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Part 6 (Essay 1)

You have an emergency at your hometown and cannot attend the

extracurricular activity. Write a message to your teacher about it. In your

- tell your teacher about the emergency

- ask his/her permission to excuse yourself from the activity

Write about 30-50 words. Write your message below.

Part 6 (Essay 2)

Your friend has won a cash prize of RM500 for the essay writing
competition. Write a message to him. In your message,

- congratulate your friend

- suggest him how he should spend the money

Write about 30-50 words. Write your message below.

Part 7 (Essay 3)

Your teacher has asked you and your classmates to email him/her about
ways to help the flood victims. Write an email telling him/her at least
three ways to help them.
Part 7 (Essay 4)

Your friend lost his wallet during recess. Write a message telling him
about the notice you saw at the school noticeboard.

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