Position Paper 1 Tariga

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TOPIC: Comprehensive Land Use Planning Volume 1

The land use planning serves as a general context by which future land use decisions

will be guided. The Ridge-to-Reef or Integrated Watershed Ecosystems Management

Framework is the main guiding concept in all land use planning particularly in Local

Government Units. The Comprehensive Land Use Planning (CLUP) shall be anchored by

different enabling policies and legal mandates of state where the 1987 Constitution is the

principal enabling law that provides for the sustainable management and development of all

the country’s resources, particularly land. Additionally, a ridge-to-reef structure, inclusive

and expansive governance, co-management concept, gender responsiveness and sensitivity,

and a top-to-bottom and bottom-up approach will all be used in the adoption of the CLUP

preparation process. These guiding principles allow the land use plan to address the

preservation of natural resources without compromising future generations.

The Comprehensive Land Use Planning process consists of twelve steps. The first

step is to arrange the staff, materials, and assistance required for the planning process. Since

the team will be in charge of carrying out the strategy, it is crucial that the core, support, and

technical working groups be thoroughly planned at this juncture. The group will take

inventory and compile all information that is currently accessible that is pertinent to planning.

Identifying the Stakeholders is the second phase. This is done in order to identify and

recognize individuals, groups, or organizations that have a stake in the outcome of decisions.

The inclusion of specified stakeholders in the planning phase is important because it will

increase community awareness and increase the likelihood that the implementation will be

successful. Creating the plan's vision is the third step. Determining the future is important in

this step since it will serve as an outline for the plan's direction. If a CLUP already exists, it is
equitable and suitable to assess the goals, objectives, mission, and vision. Consultation is also

an excellent tool in defining the vision, which is an important process since it will be

represented in the ridge-to-reef management framework.

Analyzing the situation by identifying the problems and making an assessment using

both technical and participatory methods is the next stage. In order to align with the vision,

this phase focuses primarily on obtaining or updating baseline data and identifying needs,

issues, and concerns. Economic, social, physical infrastructure, and environmental analysis

are crucial sectoral elements, and thematic maps are essential for planning. Establishing the

goals and objectives that will help in realizing the vision is the fifth phase. It is fundamental

that the local community be included in the formulation of this. It's also critical to remember

that all sectors must participate in formulating in order to directly address possibilities,

strengths, and shortcomings. Establishing development thrust and spatial strategies where

vision and situational analysis are to be translated is the sixth step. The involvement of the

public is crucial during this stage of planning because the development thrust and spatial

strategy are finalized. The seventh step involves creating a land use plan by including the

development drive, goals, objectives, and spatial strategies. In accordance with the direction,

purpose, and goal of the plan, the LGU will now identify the land and water resources and

determine whether they will be used for production or for protection.

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan will be the basis for the designation of specific

zones in the zoning ordinance, which will be drafted in step eight. The purpose of the

community's zone division is to control land use and development in accordance with CLUP.

Additionally, this phase involves drawing borders on a table map, following which the zoning

legislation will be prepared. Zoning Ordinance's (ZO) primary goal is to give planned land

uses legal standing under the applicable laws and regulations. Holding a public hearing or

consultation is step nine. The proposed plan will be made available to the public at this phase
before being submitted for ratification. Conducting consultations, providing briefings, and

disseminating plan information are the primary tasks in this phase. This is also crucial in

order to assess suggestions, compile it, and determine what should be incorporated into the


The Zoning Ordinance and CLUP must be reviewed, adopted, and approved in step

ten. The Sangguniang Bayan will receive the final draft of the CLUP or ZO for approval

before it is enacted and adopted while implementing the CLUP or ZO is step eleven. The land

use plan is now completely implemented therefore Information, education, and

communication campaigns are important during this stage. The Barangay will also now

approve the proposal for their Barangay Development Plan enhancement or revision in the

future. Monitoring and evaluating is the final stage of land use planning. This will oversee

and evaluate the successful execution of the plan. A monitoring, review, and assessment body

will be established to keep track on the advancements made by the ZO and CLUP. Further,

there shall be a monitoring, review and evaluation body to track the progress reached by the

CLUP and ZO.

With the interdependence of all its components, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan's

steps are all important. To accomplish the main goal, planning must be done step by step, and

you cannot start the following step without first completing the previous one. Finally, it is

critical that planning involves multi-sectoral stakeholders in order to expand the range of data

required for the planning process.

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