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Pediatr Nephrol (2005) 20:1552–1556

DOI 10.1007/s00467-005-2022-6


Vincenzo Zanardo · Stefania Vedovato · Paola Lago ·

Daniele Trevisanuto · Flaviano Favaro ·
Diego Faggian · Mario Plebani

Urinary ET-1, AVP and sodium in premature infants treated

with indomethacin and ibuprofen for patent ductus arteriosus
Received: 18 February 2005 / Revised: 1 June 2005 / Accepted: 1 June 2005 / Published online: 17 August 2005
 IPNA 2005

Abstract The relative potency and interrelationship be- excretion in premature infants treated with indomethacin
tween vasoactive and natriuretic mediators are thought to and ibuprofen supports the hypothesis that these factors
be important in the transition from fetal to neonatal life. may play a role in the physiologic changes in sodium
The relationship between urinary vasoactive factors and excretion.
sodium excretion has not been adequately addressed in
premature infants receiving indomethacin and ibuprofen Keywords Sodium · Renal endothelin-1 (ET-1) ·
for therapy of patent ductus arteriosus. Excretion rates of Arginine vasopressin (AVP) · Indomethacin · Ibuprofen ·
AVP, ET-1 and sodium were measured in premature in- Patent ductus arteriosus
fants with RDS receiving indomethacin or ibuprofen.
Forty-four RDS premature infants (<34-week gestation)
with PDA received either ibuprofen (n=22) in an initial Introduction
dose of 10 mg/kg followed by two doses of 5 mg/kg each
after 24 and 48 h or 3 doses at 12-h intervals of indo- The contribution of local vasoactive factors to renal so-
methacin (n=24), 0.2 mg/kg, infused continuously over a dium regulation is increasingly recognized as an impor-
period of 15 min. Urinary ET-1, AVP and sodium ex- tant component of volume regulation and excretory
cretion were measured before and after treatment. Indo- functions in the neonatal period. In addition to their role
methacin treatment caused a significant decrease in uri- in the circulatory adaptation to extrauterine life [1], en-
nary ET-1 and AVP excretion (UET-1/Ucr 0.14€0.01 vs. dothelin-1 (ET-1) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) are
0.10€0.05 fenton/mmol; P<0.05; 24.42€6.18 vs. 12.63€ involved in the tubular transport processes, and the uri-
3.06 pg/mmol; P<0.05, respectively), along with a sig- nary excretion of ET-1 and AVP has been positively
nificant reduction in urinary sodium (92.1€36.1 vs. 64.8€ correlated to sodium excretion. However, the state of high
35.6 mmol/l; P<0.01), fractional excretion of sodium ET-1 and AVP activity at birth and the unclear mecha-
(6.8€37.1 vs. 4.5€37.1%; P<0.01) and urinary osmolality nism of both indomethacin and ibuprofen renal effects in
(276.2€103.9 vs. 226.4€60.3 mOsmol/kg; P<0.05). Ibu- the premature kidney limit the pathophysiological inter-
profen treatment caused a significant decrease in urinary pretation of the observed fall of sodium excretion reported
AVP (UAVP/Ucr 24.5€3.4 vs. 16.3€2.04 pg/mmol; P< after indomethacin and ibuprofen treatment.
0.01), along with a significant decrease in urinary sodium Renal effects of indomethacin and ibuprofen are based
(78.0€8.4 vs. 57.0€8.0 mmol/l; P<0.05) and in fractional on their primary pharmacological mechanism of action,
excretion of sodium (7.5€1.3 vs. 3.9€3.0%; P<0.05), the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis through the in-
while it did not modify urinary ET-1 excretion. The as- hibition of cyclooxygenase (COX). Increased sodium re-
sociation of renal ET-1 and AVP activity with sodium absorption is thought to be caused primarily by the inhi-
bition of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis [2, 3]. Nev-
V. Zanardo ()) · S. Vedovato · P. Lago · D. Trevisanuto ertheless, the AVP pathway parallels ET-1 action in the
Department of Pediatrics, renal tubular system and may be a downstream effector of
Padua University School of Medicine, ET-1 [4, 5]. AVP, the antidiuretic hormone of humans, is
Via Giustiniani 3, 35128 Padua, Italy
involved in the mechanisms of control of renal sodium
Tel.: +39-49-8213505 excretion by direct intrarenal actions, by neural-hormonal
interactions and via the secondary effects of fluid volume
F. Favaro · D. Faggian · M. Plebani retention [6]. ET-1 has been shown to participate in the
Institute of Laboratory Medicine, control of several cardiovascular, renal and endocrine
Padua University School of Medicine, functions [7, 8]. In the kidney, its production is not con-
Padua, Italy

fined to the vascular endothelium; it is also released by shunting at the baseline and after each dose of the drug. The di-
epithelial cells derived from different nephron segments agnosis of PDA was based on the typical flow pattern obtained by
color Doppler echocardiography [17]. All premature infants un-
[9, 10]. The locally produced ET-1 acts as an autocrine/ derwent echocardiographic and Doppler evaluation after the last
paracrine factor to modulate renal tubular transport pro- dose of treatment and after a second non-randomized rescue
cesses, including the reabsorption of sodium and water treatment when necessary or whenever there was clinical suspicion
[11, 12]. Convincing evidence exists that ET-1 is regu- that the ductus had reopened after closure. Fluid intake was guided
by body weight, serum sodium concentration and serum osmolality.
lated by a variety of stimuli including angiotensin II, For the treatment of RDS, infants received respiratory support
AVP, epinephrine, fluid-mechanical shear stress, acute (conventional or high-frequency oscillatory ventilation), oxygen
physical stress, vaginal delivery [13, 14], respiratory supplementation and early rescue therapy with natural surfactant
distress syndrome (RDS) and asphyxia. (Curosurf, Chiesi Farmaceutici, Parma, Italy) in one or more doses
Despite the functional convergence of these pathways, of 100 mg/kg. Prophylactic antibiotics, ampicillin and gentamicin,
were administered upon admission to the neonatal intensive care
few studies have evaluated urinary ET-1 and AVP ex- unit and stopped after a mean of 3 days if bacterial cultures re-
cretion in humans with respect to sodium excretion. In mained negative.
addition, given that indomethacin- and ibuprophen-treat- We recorded the following clinical data: gestational age, birth
ed premature infants with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) weight, sex, cesarean section, Apgar score at 1 and 5 min, need for
positive pressure ventilation in delivery room, surfactant adminis-
are more prone to an electrolyte imbalance, the natriuretic tration, the beginning day of therapy, type of ventilation during
mechanism with respect to the ET-1 and AVP pathways PDA treatment, radiological grade of RDS, fractional inspired
may be potentially different in these treatment groups. oxygenation (FiO2%) and the efficacy of the treatment. The pro-
Therefore, the current study was conducted to assess re- tocol included a 24-h pretreatment study period and a subsequent
24-h period following three doses of indomethacin or ibuprofen
lationships between renal excretion of ET-1, AVP and administration to evaluate kidney function parameters and urine
sodium in premature infants treated with indomethacin AVP and ET-1 excretion. Each urine collection period started and
and ibuprofen for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) phar- ended by empting the bladder according to Crede’s method. Blood
macological closure. samples for creatinine, electrolytes and osmolality were obtained
by a standard capillary technique at the midpoint of each urine
collection period, by Technicon SMAC analyzer (Technicon, Ter-
rytown, USA). After collection, urine was analyzed for fractional
Patients and methods excretion of sodium using a standard formula as follows:
UNa  Pcr
During a randomized study to evaluate the efficacy of ibuprofen FENað%Þ ¼  100 ð1Þ
and indomethacin for the pharmacological closure of PDA [15], we Ucr  PNa
examined the urinary ET-1, AVP and sodium excretion in 50 where UNa indicates urinary sodium concentration (mmol/l); Pcr,
consecutive preterm infants (<34-week gestational age) admitted to plasma creatinine (mmol/l); Ucr, urinary creatinine (mmol/l); PNa,
the Neonatal Intensive Care Units of the University of Padua, Italy, plasma sodium (mmol/l).
between September 2000 and June 2002. The criteria for enroll- In the urine, the ET-1 concentration was measured using an
ment were echocardiographic diagnosis of PDA from the 2nd day enzyme immunoassay (Biomedica Gruppe, A-121D Wien, Diois-
of life and respiratory distress syndrome, which necessitated me- chgassi) and was expressed as fenton per mmol creatinine, while
chanical ventilation. We excluded premature infants with major the AVP concentration was measured out using radio immunoassay
congenital malformations, renal or gastrointestinal abnormalities, (Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Wesblur, Texas) and was ex-
persistent pulmonary hypertension, urinary outputs below 1 ml per pressed as picogram per mmol creatinine.
kg of body weight per h during the preceding 12 h, recent bleeding We also studied the respiratory outcome (bronchopulmonary
(less than 48 h), a platelet count of less than 50,000/mm3 and dysplasia, BPD), the presence of intraventricular hemorrhage
incomplete blood and urinary data. Informed written consent was (IVH), of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and of pneumothorax
obtained from one or both parents, and the study was approved by (PNX).
the Ethics Committee of the Pediatric Department of Padua Uni- Data were evaluated by Wilcoxon nonparametric test and by
versity. binomial distribution analysis. Results were expressed as mean €
The preterm infants were randomly assigned to a treatment SD or mean € SEM. The statistically significant difference was set
group. Each infant received 3 doses of either indomethacin (Ly- at P<0.05.
ometacen, Chiesi Farmaceutici, Parma, Italy) 0.2 mg/kg at 12-h
intervals or ibuprofen (Arfen, Lisapharma, Erba, Como, Italy) in an
initial dose of 10 mg/kg followed by 2 doses of 5 mg/kg each after
24 and 48 h. The medications were infused continuously over a Results
period of 15 min. The doses and intervals for ibuprofen were in
accordance with recommendations for its use in infants and neo- We studied 50 consecutive RDS preterm infants with a
nates based on preliminary pharmacodynamic data [16]. hemodynamically significant PDA. Four were subse-
When the ductus was still patent after the randomly assigned
treatment in a patient of either group who was receiving mechanical quently excluded because of incomplete urine and blood
ventilation, another three doses of the same medication were given data or absent parental consent. Forty-six were included
as a non-randomized rescue treatment. If this therapy also failed to in the statistical analysis: 22 of them received ibuprofen
promote ductal closure or further pharmacological treatment was and 24 received indomethacin. The clinical and anthro-
contraindicated, or if the premature infant continued to receive
mechanical ventilation or had a hemodynamically significant duc-
pometrical characteristics of the two groups of preterm
tus, surgical ligation of the ductus was performed. infants, as well as their baseline biochemical values, re-
A complete echocardiographic and Doppler evaluation (HDI spectively, before treatment with ibuprofen or indometh-
3000 CV, ATL, USA or Vingmed Sound, System5, Norway, with a acin, are comparable (Table 1).
7.5-MHz transducer) was performed in all infants eligible for the After treatment, the rate of closure of the PDA was
study by physicians unaware of the infant’s treatment group. The
purpose was to evaluate the patency of the ductus arteriosus and similar in the ibuprofen (16/22, 72%) and indomethacin
Table 1 Anthropometric and clinical characteristics of the infants Pre- and post-treatment fluid intakes with ibuprofen
with PDA (V vaginal; C cesarean section; HFO high frequency and indomethacin were comparable (135.3€8.7 vs. 147.6€
8.1 ml/kg/day and 130.5€8.6 vs. 134.9€8.9 ml/kg/day),
Ibuprofen Indomethacin P value along with a comparable urine output (90.6€8.0 vs.
(n=22) (n=24) 97.1€7.0 ml/kg/day and 91.5€8.3 vs. 96.9€11.5 ml/kg/
Delivery: V/C 9/13 4/20 n.s. day) and a similar significant physiologic body weight
Gestational age (weeks) 27€2.9 28€3.03 n.s. decrease (853€383 vs. 823€389 g; P<0.05 and 1,001€406
<26 weeks 12 7 vs. 975€415 g; P<0.05), respectively.
27–28 weeks 5 8
29–30 weeks 2 4
In addition, in the group treated with ibuprofen there
31–32 weeks 2 2 were 8 cases of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), 9 of
33–34 weeks 1 3 first and second grade retinopathy of prematurity (ROP),
Birth weight (g) 853€383 1,001€406 n.s. 5 of first and second grade intraventricular hemorrhage
Apgar index (IVH) and no cases of pneumothorax (PNX). In premature
1 min 4.1€2.3 4.8€2.2 n.s.
5 min 6.8€1.8 7.4€1.3 n.s. infants treated with indomethacin, there were 8 cases of
Resuscitation at birth 16 18 n.s. BPD, 8 of first and second grade ROP, 5 of first and
Assisted ventilation second grade IVH and 1 of PNX.
Conventional/HFO 21/1 21/3 n.s.
Surfactant treatment
1 dose 10 11 n.s
>2 doses 5 8 n.s Discussion
Age of treatment (day) 4.7€4.2 3.6€2.9 n.s
All values are expressed as mean € SD. n.s.=P>0.05 The association of renal ET-1 and AVP activity with
sodium excretion found in premature infants treated with
indomethacin and ibuprofen for patent ductus arteriosus
(21/24, 87.5%) groups. Nine neonates who did not re- supports the hypothesis that these factors play a role in the
spond to the pharmacological treatment underwent ductal physiologic changes in sodium excretion. However, the
legation. state of high ET-1 and AVP activity at birth and the lack
The preterm infants treated with indomethacin had a of control data of untreated neonates and of the urinary
significant decrease in urinary ET-1 excretion (UET-1/ PGE2 limit the pathophysiological interpretation of the
Ucr 0.14€0.01 vs. 0.10€0.01 fenton/mmol; P<0.05) com- observed fall of vasoactive factors ET-1, AVP and sodium
pared to pretreatment values. Changes in ET-1 urinary excretion after indomethacin and ibuprophen treatment.
excretion paralleled urine AVP excretion (UAVP/Ucr Furthermore, our data cannot distinguish among the var-
24.4€6.8 vs. 12.6€3.0 pg/mmol; P<0.01). On the con- ious mechanisms responsible for sodium retention.
trary, ibuprofen treatment caused a significant decrease in However, the observation in the indomethacin series that
urinary AVP (UAVP/Ucr 24.5€3.4 vs. 16.3€2.0 pg/mmol; the decrease in urine sodium and osmolality was signifi-
P<0.05), while not modifying urinary ET-1 excretion cantly associated with a reduced excretion of ET-1 and
(Table 2). AVP speaks in favor of an important role of ET-1 and
In addition, indomethacin treatment caused a signifi- AVP.
cant reduction in urinary sodium concentration (92.1€7.7 Eicosanoid products of the cytocrome P-450 (CYP450)
vs. 64.8€7.6 mmol/l; P<0.01), fractional excretion of so- monooxygenase system are important paracrine hormones
dium (7.0€0.7 vs. 4.6€3.7%; P<0.01) and urinary osmo- in the kidney that make important contributions to the
lality (276.2€22.1 vs. 226.2€22.1 mOsmol/kg; P<0.05). regulation of the vasomotor tone as well as to the regu-
Also ibuprofen treatment caused a significant decrease lation of salt and water excretion [18]. In fact, in previous
in urinary sodium concentration (78.0€8.6 vs. 57.0€ reports [19], it was demonstrated that nonsteroidal anti-
8.0 mmol/l; P<0.05) and in the fractional excretion of inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce the synthesis of
sodium (7.5€1.3 vs. 3.9€0.6%; P<0.05), while not modi- prostaglandins (PGs), with several effects. First of all,
fying urinary osmolality (Table 2). they produce an increase of renal vascular resistance, and

Table 2 Excretion rates for sodium and vasoactive factors before and after indomethacin and ibuprofen treatment in premature infants
with PDA (patent ductus arteriosus)
Fractional sodium Urinary sodium Urine osmolality UET-1/Ucr ratio UAVP/Ucr ratio
excretion (%) (mmol/l) (mOsmol/kg) (fenton/mmol) (pg/mmol)
Pre-treatment 7.0+0.7 92.1€36.1 276.2€103.9 0.14€0.01 24.42€6.18
Post-treatment 4.6+0.7** 64.8€35.6** 226.4€60.3* 0.10€0.05* 12.63€3.06*
Pre-treatment 7.5+1.3 78.0€8.4 235.2€19 0.16€0.01 24.55€3.47
Post-treatment 3.9+0.6* 57.0€8.0* 241.5€31 0.13€0.01 16.39€2.04*
Values are expressed as mean € SEM. *P<0.05; **P<0.001

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loop of Henle [21]. Thirdly, endogenous PGs play a premature infants treated for PDA pharmacological clo-
central role in the control of AVP secretion [22]. sure. In this case, considering the efficacy and adverse
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confirming that AVP, in addition to its principal action the same caution in RDS preterm infants with patent
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