DLP FBs for Demo

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Detailed Lesson Plan in TVL

Food and Beverage Services NC II in Grade 11

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60-minute period with 70% proficiency level the students will be able to:
a. Explain the procedures in taking out the tray and trolley after the guest have finished
their meal.
b. Demonstrate the manner of clearing out room service equipment.
c. Share the importance of cleaning dirty trays.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Clear Out Room Service Equipment
b. Reference: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technical Vocational Livelihood
Education Learning Module
c. Materials: Cartolina, chalk, manila paper and pentel pen, projector, laptop.
d. Method: Discussion and Demonstration
e. Values Integration: Share the importance of cleaning dirty trays.

III. Learning Process

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


a. Prayer.
__________ please lead our prayer. Let us pray…. Amen!

b. Classroom management
Kindly pick up the pieces of paper under your Yes/No Ma’am

c. Greetings
Good afternoon Class! Good afternoon Ma’am

d. Checking the attendance

Are all present today? Yes/No Ma’am
Why do you think is it’s important to attend our It is important so that we will not miss any topic
class every day? and discussions.

e. Setting Classroom Standards

What are we going to do if someone is talking Keep quiet and listen
here in front? We should raise our hand and wait to be called.
How about when you want to speak? We should raise our hands and wait to be
And when you want to go out? excused.
Can I expect that all from you? Yes/No Ma’am
f. Passing and checking assignment (Students will pass their paper in front)
Pass your assignments to then center isle at the
count of 3 and pass it forward at the count of 5.
g. Review
Let us review our previous discussion. Now let us
see who can still remember? Again, class what is
Room Service? (students answer all the questions)
What is the standard greeting?
What is the napkin folds for breakfast? How about
lunch and dinner?
Lastly, give four examples of silverware?

Very good!

Any question?

Class, are you familiar with Good job clap? (students will perform)
(teacher will demonstrate)

a. Motivation. INSTRUCTIONS:
Class would you like to play a game? I have 1. The first who will raise his/her hand will be the
here four pictures in 1 word. one to answer.
May I request everybody to please read the 2. Observe the pictures attentively.
instructions? 3. Avoid making unnecessary noise while doing
the activity.

Who can guess the illustration number one?


Very good!
How about this one?

O U T Ma’am OUT

And this one?

Ma’am ROOM
Also this one?

Very good!
And the last one?


What do you think is our lesson for today?

(Give the possible answer) Ma’am our lesson for today is about Clear Out
Room Service Equipment

It is the room service’s responsibility to clear away

the tray when the guests have finished, either by
asking them to place their tray outside of their room
when they have finished, and to clear it 20minutes
after the service or by asking the guest to call them
to come clear away the tray.

Again, what are the two responsibilities of a room

service’s when clearing out tray and trolley?
Who can give me the first one?
Ma’am by asking them to place their tray outside
of their room
How about the second one?
And to clear it 20 minutes after the service or by
asking the guest to call them to come clear away
Very good! the tray.
Let us give them a WOW clap.

Do you have any questions before we move on?

Now let’s proceed to Clearing Room Service None ma’am
It is important that trays and trolleys placed outside
the rooms are cleaned promptly, as messy and
untidy floors or passages reflect very badly on
There should be good working relations and good
communication channels between the housekeeping
and room service department must be maintained to
ensure that floors are cleared quickly.

Typically, a room service order is required to get

the following information on a dispatch sheet or

 Date
 Room Number
 Whether tray or trolley has been taken (an
agreed code may be used, such as ‘T’ for
‘trolley’ and ‘O’ for ‘tray’)
 Time the order was taken
 Person delivering the order
 Time the order was cleared

What are the checklists required for clearing room

service areas?

Very good!
Let us have the YES clap.

Room boy – is the responsible for controlling floor

service procedures and for directing staff to clear
rooms and floors. In addition, there should be
regular floor checks, at least hourly, to ensure that
used trays and trolleys and miscellaneous items are
quickly removed.

Room Service taker must be informed when a

room or floor has been cleared after room service.

Who are the two (2) persons responsible in clearing

room service areas?
Ma’am room boy and room service taker.

Remember that floors must be cleared quickly and

take care the equipment and placed it securely.

Class, will you do to unconsumed food and

beverages, food service equipment, trays and
trolley? Ma’am it must be returned to food service area or
to the kitchen via service lift.
I would like you to find a pair.
Share to your partner the importance of cleaning
dirty trays? I will give you 5 minutes to do this.
(after 5 minutes)
Very good!

Take note, not all room service orders are taken

over the phone. Breakfast orders for example, are
frequently in the form of a doorknob docket.

These orders must be checked, clarified if

necessary and correctly distributed.

Any questions?

None ma’am
Did you understand the lesson?

Okay, let me ask you what are the procedures in Yes!

taking out tray and trolley after the guest have
finished their meal? (students will share their ideas about what they
learned in the lesson)
Good. Thank you for answering.


Find a pair and demonstrate the manner of clearing

out room service equipment. (students will perform the said activity)

Performance of the learners will be rated using the


Description Score
Demonstrated 5
100% of the given
Demonstrated 75% 4
of the given tasks.
Demonstrated 50% 3
of the given tasks.
Demonstrated 25% 2
of the given tasks.
Did not perform the 1
given tasks.

Direction:True or False: Write T if the statement
is correct and F if it is incorrect. (Learners will answer in their ¼ sheet paper
______1. Store all items in a safe, hygienic, orderly
and accessible manner.
______2. Beverage items should be stored safely to
reduce the risk of accidents and breakage.
______3. Answer the telephone when it rings more
than two times before it is answered.
______4. The pantry should be fully equipped for
quick and efficient service to the rooms.
______5. Dirty trays are cleared in accordance with
the establishment’s procedure.

Key to Correction:
1. T 4. T
2. T 5. T (Students will exchange and check their papers)
3. F

Go to an establishment (hotel/resort). Interview a
room service attendant on how to handle guest
concerns. Write your answers in a ½ sheet (students will write their answer in their
crosswise. notebooks)

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant

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