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International Journal of Urology (2010) 17, 38–47 doi: 10.1111/j.1442-2042.2009.02426.

Review Article iju_2426 38..47

Endothelial dysfunction and erectile dysfunction in the

aging man
Antonio Aversa,1 Roberto Bruzziches,1 Davide Francomano,1 Marco Natali,1 Pietro Gareri2 and
Giovanni Spera1
Department of Medical Pathophysiology, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Rome and 2Operative Unit ‘Elderly Health Care’, ASP
Catanzaro, Italy

Abstract: Penile erection is a vascular event that requires an intact endothelium to occur. A dysfunctional endothelium
is an early marker for the development of atherosclerotic changes and can also contribute to the occurrence of acute
cardiovascular events. The pathogenesis of both endothelial and erectile dysfunction (ED) is intimately linked through
decreased expression and activation of endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase, and the subsequent blunted physiological
actions of NO naturally occurring with aging. It is now well-understood that ED is a symptom of underlying disease rather
than a disease itself; for this reason in the near future both general practitioners, internal medicine practitioners and many
specialists will have to interplay with sexual medicine. Aging in the man is also associated with several changes in arterial
structure and function, part of them related to the decline of circulating levels of steroids, that is, testosterone and
estradiol. These changes may be responsible, in part, for the lack of efficacy of ED treatments. The recent discovery that
chronic administration of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors may improve erectile and endothelial responsiveness of
men previously non-responsive to on-demand regimes, and the knowledge that testosterone is one of the main modula-
tors of the expression of penile phosphodiesterase type 5 isoenzyme, opens a new scenario in the treatment of men with
ED and co-morbidities. The aim of this review is to discuss the pathophysiology of endothelial dysfunction and its
relationship with ED in the aging male, and to suggest possible strategies to improve arterial function with regard to sexual
Key words: cardiovascular risk factors, endothelial dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, nitric oxide, phosphodiesterase
type 5 inhibitors.

Introduction treated with medications that can interfere with sexual func-
tion at a central and peripheral level. Obesity, cigarette
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is not a life-threatening disorder,
smoking and the presence of diabetic complications (periph-
but it influences the daily routine, social interactions, well-
eral neuropathy, vascular disease, retinopathy and nephropa-
being and quality of life of the patient. It may often consti-
thy) show a significant relationship with the occurrence of
tute the first manifestation of important systemic (in
ED in both type 1 and type 2 DM.4 The association between
advancing age) or relational (in younger age) pathologies
ED and clinical atherosclerosis has been documented.5
and it is considered a possible marker of clinically undiag-
There is a high incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in
nosed disease, thus representing the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of a
men with ED, and data suggest that ED may be an early
systemic vascular disorder.1 It is more common in men with
manifestation of endothelial dysfunction (EDys) in the pres-
diabetes mellitus (DM) and is often associated with other
ence or absence of cardiovascular risk factors (CRF).6 ED
disseminated vascular diseases, such as coronary and
and CAD overlap in CRF, the pathological basis of disease
peripheral atherosclerosis, and an increased risk of future
and disease progression.7 The common underlying factor is
cardiovascular events similar to that of men with coronary
EDys; men with penile vascular damage may have EDys in
artery disease (CAD).2,3 Aging per se represents a risk factor
other vascular beds, as well.8 Therefore, men with ED may
for ED and pathological conditions that are commonly
be at increased risk for cardiovascular adverse events and
encountered in the aging male, as well as chronic diseases
ED may be considered as a sentinel symptom in patients
that represent other causes of organic ED, and are often
with occult CVD.9 In fact, EDys measured as impaired
Correspondence: Antonio Aversa MD PhD, Dipto Fisiopatologia vasodilation of the brachial artery is prognostic for cardio-
Medica, Room 37, Viale Policlinico 155, 00161 Rome, Italy. vascular events, such as myocardial ischemia and stroke.10,11
Email: The aim of this article will be to give fundamentals
Received 1 October 2009; accepted 21 October 2009. regarding endothelial pathophysiology and its relevance to
Online publication 25 November 2009 ED in the aging male. Moreover, the role of age-related

38 © 2009 The Japanese Urological Association

ED3 in the elderly man

decline of testosterone (T) levels with respect to erectile and correlate with the severity of various CRF as in patients with
endothelial function and the beneficial effects of T supple- renal disease,22 insulin resistance and DM23, and CAD,24,25
mentation along with phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor indicating the impact they could have on endothelial
(PDE5-i) administration will be discussed. function.26
In addition to the biochemical markers of EDys, diagnos-
tic tools of EDys are characterized by the evaluation of
Endothelial dysfunction flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery.27 This
EDys has gained increasing notoriety as a key player in the clinical measurement of EDys is strongly linked to coronary
pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.12 As atherosclerosis is the EDys and predicts cardiovascular events.28–30 EDys can be
most common cause of vasculogenic erectile dysfunction in tested in vivo using several techniques that rely principally
older men, it is frequently considered another manifestation on measuring change in arterial diameter or flow in response
of vascular disease.13 The mutual risk factors shared by ED to stimuli.31 Longitudinal observations confirmed that dys-
and CAD each contribute to EDys. Just as the presence of function of the endothelium of the coronary and peripheral
these risk factors overlap within patient populations, so do circulation is predictive of cardiovascular events, the sensi-
their effects on the endothelium. Several traditional CRF, tivity and specificity being greater for coronary artery EDys
such as aging, smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia and than for peripheral dysfunction.32
DM, and some less-traditional risk factors, including Recently, a new operator-independent technique, that is,
inflammation, hypoxia, oxidative stress and hyperhomocys- digital pulse amplitude by fingertip peripheral arterial
teinemia, are related to EDys.14 EDys is also a feature of tonometry (PAT) device, became very popular for diagnos-
acute coronary syndromes, heart failure, reperfusion injury, ing endothelial dysfunction in CAD patients.33 A recent
renal failure, systemic inflammatory disorders and ED.15 A study was carried out by investigating men with ED using
number of novel plasma markers have been associated with PAT and indicated that the average FMD was not different in
atherosclerosis and EDys. Erectile function is dependent men with or without ED, independently from the presence or
upon nitric oxide (NO) production by penile endothelium absence of VRFs. By contrast, the augmentation index,
and thus ED is associated with reduced plasma NO levels. which is an indirect measurement of arterial stiffness, was
EDys is characterized by significant modifications in the higher in men with ED compared with controls even when
physiological and biochemical parameters. These include: controlled for age and VRF. In that study, it was concluded
vascular stiffness, increased vascular tone, production of that an increased arterial stiffness but not EDys, is present in
inflammatory cytokines, increased permeability, suscepti- men with vascular ED and may represent an early detection
bility to invasion of immunocytes, decrease in endothelial of vascular impairment that may precede endothelial dys-
cell growth, and dysregulation of fibrinolytic factors. Clini- function in populations at low risk for developing vascular
cal and biochemical markers of EDys include: (i) reduced ED34 (Fig. 1).
expression and activity of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase
(eNOS), reduced synthesis of NO, and increased production
Insulin-resistance and endothelial
of the asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), a competi-
tive, endogenous inhibitor of eNOS; (ii) increased produc-
tion of reactive oxygen species (ROS); (iii) increased The past decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in the
synthesis and release of the vasoconstrictor peptide prevalence of obesity. Co-morbidities of obesity include
endothelin-1 (ET-1); (iv) increased production of inflamma- aging, type 2 DM, hypertension, and lipid abnormalities, all
tory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive contribute to CVD and are associated with EDys. These
protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a); (v) abnormalities frequently cluster in individuals, and the term
increased expression of markers of cell adhesion such as metabolic syndrome (MeS) is now widely used to define this
E-selectin,16 intracellular adhesion molecules (ICAM),17 and cluster. The syndrome is frequently (although not invariably)
vascular cell adhesion molecules (VCAM); (vi) dysregula- associated with insulin resistance and CVD.35 In recent
tion of fibrinolytic factors such as Von Willebrand Factor years, it has become clear that the correlation between
(vWF), tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), and plasminogen insulin resistance and EDys plays a central role in the patho-
activator inhibitor (PAI-1); (vii) inability to regenerate from genesis of atherosclerosis. EDys is an important component
endothelial progenitor cells (EPC); (viii) increased endothe- of the metabolic or insulin resistance syndrome, as demon-
lial apoptosis; (ix) increased cellular permeability; and (x) strated by inadequate vasodilation and/or paradoxical vaso-
increased vascular tone.18 Overall, a reduction in NO results constriction in coronary and peripheral arteries in response
in EDys.19 These mechanisms, along with a reduction in to stimuli that release NO.36 Metabolic actions of insulin to
bone-marrow-derived EPC, could underpin a common promote glucose disposal are augmented by vascular actions
pathogenesis for both ED and EDys.20,21 In individuals with of insulin in endothelium to stimulate production of the
established ED, elevated ADMA levels have been shown to vasodilator NO. Indeed , NO-dependent increases in blood

© 2009 The Japanese Urological Association 39


Age-related Tx Ad
diseases eq
Tx Life
CVD - Diabetes sty
le +
5-i ± e t+
PDE teron Ph
tos ysi
Erectile Dysfunction Tes c al a
ED dify cti
Mo ctors vit
fa y
Endothelial Dysfunction risk f
l u atio ffness
Ev ial st i
Early Detection of vascular disease arte Tx
d aily
c ific
Spe nts
Dyslipidemia Hyperglycemia Hypertension ox ida
Syndrome nti
ic a
Oxidative Stress


Fig. 1 The aging male ‘pyramid’: ED3 represents the mainstay for the prevention of common diseases associated with increased
mortality in the aging male. CVD, cardiovascular disease; PDE5-i, phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors; Tx, pharmacological

flow to skeletal muscle account for 25% to 40% of the mia may impair endothelial function by promoting release
increase in glucose uptake in response to insulin stimulation. of free radicals. Vascular damage, which results from lipid
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent (PI3K) insulin- deposition and oxidative stress to the vessel wall, triggers an
signaling pathways related to production of NO in endothe- inflammatory reaction, and the release of chemoattractants
lium share striking similarities with metabolic pathways that and cytokines that worsen the insulin resistance and EDys. A
promote glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. Other distinct recent study provided consistent evidence for a role of
non-metabolic branches of insulin-signaling pathways regu- insulin-resistance in determining endothelial dysfunction in
late secretion of the vasoconstrictor ET-1 in endothelium. ED patients; it was found that chronic cannabis use deter-
Metabolic insulin resistance is characterized by pathway- mined early EDys, and that the hallmark of that condition in
specific impairment in PI3K-dependent signaling, which in young cannabis users was a lower insulin sensitivity (as
endothelium may cause imbalance between production of detected by the homeostatic model assessment index) com-
NO and secretion of ET-1, leading to decreased blood pared with the control group. It was hypothesized that pro-
flow, which worsens insulin resistance.24 Deficiency of longed activation of the endocannabinoid system is able,
endothelial-derived NO is believed to be the primary defect somehow, to alter endothelial function and to determine an
that links insulin resistance and EDys. NO deficiency results early damage of the erectile process.38
from decreased synthesis and/or release, in combination
with exaggerated consumption in tissues by high levels of
reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen (RNS) species, which
Role for testosterone in erectile and
are produced by cellular disturbances in glucose and lipid
endothelial function/dysfunction
metabolism. EDys contributes to impaired insulin action, by The observation that androgen decline in aging men is asso-
altering the transcapillary passage of insulin to target ciated with a reduction in the number and quality of erections
tissues. Reduced expansion of the capillary network, with dates long ago.39 T has a central role on endothelial health
attenuation of microcirculatory blood flow to metabolically (Fig. 2); in fact its decline over the aging process may affect
active tissues, contributes to the impairment of insulin- either arterial reactivity or sexual function.40 Hypogonadism
stimulated glucose and lipid metabolism. This establishes a and ED are common disorders found in aging men present-
reverberating negative feedback cycle in which progressive ing to andrology clinics. Increasing evidence indicates that
EDys and disturbances in glucose and lipid metabolism both disorders have important associations with the MeS,
develop secondarily to the insulin resistance.37 Hyperglyce- DM and CVD, all conditions with an increased morbidity

40 © 2009 The Japanese Urological Association

ED3 in the elderly man



progenitor cells

Sexual Stimulation
Cavernous L-Arginine
nerve O2 Endothelial Cell
NOS 1/2/3
Smooth muscle cell
Terminal NO Reduction
Non-adrenergic Ca2+
Non-colinergic Protein Kinases
cyclasi GMPc Smooth Muscle
K+ Cell Relaxation
Fig. 2 Schematic representation of GTP PDE 5
5’ GMP
the molecular mechanisms underly- Ca2+
ing the control of endothelial function
by testosterone and phosphodi-
esterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors.
PDE5 inhibitors
NOS, nitric-oxide synthase.

and mortality.41 A low T-level is positively associated with flow-mediated dilation analysis and it was irrespective of
the presence and severity of atherosclerosis and a reduction other confounding factors in women. A conclusive view on
in plasma T might contribute to increased arterial stiffness, the effects of androgen deficiency on vascular function can
which in turn has been associated with increased cardiovas- be seen with the adverse effects of androgen deprivation
cular risk.42 Numerous epidemiological and interventional therapy (ADT) in prostate cancer patients. Whether via
studies reported a controversial relationship between T and orchiectomy or use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone ago-
CVD. T inversely correlates with the severity of atheroscle- nists or antagonists and AR agonists, the net result of ADT is
rosis and has beneficial effects upon vascular reactivity, low circulating T/DHT with concomitant changes in body
inflammatory cytokine, adhesion molecules, insulin resis- composition, insulin resistance and vascular disease.51 There
tance, serum lipids, and hemostatic factors.43 Interestingly, is a decrease in lean muscle mass and an increase in fat mass.
men with established CAD often have reduced circulating T A long-term study (1–8 months) comparing men undergoing
levels44 that are often associated with a certain degree of ADT to eugonadal men found an increase in fat mass com-
EDys independently of other VRF, suggesting a protective pared to controls of eugonadal men.52 ADT has been impli-
role of endogenous T on the endothelium.37 The Rotterdam cated in inducing MeS.53 Overall, ADT in men with prostate
study, a population-based cohort study, showed that low cancer has been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular
levels of endogenous androgens are associated with events.54 Keating reported that men undergoing ADT had
increased likelihood of atherosclerosis in elderly men.45 a 25% increase in risk of CAD compared with non-ADT
Svaartberg demonstrated an inverse relationship between patients.55 A large study consisting of 23 000 men undergo-
total T levels and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT).46 ing ADT for at least 12 months had an increase of cardio-
This finding was not independent of body mass index (BMI). vascular morbidity by 20% compared with non-ADT men
Accumulating evidence has shown an association of low T to after controlling for confounding factors.56 A recent report
cardiovascular mortality, morbidity in men of varying age, found that men receiving ADT were approximately 2.6 times
and CRF.47 Men have a higher rate of CVD than women. The at greater risk of cardiovascular mortality than non-ADT
likely culprits appear to be T, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), controls after adjusting for confounding factors.57 Interest-
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS) and their metabolites. ingly, a new study by D’amico et al.58 suggested that elderly
Capaldo et al.48 showed that men with sex steroid deficiency men with T-1 to T-2 localized prostate cancer should not be
had a greater IMT and that low plasma T has also been given primary ADT due to reduced cancer as well as overall
associated with cardiovascular risk in healthy men.49 survival in these patients. Montalcini et al. showed that post-
Akishita et al.50 also found that DHEAS levels correlate with menopausal women in the lowest T tertile had the least

© 2009 The Japanese Urological Association 41


flow-mediated dilation, which implies that not only does mellitus, hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular disease.
estrogen deficiency play a role in CVD, but T deficiency does It has a high prevalence and mainly affects men between 40
as well.59 and 70 years of age.69,70 Loss of the functional integrity of
The role of androgens in determining vasodilatation has the endothelium and subsequent endothelial dysfunction
been investigated recently. T may activate the endothelium plays a pivotal role in the occurrence of ED. There is a close
and stimulate the NO-cyclic guanosine monophosphate relationship between ED, aging and EDys. ED problems due
and/or the hyperpolarization-mediated vascular relaxation to organic causes comprise up to 80% of cases, while vas-
pathway and may thus add potential beneficial effects cular disease is the most common pathophysiology of ED.71
against coronary artery atherosclerosis. Additional ED is the first clinical presentation of subclinical endothelial
endothelium-independent effects of T may involve inhibi- dysfunction disease prior to the appearance of cardiovascu-
tion of the signaling mechanism of vascular smooth muscle lar disease or CRF.72 In particular, it was shown that 64% of
contraction, such as intracellular concentration [Ca2+] and men who presented with myocardial infarction had ED prior
protein kinase C, whereas a significant portion of the vasore- to their heart problems, and 57% of men undergoing coro-
laxing effect of T appears to be endothelium independent nary artery bypass graft surgery had ED before the opera-
because no significant difference is observed between the tion.73 The more coronary vessels are involved , the more
relaxing effect of the hormone in isolated vessels with or severe ED is. EDys is an early abnormality of the artery;
without endothelium.60 Also, inhibition of NO-synthase, it may occur many years before vascular disease, such as
prostaglandin synthase, and guanylate cyclase do not appear atherosclerosis. As it is widely known, advanced age is a
to affect the vasorelaxing effect of T, suggesting that the risk factor for atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease.74
T-induced vascular relaxation may involve inhibition of the EDys occurring in the healthy elderly might have a
mechanism of vascular smooth muscle contraction.61,62 pathogenic role in the increased risk of atherosclerosis
Several studies have shown that acute administration of T and its complications in the elderly.75 EDys and atheroscle-
induces a rapid relaxation in vascular tissues of different rosis may affect all major vascular beds with different
species including humans,63,64 suggesting a non-genomic sizes (i.e. 1–2 mm of the penile artery, 3–4 mm of the
effect of this hormone on vasomotion.65 Different mecha- proximal left anterior descending artery, 5–7 mm of the
nisms have been proposed to explain T-induced vasodilata- internal carotid artery and 6–8 mm of the femoral
tion,66 but as to which are the effective mechanisms and artery).70,72 Symptoms of vascular disease are more frequent
which are the mediators involved with the T-induced vasore- in elderly people and the threshold for the development of
laxation remain a matter of debate. T might induce relax- symptoms is reached when the lumen of the artery is
ation in human isolated corpora cavernosa strips by occluded by 50%.72 As there is a close relationship among
activation of smooth muscle adenosine triphosphate- EDys, ED and aging and as EDys appears to precede not
sensitive K(+) channels (Fig. 2). This finding suggests that T, only ED but cardiovascular complications too, the assess-
in addition to its known endothelial action, might regulate ment of endothelial function in the elderly is a crucial point.
erectile function locally by its action on the smooth muscle In recent years venous occlusion plethysmography, arteriog-
of the human corpus cavernosum.67 It is now accepted that raphy and intracoronary Doppler catheter techniques during
different thresholds for sexual desire and erectile function an intra-arterial infusion were performed for this purpose.74
are present in humans, the former being quite higher than Recently, brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD) was
the latter.68 In humans, T deficiency determines a sequence used as a measure of endothelial function in humans.76 The
of molecular penile events leading to reduced capacity of aim of FMD is to increase brachial artery blood flow in
smooth muscle and endothelial cells to relaxation as well as response to transient hyperemia, which is provoked by
to increased sensitivity to contractile factors, that is, inducing post-ischemic dilation of distal vascular beds.72,77
a-adrenergic agonists and deficiency of NO-induced relax- Reactive hyperemia is reproduced by inflating a pediatric
ation during sexual stimulus. Recent evidences in humans blood pressure cuff up to 200 mm Hg above systolic blood
suggest that T may directly control the expression and activ- pressure for five minutes to occlude arterial flow. Sixty
ity of PDE5 in human corpus cavernosum so that in some seconds after cuff deflation arterial diameter and flow
selected patients, that is, total-T < 10 nmol/L and/or free-T velocity measurements are performed.76 Patients with
below 200 nmol/L, androgen supplementation may improve impaired endothelial function present a lower increase in
therapeutic efficacy to PDE5-i. arterial diameter. FMD is a commonly used , accurate,
non-invasive and reproducible method for evaluating endot-
helial function. Limb vessels are suitable for assessing
Erectile dysfunction and endothelial endothelial function in the elderly, as EDys is a diffuse
dysfunction in the aging male process and peripheral vessel examination is non-invasive
ED is predominately a disease of vascular origin. It is widely compared to coronary artery assessment.75 Furthermore,
known that it dramatically increases in men with diabetes FMD was shown to be nearly as sensitive as exercise

42 © 2009 The Japanese Urological Association

ED3 in the elderly man

electrocardiography in the detection of coronary artery and risk of ischemic events. Unfortunately, data from human
disease and more specific for diagnosis than exercise elec- series of routine dose PDE5-i for penile rehabilitation after
trocardiography. In a recent paper, endothelial function was radical prostatectomy are conflicting, with the two largest
evaluated by FMD of the brachial artery by ultrasound in 30 studies showing no benefit to daily dose therapy in the
elderly vs 30 younger subjects.75 FMD of the elderly group post-radical prostatectomy and the general ED populations.
was significantly lower than the younger group (7.9 ⫾ 3.1 vs Clinical studies revealed good safety and efficacy of sildena-
10.8 ⫾ 1.9, respectively, P < 0.001).75 FMD and age were fil given at bedtime in recovering spontaneous erections both
found to be inversely correlated. This result is remarkable, in aging men with mild-to-moderate arteriogenic etiology86
as it was found in healthy elderly subjects. Celermajer or in prostate cancer patients.87 A recent large controlled
et al.78 examined patients aged 15–72 years and found trial comparing on-demand and nightly dosing of vardenafil
that aging is associated with impaired flow-mediated on recovery of erectile function in bilateral nerve-sparing
endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the brachial artery; radical prostatectomy patients with ED demonstrated that
in this study elderly healthy men were reported to be nightly dosing did not have any additive effect over that of
affected earlier than women. on-demand use.88 Similar results were reported in a con-
Therefore, the final message is that advanced age is a trolled trial by Zumbè et al.,89 who compared the efficacy of
strong predictor of EDys in the elderly; EDys may not only vardenafil given on-demand vs daily in men with mild-to-
precede ED onset, but also cardiovascular events. As it is moderate ED. It was concluded that daily vardenafil did not
widely shown, it usually occurs in several age-related dis- produce greater sustained effects on erectile function than
eases, such as chronic renal failure, heart failure, hyperten- the on-demand regime with no sustained clinical benefits
sion, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, rheumatic beyond cessation of treatment above those observed with
diseases and Alzheimer’s disease.79,80 For such diseases, the on-demand administration. By contrast, numerous studies
continuous use of a PDE5-i for treating ED is indicated , but have shown the beneficial acute and chronic effects of
to avoid the high dropout rate we recommend an adequate sildenafil and tadalafil on arterial function in men with ED,
initial instruction and long-term follow up, even for patients thus presenting them as potential candidates for therapies
with successful treatment.81 aimed at reducing the burden of EDys in selected categories
of aging men.90
Vascular damage, insulin resistance and EDys have been
PDE5-i in the aging male: daily vs recently implicated in the pathogenesis of benign prostate
on-demand therapy? hyperplasia (BPH), thus suggesting the hypothesis of an
There are numerous conditions in the aging male that are increased sympathetic nerve activity in men with BPH.91
associated with ED, including DM, obesity, MS and CVD, Evidences show that diabetic men are at higher risk for both
that require specific treatments that may in turn determine ED and BPH,92 and vascular damage being considered as the
sexual disturbances.82 The debate as to whether in such cases mainstay of both;92 hyperplasia of the stromal and glandular
a daily or on-demand therapy for ED with PDE5-i should be prostate compartments might be induced by stromal growth
instituted is still open and many concerns have been raised secondary to hypoxia, which in turn results from reduced
regarding rehabilitative effects of PDE5-i given daily in men blood flow patterns at the Duplex ultrasound.93 It appears
with ED. There have been several publications in the past clear that EDys and the consequent adrenergic overtone
two years regarding daily dosing of PDE5-i for two major can be considered as the common denominator linking
indications, penile rehabilitation after prostate cancer and atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and ED-BPH. To this
management of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Evi- purpose, daily PDE5-i use in clinical trials has been reported
dence from basic science investigations has indicated that a to be effective and safe in improving LUTS with no change
daily dose of PDE5-i may improve erectile function and in urinary flow rates in men with BPH/LUTS, suggesting a
exert a number of beneficial tissue effects on the penis as newer utilization to improve the quality of life for aging men
well as in other districts.83 Encouraging animal studies indi- with symptoms secondary to BPH.94
cate that EDys and oxidative stress associated with insulin
resistance can be reversed by daily sildenafil84 and insulin
sensitivity is significantly improved in an animal model
of diet-induced obesity;85 chronic PDE5 inhibition also ED is associated with the same underlying risk factors as
resulted in increased energy expenditure, suggesting that vascular disease and includes hypertension, DM, hyperlipi-
improved energy balance and weight reduction might be demia, smoking, obesity, and aging. Some evidence shows
partially responsible for the enhanced insulin action without that ED can be greatly improved not only with PDE5-i but
any adverse effects on cardiac morphology or blood pres- also by treating the risk factors directly. These include ces-
sure measured in vivo, supporting human studies that sation of smoking, correction of hyperlipidemia, and ame-
showed no association between long-term use of sildenafil lioration of obesity through weight loss, all of which result

© 2009 The Japanese Urological Association 43


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