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Nee Mut Sosoue Soars arma Sta Hoof dad Hey Set Lies Ft A Ren Wala Le des King Aig Sas oe Pi Fo 1 Maina! Lao of Linger end Piso: Bri, son yon No ‘Shue Spon hors iy "Tamb Nore ‘Shu gh Adri Urge “ty Sdn Gren ga Chait he Cane ae eas Siac od Fier Pri Gem! Lier ‘5 Emle Beene Line Vari nd Itt Descent Dy Mtoe tn Hold heaton Esper Bngih Linge Sts in Ue and iy Sey Cree and Rua Qu Miami Linguini Serie No.8 Emile Benveniste Problems in General Linguistics ‘ean by Mary Beek Mesk a University of Miami Press “Th ain Pen ein, ude he ie Pee deo pea pales in Par "D tannss Canard ot, Coot in br oie of Ma ro ty of Cn Ca Card Norton SS Sechsek imepiincng te ma of ces Bay yt pca,oCece ae Seino ace ae SE rt fy ken ze od ei pan (send by Mors Linon Manatcied inthe Unie Sta of Arai Recent Trend in Goer Linguision 3 Aook tthe Deselopmert of Linguistics 17 | Sacre ter Hal Century 39 ‘The Nature ofthe Linguistic Sign_43 ‘inal Commun a Homan Langage 49 Catz of Thug ad Langue 5 Renais onthe uncon of Language Preoan Theory 65 and Anabes ‘The Sables Syuem of Propnsions in Lain 123 ‘Toward a Ans of Cane Function: Te Lata Gene 228 "The NosnlSetene 138 Atve snd Nile Voce inthe Verb 14s ‘The PniveContraeson ofthe Tense Pet 1593 ‘Tae Lingle Fancin of "To Be” and "To Have 163 ‘Tan Relive Clue» Probl of Genel Syn 18e sa Langone altionsip of Penon in the Vers 95 ‘Toe Conetitons af Tensei he French Verb 205 The Nature of the Linguistic Sign soe oT lnguistisig, which etodsy net oe implied in ont a of pene ings, cae rm Ferdinand de Suumize At a rath, ot set expt But neverles undeniable ttt taught tha che nature of the sgn © ear. The em fommmandednertion Fyery wternceconcing the ence af Ge the modalities of dacure bapns with + statment othe arncir ofthe inguin ign. "The pone of uch sper hiking beating upon any parol huss wintsocre eerily it Tha ts cted everywhere snd ahs granted obo re tone for ecking testo understand these a ich Sa {and the nature of the pone which sow fe Cars de nuit gona hi dein expec in very stents, One eal sy the total ean he eatin of [sound inng) snd what sgnied [esneepl] "The ee ‘we lioked ban inner relatos 0 the ssczion of unde Which serves suits sige io Freeh; that i ould te represented yj sy oer sequence proved by difereees mong ngage the very existence of der ngage: the nl ha a6 Beaf on ae sd of he ort andor (chs onthe othe" (P02 Thi ought etal eat The bond been he signer sige i trary", more spy that "the Hngutc sgn 6, 89 "sea the author mene htt emote, that stay bas no natal conneston wth the iil” =O) Thr charsctrtic ought then to explin the ver fact by Tee venSed: namely tht exprenon fs piven nation vr i ne tnd in comcqaeoe fave no porary reatomip it #4 set contemplate dissing thr coneaan in the mare of ter for by ating with erent eintons. The question ie wheter and whether, having scape he Bpaite nate of he sn do accept i Fos tat the sig shuld be chaacterzed 36 ” Prone 1s Gest. Lino ‘sbivas Ith jt bon cen that Stare tk he Hg i he spade up of sigan signi. Nowa hs eer he mea "mie." the comp He dealin 0 many word (p20 [66 hat ‘henge sgn une, not tig andra, but coed ad Sage" Bat smmednly ater sae thatthe nt ofthe pn aebtary cre "uy Barna nara cnet withthe ged Ip 6 Tem clear thn th argent fled oy an toc and wa repos recore to 4th eo whic was tilde nthe fa ‘ison. Tish em the hing Wo there ven though Sere ‘aid hat tbe eof ister” cones othe sige be wan UWnking any the lr of the realty ofthe scion, When he epoke of the eros beeen of nd os he wa cern in pte of hme the fac tat hse ote applied othe same relly. Here, then, ee Ag, expel exc tf om the ein ofthe ign, me ceping ia ‘bya dear and permanently insling»cotadicton thre Fr one Sate ip pincile—ond threat that longaage form, 0 abana (p36 fs gh ti nec to adit and Sra acid page "ha igus exe cence of Forma, Been are impersie the ee for leving the "ete," ster oo, ote therm of he sign Now tion oe think of the ania ine cnet abe Stan” parclrs, that one jie in consiering "arian the “eltneip teen onthe one hand and oon the ther to the seme esky. Ter rth cntaditon bute the way fn which Sate sine the Hui sgn snd te undanetlmatoe whch he toe ‘Sock an anomaly in Sot’ coe reoning doe ot sem 0m bl Impaler a eatin of hs ie stntion. Two ee intend» Since taf he hil andrei thong the ef the tech century am inion fon met wih inthe plop eet | oF compartie thought. ierent pope rac erent to the me Phenomenon, Te infinite dvesty of atitade aod judgments eae th sien that aptly ing nee, Eso te ier ne ‘inlay a universal contingency inv. The Sasmarian cng 8 ome manure dependent om tis eter of thug To die ta tt Segue ogni trary becaate the same sina is eled b 9 outy and el wher, equating tha the tin of ure ing is weary became in Evope fi ynolzed hy ls, in Chin tite Ait, ee, bt only andr he mpi rep of Sr oh Peron who lini mel obser rm the eas the bd tl Fescen an objeine lity wd huaa bear and condense toveing ashing ioe but coming. Coreily with respect 4 Se Nate of the Linge Sige “s Al the domination have qual a; tht they xs has the Fae neo hr an cin ht he denomination in i abst tout oly toa tae and tu nt wry inset. The ta fats moe profound, Ice dacenng te ner care of Spleen of which oly the outward appearance preven in ag fa caionshp wth te ener of aiestatons on whch 3 2 ts fo the ing sgn. Oe of he cmponents ofthe sg the megs wp te sigir th other the conep te sige, tiger ad the sgl, hc conection nw erry onthe i wiry "The cer (ee) baa? proce ‘hy concious th the snd segue (he "ie" BY. full be athervise Tope the 00 ae ington my mind, they evoke ech under 8 cematances There ouch de fatuecn the thatthe con ct Bf ake the soul of he sod i. Toe i dey nena ep) forms, anes without name inel a clo tough apart fam it ges worde—ioy into ma Phbsoger a ings hve tron sted econ ht the help fam we ms ete re {ener before the appearance of trgunge (p61 Lp itt Ay the mind acepeony sud form tht ncrporates ee Bsa or das ay tres ea vk ore, girs th signi, the meatal Tepeenation an the woud arene he two spect of ingle tion anger ake tle ae cevbiesand the ebodimen. The sie eh {tsa ofa eancent these the mental counterpart of te This mela of te ier andthe goed sre. nia the nui sin, Here asin we ape to Sassen feat he dof ngage te be compe with st fee: th font rth fn und ne divion cold be acemplised nly tnd he ot ould be eter pe ptchlny ot pte feats ips a Promme Ganena Lancvtce ‘What Sansire ays hese abou language lds seve all for the Fu sign in which the pemay character of nang notes sed ‘One now te th soe he "arta and can seat. Ws taney thc one crn sign and oc apie acer element {eligy ado to any eT thi sey an ln hie ee pein spea of contngn, and even nso ding we woul eke {ose the pb thant pois ou and then to take lee of tem Psy Forth ble neh tan te mote pe Be El onl be role by decce, ei ned tetas problem of the erst becca the rid apd the wold spond to Brg rms {Tpvblem which the ing wil raps one day e sl stack wih Feu but which ew do Bett put se forthe moment. Teas the aoa a arbary in for tenuis = way of deen isl slut ton abd sho ap he ston which he sete Digs imines to Fae he spear thei a cunpice eqiaence between Tangge and reais" ove and commande rays een ere, iota salty (omen sesh abe, he mae power af te Word, (Se) Asam ff the pa of view of th peter ard of the gu Seo deen in hit Tord tat the seton of the Hngust (the ‘Stine of einai doe net eft conta fosing of erp Hs whuorer the suc ay ethene othe gui in eat tal lnwied ion dic ita Smtr di since he cence of th deition i preci ier nl he eltinaip of th igner ad the pies. “Te domain fhe rbirary thor tose te etenson ofthe nisi thas rather pine to defend the pipe fhe “arbitarin ofhe sign” spin the sjcon which sold e taed rom onematopocs and ‘Sapreniv nnds (Susece, pp. £9204 p69}. Nonly Dems he fang of ow i Teaiey limite bse eres an esetaly {tasers oobi and fen ccna fet, bu epi Brean bere "ein cher he veiey at depicted by the onomatopoca we the ‘eco woh the alton tht reality im mn anew no mediate Sn ioly ated by sate conventian analogous tthe convention fat sence the ondary Sige ofthe pete We ths pt back to the {linkin a the carctrinwhh re ra forall signe The wiry ce note ae er, cee wh expect othe phonenon or 0 the Inter jc and dors inree withthe ctl croton fhe gm ‘Some ofthe corclaiane which Sausure dr fom the pane hee laced and which had wide elec ahold eo be ty considered. Por tones he deo mara that ee sn apa a the ae ee of ‘he nteiay and meaty af he Hg; ain, bese since i The Nae of the Linge Sige * artery iti alvays open to shang, and inmabilty, bese eng Meer cans be elengl inte tae oft aol poo. "angio ately pone to dle ul gunat the fre wich from one ‘om the net ae shifting thereon een the Sind an the Sle. Thiet on ofthe conaequnes of teatro of the "| (Gresfp ral The meso th tase in oy dmb, bt o the Sotto info ane tte ore precy the restos 0 which ein app nr orev he err ad the sil he te ‘tonship ® modi aod’ nthe tue ine reais tbl: | eect ig nde cs ht inn ther term the jie mati: | tw ofthe sigan, seit, uh, othe ain of varus Hse facre. What Seu dmontated reins rc ut ee of he ee tm ot esa “eather yb, ks mportant which the into f the semen eins tc, ha of abn which Ssurre thought tS 3 cm Sno fbi views" the coke of x en se of sound to nae ren ide comply avr eis ere no to, the ation of ae ‘ould te cnr, fr woul eco an exeroally imped lene. Tot actly vasa entrely relive and that ie why the >on ‘perme the std an the ne sel arbres” (16 [p11 els tr th ble oak up in aceon the ever pars of hs rune. The che tat nv etn sundae for a esa en ne al ‘ocr tian ie woul ot xt witout the eoespondig ie and ‘ice vra. Int, Saurue way hg othe repeat of {he vel aj aough he spe of he "ies" ad of the evident eary and unmotiie chraer af he Bond which antl thes the ig spied The pot fhe cnfson sin he owing eee Inve Ihave aden the shri par "TT his werent re, the tenon ef vive would be comprised sce wld de av eon ped elmer eine enero ined ent” that bye Byte rey which he guest aks 3 oe of referee, But fone sie thsi nie and naar a ithe carer vale ab tec line, For—the let eopstin ete oe which max ‘han inde ow fon” ite tre that es ea ae ‘ete brie queson haw ath espe wht Let a th sronce: vale is teen the sgn if he sign taken in el 20 Titan. swe think to have shoe, ellos tha the eb” chatr tbe auc eae depend onthe aber)” naa of he ign Sin i ‘essay to lene cu aca she enmity fe ln wo ei he ‘veld one cose the val ssh st onl of she frm, a8 of {fede rom ten 0203p hate values are lie cans tha 8 Proms Gren, Lcosmes they a stv eck ath, Now, th ; that nt pec he po of hie recs? We den lege fre wth the led sen th ngage Iatynem of ign and noon hn wend oe dered te tena ‘tonomy of gues fell Sse Wer ss yo ‘Srangement of conformity of pars n'a sacure which tenanede tod ‘span ements. Everything ao mary nth menos of he ‘ole and of dal recprcl condone aot rely of Tacs is the Bos prt tet they doped cay op one ther he Zany fs tn which ae big eae ing ‘oe he pin hat a va ane ano peo and re eid ‘nl yt rence’ Opps oh te, thy ain tae in ‘uta reonp of rests. An opostion owing to te ace of Sccumenes subtended y nee ei nant wc ie cape the operon If ngage sonctog te hana eras congoreee Soma erento apd sounder st indore ese ey Finer i stacne al grote “Eset hh th omg net in gu ls emia ie ean pone Sb ea a si etry ay Ba pid eet ish tic cs oir ni a bon serpent ton cmporet fring ems site The aba charactor fhe ng in th od oma in wn se ete nny o eae of conte opostion andorra the sracrl pile of logge spre the bet escoe of e fens of cine hat ean ogc comtdcon whieh pomons ila ering tee natire of then nthe ntl eng of he Stem, we go beyond Saumue Fans to afin the ior of Sosaes oor om at Linge 5 (Coenage, 939) 39 ‘Animal Communication and Human Language “To aru ae Noto o language to the ania worlds aisle oly at the pe of mining ene We Kno tht as been posite unt now to prove that animal nos, enenin = ulimentay frm, ameane of xpreion| “lowed withthe characteris and Fanetons of human spe, Al ais ‘Sections made of ania communes, ll temps extablsh of veri, Ip mcars af aus echoes eves ay form of ech oma hat ‘lima have ale Ui does ot cm thet anil which emit ern Kinds of alnarethereby doling ay Barns orm which we may ne tha te “Sreconsesing "spoken menage to one anther, The frdumentl conto fers aly nguite commit sem t be ekng even inthe Bigher swial wes The cre of the bess Homerer,& diferent. At any ae, it has Dee pee ey tht may tare ut to be leet. Everything eons the ‘here thc brs posts te mean of coring with ne athe ee which ae bee sbserd for long tie. The amazing ongniation of ther evict ifeestistion and eworinaton of thei ete, the Capacity for eating caltnely to unfrzeo efeumsane Ted (0 ‘Sipps that eye capable of exchanging reat sags The attention of| “uersers ho bec draw psy the mayo whch the bos ae f= fovmed when one ofthe has acoverl a source af foo, Coie © 2 Torming ee doconetingon eights ugar slton, placed a aentain Pt primera inode atc stenn ew drink a apd wile Red th experimenter careful pate mark ont Thani fis bck the Ive Ae sconds ater ight hes aie on the sol ro he ne re The bee hich dacoered he fod noe aong the mus haw informed sheers andthe formation most have teen quite rece ee thes ave able to vec the spot witout an guide hou fen i 8 Consieable dane fm the ive and alas out ofthe ea’ ight. Thee soi ear or estan Ia ling Hee foraging bes has chown 06 Prcalr faer arongorere which sould fave ao traced. tem he

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