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The JACOBS heritage of learning series

Purpose Driven Pathways
Your smile is our joy
(a.k.a The Pathfinders)

The JACOBS heritage of learning series

Founder, convener and editor-in-chief of JACOBS INTERNATIONAL COMPANY (JIC)
Your smile is our joy.
(a.k.a The pathfinders)
The inspirations of these topics included in the series are highlighted respectively;
- Establishment of purpose.
- K-N-P inspirational quotes.
- Procedures to follow to actualize destiny.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways.


Your smile is our joy
(a.k.a The Pathfinders)

Purpose Driven Pathways
With the introduction of K-N-P inspirational quotes by the writer.
About the book
(Purpose Driven Pathways)

This book was birthed as a result of the need to face the reality of the purpose of our existence on
earth; it serves as a medium to reach out for the realm in this dispensation. I observed that there
are divine vacuums for humanity to occupy; meanwhile they are reserved to run this earthly race
successfully to glorify God. There is a proper need to trace our origin in order to face and solve
the divine assignment placed in our hands on the surface of this planet.

It is also a form of alert for us to be more conscious and vigilant to our various identities. It
propels you to be unique in dealing with life in all ramifications. It makes you comprehend that
you are specially designed to contribute to the efficacy of positive oriented plan that will
someday spread out to influence the world positively.

This book, ORIGINALITY,... (Purpose Driven Pathways) seeks to open the mind and sight of
the reader to ponder on the subject matter. Needful matters to know for the exposure of true
identity of the reader. This will make the person to conduct uninterrupted focus to
Sojourn in a resourceful manner.

Wear a unique cloth of focus, put on the glasses of vision so that it will sustain and maintain you
to stand right.

ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways.


Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………i
About Originality……………………………………………………………………………...iv
About the author………………………………………………………………………..……...v

Section one:
(K-N-P quote 1)
(K-N-P quote 2)
(K-N-P quote 3)

Section two:
(K-N-P quote 4)
(K-N-P quote 5)
(K-N-P quote 6)

Section three:
(K-N-P quote 7)
(K-N-P quote 8)
(K-N-P quote 9)

Section four:
(K-N-P quote 10)
(K-N-P quote 11)
(K-N-P quote 12)

Section five:
STAND TALL…………………………………………………………………………...(25-29)
(K-N-P quote 13)
(K-N-P quote 14)
(K-N-P quote 15)

About the author……………………………………………………………………………(30)

ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways


It's amazing meeting my lovely readers. I am King James JACOBS by name, a.k.a Prof.Tobbie.
A writer, speaker, life career coach, presenter, inspirational thinker, artist, career consultant and
counselor who admire positivity with greater future pursuit through my beautiful handwork
called KAJAS NOTE PEN expressions and quotes.

My desire is to nurture, build and promote minds to greater heights globally through this

My primary passion is to influence the minds of people in order to identify the necessity of
living a purposeful life.

This book is designed to shun or silent any shallow shaded lifestyle to promote self action
without any disruptions.

What do you know about K-N-P expressions and quotes?

* K-N-P simply means


-- K-N-P expressions: It can also be described or expressed as a form of presentation either in

written or spoken form mainly to educate people to follow the right path in the pursuit of life.

-- K-N-P quotes: It can be explained as a short form of message composed to inspire and deal
with issues affecting humanity on day to day activities.

The Shalom House Networks are decorated with these vision and mission statements below;

VISION: To create an atmosphere where we can interact, communicate, influence and impact
lives meaningfully around the world.

MISSION: This is reserved to make people to overcome and be sustained from pains and agonies
troubling the earth.

ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways


I, King James JACOBS dedicate this book to the Almighty God who inspired my life to
communicate to people through my hand work. I also extend my profound appreciation to
everyone who made this great work a reality. I hereby persuade all my readers to be sensitive to
this book.

Stay tuned.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways


This book was birthed as a result of the need to face the reality of the purpose of our existence on
earth; it serves as a medium to reach out for the realm in this dispensation. I observed that there
are divine vacuums for humanity to occupy; meanwhile they are reserved to run this earthly race
successfully to glorify God. There is a proper need to trace our origin in order to face and solve

divine assignment placed in our hands on the surface of this planet.

It is also a form of alert for us to be more conscious and vigilant to our various identities. It
propels you to be unique in dealing with life in all ramifications. It makes you comprehend that
you are specially designed to contribute to the efficacy of positive oriented plan that will
someday spread out to influence the world positively.

This book, ORIGINALITY,...(Purpose Driven Pathways) seeks to open the mind and sight of the
reader to ponder on the subject matter. Needful matters to know for the exposure of true identity
of the reader. This will make the person to conduct uninterrupted focus to sojourn in a
resourceful manner.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways


King James JACOBS by name, a.k.a Prof Tobbie. He is a writer, presenter, speaker, life career
coach, inspirational thinker, career consultant and counselor who admire positivity with greater
mindset for the advancement of future pursuit through a beautiful handwork called KAJAS
NOTE PEN (K.N.P) expressions and quotes. The focus of this author is to ensure that people are
well educated and inspired on the rooted ground of living a purposeful life on earth.

He is desperately dedicated to promote the expansion of human race with the right belief systems
to reveal the deeper truth of the cause of every existence.

To the glory of God, he had succeeded in publishing and displaying his inspirational i.e. K.N.P
expressions and quotes for schools, churches, organizations, social gatherings, important
personalities mention but few over the years.
His primary passion is to empower people on how they can be resourceful and actualize destiny
for the development of human standard. This ministry is founded to beautify many lost lives into
glorious light around the world.


Your smile is our joy
(a.k.a The Pathfinders)
This edition © JIC 2020 by King James JACOBS.
All right reserved;
No part of this published project work should be printed or reproduced in any form of electronic,
mechanical, invented including copying recording in information storage or retrieval system
without legal permission by writing from the publisher.

First published in the JACOBS heritage of learning series 2020

ISBN: 978-978-988-469-8.
Published by A.A James.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

Section one: GREATNESS

"Our Lord gave the word; great was the company of those that published it"

Creation is the hand work of God, God made all things in the beginning beautiful out of his
glory through the holy word. God's awesomeness, power, divine nature, strongness, knowledge,
wisdom and greatness are well originated so that no man will execute excuses for not knowing
and honoring his presence.

Everyone so called 'human beings' should affirm that God created the world meanwhile
there are different opinions on both the age of earth and processes of how things developed to
what they are

today on earth, actually the event that occurred was absolutely right. Some believe that God
created the world in six literally days approximately six thousand years tally with the time on

These events are obviously right. Many interpreters and researchers of the great encounter
stands somewhere between two realistic positions which are displayed or demonstrated as God's
good creation. It is an incredible opportunity for every man to dominate, subdue, replenish,
multiply and be creative in nature without any hesitation.

This will enable you stand right in the consciousness of your future pursuit, it will also aid you to
order your steps to gain opportunities. You are designed to be useful and relevant in your affairs.

Initially, this world was overwhelmed with love, gentleness, calmness, mutual communion, true
relationship between God and Man but suddenly it has been warped by the introduction of sin

However, despite the disobedience and costly mistakes committed by humanity, the Almighty
God didn't cease his expressions of love on us. Although the consequences of the sinful act gave
birth to both spiritual and physical death. Meanwhile, God’s grace in conjunction with God's
love 'AGAPE' made us whole again and rescued us from the pit of hell into a glorious eternity.
The good news surfaced that God has promised everyone the redemption of the material creation
of new heaven and new earth through the sacrificial efforts of Christ Jesus. The reformation of
this new establishment was successfully carried out by our Lord Jesus Christ. He had a
physical death so that we can all regain our spiritual life. On painful cross, he died and
resurrected so that we can experience his purposeful will on earth. We can virtually realize that
the creation of heaven and earth are the exposure of God's greatness towards functional image of
humanity. His purpose shouldn't be under mind in exchange of any form of carnality.
We are made qualified to glorify his greatness through our various self discoveries. The
Almighty creator created you to be great; he didn't make you to reflect as a liability but wants
you to be an asset to beautify this world. Besides your position should be well placed,
constructed strategies should be measured by you to decorate your life. Be a desperate minded
person in dealing with God's intentions and expectations. Don't comply with any form of
discouragements or discriminations from any herd instead you should be attentive and focus on
your goals. Don't just ever be a watchman of other people's progress but be proud of yourself to
be watched by people even as you demonstrate every insightful creativity deposited in you. Be
the cause to make things happen and not watch things to happen. Do you know that many writers
of different spiritual books especially the holy word of God according to versions cannot
quantify the enormous measures to write all events related to creation because it is beyond the
intellect or capacity of MAN to pen down? To acquire more understanding and knowledge on
creation, you will need the intervention of God to show forth his light in the exposure of
revelations, visions or dreams.

This creation of God reveals the expansion of science work even from the beginning of the
world. Imagine the sustainable energy released to Man for survival in every second, minute, hour,
day, week, month and year. This is far away from what a normal person's capacity can
comprehend; it just happens meanwhile it's divine. When you identify the source of such
wonderful wonders, you wouldn't be forced to learn to be grateful. Science work also
enlightened us on the importance of animals, plants and water, researches made it cleared that
they also contributes advantageous characteristics to sustain humanity based on our health.

With these emphasized facts illustrated about creation, it is very needful to unleash to every
human that God deserves to be extolling for every moment of our daily living for this great work
exhibited on earth.

To crown it all;

God has no competitor, so therefore he alone knows the beginning and surely knows the end.
God is an unquestionable God, no man can question him, God is an unchangeable changer, He
cannot Change. God is the same yesterday, today and years to come, that's more reason why we
call God 'THE ANCIENT OF DAYS' that owns the key to open and lock the entrance of heaven
and earth. Learn to acknowledge your maker who makes your life treasures of great nature.

ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote

“Creation of heaven
and earth are the
exposure of God's
greatness towards a
functional image of
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote

“We are made

qualified to glorify
God greatness through
our various self
discoveries. Be a
desperate minded
person in dealing with
God's intentions and
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven

K—N—P Quote

“Don't just ever be

watchman of other
people's progress but
be proud of yourself to
be watched by people
as you demonstrate
every insightful
creativity deposited in
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

Section two: MANDATE

Your expedient achievements may not qualify you to stand out to meet the expectation of the
maker of lives.

We live in the world where everyone is passionate about the future; unfortunately many people
often channel their footpaths in a distortive and corruptible manner to achieve their various goals
on this planet called earth. The direction of a great decision should be well cultured to an
optimistic personality to be represented for the betterment of the future pursuit, in other words,
the question we need to tackle within us should be,

Why is it that many people's ways are not pure?

The crucial opinions behind that obligation is not far-fetched on a spot meanwhile we should be
very observant that some people are living under the shadows of ignorance, they were deceived
to embrace the ruler of the world.

By the way;

Who is the source of the world?

Who is the ruler of the world?

Critically, you will observed that there are broad and clear differences between a source and a

'Source' as it is quoted implies Wellspring while 'Ruler' as it is also quoted implies a regulator. An
enemy of Man so called devil became a regulator since the day he succeeded in the downfall of
humanity, this incident led to incorrigible catastrophe to the affairs of people on the surface of
this earth.

Imagine for a moment, a young man was opportune to be given two different appointments

The first appointment states and I quote;

Listen to me young man, to qualify you in this employment, you must be ready to give out your
strengths, you must be ready to display everything in your possessions for the advancement of
the company and reward you with a percent of the administrative records.
You will virtually realize that this appointment wants to make the man a machinery to move the
company forward with diligence and passion.

The second appointment states and I quote;

Listen to me young man, this company have promised to grant you a generous salary with
bonuses like a commercial car, house, abroad vacation, insurance on properties, health facility
mention but few.

Anyways that wasn't a bad choice right?

It now depends on the young man to choose the right choice for himself. I strongly believe that
the man is capable to embrace the best option for himself out of the two appointments presented
before him.

Humanly speaking, he might eventually end up in choosing the wrong choice out of ignorance.

That's what makes many people to be exploited with the wrong hands because they lack direction,
knowledge, power, counsel and discipline. They prefer to focus on peripheral things that are
worthless and useless to their lives instead of being attentive to reasonable and peaceable offer.

A tangible offer that will leap you into greatness, the only offer that will decorate you to become
successful person is usually ushered by God.

The point is no man is created to appear with the wrong company or associates.

In that light;

The first appointment represents God's company known as the source.

The second appointment represents the devil's (Satan) company known as the ruler.

The question is which of the company did you prefer to work with?

Yeah, the question maybe hilarious, but the fact is that many people are already working and
walking in destructive paths while putting on the image of ignorance with the devil, thinking
everything about them is well, meanwhile their lives are so miserable.
Could it be you?

Respond in your mind...

The sweet truth about this earth is that every gift and abundance comes from God while majority
of the people are being deceived or tricked by the devil unknowingly with luxury things of the

Know that the agenda of the devil is to steal, to kill and to destroy, he doesn't want any man to
prosper, to be productive, resourceful, increase, multiply,

dominate, subdue and replenish the earth. The good plan of God is for man to live well and exist
in abundance without limitations as far as greatness is concerned. You shouldn’t allow the devil
to trade cheaply on your true identity.

You are designed to work desperately with one company in other words, it's impossible to serve
two masters at a goal; you must choose one and ignore the other. In a simpler form, it's either you
work for God or Devil.

God's plan on every creature even before the downfall of humanity is to make both male and
female MAN rich in glory spiritually and physically, to also possess a fulfilling life on earth
while the devil's agenda is against the will of God on Man; his motive is to destroy the plan and
purpose of God for Mankind. The fact of the matter is that since the day the devil was
condemned by God,
He does not want any man to enjoy the purposed glory created by the Almighty God.

You should be convinced that the devil's trickish ways are not pure to the affairs of humanity on
this earthly kingdom. Anyone who dances or dwells with the world will surely stand in darkness
but whosoever ignores the affairs of this world, focus on the kingdom of heaven and admit to
receive the appointment of the first company shall reign on earth with eternal glory
overshadowed with great light.

The choice is left for you not to allow that thief to steal away your glory, riches and wealth, the
choice is in you not to allow him to snatch away your original destiny and exchange it
with counterfeits. Know that whatever the devil gives are fakes, limited, conditional, seasonal,
temporary and fearful.

When you operate in the company of God, you shall be entitled to enjoy divine rewards. In as
much that you are working according to the standard of God, you are qualified to have access to
true love, peace, sound health, true identity fulfillment, unlimited grace, favor, unspeakable joy,
mercy, boldness, greatness, unconditional passion, success, prosperity, long life mention but
Furthermore, maybe you have been living in ignorance and working with vain efforts for the
devil but you can still turn around the table to change situations for good for yourself, the
betterment of your life depends on your steps. Make sure you place your creator as your first
priority, putting all your desires and services to God completely. When you follow this trend, you
shall begin to experience abundant life till eternity.

In that manner, if you want the best for yourself, you must work in the company of God; this will
lead you into the fulfillment of your real identity on earth.

Many nations of this world have lost their rights due to all kinds of abominable acts and it is
totally against the will of God.

Our lives are built by God the same way a house is been built by the owner. Frankly speaking, we
are not the owner of our lives meanwhile this was initiated unto us to reveal God's glory, to
worship God, to become a blessing to this world and to fulfill the mandate of our purpose. He
owns the keys to lock and unlock our lives. So therefore, in regardless of our status even in
wealth and riches we cannot have power over the extension of our well-being especially in good

The intention of our Creator is to make us great by populating his kingdom, in other words, we
must reflect as product of excellence in all our dealings. Learn to elevate and express his glory
through worship. Evil is shameful to the wise people. Our God cannot be glorified in the
presence of evil acts; he doesn't want anyone to perish in this sinful world.

Don't allow the devil to chance you by stealing, killing or destroying your glory instead allow
God to be your first priority, let him direct your paths into everlasting glory.


ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote.

“A tangible offer that

will leap you into
greatness, the only
offer that will
decorates you to
become successful
person is usually been
ushered by God”.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

“The good plan of God

is for Man to live well
and exist in abundance
without limitations”.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

“When you operate in

the company of God,
you shall be entitled to
divine rewards”.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

Section three: MINDSET

Guiding your passion towards a particular focused target shouldn't negate the power of

For a stated level of attainment over the purpose of your life is meant to express your real you
without any delay. Considering this fact as a reliable source of step to reach your goal point, you
need to build a strong foundation for yourself.

Everything made for Man is well coordinated to beautify his identity. You can make the
interpretation of your personality to be well known at the expense of the effectiveness of
your branding .Your obtainable skills, talents, strengths, visions, dreams, inspirations
and aspirations are rooted, grounded and guided based on the position of your mind.

Steps of reaching the purpose of your existence shouldn't be a barrier to make the best of your
identified brand.

Psychologically, you cannot fix yourself up in any acquired decision without the consent of your
mind. No matter how the circumstances may paint it, it is still subjected under the permission of
the mind. You can progress in building visions as long as your mind has concurred to it. It is
whatever your mind can conceive that you are capable of producing, in other words, you can't
conceive pure ideas and produce little results. It is the application of your pure ideas that can
fetch you great success. Meanwhile when you build your mind with little insights, you will
derive little results. Nobody can be you except you, the only thing that can under-rate you is your
mind. When you are a man of great vision even when you are discouraged or discriminated by
the world, your mind will never compromise nor look backward instead it will retain, reposition
and reshape your mind to be stronger like a rock. This experience will make you to be smart in
dealing with environmental and social factors within your vicinity.

Being a better person today should give you higher chances of becoming the best in future time
through your thinking ability, if you widen up the degree of thinking out of the usual realities on
earth, you will end up getting inspired to have unusual innovative ideas. This will favor your
standard and quickened you to have progressive life style. Your choice of making success in life
should be originated from the intervention of your heart. Be a functional person in all ways both
physical and spiritual. Pay attention to yourself than you pay to others. The condition of your
mind shouldn't be disabled. Inability to function well in life is as a result of dysfunctional and
disabled mind in other words disability shouldn’t being placed in the appearance of humanity but
should be traced from the mind. When your mind grows, your personality grows along with it.
"Proper Preparations Preserve Perfect Purpose" for Man initiated by God. You need to equip
your life with the right minds so that you will not be blocked from accessing success. Open your
mind with a broad focus to the things that will elevate your future pursuit.

Position yourself with sensible mindset that will only contribute valuable results to your vision,
Direct your paths to the right road so that you can fulfill the purpose of your existence. Making
sure you nurture your mind with the right company simply because it will enable you to have
tangible knowledge on grooming up yourself to be best out of many people. You inner strength is
well fitted to raise your image based on the perimeters of your passion.

Life is a supernatural phenomenon originated by God likewise life also reflects as natural
endowment to mankind. The image of humanity could be interpreted in different ways beyond
our intellect. Life is like a puzzle in which you can't function above your capacity or energy. The
mind of every man is capable of placing him on a very high level in as much he is ready to run his
affairs in a progressive pattern. Your mind has the capability of placing you either in lower
profile or higher profile based on your zealousness. Your mind needs to be rich inwardly to
decorate your outward appearance. When you conceive a great mind, you will produce

You are made to appear as a sensible person on daily basis; you have the opportunity to operate
passionately in extra ordinary ways that is the cause why a vision minded person must constitute
the picture of great ideas that will profess profound identity. When you follow these steps, it
makes you to be skillful out of numerous people outside there.

The gap between the rich and poor people are usually been addressed based on the state of
their mindsets. A competent person must be able to present all activities under the umbrella of
powerful operations. Build your capacity to operate in a growth mindset instead of Shifting in the
direction of average mindset. Your mind should be a living instrument for you to grow better on
your career pursuit and other activities.

You have the power to be the master of your mind meanwhile not being enslaved by the
circumstances around you. Cultivate the culture of being sensitive in dealing with life. You are
made to choose the good side of this world and ignore the evil parts of it. For the security of your
well-being, whatever thing that is not useful for you, don't pay attention to it so that you will not
be polluted. When you balance your mind with useful thoughts, you will grow in knowledge,
increase in learning, wisdom, and become a problem solver, positive thinking attitude, mental
calmness, taking reasonable decisions and steps so on. These brilliant steps shall cause you to
detest ignorance, foolishness, complaining, negative attitudes, faults finding, blaming others and
unreasonable decisions.
Placing yourself as the best as you are relevant in your personality, your mind keeps on saying;

”Am a fertile soil, plant in me a good seed and brings in abundance of plenty fruits of the same

Anyone who wants to make a transformation to be great must be ready to tune the growth
mindset into a functional skill. When you operate in a right mindset, your lifestyle will be

However, growth mindset makes man thirsts for advancement; this will make you develop a
sense of intelligence to stand for something better in the race of life. Your decisions are meant to
improve your standard and not to disapprove the reality of your existence. The types of mindsets
are rightly pointed as either growth or average but it’s wise to be smart to focus on the growth
simply because it is an emphasized thing you need to undergo. These are the proper steps to
follow considering the output of the growth mindset;

1. Embrace any challenge.

2. Never give up on yourself.

3. Practice self Compassion

4. Behold effort or diligence as a journey.

5. Learn from all manners of criticism.

6. Be inspired by other's success.

7. Help and nurture others who are just coming up, you can grow as well in the act.

8. Believe in possibilities i.e. be an optimistic minded person.

In that regard, feed your mind with everything that will groom you up for greatness, you
shouldn't welcome any form of pollution into your mind. Don’t give chance for limitations to
disregard you. Your mind is positioned as a living engine that propels you to become a positive

Learn from the animal called Eagle. It is designed to see beyond its territory, it is characterized to
possess vision. Dare to be like an Eagle with vision, strength and focus.

When your mind is well guided with potentials that portrays growth. You will fulfill purpose.

ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote

“You can make the

interpretation of your
personality to be well
known at the expense
of the effectiveness of
your branding”.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote

“It is whatever your

mind can conceive that
you are capable of
producing in life,
being a better person
today should give you
higher chances of
becoming the best in
future time through
your thinking ability”.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote

“Your obtainable skills,

talents, strengths,
visions, dreams,
inspirations and
aspirations are rooted,
grounded and guided
based on the position
of your mind”.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

Section Four: UNIQUENESS

Success is not an occasional process; it can be seen as a consistent commitment to beautify

your personality. It is meant to be conditioned as a continuity involvement.

You need to take a desperate step so that you can be courageous about making successful

story. Cultivate the attitude of placing yourself with the right company simply because it will
enable you to fetch for success. Make a reasonable decision to say No to vain or useless things
around instead you should be very decisive positively to everything that will bring out your true
Identity by saying yes to the totality of your inner strengths and potentials.

Knowing full well that there is no boundary neither limitation of becoming successful on earth.
I want you to know that an inch of every of your appearance have a role to play to demonstrate
your uniqueness, your brain i.e. intellect, mouth, hands, ears, eyes, nose, skin and legs are very
functional to compliment the uniqueness of humanity. Your creator created you to be creative in
In fact you are permitted to create things based on the measurement of your strengths and
aspirations. We are all born to be a useful vessel in this earthly kingdom. Do well to function as
the best brand of your kind in everything you engage yourself with. Don't be carried away by all
sorts of unprofitable events around the world. Until you act according to the procedures attached
to your identity that you can progress and grow in the journey of life. Being a successful person
is not a cheap thing in every way, success is not magical, and it involves processes before it turns
into a reality. An element of wealth is divinely deposited in you even before you became
conscious of yourself and your role is to activate it into riches. Develop positive goals over your
future pursuit; learn to define yourself with the heart of passion. When you are passionate about
your dealings, it will stir you up to possess the right vision. A man of vision is a complete man of
focused mission. There should be a reliable motive on every action over any reaction i.e. your
actions should be well positioned to bring forth positive results. To be a unique being on the
surface of this earth, you need to major on the things that are very efficient and at the same vein
you need to minor on the things that are not giving you fortunes.

Here are the facts you need to follow to appear as a proud personable personality.

Fact one states and I quote;

Define Yourself: You need to define yourself by creating a trend where it'll be very needful for
you to identify the totality of you. The essence of your existence must be accomplished. It is
when you express the definition of your identity that you can live a meaningful life. Know the
cause behind your life. Make sure you dwell on it.
To define yourself is the key to unlock your divine gifts, in additional way to make your paths
sensible you are rightfully called to bridge an entrance of operating your life in becoming
blessing to the world.

Fact Two states and I quote;

Don't compare yourself with anyone on earth.

Anyone who compares himself or herself to another person is just an insult to such personality.
Unfortunately, most people especially among young minds in our world today live their lives by
comparing themselves to every other person and just end up trying to be everybody. To be frank
with you, that's part of beginning of unhappiness and failure in life. You are born to be unique in
identity not for emulations of others. The fact is that you are not actually designed to be good
everything but reserved to reflect in something that is extremely unique and different.

The mission of every vision in life is not to beat or defeat everybody you meet but to be able to
know and face your personal game "Business" to the fullest capacity. Be yourself!

Know that nobody on earth is better than you likewise you are not better than no one as well. You
are simply a distinguished person in as much you are capable of achieving something no one else
can achieve.

Fact Three states and I quote;

To win big in your pursuit, you must sometimes be ready to take big risks.

The very and most interesting time of one's life is when an individual is still young and doesn't
have anything really to lose, don't just give a life a little understanding of it being easy, don’t live
and behave like everyone else. Talking about your dream won't help you. You just have to wake
up and pursue your dreams and aspirations with effective specification. Stop making excuses!
Stand single to start with whatever you possess inwardly wherever you are. GET out, GET
involved, GET inspired, GET informed, GET lost and GET success to gain greatness.

Fact Four states and I quote;

Get a coach to lead you.

It does not matter whether you are sporty person or not, in this life you will become that one
person people will admire when you are successful in your field. If you don't have anyone
significant, you will become nobody significant. You will need a coach; someone that will
inspires and challenges you so that you can do well to believe in yourself. Your coach must be
someone you have physical access to; it should be whom you have read books about and
someone who have achieved great on earth. The person must be someone who is a custodian or
vision conscious fellow of living a great life.
Why this is important is very simple, life is short and tough while most people around you don't
know anything about success. If none of your family member or friend is successful they can't
teach you anything about success. You will realize that even when someone is intelligent but
poor the person can't teach about success based on the status. That is why you need to break out
or look outside your domain for someone who can inspire or challenge you, then with time you
will get to know more about the person so that you can as well reason along with every decision
such coach takes.

Fact Five states and I quote;

Success is a lousy teacher; it can seduce you to ponder more about bigger mission to actualize a
greater vision.

For you to be successful in life, you must be capable to lead the people and get them motivated
and inspired towards a targeted goal. To motivate people, you need to show them what the
problem is and what can be done to create or supply solutions to it. Let people know the reason
why what has been done needs to be done.

Humbleness is the key of being successful for a long period of time, so many people have been
successful for some time or few minutes but because they reached a point where they thought
they know it all, where they thought they have arrived as expert in their professions meanwhile
they possess an arrogant spirit to look down on others. The penalties for their action is that they
will eventually crumbled and never rise again. People who have been successful for a longer
time never stop learning; Permit me to conclude that learning never ends in as much you are alive.
Live to be unique in your endeavors likewise act with passion to earn greatness to yourself.

ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote.

“Success is not an
occasional process; it
can be seen as a
consistent commitment
to beautify your
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote

“An element of wealth

is divinely deposited in
you even before you
became conscious of
yourself and your role
is to activate it into
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote

“A man of vision is a
complete man of
focused mission”.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

Section Five: Stand Tall.

Your strength is the insight capability of the things you are sustained to maintain. You can't
manage or respond to the things that are beyond your inner strength. In as much you are a living
being, you should know that the measures of your insight strength is more than the weight of
your body. Nobody can build your confidence if you are not ready to comply with yourself. Your
physical energy is not on a sure role to make you stand firm as long as your life purpose is
concerned. It is the state of your mind that will determine the level you can be able to access or
acquire to reach your targeted goals, in a north shell your physical energy is limited when you
want to pursue your desired dreams and visions. Your boldness is not guaranteed when you are
not placing yourself in your lane of destiny. Whatever you think that can express your boldness
will surely bring out the best in you; this will also activate the zeal in you to be more focused in
life. Confidence is not limited at all but it is mindfully derived and promoted in this world where
everyone can actually deal with life and circumstances around life drama. Sitting up or standing
single with focus is a better movement for everyman to have the opportunity to stand tall,
however you should be realistic over various strengths instead of idealistic on attitude that are
not appreciated by people. The ability to display your talents, skills, visions, dreams and
aspirations shouldn't be determined by any other person except you. There is an automated
chance for you to fix up your 'Potential Energy' so therefore this will enable you to live a worthy

Everything you need to make you stand out in life is already deposited within you and upon
you. You are the only one who is responsible for the paths you are made to follow in that regard
nobody can behold your vision for you. Your insight capability can be seen as the root to dig out
everything about you into a reality. It can be described as divine treasures. Making sure you
value what is in you so that it will lead you into good success. Value your life to compliment you
in a better way to bring forth the inner inspiration of the treasures embedded in you. Walk
diligently on your own path of strength so that your work shall appear to the world with great
impartations. Wisdom is very needed when dealing with the things that matters to your
personality and a very visible role you must make sure you involve yourself is to be accustomed
to every reasonable measure that are meant to build you on daily basis. Take note that in
regardless of the kind of lineage you originated from, no matter the prospects you have already
built for yourself, there is always a soft part in you calling your attention to fulfill the purpose of
your life on earth. Don't be distracted by the activities of the ungodly company. Don’t be limited
to your present position but you should thirsts for higher position. You are designed to grow as a
better person today than yesterday.

Life is excessively decorated naturally to show forth the glory of God in dimensions that is why
it is advised to move with people who will encourage your passion simply because it will help
you to be surrounded with possibilities. When you play your role well, people shall stand to
support and pay for the outcomes of your demonstrated passions and aspirations. The ever best
thing a man can do for himself is to be smart, wise, and diligent and focus in his privacy, this will
actually present him to be well appreciated and celebrated by people.

The most valuable thing on earth shouldn't be your acquired materialistic properties but it should
be your life. Position yourself in transparency simply because it is the way you follow the
instructions of great people that will definitely makes you become a better instructors for other
people. Life is the reflection of a social and divine gift that is reserved to lead you into greatness.

ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quotes.

“Sitting up or standing
single with focus is a
better movement for
everyman to have the
opportunity to stand
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote.

“Nobody can build

your confidence for
you, if you are not
ready to comply with
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways

K—N—P Quote

“Everything you need

to make you stand out
in life is already
deposited within you
and upon you”.
ORIGINALITY Purpose Driven Pathways


King James JACOBS by name, a.k.a Prof Tobbie. He is a writer, presenter, speaker, life career
coach, inspirational thinker, career consultant and counselor who admire positivity with greater
mindset for the advancement of future pursuit through a beautiful handwork called KAJAS
NOTE PEN (K.N.P) expressions and quotes. The focus of this author is to ensure that people are
well educated and inspired on the rooted ground of living a purposeful life on earth.

He is desperately dedicated to promote the expansion of human race with the right belief systems
to reveal the deeper truth of the cause of every existence.

To the glory of God, he had succeeded in publishing and displaying his inspirational i.e. K.N.P
expressions and quotes for schools, churches, organizations, social gatherings, important
personalities mention but few over the years.

His primary passion is to empower people on how they can be resourceful and actualize destiny
for the development of human standard. This ministry is founded to beautify many lost lives into
glorious light around the world.

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