5⁰ Ano fundamental

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“Educar é semear com sabedoria
e colher com paciência”
DATA: 16\12\2021

ALUNO (A)_____________________________________________________________________
1. Answer the questions:

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We ask about people: Whom? We ask about the reason: Why?
Why are you going home? Why am I waiting here?
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Why did you come late? Why am I after you?
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Whom are you taking?
Why don’t you sleep? Why should you go now?
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Whom do you like best, dad or mom?
Why can’t you do that work? Why do you want me?
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Whom do you respect?
Why is your father angry? Why are you writing this test?
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Whom are you spending with ?
Why did you get angry ? Why is the weather hot?
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Where is he taking the boy?
Why can’t you drive fast? Why do you laugh at me?
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We ask about days,people or things: Which?

Which is your bag, big or small? Which colour do you like?

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Where is he sitting? Which way do you go to school? Which country do you like to visit?
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Why is he sitting in the sun ? Which is your best day? Which one is your pet?

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Which is your favorite movie? Which is your best holiday spot?

Which is his favorite hobby?
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2. WH QUESTION Practice

a) What color are your eyes? 3.

b)Where do you go to college?

c) How are you today?

d) Who is your favorite singer?

e) When do you go to the mall?

f) Do you have any pets?

g) Why do you study English?

h) What’s your favorite season?

i) Are you from this city?

k) What’s your favorite food?

l) What’s your favorite season?

m) Who lives in your home?

n) Is your country big or small? 4.

o) Are you patient with children?

p) Where is your bedroom?

q) What’s your apartment like?

r) Do you prefer to swim or to surf?

s) Where is your backpack?

t) Where are your clothes?

u) When do you go to work?

v) How do you spell your last name?

x) When does your family eat in a restaurant?

z) What’s the favorite sport in your country?

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