BoBA Zhang Principles Journal

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You are most like The Peacekeeper

Peacekeepers relish developing positive relationships between people, and seeking harmony,
compromise, and cooperation.

You also have attributes of the Helper and the Campaigner

The Helper
Helpers are driven by compassion and care for others, and support of their emotional needs. They
tend to be empathetic, nurturing, generous and agreeable.

The Campaigner
Campaigners focus on rallying others around ideas, positions and solutions and achieving practical
results. They tend to be ambitious, agile, inspiring, energetic and practical while at times being


How You Prefer to Think

Creative Deliberative Detailed and Reliable
Very Low 12% High 73% Very Low 17%

Conceptual Practical
High 63% Very High 90%


How You Engage with Others

Extraverted Tough Nurturing
Low 23% Very Low 6% Moderate 54%

Leadership Humorous
Low 33% High 60%


How You Apply Yourself

Composed Autonomous Flexible
Very High 80% Low 21% Low 37%

Determined Humble Energetic

Moderate 45% Moderate 43% Low 38%

Very High 83%

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