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Adapting natural gas as a vehicle fuel introduces engineering challenges.

While the fuel burns clean, it is less

energy dense than gasoline, so if it is burned in an engine designed to run on conventional fuel, performance
and efficiency are degraded.

But since natural gas has an octane rating of 130, compared with 93 for the best gasoline, an engine designed
for it can run with very high cylinder pressure, which would cause a regular gasoline engine to knock from
premature ignition. More cylinder pressure yields more power, and thus the energy-density advantage of
gasoline can be nullified.[...]

Until the pressurized fuel tanks of natural gas vehicles can be easily and quickly refueled, the eet cannot
grow substantially. The number of commercial refueling stations for compressed natural gas has been
increasing at a rate of 16 percent yearly, the Energy Department says. And, while the total is still small,
advances in refueling equipment should increase the rate of expansion. Much of the infrastructure is already
in place: America has millions of miles of natural gas pipeline. Connecting that network to refueling equipment
is not difficult.

Although commercial refueling stations will be necessary to support a substantial eet of natural gas vehicles,
home refueling may be the magic bullet that makes the vehicles practical. Electric vehicles depend largely on
home charging and most have less than half the range of a fully fueled natural gas vehicle. Some compressed
natural gas home refueling products are available, but they can cost as much as $5,000.

Seeking to change that, the Energy Department has awarded grants to a number of companies in an e ort
to develop affordable home-refueling equipment.


Available at: < natural-gas-waits-for-its-moment.html?

page wanted=all&module=Search&mabReward=relbias%3A r%2C%7B%222%22%3A%22RI%3A18%22%7D>.
Retrieved on: Sept 3rd, 2014. Adapted.

The main purpose of the text is to:

A defend the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel.

B compare the use of natural gas vehicles in different countries.

C establish the technical aspects of the use of natural gas vehicles.

D analyze the immediate economic advantages of natural gas vehicles.

E highlight environmental protection advantages of natural gas vehicles in the long run.
168 04 76025

Questão 81 T radução translation Noções Gerais de Interpretação de T exto língua inglesa

Vocabulário vocabulary

Coworking: Sharing How We Work

Genevieve DeGuzman
The statements below represent opinions collected from different workers.

The only one which can be considered as an argument against coworking is:

A ‘One of the best things is that I pay lower than I would for a dedicated office, so I don’t feel
pressured to go to the coworking facility every day.’

B ‘Though my home office is great and I love it, I sometimes need the distance and collaborative
environment that my coworking space provides.’

C ‘The vibe of being around others can feel like a wave carrying you even when you’re not sure where
to go – if you need a little social boost.’

D ‘Perhaps you won’t like any of the other people at your coworking space, or that the proprietors
aren’t putting much effort into socializing or collaboration.’

E ‘The shared space provides instant community and a stimulating atmosphere around other
professionals working towards the same intentions as I am.’
198 4 04 2100

Questão 82 T radução translation T hose aquelesaquelas

Noções Gerais de Interpretação de T exto língua inglesa

Coworking: Sharing How We Work

Genevieve DeGuzman
In the fragment “as those experienced by their bigger counterparts” (line 92) the pronoun those refers to

A results (line 89)

B possibilities (line 89)

C solopreneurs (line 90)

D levels (line 91)

E counterparts (line 92)

198 3 8 54 268

Questão 83 Verbos Frasais phrasal verbs T radução translation

Noções Gerais de Interpretação de T exto língua inglesa

Coworking: Sharing How We Work

Genevieve DeGuzman
In the fragments “and to seek out collaboration within and across elds” (lines 36-37) and “the grouplet
came up with a campaign based on posting episodes” (lines 65- 66), the expressions seek out and came up
with mean, respectively,
A get rid of / banned

B search for / produced

C come upon / discarded

D turn down / devised

E track down / excluded

198 3 53 94 11

Questão 84 T radução translation Noções Gerais de Interpretação de T exto língua inglesa

Vocabulário vocabulary

Coworking: Sharing How We Work

Genevieve DeGuzman
Google is mentioned in paragraphs 10 and 11 of the text (lines 57-73) in order to

A contrast the legends on workplace productivity with Google’s large scale marketing initiatives.

B argument with a counter-example to prove that coworking does not always bring about a successful

C suggest that it is essential to campaign for new techniques that will foster inertia in the work

D illustrate how software engineers can find better solutions for bathroom installations.

E demonstrate through example how workers in different specializations can collaborate to find
innovative solutions for the business.
198 3 3 4 93 55

Questão 85 Língua Inglesa Inglês

Coworking: Sharing How We Work

Genevieve DeGuzman
According to the text, all the reasons below are bene ts that support the choice of a collaborative
workplace, EXCEPT :

A stimulate shared thinking and brainstorming.

B reduce costs by sharing facilities and equipment.

C promote interaction among different peer groups.

D pay for workspace and having to commute to work.

E escape the isolation and discomfort when working in public spaces.

198 3 1968 11

Questão 86 Língua Inglesa Inglês

Coworking: Sharing How We Work

Genevieve DeGuzman
Based on the meanings in the text,
A “puzzling” (line 20) and confusing are antonyms.

B “longing” (line 38) and desiring express contradictory ideas.

C “reaped” (line 42) and derived express similar ideas.

D “hinges on” (line 51) and contradicts are synonyms.

E “deployed” (line 59) and spread out do not have equivalent meanings.
198 3 017591

Questão 87 Língua Inglesa Inglês

Coworking: Sharing How We Work

Genevieve DeGuzman
The boldfaced verb form conveys the idea of strong necessity in

A “independent workers, small businesses, and organizations often had to choose between several
scenarios” (lines 2-4)

B “to a space where they can truly roost.” (lines 14-15)

C “it might be puzzling to pay for a well-equipped space teeming with other people” (lines 20-21)

D “Coworking may sound like an unnecessary expense” (lines 28-29)

E “If increasing interaction among different peer groups within a single company could lead to
promising results” (lines 87-89)
198 2770071

Questão 88 Língua Inglesa Inglês

Coworking: Sharing How We Work

Genevieve DeGuzman
The expression indie workers, found in lines 10 and 90, refers to

A retired civil servants

B lazy businessmen aiming for profit

C self-employed independent professionals

D expert employees at international organizations

E workaholic employers in large companies

198 2504 68 7

Questão 89 Interpretação de T exto e T radução Reading Comprehension and T ranslation

Coworking: Sharing How We Work

Genevieve DeGuzman
The main purpose of the text is to
A convince people in different fields or specializations that they must work in pairs.

B suggest that coworking is an economic and socially stimulating alternative to boost workers’ well-
being and productivity.

C question the relevance of teeming with other coworkers if the professional can work peacefully
from home.

D criticize organizations that do not offer their employees the opportunity to experience group

E campaign for the installation of comfortable coworking spaces in all companies to encourage
employees’ creativity and enthusiasm.
198 228 073 5

Questão 90 Interpretação de T exto e T radução Reading Comprehension and T ranslation

Noções Gerais de Interpretação de T exto língua inglesa Vocabulário vocabulary

Text II

The Underwater Centre secures its biggest ever contract – worth $1.3million - to train Russian saturation

Your Oil and Gas News Magazine

The world’s leading commercial diver and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) training facility, based in the
Scottish Highlands and Australia, has secured its biggest ever contract – worth US$ 1.3 million – to train
Russian saturation divers. The award cements its reputation as a major service provider for the growing
worldwide oil and gas industry.

The men, already experienced air divers, were trained on saturation procedures and techniques and will
receive the Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) and the Closed Bell certi cation. More advanced
than the ADAS, the Closed Bell is the certi cation appropriate to deep water dives of 60 meters / 200 feet,
using a trimix tank with 16 percent oxygen (O2).

During the training, divers lived in a chamber for up to 28 days, which was pressurized to the same pressure
of the sea, exactly at the depth that they will be working at. Living and working at pressure mean that they
can be transported quickly and e ciently to the work site under the water without decompression stops,
allowing divers to work in much greater depths and for much longer periods of time.

MRTS Managing Director Alexander Kolikov said: “Oil and gas rms in Russia are currently facing a skills
shortage due to the rapidly increasing amount of exploration work underway at the moment. By investing in
the training of our divers in saturation diving, we are addressing this need for experts in maintenance and
repair activities vital to maintaining Russia’s subsea infrastructure.”

Steve Ham, General Manager at the Fort William Centre said: “We were delighted when MRTS chose The
Underwater Centre to train its divers in saturation diving, and I think this is testament to the hard work we
have been putting in to ensure our reputation as a world-class training facility.
Available at: . Retrieved on: 28 June 2012. Adapted.

In Text II, Steve Ham, General Manager at the Fort William Centre, is

A uptight, because he believed the MRTS should have chosen the Fort William Centre to offer the

B worried about the responsibility the MRTS assigned to the Fort William Centre.

C amused, because the MRTS is inclined to choose the Underwater Centre to train its divers in
saturation diving.

D elated, because the MRTS recognized the good work the Underwater Centre had been performing
as technical skills educators and assigned the saturation diving training to the Fort William Centre.

E disappointed, because the MRTS did not choose the air divers to be the official training facility for
the Fort William Centre.
18 8 973 953 0

Questão 91 T radução translation Noções Gerais de Interpretação de T exto língua inglesa

Vocabulário vocabulary

Text II

The Underwater Centre secures its biggest ever contract – worth $1.3million - to train Russian saturation

Your Oil and Gas News Magazine

The world’s leading commercial diver and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) training facility, based in the
Scottish Highlands and Australia, has secured its biggest ever contract – worth US$ 1.3 million – to train
Russian saturation divers. The award cements its reputation as a major service provider for the growing
worldwide oil and gas industry.

The men, already experienced air divers, were trained on saturation procedures and techniques and will
receive the Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) and the Closed Bell certi cation. More advanced
than the ADAS, the Closed Bell is the certi cation appropriate to deep water dives of 60 meters / 200 feet,
using a trimix tank with 16 percent oxygen (O2).

During the training, divers lived in a chamber for up to 28 days, which was pressurized to the same pressure
of the sea, exactly at the depth that they will be working at. Living and working at pressure mean that they
can be transported quickly and e ciently to the work site under the water without decompression stops,
allowing divers to work in much greater depths and for much longer periods of time.

MRTS Managing Director Alexander Kolikov said: “Oil and gas rms in Russia are currently facing a skills
shortage due to the rapidly increasing amount of exploration work underway at the moment. By investing in
the training of our divers in saturation diving, we are addressing this need for experts in maintenance and
repair activities vital to maintaining Russia’s subsea infrastructure.”

Steve Ham, General Manager at the Fort William Centre said: “We were delighted when MRTS chose The
Underwater Centre to train its divers in saturation diving, and I think this is testament to the hard work we
have been putting in to ensure our reputation as a world-class training facility.

Available at: . Retrieved on: 28 June 2012. Adapted.

In Text II, Director Kolikov explains that the

A divers are facing a skills shortage and difficulties to improve deepwater activities infrastructure.

B Russia now faces a decline in the demand for oil and gas and a proportional decline in the number of

C Russia now faces an increase in the demand for oil and gas and an increase in the number of divers
who are out of a job.

D any kind of diving training, not just saturation diving, is necessary for maintenance and repair

E training of saturation divers is the key investment to preserve the infrastructure of the country’s
deepwater oil and gas activities.
18 8 963 5004

Questão 92 T radução translation Noções Gerais de Interpretação de T exto língua inglesa

Vocabulário vocabulary

Text II

The Underwater Centre secures its biggest ever contract – worth $1.3million - to train Russian saturation

Your Oil and Gas News Magazine

The world’s leading commercial diver and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) training facility, based in the
Scottish Highlands and Australia, has secured its biggest ever contract – worth US$ 1.3 million – to train
Russian saturation divers. The award cements its reputation as a major service provider for the growing
worldwide oil and gas industry.

The men, already experienced air divers, were trained on saturation procedures and techniques and will
receive the Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) and the Closed Bell certi cation. More advanced
than the ADAS, the Closed Bell is the certi cation appropriate to deep water dives of 60 meters / 200 feet,
using a trimix tank with 16 percent oxygen (O2).

During the training, divers lived in a chamber for up to 28 days, which was pressurized to the same pressure
of the sea, exactly at the depth that they will be working at. Living and working at pressure mean that they
can be transported quickly and e ciently to the work site under the water without decompression stops,
allowing divers to work in much greater depths and for much longer periods of time.

MRTS Managing Director Alexander Kolikov said: “Oil and gas rms in Russia are currently facing a skills
shortage due to the rapidly increasing amount of exploration work underway at the moment. By investing in
the training of our divers in saturation diving, we are addressing this need for experts in maintenance and
repair activities vital to maintaining Russia’s subsea infrastructure.”

Steve Ham, General Manager at the Fort William Centre said: “We were delighted when MRTS chose The
Underwater Centre to train its divers in saturation diving, and I think this is testament to the hard work we
have been putting in to ensure our reputation as a world-class training facility.

Available at: . Retrieved on: 28 June 2012. Adapted.

About the training, it is stated in Text II that

A the divers’ learning period goes beyond 28 days.

B the divers get ready to work in greater depths underwater without decompression stops.

C the divers become familiar with pressure which permits them to live well on the surface.

D living and working at pressure could be detrimental to the divers’ health.

E the constant decompression stops are essential for the divers’ transportation to the work site.
18 8 953 3 978

Questão 93 T radução translation Noções Gerais de Interpretação de T exto língua inglesa

Vocabulário vocabulary

Text II

The Underwater Centre secures its biggest ever contract – worth $1.3million - to train Russian saturation

Your Oil and Gas News Magazine

The world’s leading commercial diver and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) training facility, based in the
Scottish Highlands and Australia, has secured its biggest ever contract – worth US$ 1.3 million – to train
Russian saturation divers. The award cements its reputation as a major service provider for the growing
worldwide oil and gas industry.

The men, already experienced air divers, were trained on saturation procedures and techniques and will
receive the Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) and the Closed Bell certi cation. More advanced
than the ADAS, the Closed Bell is the certi cation appropriate to deep water dives of 60 meters / 200 feet,
using a trimix tank with 16 percent oxygen (O2).

During the training, divers lived in a chamber for up to 28 days, which was pressurized to the same pressure
of the sea, exactly at the depth that they will be working at. Living and working at pressure mean that they
can be transported quickly and e ciently to the work site under the water without decompression stops,
allowing divers to work in much greater depths and for much longer periods of time.

MRTS Managing Director Alexander Kolikov said: “Oil and gas rms in Russia are currently facing a skills
shortage due to the rapidly increasing amount of exploration work underway at the moment. By investing in
the training of our divers in saturation diving, we are addressing this need for experts in maintenance and
repair activities vital to maintaining Russia’s subsea infrastructure.”

Steve Ham, General Manager at the Fort William Centre said: “We were delighted when MRTS chose The
Underwater Centre to train its divers in saturation diving, and I think this is testament to the hard work we
have been putting in to ensure our reputation as a world-class training facility.

Available at: . Retrieved on: 28 June 2012. Adapted.

In Text II, when the author states that the divers completed an air course prior to the saturation diver
training, he means that

A the air course was a priority.

B the air course took place before the saturation diver course.

C the saturation diver course was a priority

D the saturation diver course took place before the air course

E both training courses took place at the same time.

18 8 94 2268 6

Questão 94 Interpretação de T exto e T radução Reading Comprehension and T ranslation

In Text II, the possessive pronoun its (line 6) refers to

A commercial diver and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) training facility (lines 1-2)

B Scottish Highlands and Australia (line 3)

C biggest ever contract (line 4)

D Russian saturation divers (line 5)

E oil and gas industry (line 7)

18 8 8 758 64 0

Questão 95 Verbos Verbs

In Text I, the word do in the fragments: “when they do occur” (line 38); “they do not risk being faced” (lines
43-44) and “workers must do their job” (line 47) respectively, fulfill the role of

A emphasis, auxiliary verb and main verb

B auxiliary in the two first instances and modal in the third

C modal, main verb and auxiliary verb

D main verb, emphasis and modal

E auxiliary, modal and emphasis

18 8 28 4 98 4 5

Questão 96 Interpretação de T exto reading comprehension

In Text I, the author mentions Fukushima (line 21) in order to
A give an example of inadequate management when dealing with tsunamis.

B alert that dangers of accidents may also be caused by external factors.

C point out that the world has not been prepared for the risks of acts of terrorism.

D state that threats and challenges are always originated inside the site.

E exemplify that very high risks come from offshore accidents.

18 8 2566524

Questão 97 Interpretação de T exto reading comprehension

In Text I, the word/expression in boldface type is similar to the one in italics in

A outcome (line 7) - drawn

B unenviable (line 9) - enjoyable

C irrespective of (line 10) - in spite of

D make up for (lines 11-12) - turn into

E assume (line 15) - perform

18 8 23 194 15

Questão 98 Interpretação de T exto reading comprehension

In Text I, the particle so (line 2) means

A however

B if

C also

D neither

E although
18 8 197173 0

Questão 99 Língua Inglesa Inglês

Text I

Preparation, the Key to Petrochemical Fire Safety

By Paul Frankland

International Fire Protection Magazine

Having the right equipment in place to detect and suppress a petrochemical re is essential, but so is having
well thought out emergency preparedness plans, being in a position to ensure fast response, and having
effective incident control.
The response in the rst few minutes to a petrochemical re is critical to the nal outcome, as anyone who
has ever found themselves in that unenviable position will tell you. The fact of the matter is that irrespective
of how sophisticated the detection and re suppression installations, nothing will make up for a lack of
emergency preparedness, inadequate training or poorly implemented incident management. The golden rule
when preparing for such an emergency is: assume nothing and test everything.

Risk assessments for petrochemical plants, indeed for any high-hazard site, should not be limited to what
might be described as “internal” re safety threats and challenges. If evidence is needed of this, it is
necessary only to look at what happened at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan where the disaster
was triggered by an o shore earthquake and tsunami. In the current uncertain international climate, the risk
assessor also has to consider the very real prospect of acts of terrorism aimed at headlinegrabbing mass
destruction of property and lives.

None of this, of course, lessens the need to provide the most e ective detection, alarm and suppression
equipment. This will probably take the form of xed equipment providing primary aroundthe-clock protection
for such structures as cone roof tanks; open-top oating roof tanks; covered oating roof tanks; horizontal
tanks; bunds, and spill grounds. However, it cannot be overstressed that, potentially, all of this equipment is
itself at risk in the event of an explosion.

While petrochemical res are, thankfully, not everyday occurrences, when they do occur the consequences
can be economically and environmentally devastating, as well as being seriously life-threatening on a
signi cant scale. So it is essential for petrochemical workers to keep a higher attention level so that they do
not risk being faced with the prospect. More time and energy needs to be devoted to implementing
sustainable measures that will reduce or eliminate the risk of re. Certainly, this means workers must do their
job according to stricter rules at all times: performing both passive and active re protection measures daily,
devising and implementing fully integrated emergency and disaster management plans, and most importantly,
seeing fire engineering as a dynamic and indispensable business continuity process.

Available at: . Retrieved on: 28 June 2012. Adapted.

In Text I, it becomes clear that in order to detect and suppress a petrochemical fire, it

A is most important to have well thought out emergency preparedness plans.

B is not enough to have the right equipment in place.

C is only necessary to possess an effective incident control.

D will never be necessary to ensure fast response to the incident.

E will be only crucial to be properly equipped to face the fire.

18 8 104 7790

Questão 100 Língua Inglesa Inglês

Available at :< release&id=1319>. Retrieved on: Jan. 10,
2012. Adapted.

An equivalent way of saying “The portrait of Benjamin Harrison was designed and sculpted by United States
Mint Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill.” (lines 21-23) is in:

A Available at :< release&id=1319>. Retrieved on:

Jan. 10, 2012. Adapted.

An equivalent way of saying “The portrait of Benjamin Harrison was designed and sculpted by
United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill.” (lines 21-23) is in:

B Authored by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Benjamin Harrison, the portrait of Phebe
Hemphill was designed and sculpted.

C Phebe Hemphill’s portrait of Benjamin Harrison was designed and sculpted by a United States Mint

D United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill designed and sculpted the portrait of
Benjamin Harrison.

E United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill had her portrait designed and sculpted by
Benjamin Harrison.
8 8 158 3 677

1 A 2 E 3 E 4 D 5 A 6 E 7 C 8 B 9 D 10 C 11 B

12 E 13 D 14 A 15 C 16 B 17 D 18 A 19 D 20 E 21 E 22 A

23 D 24 C 25 A 26 E 27 B 28 E 29 C 30 B 31 E 32 B 33 A

34 A 35 B 36 C 37 E 38 D 39 E 40 C 41 E 42 E 43 D 44 C

45 E 46 D 47 C 48 E 49 A 50 D 51 E 52 D 53 D 54 B 55 A

56 E 57 A 58 D 59 B 60 C 61 B 62 D 63 A 64 C 65 E 66 A

67 D 68 B 69 A 70 C 71 D 72 A 73 A 74 E 75 E 76 D 77 B

78 D 79 B 80 A 81 D 82 D 83 B 84 E 85 D 86 C 87 A 88 C

89 B 90 D 91 E 92 B 93 B 94 A 95 A 96 B 97 C 98 C 99 B

100 D

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