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Position Paper
on the
Rationale and 12 Steps
of Land Use Planning Process

Submitted by: Primrose L. Yambing AY: MSERM 2023-2024

Subject: ERM 211: Integrated Land Use Planning
Submitted to: Dr. Joseph Raymund A. Sumabal, UAP, PIEP,EnP

The National Physical Framework Plan (NPFP) is one of the critical elements of a successful

Land use policy, and the National Land use Policy & Physical Planning process shall be

formulated following a combined “Bottom-up and Top-Down” approach.There are also

development guidelines on the four major Land use Policy areas i.e., Settlements

development, Production Land use, Protection land use and Infrastructure Development.

The Comprehensive Land use plan shall cover the Physical development of their respective

teritories and shall be consistenet with the National Physical Framework Plan (NPFP), and

shall determine the specific uses of land and other physical and natural resources, in both

private and public, within their teritorial jurisdictions including areas co managed with the

national governement and, as appropriate, management plans for ancestral domains,

critical watersheds, river basins and protected areas.

Since the Comprehensive land use plan is a vital tool for local governance, providing a

systematic approach to land use and development that aligns with the needs and

aspirations of the community hilw promoting sustainability and resilience. It should also

serve as the basis for the preparation and formulation of the Comprehensive Development

Plan (CDP) and Local Development Investment Programs (LDIP) of the Local Government

Units (LGUs). As also par of the integration of local and community land use priorities within

the national and regional priorities.


In terms to the Planning area and period, the planning area includes all componenents such

as Barangays, and the city municipality waters including 15 kilometers from shoreline for

coastal LGUs. It shall be referenced from the specific watershed/sub-watershed basin area

within the municipality or city and other adjacent localities (trans-boundary). And the CLUP

shall cover both land and water resources of the city/municipality considering the other

LGUs within the boundaries of its watershed/sub-watershed area, which also covers a

planning period of nine (9) years minimum and it may be reviewed every three (3) years

coinciding with the term of the locally elected officials , it should also be used as basis for

the budget preparation and fund sourcing initiatives.

In making a Comprehensive Land Use Planning there are twelve (12) steps to be followed in

the CLUP process. The step 1: Organize, in this step the assembling of the personnel,

resources, and support needed for the planning process The step 2: Identify Stakeholders ,

this is the part where recognizing and engaging the participants who can play an active role

in the planning process. The step 3: Set the Vision, this shall serve as the driving force that

will move the entire city/municipality towards the achievement of a common development

direction and also guide the succeeding stages of the planning process. The step 4:

Analyzing the situation in this part identifying the issues, potentials and future development

needs and spatial requirements of the city/municipality. Assess the situation using both

technical and participatory methods.

The step 5:Setting the Goals & Objectives this part is the formulation of achievable goals

and objectives, outcomes and output indicators that are responsive to the issues, needs,

and potentials of the municipality/city. The step 6: Establishing Developmental Thrust &

Spatial strategies , this is to translate the vision and situation analysis into a desired physical

form. The step 7: Prepare the Land Use Plan this is where the translation of the vision, goals

and objectives, development thrust, and spatial strategies into a land use plan.

Next, is what I identified as the most important process in the CLUP is the Step 8: Drafting

the Zoning ordinance, since this is where translating the CLUP into a legal document/ tool.

The integrated Zoning Ordinance shall cover both public and private lands in the upland,

lowland, and coastal ecosystems of the LGU. It provides a mandate for an LGU to enforce

development controls and zoning restrictions in public lands subject to co-management

arrangements with the appropriate national agencies. And the Zoning Ordinance has a

Regulatory Statements that comprise a legally binding set of rules and regulations governing

the use of land in a city/ municipality. This document contains a set of allowed uses and

regulations that apply to each designated zone. In this step also covers the goals and

obejctive of the CLUP as well as the implementation based on the Zoning map.

The step 9: Conduct Public Hearing /Consultation, provides a systematic approach to

consensus building on the final draft of the CLUP/ ZO prior to its submission for approval/

ratification. The step 10: Review, Adopt and Approve the CLUP and Zoning Order, provides

the guide to conducting the mandatory comprehensive review, adoption and

approval/ratification of the CLUP/ ZO.


The step 11: Implementation of the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance, in this step set prerequisite

measures to realistically implement the CLUP and ZO. Since implementing the CLUP requires

resources, institutional structures, and procedures, among others, to be realized. The last

process was the Step 12: Monitor and Evaluate the CLUP and Zoning Order, this to assess

how fully and effectively the plan is being carried out and implemented. It is also important

that an effective RME system be established, in order to track the progress reached by the


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