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ERM 211 – Integrated Land Use Planning

Position Paper

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan Guidebook is a practical and simplified

technical reference for local government units, community members, and general

public in the formulation and development of their local land use plans. It fills planning

gaps, addresses legislative changes, integrates climate considerations, and promotes

sustainable management of vital resources for the benefit of current and future

generations. It is a strategic and adaptive tool for local governments.

The guiding principle in land use planning are the following: Watershed as

platform for land use planning, Co-management principle, Gender responsiveness

and sensitivity, Integration of Barangay Development Plans (Bottom-Up Approach),

Top-to-Bottom Approach. The principle of watershed as platform for land use planning

emphasizes watersheds as a planning platform to recognize the interconnectedness

of different geographical and ecological components. It also aligns with principles of

sustainability, climate resilience, and disaster risk reduction. The Inclusive and

expansive governance, highlights the importance of involving various stakeholders in

the CLUP process to ensure a well-rounded and inclusive approach to land use

planning. This promotes a holistic and collaborative governance model for effective

land use planning. The Co-management principle reflects the collaborative

responsibility between local and national government entities in maintaining ecological


The Gender responsiveness and sensitivity emphasizes the importance of

incorporating gender considerations and a comprehensive development perspective

into the entire planning cycle. The Integration of Barangay Development Plans

(Bottom-Up Approach) talks about the importance of a bottom-up approach in planning

and ensuring the active involvement of Barangay Development Councils in the

creation of plans to improve the coordination and coherence in development

objectives. The Top-to-Bottom Approach promotes integration of diverse aspects into

the planning process. It also emphasizes the review and harmonization to align it with

the local visions and objectives for a cohesive planning framework.

The Comprehensive Land Use Planning (CLUP) has 12 important steps, these

are Organizing, Identifying Stakeholders, Setting the vision, Analyzing the situation,

Setting the goals and objectives, Establishing the Dev’t Thrust and Spatial Strategies,

Preparing the Land Use Plan, Drafting the Zoning Ordinance, Conducting Public

Hearing, Reviewing, Adopting and Approving the CLUP and ZO, and the process is

the Monitoring and Evaluating the CLUP and ZO. All of these steps are important to

ensure effective and sustainable management of land resources but step 2 which is

the Identifying the Stakeholders plays the most crucial role.

Identifying the possible stakeholders is very important in the Comprehensive

Land Use Planning (CLUP) as they are the foundation towards an effective decision-

making processes. Planners will be able to foster collaboration and can develop land

use plan that are inclusive and sustainable to the people with diverse perspectives.

These Stakeholders will then be involved throughout the planning process to ensure

that the perspectives of the community member, government agencies, and other

people involved are considered in the planning process.

The identified Stakeholders can also help in identifying potential problems or

conflict during the early planning process. With this, planners and stakeholders can
find solutions in order to minimize delays and challenges throughout the process. This

will save time and efforts to all the people involved in this Land use process. Moreover,

through their expertise and resources, they can help enhance the quality of the land

use plan.

Overall, Stakeholder participation has two essential and related components:

information sharing between the LGU and the citizenry, and active involvement of

stakeholders in identifying issues, evaluating options, and formulating strategies.

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