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2007 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades, C&C, Castle Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 3rd Printing, Copyright 2007,
Keeper, Troll Lord Games, and the Castles & Crusades and Troll Lord Games 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
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1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Unusual Roadside Encounters, Copyright 2009, Troll Lord Games; Author
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Davis Chenault.
THE ZOMBIE HUNT Within a few hours of setting up camp, the characters should be
made to feel comfortable, warm and safe. A quiet falls upon the
LEVEL: 1-2 thorp, the rains stop, the moon comes out and a warming breeze
shuffles the branches of the trees. Branches scrape against the
walls of the buildings, a door swings wide and slams shut, and old
pulley in the barn creaks and sways in the wind. The sounds of
night prevail – almost.

After the moon reaches it apex and the skies clear, the winds
pick up and the sounds of nature, the bugs, hooting owls and
other scurrying creature cease to make a sound. Any ranger or
druid would note this immediately. Others must make a wisdom
check to notice the unusual sound of silent nature. At he same
time however, the winds knock things around a bit in the thorp,
blowing dangling ropes around, opening and closing shutters,
ruffling loose shingles etc.

There are zombies sauntering into town. They come from a nearby
barrow mound where the thorp’s dead were once laid to rest. They
come into the thorp slowly, attracted by the fresh blood on the
characters. They arrive in small numbers throughout the night,
one to four at a time. Some linger longer than others so that they
can be found around the town.

The characters have several options:

1. They can leave the thorp as quickly as possible in which case
there are zombies coming down the road towards them and
from the woods equal in number to the party plus two. After
which the characters can escape along the dark road ahead.
2. They can stay wherever they are and hole up until morning in
which case they will be attacked all night long in ever greater
numbers. The first encounter is with 1d4 zombies, the 2nd
wave has 1d4+2 zombies, the third wave has 1d4+4 zombies
THE SETTING: This encounter should occur along a lonely stretch
and the final wave would have 1d4+8 zombies.
of unfamiliar road when the characters are traveling, quite
unwisely, at night. Further, they should have very recently been 3. They can go zombie hunting. Although possibly the last
bloodied in battle and still suffer from their wounds. It is the blood route the characters may choose, it is the best route. In this
upon their bodies that attracts the zombies who haunt a nearby case, the characters never meet more than three zombies at
barrow. a time and have a long night of zombie hunting ahead of
them as they move through the thorp’s houses and into the
The characters enter a thorp quite by surprise after a bend in the woods killing zombies. No more than 36 zombies should be
road. There are half a dozen old dilapidated shacks and houses encountered and some should be hidden perhaps surprising
stretching along the road. Three large barns are tangled in a the characters.
web of vines and brush further off from the roads. Fields lie long
abandoned to either side of the road. A misty rain begins to fall Zombies can see at night, move fairly silently until close to living
and howling wolves break and run into the forest from one of the bloodied flesh when they begin to groan and screech, are slow but
shacks as the characters pass along the road. attack relentlessly and are as dumb as a box of rocks. Zombies are
very strong with a strength score of 14 for the purposes of breaking
All the buildings are one or two room affairs with collapsing roofs things and knocking them down.
and walls and littered with the long abandoned debris of a poor
farming community. Nothing lives here and the buildings have There is a mound cemetery outside of town about 1⁄2 mile away.
long since been ransacked and all the goods of any worth taken This is where the zombies are coming from. Should the characters
away. There is, however, several places to shelter the characters inquire as to the nature of this thorp in a neighboring village or
from the rain and enough wood and surviving fireplaces to build a area, they learn it was abandoned nearly a decade ago when the
raging and warm fire. dead began to rise from the earth.


ZOMBIES (These neutral evil creature’s vital stats are: HD 2d12, in the slightest. The children are noisy and ill behaved with no
AC 12, HP variable. Their primary attributes are: physical. sense of decorum at all. They re generally only concerned with
They attack for 1d8 damage by biting and clawing. Special: slow, the source and timing of their next meal. That is their bad nature,
collective overbearing. Slow: zombies always act last in a combat which is so apparent at a time like this.
round. When three or more zombies are attacking one opponent,
they collectively attempt to overbear him. This is one overbearing On the good side, Tom is a hard worker, honest to a fault, forgiving
attack at +1 and an additional +1 each zombie above three up to to a fault and even, so his wife believes, a bit if dupe. Betty has a
a maximum of 6.) flair for poking fun at people’s faults in a humorous and innocent
manner that generally uplifts rather than irritates. She is a
FURTHER ADVENTURES: The zombies were brought to life by an phenomenal story teller and can weave yarns of everyday life both
evil cleric who came to this area seeking to locate an old temple humorous and sad all in one telling. The children are, for all their
to the deity of the dead. He located the temple several miles from ill behavior, happy and given to acts of random charity and show
the thorp and brought the dead back to life in order to scare genuine concern for those in need.
away or kill its inhabitants. The cleric himself was killed by a
wight or other similar creature who haunts that temple and the The wagon, about 10’ long and 4’ wide, is designed to carry roughly
surrounding region to this day. Rumors of the temple abound in 3000 lbs of goods. Tom has placed nearly 5000 lbs of goods in it.
local communities. He has strapped and netted the goods as well as he could but this
has not prevented some from falling out, much to the irritation of
THE BROKEN AXLE Betty who spent many hours in the field harvesting the material
and the children who see potential meals being scattered along
LEVEL: Any the road.
THE SETTING: The characters are traveling along a road leading They have 48 hours to get to the market to insure they get a stall.
from a small farming or fishing village to a larger town where it The town they are headed to is approximately 25 miles away. The
is nearing Market Day. A farmer is attempting to take his goods oxen are tired and worn out and move at half their normal speed
to market. He is traveling with an overloaded wagon with too even if the wagon were carrying the proper load or about .5 miles
few oxen to pull the wagon and his whole family. He is carrying per hour. They can do this for 24 hours straight before one just
food. Depending upon the season it is either potatoes, pumpkins, dies of exhaustion.
watermelon, carrots, cabbage or fish. The characters are traveling
behind the wagon by several miles. The characters must figure out how to help the Goodfarmer family
get their goods to market. The players will come up with many
Upon a particularly rough stretch of the road, the characters options. No matter which route they go, the castle Keeper should
see some of the spillage from the wagon. Any of the above items infuse the solution with problems or issues. The point is not to
mentioned are falling off the wagon and are scattered along the make it impossible to move 5000 pounds in 25 miles in 48 hours,
road. As the characters move along they eventually see a large but rather to have a fairly comical event of everyday nature mix
family standing around a wagon with a broken axle, squabbling with the characters often violent and deadly lives.
and fighting with one another. Piles of produce lay all around the
wagon. The Goodfarmers are, all in all, good people and ultimately very
grateful for any help the characters provide even if they get to
The farmer, Tom Goodfarmer and his wife, Betty are both very market late. Betty Goodfarmer is an astonishgly good cook and
large individuals. One might call them corpulent in the extreme. has an uncanny knowledge of natural herbs and spices. She can
Their six children, aged 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 are also very round for take an average pot of potatoes and turn it into a feast fit for a
their age. If nothing else, Tom Goodfarmer is a very productive king given a day or so to collect all her ingredients. Forever and
farmer and he and his family eats well and heartily. Yet, Tom is anon, the Goodfarmers welcome the characters into their house,
not the brightest apple on the tree and has loaded his wagon with feeding them and caring for them as family. That is, assuming the
produce far beyond its capacity to carry it. He has also acquired characters are of good disposition about the whole thing.
too few oxen too pull too large a load. As a result of the bumpy
road, and the excessive load, his wagon now has a broken axle. FURTHER ADVENTURES: Tom and Betty Goodfellow are more
than they seem. They can grow and cook up marvelous stews
As the characters approach, the family steps back as Tom with magic qualities. These stews can effect healing, restoration,
Goodfarmer senses an opportunity for help. He approaches the strength, will power and other aspects the Castle Keeper desires.
characters and asks, pleads and even begs for help. He explains It would be wise to keep these stews as rare concoctions (as the
his situation. This is his season’s produce that must get to market ingredients are difficult to gather and grow) and should be offered
and be sold or he and his family will die of starvation. In return for to the characters as gifts of friendship in times of need.
their help, Tom offers to feed them the whole length of the time it
takes to get him to market. In future encounters, the Goodfellow family could fall on hard
times, be beset by malicious fay, loose a child to a forest goblin
Tom is a talkative person and given to being obsequies when or some other extraordinary event in which they call upon their
dealing with his superiors. Betty is an argumentative sort and friends to help them.
given to belittling anyone whose efforts to do something fail even


THE HAUNTED THORP entering a barn or building it begins growling and barking as if
something were inside. It also backs away. It then moves back if
LEVEL: 3-4 the party starts to enter the building. If it should happen and the
party splits leaving one party member with the barghast it may
The Setting: The characters are traveling through civilized lands,
attack or it may attempt to charm the person.
though lands that are sparsely populated. They pass through
a thorp consisting of eight houses with associated barns and And the games should begin. The barghast is a highly intelligent
outbuildings. The characters immediately notice that no one is creature and very capable of using its spells and spell like abilities
in the fields or on the road. Some dogs can be herd barking from to generate fear in the party members and hopes to split them up,
one of the larger houses. The shutters and doors of all the houses killing them one at a time. If it has the opportunity or senses the
are closed. opportunity to kill something, it runs away first (in dog form) and
sneaks back as the barghast. It tries to keep its dog form a secret.
About a week before the arrival of the characters, a barghast
entered this thorp and killed several people. Sensing easy prey the Bear in mind, other dogs can sense the barghast in canine form so
barghast has remained. The villagers at first sought to oust the it will not enter the house where the other people are since there
creature that had come to their homes and killed two farmers, but are other dogs in there. Further, if need be, the barghast can change
upon loosing 3 more people, they all gathered up their goods or self and act like a traveler coming down the road to get people out
valuables and have barricaded themselves in one house. They are of the building or cause them to move around. The barghast is
terrified of leaving the house, (though know they must soon) for quite willing to spend days or weeks tearing the party and people
fear of falling prey to the creature which stalks their village. down one at a time. If it senses it is completely outmatched, the
barghast leaves.
The people inside see the characters coming down the road and
come out to greet them imploring them for aid and help in ridding
their community of the creature which stalks them. They are a BARGHAST (These lawful evil creature’s vital stats are HD 4d8,
rough looking lot. A week indoors, terrified, hungry and thirsty, AC 18 (20), HP 23. Its primary attributes are mental. They
the people’s wretched appearance is similar to those in a besieged attack with a bite for 2d4+6 and 2 claws for 1d4+3 damage.
city about to be overrun. Special: spell-like abilities, feed, change shape and darkvision.)

The barghast does not know of the characters’ arrival and is

sleeping in dog form in a barn as the characters arrive.

There are 32 people in the small two room house. Half of these are
children under the age 15 and half of the total are women. There
is none amongst them trained in the art of war or otherwise useful
as a class. Several of them can track as 1st level rangers though.
They are variously armed with simple weapons like clubs, spiked
clubs, scythes, axes, hand axes and other tools found in a farming

The barghast has taken up residence in a nearby barn and waits

there in dog form. It has decided to leisurely kill these people
and devour each and every one of them. Since it has met little
resistance to this effort so far, the barghast has decided to make
the killing a pleasurable experience as well. He wants to torture
his intended victims with fear. It also pays little attention to
the villagers, assuming, quite rightly, they are unable to act in
a coherent manner and are incapable of defending themselves.
The barghast’s equation did not account for the arrival of help of

It does not take the barghast long to realize the characters have
arrived. When the characters come out to hunt for it, the barghast
stays in dog form but has tied a rope to a pole and placed a slip
knot around its neck. Just before the characters come near, it casts
misdirection upon itself and acts like a wounded animal. This is
not completely out of place because there are chickens wandering
about freely, cattle meandering around and sheep grazing in the

The barghast will try to accompany the characters as a dog. It acts

like a wounded domesticated guard dog. At some point, before
She is waiting for the person she wants to charm to attempt to
wake her – with a kiss. If that does not appear likely, if her target
gets close enough, she kisses him. The target must be very close
however as she does not want to give away her ruse. The kiss
would be more along the lines of a brush across the cheek. This is
the most potent of charms a dryad can cast. The kiss charm check
is made at a CL 8. Its effects are absolute. The charmed person
falls immediately in love with the dryad and is quite desirous of
staying with her for the rest of his live long days.

If it does not occur, the dryad simply lies there acting asleep and
awaits the next possible candidate of her potent charms. If a
person does become charmed, the dryad slowly awakens, feigning
exhaustion. Once fully “awake” she explains to the characters
that an evil man bound her and cast some potent magic upon her
causing her to sleep. He stole all her possessions and left her here
by the road. She expresses a desire/command posed as a question
that the the charmed one help her protect her property.

If the charm does not work, she will not try again. She uses
the same tale of an evil man to engage the characters but at an
opportune moment she disappears into her tree and does not
make an appearance again.

Many things can happen should the dryad successfully

charm the character. The player should be made aware
that the character is irrevocably in love with the dryad and
would willingly die to protect her and wants to stay with her
forever. Should an argument with the rest of the party ensue,
the dryad uses her normal charm abilities in an attempt to
ensnare others to her side of the argument. She focuses
the attention on clerics or wizards in an attempt to exploit
their magic against the other characters. But in any case the
charmed character will not let her be killed.

SLEEPING BEAUTY The dryad is an altogether clever being. She is not willingly going
to die or allow herself to be endangered in her attempts to charm
LEVEL: 2-4 someone. Should a fight likely appear to result, she disappears
into a tree and releases those she charmed with the hope that the
THE SETTING: In lands that are sparsely
event can just pass over. She quickly becomes aware that keeping
populated, but where civilization is
the character imprisoned is going to bring the wrath of the party
encroaching, a dryad, Tulia by name lives
down upon her. So she subtly offers a deal whereby the characters
in a tree. Civilization has slowly, but inevitably encroached upon
must secure her forest area from the local threats of the woodsmen
her home to the point where a road passes a mere 200 yards from
and in turn she will release the charmed character.
her home. In the year previous she released a man who had been
her fawning companion for over a decade. He had grown old and The dryad is not an evil being either, but vain. She sees doom in
she weary of his company. Having no memory of the decade but her future. The axe wielding humans are encroaching upon this
10 years older, the man wandered off into the woods trying to land and some of the woods in which she dwells will come under
accomplish something he did not remember and never owned the axe. More than anything, she prefers a willing protector to
but was owned by. The dryad has grown lonely and seeks to bring fawn over her. If attacked she eventually escapes to her tree.
another companion and protector to her side. Should the characters pursue her that far, she makes no effort to
defend herself but climbs the highest branch and watches as the
She watches the road from afar for travelers. Should one of the
characters cut down the tree (thus killing her) or find some other
characters in the party have high charisma, the dryad chooses that
method of ending her life.
person to be her companion. She attempts to charm the person
with the highest charisma. She has pre-planned her escapade. TULLIA, DRYAD (This neutral creature’s vital stats are: HD 2d8;
She lies down as if in a deep slumber in a bed of flowers upon the AC 17; HP 12. He prime attributes are mental and physical. She
side of the road. Her hope is that one or more of the characters attacks with a dagger for 1d4 damage. Special: Spell-like abilities,
attempt to wake her. Nothing seems to work, because she isn’t tree dependent, tree stride, wild empathy.)
really in a deep slumber, but acts as if she is.


FURTHER ADVENTURES: The dryad is really seeking a permanent at that point and tells the characters to pass at their own risk
protector at this point. Should the character actually willingly
fawn over her and offer to protect her in times of need, then As soon as the characters begin to move forward, another grig,
the dryad will not only be permanently grateful but bestow hidden behind a pylon further down the bridge begins to play a
upon various party members powers over time. She can teach fiddle. The characters must each make a charisma check or begin
one each of the following to any party member. It takes time to dancing and singing to the jig. The grig keeps the music going
teach someone something and she can only teach one person at a until the gold is proffered.
time. Tracking (1 month), Extra tracking skill (+1 to all tracking
In general, the grigs do not mean any harm. They intend to
checks for a ranger, 2 weeks), goodberry (3 months), hide in
return the gold after the characters cross the bridge. For them
woody areas (3 months), move silent in woody areas (3 months),
it is all great fun anyway. They enjoy watching others dance (as
calm animal (usable once a day, 2 months), pass without trace
they believe others do not dance or sing enough). There are a
(4 months) etc. In all the dryad can become a companion to the
dozen other grigs looking on in amusement at the site of their
characters, teaching them things over time. The limitation is up to
two brethren playing this trick and giggle and laugh loudly should
the Castle Keeper. In return the dryad would like protection and,
the characters begin dancing. Even should the grig gets a lot of
well, some fawning. The dryad will eventually be attacked or come
gold, the fiddle player still plays the fiddle. The grigs want the
under mortal threat. The characters must save her.
characters to dance.
Should the grigs be attacked, they at first attempt to flee and the
Level 2-5 fiddle player uses the music to slow and hinder the characters
violent reaction. They then disappear into the woods only to
THE SETTING: The characters are crossing a fairly well traveled come back and haunt the characters later. Should the encounter
bridge. The bridge is broad, constructed of stone, has shallow go off well and the characters realize and accept the hilarity of
railings and pylons spaced at 20 foot intervals across its length. it all, the grigs invite the characters to a larger gathering where
The bridge should cross a broad, shallow, fast flowing river. As much more hilarity and joy ensue – as well as some beneficial gifts
the characters cross the bridge, a small creature jumps out from for the characters such as a bundle of goodberries, a dozen grig
behind a pylon. It is about a foot in height, looks much like a small crackers that feed one person for one day and weigh but an once
spindly old man with brown skin but has long crooked legs – muck – and never spoil.
like a grasshopper. Its wearing a yellow pointed hat, a silk blue
waistcoat and is twirling a little silver medallion on a leather band. GRIG X14 (This neutral creature vital stats are: HD 1d4, AC
Its joyfully approaches the characters singing a ditty about crows, 18 and HP: variable. Their prime attributes are: mental. They
cows, scarecrows and crowbars. It stops short of the characters, attack with darts for 1-2 damage or daggers for 1-3 damage.
introduces itself as Nizzlebit, asks how the characters are and Their special abilities are: change self, invisibility, pyrotechnics,
starts a conversation. trip, ventriloquism, and agility.)

In a very abrupt way, this little grig, stops the conversation and FURTHER ADVENTURES: The grigs are in this area because they are
tells the characters that if they want to safely cross over the supposed to be holding a special dance. The dance is held once
bridge, they must give him 1gp. If the gold is proffered he says a year beneath a weeping willow near a small village. The willow
that he failed to mention that it was one gold per person. If this is has recently been enclosed within a sheep pasture and a barn built
proffered, he says he meant to say one gold piece per person, and 1 right next door. The grigs would like the barn removed so they can
gold piece per back pack. In general, the grig continues to ask for do their dance – in three days time.
money until an argument or threat ensues. He quietly backs away


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