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Chapter 10: Sexual Disorders and Gender Identity Disorder


1. What sexual behaviour is known to vary the most in frequency between males and females?
a. giving oral sex
b. receiving oral sex
c. anal intercourse
d. masturbation
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 341 BLM: Remember

2. What is a common characteristic of all sexual dysfunctions?

a. They all involve culturally stigmatized behaviour.
b. They all involve sexual behaviours that the majority of the population does not participate
c. They all are related to being unable to have sexual intercourse.
d. They all cause distress to the individual or their victim.
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 341 BLM: Remember │WWW

3. How have the differences between male and female attitudes toward sexuality changed over the past
40 years?
a. These differences have generally increased.
b. These differences have disappeared.
c. These differences have generally decreased.
d. These differences have generally remained the same.
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 342 BLM: Remember

4. According to the survey of university men and women who participated in various interpersonal sexual
activities, what was the average age of first intercourse for men?
a. 15.29 years old
b. 16.29 years old
c. 17.29 years old
d. 18.29 years old
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 343 BLM: Remember

5. Which of the following sexual behaviours is culturally accepted and encouraged in about half of the
societies surveyed worldwide, but is unacceptable and discouraged in the other half?
a. masturbation
b. premarital sexual behaviour
c. homosexual behaviour
d. oral-genital sex
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 344 BLM: Remember
6. Nina from Sweden and Cathy from Canada just had sexual intercourse for the first time. Based on
what is typical in each of their native countries, what can you predict about the probability of these
women using contraception?
a. Nina is slightly more likely to have used contraception than Cathy.
b. Nina is significantly less likely to have used contraception.
c. Nina is significantly more likely to have used contraception.
d. Nina and Cathy are equally like to have used contraception.
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 344 BLM: Higher Order

7. Jeff has just sought professional help for a sexual problem. Based on what is most prevalent, what
problem did Jeff most likely report he is having?
a. an orgasm problem
b. a desire problem
c. an arousal problem
d. a paraphilia-related problem
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 346 BLM: Higher Order

8. Although Maria fantasizes about sex and has no lack of sexual desire, when she and her husband
attempt to have intercourse, she has difficulty becoming vaginally lubricated. This has been a
persistent problem for several months now. What problem does Maria appear to have?
a. female sexual arousal disorder
b. female orgasmic disorder
c. vaginismus
d. dyspareunia
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 346 BLM: Higher Order

9. David has no interest in sex at all. He has no sexual fantasies and no desire to engage in sexual
activity. While he does not find sex disgusting or revolting, he does not understand what others find so
exciting about it. He feels just fine remaining celibate. What condition does he most likely have?
a. dyspareunia
b. hypoactive sexual disorder
c. male erectile disorder
d. sexual aversion disorder
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 347 BLM: Higher Order

10. Which of the following individuals is most likely to have a hypoactive sexual desire disorder?
a. a 30-year-old female
b. a 65-year-old female
c. a 40-year-old male
d. a 65-year-old male
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 347 BLM: Higher Order

11. What happens to the prevalence of hypoactive sexual desire disorder with age?
a. For men, it stays the same; for women, it decreases.
b. For men, it increases; for women, it decreases.
c. For men, it increases; for women, it stays the same.
d. For men, it increases; for women, it increases.
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 347 BLM: Remember
12. What is the main feature of sexual arousal disorders?
a. an abnormally high level of desire for sex
b. lack of desire for sex despite normal physical sexual response
c. normal desire for sex, but not with one’s partner
d. lack of physical sexual response despite desire for sex
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 347 BLM: Remember │WWW

13. When are sexual arousal disorders most likely to be diagnosed?

a. when there is a lack of desire for sex in either men or women
b. when there is an inability to achieve or maintain an erection in males and a lack of desire
for sex in females
c. when there is an inability to achieve or maintain an erection in males and a lack of
lubrication in females
d. when there is an inability to achieve or maintain an erection in males and a lack of orgasm
in females
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 347 BLM: Remember

14. What is the main feature of sexual arousal disorders?

a. an excessively high expectation of sex, followed by continual disappointment
b. an obsession with sex, to the exclusion of any other distraction
c. a lack of physical sexual response despite desire for sex
d. a normal desire for sex, but a physical sexual response that is only possible with strangers
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 347 BLM: Remember

15. According to research by Brotto and colleagues, what is one cultural difference between
Euro-Canadian women and Asian women with regard to sexual attitudes?
a. Asian women have more sexual knowledge.
b. Asian women have more sexual experiences.
c. Asian women have higher rates of desire.
d. Asian women have greater sexual anxiety.
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 348 BLM: Remember │WWW

16. Although Mark constantly fantasizes about having sex with his wife, when he actually attempts
intercourse, he cannot maintain an erection. This has been a persistent problem for several months
now. What problem does Mark appear to have?
a. male orgasmic disorder
b. hypoactive sexual desire
c. dyspareunia
d. male erectile disorder
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 348 BLM: Higher Order

17. What is the common outcome of occasional sexual dysfunction in married couples?
a. It does not necessarily lead to sexual dissatisfaction.
b. It is extremely stressful for any marriage.
c. It is a normal though stressful part of every marriage.
d. It is the greatest single cause of marital discord.
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 348 BLM: Higher Order
18. What is the approximate prevalence of erectile dysfunction in Canadian men?
a. 1 percent
b. 3 percent
c. 7 percent
d. 11 percent
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 348 BLM: Remember

19. A therapist is thinking about holding a seminar about erectile dysfunction at an adult living centre.
There are 200 men over 70 who use this facility. How many men could this therapist expect would be
affected by erectile dysfunction?
a. 100
b. 125
c. 140
d. 175
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 348 BLM: Higher Order

20. What percentage of married women who have had occasional trouble with orgasm reported the issue to
be problematic?
a. 25 percent
b. 35 percent
c. 45 percent
d. 55 percent
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 348 BLM: Remember

21. Basson and Brotto (2004) suggest that the current definition of female arousal disorder focuses too
much on “genital events,” and not enough on subjective arousal. What is the essence of their
a. that many women do not consider absence of physical arousal to be a problem
b. that the DSM 5’s emphasis on genital events reflects a male bias
c. that most women who meet the criteria for female arousal disorder are nevertheless able to
reach orgasm during intercourse
d. that studies have shown that women with arousal disorder often show normal vaginal
responding to erotic movies despite reporting low subjective arousal
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 348 BLM: Higher Order

22. Approximately what percentage of women report significant difficulty reaching orgasm?
a. 5 percent
b. 10 percent
c. 25 percent
d. 40 percent
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 349 BLM: Remember
23. In diagnosing orgasm disorder in women, why is it necessary to determine whether the woman “never
or almost never” reaches orgasm?
a. because only 50 percent of all women regularly experience orgasm from intercourse
b. because female orgasm difficulties are usually due to an inexperienced partner
c. because it would be a different orgasm disorder if the problem is only occasional
d. because most women regularly experience orgasms from intercourse
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 349 BLM: Higher Order

24. Sandra and Jim have been happily married for several years. Sandra reports that she reaches orgasm
from intercourse only about half of the time and she wonders if something is “wrong” with her. What
should Sandra do?
a. She should realize that this is normal.
b. She should have a medical exam before assuming that she has a diagnosable psychological
c. She should seek counselling regarding her feelings for Jim to try to understand why she
does not reach orgasm more regularly.
d. She should seek treatment for inhibited orgasm disorder.
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 349 BLM: Higher Order

25. If a man can ejaculate while masturbating but not with a partner, what disorder does he likely have?
a. male orgasmic disorder
b. male arousal disorder
c. premature ejaculatory disorder
d. hypoxiphilia
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 349 BLM: Remember │WWW

26. What is the most common of all the male sexual dysfunctions?
a. inhibited orgasm
b. erectile dysfunction
c. premature (early) ejaculation
d. sexual aversion
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 349 BLM: Remember

27. One reason that it is difficult to provide a precise diagnosis of premature ejaculation is that the concept
of “too soon” varies across individuals. What does the textbook suggest that the more important
psychological determinant of this complaint may be?
a. a perception of lack of control over orgasm
b. whether the individual is aware of what is a “normal” amount of time
c. whether the individual’s partner is sexually satisfied
d. cultural differences in expectations
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 349 BLM: Higher Order
28. Tom is having difficulties with his sex life because he climaxes as soon as he enters his partner.
Sometimes he climaxes even before he enters his partner. What is Tom experiencing?
a. male erectile disorder
b. premature ejaculation
c. hypoactive sexual desire disorder
d. male orgasmic disorder
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 349 BLM: Higher Order

29. Which of the following sexual disorders are gender specific?

a. vaginismus and sexual arousal disorder
b. hypoactive sexual desire disorder and dyspareunia
c. vaginismus and premature ejaculation
d. dyspareunia and premature ejaculation
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 350 BLM: Remember │WWW

30. Which type of sexual pain is related to pelvic muscle tension?

a. dyspareunia
b. anorgasmia
c. vaginismus
d. sexual arousal disorder
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 350 BLM: Remember │WWW

31. Mary is convinced she has a sexual pain disorder. What must her doctor rule out before confirming
this diagnosis?
a. other sexual dysfunctions, such as sexual aversion disorder, which has almost identical
b. relationship issues that could be the cause of the dysfunction
c. a medical cause of the pain
d. vaginismus
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 350 BLM: Higher Order

32. Why are questionnaires a significant part of the assessment of sexual behaviour?
a. They are less expensive than a clinical interview.
b. There are so many aspects to sexuality it is easier to keep all the information organized if a
questionnaire is used.
c. More sexual therapists are also conducting research and the questionnaires help with the
d. Individuals are more willing to reveal personal information on a questionnaire than in an
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 351 BLM: Remember │WWW

33. Both Alex and Phyllis are seeing clinicians for the assessment and treatment of sexual arousal
disorders. How is it likely that their sexual responsivity will be assessed?
a. through interviews with their partners as well as subjective self-reports
b. through the use of psychophysiological measurements
c. through the use of psychophysiological measurements and subjective self-reports
d. through the use of self-reports
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 352 BLM: Higher Order
34. How are psychophysiological assessments of sexual dysfunction generally conducted?
a. by using a device to measure a patient’s physical arousal while exposed to an erotic video
or audio tape
b. by asking patients to keep a diary of their sexual activities
c. by using a device to measure a patient’s brain waves while exposed to an erotic video or
audio tape
d. by a physician during a medical exam
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 352 BLM: Remember

35. A male patient complaining of erectile dysfunction is observed to have a complete lack of nocturnal
penile erections while sleeping. Which of the following can be concluded?
a. His erectile dysfunction is not simply the result of worrying about sexual performance
while in a sexual setting
b. A side effect of a prescribed medication is the cause of his erectile dysfunction.
c. His erectile dysfunction is caused by a medical problem.
d. A psychological difficulty may be the cause of his erectile dysfunction.
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 352 BLM: Remember

36. What is a major biological contribution to the development of sexual dysfunctions?

a. endocrine deficiencies
b. neurological diseases
c. anxiety
d. androgen deficiencies
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 353 BLM: Remember │WWW

37. Frank is upset because he thinks he may have more than one sexual dysfunction and he thinks that this
makes his case very unusual. How is Frank’s doctor likely to respond to Frank’s concern?
a. by telling him it is difficult to know because patients are reluctant to report more than one
problem because of the stigma they feel
b. by telling him it is difficult to answer because some symptoms of sexual dysfunction are
caused by medication but are, in fact, not true sexual dysfunctions
c. by telling him that seldom does one sexual dysfunction present in isolation
d. by telling him he is right, it is very uncommon, but that each condition can still most likely
be treated
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 353 BLM: Higher Order

38. How can chronic illness indirectly affect sexual functioning?

a. by causing fatigue, which then contributes to lack of sexual desire
b. by separating sexual partners when one is hospitalized
c. by making individuals overly cautious about the physical exertion involved in sexual
d. by gradually creating an emotional distance between the sexual partners, which in turn,
lessens sexual desire
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 353 BLM: Remember
39. What are two extremely common medical causes of erectile dysfunction?
a. vascular disease and depression
b. vascular disease and diabetes
c. arthritis and diabetes
d. depression and diabetes
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 353 BLM: Remember

40. Which of the following medications cause some degree of sexual dysfunction in approximately 75
percent of individuals taking them?
a. beta blockers
b. anti-hypertensives
c. tricyclic antidepressants
d. SSRIs
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 353 BLM: Remember

41. Dr. Mukherjee teaches a class with 100 adult women in it. About how many women in the class are
likely to have some sort of sexual dysfunction?
a. 10
b. 16
c. 24
d. 28
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 353 BLM: Higher Order

42. Sherri and Leo have been having some sexual difficulties lately. Both have experienced some
symptoms of sexual arousal disorders. They decide to have a few glasses of wine before engaging in
sex tonight. How would you rate this idea?
a. It is a bad idea, as it could further impair arousal.
b. It is a bad idea, as it tends to decrease desire.
c. It is a good idea, as it could help performance.
d. It is a good idea, as it could help desire.
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 353 BLM: Higher Order

43. What does our current understanding of the psychological causes of sexual dysfunction suggest is the
primary psychological factor in sexual dysfunction?
a. unreasonable expectations
b. anxiety
c. suppressed anger
d. distraction
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 353 BLM: Remember

44. How can psychological factors, particularly cognitive and emotional factors, play a powerful role in
sexual arousal?
a. by decreasing levels of androgen in males and estrogen in females
b. by determining whether blood flows to the appropriate areas of the body, such as the
c. by lowering the threshold for ejaculation
d. by suppressing the central nervous system
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 353 BLM: Remember
45. Ken often has problems with premature (early) ejaculation. As he becomes more anxious about his
problem, what will most likely happen to the amount of time between initiating intercourse and
a. It will decrease.
b. It will increase.
c. It will depend upon what is making him anxious.
d. It will depend upon what is causing the premature ejaculation in the first place.
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 354 BLM: Higher Order

46. What is the most accurate definition for the term “erotophobia”?
a. fear of emotional intimacy
b. negative feelings toward sexuality
c. reoccurring thoughts of being raped
d. vomiting sensations that occur with the thought of physical contact
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 354 BLM: Remember

47. How do sexual dysfunctions compare across cultures?

a. Sexual dysfunctions in women are common across all cultures; sexual dysfunctions in men
are more culture specific.
b. Sexual dysfunctions of arousal are common across all cultures; sexual dysfunctions of
performance are culture specific.
c. Sexual dysfunctions related to pain are common across all cultures; other sexual
dysfunctions are culture specific.
d. Sexual dysfunctions reflect moral disapproval of a given culture.
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 354 BLM: Remember

48. Which of the following groups of men are most likely to believe common sexual myths, such as
“women normally reach orgasm every time they have intercourse”?
a. men who do not have sexual disorders
b. men with conservative sexual attitudes
c. men who are homosexual
d. men who have sexual disorders
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 355 BLM: Remember

49. Tom thinks he shows his love and worthiness as a sex partner by working hard at the office and
keeping the house in good repair. His wife Maria can’t feel sexy unless he woos her with gifts and
loving words. According to theorist John Gagnon, in what way do Tom and Maria differ?
a. in their cognitive structuring
b. in their irrational beliefs
c. in their texts
d. in their scripts
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 355 BLM: Remember │WWW
50. How does the interaction of psychological and physical factors unfold with the typical development of
sexual dysfunction?
a. Initial dysfunction may be triggered by an event such as substance use; concern about the
dysfunction then leads to more dysfunction, and sex itself becomes associated with
negative feelings.
b. A general medical condition triggers the first dysfunction, which is followed by increased
anxiety; as the anxiety increases, the sexual dysfunction becomes more severe over time
and causes loss of interest in sex.
c. Initial dysfunction may be triggered by an event such as substance use; this causes a strain
on the relationship and reduces the intimacy in the relationship, which then leads to
anxiety about one’s desirability.
d. Initial dysfunction occurs through slow and gradual deterioration, possibly due to a
medical condition; as the medical condition develops, the individual’s concern with failing
sexuality increases, resulting in relationship problems.
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 355 BLM: Higher Order

51. What is one of the most effective treatments for many sexual dysfunctions?
a. masturbatory training and exposure to erotic material
b. anti-anxiety medication
c. education regarding normal sexuality
d. improving the relationship with the patient’s partner
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 356 BLM: Remember

52. When a culture has more conservative views about sexual behaviour, what disorder appears to be more
a. vaginismus
b. anorgasmia
c. premature ejaculation.
d. fetishistic disorder
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 356 BLM: Remember │WWW

53. Sensate focus and nondemand pleasuring were designed by Masters and Johnson (1970) to treat sexual
dysfunctions. How did these techniques work?
a. primarily through increasing sexual desire and decreasing sexual performance
b. primarily through elimination of psychologically based performance anxiety
c. primarily through creating suspense and excitement in the sexual experience
d. primarily through improving a couple’s sexual skills
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 357 BLM: Higher Order

54. Masters and Johnson (1970) used sensate focus therapy for the treatment of premature ejaculation. In
what percentage of cases did Masters and Johnson claim this therapy was effective?
a. 50 percent
b. 65 percent
c. 75 percent
d. almost 100 percent
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 357 BLM: Remember
55. Maggie and Jim have started sex therapy to deal with Jim’s recent erectile dysfunction. The therapist
instructed them to refrain from intercourse or genital touching, but to spend the next several days
enjoying each other through hugging, kissing, and mutual massage. What is this an example of?
a. an erotic body awareness technique
b. disinhibition exercises
c. foreplay exercises
d. stage one of sensate focus treatment
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 357 BLM: Higher Order

56. Stage two of sensate focus involves genital pleasuring but prohibits intercourse or orgasm. What is the
main purpose of this stage?
a. to provide increased anticipation of intercourse
b. to allow sexual experience without the anxiety of performance
c. to provide a break from the “usual” way that the couple has sex
d. to allow each individual to communicate his or her desires to the partner
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 357 BLM: Higher Order

57. Roderick and his partner are seeking treatment for Roderick’s premature ejaculation. The therapist
encourages the couple to stimulate Roderick’s penis to nearly full erection and then to compress the
penis firmly to quickly reduce arousal. After repeating this process, insertion is to be attempted
without thrusting, and the penis removed if arousal proceeds too quickly. What is this treatment
a. erotic desensitization
b. stimulus removal
c. the squeeze technique
d. retarded ejaculation
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 357 BLM: Remember │WWW

58. Fred and Diane have just completed stage two of sensate focus therapy. What are they instructed to do
at this stage?
a. return to full, prior sexual activity
b. take a break from sexual activity for several weeks and then slowly return to normal
c. begin the “genital pleasuring” stage of the treatment
d. slowly begin sexual activity, continuing nondemand pleasuring as they progress
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 357 BLM: Higher Order

59. In Masters and Johnson’s (1970) therapy for erectile dysfunction, approximately what percentage of
cases did they claim to have a positive treatment outcome?
a. 25 percent
b. 45 percent
c. 60 percent
d. 85 percent
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 357 BLM: Remember
60. What is involved in the sex therapy technique designed specifically to treat premature ejaculation?
a. the squeeze technique
b. sensate focus
c. directed imagery and relaxation exercises
d. nondemand pleasuring
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 357 BLM: Remember

61. What treatment is found to be most effective in the treatment of female orgasmic disorder?
a. directed imagery and relaxation exercises
b. the regular use of vibrators
c. explicit training in masturbation procedures
d. sensate focus
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 357 BLM: Remember

62. Why is a woman likely to be sent home from sex therapy with an assignment to purchase a vibrator
and practise masturbating?
a. because she is being treated for female orgasmic disorder
b. because she is being treated for vaginismus
c. because she is being treated for hypoactive sexual desire disorder
d. because she is being treated for clitoral dysfunction
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 357 BLM: Remember

63. What percentage of individuals with hypoactive sexual desire disorder is estimated to benefit from
some form of sex therapy?
a. between 10 percent and 30 percent
b. between 30 percent and 50 percent
c. between 50 percent and 70 percent
d. between 70 percent and 90 percent
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 358 BLM: Remember

64. What are dilators of gradually increasing sizes used for?

a. the treatment of hyperactive sexual desire disorder
b. the treatment of vaginismus
c. the treatment of female orgasmic disorder
d. the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 358 BLM: Remember

65. Reissing and colleagues (1999) have been critical of the focus on the achievement of penile–vaginal
intercourse as the sole indicator of sex therapy “success.” What do they argue that additional outcomes
should include?
a. whether the couple is experiencing greater sexual satisfaction
b. improvement of sexual skills
c. whether the original relationship problems have been resolved
d. increasing the length of time spent by the couple in foreplay
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 358 BLM: Higher Order
66. What percentage of men with erectile dysfunction who take Viagra are then able to maintain an
erection sufficient for intercourse?
a. between 5 percent and 40 percent
b. between 50 percent and 80 percent
c. between 80 percent and 90 percent
d. between 90 percent and 100 percent
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 359 BLM: Remember

67. What side effect do approximately 30 percent of Viagra users experience?

a. groin pain
b. dizziness
c. addiction
d. severe headache
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 359 BLM: Remember

68. Which of the following do research studies on Viagra users indicate?

a. Most users are able to engage in intercourse, but only 32 percent rated the results as
“good” or better.
b. Most users were unable to engage in intercourse and were not satisfied with the results.
c. Approximately half of the users are able to engage in intercourse and are highly satisfied
with the results.
d. Most users are able to engage in intercourse and are very satisfied with the results.
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 359 BLM: Remember

69. Vasodilating drugs such as papaverine and prostaglandin are used in the treatment of erectile
dysfunction. How are these drugs delivered to the patient?
a. by injection into the arm or hip
b. by injection directly into the penis
c. in a capsule taken orally
d. as a dietary supplement
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 360 BLM: Remember

70. Although vasodilating drugs, such as papaverine and prostaglandin, are effective in producing an
erection for patients with erectile dysfunction, about 50 to 60 percent of patients discontinue using
these drugs. Why do they usually discontinue use?
a. because of the expense of the drug
b. because they become more confident about their sexual abilities
c. because of painful side effects
d. because the effectiveness of the drug decreases with continued use
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 360 BLM: Remember

71. What term refers to a group of disorders in which sexual arousal occurs in the context of inappropriate
a. paraphilia
b. gender dyphorias
c. transvestic fetishism
d. dyspareunia
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 360 BLM: Remember │WWW
72. What is a paraphilia?
a. a sexual attraction to a wide variety of abnormal stimuli
b. an abnormal sexual fantasy
c. an abnormally high level of sexual activity
d. a sexual attraction to inappropriate individuals or objects
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 361 BLM: Remember

73. What is a fetish?

a. a sexual desire that dominates the personality
b. a sexual dysfunction
c. a sexual attraction to nonliving objects
d. a sexual attraction to inappropriate individuals
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 361 BLM: Remember

74. Charles gets very sexually excited by women’s shoes. While he used to fantasize about women
wearing particular shoes, he now focuses almost exclusively on the shoes themselves. What does
Charles have?
a. a sexual arousal disorder
b. a frotteuristic obsession
c. an unusual interest but not a diagnosable disorder
d. a fetish
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 361 BLM: Higher Order

75. Greg and Diana often begin their sexual activity with Greg putting on a striptease show for Diana.
Greg says that he gets aroused by exposing himself, and Diana reports getting aroused when she
watches him undress. What would a sex therapist say about Greg and Diana?
a. Neither Greg nor Diana should be diagnosed with a fetish because these behaviours
involve consenting individuals.
b. Greg is an exhibitionist, and Diana is a voyeur.
c. Greg is a voyeur, and Diana is an exhibitionist.
d. Both Diana and Greg have nonspecific fetishes because they admit to getting sexually
excited by their atypical behaviours.
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 361 BLM: Higher Order

76. Which of the following is a psychological aspect of voyeurism and exhibitionism that seems to
maintain the disordered behaviour?
a. some anxiety about getting caught
b. the fact that these individuals are rarely caught
c. the desire to hurt their victims
d. some sense that their victims really enjoy being subjected to their fetish
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 362 BLM: Higher Order
77. What disorder is found almost exclusively among gay men?
a. transvestic disorder
b. voyeuristic disorder
c. gender dysphoria
d. pedophilic disorder
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 362-365 BLM: Remember

78. Zach and Pam become sexually excited only when Pam spanks Zach or ties him up and hits him.
However, these acts are more pretend than real, and no actual harm or pain is inflicted on Zach. Which
of the following is the correct diagnostic pairing?
a. Pam—no diagnosis; Zach—masochist
b. Pam—sadist; Zach—masochist
c. Pam—no diagnosis; Zach—no diagnosis
d. Pam—masochist; Zach—sadist
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 364 BLM: Higher Order

79. Sadistic rapists are not classified as having a paraphilia because their behaviour is classified as an
assault. However, research indicates that many these individuals meet the criteria for another disorder.
What disorder is it?
a. conduct disorder
b. psychotic personality disorder
c. antisocial personality disorder
d. histrionic personality disorder
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 364 BLM: Remember

80. Why is sadistic rape NOT classified as a paraphilia?

a. because most rapes are committed by a male whose patterns of sexual arousal do not fit
the diagnostic criteria for a paraphilia
b. because rape is a crime and not a disorder
c. because the behaviour does not involve consenting parties
d. because rapists usually are diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 364 BLM: Higher Order

81. How does inappropriate sexual arousal, such as a fetish, appear to be learned?
a. through exposure to pornography
b. through social “scripts” that are transferred from one generation to the next
c. through masturbatory fantasies about the object
d. through poor social skills
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 366 BLM: Remember

82. Which of the following procedures are carried out entirely in the patient’s imagination and are used to
reduce the inappropriate sexual arousal that exists in fetishistic behaviour?
a. covert desensitization
b. sensate focus
c. classical conditioning
d. sexual retraining
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 368 BLM: Higher Order
83. What is the basic concept behind the covert desensitization method of treating unwanted sexual
a. to replace the immediate reinforcement of the behaviour with the unpleasant consequences
that ordinarily take longer to be experienced
b. to improve family functioning, social skills, and overall effectiveness of appropriate adult
c. to create empathy and sensitivity for the victim of the behaviour
d. to create a physically painful experience to replace the immediate reinforcement that the
unwanted behaviour has previously produced
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 368 BLM: Higher Order

84. Which of the following is a psychosocial treatment carried out entirely in the imagination of the
a. orgasmic reconditioning
b. covert desensitization
c. imaginary relapse reconditioning
d. relapse prevention
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 368 BLM: Remember │WWW

85. Matthew is undergoing the procedure called orgasmic reconditioning. What will Matthew’s therapist
instruct him to do?
a. Masturbate to his usual fantasies but substitute images of the consequences associated
with his behaviour (such as getting caught, hurting someone else, etc.) just before
b. Substitute images of the consequences associated with his behaviour (such as getting
caught, hurting someone else, etc.) every time he feels aroused by thoughts of his
inappropriate desires.
c. Masturbate to his usual fantasies but substitute more desirable ones just before ejaculation.
d. Watch video tapes of normal adult sexuality repeatedly, until such images result in
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 369 BLM: Higher Order

86. Which of the following principles does orgasmic reconditioning use?

a. reinforcement of appropriate arousal
b. extinction of inappropriate arousal
c. reinforcement of self-control
d. punishment of inappropriate arousal
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 369 BLM: Remember

87. Orgasmic reconditioning and covert desensitization are effective methods for treating what type of
a. paraphilias
b. erectile dysfunction
c. arousal disorders in women
d. gender dysphoria
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 369 BLM: Higher Order
88. How effective are the drugs currently available for the treatment of paraphilias?
a. The drugs reduce sex drive and continue to be effective for several years after the patient
stops the medication.
b. The drugs dramatically reduce sex drive but have side effects that make them harmful to
many patients.
c. The drugs produce a “chemical castration” that effectively eliminates all sex drive
permanently so that the patient will never desire sex, even after discontinuing the
d. The drugs eliminate sex drive but are effective only while the drug is being taken.
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 369 BLM: Remember

89. Which of the following individuals should be diagnosed with gender dysphoria?
a. Christian, who gets sexually aroused by wearing women’s bras
b. Sid, who can only become sexually aroused while fantasizing that he is a woman
c. Mark, who feels like a woman trapped in a man’s body
d. Kersti, who is gay and has many traditionally masculine traits
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 369 BLM: Higher Order

90. What procedure is used to strengthen more appropriate patterns of sexual arousal?
a. the squeeze technique
b. visual stimulation
c. klismaphilia
d. orgasmic reconditioning
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 369 BLM: Remember │WWW

91. What were those with “gender dysphoria” previously known as?
a. transvestites
b. transsexuals
c. gay males
d. bisexuals
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 370 BLM: Remember

92. How is an intersex condition (hermaphrodite) distinct from gender dysphoria?

a. Intersex individuals receive sexual pleasure from cross-dressing.
b. Intersex individuals are born with ambiguous genitalia.
c. Intersex individuals are born with the complete genitalia of both a male and a female.
d. Intersex individuals are bisexual.
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 370 BLM: Remember
93. How can biological males with gender dysphoria be distinguished from biological males with
transvestic fetishism (TF)?
a. Biological males with TF are sexually not generally aroused by wearing clothing
associated with the other sex, and they do not feel as though they are a woman trapped in a
man’s body.
b. Biological males with TF are sexually aroused by wearing clothing associated with the
other sex and also feel as though they are a woman trapped in a man’s body.
c. Biological males with gender dysphoria are not generally sexually aroused by wearing
clothing associated with the other sex.
d. Biological males with gender dysphoria are generally sexually aroused by wearing
clothing associated with the other sex.
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 370 BLM: Higher Order

94. Which of the following theoretical models outlines the complex interactions for sexual orientation?
a. Environmental influences are likely the key factor in predicting outcome.
b. Causal contributions to sexual orientation are probably one-third familial, one-third
biological, and one-third cultural.
c. Genetic contributions determine the outcome.
d. No single factor, biological or psychological, can predict the outcome.
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 371 BLM: Higher Order

95. In two twin studies cited in your textbook, it was found that the percentage of monozygotic twins in
which both twins are homosexual was 50 percent. Approximately the same, or a slightly lower,
percentage of non-twin brothers or sisters was homosexual. What does this pattern of findings suggest?
a. The environment determines sexual orientation.
b. Genes are not an influence for sexual orientation.
c. Genes are only one influence for sexual orientation.
d. Homosexuality is determined by genetics.
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 371 BLM: Higher Order

96. What is the most likely adult outcome for a young boy who shows effeminate behaviours?
a. a bisexual orientation
b. an exclusively heterosexual orientation
c. an exclusively homosexual orientation
d. gender dysphoria
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 371 BLM: Higher Order

97. Andrew is just beginning to show signs of a consolidated gender identity. How old is Andrew likely to
a. between 18 months and 3 years
b. between 24 months and 4 years
c. between 3 years and 5 years
d. between 4 years and 6 years
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 372 BLM: Higher Order
98. Fausto-Sterling (2000) suggested that there are actually three more sexes in addition to males and
females. Whom does she refer to as “merms”?
a. individuals who have ovaries but possess some aspect of male genitalia
b. individuals who were born without either testes or ovaries
c. individuals who are anatomically more male than female but possess some aspect of
female genitalia
d. individuals who were born with both testes and ovaries
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 374 BLM: Remember

99. Alex does not like having sex because when he thinks about anything related to touching he is filled
with fear and panic. What is the most likely diagnosis for Alex?
a. dyspareunia
b. male sexual arousal disorder
c. hypoactive sexual desire
d. sexual aversion disorder
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 377 (Video Concept Review)
BLM: Remember


1. Explain the modern definition of the term “disorder” as it relates to sexual behaviour. Why is the
determination of a sexual disorder a somewhat subjective decision?

Student responses will vary.

PTS: 1 REF: 341 BLM: Remember

2. Describe the impact of culture on the definition of a sexual disorder. What cross-cultural evidence
suggests that “normal” sexual behaviour is culturally defined?

Student responses will vary.

PTS: 1 REF: 344 BLM: Remember

3. Describe the development of a typical sexual dysfunction. Explain how the various influences (genetic,
psychosocial, or substance use) might interact in the following situation: An occasional dysfunction
(e.g., first-time failure to maintain an erection) develops into a disorder that interferes with the
individual’s ability to function sexually (e.g., erectile dysfunction).

Student responses will vary.

PTS: 1 REF: 353–356 BLM: Remember

4. Describe the symptoms of three different forms of paraphilia. What do all paraphilias have in

Student responses will vary.

PTS: 1 REF: 361–366 BLM: Remember

5. Describe a process in which paraphilias may develop.

Student responses will vary.

PTS: 1 REF: 366 BLM: Remember

6. Explain the treatment methods of covert sensitization and orgasmic reconditioning. What do these two
methods have in common?

Student responses will vary.

PTS: 1 REF: 368–369 BLM: Remember

7. Explain the features of the treatment options (psychosocial and surgical sex reassignment) for gender
dysphoria. Why is it so important for the patient to consider treatment options very carefully?

Student responses will vary.

PTS: 1 REF: 369–370 BLM: Remember

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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Life's little stage
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Title: Life's little stage

Author: Agnes Giberne

Release date: December 31, 2023 [eBook #72559]

Language: English

Original publication: London: The Religious Tract Society, 1913

Transcriber's note: Unusual and inconsistent spelling is as printed.





"Who can over-estimate the value of these little Opportunities?
How angels must weep to see us throw them away!
. . . And how can we ever expect to meet the great trials
worthily, unless we learn discipline by those which to others
may seem but trifles?"—ANON.






Little 'Why-Because'
This Wonder-World
The Hillside Children
Stories of the Abbey Precincts
Anthony Cragg's Tenant
Profit and Loss; or, Life's Ledger
Through the Linn
Five Little Birdies
Next-Door Neighbours
Willie and Lucy at the Sea-side



THERE are many girls who, on leaving School for Home-life, find the year or two following
rather "difficult." They seem often not quite to know what to do with themselves, with their
time, with their gifts; and they are apt to fall into some needless mistakes for want of a
guiding hand. My wish, in writing this tale, has been to give such girls a little help. It may
be that one here or there, in reading it, will find out how to avoid such mistakes from the
struggles, the defeats, and the non-defeats of Magda Royston.








































"SOME girls would be glad in your place."

"It's just the other way with me."

"Not that you have not been happy here. I know you have. Still—home is home."

"This is my other home."

Miss Mordaunt smiled. It was hardly in human nature not to be gratified.

"If only I could have stayed two years longer! Or even one year! Father might let me. It's
such a horrid bore to have to leave now."

"But since no choice is left, you must make the best of things."
The two stood facing one another in the bow-window of Miss Mordaunt's pretty drawing-
room; tears in the eyes of the elder woman, for hers was a sympathetic nature; no tears in
the eyes of the girl, but a sharp ache at her heart. Till the arrival of this morning's post she
never quite lost hope, though notice of her removal was given months before. A final
appeal, vehemently worded, after the writer's fashion, had lately gone; and the reply was

Many a tussle of wills had taken place during the last four years between these two; and a
time was when the pupil indulged in hard thoughts of the kind Principal. But Miss Mordaunt
possessed power to win love; and though she found in Magda Royston a difficult subject,
she conquered in the end. Out of battling grew strong affection—how strong on the side of
Magda perhaps neither quite knew until this hour.

"There isn't any 'best.' It's just simply horrid."

"Still, if you are wanted at home, your duty lies there."

"I'm not. That's the thing. Nobody wants me. Mother has Penrose; and father has Merryl;
and Frip—I mean, Francie—is the family pet. And I come in nowhere. I'm a sort of
extraneous atom that can't coalesce with any other atom." A tinge of self-satisfaction crept
into the tone. "It's not my fault. Nobody at home needs me—not one least little bit. And
there isn't a person in all the town that I care for—not one blessed individual!"

Miss Mordaunt seated herself on the sofa, drawing the speaker to her side, with a
protesting touch.

"There isn't. Pen snaps them all up. And if she didn't, it would come to the same thing. I'm
not chummy with girls—never was. I had a real friend once; but he was a boy; and boys
are so different. Ned Fairfax and I were immense chums; but he was years and years older
than me; and he went right away when I was only eleven. I've never set eyes on him
since, and I don't even know now what has become of him. Only I know we should be
friends again—directly—if ever we met! The girls and I get on well enough here, but we're
not friends."

"Except Beatrice."

"Bee is a little dear, and I dote on her; and she worships the ground I tread on. But after
all—though she is more than a year older, she always seems the younger. And I'm much
more to her than she is to me. Don't you see? I wouldn't say that to everybody, but it's
true. I want something more than that, if it is to satisfy! Bee looks up to me. I want some
one that I can look up to."

"There is much more in Bee than appears on the surface."

"I dare say. She pegs away, and gets on. She'll be awfully useful at home. And in a sort of
way she is taking."

"People find her extremely taking. She is a friend worth having and worth keeping. But I
hope you are going to have friends in Burwood."

"There's nobody. Oh well, yes, there is one—but she doesn't live there. She only comes
down to a place near for a week or ten days at a time. Her name is Patricia, and she is a
picture! I've seen her just three times, and I fell in love straight off. But I haven't a ghost
of a chance. Everybody runs after her. Oh, I shall get on all right. There's Rob, you know.
He and I have always been cronies; and it's quite settled that I shall keep house for him
some day. Not till he gets a living; and that won't be yet. He was only ordained two years

"I should advise you not to build too much on that notion. Your brother may marry."

Magda's eyes blazed. They were singular golden-brown eyes, with a reddish tinge in the
iris, matching her hair.

"You don't know Rob! He always says he never comes across any girls to be compared with
his sisters. And I always was his special! He promised—years ago—that I should live with
him by-and-by. At least—if he didn't exactly promise, he said it. Father jeers at the idea,
but Rob means what he says."

Miss Mordaunt hesitated to throw further cold water. Life itself would bring the chill splash
soon enough.

"Well—perhaps," she admitted. "Only, it is always wiser not to look forward too confidently.
Things turn out so unlike what one expects beforehand. Have you not found it so?"

"I'm sure this won't. It will all come right, I know. But just imagine father talking about my
having 'finished my education.' Oh dear me, if he would but understand! He says his own
sisters finished theirs at seventeen, and he doesn't see any need for new-fangled ways.
You may read it!" Magda held out the sheet with an indignant thrust. "As if it mattered
what they used to do in the Dark Ages."

Miss Mordaunt could not quite suppress another smile. She read the letter and gave it

"That settles the matter, I am afraid. I see that your father wants his daughter."

"He doesn't!" bluntly. "He wants nobody except Merryl. 'Finished my education' indeed!
Why, I'm not seventeen till next month; and I'm only just beginning to know what real
work means."

Miss Mordaunt could have endorsed this; but an interruption came. She was called away;
and Magda wandered to one of the class-rooms, where, as she expected, she found a girl
alone bending over a desk, hard at work—a girl nearly as tall as herself, but so slight in
make that people often spoke of her as "little;" the more so, perhaps, from her gentle
retiring manner, and from the look of wistful appeal in her brown eyes. It was a pale face,
even-featured, with rather marked dark brows and brown hair full of natural waves. As
Magda entered she jumped up.

"I've been wanting to see you, Magda. Only think—"

"I went to tell Miss Mordaunt—father has written at last."

"Has he? And he says—?"

"I'm to go home for good at the end of the term."

"Then we leave together, after all."

"It's right enough for you. You've had an extra year. But I do hate it—just as I am getting
to love work—to have to stop."

"You won't stop. You are so clever. You will keep on with everything."
"It can't be the same—working all alone."

Beatrice looked sympathetic, but only remarked—"I have heard from my mother too. And
only think! We are to leave town. Not now, but some time next year; when the lease of our
house is up. Guess where we may perhaps live!"

"Not—Burwood!" dubiously.

Bee clapped joyous hands.

"What can have made your mother think of such a thing?"

"Why, Magda! Wouldn't you be glad to have us?"

"Of course. But I mean—how did it come into her head?"

"I put the notion there. Wouldn't you have done it in my place? London never has suited
her; and our doctor advises the country. And I said something in my last about Burwood—
not really thinking that anything would come of it. But mother has quite taken to the idea.
She used to stay near, sometimes, when she was a child; and she remembers well how
pretty the walks and drives were. It would make all the difference to me if we were near to
you. I should not mind so very much then having to leave Amy."

Magda was not especially fond of hearing about this other great friend—Amy Smith.
Whatever her estimate might be, in the abstract, of the value of Bee, she liked to have the
whole of her; not to share her with somebody else. Certainly not with a "Miss Smith!"

"You see, I've been near Amy all my life; and she is so good to me—too good! She's years
older, but we are just like sisters, and I don't know how I shall get on without her. But if it
is to come near you, dear, saying good-bye won't be quite so hard."

"It will be frightfully nice if you do. We can do no end of things together. I suppose it's not
settled yet."

"No; only, if mother once takes to a plan, she doesn't soon give it up. So I'm very hopeful.
Just think! If I were always near you! And you were always coming in and out!"

"It would be frightfully nice!" repeated Magda, throwing into her voice what Bee would
expect to hear. But when she strolled away, she questioned within herself—was she glad?
Would she be more disappointed or more relieved if the scheme fell through?

The notion of introducing Beatrice Major to her home-circle did not quite appeal to her. The
Roystons held their heads high, and moved in county circles, and were extremely
particular as to whom they deigned to know. Bee herself was the dearest little creature—
pretty and lovable, sweet and kind; but she had been only two years in the school, and
Magda had met none of Bee's people. They might very easily fail to suit her people.

Beatrice, it was true, never seemed to mind being questioned about her home and
connections; but it was equally true that she never appeared to have very much to say—at
least of any such particulars as would impress the Royston imagination; and this was
suggestive. Magda had heard so much all her life about people's antecedents, that she
might be excused for feeling nervous. She had seen a photo of Bee's mother, and thought
her a very unattractive person; also a photo of Amy Smith, which was worse still. She
knew that Mrs. Major could not be too well off, for Bee's command of pocket-money was
by no means plentiful, and her wardrobe was limited.
They would probably live in some poky little house. And though Magda could talk grandly
about not caring what other people thought, and though personally she would not perhaps
mind about the said house, yet she would mind extremely if her own particular friend were
looked down upon by her home-folks. The very idea of Pen's air of mild disdain stung

So altogether she felt that, if the plan failed, she would not be very sorry. But Bee might
on no account guess this.

Several weeks later came the day of parting; and once more Magda stood before Miss
Mordaunt with a lump in her throat.

"You will have to work steadily, if you do not mean to lose all you have gained, Magda."

"I know. I shall make a plan for every day, and stick to it."

"Except when home duties come between."

"I've no home duties. Pen goes everywhere with mother, and Merryl does all the little
useful fidgets. There's nothing left for me. Nobody will care what I'm after."

Miss Mordaunt studied the impressionable face. Some eager thought was at work below
the surface.

"What is it, my dear?"

"You always know when I've something on my mind. I've been thinking a lot lately. Miss
Mordaunt, I want to do something with my life. Not just to drift along anyhow, as so many
girls do. I want to make something of it. Something great, you know!"—and her eyes
glowed. "Do you think I shall ever be able? Does the chance come to everybody some time
or other? I've heard it said that it does."

"It may. Many miss the 'chance,' as you call it, when it does come. I should rather call it
'the opportunity.' What do you mean by 'something great'?"

"Oh—Why!—You know! Something above the common run. Like Grace Darling, or Miss
Florence Nightingale, or that Duchess who stayed behind in the French bazaar to be burnt
to death, so that others might escape. It was noblesse oblige with her, wasn't it? I think it
would be grand to do something of that sort,—that would be always remembered and
talked about."

"Perhaps so. But don't forget that what one is in the little things of life, one is also in the
great things. More than one rehearsal is generally given to us before the 'great
opportunity' is sent. And if we fail in the rehearsals, we fail then also."

"Yes—I know. And I do mean to work at my studies. But all the same, I should like to do
something, some day, really and truly great."

Miss Mordaunt looked wistfully at the girl. "Dear Magda—real greatness does not mean
being talked about. It means—doing the Will of God in our lives—doing our duty, and doing
it for Him."

MANY months later that parting interview with Miss Mordaunt recurred vividly to Magda.

"What's the good of it all, I wonder?" she had been asking aloud.

And suddenly, as if called up from a far distance, she saw again Miss Mordaunt's face, and
heard again her own confident utterances.

It was a bitterly cold March afternoon. She stood alone under the great walnut tree in the
back garden—which was divided by a tall hedge from the kitchen garden. Over her head
was a network of bare boughs; and upon the grass at her feet lay a pure white carpet.
Some lilac bushes near had begun to show promise of coming buds; but they looked
doleful enough now, weighed down by snow.

She had with such readiness promised steady work in the future! And she had meant it

The thing seemed so easy beforehand. And for a time she really had tried. But she had not
kept it up. She had not worked persistently. She had not "stuck" to her plans. The contrast
between intention and non-fulfilment came upon her now with force.

Six months had gone by of home-life, of emancipation from school control. Six months of
aimless drifting—the very thing she had resolved sturdily against.

"Oh, bother! What's the use of worrying? Why can't I take things as Pen does? Pen never
seems to mind." But she was in the grip of a cogitative mood, and thinking would not be

She had begun well enough—had planned daily two hours of music, an hour of history, an
hour of literature, an hour alternately of French and German. It had all looked fair and
promising. And the whole had ended in smoke.

Something always seemed to come in the way. The children wanted a ramble. Or she was
sent on an errand. Or a caller came in. Or there was an invitation. Or—oftener and worse!
—disinclination had her by the throat.

Disinclination which, no doubt, might have been, and ought to have been, grappled with
and overcome. Only, she had not grappled with it. She had not overcome. She had yielded,
time after time.

It was so difficult to work alone; so dull to sit and read in her own room; so stupid to write
a translation that nobody would see; so tiresome to practice when there was none to
praise or blame. Not that she liked blame; and not that she was not expected to practice;
but no marked interest was shown in her advance; and she wanted sympathy and craved
an object. And it was so fatally easy to put off, to let things slide, to get out of the way of
regular plans. The fact that any time would do equally well soon meant no time.
This had been a typical day; and she reviewed it ruefully. A morning of aimless nothings;
the mending of clothes idly deferred; hours spent in the reading of a foolish novel; jars
with Penrose; friction with her mother; a sharp set-down from her father; then
forgetfulness of wrongs and resentment during a romp in the snow with Merryl and Frip—
till the younger girls were summoned indoors, leaving her to descend at a plunge from
gaiety to disquiet. Magda's variations were many.

She stood pondering the subject—a long-limbed well-grown girl, young in look for her
years, with a curly mass of red-brown hair, seldom tidy, and a pair of expressive eyes.
They could look gentle and loving, though that phase was not common; they could sparkle
with joy or blaze with anger; they could be dull as a November fog; they could, as at this
moment, turn their regards inwards with uneasy self-condemnation.

But it was a condemnation of self which she would not have liked anybody else to echo. No
one quicker, you may be sure, than Magda Royston in self-defence! Even now words of
excuse sprang readily, as she stood at the bar of her own judgment.

"After all, I don't see that it is my fault. I can't help things being as they are. And suppose
I had worked all these months at music and history and languages—what then? What
would be the good? It would be all for myself. I should be just as useless to other people."

A vision arose of the great things she had wished to do, and she stamped the snow flat.

"It's no good. I've no chance. There's nothing to be done that I can see. If I had heaps of
money to give away! Or if I had a special gift—if I could write books, or could paint
pictures! Or even if my people were poor, and I could work hard to get money for them!
Anything like that would make all the difference. As it is—well, I know I have brains of a
sort; better brains than Pen! But I don't see what I can do with them. I don't see that I
can do anything out of the common, or better than hundreds of other people do. And that
is so stupid. Not worth the trouble!"

"Mag-da!" sounded in Pen's clear voice.

"She never can leave me in peace! I'm not going indoors yet."

"Mag-da!" Three times repeated, was followed by—"Where are you? Mother says you are
to come."

This could not be disregarded. "Coming," she called carelessly, and in a slow saunter she
followed the boundary of the kitchen garden hedge, trailed through the back yard, stopped
to exchange a greeting with the house-dog as he sprang to the extent of his chain, stroked
the stately Persian cat on the door-step, and finally presented herself in the inner hall.

It was one of the oldest houses in the country town of Burwood; rather small, but antique.
Once upon a time it had stood alone, surrounded by its own broad acres; but things were
changed, and the acres had shrunk—through the extravagance of former Roystons—to
only a fair-sized garden. The rest of the land had been sold for building; and other houses
in gardens stood near. In the opinion of old residents, this was no longer real country; and
with new-comers, the Roystons no longer ranked as quite the most important people in the
near neighbourhood. Their means were limited enough to make it no easy matter for them
to remain on in the house, and they could do little in the way of entertaining. But they
prided themselves still on their exclusiveness.

Penrose stood waiting; a contrast to Magda, who was five years her junior. Not nearly so
tall and much more slim, she had rather pretty blue eyes and a neat figure, which
comprised her all in the way of good looks. Her manner towards Magda was superior and
mildly positive, though with people in general she knew how to be agreeable. Magda's air
in response was combative.

"Did you not hear me calling?"

"If not, I shouldn't be here now."

"I think you need not have kept me so long."

Magda vouchsafed no excuse. "What's up?" she demanded.

"Mother wants you in the drawing-room."

"What for?"

"She found your drawers untidy."

"Of course you sent her to look at them."

"I don't 'send' mother about. And I have not been in your room to-day."

"I understand!" Magda spoke pointedly.

Penrose glanced up and down her sister with critical eyes. A word of warning would be
kind. Magda seemed blissfully unconscious of her outward condition; and Pen had this
moment heard a ring at the front door, which might mean callers.

"You've done the business now, so I hope you're satisfied," Magda went on. "Mother would
never have thought of looking in my drawers, if you had not said something. I know! I did
make hay in them yesterday, when I couldn't find my gloves, but I meant to put them
straight to-night. It's too bad of you."

Pen's lips, parted for speech, closed again. If Magda chose to fling untrue accusations, she
might manage for herself. And indeed small chance was given her to say more. Magda
marched off, just as she was, straight for the drawing-room—her skirts pinned abnormally
high for the snow-frolic; her shoes encased in snow; her tam-o'-shanter half-covering a
mass of wild hair; her bare hands soiled and red with cold and scratched with brambles.

"Yes, mother. Pen says you want me."

She sent the words in advance with no gentle voice, as she whisked open the drawing-
room door. Then she stopped.

Mrs. Royston, a graceful woman, looked in displeasure towards the figure in the doorway;
for she was not alone.

Callers had arrived, as Pen conjectured; and through the front window might be seen two
thoroughbreds champing their bits, and a footman standing stolidly. Why had Pen given no
hint? How unkind! Then she recalled her own curt turning away, and knew that she was to

"Really!" with a faint laugh protested Mrs. Royston.

"So I thought we would look in for five minutes on our way back from Sir John's," the elder
caller was remarking in a manly voice.
She was a large woman, more in breadth and portliness than in height, and her
magnificent furs made her look like a big brown bear sitting on end. Her face too was large
and strongly outlined.

Magda guessed in a moment what her mother felt; for the Honourable Mrs. Framley was a
county magnate; the weightiest personality in more senses than one to be found for many
a mile around. A call from her was reckoned by some people as second only to a call from
Royalty. The girl's first impulse was to flee; but a solid outstretched hand commanded her

"Now, which of your young folks is this?" demanded Mrs. Framley, examining Magda
through an eye-glass. "Let me see—you've got—how many daughters? Penrose—Magda—
Merryl—Frances. I've not forgotten their names, though it's—how long?—since I was here
last. Months, I'm afraid. But this is not your neat Penrose; and my jolly little friend Merryl
can't have shot up to that height since I saw her; and Magda is out. Came out in the
autumn, didn't she? So who is this? A niece?"

"I'm Magda," the girl said in shamefaced confession, for Mrs. Royston seemed voiceless.

Mrs. Framley leant back in her chair, and laughed till she was exhausted.

"So that's a specimen of the modern young woman, eh?"—when she could regain her
voice. "My dear—" to Mrs. Royston—"pray don't apologise. It's I who should apologise. But
really—really—it's irresistible." She went into another fit, and emerged from it, wheezing.
"The child doesn't look a day over fifteen." The speaker wiped her eyes. "Don't send her
away. Unadulterated Nature is always worth seeing—eh, Patricia?"

Magda turned startled eyes in the direction of the second caller, a girl three or four years
older than herself, and the last person whom she expected to see. The last person,
perhaps, whom at that moment she wished to see. For despite Magda's boasted non-
chumminess with girls, this was the one girl whom she did, honestly and heartily, though
not hopefully, desire for a friend. She had fallen in love at first sight with Mrs. Framley's
niece, and had cherished her image ever since in the most secret recess of her heart.

"She'll think me just a silly idiotic school-girl!" flashed through Magda's mind, as she made
an involuntary movement forward with extended hand—a soiled hand, as already said,
scratched and slightly bleeding.

Patricia Vincent, standing thus far with amused eyes in the background, hesitated. She
was immaculately dressed in grey, with a grey-feathered hat, relieved by touches of
salmon-pink, and the daintiest of pale grey kid gloves. Contact with that hand did not quite
suit her fastidious sense. A mere fraction of a second—and then she would have
responded; but Magda, with crimsoning cheeks, had snatched the offending member away.

"I think you had better go and send Pen," interposed Mrs. Royston. Under the quiet words
lay a command, "Do not come back."

Magda fled, without a good-bye, and went to the school-room, where she flung herself into
an old armchair. The gas was low, but a good fire gave light; and she sat there in a
dishevelled heap, weighing her grievances.

It was too bad of Pen, quite too bad, not to have warned her! And now the mischief was
done. Patricia Vincent would never forget. Pen would go in and win; while she, as usual,
would be nowhere in the race.
And all because she had not first rushed upstairs, to smooth her hair and wash her hands!
Such nonsense!

As if Pen had not friends enough already! Just the single girl that she wanted for herself! If
she might have Patricia, Pen was welcome to the rest of the world. But that was always the
way! If one cared for a thing particularly, that thing was certain to be out of reach.

She was smarting still over the thought of that refused handshake; but her anger all went
in the direction of Pen, not of Patricia. Pen alone was to blame!

Presently the front door was opened and shut; and then Mrs. Royston came in, moving
with her usual graceful deliberation.

"What could have made you behave so, Magda?" she asked. "To come before callers in
such a state!"

Magda was instantly up in arms. "Pen never told me there were callers."

"She did not know it. She would have reminded you how untidy you were—certainly in no
condition to come into the drawing-room, even if I had been alone! But you show so much
annoyance if she speaks."

"Pen is always in the right, of course."

"That is not the way to speak to me. I would rather have had this happen before anybody
than before Mrs. Framley."

Magda shut her lips.

"Why did you not send Pen, as I told you?"

"I forgot."

"You always do forget. There is more dependence to be put upon Francie than upon you.
You think of nothing, and care for nothing, except your own concerns. I am disappointed in
you. It seems sometimes as if you had no sense of duty. And you ought to leave off giving
way to temper as you do. It is so unlike your sisters. Nothing ever seems right with you."

"I can't help it. It isn't my fault."

"Then you ought to help it. You are not a little child any longer."

Mrs. Royston hesitated, as if about to say more; but Magda held up her head with an air of
indifference, though invisible tears were scorching the backs of her eyes; and with a sigh
she left the room. Magda would let no tear fall. She was angry, as well as unhappy.

Why should she be always the one in disgrace—and never Pen? True, Pen was careful, and
neat, and sensible. All through girlhood Pen had been in the right. She had done her
lessons, not indeed brilliantly, but with punctuality and exactness. Her hair was always
neat; her stockings were always darned; her room was always in order; she never forgot
what she undertook to do; she never gave a message upside-down or wrong end before.
While Magda—but it is enough to say that in all these items she was the exact reverse of

This week she in her turn had charge of the school-room, which was also the play-room.
And the result, but for thoughtful Merryl, would have been "confusion worse confounded."
Mr. Royston was wont to declare that when his second daughter passed through a room,
she left such traces as are commonly left by a tropical cyclone. There was some truth in
the remark, if Magda happened to be in a tumultuous mood.

Penrose had her faults, as well as Magda, though somehow she was seldom blamed for
them. She had a knack of being always in the right, at least to outward appearance. No
doubt her faults were exaggerated by Magda; but they did exist. She wanted the best of
everything for herself; she alone must be popular; she could not endure that Magda should
do anything better than she did; she was not always strictly true. Magda saw and felt
these defects; but nobody else seemed to be aware of them; and she could prove nothing.
If she tried, she only managed to get into hot water, while Pen was sure to come off with
flying colours.

"And it will be just the same with Patricia Vincent," was the outcome of this soliloquy. "The
moment Pen guesses that I like her, she'll step in and oust me. I know she will."


WITH a creak, the door was cautiously opened. Somebody put in his head.

"All alone, Magda!"

Depression vanished, and the transformation in Magda's face was like an instantaneous
leap from November to June. In a moment her eyes were alight, her limbs alert.

"Rob!" she cried.

"Well, old girl! How are you?"

"You dear old fellow—I am glad."

The new-comer was about her own height, which though fairly tall for a girl could not be
so counted for a man. He was slim in make, like Pen; also, like Pen, scrupulously neat in
dress. Her eager welcome met with a quiet kiss; after which he seated himself; and his
eyes travelled over her, with a rather dubious expression.

"It's awfully jolly to have you here again. You never told us you were coming."

"I happened not to know it myself till this morning. What have you been after?"

"Just now? Playing in the snow."

Rob's gaze reached her shoes, and she laughed.

"Yes, I know! Of course, I ought to have changed them. But it didn't seem worth while. I
shall have to dress for dinner soon."

"And, meantime, you are anxious to start early rheumatism!"

"My dear Rob! I never had a twinge of it in my life—I don't know what it means."

"So much the better. It would be more sensible to continue in ignorance."

"Oh, all right. I'll be sensible, and change—presently. I really can't just now. I must have
you while I can. When the others know you are here, I shall not have a chance. Are you
going to stay?"

"One night. I must be off the first thing to-morrow morning."

"And I've oceans to say! Things that can't by any possibility be written."

"Fire away then. There's no time like the present."

"We shall be interrupted in two minutes. It's always the way! Why do things always go
contrary, I wonder? At least, they do with me. If I could only come and live with you, Rob!

"That is to be your future life—is it?"

"Why, you know! Haven't we always said so? And whenever I am miserable, I always
comfort myself by looking forward to a home with you."

"What are you miserable about?"

"All sorts of things. Some days everything goes wrong and I can't get on with people. It's
not my fault. They don't understand me."

"I wonder whether you understand them?" murmured Rob.

"And there's nothing in life that's worth doing. Nothing in my life, I mean."

"Or rather—you have not found it yet."

"No, I don't mean that. I mean that there isn't anything. Really and truly!"

Rob said only, "H'm!"

"Yes, I dare say! But just think what I have to do. Tennis and hockey; cycling and walking;
mending my clothes and making blouses—not that I'm much good at that! Going to tea
with people I don't care a fig for; and having people here that I shouldn't mind never
setting eyes on again! Smothering down all I think and feel, because nobody cares.
Worrying and being worried, and all to no good. Nothing to show for the half-year that is
gone, and nothing to look to in the year that's begun. The months are just simply frittered
away, and no human being is the better for my being alive. It's not what I call Life. It is
just getting through time. Don't you see? It suits Pen well enough. So long as she gets a
decent amount of attention, she's happy. But I'm not made that way; and I can't see what
life is given us for, if it means nothing better."

When she stopped, pleased with her own eloquence, Rob merely remarked—

"Don't you think that bit of hard judgment might have been left out? It wasn't a needful

Magda blushed; and Robert pondered.

"But, Rob—would you like to live such a life?"

Rob's gesture was sufficient answer.

"And yet you think I oughtn't to mind?"

"I beg your pardon. You are wrong to live it."

"But what can I do?"

"Find work. Take care that somebody is the better for your existence."

"I've tried. I can't. It's no good."

"There are always people to be helped—people you can be kind to—people you can cheer
up, when they feel dull."

"Pick up old ladies' stitches, I suppose. Interesting!"

"I did not know you wished to be interested. I thought you wanted to be of use."

"Well—of course! But that's so commonplace. I want to do something out of the ordinary

"You want some agreeable duty, manufactured to suit your especial taste!"

"Oh, bother! Somebody is coming. What a plague! And I have heaps more to say. Won't
you give me another talk?"

"I'll manage it."

He stood up to greet his mother, as she came in, followed by the two younger girls. The
news of his unexpected arrival seemed all at once to pervade the household.

Penrose entered next; and behind her Mr. Royston, a thick-set grey-haired man, of
impulsive manners, sometimes more kindly than judicious.

He was devoted to his family; not much given to books; ready to help anybody and
everybody who might appeal to him; generally more or less in financial difficulties, partly
from his inherited tendency to allow pounds and pence to slide too rapidly through his
fingers. A pleasant and genial man, so long as he did not encounter opposition; but it was
out of his power to understand why all the world should not agree with himself. His wife
gave in to him ninety-nine times in a hundred; and if, the hundredth time, she set her foot
down firmly, he gave in to her; for he was a most affectionate husband.

As for his daughters, he doted on them. Steady Penrose, useful Merryl, picturesque little
Frip, were everything that he desired. Magda alone puzzled him. He could not make out
what she wanted, or why she would not be content to fit in with others, to play games, to
sit and work, to do anything or nothing with equal content. Dreams and aspirations,
indeed! Nonsense! Humbug! What did girls want with such notions? They had to be good
girls, to do as they were told, and to make themselves agreeable. A vexed face annoyed
him beyond expression. He could not get over it. He could never ignore it. By his want of
tact, though with the kindest intentions, he often managed to put a finishing stroke to
Magda's uncomfortable moods.

"Why can't father leave me alone?" she sometimes complained.

Mr. Royston never did leave anybody alone, whether for weal or for woe. Nor did he ever
learn wisdom through his own mistakes.

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