Realising that he had seconds left at most, the jarl

fought his way free, his legs scissoring as he reached
desperately for the surface. He did not expect to
survive, just as his men did not expect him to return

orders for their men to hold. Amongst their number of a rot-kraken, though no living creature can (or wants
was Karl Franz himself, for the Empire knew well of to) verify the tale. Writhing tentacles lash nearby
the Norscan love of spring raids, and word of the vessels with a sentience of their own, with the power to
approaching fleet had travelled fast. crush a greatship. Spume’s plague fleets now dominate
the Sea of Claws. As one of the mightiest armadas to
The invading fleet sailed at full speed into the bay, ever sail the world, it won’t be long before Spume sets
bellowing hordes leaping over shield-studded gunwales his sights on the Empire and revenge. When the plague
and thundering out into the shallows. In a matter of fleet heads south, the Empire will burn.
minutes battle had been joined, Spume at the forefront
as the killing began. The warlord shouted a challenge M WS BS S T W I A Ld
to the Emperor high above, but instead of fighting him, Gutrot Spume 4 8 3 5 6 4 5 5 9
the griffon rider turned his steed around and fled.
Spume was still laughing when the southern ruler POINTS: 270.
returned a few hours later. His mirth soon faded when
the pale-skinned Ice Queen that now shared his saddle TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).
cast a great spell that froze the waters of the bay,
trapping the vast majority of his men up to the knees EQUIPMENT: Great weapon, medium armour.
with it. With the Norscan hordes trapped in the frozen
waves, the state troops of the south redoubled their
attack, finding it easy to kill Spume's warriors one by
MUTATIONS: Nurgle's Rot.
one with longspear and halberd. Gutrot fought hard but
eventually admitted defeat, skidding back along the SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Mark of
thick ice to his flagship and sailing back to the Nurgle (included in profile) , Will of Chaos.
Dragonbone tribe to lick his wounds. Over the years
that followed, he rebuilt his armies and his fleet, At Home on Land or Sea: Gutrot Spume and any unit
swearing a solemn oath that should he find a chance to he is with gains the Aquatic special rule.
wreak his revenge, he would seize it without hesitation.
Flailing Tentacles: Immediately before Gutrot Spume
It’s rumoured his flagship, a gargantuan vessel named attacks in the Close Combat phase, roll a D3 and add
the Rotten Beast, is built around the half-dead carcass the result to the Attacks characteristic on his profile.

Champion of Nurgle
The Kurgan warrior known as Kayzk has given much M WS BS S T W I A Ld
in the service of his god, Nurgle the Lord of Decay. He Kayzk the Befouled 4 7 3 5 5 2 4 4 8
has given his flesh, which is now a rotting, pestilent Rotbeast of Nurgle 7 3 0 4 4 3 2 2 6
mass, robbed of form and feeling. He has given his
voice, for his vocal cords are no more than an open POINTS: 280.
wound, and he long ago gave his soul to be the Plague
Father's trinket. Kayzk stands as a living (if it can be TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Cavalry (Special
called such) testament to the full horrors of Nurgle's Character, Hero).
blessings, earning him the epithet 'the befouled' by
those of the Plague-God's bleak faith. MOUNT: Rot Beast of Nurgle.
A mighty champion in his own right, Kayzk came to EQUIPMENT: Full plate armour.
command his own warband of Kurgan horsemen, who
followed his path of decay and became known as the
Plague Knights for the foetid, half-Daemon beasts they
SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Fear, Mark
rode into battle –vile, mutilated creatures whose of Nurgle (included in profile), Poisoned Attacks,
cancerous flesh rapidly wept pus over any wounds they Regeneration (5+), Will of Chaos.
sustained, suturing them shut. Kayzk the Befouled was
one of the first to flock to Tamurkhan's banner, joining Corrupted Flesh: Kayzk's ravaged flesh is a rotting
with the Maggot Lord in the Chaos Wastes and mockery, little more than a roughly human-shaped bag
sweeping down through the lands of the Kurgan at his of putrescence and corruption which feels neither pain
side, serving as Tamurkhan's chief lieutenant and nor hurt. This grants him phenomenal resistance to
master of his mounted troops. During the Battle of the injury meaning that Kayzk must be all but hacked apart
Black Pit, Kayzk is said to have fallen, not to the shot before he can be stopped.
or sword of the Empire defenders, but in Drazhoath's
sorcerous fires as he led the ill-judged attack on the All attacks (except those with the Flaming Attacks
slave encampment to secure fresh sacrifices for his special rule) suffer -1 To Wound Kayzk the Befouled.
master's dark rites.
Plague Knights: Plague Knights is a name given to the
mounted elite from amongst the Chaos warriors whose
patron is Nurgle. They are infected with all manner of
crippling diseases and are motivated by a strange morbid
energy. This enables them to survive blows which might
otherwise slay another Chaos Knight. Their originally
splendid wargear, coats of arms and banners have
become tattered and dirty like the rags of lepers. Their
silk and fur cloaks hang from their shoulders like the
shrouds of a corpse. Many Knights bear their
disfigurements openly and are quite proud of their bloody
sores and discoloured skin. Others cover their shrivelled
limbs and leprous faces with bandages. Some hide their
faces behind bizarre carnival masks with absurdly
grinning or grimacing faces. All Plague Knights ride
Rotbeasts because their crippling diseases make it hard if
not impossible for them to move about unaided. Fat flies
swarm about them, crawling in and out of their robes, and
where their Rotbeasts’ feet tread the soil, maggots and
worms spill up from the loam. They are often
accompanied by a Nurgling which perches on their saddle
or shoulder, or which hangs to their horse harness,
gurgling delightedly as the Knight charges into the
carnage of battle.

If Kayzk is included in your army, you may upgrade

one unit of Chaos Knights with the Mark of Nurgle to
Plague Knights for +24 points per model. Plague
Knights ride Rotbeasts of Nurgle and are Monstrous
Cavalry. In addition, they have the Regeneration (5+)
special rule.

Over two hundred years ago, the name of Valnir world with rare fervour and was determined to
the Reaper was feared throughout the lands of impose his misery upon all the lands of men. But
Kislev and the Empire. As a great warrior in the nothing the gaunt-faced chieftain could do,
Tribe of the Crow, he took the path over the however terrible or cruel, seemed enough.
Mountains of Dusk to the Realm of Chaos and
became a Chaos Warrior and then, in time, a Valnir's desperation grew as it became ever more
feared and mighty Champion of Chaos. apparent to him that nothing would sate the
terrible bitterness within his heart. The sheer
In his region far to the cold north, it is said that hopelessness of his state came to him one day
none were a match for Valnir in battle. His when he and his warriors prepared to descend
strength of sinew and skill at arms were such that upon an enemy village. With tears of frustration
he was considered by many an equal to even the glistening within his otherwise dead eyes, Valnir
warriors of the Great Warhound. Yet while his declared to his men that he cared not for the thrill
tribe cheered his many victories and watched him or rush of battle, nor the expansion of his lands or
rise to become their undisputed leader and the dubious joys of taking slaves. All he wished
warchief, Valnir himself felt no joy. He took no from war was to show the world what it meant to
pride in his actions or appearance, nor did he revel suffer as he did, and no action or torture he could
in the luxuries that his small empire of conquered conceive of came close to doing that.
lands could bestow. Why this might have been,
none of the legends say, but all agree that Valnir Valnir's men were astounded, and were made
was ever grim of visage and heavy of heart. more so when Valnir declared that he would fight
Indeed, it was said amongst his people that if no more battles until he had found a way to hold a
Valnir's misery were to flow as a river from his mirror up to the world that would show it the
mouth, then it would cover all the lands of the futility of its endeavours and the truth of despair.
north with its bitter waters. Yet, despite Valnir's Without further word, Valnir left them.
obvious despair, he was not apathetic or defeatist.
Though no one could say why, Valnir hated the North he walked, and further yet, the flickering
lights of the Chaos Wastes acting as his compass.
His misery knew no bounds, and yet his
resentment of the world at large drove him ever
onward. Once beyond the ountains and fjords of
the Vargs, Valnir contind north across the pack
ice towards the land of the Kvelligs and the
Aghols. Onward he walked, past the lands of the
nomads and on to the hinterlands of the Chaos
Wastes. He came upon a wide plain that echoed
with the baying of bounds. Any lesser man would
have been unmanned by fear at the terrible sound,
but Valnir did not care. Death was no threat for
one who hated life. He strode on without
hesitation, and when the great hounds of that plain
came for him he faced them with stoic
determination. Huge they were, standing some
four feet at the shoulder, with dagger-like teeth
and slashing claws. Sword in hand, Valnir
smashed them to the ground, never once breaking
his stride.

Again and again they came against him, and again

and again he cut them from his path. Eventually
Valnir entered the foothills beyond the plains of
hounds, and the attacks dwindled, and then
stopped. Yet the gaunt warrior had not escaped
unscathed. His arms, face and legs were crossed
with lacerations and tears, and it was clear from

their growing heat that they contained infection. decay, or die in the attempt. On the very edge of
Still, Valnir did not care. He pushed northwards madness, Valnir came across a vast, rotting tree.
and up into the mountains. On every branch there hung a strange three-orbed
fruit, slimy with corruption and crawling with
Amongst the icy peaks, Valnir fought the great maggots. Around the base of the tree, twisted
blood eagles, huge winged creatures with the eyes among the roots, were the corpses of dozens of
and claws of giant cats. He survived landslides, dead creatures and men, each in different stages of
earthquakes and the eruptions of volcanoes, until decay.
eventually he reached the mountain's highest point
and descended down the other side towards the As he stepped closer, Valnir felt an overwhelming
great ice sheets that bridged the Mortal Realms to feeling of despair flood over him, drowning his
the warped horror of the Chaos Wastes. bitterness and robbing him of all determination. It
was a feeling that not even he, normally so used to
Monsters of unspeakable horror lay waiting in the suffering and stoic in his misery, could tolerate.
depths below the ice, bursting up in an effort to Here at last was the clarity he had sought. He
drag Valnir down to a watery grave. But Valnir stumbled to his knees amidst the decay and rot,
avoided them. A biting chill blew from the north, his body slumping forward to lie atop the pile of
numbing Valnir's mind and wearing down his torn carcasses before him. Valnir embraced defeat at
and scarred body. But still Valnir struggled on. last, but instead of giving up his life, Valnir
The magic saturated air glittered with illusions prayed to this fountain of despair, asking for the
and false visions – more than enough to lure the right to spread its truth throughout all the mortal
unwary or careless to their doom. But still Valnir lands.
prevailed, until eventually he stepped onto the
barren rock that marked the border into the Chaos He had passed his final test. Nielglen himself was
Wastes. the estuary from which all fear and misery flowed,
and he required that his servants submit only to
him, while desiring to spread his word across the

None can know what divine and daemonic

process transfigured Valnir. It is enough to say
that Nielglen chose to bestow his blessing upon
Valnir, making him the Reaper, the gatherer of
souls, whose task it was to spread fear and disease
in the name of the God of Despair. He granted
Valnir a daemonic weapon of great potency, a
Many warriors and barbarians had stood in his flail that could take souls as easily as it could take
way along that journey, and many fell creatures lives. Great was the number of innocents
too, but none could match the horrors that awaited harvested by Valnir the Reaper.
him within the Wastes. Monsters and shapeless
chaos spawn lay ahead of him, and he knew that Long and terrible was Valnir's service to his god,
the countless warbands of Chaos's greatest and horrific indeed was the suffering he inflicted
champions were said to roam there. Yet Valnir in his master's name. When the Great Chaos War
would not turn back. The earth itself writhed and came, Valnir answered the call to arms like so
warped around him, creating deadfalls and many other champions of Chaos. He fought for
chasms, or else volcanoes that would suddenly his patron at the siege of Praag, and the titanic
rise from the ground, covering the land with lava battle for the Gates of Kislev. In the final
and ash. Sickened by the noxious fumes that cataclysmic melee, Valnir charged the Tsar of
breathed out from the scarred earth, and with his Kislev, but was cut down and mortally wounded.
wounds swelling with filth and pus, Valnir began Yet, indomitable as ever, somehow Valnir
to hear voices inside his head, each telling him to managed to stagger away from the battlefield. His
give up and submit, or else swear himself to one followers carried his body back to their lands, as
of the Lords of Chaos. But Valnir refused to was his final wish. Here was built a great stone
submit or seek aid. He would finish his quest throne from where Valnir could survey his
alone, just as he had started it. ancestral lands. But Valnir possessed the infernal
vitality of his master and, though the years rolled
Onward he staggered, towards the great teeth of by, Valnir's body did not decompose completely –
the Chaos Realm. He would reach the heart of it seemed to regenerate just as much as it rotted.

Thus it remained for over two hundred years. But TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).
over the years the black wind from the Realm of
Chaos grew stronger, and one day Valnir's rotted, EQUIPMENT: Heavy armour.
skeletal form lurched to its feet. Thus Valnir stood
tall once more, not dead, not alive, but a daemonic SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Fear, Hatred,
creature sustained by the power of Nurgle, the god Immunity (Psychology), Mark of Nurgle (included in
of pestilence. His soul had returned to its carcass. profile), Regeneration (4+), Will of Chaos.
Valnir the Reaper stalked the land once more. The
tribesmen of the Crow fell to their knees when Wind of Pestilence: Where Valnir walks, disease
they saw him, and worshiped him as a demi-god. and death follows.
To them he was living proof that the lord of
Pestilence was with them, and the southern lands At the start of each round of close combat, all
will pay dearly for their victory at Kislev. enemy units in base contact Valnir get infected by
the deadly contagion of Valnir. Roll a D6 to see
Valnir was awakened by Nurgle for a reason. The which ailment the unit(s) suffers.
Reaper's work was not yet done. Although the
power of the lord of Pestilence grew ever greater, D6 Result
Nurgle was not satisfied. He remembered his 1-3 The Red Plague. The horrifying disease
champion who had sent so many souls to him. of the north wipes out men like a scythe
Now he would continue to do so. cuts wheat.
The unit suffers D6 Strength 3 hits which
Ignores Armour saves.

4-5 Brain Fever. As their brains become

infested with worms and a burning fever,
the victims become insane and weak-
The unit suffers -2 to their Leadership
Only Valnir and his patron know how many souls until the start of the next round.
he must gather before he can rest again. In the
passage of time Valnir has come to hate all living 6 Black Rot. The flesh of the victims of the
beings because they stubbornly hold on to their Black Rot turns dark, their hair falls out
souls and do not surrender them to his lord and their skin becomes a leprous,
Nurgle. His flesh has rotted almost completely putrefied mess.
away. His Chaos armour is a shattered ruin. All the members of the unit suffer a -1
Maggots writhe in his eye sockets. His entrails Toughness penalty until the start of the
ooze through the gaps in his armour. Yet a next round.
terrifying strength lives on in his skeletal frame.
His grip is like iron, and no foe struck by his MAGIC ITEMS:
terrible flail ever recovers. The more he slays, the Gatherer of Souls (Magic Weapon)
greater his vitality grows. His body has been The Gatherer of Souls is a massive rusted flail,
crushed in battle many times, yet he has always charged with the corpulent power of Nurgle. Its
risen again, ever eager to slay more and leave blows do not only kill, they consume the souls of
their rotting carcasses empty of their essence, their its victims as well. Much of this stolen energy is
souls sent screaming to the realm of Nurgle. passed to Lord Nurgle, but it also strengthens
Valnir, making him stronger and faster in his task
Where Valnir walks, plague and pestilence follow. of collecting souls.
Wells and fountains dry up and rivers and streams
turn foul. Animals become rabid and men sicken Flail. For every unsaved Wound caused by Valnir
and die. Many-times has Valnir won a battle in close combat, he may increase his Attacks or
before it has started, his fanatic Marauders cutting Strength by 1 in the next round of close combat.
swathes through an army of stricken and diseased
men, weakened by the onslaught of the Breath of
"Let the air turn stale and fetid, let the flies gather
M WS BS S T W I A Ld like clouds. Let us worship the master of the
Valnir the Reaper 4 8 3 5 6 3 5 5 9 plague, Nurgle! Nurgle! Nurgle!"
Nurgle cult incantation
POINTS: 315.

Champion of Nurgle
The name Feytor the Tainted is spoken in whispers around plague carriers, that their sickness was not in any way
the campfires of the hardy people dwelling in the northern debilitating. Indeed, Feytor had found that his sickly flesh
icelands of Norsca. The name is greatly feared, for it is said was now increasingly resistant to cold and pain.
that Plague and Pestilence stalk at his side. Fanatically
devoted to Nurgle, Feytor has lived far longer than his After being run out of countless villages and towns
allotted human lifespan. Leading his powerful warband, the unsympathetic to their plight. Feytor eventually led his family
Decayed Ones, Feytor continues to impress his god, who in to a cave at the base of the Grey Mountains to the west of the
turn blesses him with the power necessary to overcome his Empire. Game was plentiful, providing Feytor and his family
foes. with food and furs. For a time, the family was happy, though
a deep seed of resentment had been planted in Feytor. At
Born into a poor farming family in a small rural community dusk one day after hunting. Feytor was returning to the cave
in the northwest of the Empire. Feytor was the eldest son of with his kill over his shoulder only to find hoof prints in the
his widowed mother. The general day to day running of the snow. Dropping the deer in the snow, he raced after the
farm fell to him, despite being not yet out of his teenage tracks, which led directly to his family. With horror, he raced
years. Life was hard for the family, and when a particularly into the clearing before the cave entrance to find the burnt
harsh winter struck, they were left near starving. Snow had husks of his brothers, sisters and mother tied to blackened
lain on the ground for nearly six months, and countless stakes. Smoking ash was all that was left of what must have
people had perished in the freezing conditions. Entire villages been a mighty pile of wood spread at the base of the stakes. A
and towns starved to death, for food was scarce. The previous group of men stood watching the grisly scene, scarves tied
year's crop had been poor, and the people relied on food over their facts. Blind with rage. Feytor raced into the midst
supplies coming from other areas of the Empire, but often the of them, striking out with his large hunting knife, plunging it
way was blocked by the poor weather conditions. When the deep into the neck of the first man. The others turned in
caravans did get through, the food was often spoiled, and surprise, their eyes filled with horror. One of them barked an
there was never enough to go around. Banditry became order to kill the plague-carrier. Fury coursing through his
increasingly common, as people became desperate for food veins, Feytor laid around him with his meaty fists, ignoring
and warmth. Tribes of savages from the north descended on the blows of the swords that tore at his flesh. One by one, he
the hapless villages, burning, killing and looting. In this time struck the men down, killing the final one by pummelling his
of extreme hardship, a new terror struck the already head into a rock. Tears blurred his vision as his anger wore
disheartened people; plague. off, and he sank into the snow, burying his head in his hands.

This plague was fast acting and deadly, and it consumed When he came to his senses, he felt drained, as if some force
entire village populations in days. They died in agonizing of energy that he had been temporarily granted was wearing
torment: their bodies bloating out of all proportion and great off. He surveyed the bloody scene, with his burnt family
welts and boils bursting all over their flesh. So fearful were surrounded by the bodies of their murderers – soldiers of the
the people of this contagion that, when one of Feytor's Empire wearing the yellow and crimson tabard of Ostermark.
younger siblings began to show the early symptoms, all the Their bodies were bloated and open sores had burst over their
neighbouring families immediately abandoned their lands and skin, though Feytor took no notice of this. He felt like there
began the long trek to Wolfenburg, where they hoped to find was nothing to live for now, and he knew that he would be
solace. Refusing to leave their family land. Feytor and his hunted as long as he lived. Nevertheless, he rose to his feet
family cared for the sick child as best they could, resigned to and set off to the north, for no better reason than it seemed
the fact that the foul seed of plague was already within them. the right thing to do. Soldiers dogged his tracks, but after
almost a month of pursuit they lost his trail. They never
Feytor prayed devoutly for deliverance from the terrible returned to their homeland. Feytor disappeared from the
disease, his pleas directed towards any deity who would Empire history books, living on only as a story told around
listen. To the astonishment of the family, his prayers seemed the fireplace on cold and dark nights.
to be heard, for the boy did not perish. Feytor's brother soon
recovered enough to be able to walk, though his skin was still In the sagas of the northern barbarian tribes of the Norse,
bloated and discoloured. Feytor also bore the mark of his first however, they tell of a sickly man coming into their land,
taste of disease, for his hair had begun to fall out in chunks, pursued by many of the weak southerners. Intrigued. the
his skin became a sickly pallid colour, and dark circles Norsemen drew off the pursuit, leaving the sickly one alone.
surrounded his eyes. Nevertheless, the family lived, and they Unsure as to what his coming meant, but having seen it in a
said silent words of thanks to whichever deity had come to vision gifted by the gods, the Chieftain of the Wolf Brothers
their aid. tribe watched the stranger. They followed him as he entered
their tribal lands, and as he took up residence in a rough cave.
However, the family soon came under the scrutiny of the The stranger had shrugged off terrible wounds inflicted by
local people who had begun to move back to their lands. those who had pursued him, and the Wolf Brothers were
Seeing Feytor's sickly appearance, the ignorant farmers impressed with his resilience. After several weeks, the tribe
scorned the family, whispering darkly about him and his kin decided to approach him. The Norse recount the meeting of
and refusing to conduct trade with them for fear of catching the Wolf Brothers and the stranger in their histories, for this
disease. Quickly, the family were desperate with hunger and meeting had a considerable impact on these hardy people.
cold and were forced to leave their home. On the road, After his coming, many of their people turned towards the
travellers steered clear of them, and Feytor's frustration and worship of Father Nurgle, and a number of mighty
anger increased as he watched his family grow weaker. Champions of Nurgle rose, bringing glory and pride to the
Nobody gave him a chance to explain that they were not Wolf Brothers.

The Wolf Brothers eventually embraced Feytor after he Those who encountered them knew Feytor's followers as the
bested one of their strongest in bare-fist fighting, and he then Decayed Ones, and they embraced the name, forsaking the
joined their tribe. It was through the guidance of the tribe's name of Wolf Brothers. Their reputation was grim, and they
Shaman that Feytor came to realize that it was indeed Nurgle thrived off the fear that they instilled in their enemies. Many
himself who had protected him and his family from the of the original members of Feytor's Decayed Ones lived still,
plague, and it was this same divine being who had filled him though their wolf pelts and leather were replaced with
with the strength with which to avenge his family's killers. powerful and heavy armour that molded to their festering
Learning all that he could of his patron deity, Feytor began to bodies. They spread dread in their opponents' hearts, ignoring
worship his protective god in earnest. dire wounds and advancing relentlessly. They sought out the
most fearsome warbands roaming the Chaos Wastes and met
Several years after being welcomed by the Wolf Brothers. them in battle under the roiling skies. Always, the Decayed
Feytor began to push for the tribe to begin to expand, so that Ones left a single survivor, hideously infected with disease,
it would be strong enough to begin raiding the northern their legacy, who would spread the word of plague in his own
Empire and lands of Kislev. Their chieftain, Svolos Wolf, manner.
rejected his wishes, and the rotten seed of resentment began
to grow within Feytor. Eventually he challenged Svolos, and Seeing the mighty twin-tailed comet pass through the sky
the two met in unarmed combat. Svolos was a tall, broad above, a waking vision came over Feytor. Many had been the
shouldered veteran warrior who had fought off many others times when Father Nurgle had thrust such visions into
who had tried to take his position. He struck Feytor with Feytor's head, and the advice given had always ensured
mighty blows that sent his head reeling backwards, but mighty victories and glory for Feytor. This vision directed
Feytor merely grinned and waded through the heavy punches. him to travel to the Mountains, where he would meet the
Ignoring blows that would have incapacitated a lesser man, great Uniter, Archaon, and join him. Excitement filled
he bore Svolos to the ground, and rained a flurry of blows Feytor, for he knew that the time of his vengeance on the
into the warrior as the Wolf Brothers watched on in silence. Empire had come...
Fists bloody, Feytor eventually rose from the now motionless
body and claimed leadership over the tribe. M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Feytor 4 8 3 5 6 3 5 5 9
Feytor began to approach the neighbouring tribes,
proclaiming to them that he carried the word of Nurgle, and
that they must join him. When the tribes refused to swear POINTS: 270.
allegiance to him, disease and pestilence began to appear
within the tribesmen, striking down strong warriors and TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).
children with equal ferocity. Again Feytor approached the
tribesmen, telling them to forsake the worship of their own EQUIPMENT: Full plate armour.
gods for the benevolent love of Nurgle, and the tribe would
he saved. In this manner. Feytor's warband grew quickly as
more and more neighbouring tribes swore kinship to him. SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Mark of
Nurgle (included in profile), Will of Chaos.
The following decade saw Feytor rapidly grow in power and
influence. His body became increasingly strong, and he was MUTATIONS: Nurgle's Rot.
now almost immune to pain. The devotion of his followers,
most of whom had taken Feytor's lead and begun to worship
the Lord of Decay, ensured that they, too, became a fearsome
force, terrifying their foes with their deathly appearance and Filth Mace (Magic Weapon)
unholy resilience. A sickly cloud of yellow fog and the This rusted mace oozes pus and slime and drips with Nurgle's
buzzing of flies followed their advance, and few could stand choicest plagues and bears a dark enchantment that ensnares
against them without fear filling their hearts. Feeling in his the souls of those crushed beneath its filth-encrusted mass.
now twisted soul that the time of ultimate vengeance against The captured soul is bound to the weapon, and can be seen
the Empire would soon come, Feytor continued to expand his writhing in eternal agony. The screams of these spirits are
realm and spread the good word of Father Nurgle. deafening and fearsome in equal measure, but they are as
nothing compared to the terror caused when a fresh soul is
bound to the mace, fuelling an epidemic growth of new
disease: the wails turn into phlegm-choked laughter and the
steady drip of pestilence becomes a weeping flood.

Close combat attacks made with the Filth Mace have the
Poisoned Attacks special rule. Once the wielder has killed an
enemy model in close combat, he immediately gains the
Terror special rule and, from the start of the next Close
Combat phase (friend or foe), all subsequent Attacks made
with the Filth Mace have the Multiple Wounds (D3) special

Necrotic Phylactery (Talisman)

Originally crafted by Ku'gath Plaguefather himself, the
Necrotic Phylactery absorbs all curses and poisons.

The model carrying the Phylactery has Immunity (Poisoned

Attacks, Lore of Death, Lore of Nurgle, Lore of Plague). In
addition, the bearer automatically passes all Characteristic
tests (except Leadership tests).

Plaguestrangler Vilestench is a champion of Plaguestrangler now commands an army which is
Nurgle who singlehandedly defeated over three storming down from the north towards the Chaos
score of High Elves in single combat. He was Dwarf city of Huzkuluk and the High Pass across
responsible for the destruction of Sjoktrakten, a the Worlds Edge Mountains into the Empire. If
city in northern Norsca in only one day. Vilestench were to reach the lands of Kislev there
Plaguestrangler has lived for over three thousand might be another plague infestation in the city of
years and has risen to fame amongst the ranks of Praag for Nurgle to gloat over the other Chaos
Chaos, having started life as a lowly cult fanatic. Gods with.

Plaguestrangler 4 8 3 5 6 3 5 5 9
Palanquin of Nurgle 4 2 0 2 - - 3 8 7

POINTS: 280.
Vilestench's most memorable feat, and the one TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Lord).
that earned him the Palanquin, was when he began
the Black Fever in the town of L'anguille. MOUNT: Palanquin of Nurgle.
Plaguestrangler sailed his Plaguefleet to
Bretonnia, some five hundred years ago, and EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, heavy armour.
passed the plague onto some local peasants and
farmers who walked to the Bretonnia port and SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic (Palanquin only),
began an epidemic of the deadly contagion. Daemon of Nurgle (Palanquin only), Eye of the Gods,
Vilestench defeated several Bretonnia armies Mark of Nurgle (included in profile), Will of Chaos.
before Nurgle decided it was time for him to leave
and return to the Realm of Chaos to collect his Noisome Stench: Plaguestrangler has not
reward. Since then Plaguestrangler Vilestench has washed since he was twelve years old and as such
commanded great respect from those who fight has attracted a rather nasty smell over the last
for him and has become a feared sight upon the few centuries. The stench is so bad that it can
battlefields of the Warhammer world. knock out opponents if Vilestench gets close

All enemy models in base contact with

Plaguestrangler must pass a Toughness test at the
start of each round of close combat. If failed, they
may not attack this round. This has no effect on
models with the Animated Construct or Daemonic
special rules.

Plague Sceptre (Enchanted Item)
The Plague Sceptre of Nurgle bears hideous
markings and its metallic surface is etched with
plague encrusted sigils on contagionic power.
Locked deep inside the sceptre is a spell of disease
and destruction.

Bound Spell, power level 5. The Plague Sceptre

contains a direct damage spell with a range of 12".
The target unit suffers D6 Strength 4 Hits which
Ignores Armour Saves. At the end of the next Magic
phase, the unit will suffer an additional D6 Hits.
Remains in Play.

The Denied One
Dechala is the mistress of the Tormentors, the greatest to become the monster Samael wanted her to be. In
of all of Slaanesh’s warbands to ever roam the Chaos anger and frustration, Dechala agreed to marry Samael
Wastes. She is as cruel as she is beautiful and as so long as he granted her the power to revenge herself
pitiless as she is beguiling. Dechala who causes the upon her hated family. Wicked joy in his heart, Samael
hearts of men to go astray. Dechala who appears in the agreed. He gave Dechala strength of arm and skill with
dreams of night and in the vision the day. Dechala who blades, and led her back to the camp of her father. In
burns and casts down with nightmares the lands and that fell night, Dechala unleashed all her wrath upon
peoples of Sigmar. Dechala, the Denied One. She has her one-time family, killing her siblings and cousins
plagued the Mortal Realms for longer than Imperial and drinking the blood of their children. Her father she
histories record. There are numerous legends about her, left until last, and he took many hours to die, screaming
although no two concur on all the details of her past. his regret and his horror into the darkness.
There are, however, twelve accounts that are
interesting in their consistency. Such was the imagination and fury of Dechala's
patricide that the Lord of Pleasure blessed her with his
Some suggest that Dechala's near-immortality is in fact mark. But as is often the way between the followers of
part of a curse laid on her as punishment for some Slaanesh, sudden jealousy began to ferment in Samael's
terrible crime long ago – although who laid the curse heart that his beloved lord had shown Dechala His
and what her crime might have been, the legends do favour. Despite this, they married, and so were they
not agree. One legend tells that Dechala was once a bound, one to the other. But Dechala had tasted the
beautiful princess of far-off Ulthuan who fell (or was painful glory and twisted passion that flowed from her
pushed) into darkness millennia before the rise of new god Slaanesh, and she became less and less
Sigmar. The legend tells that Dechala was once the content to exist in the shadow of her husband and lord,
daughter of An-Toralis, a great and mighty lord of Samael.
Nagarythe who had fought alongside Aenarion against
the hordes of Chaos so many thousands of years ago. It "I will linger below you no longer," she said at last.
is said that such was Dechala's porcelain-skinned "We are equals you and I, in as much as we are both
beauty that she drew the gaze of the daemon prince favoured by Holy Slaanesh, created to serve Him." But
Samael Silver Tongue, exalted servant of the Pleasure Samael would not listen to her, and when Dechala saw
God. Wherever Dechala fled with her family, Samael that his thoughts were turning against her, she fled
and his daemonic minions would find them. away into the Wastes of Chaos.

Samael wanted Dechala as he had wanted no other

being since his ascension to daemonhood, yet such was
the cruelty within his heart that it was not enough for
him to snatch her from her family, as indeed, he could
most surely have done. Instead, Samael wanted to drive
her family apart, fermenting fear and hatred within
their mortal hearts.

Always his demands were the same: if Dechala was

given unto him, he would leave her family in peace.
Until that time, he hounded their every footstep,
violating their homes and their minds, killing their
servants and pets in the most horrific ways, and
pushing each and every one of them closer and closer
to madness. Perhaps it was Samael's efforts that finally
broke Dechala's family, or perhaps the brutal insanity
that had emanated from Aenarion since he had drawn
the Widowmaker finally affected them too. Whatever
the case, the day came when An-Toralis struck a
bargain with Samael, and handed over his daughter to
the daemon prince.

Rather than simply abuse her and consume her soul,

Samael chose to corrupt Dechala so that her beauty and
grace would be his forevermore. Such was Dechala's
fear of Samael, and such was her bitterness towards her
father for abandoning her, that she was all too willing

Samael's anger at his wife's lack of constancy boiled bitter indeed, for no matter how many gifts she
and raged. He lashed the ground and air with fire and receives from her god, she will never join the ranks of
fury. He raised his arms in prayer to his Master. His daemons as long as Samael remains in existence.

"Sovereign Lord!" he cried. "The woman that I took for Dechala is without doubt one of the most inhuman
myself has run from me! To her I showed Your Glory, creatures to have ever hunted beneath the stars. She is
and through me she tasted Your Sweetness. Bring her mutated beyond recognition, making her a creature of
back, Darling One! Bring her back so that I might Chaos more akin to a Daemon than a mortal. Dechala
punish her, so that I might burn her with my coldest is described as beautiful, pitiless, and extraordinarily
love!" beguiling, despite the fact that she apparently bears
little resemblance now to either human or elf. The
Then Slaanesh appeared before Samael, and wrath was many blessings bestowed on her by her perverse god
in his gaze, "Make no demands of your Lord! Make no are said to have mutated her to such an extent that she
demands of Me lest I take back all that that I have appears more daemon than human.
given you and cast you from My sight." Thus rebuked,
Samael lowered his eyes from his Master. Her skin is described as smooth, white as porcelain and
without blemish. Her lower torso has been warped into
But Slaanesh loved His servant Samael and offered the shape of a lithe and sinuous serpent, and her long
him this compromise, "If Dechala agrees to return to tail ends in a scorpion's sting that whips and cracks
you of her own volition, then she is yours to do with as when she is aroused or angry. Dechala's multitudinous
you please. But should she choose to remain apart from arms grasp heavy-bladed swords, and her blue-green
you, no matter how far Dechala may rise in My favour eyes are said to burn with a wanton inner-light,
and Grace, she will never ascend to your height of promising terrible pain and boundless pleasure to all
Daemonhood as long as you yet survive." who would stand against her. She has beauty that only
Slaanesh can bestow, but it is as unearthly and
And so it was that Dechala refused to return to her disturbing as it is irresistible. Her visage evokes
husband, and was free to rise through the ranks of loathing as much as it arouses pleasure.
Slaanesh's favoured champions. Yet her freedom is

Throughout the long millennia, Dechala has missed no In battle Dechala is an enchanting sight, her snake-like
opportunity to demonstrate her total dedication as a body dancing to amuse her patron. And as delicate and
disciple of Slaanesh. Her whole existence seems to be sensuous as her movements are, they are nonetheless
based around her need to indulge her every whim, and lethal to those who dare to oppose her, and many an
be free from what she regards as the shackles of law opponent has been cut to pieces while entranced by her
and order. However, it is plain that she seeks these dance.
things only for herself, everyone else can suffer and die
for all she cares, just so long as her own desires are M WS BS S T W I A Ld
satisfied. Dechala 6 8 3 4 4 2 9 8 8

Yet death is not the worst fate of those who would POINTS: 250.
stand against her, for such is Dechala's twisted nature
that she prefers to enslave her enemies rather than kill TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Hero).
them. If the stories are to be believed, Dechala has
created one of the most potent and dangerous EQUIPMENT: Two hand weapons, medium
substances in the world, using an unholy blend of
sacrificial blood, warpstone, and the vile fluids of her
fornication. Those unlucky enough to be captured by
Dechala are forced to consume some of this hideous
SPECIAL RULES: Always Strikes First, Eye of
elixir, and from that point on they need no chains to the Gods, Mark of Slaanesh, Poisoned Attacks.
keep them from fleeing her camp. From their first sip,
Dechala's prisoners become the most desperate of Dances of Slaanesh: Even battle is a way for Dechala
addicts, as their craving for this noxious liquid renders to please her master. She dances across the battlefield
them as helpless slaves to the slightest whim of their sensuously, her blades making eerie whistling music to
cruel and lustful mistress. accompany her movements.

As can be expected of a Slaaneshi champion of her Dechala may pick one of the following dances at the
infamy, Dechala does not work alone. She has gathered start of each round of close combat, the effect of which
about her a loyal band of Slaaneshi hedonists, and lasts until the end of that turn or until a new dance is
together they have cut out one of the bloodiest and chosen. She cannot choose the same dance in two
most fearful reputations of any warband to emerge consecutive rounds of combat.
from the Chaos Wastes. Like their mistress, they revel
in perversity and vice, actively enjoying the suffering • The Praise of Slaanesh: Dechala fights with
they bring to others – hence their name, the Tak'neisen, dancing movements that enthral her enemies, and
or the "Tormentors". her twisting body becomes almost impossible to hit.

The decadence of the Tormentors is said to have sunk All successful rolls to hit against Dechala in close
to levels of depravity unknown anywhere else in the combat must be re-rolled.
world. One can only imagine the horrors inflicted upon
Dechala's slaves, as they amble around the Tormentors' • Dance of Destruction: Dechala swirls with frantic
camp, attending to the unholy desires of their masters. energy, cutting limbs and severing heads with her
Each dose of Dechala's elixir that the slaves ingest whistling blades.
induces their minds to slip further and further into a
dreadful waking nightmare, while their bodies slowly Dechala gains +1 To Hit.
warp and change. In time, I am told that their physical
shape deteriorates to such an extent that all that • Daggerdance: Dechala’s twisting blades make a
remains of these pitiful creatures is a quivering mass of wall of steel around her that no sword master can
abused flesh. Having allowed their slaves to reach this penetrate.
heinous state, the Tormentors then abandon them to the
soul-wrenching withdrawal from Dechala's elixir that Dechala gains the Parry (5+) special rule.
will be followed by a painful and lingering death.

Before the slaves reach this point of formless

damnation, they follow the Tormentors as a horde of
shambling horrors – nightmarish blasphemies against
nature that simply should not be. Those enemies that
the Tormentors do not slay for sport, or those Elixir of Damnation (Enchanted Item)
unfortunate souls that are left wounded upon the The Elixir of Damnation mutates its victim, leaving him
battlefield, will find themselves overwhelmed by a in the grip of pain and ecstasy, unable to oppose
mass of these screaming slaves, only to be held down Dechala. Her weapons and tail are coated in this
and forced to ingest some of Dechala's vile elixir. One noxious elixir.
drop is enough to damn the recipient to become yet
another slave to the lustful cruelties of the Tormentors. If an enemy models suffers an unsaved wound, they
Death may seem a welcome relief to these poor souls. cannot voluntarily move, attack or cast spells in the
next turn.

Champion of Slaanesh
Styrkaar was born into the Sortsvinaer tribe on the Bretonnia and the Empire. His peers, and even the
northern coast of Norsca. His father, Jerg Svengor, older, veteran warriors of the Sortsvinaer, followed
was a powerful warlord, and as a young boy his lead without question, for they had faith in their
Styrkaar was treated with respect due to his status. Jerg's son. Jerg Svengor's silent pride of his son
Nevertheless, no Norse warrior, no matter how began to sour, for he began to see the popularity of
important, would have a weak or spoilt son, and so Styrkaar and the loyalty that his people had for him
Styrkaar was expected to learn to hunt and fight like as a threat to his own position. His treatment of
any other tribesman. Jerg Svengor was a harsh man, Styrkaar became increasingly harsh, and this began
unpredictable and volatile, and his son often felt the to cause resentment amongst the tribe. Styrkaar
touch of his fists. quietly fuelled this grudge, though he was
painstakingly careful never to appear disloyal.
However, when Styrkaar was once beaten by
another Norse warrior, Jerg Svengor had the man Eventually, a confrontation arose between father and
whipped until his back was a bloody mess. Svengor son, during a feast celebrating the success of yet
then beat his son. for he agreed that the boy needed another of Styrkaar's raids. Jerg Svengor, his face
punishing, but wanted to make it known that it was reddened with mead, refused to join the toast raised
no one else's right to do so. for his son and stood up drunkenly from the feasting
table. Pointing at Styrkaar, he said that his son
As a baby, Styrkaar was aware of a companion would never achieve the successes that he himself
unseen by the rest of the tribe. The young Styrkaar had. As the tribesmen began to murmur
used to giggle at the antics of this being as it danced disapprovingly amongst themselves, Sle'zuzu, who
above his crib. This shadowy friend said its name spoke only rarely to Styrkaar these days, prompted
was Sle'zuzu and also told Styrkaar that he could the young warrior into action. He stood from the
never tell his friends or family about him - or he table and. with Sle'zuzu feeding him the words to
would leave. Styrkaar accepted this condition speak, calmly asked his father to raise his goblet in
without question and never for a moment thought it the toast. Outraged, Jerg Svengor swung a fist in a
strange to have Slc'zuzu as his constant companion. clumsy blow, smashing Styrkaar to the ground. A
SIe'zuzu used to whisper words and secrets to the slight smile appeared on Styrkaar's lips for a
young chieftain's son that made his life in the tribe moment as he rose from the ground and wiped a
easier. If Styrkaar was caught misbehaving, Sle'zuzu small trickle of blood from his nose.
would speak softly into his car. Prompted by his
unseen friend, the young boy would then repeat The tribesmen had all risen from their benches and
these words out loud, and often his punishment was surrounded the Jerg and his son. All was quiet, save
lessened. Slc'zuzu seemed to know exactly the right for the crackling of burning wood in the firepit, until
words for Styrkaar to say to make people pleased one voice sounded at the back of the hall, shouting
and friendly towards him. for Styrkaar to strike back. Styrkaar smiled, for he
recognized the voice of his companion. Sle'zuzu.
Styrkaar was a popular and outgoing child, who Other voices joined this one, until the entire room
made friends effortlessly and charmed adults, who rocked with the sound of people urging Styrkaar on.
were impressed with his fearless attitude and self-
confidence. He was respected by his peers, for there Jerg Svengor turned around in anger and fear,
was no favouritism in the eyes of his harsh father. searching vainly for some support but finding none.
He trained alongside the other children, learning the Enraged, he turned and swung another blow at his
ancient Norse techniques for hunting, fighting, and son. Styrkaar swayed to the side, and the punch
crewing the Norse longships that sailed the icy seas. sailed past his head. Stepping in close. Styrkaar's
In all these areas. Styrkaar excelled, impressing his elbow connected sharply with Jerg Svengor's head,
elders and making his father quietly proud. With and the large man stumbled. Following up quickly.
Sle'zuzu's prompting. Styrkaar began to realize that Styrkaar landed a heavy kick to the side of Jerg
he could use this popularity to his own advantage. Svengor's left knee, which collapsed with a
sickening crunching noise, and the older man
By the time he was in his late teens, Styrkaar had dropped. As Styrkaar stepped in to finish off his
secured himself a powerful position within the tribe father, the older Norscman grabbed Styrkaar by his
and was held in high esteem. He had grown into a leather tunic, pulling him down into a vicious head
tall and strong warrior, and had led numerous butt that broke Styrkaar's nose. Breaking free of his
successful raids against other Norse tribes, the father's iron grip, Styrkaar viciously struck Jerg
Kurgan to the north, and the coastal towns of Svengor's cars with his hands. He fell back to the

ground, blood running from his ears, his hearing lost pleasure in the pain and ecstatic torture he inflicted
forever. on others, and the rewards to be reaped after the
That night, Styrkaar became the new chieftain of the
tribe. The feasting continued for three solid days and Styrkaar's killing spree continued unabated for years
nights. When at last the celebrations ended. Styrkaar on end. In bloody combat. Styrkaar and his
lay exhausted yet exhilarated on his heavy, furred followers slaughtered many other powerful
pallet, sleeping women on either side. Sle'zuzu came warhands as they roamed the Chaos Wastes,
to him then, whispering quietly. The shadow being including Karnak and his devotees of Khorne, and
advised Styrkaar to raise an altar to Slaanesh, the the mysterious Asgeiir and his masked warriors of
Dark Prince often known amongst the Sortsvinaer as Tzeentch. In hand-to-hand combat. Stykaar slew
Shornaal. Sle'zuzu told Styrkaar that Slaanesh was Vandred the Majestic, a favored follower of
looking down upon him and had already shown Slaanesh. Upon the champion's death, his warband
favour to the young Norseman. With dreams of all dropped to their knees and cried the praises of
grandeur and excess filling his mind, Styrkaar Styrkaar.
slipped into sleep.
Whispers began to reach Styrkaar of a warrior,
During the following years. Styrkaar, revelling in the blessed by all of the gods and bearing ancient
excess of slaughter and debauchery of war, led the artefacts of wonder. The name Archaon broke
Sortsvinaer to increasingly greater and more through the haze of adoration that surrounded
ambitious raids and battles. Always as he fought, he Styrkaar, and he sat up from his bed and without a
heaped devotion onto the god Slaanesh and always thought pushed away the bodies that reclined around
he returned victorious. After one such raid. Slaanesh him. At first he was angered by the name and the
made it known that the actions of Styrkaar were awe that surrounded it. His god, the rapturous
pleasing. As the sky darkened above, the spirit of Slaanesh, let it be known that Archaon was within
Sle'zuzu was forced into Styrkaar's mind and his favour, as well as the favour of the entire
convulsing body, making the two become as one. pantheon of the gods of Chaos, and that Styrkaar
His skin began to glow unnaturally from within, as if was not to stand against him. Voices began to
a cold light burned beneath his pale flesh, and his whisper within Styrkaar's mind, and he began to
teeth lengthened into delicate fangs. For the formulate a plan.
tribesmen who followed Styrkaar unquestionably
and knew nothing of Sle'zuzu, they merely saw that Stories of the successes of Archaon continued to
their leader had become touched by the gods spread throughout the lands, and when word came of
themselves and fell to their knees in adoration and his arrival in the Sortsvinaer-controlled territory, the
wonder. tribes were excited and fearful. They knew that their
lord Styrkaar had slain his rival Slaanesh champion
As the years progressed, his fame continued to Vandred and that Vandred had been a favoured
spread across the lands of the north, and the favour companion of Archaon. Many thought that Archaon
of Slaanesh became increasingly apparent. He rode
to battle borne upon the back of a mighty Steed of
Slaanesh — the wyrm-like Daemonic creatures
beloved of the Dark Prince. Warriors came from all
over Norsca to fight alongside one so favoured by
the gods and hoped that, in doing so, they
themselves could gain a measure of Styrkaar's
greatness. The number of warriors fighting under
Styrkaar's name increased greatly, and he bathed in
the praise and devotion that were lavished upon him.

In battle, Styrkaar moved with fluid grace, and his

enemies were filled with a mixture of awe and
horror. Upon the back of his serpentine steed, he
gloried in slaughter, rampaging through the ranks of
his enemies and dealing death with every flick of his
blades. The followers of Styrkaar screamed him on,
revelling in the madness and flow of blood and
bustling to get as close as they could to his exalted
form. If any of his followers got too mar. Styrkaar
would lash out at them, and they would fall back,
ecstatic to have felt the touch of their idol. Seeking
out battle wherever he could find it, he took great

brought war to the Sortsvinaer, yet Styrkaar sat MUTATIONS: Allure of Slaanesh.
unmoving within his hall, even as he was informed
that Archaon and his Swords of Chaos approached. SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic (Daemonic Mount
only), Eye of the Gods, Mark of Slaanesh.
They rode unopposed through the villages of the
Sortsvinaer, approaching Styrkaar's hill fort. Only MAGIC ITEMS:
when Archaon stooped his powerful form to enter Blade of Ecstasy (Magic Weapon)
the hall of Styrkaar – his mere presence filling the This thin, elegant blade is engraved with thousands
air with an electric-like energy – did the Sortsvinaer of whispering red-lipped mouths and edged with the
leader stir, raising himself from his reclining pose. eyeteeth of innocents. It can bestow crippling bliss
Archaon nodded his helmeted head slightly, in with the slightest scratch.
respect to Styrkaar, who returned the gesture. With a
dismissive motion of a hand. Styrkaar waved his Each time the Blade of Ecstasy inflicts an unsaved
awe-struck attendants from the room. wound on a model, that model must pass a Strength
test or be removed from the game.

The Beguiling Gem (Talisman)

The Beguiling Gem is an intricately carved talisman.
This large gemstone, seemingly an amethyst, sits in
a gilt frame of platinum and sparkles in the light.
Carved in its setting are images of Daemonic women
seducing mortal men. When held in the hand, worn
about the neck, or pinned to the wearer’s garb, this
gemstone pulses with a pinkish hue. It’s believed the
Beguiling Gem is not a gemstone at all, but rather it
is the only tear Slaanesh ever shed, crystallised by
the Dark God’s madness. Those who gaze upon it
When the pair emerged from the hall, they could see are transfixed by its otherworldly appearance.
that many people had travelled from all over
Sortsvinaer land to witness the outcome of the All enemy models in base contact with the bearer of
meeting. As is the Sortsvinaer custom among allies, the Beguiling Gem must take a Leadership test at the
the two mighty warlords clasped each other's start of every Close Combat phase. Any model
forearms firmly, and the gathered crowd filled the which fails is transfixed and may not make any
air with their raucous cheering. What force in the attacks that round, and any attacks made against it
world could stand against the armies of these two by the bearer will hit automatically.
mighty leaders fighting together? Knowing that
when the time came for Archaon's assault on the Pendant of Slaanesh (Enchanted Item)
lands to the south, Styrkaar would be leading the This small silver pendant is wrought to look like a
Sortsvinaer tribe in an all-out assault from a serpent. Its eyes are set with amethysts. It was
different direction, Archaon left the lands of the crafted from the crystallised soul of the first human
Norse with confidence, Styrkaar had pledged to to have been seduced by Slaanesh. When worn, it
launch all the longships he had at his disposal when comes to life, burrowing deep into the owner's chest,
the time came, sailing them in a mighty assault force inflicting hours of agony as it slowly scratches
that would strike terror in all that opposed his forces. through skin, flesh and bone before nestling next to
They would hit behind the front lines of the weak the champion's heart. Once there, it invigorates the
Imperial defence to support Archaon's assault. bearer with sublime energy whenever he feels pain
and instils a euphoric state that even the fear of
Styrkaar looks towards that day with longing – he death cannot man. Once a warrior has tasted this
knows that Slaanesh is pleased with him and that if ecstasy, they will jealously guard the pendant,
he performs as expected in the forthcoming conflict, surrounding themselves only with loyal followers
his path to Daemonhood is assured... and shunning the company of rival champions lest
they try and take it for themselves.
Styrkaar 4 8 3 5 5 3 7 5 9 The bearer of the Pendant of Slaanesh can only join
Daemonic Mount 8 4 0 5 5 3 4 2 7
units that have the Mark of Slaanesh. No other
POINTS: 330. character may join the same unit as the bearer and he
cannot join units that already contain a character.
Whenever the bearer, or his unit, take a Break test, it
TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Cavalry (Special
is taken on one less dice than usual. In addition, for
Character, Lord).
each unsaved Wound the bearer suffers, he gains +1
Attack for the rest of the battle.
EQUIPMENT: Full plate armour, shield.

Lord of Gluttony
Glutos Orscollion is a true epicurean, a monstrous had he indulged himself than Glutos was wracked
champion of Slaanesh who has gorged on the with a terrible hunger that could only be sated by
sacking of nations – and still, he is not sated. Around consuming something even grander than the
him he has gathered a vile parade of gourmands and daemon's treasure.
sycophants, each devoted to appeasing their master's
cursed hungers. At first, Orscollion attempted to repay his debt
through conventional means, squandering every
Of all the Dark Prince's champions, few are as stolen coin on increasingly outlandish foodstuffs. In
repugnant as Glutos Orscollion. His disciples name this he was profoundly unsuccessful. Driven to the
him the Grand Gourmand, the Vintner of Souls, the brink by the daemon's taunting, it was only when he
Scrumptious Sinner. Lounging atop his opulent discovered a body left to rot in the back alleys of Al-
palanquin, Glutos embodies overindulgence. Piggish haikk that his fate changed. Guided by Loth'shar's
eyes glimmer amongst the folds of his face, and an mocking whispers Glutos fed upon the corpse,
overlong tongue slobbers across drool-covered weeping at his own foulness even as the flavours
chins. From his swollen frame emerge grasping danced upon his tongue. In that moment, kneeling
tentacles and other unnerving signs of the Dark amidst the ruin of his own debasement, something
Prince's degrading affections. The pompous splintered within him. The shade of Loth 'shar
Homonculus known only as the Gourmalice appeared before him, assuring Glutos that he was
prepares his diabolical feasts, while slaves cover his upon the right path and that the daemon would
body in glistening oils and resplendent jewels. There assuage – if not banish – his hunger for a time if
can be no doubt that Orscollion is the paragon of only he pursued more esoteric treats.
gluttony, one of Slaanesh's most beloved sins.
In Al-haikk, the magical flesh of wizards was not in
The Orscollions were once known only as a clan of short supply. The more Glutos feasted upon mages
failing merchants from Araby. With their fortunes murdered in back-alley souks and secretive pleasure
on the wane, the scrawny Glutos was forced into the houses, the greater the favour Loth'shar bequeathed
role of thief and cutpurse, eventually infiltrating a upon him – and as his corpulence grew, so too did
temple in Al-haikk and stealing its sacred golden his fame. Hedonites of Slaanesh travelled from
grain. Yet Glutos' will was brittle. Overcome by the across the realms to pay tribute to he whom they
gnawing cramps of his underfed stomach, he ate the considered their lord's chosen Gourmand, offering
grain – and in that instant, he was damned. riches, obscene delicacies and pacts of blades for the
Unbeknownst to him the rite was secretly devoted to chance to feast at his side. Towns were massacred,
the Slaaneshi Daemon Prince Loth'shar. No sooner trading caravans raided, and even armies routed, all
to feed Glutos' dark cravings. Consumption became
an end unto itself, and even morbidly obese daemon-
epicures came to seek out Orscollion and his
carnival, dining on tormented souls alongside
shrieking gluttons.

The more varied flavours Glutos samples, the

greater his sorcerous abilities become. This is not the
gastromantic shamanism of the Ogres, but rather the
rewards of a refined palate, for should Orscollion
limit himself to repetitive tastes then this favour will
be agonisingly retracted. At the height of his powers,
Glutos is a living conduit for the magics of excess.
With a contemptuous twitch of his ring-encrusted
fingers he compels the stomachs of his enemies to
distend, bursting from their bodies in showers of bile
and gore. The scented vapours that waft from the
serpent-mouth grilles ringing his lavish palanquin
fill the mind with a fog of temptation, Those
Hedonites who inhale them are roused to avaricious
fury, while their foes are wracked by crippling
hunger-spasms that soon drive them over the edge of

Glutos is surrounded by a demented circus that aids SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Mark of
his search for the most esoteric tastes. The Slaanesh, Ward Save (5+).
Painbringer Kyazu serves as Glutos' executioner in
return for the chance to indulge his cannibalistic The Grand Gourmand: Glutos sees battle as a grand
urges. Dolece, Priestess of the Rite, ensures only the banquet in which his darkest appetites may be given
worthiest morsels reach her bloated master, while free rein.
Lashmaster Vhyssk is charged with driving the
palanquin on, never ceasing while there are new At the start of each of your turns, Glutos gains one the
delights to sample. Yet Glutos' most dangerous abilities as indicated in the table below. Note that all of
companion is found in the head of his mirror-staff. these abilities are cumulative.
From here, Loth'shar's leering visage whispers of the
Turn: Power:
new sweetmeats his champion must seek out, and
1 Aperitif: All friendly units with the Mark
the suppressed desires that dwell in the hearts of
of Slaanesh within 6" of Glutos gain +1
men. Leadership.
The armies of Glutos Orscollion echo their master in 2 Starter: All friendly units with the Mark of
slavish devotion to overindulgence. Mortals and Slaanesh within 6" of Glutos may re-roll
daemons charge forth with reckless abandon, blades failed charge rolls.
and claws lashing out with euphoric ferocity even as
their bodies begin to tear at the seams. With deep 3 Main Course: All friendly units with the
and rumbling laughter, Orscollion promises delights Mark of Slaanesh within 6" of Glutos are
beyond measure for those who bring him the most Unbreakable.
scrumptious offerings. As the Hedonites gorge
themselves upon still-screaming flesh, enemy 4 Dessert: Glutos gains one additional spell,
warriors are overcome by a wave of horror at the chosen as normal.
gory spectacle. These terrified foes are soon filleted
like squirming fish by the hungering Hedonites, 5 Digestif: Glutos may re-roll casting and
presented as a grisly – and often still living – dispel results.
banquet in honour of the Grand Gourmand.
Fog of Temptation: Those who inhale the scented mist
emanating from Glutos' palanquin are wracked with
Glutos Orscollion - 5 3 5 - - 3 3 9 agonising hunger-spasms.
Painbringer Kyazu - 6 3 4 - - 5 3 -
Lashmaster Vhyssk - 4 3 3 - - 4 1 - All enemy units within 6" of Glutos suffer -1 To Hit in
Priestess Dolece - 4 3 3 - - 4 1 - close combat.
Palanquin - - - - 5 6 - - -
Palanquin Bearers 6 4 0 5 - - 3 6 - Gorge on Excess: The followers of the Gluttonous
Host grow strong on acts of excess, be it gulping down
POINTS: 675. raw flesh or engaging in some other depraved
perversion in the heat of battle.
TROOP TYPE: Shrine (Armour Save 5+, Special
Character, Lord). All friendly units with the Mark of Slaanesh that are
within 12" of Glutos may roll a D6 for each unsaved
MAGIC: Glutos Orscollion is a level 4 Wizard. He Wound inflicted by them in close combat. For each roll
uses spells from the Lore of Slaanesh. In addition to his of a 6, the unit regains one Wound's worth of models
other spells, he knows the Crippling Famishment spell previously slain during the game.

Crippling Famishment Cast on 7+

With a snap of his fingers, Glutos shares his endless
hunger with those he finds appetising, paralysing his
prey with a violent surge of immeasurable hunger.

Crippling Famishment is a hex spell with a range of

18". The target unit must divide all its movement by
half (rounding up) until the start of the caster's next MAGIC ITEMS:
Magic phase. The caster may choose to extend the The Leerstave of Loth'shar (Arcane Item)
range of this spell to 36". If they do so, the casting Loth'shar constantly drives Glutos on in pursuit of
value is increased to 10+. nearby delicacies, and rewards him for each unholy act
of consumption.
EQUIPMENT: Great weapon (Painbringer Kyazu
only). The Leerstave gives Glutos a +1 bonus to cast and
dispel spells.

Sorcerer of Tzeentch
At the edge of the Screaming Hills stand the Silver For three years, the Grand Magister worked his evil in
Towers of the Cabal. Here Tzeentch's Sorcerers study the darkness. Seeds of corruption were planted in the
arcane lore and augur divinations, trying to foretell the hearts of the Acolytes of the Order of Light. Rituals
moment when the Storm of Chaos will arise again, and were subtly modified, and their powers redirected.
how to harness it to their will. The Sorcerers of the Beneath the College Egrimm laboured at the sealed
Cabal do not speak: instead they communicate using vaults one-by-one defeating their magical locks to
telepathy, even over great distances. This way no-one uncover the forbidden things they contained. It is
will know their plans. impossible to calculate the damage done or the horrors
unleashed upon the world by the Grand Magister
The Chaos Warriors of the Cabal are called the Thralls before his evil was uncovered by the Inquisitors of
– they are the willing slaves of van Horstmann. Upon Sigmar and the Grand Theogonist Volkmar.
joining the Cabal, a warrior or wizard must swear
unending loyalty to the master of the Cabal and his lord The search for and discovery of the source of
Tzeentch. The recruit is branded with the magical sign corruption would make a long and horrific tale in its
of Tzeentch on his forehead so that he can never rebel own right. In the end, the Grand Magister unlocked the
against the will of his masters. In return, he is initiated Dragon Baudros from its timeless prison beneath the
into the secrets of the Cabal. Pyramid of Light. Upon the winged and two-headed
form of this most infamous of all Chaos Dragons, van
The Armour of the Cabal is archaic and ceremonial to Horstmann ascended into the sky, left his former life
the point of impracticality and is covered in a mass of behind, and headed toward the Chaos Wastes. With his
talismans, ribbons, and warding sigils. Their weapons corrupted acolytes, Egrimm formed the Cabal, perhaps
are often magical, ensorcelled by the sorcerers of the the mightiest of all the warbands of Tzeentch. These
Cabal. In battle, their blades give off an eerie glow that sinister warrior-wizards of Tzeentch saw Egrimm van
is frightening and yet at the same time fascinating. The Horstmann as their master. Egrimm covets nothing less
members of the Cabal are terrifying foes. They act and than dominion over the entire world. He is a great
fight in perfect synchronicity, guided by the mad conspirator, second only to his master Tzeentch. His
genius of the Chaos sorcerers. Their battle plans are acolytes are everywhere, and many of the secrets, cults,
infinitely complex and often seem contradictory, and and covens in the Old World are ultimately controlled
yet they are always victorious. Their opponents feel by Horstmann. Such plots and schemes please
that they are part of an act in which their roles are Tzeentch immeasurably, and he has rewarded van
predestined. Trying to resist is like struggling against Horstmann greatly, making him the most favoured of
invisible chains. The symbol of the Cabal is the his servants.
unblinking withering eye of Tzeentch on an open palm.
Their banner bears this symbol, and it is a source of M WS BS S T W I A Ld
pride to the Cabal that it has never been captured. It is Egrimm 4 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 9
said that a man who gazes into the Withering Eye will Baudros 6 6 0 6 6 6 3 6 8
grow old and waste away in mere moments.
POINTS: 720.
When Egrimm van Horstmann was ordained as Grand
Magister of the Order of Light, he was acclaimed as the TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).
youngest and most gifted wizard to rule over a magical
order. As he knelt down and swore allegiance to the MAGIC: Egrimm is a level 4 Wizard. He uses spells
Emperor, no one guessed that his loyalty had already from the Lore of Tzeentch.
been given over to another, far more sinister master.
EQUIPMENT: Full plate armour.
As an Apprentice Chanter of the ritual-bound Order of
Light Wizards, van Horstmann served under Master
Chanter Alric, the Savior of Apesto, who taught him
MOUNT: Baudros the Chaos Dragon.
many of the order's ancient secrets. However, all the
time he served the Order of Light, Horstmann prayed
"Woe, O world! The Age of Mortals is coming to
to the gods of Chaos for the power to defeat his peers.
an end. Time passes into oblivion, and the stars
His progress was rapid. By day, he studied Light
lapse in the sky. The dreadful breed of night is
Magic, and by night, he pored over ancient manuscripts
crawling out of darkness, to take possession of the
devoted to the lore of the Chaos gods. Daemons of world. Fools! Seek refuge in faith or madness, for
Tzeentch whispered their timeless secrets into his there's no longer any other place to hide. The
sleeping mind, and Egrimm's evil powers waxed Reign of Chaos has begun!..."
Egrimm van Horstmann, Champion of Tzeentch

SPECIAL RULES: Dark Fire of Chaos, Eye of the Spell Familiar (Arcane Item)
Gods, Fly (7), Fumes of Contagion, Mark of A Chaos Familiar can take almost any shape, from a
Tzeentch, Natural Armour (3+), Will of Chaos. tiny midget or strange beast to a walking tome or, as in
the case of Egrimm's, a swirl of sulphurous smoke. It
Power of Mind: The will of Egrimm is stronger than memorises a spell on its master's behalf constantly
steel. rehearsing for its big moment until it is called upon to
share its arcane knowledge.
Egrimm always takes his Leadership tests using 3D6,
discarding the highest result. The Spell Familiar gives Egrimm one additional spell.

Cunning of Tzeentch: Egrimm is blessed with the Skull of Katam (Arcane Item)
deep wisdom and cunning of Tzeentch himself. In battle Upon his death, the skull of the daemonologist Katam
he can confuse enemy plans and foil their attacks. The was daubed with runes using the blood of the Chaos
opposing generals are like puppets in a play staged by Dragon Baudros. The skull continues to utter words of
Egrimm. power, and a wizard who listens may learn many
arcane secrets. However, every time the bearer
Any army led by Egrimm gets +1 on its dice when consults the skull, there is a chance it will reveal one of
rolling to see which player gets to choose table sides, the true mysteries of the Realm of Chaos, imparting
and when rolling to determine who gets the first turn. knowledge that blasts the mind with its scope and
impossibility. In time, the skull's whisperings drive its
MAGIC ITEMS: owner insane, reducing him to a drooling madman
Chaos Runeblade (Magic Weapon) whose gibberings are joined only by the eerie sound of
This evil blade was forged by the deluded Dwarf Katam's laughter.
Runesmith Grugni Ironheart, a secret and embittered
worshipper of the Chaos gods. This is a black blade The bearer of the Skull of Katam can choose to consult
encrusted with writhing Chaos runes that radiate a it before attempting to channel power dice each Magic
dark and malevolent power. Its touch is deadly and its Phase. If they do so, roll 2 extra dice. If the bearer
bite will penetrate ordinary armour with ease. consulted the Skull of Katam, they suffer a -1
Leadership penalty for the rest of the game for every
The wielder of this sword gains the Multiple Wounds result of 1 rolled when channelling this round – if it is
(D3) and Ignores Armour saves special rule. ever reduced to 0, they are immediately removed as a

Champion of Tzeentch
There was a time, many years ago now, when Aekold captain himself, one of Aekold's fellow acolytes broke and
Helbrass was the respected son of a noble household, revealed the names of all the members of the coven,
living in his father's mansion house in Altdorf. Back then, Aekold amongst them.
Aekold had everything a young man of the Empire could
possibly want: wealth, power, a beautiful fiancée and a Aekold's commission in the Order of the Jade Griffon was
commission within the Templar Order of the Jade Griffon. revoked, and his fellow knights came to arrest him and
But these good things were not to last. bring him before the authorities of Sigmar. Aekold begged
them to listen to him, but they cared nothing for his
His problems started when he joined what he thought to excuses. Three of them died under Aekold's sword, and
be a harmless secret society calling itself the "Brethren of the other two were so badly wounded they would never
the Golden Eagle." He had understood little of the fight again. No matter what could be said about him, no
principles behind the Brethren's complex rites, but they one could doubt that Aekold was the most talented
had shared a common goal. They wanted to change the swordsman of his order.
Aekold fled through the streets of the Empire's capital,
Aekold had always believed that there had to be pursued by his former friends, the town watch and the
something more to existance than the petty bickering and feared Templars of Sigmar. In his desperation, Aekold
selfish politics of city life, despite the fact he had found sought refuge at the house of his betrothed, Lady Johanna
little evidence of that something more in all his twenty-six von Leber, but even she had barred her windows against
years of living. In his quest for a better way, Aekold him. He tried to explain the unjustness of the assumption
embraced the Empire's state religion with a passion, made against him and why he had been declared an
seeking to devote his life to the service of the outlaw, but the lady did not want to hear him. She
Heldenhammer. But over time he found even the declared that she did not ever want to see him again,
teachings of Sigrnar's Holy Church lacking, in that they accusing him of bringing disrepute upon her family and
promised little but expected much. They taught that there their standing in society. Aekold knew then that but for
would be no cessation to the pain and pettiness of this life, Validus, his warhorse, he was truly alone.
and even after death there could be no guarantee of peace
or an afterlife, so grave were the horrors that beset With little else to do, Aekold headed for the River Gate.
mankind. It seemed that the lives of men were doomed to Without pause or leave, the once-knight rode down the
be spent in the pursuit of petty things for an uncertain guards and took the north road at a heedless gallop.
reward. Day and night Aekold prayed to Sigmar, begging Before long Aekold bad left the Reikland's borders far
the first Emperor to show him how he could change the behind him, but Sigmar's witch hunters were always close
world for the better – to make a difference. But no answer at hand. Forced to live like a beast of the wild, Aekold
came. Then, as Aekold's hopes of ever finding the slept in the darkness in the deep forests and travelled by
knowledge he sought had begun to fade, a drinking friend night to avoid the eyes of the curious. His food he stole or
introduced him to the Brethren of the Golden Eagle. bought from roadside farms, and he avoided every town
Aekold saw at once that this was what he had been and toll gate. All the while the humiliation of his fall from
looking for all his life. The Brethren were dedicated to the grace made his blood run hot.
notion of changing the world, and their every word and
endeavour stretched towards this end. At the borders of Ostland, one of Sigmar's Templars
finally caught up with him, and a crossbow bolt intended
The Brethren's preacher was an intelligent and urbane for Aekold's heart only narrowly missed taking his life.
man by the name of Melic Rosencrantz. He was a magus Only by throwing his great zwei-hander, an unthinkable
of considerable skill and power, easily a rival to the deed for a knight, did lie manage to kill the witch hunter
initiates of the Colleges of Magic, able to change base before one of his crossbow bolts could find its mark. The
metals into gold, heal wounds with a word and change two-handed sword had struck his foe squarely in the chest,
animals into new forms. Here was a man that Aekold and Aekold had barely managed to recover from the
could follow. The young knight was certain his prayers attack before the ferocious hunting dogs of the Count of
had finally been answered. Ostland appeared, snapping at his heels.

The rituals of the Brethren called upon a "Great Lord of Perhaps fate had been unkind to Aekold. After all, the
Change", beseeching this divine being's aid so that young man had only sought to escape the monotony of his
improvement might be found in this world and in this life, jaded and dull existence as a young nobleman of the
rather than in the uncertainty of the next. Aekold's Empire. All around him he had seen the decadence of the
intelligence and powerful personality soon earned him a Imperial capital: the filthy streets and the hopeless mobs
position in the Brethren's most secretive Third Circle, and of the poor, begging and scraping out a miserable
before long he had been initiated into the many secrets of existence in hovels and disease ridden slums. Aekold had
the coven. wanted to change everything, to begin anew, start afresh,
to cast down the old, corrupt society and be part of
Then, one night, the Templars of Sigmar raided his cult's building something new, something better.
hidden shrine. Aekold only narrowly escaped their
clutches, but under the interrogation of the witch hunter

But this was not to be. His life was in ruins, his father had bellowing a battle cry, the Minotaur lifted its gigantic axe
disowned him, and his friends turned against him. He had and charged. Aekold slammed down his visor and spurred
been driven beyond the borders of Kislev to the very edge Validus to a gallop. They thundered towards each other,
of the civilised world, fleeing for his life and with a price man and beast, one screaming the battle cry of an Imperial
on his head. All he had left were his weapons, his strong knight, the other bellowing and snarling in the dark tongue
sword arm and his will to survive. They would have to be of Chaos.
enough. He was about to enter the Troll Country and none
would dare to follow him there. They struck. Aekold's lance pierced the Minotaur's left
shoulder, its wooden haft shattering with the force of the
Aekold travelled northwards for seven days before he impact. Rearing upwards, Validus lashed out with both
encountered any resistance. He had seen the groups of iron-shod hooves and crashed down against the Minotaur's
misshapen creatures in the shadows of the treeline or upon skull. But the creature's gigantic axe had just as great a
the distant horizon, but they had never sought to approach reach as Aekold's lance, and its swipe was blindingly fast.
him. They seemed content to watch. Why, Aekold did not It hit Aekold's raised shield but the tremendous force of
know, but until they became a threat he decided to pay the blow ripped it from his hand, leaving his left arm
them no mind. numb.

As Aekold travelled onward, the trees grew thinner and The Minotaur swung again with its free hand and its
thinner, and the land grew ever rockier. After a time he massive fist, perhaps twice the size of Aekold's head,
came across a great monolith, a standing stone carved as if smashed the knight from his saddle. Aekold crashed to the
by some titanic hand. It was inscribed with sigils and ground, the air driven from his lungs by the force of the
runes that seemed to glow in the gathering darkness. impact.
Though he could not say why, Aekold knew that the
carved slab was of vital importance to him. He had to With a ferocious roar, the Minotaur tore the steel tip of the
know what was written on the monolith, even if it would lance from its shoulder and threw it to the ground. Thick
cost him his soul. But the monolith was not unguarded. blood oozed from its wound, but the creature seemed not
to notice. With blood-red eyes and crimson foam pouring
from its mouth, the creature bellowed once more. All
vestiges of sanity had disappeared from its face.

It rushed towards the fallen knight, swinging its axe in a

huge arc, it axe struck a stone where Aekold's head had
been but a heartbeat before, and such was the force of the
blow that the blade of the axe cracked and the haft
snapped in two like a dry twig. Aekold regained his
footing and scrambled towards Validus. He drew his
sword from its scabbard hanging from the horse's saddle.
But the Minotaur had been just as quick. Two mighty
arms closed around Aekold's chest, squeezing him until
his armour creaked as he was lifted above the head of the
Minotaur. Though his ribs threatened to break and his
strength faded, Aekold swung his blade downwards.

It struck the Minotaur in the neck, cutting muscles,

severing tendons and sinew, and splintering the bones
beneath. A cry of fury and pain cut the air. As the
Out of the crude shrine that stood next to the carved pillar, Minotaur toppled forward, Aekold hit the ground
a huge creature emerged. The earth shook under its great alongside it. The world seemed to spin and go dark. When
cloven hooves and gigantic muscles writhed under its Aekold woke, the Minotaur was nowhere to be seen.
thick hide. Huge horns spiralled above a bovine head, and
yet the creature's body was humanoid, though massive Groaning with agony Aekold rose to his feet and
like that of an ogre. In its hands the bull-creature carried staggered across to the monolith. Despite the pain, Aekold
an axe that Aekold reckoned must have weighed almost as felt driven to see the carvings immediately, as if forced to
much as he did. Aekold recognised the creature from the by some unseen hand. As he looked upon the swirling
grimoires of the Brethren: this was a Minotaur, a gigantic designs and jagged runes that covered the monolith's
blasphemy against nature, a cross between a mighty bull surface, Aekold realised that they formed a picture.
and a giant man. Stepping back, Aekold began to make out the shape of a
knight with the device of a rampant Griffon on his shield,
Yet, despite its brutal appearance, intelligence gleamed in the same device on Aekold's own shield. The former
the creature's bloodshot eyes – the low cunning of an knight studied the ancient carvings, and while he was no
animal combined with some of the sense of a man. expert, he was sure that judging by the wear of the rock
Forcing his voice to stay calm, Aekold told the creature of they had to have been several centuries old. And yet,
his desire and intention to study the carvings on the undeniably, the knight carved on the stone was supposed
monolith. to be him. A chill ran down Aekold's spine. He turned his
back on the monolith.
In coarse and barely recognisable Reikspiel, the Minotaur
replied that only the Chosen One could find the path, and Days passed and Aekold rode further north. Here was a
that all those who could not Change must perish. Then, place unfit for mortal men, only those who had pledged

themselves to darkness could travel safely. Yet Aekold locked away from ordinary folk. But as a part of his
sensed that he could still choose his path, as if he stood at training Aekold had learned to decipher them, and so read
the very edge of sanity but had not yet crossed to the aloud the message written in the sky: "Shamelna
madness beyond. He knew that this was his very last Tzeen'neth! Atde phaosden tak'zith!"
chance to turn back and rejoin civilisation. He could ride
to Tilea or the land of the Border Princes and offer his Then Aekold dismounted, and started to climb up the
services as a freelance to one of the countless mercenary stairs. On and on he climbed, higher and higher, until the
bands of the Old World. He was strong and fast, well air grew thin and cold and clouds whirled far below him.
versed in tactics and strategy. With a little luck he could Despite his heavy armour, Aekold felt no fatigue.
quickly win fame and fortune, and soon lead a mercenary
contingent of his own. At the top of the stairway Aekold gazed around him. He
had come to the end of his journey. The gateway before
For a long while Aekold held Validus in place, and then, him seemed to be made out of polished silver, reflecting
making up his mind, spurred the horse onwards, to the the grim darkness and dancing lights of the Chaos Wastes.
north and darkness. It might have been his imagination, Aekold stood before the portal and stared at his mirror
but mocking laughter seemed to whisper upon the cold image. Looking back at him was a young, handsome
wind as he rode on. Templar in burnished armour, holding a shining sword
with a jade griffon set into its pommel. This was what
Day and night lost all meaning. The eternal darkness of Aekold could have been, something he had now lost for
the Chaos Wastes was lit only by the strange lights all eternity.
emanating from the far north. Each time Aekold blinked
his eyes, the landscape appeared to have subtly changed. The mirror image spoke: "I am the Guardian. I am the
When he tried to focus his eyes on any landmark it defender of humanity. You are an abomination." With that
seemed to almost flee from vision, and things he thought the reflection stepped out of the portal with its sword
would take minutes to reach escaped ever further into the raised in a knight's salute. Then it charged.
distance no matter how hard he galloped towards them.
So swift was the attack that Aekold barely had time to
Water now could not quench his thirst. He yearned for defend himself. From the first blow Aekold knew that his
something of more substance, something he could not yet life was at stake. Never before had he met a man who
name. Neither did he feel the need to sleep any more. He could match him in a sword fight. But this warrior from
felt wide awake, and his senses were sharper than he had beyond the mirror-gate was just as fast, strong, and skilled
ever dreamed possible. He felt no hunger. He felt strong, as he was. They slashed and struck, weaving dodging and
healthy and fast, stronger and faster than he had ever been parrying as they circled each other warily. Now and then
before. one of them would launch an attack with blistering speed,
only to be parried by equal skill.
His warhorse, Validus, had also changed. Its teeth had
grown sharp, and it no longer shied back with fear when Aekold was struck suddenly by the pointlessness of it all.
one the foul creatures from those endless plains Why did he struggle so much to defend himself when he
approached: its eyes glowed red in the eternal darkness of had nothing left to defend? But instead of giving in,
the Chaos Wastes, and its hide had become darker and Aekold smiled, brought up his sword and charged.
tough as leather. Aekold noticed that Validus's tongue was
now as rough as sandpaper and had grown long and Both men struck. The Templar's sword sliced through
forked. The steed no longer brushed its nose against Aekold's armour, cutting deep into his ribs. But Aekold's
Aekold's face, but always stood silent and unmoving when sword took the Templar's head from his shoulders.
they were not riding.
As the body of the white Templar fell, blood gushing from
The unearthly wind of the Wastes was full of sounds, the stump of his neck, Aekold sank to his knees, his own
strange voices that whispered to Aekold about all his life blood oozing through the gaps in his armour.
noble and evil deeds, as if warring for his attention,
perhaps even his soul. But one voice was stronger, and it He was dying and he knew it. Yet he had come so far and
drowned out all the others: "Be strong," it would say, seen so much, too much to let it all end in that moment.
"only the strong are welcome." Agonisingly slowly, Aekold began to crawl back to the
portal, leaving a trail of blood behind him. Now the silver
When one day Aekold cried back to the sibilant voice that of the mirror showed no reflection, only the multi-
he was strong and that he feared nothing, mocking coloured flames of the Chaos Wastes coloured its surface.
laughter returned in answer. Then the voice whispered to
him once more: "Then show me, gallant knight. Prove to Aekold touched the mirror's surface. He knew that his
me your courage." own death waited for him on the other side of it, yet still
he had to continue. As the world seemed to spin around
On the horizon, a gigantic shape loomed from the him, Aekold heard the sibilant voice again, only now it
darkness. It was a gateway that stood on top of a long seemed to echo all around him: "The way lies beyond this
flight of steps. It was a titanic altar, perhaps erected by the portal, yet only the Chosen One may enter! Are you he?"
giants of ancient times when the world was young and the
gods of Chaos first turned their eyes upon it. For one final time Aekold felt a pang of guilt – for one
last time he longed for his former life. But what had he to
In the sky above the gateway flames danced, forming the go back to? His past was as dead to him as the headless
shapes of eldritch runes, not unlike the ones Aekold had Templar that lay behind him. Finally Aekold pushed
seen on the grimoires at the temple of Sigmar, hidden and against the surface of the mirror-portal.

A searing pain, like lances of pure white fire, ripped While life giving is the gift of Aekold, he slays his
through him. Aekold screamed in agony as he felt talons, opponents without pity or care for their life, for he knows
hotter than hellfire, colder than the void, tearing him apart, all life is but an endless dance of change, dictated by
separating flesh from bone, raking his very soul and Tzeentch, the Master of Fate.
obliterating whatever was left of his sanity. Then all sense
and feeling left him.

Aekold, the son of Graf of the Reikland, was gone. The

newly born champion of Tzeen'neth standing before the M WS BS S T W I A Ld
mirror-portal turned around to study his new form. Aekold 4 8 3 5 4 2 7 4 8

The pale reflection in the mirror showed a face quite POINTS: 205.
unlike the young knight who had left Altdorf all those
months ago. Two eyes, glittering like multi-faceted gems
and burning with inner balefires, stared back at him. His
TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character, Hero).
armour was covered in twisting runes that glowed in the
flickering darkness of the Chaos wasteland. His sword EQUIPMENT: Full plate armour.
gleamed with blue light, and seemed to moan as he moved
it, its shape changing with each motion. SPECIAL RULES: Eye of the Gods, Mark of
Tzeentch, Will of Chaos.
Aekold began to laugh. He raised his sword, lifting it in a
challenge to humanity and all the things he had once held The Breath of Life: The Breath of Life is one of the
dear. His laughter turned to a scream of hatred and mysterious and bizarre gifts Tzeentch has granted to
vengeance: "I will return!" he cried. "For now I know the his most favoured of followers.
Aekold has the Regeneration (4+) special rule. In
Aekold Helbrass, Champion of Tzeentch, bears a most
addition, any Character model in base contact with
unusual gift – the gift that is known as the Breath of Life.
Where Aekold walks the grass springs green and meadow Aekold Helbrass also gains Regeneration (4+) as long
flowers blossom. When he walks upon desert sands and as they are in contact with him. If Aekold is killed
stony rocks, the land bursts into life as he passes. during a battle, roll a dice at the end of the turn that
killed him. On a 4+ he recovers to full wounds, and is
Any living thing he touches springs into new and vigorous placed where the model was originally slain, at least 1"
growth. The long-dead wood of doors and staves takes away from any unit or Impassable Terrain.
root upon his touch. His touch can restore to health
creatures that are upon the threshold of death, for such is MAGIC ITEMS:
the power of the Breath of Life. His touch is as The Windblade (Magic Weapon)
indiscriminate as it is potent, behind him he leaves a trail The Windblade is the great double-handed broadsword
of new life and everything he touches is affected. of Aekold, granted to him by his master, Tzeentch. Like
all the favours given by the Changer of Ways, it is an
erratic and unpredictable weapon.

Great weapon. At the start of each of his turns, roll a

D6 and consult the chart below to see what effect the
Windblade will have on its bearer:

D6 Result
1-2 The Windblade allows its bearer to walk the
winds of magic and move with an astounding
Aekold gains the Fly special rule until the
start of his next turn.

3-4 The Windblade becomes as light as a feather

in the hands of its bearer, and yet still retains
its deadly power.
Aekold gains the Always Strikes First special
rule until the start of his next turn.

5-6 The Windblade swirls and leaps from the

hands of its wielder, striking enemies at a
great distance before returning to his hand.
Aekold may throw the Windblade as a
missile attack with a range of 12" and the
Quick to Fire special rule. If the unit is hit it
suffers D3 Strength 5 hits.

Champion of Tzeentch
The story of Melekh the Changer's rise to power began on a blade was great, and soon only he and Dered, his childhood
storm-filled night in Norsca. Lightning bolts arced from the friend, remained. Before the two warriors faced off, Melekh
skies and crashed down onto the ground below while the was alarmed to see the shaman present his opponent with a
deep rumble of thunder briefly drowned out the pounding of talisman that would ward off harm and bring good fortune in
torrential rain on the huts of the Aesling village. Melekh was battle. Melekh cleared his mind and focused on the fight. For
the son of the tribe's blacksmith, and his woman Keyla was over an hour, the two warriors fought. Neither was able to
heavy with child. It was on this abysmal night that the babe best the other, but as they both tired, Melekh's opponent
chose to enter the world. Alas, there were complications with tripped. The amulet he wore around his neck broke and
the birth, and the old wives were reluctantly forced to call scattered on the ground. Melekh seized upon the opportunity.
upon the tribe's shaman for help. Gaerkkol was a strong Bringing his blade down in a powerful arc, he severed the
warrior, gifted with powerful magic and second only to the head of his opponent. Triumphantly raising his sword above
tribe's chieftain. his head, the crowd cheered as they all hailed Melekh the
new champion of their tribe.
Whilst Melekh's partner screamed in agony, Gaerkkol cast
spells to soothe the mother's pain and encourage the child to The aging shaman was desperate to prevent the prophecy
enter the world. Unfortunately, the effects of alcohol and the from coming true and began to plot. Every champion of the
other narcotic substances Gaerkkol used to induce his trances tribe would serve under the shaman to learn his art. As
marred the drunken shaman's concentration. What should Melekh's new master, Gaerkkol could send his apprentice on
have been a simple ritual went horribly wrong. Keyla's body a quest to prove his worth in front of the gods. All
arched with pain as colourful magic energies flowed around apprentices would undertake such quests, which usually
her. Gaerkkol tried in vain to stop the arcane power that shot involved bringing back the head of a dangerous monster or
from his fingertips, but he could do nothing. As a mighty the recovery of an ancient magical artefact. The following
blast of light enveloped Keyla, the child burst from its morning, Gaerkkol commanded that Melekh bring himself
mother's womb. Gaerkkol was helpless to save her, and with and his newborn son to his hut. When Melekh arrived,
the babe held in his arms, Melekh watched her life ebb away Gaerkkol was already waiting outside, ready to set his pupil
before his eyes. his chosen task. He snatched the child from Melekh's arms
and with a wicked smile on his face, Gaerkkol announced
When Melekh cast his eyes upon the child, a deep sense of that Melekh was to go forth and find the true daemonic name
sickening horror filled his soul. The babe was malformed. of their patron demigod Zarechgor.
Instead of the innocent head of a newborn child, the infant
bore the visage of a bird. Screaming to one side of the bird's Melekh felt his knees go weak, and his head swam at the
head was a twisted image of a child's face, but it was the thought. In order to discover a Daemon's true name, he would
soulless, black eyes of the bird that stared at its father. have to best the Daemon, and that meant traveling into the
Melekh was sure the chieftain would insist the child be cast Realm of Chaos. With a child favoured by the gods as his
from the village, but instead he saw the babe as a good omen ward, the shaman would have even more power and influence
for his people. The child was named Cyspeth, and the on the tribe, and Melekh was helpless to prevent this terrible
chieftain announced to the entire village that their daemonic fate. Determined to complete his quest and save his son from
patron god Zarechgor had clearly blessed Melekh and his the dark influence of the shaman, Melekh immediately
son. A great funeral was held for the mother followed by a headed north. After a month of constant fighting and
feast held in honour of the new arrival. As the joyous revelry hardship, he spied a great gateway made from the skulls of
began, none saw the scowling look of disapproval that fell men. Beyond the portal, the air shimmered and crackled with
across the face of the shaman. energy. Tendrils shot out from the thick mists searching for
prey, and Melekh could hear the cackling howls of the
At the height of the festivity, the chieftain announced that the creatures that lived within the other world. Standing before
Daemon Zarechgor had spoken to him in a dream the the gateway to this realm, Melekh's heart pounded, heavy
previous night. He had instructed him to hold a contest of with fear. To step into this other world would be certain
might. The strongest warriors of the tribe would all fight for death, but he would never see his tribe or his son again if he
the honoured position of becoming Gaerkkol's new did not. Summoning all his courage, Melekh forced himself
apprentice. At the announcement, a look of horror crossed the onward, and as he slowly stepped forward, the mists dragged
shaman's face, and he slunk away from the hall back to his him into the Realm of Chaos.
hut. There, he searched through his scrolls and tomes until he
found a book bound in human flesh. Inside the book was a At first, Melekh could see nothing before him but a thick
small piece of text. It was a prophecy written by the Sorcerer pink veil that shifted in colour, turning a deeper shade of red
Necromundo the Insane that spoke of the arrival of a mighty before his eyes. The air he breathed was thick and
warrior who would unite and lead the tribes to great victories. suffocating, and Melekh felt as though his lungs were
Slicing his sacrificial blade through the exposed belly of a exploding within his chest. Inhuman screams sent his heart
small rabbit that he kept caged, Gaerkkol sat for many hours racing, but he was unable to locate the source of the noise. As
reading the signs that the poor beast's entrails foretold. he stared into the dense, shifting fog, which had now turned a
Everything pointed to the fact that the time of the prophecy's deep shade of blue, Melekh could make out shadows of
fulfilment was upon them. strange creatures. Fear began to creep into his being, and as it
did, the mist thickened around him. The now purple fog
The day of combat began, and Melekh was amongst the first coalesced in front of his eyes a few yards away, and Melekh
to fight. Armed with a mighty halberd and encased in the stared at the swirling images before his eyes. The smoky
finely forged armour of the tribe, he proved to be a great strands of air gathered and began to solidify into the form of
warrior, besting any foe that faced him. His mastery of the a man. Melekh suddenly realized that he was staring at a

mirror image of himself. He could see his own face, formed He tried to stand and fight the Daemon, but a second blast of
from the magical clouds, staring back at him. He watched fire, this one vivid green in colour, burst from the staff and
horrified as the dark silhouettes he had spied moments before sent Melekh flying backwards. His body was crushed and
surrounded his image and began feeding off it. Talons formed broken. Lying on the ground, he stared at the Daemon who
from fog ripped apart his shadowy form, and Melekh felt as towered above him. Melekh whispered and, unable to hear
though he was witnessing a vision of his own death. The his victim's dying words, the Daemon stooped closer to
shadowy Daemons started to become more solid as fear took listen. Melekh once more asked the Daemon for his true
hold of the mortal champion. Then, from the mists, a foul name. Again the Daemon laughed, but as the question filled
creature emerged. It possessed multiple elongated arms and a the Daemon's mind, his conscious thought began to solidify
gaping mouth filled with menacing rows of sharp teeth. as an answer in the mist. An image formed, and from far
Melekh drew his sword and hacked the beast in two, but the away Melekh could hear his army of Horrors chanting an
Daemon did not die, instead splitting into two separate unrecognizable language. As Melekh's question had filled the
Daemons that gibbered and bared savage claws and fangs. Daemon's thoughts, they had for a moment become
More and more of the horrific Daemons appeared, each one corporeal. The Horrors that had been bound to Melekh now
tearing itself apart to form two more, and Melekh knew his chanted them over and over.
fate was sealed.
With his last breath, Melekh repeated his minion's words and
Melekh's horrified mind told him he was doomed, but as an heard the Daemon howl in anger as he realized that he had
Aesling warrior, he would not die cowering like a beast. He been tricked. The strength of the Greater Daemon began to
took a deep breath and sought to master his fear. As he took flow through Melekh. He had bound the might of his god to
control of his emotions, he watched the Daemons howl and his will, and the power of a Greater Daemon was his to
hiss, slowly hacking away. It suddenly crossed his mind that command. The Daemon's knowledge filled his mind, and
these Daemons were perhaps feeding off his fear, and so arcane wisdom flooded into his consciousness. Melekh
Melekh advanced towards them. The Daemons no longer collapsed, his mind overwhelmed by the experience, and
sought to attack him now that he was prepared to face them, Zarechgor watched over his new master, bound to protect
and so Melekh concentrated in an attempt to master his him. When Melekh awoke, Zarechgor told him of the
emotions. The Daemons bowed at his passing, and soon he prophecy. The Greater Daemon had been impressed by the
found he was able to summon more to his will. Within cunning of Melekh and bestowed an enchanted blade upon
moments, a small army of hideous creatures were bound to him. The Daemon's final gift to Melekh was to cast a spell
his will, fighting off other Daemons who had gathered around that opened a portal from the Realm of Chaos back to the
him like moths to a flame, trying to steal away with his soul. material world. The black star-filled doorway sprung open
before Melekh, and he prepared to return triumphant.
Lost in the mists of Chaos, Melekh's small army battled
against all manner of foul Daemons. Plague-ridden, bloated Melekh called his Daemon horde around him, and from
monsters fell under his blade. Savage, huge beasts with great beneath his feet, the disc rose from the mists. The small army
horns and mighty axes cut down the Horrors he had flew towards the open portal and out into the material realm.
summoned but were, in turn, destroyed by the manta-like The army appeared in the mountains close to the Aesling
creatures that Melekh called down from above. Melekh village. Gaerkkol, who was now the tribe's chieftain, had
discovered he was able to manipulate the substance of the air foreseen Melekh's coming and had prepared an army of
around him, solidifying and forging it into material form. He warriors to fact him. At Gaerkkol's side stood Melekh's son
fashioned a great disc upon which he rode to battle at the Cyspeth. What Melekh could not have foreseen was that, in
head of his army, cutting down the enemy with deadly blades the few months that he thought he had been away, twenty
fixed on the sides of his flying creation. He had no idea of years had passed Cyspeth was now a grown man and had
how long he fought in the mists: hours, days, even weeks been apprenticed to the shaman. Daemons and men stood
may have passed. The Realm of Chaos was a never-ceasing facing each other ready to do battle. The horde of Daemons
battle against the entities within that sought to feed from him. was eager to wage war and shed the blood of mortals, but
Melekh's mortal soul was like a flaming beacon attracting the Melekh knew that Gaerkol's powers should not be
Daemons of Chaos to him. He constantly called out underestimated. He also knew that his son had been blessed
challenges to Zarechgor, his patron god, but was met only by by Tzeentch, and with Gaerkkol as his master, he could prove
hordes of slavering fiends. Suddenly, when Melekh was to be a deadly foe.
beginning to lose all hope, the mists started to swirl in a
powerful vortex. He was blown off his disc, and the small The skies suddenly darkened, and lightning crashed to the
army he had gathered was scattered in all directions by the ground as it had on the night of Cyspeth's birth. A great
power of this unworldly storm. When the swirling winds lightning blast struck the earth between the two armies, and a
finally abated, Melekh watched with terror as a massive massive explosion sent rocks and soil soaring up to the
creature stepped from the ethereal shadows. It was lithe with heavens. From the fiery crater that the blast had created rode
clawed feet and long robed arms ending in elongated taloned a mighty figure on a huge fearsome steed. He towered taller
hands that grasped a huge, ornate staff. The Daemon's bird- than any mortal, and his mount's eyes glowed red with the
like head craned down from the end of a long neck to stare at fires of hell. It was Archaon, the Lord of the End Times. At
Melekh. his coming, the howling of the Daemons ceased, and an eerie
silence fell upon the battlefield. He rode his horse to a high
The Greater Damon demanded to know who called upon him, ridge over-looking the open field on which the armies had
a chorus of familiar voices from Melekh's past resonating gathered, then spoke. His voice echoed across the land and all
through his entire body. Melekh stood quaking before his who heard it knew his power.
god. Raising his blade, Melekh stepped forward and spoke.
He shouted his name and bade the Daemon to tell him its true "And with the coming of the End Times, the old will fall by
name. The Daemon knew that telling this mortal his true the hand of the new."
name would give Melekh power over him and laughed at the
human's impudence. Zarechgor pointed his staff at Melekh, At Archaon's signal, the two armies charged. Daemons
and a blast of red fire enveloped the Aesling warrior. Melekh spewing forth magic that enveloped the warriors and warped
fell under the magical onslaught, and his soul writhed in their mortal bodies into horrible mutations. Those who
torment as the red flames engulfed him. survived hacked apart the fragile Daemons, and in the midst

of it all. Melekh met Gaerkkol. At the shaman's side stood EQUIPMENT: Fireglaive, full plate armour, shield.
Cyspeth, his magical blasts destroying the Screamers that
flew overhead. Neither Gaerkkol with his ancient knowledge
nor Melekh with his new-found power could best the other.
SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic (Disc of Tzeentch
Then, with a powerful thrust, Gaerkkol hit the flying disc; only), Daemon of Tzeentch (Disc of Tzeentch only),
Melekh was momentarily caught off balance and stumbled Eye of the Gods, Flaming Attacks (Disc of Tzeentch
from his platform. Gaerkkol stood over him ready to deliver only), Fly (9), Mark of Tzeentch, Will of Chaos.
the fatal blow. Manic laughter overcame the shaman. He had
outwitted the prophecies of the gods and even thought he MAGIC ITEMS:
could destroy Archaon and seize command of the armies of Golden Eye of Tzeentch (Talisman)
Chaos. This intricately carved golden talisman is inscribed with
mesmeric twisting shapes that seem to writhe and change. It
As Gaerkkol raised his sword to bring it down and sever the consists of a filigree of witch-hair cradling the fossilised eye
head of Melekh, a look of surprise and horror spread across of a Lord of Change. It is said to give the bearer a sixth sense
his face. Melekh waited for the deathly blow but instead that warns him of threats from afar. This arcane jewel glows
Gaerkkol slumped to the ground. Behind him stood Cyspeth brightly, hiding the wearer behind a nimbus of iridescent
with a bloodied dagger held in his hand. The dark eyes of the colours.
mutant child looked at the father as they had when he had
been born. By the hand of the new, the old had been slain. The wearer gains a Ward save (3+) against all missile attacks.
Melekh commanded the fighting to cease, and as he did so,
Archaon rode down from the ridge. His Daemon Steed reared Blood of Tzeentch (Arcane Item)
before the father and son, and both knew they were to follow The Sorcerer holds a phial of liquid balefire, which when
the Lord of Chaos. Archaon's army was now complete, and tasted lends his skin an iridescent glow and his words the
with his all-conquering force, the Old World would fall. chime of supernatural command.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld The bearer of the Blood of Tzeentch may re-roll one casting

Melekh 4 8 3 5 5 3 7 5 9 dice per turn, provided it was not originally a roll of a 1.
Disc of Tzeentch 1 3 0 4 4 1 4 2 7
Mirror of Knowledge (Enchanted Item)
POINTS: 390. This double-sided mirror allows the Champion to look into
the minds of others and learn their secrets.
TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character, Lord). The bearer can pick any enemy unit within 24" at the
beginning of each of his Magic phases. The opponent must
MAGIC: Melekh is a level 2 Wizard. He uses spells reveal everything that is not apparent about the unit, such as
from the Lore of Tzeentch. Magic Items and Hidden units.


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