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Position Paper on the

“Rationale and 12 Steps of Land Use Planning Process”

For everyone interested in land use planning, from practitioners and

policymakers to stakeholders, the CLUP Guidebook Volume 1 is an invaluable

resource. Because of its comprehensiveness, it provides direction on important land

use planning concepts, with a particular emphasis on encouraging sustainable

development, efficient resource distribution, and inclusive community involvement in

decision-making. The guiding principles outlined in this text are supported by a wealth

of information and analysis, including real-world case studies, scholarly writing on

urban planning, and insightful advice from experts.

What should be the guiding principles in land use planning?

According to the CLUP Guidebook Volume 1, the key principles that govern

land use planning are as follows:

1. Watershed as a platform for land use planning

The watershed will be the main platform for all land use and physical

plans, serving as a framework for identifying land use management strategies

and policies, including disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation

and mitigation measures.

2. Inclusive and expansive governance

This Guide emphasizes the importance of involving government, civil

society, and the private sector in the CLUP process. Collaborative partnerships

among these actors are facilitated by good local governance, which is

sustainable, participatory, transparent, accountable, legitimate, and promotes

equity and equality.

3. Co-management principle

Section 3 (I) of the Local Government Code mandates local government

units and the national government to co-manage and maintain ecological

balance within their jurisdiction.

4. Gender responsiveness and sensitivity

The POPDEV planning approach integrates gender, development, and

population interrelations into the planning process, ensuring sustainable

development indicators are integrated throughout the planning process.

5. Integration of Barangay Development Plans (Bottom-Up Approach)

The Local Government Code of 1991 Mandates Barangay Development

Councils to prepare Barangay Development Plans for review and approval by

Sangguniang Barangay. Integrating these plans into city or municipal plans

harmonizes development goals and addresses land use inconsistencies.

6. Top-to-Bottom Approach

Local planners use a top-to-bottom approach without barangay and

municipal development plans, using the Provincial Land Use Plan/Physical

Framework Plan as a basis for the CLUP. Other national or sub-national plans,

such as coastal, waste, forest, heritage, and ancestral domain management

plans, can also be incorporated into the CLUP process. These plans are

reviewed and harmonized with the city/municipal vision, goals, and objectives.
What is the most important step in land use planning?

The CLUP Guidelines Volume 1 approach recognizes organizing as an

essential stage. To properly support the planning process, the administrative and

technical frameworks must be put in place. It entails putting together a planning team,

delineating responsibilities, and tasks, securing money, and putting together a

schedule or work plan. If the planning process is well-organized, stakeholders may

collaborate effectively, assign tasks appropriately, and fulfill deadlines. This creates a

solid foundation for the entire land use planning process and ensures that the

subsequent procedures may be carried out without any problems. Because it lays the

groundwork for success, the organization is often given importance in the early stages

of CLUP formation, even though every stage of the process is important.

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