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Block 0 - Overall training course introduction

Module 2 - European Solidarity Corps

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

Introduction: general objectives and content

Before getting to the heart of this online training, it is

important that you learn a bit more about the European
Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps and what is behind:
involved actors, related activities and quality and support
measures and all the steps you will undergo over your whole
experience with the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

The present module is structured as follow:

1 The European Union (EU) Youth Strategy and the European

Solidarity Corps;

2 The European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps, involved actors,

related activities and quality and support measures.

At the end of this module...

you will be able to:

Recognise the main objectives of the EU Youth Strategy and the 11

European Youth Goals;

Understand what the European Solidarity Corps initiative is, how it is structured,
which parties are involved, and what the related activities are;

Explain what the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps is, being able to
identify all involved parties and being aware of what the related activities are;

4 Identify all the steps you will undergo over your whole experience with the
European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps if you are selected for deployment;

5 Be aware of all the quality and support measures at your disposal.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps



Nick completed the self-assessment and

is willing to proceed with the training:

I’m curious to find out more about the European

Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps action. What is
behind it?
I Know that the activities of the European Solidarity
Corps support the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy
for 2019-2027, and that encourage young people to
become active citizens, agents of solidarity and positive
change for communities across Europe, inspired by EU
values and a European identity, but I would like to know

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

EU Youth Strategy

The activities of the European Solidarity

Corps support the objectives of the EU Youth

Strategy for 2019-2027, which encourages

young people to become active citizens,

agents of solidarity and positive change for

communities across Europe, inspired by EU

values and a European identity.

In the context of the EU youth dialogue, developed through a participatory

approach that involved decision makers, young people and researchers, 11
European Youth Goals were developed. They present a vision for a Europe
that enables young people to realise their full potential.

Youth Goals identify areas that affect young people’s lives and
point out which challenges need to be tackled. Among others,
they call for inclusive societies, space and participation for all
and quality employment for all young people.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

European Youth Goals




0.2 European Solidarity Corps




0.2 European Solidarity Corps




0.2 European Solidarity Corps





The EU Youth Strategy contributes to realising this vision of young people by

mobilising EU level policy instruments as well as actions at national,
regional and local level by all stakeholders.
The EU Youth Strategy is built on three core areas of action:

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

ENGAGE - the EU Youth Strategy aims for a meaningful civic,

economic, social, cultural and political participation of young
people. The Strategy fosters youth participation in democratic life,
supports social and civic engagement and aims to ensure that all
young people have the necessary resources to take part in society;

CONNECT - the EU Youth Strategy underpins opportunities for
young people to experience exchanges, cooperation and civic
action in a European context first hand;

EMPOWER - the Strategy aims at supporting youth work in all its
forms as catalyst for the empowerment of young people across

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

The EU Youth Strategy provides a framework for the EU Youth Policy

Cooperation 2019-2024, which:

• Aims to make the most of youth policy’s potential;

• Fosters youth participation in democratic life;

• Supports social and civic engagement;

• Aims to ensure that all young people have the necessary resources to
take part in society.

The EU is also committed to eliminate obstacles to volunteering in

Europe by:

• Raising awareness;

• Increasing the capacity to offer volunteering opportunities;

• Reducing barriers to participation especially for disadvantaged


• Increasing the recognition of skills gained.

A specific Council recommendation on the mobility of young

volunteers, issued in 2008, and updated in 2022, provides a
policy framework for volunteering.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

European Solidarity Corps: objectives, involved

actors and related activities

European Solidarity Corps Objectives. Why?

The general objective of the European Solidarity Corps programme is to enhance

solidarity activities, focusing mainly on volunteering as a means to strengthen:




European identity;

Active citizenship in the union and beyond.

The Programme addresses societal and humanitarian challenges on the ground,

with a particular focus on:

Sustainable development;

Social inclusion;

Equal opportunities.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

The Programme has the following horizontal priorities:

Inclusion and diversity;

Environmental protection, sustainable development and climate


Digital transformation;

Participation in democratic life;

The Programme:

Promotes accessible and high-quality actions;

Targets both young people and organisations.

The specific objective of the European Solidarity Corps is to provide young

people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible

opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities.

These activities will aim at positive societal changes in the Union and

beyond, while improving and validating participants competences, and

facilitating their active citizenship.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

European Solidarity Corps Coverage. Where?

The European Solidarity Corps operates in several countries. The

following countries can fully take part in all actions of the European
Solidarity Corps:

The 27 EU Member States - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,

Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,

4 Non-EU countries associated to the programme: Iceland, North

Macedonia, Türkiye, Liechtenstein.

Additionally, the 23 countries below can participate in certain actions of the


Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia,
Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway,
Palestine, Russia, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine.

Moreover, a large number of other third countries can take place in the Humanitarian
Aid Volunteering action as countries hosting volunteers. These are countries where
humanitarian aid activities and operations take place and where there are no ongoing
international or non-international armed conflicts.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

European Solidarity Corps Actors. Who are they?

Several different players are involved in the European Solidarity Corps. Let's
see who they are and what their role is.

The European Commission is managing the

European Solidarity Corps Programme and its

budget, setting its priority targets and criteria on an

on-going basis. It monitors and evaluates the

programme, supervises and coordinates the

structures in charge of the programme at National

and central levels.

The European Commission's Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is

responsible for the implementation of the so-called centralised actions of the
European Solidarity Corps. The centralised actions include Volunteering Teams in High
Priority Areas and the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps (Humanitarian Aid


- Provides information on the centralised actions of the European

Solidarity Corps;

- Processes project applications to be funded;

- Monitors the implementation of projects;

- Provides support to project applicants and participating


- Provides policy support to the European Commission;

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

National Agencies

In order to bring the European Solidarity Corps as close as possible to its

beneficiaries and to adapt to the diversity of each country, the decentralised

actions of the programme are implemented through National Agencies. One or

more National Agencies have been appointed in each country participating in

the programme. These National Agencies promote and implement the

decentralised actions of the European Solidarity Corps at national level and act

as the link between the European Commission and participating organisations

at local, regional and national level. The decentralised actions include

Volunteering Projects and Solidarity Projects.

National Agencies:

Provide information on the European Solidarity Corps;

Process project applications to be funded in their country;

Monitor and evaluate the implementation in their country;

Provide support to project applicants and participating


Ensure the visibility of the Corps;

Promote the dissemination and exploitation of the results at

local and national level.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


Young people are the core and the target population of

the European Solidarity Corps. They can apply directly to

implement their own solidarity projects, or be involved in

volunteering activities through projects managed by

organisations. Young people can express their

willingness to participate in the programme by

registering on the European Solidarity Corps Portal. The

registration is possible as of 17 years of age, but

participants must have reached 18 and must not be

older than 30 at the start date of the activity. For

participants in Humanitarian Aid Volunteering, the upper

age limit is 35 years.


The Corps mainly involves young people through

organisations, which can be public or private bodies

that organise volunteering activities. Organisations

implementing European Solidarity Corps projects

must be established in one of the countries

participating in the programme or other countries that

can participate in certain actions of the programme

and must hold a Quality Label, which is a certification

required in order to send or host volunteers under the


0.2 European Solidarity Corps

European Solidarity Corps Activities. What?

With a dedicated budget of €1.009 billion for 2021-2027, the European

Solidarity Corps aims to offer opportunities to at least 270,000 young people

to help address societal and humanitarian challenges through volunteering or

by setting up their own solidarity projects.

Actions supported need to be in line with the Corps priorities.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

Supported actions are structured into two strands:

Participation of young people in solidarity activities

- Volunteering Projects offer opportunities for young people to take part in solidarity
activities contributing to the daily work of organisations, in benefit of the communities
within which the activities are carried out. The scope of volunteering projects covers a
wide range of areas, such as environmental protection, climate change mitigation or
greater social inclusion, and may take place both in the country of residence of the
participant or in another country;

- Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas are large scale, high impact projects
supporting voluntary activities carried out by young people from at least two different
countries implementing short-term interventions that address common European
challenges in policy areas defined each year;

- Solidarity Projects are non-profit solidarity activities developed and implemented

directly by groups of young people in their local communities, without the involvement
of an organisation. Solidarity Projects should address key challenges within the
communities. Participation in a Solidarity Project is an important non-formal learning
experience through which young people can boost their personal, educational, social
and civic development.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

Participation of young people in humanitarian aid related solidarity

activities (“Volunteering under the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid
Corps” / “Humanitarian Aid Volunteering”). This strand will be discussed in
the next section.

Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas and Volunteering under the

European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps are centrally managed by
EACEA, while the remaining actions are managed by the National Agencies.

Additionally the Programme promotes Quality and Support measures, that

will be presented in the next section.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

- Try to answer this question

The European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid
Corps is an action managed by:

 The European Commission's Education

and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
 The Directorate-General for European
Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid
Operations (DG ECHO)
 The Directorate-General for International
Partnerships (DG INTPA)
 European Centre for the Development of
Vocational Training (Cedefop)

✓ The European Commission's Education

and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


What is the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid


In the world there are more and more people suffering

and in situations of extreme hardship due to wars, man-
made and natural disasters, famine, economic and
social crises. There is a need to develop solidarity
between Member States and third countries affected by
such disasters.

Contributing to assistance to people and communities outside the Union

in need of humanitarian aid, based on the fundamental principles of
neutrality, humanity, independence and impartiality, is an important
expression of solidarity. The European Union demonstrates solidarity with
the most vulnerable people around the world, by supporting civil society
organisations and non-governmental organisations at the forefront for the
improvement of living conditions of those who are most in need.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

The European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps

gives you, and all young European citizens aged
18 to 35, the opportunity to play your part. It
allows you to engage as an active citizen,
showing solidarity to people in countries outside
of the EU who have faced humanitarian disasters
or need to increase their preparedness to
possible disasters in the future, while learning
new skills and getting to know new cultures and
ways of life.

If you are selected to be a volunteer of the

European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps, you
will take part in volunteering activities
supporting humanitarian aid operations in
countries outside of the EU that are not
associated to the programme. These operations
aim at preventing and alleviating human
suffering, maintaining human dignity and
strengthening the capacity and resilience of
vulnerable or disaster-affected communities.

However, the safety and security of volunteers are

a priority! For this reason, they will not intervene
in conflict or extreme emergency situations, but
they will either support communities in the post-
emergency and reconstruction phase, after a
humanitarian disaster, or help vulnerable
communities to increase their resilience, so they
can be better prepared to face possible future

The European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps operates in a large number of

countries. Once you will have successfully completed your training process, you
will be able to choose which destinations you want to apply for, remembering that in
each case it will be in a country where:

• Humanitarian aid activities and operations take place;

• There are no ongoing international or non-international

armed conflicts.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

The projects to which you can contribute will be many and in

different areas of work, but the main objectives will be to:

Facilitate the transition from the humanitarian response to long-term

sustainable and inclusive development;

Contribute to strengthening the capacity and resilience of vulnerable or

disaster-affected communities;

3 Reinforce disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction;

4 Link relief, rehabilitation and development;

It is possible that some of these terms and expressions may not

be clear to you, but don't worry, you are here to learn! The aim of
this online course, and the subsequent face-to-face course, is to
provide you with all the information and skills that are needed to
make the most of an experience as a European Voluntary
Humanitarian Aid Corps volunteer.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps:

Activities and parties involved

- Are you curious about how it


There are two different ways in which you can take part in the
European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps:

• Individual volunteering;
• Volunteering in teams.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


If you decide to apply for an individual volunteering activity and if you are selected,
then you will leave for your destination country on your own, with the support of
your support organisation and hosting organisation. Your stay will last between 2
and 12 months (excluding the time spent travelling).

If ynu decide to apply to volunteer in a team, and if you are selected, you will share this
experience with a team of 5 to 40 participants coming from at least two different
countries , to volunteer together for a period between 2 weeks and 2 months
(excluding the time spent travelling). You and your team will be deployed to perform a
clearly defined activity, which can be realised in a short time frame. Volunteering in
teams is right for you if:

• You do not feel ready to embark into a challenging experience on your own;
• You are not able to commit for a long period of time because of your studies or job, but still
want to be of help for a local community.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

In both cases, during your journey with the European Voluntary Humanitarian
Aid Corps, before, during, and after your deployment, you will be followed and
supported by two organisations:

SUPPORT ORGANISATION: It is the organisation that will support you, prepare you
and train you before your departure. It will also act as a mediator between you and
your Host Organisation in case of problems, and will provide you with support on
your return;

HOST ORGANISATION: Your host organisation will cover the full range of activities
related to your deployment, including hosting you, developing a programme of your
activities, and providing mentoring, guidance and support in all phases of your
deployment. Your host organisation will also ensure your safety and security.

The European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps makes sure that all

organisations involved meet the programme’s quality standards. All

participating organisations must hold a Quality Label that certifies that an

organisation is able to carry out high quality solidarity activities in

compliance with the principles, objectives and requirements of the

European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

Becoming a volunteer of the European Voluntary

Humanitarian Aid Corps: the journey begins

Please note that traineeships and jobs under the European Solidarity Corps are
discontinued in the new programming period 2021-2027.

For the Humanitarian Aid Volunteering, there are some additional specific

requirements. Indeed, the journey starts way before your possible

selection for a departure to a country of destination. This is because we

want to be sure that you leave with all information, skills and

competencies that you need to make the best out of this experience.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

This is what you should expect from the journey as an

volunteer of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps:


Your journey has started when you have registered on the European
Solidarity Corps portal.


If you are here, it means that you have completed the second step to
become a volunteer of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps: the
Self-Assessment. If you decide to proceed, it means that, despite the
difficulties you may face, you are interested in this experience, would like to
make a change, and that you are ready to challenge yourself and get out of
your comfort zone. So, let’s proceed!

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


The next step after the self-assessment is what you are doing now: the
online training. Before leaving, we need to ensure that you have the
necessary skills and competencies to help people in the most effective way.
At the end of the training you will have acquired the capacity to contribute
to providing needs based and principled humanitarian aid, taking into
account the specific needs of vulnerable groups and engaging in activities
that can contribute to creating a sustainable and an inclusive society.


Once you have completed all modules of the online training, you will
undergo a small test. The test aims to verify that you have learned all the
concepts necessary to enjoy this experience to the fullest. Don’t worry! You
will be able to repeat the test several times if necessary.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


Once you will have successfully passed the online training, you will have the
possibility to indicate your preferences for the second part of the training
programme: the face-to-face training. After passing the online test, you will
be redirected to a scheduling page, where you will be asked to provide
some information, such as your preferred time slots, your preferred
language(s) and your place of departure. Based on this information, we will
try to schedule your participation in one of the upcoming face-to-face
training sessions, which will be held either in Milan (IT), Madrid (ES),
Bochum (DE) or Lyon (FR). The face-to-face trainings will last five days and
will be delivered in English, French or Spanish. Once a place for you is
booked, you will be contacted to confirm your attendance and you will be
provided with all the details of your trip. Please note that, in case of high
demand, candidates might have to wait for a later training cycle in order to
be allocated a place. Training is organised in three cycles per year (spring /
summer / autumn).

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


It is time to leave for the five-day Face-to-Face training. During these days
you will have the chance to start putting your new knowledge into practice,
and to meet other like-minded candidate volunteers from all over Europe.
All travel-related costs from your country of residence, as well as food and
accommodation expenses, will be covered.


Congratulations, you have successfully completed the humanitarian aid

training! At the end of the face-to-face training, you will receive a Certificate
of Completion, stating that you have acquired all the knowledge and
competencies required prior to your departure, and that you are ready to be

0.2 European Solidarity Corps



Once you will have completed all the training process, you will be included in
a pool of volunteers. Through the European Solidarity Corps portal, you will
be able to view all available opportunities published by Humanitarian Aid
Volunteering projects and apply for those that are of most interest to you.
You might also be contacted directly by organisations looking for
volunteers. This will be your first point of contact with your Support and
Host Organisations. They will consider your application and let you know if
you are selected.


You have been selected for a volunteering activity and you are almost ready
to leave! Before leaving, you must participate in a pre-departure training
organised by your support organisation. This training will be focused on
your individual needs and on the specificities of the project and the country
of destination. At the end of this training, you will have all practical and
technical information on matters such as insurance, visas, pocket money,
working hours, etc.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps



Now it is time to leave. Your support organisation will liaise between you
and the host organisation, and will follow you in all aspects of your
departure and arrival in the country of deployment, including travel,
accommodation, visa procedure, etc.



As soon as you arrive, your host organisation will welcome you with an on-
arrival training. This training will help you to prepare for possible cultural and
personal challenges. If you are volunteering in a team, you will also meet on
this occasion your companions on this experience. Among others, you will
learn skills adapted to the context of your host country, such as
environmentally sustainable behaviours and intercultural communication.
At the end of this training you will be able to develop your own personal
goals for the activity period.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps




At this point, you should have all the information and tools you need to
enjoy this experience and make the most of it. It will be an unmissable
opportunity to get to know new cultures and people, to see with your own
eyes what is happening in the rest of the world, and to learn new skills that
will be useful for everything you want to do in the future! In the meantime,
you will be helping your organisation to implement humanitarian aid and
development cooperation projects aimed at improving the living conditions
of the most vulnerable communities. In order to ensure that your
experience is up to your expectations and to reflect on the activities that
you are carrying out, halfway through your deployment period, you and your
European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps companions will undergo a
mid-term evaluation with your host and support organisations. This
evaluation will provide you with the opportunity to learn from everybody’s
experience and will enable you to plan developments and/or further
improvements in your activity and to think about what you will do in the
longer term, once your experience is over. The evaluation will also be a
moment of reflection on your personal learning process.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps



Your deployment is over, it is time to return home with a luggage-load of

memories, experiences and new knowledge. Your host organisation will
provide you with a final performance review and debrief. Your support
organisation will assist you with the post-activity support, and help your
reintegration into your home community. After your return, you can
continue to be part of the Humanitarian Aid Volunteering community by
exchanging and sharing your experience.



Upon your return you will receive your YOUTHPASS and Certificate of
participation, that will testify what you have learnt in this experience and will
be useful for your future education and career.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

- Try to answer this question

Before departure for Humanitarian Aid
Volunteering, you will have to undergo:

 a face-to-face training only

 an online training and a test only
 an online training and test, a face-to-face
training, and a pre-departure training
 an online training and test, a face-to-face
training, a pre-departure training and an
English exam

✓an online training and test, a

face-to-face training, and a pre-
departure training

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

Quality and support measures

A set of measures and services, such as training,

language learning support, insurance, identification
and documentation of the competences acquired
are foreseen to ensure the quality of the volunteering
activities and a strong learning dimension for all
participants. Some of these measures are optional
and could be used depending on your interest and
needs and some of them are compulsory.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


- To support, reinforce and complement the learning

acquired through participation in the activities, specific
quality and support measures are foreseen for all
participants of the European Solidarity Corps. General
Online Training, language learning support, the
Training and Evaluation Cycle, mentoring and
recognition of learning outcomes.


- The General Online Training is an optional set of

training modules for registered candidates and

participants of the European Solidarity Corps. It can be
accessed via the Solidarity Corps Portal, which links
to the EU Academy environment. This training
package offers a general induction to topics linked to
volunteering and solidarity, with various modules that
can be interesting for both registered candidates and
for participants.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

Topics of the General Online Training include, for example, the mission of the
European Solidarity Corps, ethics, integrity, roles and responsibilities of the
participants, European values, inter-cultural awareness, health and safety
etc. The objective of the training is to support European Solidarity Corps
registered candidates in their engagement in quality solidarity activities and
contribute to the building of the community of the European Solidarity Corps.
It is advised to take the GOT courses, as they are a useful complement to the
compulsory training offered to candidates of the European Voluntary
Humanitarian Aid Corps. The EU Academy platform will provide features
such as social networking to enable collaborative learning as well as free
language learning material.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


Language learning support is available for participants of
the European Solidarity Corps. Depending on the action,
language learning support takes the form either of a grant,
or of online courses offered via EU Academy. Online
courses are encouraged, as e-learning offers advantages
for language learning in terms of access and flexibility.
The Online Language Support (OLS) courses allow
participants to assess, practice and improve their
knowledge of the language chosen.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


- One of the key features of the European Solidarity

Corps is the training and evaluation it provides to
participants. Young participants will undergo a non-
formal learning process before, during and after their
period of activity.

The Training and Evaluation Cycle for participants consists of

the following sessions:

Pre-departure training for participants, ensured by support


On-arrival training ensured by host or support organisations;

Mid-term evaluation ensured by support and host organisations.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

In addition to the above sessions, annual European Solidarity Corps events

are foreseen at national level for all participants taking part in volunteering.
The European Solidarity Corps event is an opportunity to bring together
former, current and potential participants in volunteering projects. It may
serve as an evaluation meeting, alumni meeting and/or promotional event. It
is particularly important as an opportunity for those who have finished their
solidarity activity during the past year to discuss and evaluate their
experiences and to pass them on to current and potential participants.C O NT


- Personal support through mentoring is provided by the

support and host organisations to all participants in
volunteering activities. Mentoring consists of regular
meetings between the mentor appointed by the host or
support organisation and the participant, within as well as
outside of the place where the activity takes place. The
meetings are focused on the personal well-being of the
participants and should also guide and provide support to
the volunteers in identifying the learning acquired during
their experience. Mentoring is targeted towards the
individual participant and thus the content and frequency of
the meetings will vary according to the individual needs.
Possible topics of mentoring meetings: personal well-being,
well-being in the team, satisfaction with the tasks,
practicalities, etc.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

Reinforced Mentorship is an
intensified mentoring process
that might be necessary to
support young people with
fewer opportunities, if they are
not able to implement an
activity independently or with
normal mentoring or tutoring

0.2 European Solidarity Corps

Reinforced Mentorship involves closer contact, more

frequent meetings and more time allocated to the
implementation of tasks. This guarantees a step-by-step
support of the participants during project activities as well as
outside working hours. Reinforced Mentorship enables the
participants to gain as much autonomy as possible, thus
contributing to the successful implementation of the project.



- Every young person taking part in any European

Solidarity Corps activity can benefit from a process
that identifies and documents individual learning
outcomes. Every young person taking part in
European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps
activities is thus entitled to receive a Youthpass
certificate at the end of the process. Youthpass
identifies and documents the competences
developed during the project. It is recommended to
embed the educational approach of Youthpass
from the start of the project and use it during the
project activities as a tool to help participants to
become more aware of, reflect on and assess their
learning process and outcomes. Depending on the
nature of the recognition needs and on the
volunteering activities, other tools can also be used
such as e.g. Europass.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


-One key aspect of the activities carried out under the

European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps is that the
participant must at all times be under a safe
environment. To guarantee that the participant in
Volunteering activities is covered for unforeseen
circumstances, the following areas must be covered:

• wherever relevant, travel insurance (including

damage or loss of luggage);
• third party liability (including, wherever
appropriate, professional/corporate liability of
participating organisations);
• accident and illness (including permanent or
temporary incapacity), pregnancy and childbirth;
• death (including repatriation in case of projects
carried out abroad).

Every participant in a cross-border The support organisation is responsible for

activity must be enrolled in the enrolling the participants directly on the
insurance scheme of the European insurance dedicated website. The enrolment
Solidarity Corps. The insurance covers the duration of the activity, including
scheme of the European Solidarity travel days. In certain cases, when national rules
Corps complements the coverage deprive volunteers from coverage under the
of the mandatory European Health European Health Insurance Card for the duration
Insurance Card and/or national of the activity or a participant comes from or to
social security systems or covers a country where the EU social security
100% of costs incurred in specified coordination does not apply, the insurance
cases. company will provide full coverage.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


- The European Solidarity Corps Portal offers European

and national information and opportunities that are of
interest to young people wishing to engage in the solidarity
sector. It provides a one-stop shop for both interested young
people and organisations wishing to join and to be part of the
Corps. The Portal also allows registered young people to
follow online trainings (via the EU Academy), to get access
to other services and, importantly, to build a community of
like-minded young people.
The European Solidarity Corps Portal offers a place for those
organisations holding a Quality Label and young people
willing to implement solidarity activities to find each other. In
the Portal, organisations holding a Quality Label can advertise
opportunities for volunteering activities, search for registered
candidates and contact them. Registered candidates can
also look for opportunities and express their interest in them
(for Humanitarian Aid Volunteering, candidates must first
complete the compulsory trainings). Once the organisation
has selected a registered candidate, the organisation sends
him/her an offer.

The European Solidarity Corps Portal offers additional services to

registered candidates. In addition to the Online Training made available
through the Portal, registered candidates can benefit from community
building activities, updated information through newsletters and other
useful functionalities that are gradually being developed.

Young people registered can also make use of the mobile app, enabling
them to exchange and share experiences with the other young people
registered in the Portal. They can also make a meaningful contribution
to society through their engagement in the European Solidarity
Network (EuSN) or the EuroPeers network, among other networks.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


- At the end of their solidarity activity, participants are

entitled to receive a certificate of participation, issued
in the European Solidarity Corps portal provided that
the activity is finalised and that participants have
submitted their participant report.


-Prior to their departure, all young persons participating in

an individual or team volunteering activity supported by
the European Solidarity Corps should sign a volunteering
agreement that includes at least the following provisions:

• the rights and obligations of the parties to that

agreement, the duration and location of deployment
and a description of the tasks involved;
• reference to the terms of the participants’ insurance;
• financial contribution from the Corps;
• tasks to be carried out during the activity;
• where appropriate, reference to the relevant
clearance requirements, in accordance with
applicable national law.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps


-Participants in European Voluntary

Humanitarian Aid Corps projects may need to
obtain a visa for travelling to the country of the
support organisation or to the country where
the volunteering activity takes place. It is a
responsibility of all the participating
organisations to ensure that the authorisations
required (short or long-term stay visas or
residence permits) are in order before the
planned activity takes place.

In order to have a more comprehensive understanding of the activities and

support measures of the European Solidarity Corps, we strongly encourage
you to read the relevant sections of the EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY CORPS
GUIDE before completing the on line training.

0.2 European Solidarity Corps



In this module you found

out that...

the European Union has developed a Youth Strategy, which aims at encouraging
young people to become active citizens and agents of solidarity, thus triggering
positive change for communities across Europe.

The European Solidarity Corps, and its humanitarian action, the European Voluntary
Humanitarian Aid Corps, support the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy. You
2 learned more about the European Solidarity Corps programme, the activities it
involves, who the actors are, and finally, you started your journey to join the European
Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps.

during this journey, you will have to go through several steps, including online and
face-to-face training. If you are selected as Humanitarian Aid Volunteer, you will be
3 able to contribute to improving people's lives. Remember that during this process, as
we have seen in the module, you will have several support measures at your disposal.

You can download the copyright of the images on the course website


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