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Coding Adventure, Let’s start a new journey! Tim Kim- How I Learned to Code in 4

Months & Got a Job! (No CS Degree, No Bootcamp)

 Notes:
Tip: Focus on concepts in programming more so than trying to memorize syntax.
Leverage the concepts and Google syntax (and read documentation!).
 What i learn after watched this video : 1. Learn how to learn 2. Start learn from basic 3. Find
expert mentor and learn from them 4. Consistent and persisten 5. Don't be shy if you don't know
something or you just a newbie, don't be afraid to ask something and be honest 6. Don't lazy to do
research 7. There is a finish line and don't give up Tina Huang- How to learn to code FAST

using ChatGPT (it's a game changer seriously)

 How to ask Chatgpt to create a solid study plan for coding:

This is the prompt I've been using and it works better for me: "Imagine that you are a
coding tutor who specializes in teaching beginners how to code in Python and machine
learning concepts. Your goal is to create a personalized study plan for a student who
wants to learn Python and machine learning, with a focus on video resources and
project-based learning. The student can commit 10 hours per week to studying. Please
keep in mind that the student has no prior coding experience, and therefore needs a
study plan that starts from the basics and gradually builds up their knowledge. Please
provide a detailed plan that includes specific timelines and links to relevant resources,
and emphasize project-based exercises to reinforce the concepts learned. Based on this
information, create a study plan for the student."

 Dnspy The Coding Sloth- Learn To Code Like a GENIUS and

Not Waste Time Selman Kahya- Yazılıma/Programlamaya nereden


 Html + css + js
 Kitapları satın almak;
urunno=0001859709001 (HTML+CSS) (JS)
 Online dersler;
v=fakHTnkZLRc&list=PLWctyKyPphPjm1jnFNsQfOIDgR3wf-prc (HTML+CSS)
G9yvnqFUo&list=PLWctyKyPphPj2KD1CTuBa_xjK8zjRS9jX&index=2 (JS, Yakın Kampüs -
Javascript Ders 1 - Javascript'e Giriş


TR) Udemy- Komple Uygulamalı Web Geliştirme Eğitimi by Sadık Turan

TR) Coursera- Meta Back-End Developer Professional Certificate by META

EN) Udemy- Java 17 Masterclass: Start Coding in 2024 by Tim Buchalka

EN) Udemy- Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS by Jonas Schmedtmann

EN) Khan-

platform/a/course-intro by

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