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Position Paper

Rationale and 12 steps of land use planning

Comprehensive land use planning aims for the development of communities and ensuring

their sustainability, Considering the values between different land uses.

1. What should be the guiding principles in Land Use Planning?

The guidebook also emphasizes guiding principles for the holistic and integrative

view of land use planning in the context of a watershed or ridge-to-reef framework which

normally extends beyond the LGU’s territorial jurisdiction, it also reiterates that an LGU’s

land use plan is a systematic and organized presentation of its strategic vision,

objectives, and directions which are then translated into a physical and spatial

dimension. Inclusive and expansive governance advocates the government, civil

society, and the private sector are actively involved in the enhanced CLUP process.

Good local governance allows for collaborative partnerships among the local

government, business, and civil society. Co-management principle of the Local

Government Code provides and mandates on RA 7160 that local government units shall

share with the national government the responsibility for the management and

maintenance of ecological balance within their territorial jurisdiction. Integration of

gender responsiveness and sensitivity, gender, explicit consideration of development,

and population in the entire planning process of plan formulation, plan implementation,

monitoring, and evaluation. Integration of Barangay Development Plans into the city or

municipal plan is one methodology that the LGUs can adopt in the formulation of the

CLUP, aiming to harmonize the development goals and objectives of all barangays in

cities or municipalities by using the bottom-up approach. It also includes environmental

protection, economic development, and social equity for the sustainable implementation

of comprehensive land use planning.

2. What is the most important step in land use planning?

The most important step in land use planning is step 1 where every action/plan will

start at the first step to gain the goal by assembling the personnel, resources, and

support needed for the planning process, by discussing all the needs to prepare for

updating the comprehensive land use planning it should be decided not only by one

person. Then assessing the availability of the resources to be used during the

preparation of a proposal for the updating of the CLUP, also, should be a strategy for

undertaking the planning of the CLUP proposal. Lastly, every single step of the CLUP is

important to attain the proper use of different land usage.

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