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A WWI Roleplaying Game
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A character’s nation of origin is a vital piece in understanding their motivation
and ties. Be it Central Powers or Entente, a good soldier’s allegiance is always
to their nation first, and their emotions second. A bad soldier on the other

 British
 For King and Country
 (+1) to Constitution
 French
 Scars of 1871
 (+1) to all damage rolls against
German enemies
 Russian
 In the Name of the Tzar
 (+1) to Strength
 Australian
 Waltzing Matilda
 (+1) to Dexterity
 American
 World Tour
 (+1) to Charisma
 German
 Blood and Iron
 (+2) to armor class
 Austrian
 Empire Building
 (+1) to all damage rolls against
Russian enemies
 Ottoman
 Death Before Dishonor
 (+3) to strength
 Disadvantage on all death
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A character’s class decides their place on the battlefield. Are you charging at the
blow of a whistle into no mans land? Are you the one blowing the whistle?
Your role in a war can decide whether you live or die. So, choose wisely.

 Class Features
 World Weary
 Your time spent in the
trenches has broken your
body, but the experiences
you've gained have given you
an understanding of the
battlefield like no other.
 (-1) to Strength and Dexterity,
+2 to Wisdom.
 Proficiency in Survival and
 Thought of Home
 You've got something to live
for. The memories of your
friends and family back home
push you onwards.
 Roll with advantage on all
death saves.
 Armor Class = 10 + Constitution

 Equipment
 Bolt Action Rifle
 Bayonet
 Infantry Uniform
 Small Lamp
 50ft of Rope
 2 Days of Rations
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 Abilities
 Bayonet Charge
 Affix bayonet to rifle and charge enemy.
 Range: 20ft
 Rolls with advantage for hit for attack and deal 2d6 puncture
damage on hit as well as 1d6 additional bleed damage per turn
until wound is treated.
 Costs one action.
 Can be used once per short rest.
 Desperate Defense
 +5 to armor class for as long as ability is active.
 Player forfeits their action every turn the ability is active.
 Can be used indefinitely, no rest requirement.
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 Class Features
 Proficiency in History and
 Academy Training
 As a cadet, you were
taught all you needed to
know to be a proper
tactician and imprinted
with a rigorous physical
routine. But the blood
and mud of the trenches
are nothing like the
textbooks describe.
 (+1) to Dexterity and
Intelligence, (-1) to
 Inspiring Leader
 A true leader can rouse
the spirits of even the most
broken men. And there is
no shortage of broken
men here.
 (+1) to Charisma.
 Armor Class = 10 + Dexterity

 Equipment
 Sidearm
 Officers’ Sword
 Officers’ Uniform
 Whistle
 Binoculars
 2 Days of Rations
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 Abilities
 Artillery Barrage
 Call in artillery barrage on an enemy position.
 Deal 2d10 explosive damage to any individuals (enemy and ally)
within a designated 40ft radius.
 Range: 200ft
 Costs one action.
 Can be used once per long rest.
 Rousing Speech
 Give a rousing speech to a member of your division.
 Provides a player of your choice with 1d4 to add to any skill check,
healing, or attack roll until the next short or long rest.
 Costs one action.
 Can be used once per short rest.
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 Class Features
 Weapons Expert
 You're an expert in all
things that go boom.
 Proficiency in Explosives.
 Weapon proficiency in all
firearms, mounted guns,
and artillery.
 Veteran
 You've been through hell
and back but it's only
steeled your resolve. But
while your tenacity is to be
applauded, your
stubbornness is second to
 (+1) to Strength and
Constitution, (-1) to
Wisdom and Intelligence.
 Armor Class = 10 +
Constitution Modifier.

 Equipment
 Repeating Rifle,
Light/Submachine Gun, or (if
American) Shotgun
 5 Grenades
 Light Body Armor
 +2 to Armor Class
 Gas Mask
 2 Days of Rations
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 Abilities
 Firestorm
 Let loose a barrage of bullets at the enemy.
 Deal 1d10 piercing damage to any individual in a cone of 40 ft in
front of you.
 Costs one action.
 Can be used once per short rest.
 Iron Will
 You steel yourself and prepare for the worst.
 Roll with advantage on all attack rolls for the next hour.
 Costs one action.
 Can use once per short rest.
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 Class Features
 Trained Eye
 After years of training and
experience, you've trained
your eyes to be effective in any
 Your low light vision is
equivalent to your normal
vision and your dark vision is
half of your normal vision.
 (+2) to your Perception.
 Glass Cannon
 Although the damage you deal
is nothing to scoff at, the
damage you can take is less
than ideal. Best to stick to the
shadows and away from the
 (+2) to dexterity, (-2) to
 Add your dexterity bonus to
any damage roll with your
 Proficiency in Stealth and
 Proficiency in Snipers, Sidearms,
and Bolt Action Rifles.
 Armor Class = 10 + Dexterity

 Equipment
 Sniper Rifle
 Trench Knife
 Sidearm
 Scout Uniform
 All Weather Cloak
 2 Days of Rations
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 Abilities
 Mark and Execute
 Once every combat encounter, you can mark up to 3 targets as an
action. Once a target is marked, you have advantage on any attack
roll against them.
 Ghost
 If initiating combat with an attack while undetected, deal double
the result of the damage roll.
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 Class Features
 Proficiency in Medicine.
 Combat Surgeon
 You’ve been trained to
work under extreme
pressure and extreme fire.
 (+2) to all Medicine checks
while in combat.
 (+2) to all Medicine checks
on yourself.
 MD – PHD
 You’ve gone through years
of schooling to gain the
holistic understanding of
medicine that you have.
There is no other on the
battlefield better equipped
to handle injury than you.
 (+2) to Wisdom and
Intelligence, (-2) to
Strength and
 Proficiency in Sidearms.
 Armor Class = 10 + Dexterity

 Equipment
 Sidearm
 Medic Uniform
 Military Issued Multi-tool
 Medical Kit
 Gas Mask
 2 Days of Rations
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 Abilities
 Morphine Injection
 Inject a syringe of morphine into yourself or an ally in order to
numb pain.
 Add 1d6 + Intelligence modifier in Temporary Hit Points to your
 Costs one action.
 Can be used 5 times following a short rest.
 Spare the Dying
 You touch a living individual that has 0 hit points. The individual
becomes stable.
 Costs 1 action.
 Can be used 5 times following a long rest.
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A soldier is only as good as his equipment, thusly it must be carefully picked from
your requisitioned stockpile. Each nation has standard issued weapons and
soldiers are limited by the what their nation rations. Following are the weapons
available for use by approved troops organized by nation and weapon type.

Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Colt M1911 1d6 (8) 60ft
S&W Triple Lock 1d8 (6) 60ft
Webley Mk V 1d6 (6) 80ft
Colt M1903 Pocket 1d4 (8) (hidden) 60ft
Bolt Action Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Enfield P1914 1d10 (5) 100ft
Lee-Enfield Magazine Mk I 1d8 (10) 100ft
Mauser-Vergueiro M1904 1d10 (4) 120ft
Sniper Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Remington M1901 2d8 (1) 250ft
Snider-Enfield Mk III 2d8 (1) (antique) 200ft
Lee-Enfield Short 3d4 (5) 250ft
Magazine Mk III
Repeater Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Winchester Model 1895 2d6 (5) 80ft
Remington Model 14 1d10 (∞) (no reload) 60ft
Marlin M1894 2d6 (10) 70ft
Machine Guns
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Lewis Mk I 2d8 (60) (3 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 50ft
Hotchkiss Mk I 2d8 (50) (5 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 60ft
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Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Colt M1911 1d6 (8) 60ft
Saint Étienne M1892 1d8 (6) 60ft
S&W M1899 1d6 (6) 80ft
Ruby M1914 1d4 (8) (hidden) 60ft
Bolt Action Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Berthier M1907 1d10 (5) 100ft
Lebel M1893 1d8 (8) 100ft
Mauser-Vergueiro M1904 1d10 (4) 120ft
Sniper Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Remington M1901 2d8 (1) 250ft
Chassepot M1866 2d8 (1) (antique) 200ft
Kropatschek M1885 3d4 (5) 250ft
Repeater Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Winchester Model 1895 2d6 (5) 80ft
Remington Model 14 1d10 (∞) (no reload) 60ft
Marlin M1894 2d6 (10) 70ft
Machine Guns
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Chauchat M1915 2d8 (60) (3 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 50ft
Hotchkiss Mk I 2d8 (50) (5 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 60ft
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Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Colt M1911 1d6 (8) 60ft
S&W No. 3 1d8 (6) 60ft
Nagant M1895 1d6 (6) 80ft
Luger P08 1d4 (8) (hidden) 60ft
Bolt Action Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Berthier M1907 1d10 (5) 100ft
Mosin-Nagant M1907 1d8 (10) 100ft
Arisaka Type 38 1d10 (4) 120ft
Sniper Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Remington M1901 2d8 (1) 250ft
Krnka M1867 2d8 (1) (antique) 200ft
Kropatschek M1885 3d4 (5) 250ft
Repeater Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Winchester Model 1895 2d6 (5) 80ft
Remington Model 14 1d10 (∞) (no reload) 60ft
Machine Guns
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Lewis Mk I 2d8 (60) (3 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 50ft
Madsen M1902 2d8 (50) (5 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 60ft
Fedorov M1916 Avtomat 2d6 (60) (3 rounds/shot) 50ft
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Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Colt M1911 1d6 (8) 60ft
S&W Triple Lock 1d8 (6) 60ft
Webley Mk V 1d6 (6) 80ft
Colt M1903 Pocket 1d4 (8) (hidden) 60ft
Bolt Action Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Enfield P1914 1d10 (5) 100ft
Lee-Enfield Magazine Mk I 1d8 (10) 100ft
Mauser-Vergueiro M1904 1d10 (4) 120ft
Sniper Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Remington M1901 2d8 (1) 250ft
Snider-Enfield Mk III 2d8 (1) (antique) 200ft
Lee-Enfield Short 3d4 (5) 250ft
Magazine Mk III
Repeater Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Winchester Model 1895 2d6 (5) 80ft
Remington Model 14 1d10 (∞) (no reload) 60ft
Marlin M1894 2d6 (10) 70ft
Machine Guns
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Lewis Mk I 2d8 (60) (3 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 50ft
Hotchkiss Mk I 2d8 (50) (5 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 60ft
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Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Colt M1911 1d6 (8) 60ft
Colt M1909 New Service 1d8 (6) 60ft
S&W M1899 1d6 (6) 80ft
Bolt Action Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Enfield P1914 1d10 (5) 100ft
Lee-Enfield Magazine Mk I 1d8 (10) 100ft
Springfield M1903 1d10 (4) 120ft
Sniper Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Remington M1901 2d8 (1) 250ft
Springfield M1896 2d8 (1) 200ft
Lee-Enfield Short 3d4 (5) 250ft
Magazine Mk III
Repeater Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Winchester Model 1895 2d6 (5) 80ft
Remington Model 14 1d10 (∞) (no reload) 60ft
Winchester M1907 2d6 (10) 70ft
Machine Guns
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Lewis Mk I 2d8 (60) (3 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 50ft
Hotchkiss Mk I 2d8 (50) (5 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 60ft
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Browning Auto-5 2d10 (4) 10
Winchester M1912 2d8 (6) 15
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Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Steyr M1912 1d6 (8) 80ft
Reichsrevolver M1914 1d8 (6) 80ft
Mauser M1914 1d6 (8) 80ft
Luger P08 1d4 (8) (hidden) 60ft
Bolt Action Rifle
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Mauser Gewehr 98 1d10 (5) 100ft
Mauser M1916 1d8 (10) 100ft
Mauser Gewehr 84 1d10 (4) 120ft
Sniper Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Mauser Karabiner 98A 2d8 (1) 250ft
Werder M1869 2d8 (1) (antique) 200ft
Mondragón M1908 3d4 (4) 250ft
Repeater Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Machine Guns
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Bergmann MG15 2d8 (60) (3 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 50ft
Madsen M1902 2d8 (50) (5 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 60ft
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Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Steyr M1912 1d6 (8) 80ft
Reichsrevolver M1914 1d8 (6) 80ft
Mauser M1914 1d6 (8) 80ft
Luger P08 1d4 (8) (hidden) 60ft
Bolt Action Rifle
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Mauser Gewehr 98 1d10 (5) 100ft
Mauser M1916 1d8 (10) 100ft
Mannlicher M1895 1d10 (4) 120ft
Sniper Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Kropatschek M1893 2d8 (1) 250ft
Werndl-Holub M1877 2d8 (1) (antique) 200ft
Mondragón M1908 3d4 (4) 250ft
Repeater Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Machine Guns
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Škoda M1913 2d8 (60) (3 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 50ft
Madsen M1902 2d8 (50) (5 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 60ft
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Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Steyr M1912 1d6 (8) 80ft
S&W No.03 1d8 (6) 80ft
Frommer M1912 1d6 (8) 80ft
Luger P08 1d4 (8) (hidden) 60ft
Bolt Action Rifle
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Mauser Gewehr 98 1d10 (5) 100ft
Mauser M1916 1d8 (10) 100ft
Mauser Gewehr 84 1d10 (4) 120ft
Sniper Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Snider-Enfield MkIII 2d8 (1) 250ft
Remington M1866 2d8 (1) (antique) 200ft
Mondragón M1908 3d4 (4) 250ft
Repeater Rifles
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Martini-Henry Mk I 1d10 (∞) (no reload) 60ft
Machine Guns
Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Capacity) (Extras) Range
Bergmann MG15 2d8 (60) (3 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 50ft
Hotchkiss Mk I 2d8 (50) (5 rounds/shot, 1 action reload) 60ft
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Weapon Name Damage: Amount (Extras) Range
Officers’ Sword 1d8 (+1 bleed dmg every turn until N/A
Bayonet 1d6 (+1 bleed dmg every turn until N/A
Trench Knife 1d4 (+1 bleed dmg every turn until Thrown
treated) 20ft

Combat is largely the same as traditional D&D combat, however there
are some minor changes that come with the change in setting. All
players are human and their movement speed is set at 30. There are no
ways to alter this unless a player is in a vehicle. Critical hits will allow
the player to make their attack roll with advantage, not double the
damage of the attack. This is to preserve balance and to add importance
to the Scout’s “Ghost” ability. In regards to firearms, ammunition is
considered infinite in order to make everyone’s lives easier. However,
ammo capacity is taken into account in regards to reloading. Unless
specified as other wise, once a player has fired the number of rounds as
listed as the firearm’s capacity, they will have to take one bonus action
to reload.
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I do not own any of the art or images used, all rights reserved to its
original creators.

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