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Faculty of Science

Unit 1: Integrals

MATH 1241
Calculus II
Table of Contents
Unit 1: Integrals
Introduction ............................................................................................................... U1-1
Section 5.1: Areas and Distances ........................................................................... U1-2
Section 5.2: The Definite Integral .......................................................................... U1-5
Section 5.3: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus ....................................... U1-10
Section 5.4: Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem .................... U1-14
Section 5.5: The Substitution Rule ...................................................................... U1-16

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-1

Unit 1: Integrals
5.1 Areas and Distances
5.2 The Definite Integral
5.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
5.4 Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem
5.5 The Substitution Rule

In this unit, we introduce the concept of the integral. We define the integral formally
as a limit. From this, we see how the integral is used in capturing the notions of area
and distance. The remarkable connection between the derivative and the integral is
explained in the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC). We continue with a study
of the definite and indefinite integral and show the technique of integration by

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-2

Section 5.1: Areas and Distances

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Find the area of certain simple regions by calculating the limit of the sums of
areas of approximating rectangles.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 5.1 of Single Variable Calculus, (hereafter referred to as SVC). Take
the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

The area of a given region is defined to be the limit of the sum of the area of
approximating rectangles as can be seen from the pictures on pp. 366–371 in 8th
edition or pp. 372–376 in 9th edition of SVC. These rectangles are defined using a
partition of the interval [ a , b ] . Choosing partition points a = x0 < x1 < ..., < xn = b , we
can then define n subintervals  x0 , x1  ,  x1, x2  ,...,  xn−1 , xn  which is called a
partition, P , of [ a, b ] .

When the partition points are equally spaced, the partition is called a regular partition.

In defining the area as the limit of the sum of the area of approximating rectangles,
we need some additional notation and definitions relating to partitions. The ith
subinterval of P , denoted by  xi −1 , xi  has length ∆xi = xi − xi −1 . The norm of the
partition, P , denoted by P is the length of the largest subinterval in the partition
P, so P= max {∆x1 , ∆x2 , , ∆xn } . We let xi be a point chosen in the subinterval

 xi −1 , xi  so that xi −1 ≤ xi ≤ xi . We may choose xi to be the left endpoint or the right

endpoint, or any point in the interval.

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-3

Given a function f we can now define the approximating rectangles for the area
under f from a to b. Let Ri be the rectangle with base ∆xi and height ( )
f xi∗ . If
you study Figures 10 and 11 on pp. 369–370 in 8th edition or pp. 375–376 in 9th
edition, you will see that each rectangle Ri approximates the region Si . If we define

Ai = area of rectangle Ri
= f ( xi *)∆xi ,
n n
then Ai
=i 1 =i 1
∑ ∑ f ( x ) ∆x i


is the area approximating the area S of the given region. We then take the limit of the
sum ∑A i under the condition that P → 0 as n→∞ in order to obtain the exact area
i =1

A of the region S. In this section, we will be using continuous functions to define

regions so that lim
∑A i =1
i will always exist. Finally, you may find that this procedure to

compute an area is complicated and tedious. Later, we will use the Fundamental
Theorem of Calculus (Section 5.3) to obtain a much easier method of computing areas.

Example 1
Consider the region under the graph of f ( x ) =
x 2 + 2 from x = 2. .
0 to x =

a. Using four approximating rectangles and right endpoints, estimate the area
of the region A.
b. Using a regular partition of [0, 2] with ∆xi = and xi = right endpoint, find

Ai and ∑A .
i =1

c. Find the area of the region A .

1 3
a. Note that x0 =
0, x1 =, x2 =
1, x3 = , x 2 and
2 2 4
∆x1 =∆x2 =∆x3 =∆x4 = . So, the area of A is approximately
1 1 1 1 3 1 19 17  31
f   + f ( 1) + f   + f ( 2=
)  + 3 + + 6=
 .
2 2 2 2 2 2 24 4  4

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-4

Diagram 5.1.1

This is an overestimate, since the tops of the rectangles are above the curve.

2 4 2i
x0 0,=
b. Note here that= x1 , x2
= , xi
,= ,=, xn 2.
n n n
2 2i
n n
( )
∆xi = xi − xi −1 = , xi ∗ = and Ai = f xi∗ ∆xi .

( )  2i  2  2 
f (=
xi ) ∗ 2i + 2 =So A i   + 2    .
n  n    n 
n   2 
 2i 
∴∑= Ai ∑   + 2   
=i 1 =i 1  n    n 

8i 2 4 n
= ∑ 3 + ∑1
=i 1 = n ni1
8 n
4(n) n
n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
3 ∑ ∑
= i + where i2 =
= n i 1= n i 1 6
4  2 n 3 + 3n 2 + n 
=  +4
3 n3 
8 4 4
= + + 2 +4
3 n 3n
20 4 4
= + + 2.
3 n 3n
20 20
c. A = lim ∑∞
𝑛𝑛=1 𝐴𝐴𝑛𝑛 = lim � 3 + 0 + 0 � = 3
𝑛𝑛→∞ 𝑛𝑛→∞

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-5

Section 5.2: The Definite Integral

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Evaluate Riemann sums, given a function f, a partition P, and points 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖∗ in the ith
• Use the Midpoint Rule to approximate the value of an integral.
• Evaluate simple integrals by taking the limit of a Riemann sum.
• Use the properties of integrals to verify certain inequalities involving integrals.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 5.2 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

When you study the definition of a definite integral of f from a to b (see Definition 2,
p. 378 in 8th edition or p. 384 in 9th edition of SVC), you will see that the integral is
defined as the limit of a Riemann sum. This sum will look familiar to you from your
study of Section 5.1. Compare this definition with the definition of area on p. 371 in
8th edition or p. 377 in 9th edition. The only difference between these two definitions
is that in the definition of area we assume f ( x ) ≥ 0 on [ a , b ] , while no such assumption
is made about f in the definition of the definite integral. When f takes positive and
negative values, then the integral represents a net area.
You should be familiar with the integral sign ∫ and the names of the various parts of
the definite integral as shown below.

← upper limit

 f ( x ) dx
 [ integrand]

⌡a ← lower limit

The symbol dx is always part of the integral and refers to the variable x in the
integrand. (See Note 2 on p. 379 in 8th edition or p. 385 in 9th edition.)

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-6

It is important to remember that a definite integral is a number.

Example 1

) 2 x − 3 on the interval [ 2, 6 ] with the partition

Evaluate the Riemann sum for f ( x=
[ 2, 2.8, 3.6, 4.4, 5.2, 6] and the midpoints as sample points.
x1 2.8 –=
∆= 2 0.8
∆x2 3.6 –=
= 2.8 0.8
∆x 3 = 4.4 − 3.6 = 0.8       
∆x4 = 5.2 − 4.4 = 0.8       
∆x5 =6 − 5.2 =0.8      
P   max{
= ∆x1 ,. . ., ∆x5 }
= max {0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8}
The midpoints are 2.4, 3.2, 4, 4.8, 5.6 and the Rieman sum is
0.8 [𝑓𝑓(2.4) + 𝑓𝑓(3.2) + 𝑓𝑓(4) + 𝑓𝑓(4.8) + 𝑓𝑓(5.6)] = (0.8)[1.8 + 3.4 + 5 + 6.6 + 8.2]
= (0.8) (25) = 20.

Example 2
Evaluate ∫
(10 − 3 x)dx as a limit of a Riemann sum, using right endpoints.

f ( x) =−
10 3 x , a =
−3, b =
∆x =
0 − (−3)
= .
Using right endpoints xi =−3 +

, and

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-7

 3i 
( )
f xi ∗ = f  −3 +

 3i 
= 10 − 3  −3 +
 n 
= 19 − .
3 n  9i 
∴ ∑ f xi∗ ∆x = ∑ 19 – 
=i 1 =i 1 
n n ( )
3 n 9 n 
n  ∑ n∑ 
= 19 – i
= i 1 =i 1 

3 9 n(n + 1) 
= 19n –
n n 2 
27  n2 + n 
= 57 –  
2  n2 
27  1
= 57 – 1+
2  n 

 27  1 
∑ ( )
f x1∗ ∆x lim  57 –
 1 + 
2  n 
i =1 
27 114 – 27 87
= 57 = – =
2 2 2
0 87 1
So ∫−3 (10 − 3x)dx = 2
or 43 .

Example 3
Express lim ∑∞
𝑛𝑛=1[3(𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 ) − 2𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 ] ( ) as a definite integral where the given interval is [0, 3].
∗ 3 ∗
𝑛𝑛→∞ 𝑛𝑛

[3 x 3 – 2 x]dx

Example 4
Express lim ∑ 5 ( 3 + 2ni ) + 4  as a definite integral.

n →∞
i =1

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-8

We have
b − a= 2, a= 3,
so b = 2 + a = 2 + 3 = 5,
b−a 2
= , and f (=
x ) 5 x 4 + 4,
n n
 
2i 
2 5
lim ∑  5  3 +  + 4  = ∫ [5 x 4 + 4]dx.
i =1  

n  n 3

Example 5
Evaluate ∫
9 – x 2 dx by interpreting it in terms of areas.


The graph of the function y = 9 – x 2 is the top half of the semicircle shown in the
following diagram. The integral represents the area under the curve from 0 to 3 as
shown. This area is one-quarter of the area of the circle of radius 3, or 1 (9π ) = 9π .
4 4
9 – x 2 dx.

Diagram 5.2.1

Example 6
Use the properties of the integral to evaluate ∫ –
x dx.

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-9

Diagram 5.2.2


– x, x<0
|x| = 
x, x≥0

π π

∫ 2

π | x | dx = 2 ∫ xdx

x 2 
2 π

= 2  0 
2 
 
Note that we can evaluate this integral as the area under the curve; namely, the areas
of the two triangles, 2( 1 )( π )( π ) = π .
2 2 2 4

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-10

Section 5.3: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Explain the connection between differential and integral calculus.
• Find the definite and indefinite integrals of a variety of functions.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 5.3 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

In this section, the author has stated the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in two
parts, FTC1 and FTC2. FTC1 on p. 394 in 8th edition or p. 400 in 9th edition shows that
differentiation and integration are inverse processes. Do read the proof (refer to
Figures 5 and 6 on pp. 393–394 in 8th edition or pp. 400–401 in 9th edition, but again
you do not have to reproduce it. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part 1, can
be stated roughly as follows:

FTC1: Given a continuous function f, the function g given by g( x) = ∫
f (t )dt
is continuous and has the property that the derivative of g will yield f back
again; i.e.,
d x
dx ∫a
g′( x)= f ( x)= f (t )dt.

Example 1
⌠ x
Find the derivative of the function g ( x ) =  sin 2 t dt.

⌡ 0

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-11

Since f ( t ) = sin 2 t is continuous,

⌠ x
g′ ( x ) =  sin 2 t dt
dx ⌡ 0
= sin x.

Example 2

Find d ex

dx ∫
(1 + t ) dt.

d ex

dx ∫ (1
1 + t ) dt =+
( 1 e2x ) ex .
Note that here we needed the Chain Rule (See Example 4

p. 396 in 8th edition or p. 402 in 9th edition). The Chain Rule is described in Unit 3 of
Calculus I (Section 3.4 of SVC) .
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part 2 (see p. 396 in 8th edition or p. 403 in 9th
edition) gives us a straightforward method for computing the value of the definite
integral of a continuous function f on an interval [a, b] by using any antiderivative of
f. More precisely,

Given a function f on [a, b], then
∫ a f (x ) dx = F(b) – F(a)
where F is any antiderivative of f (i.e., F' = f).

The proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part 2 (see p. 396 in 8th edition
or p. 403 in 9th edition) is easy to follow but, again, do not worry about being able to
reproduce it. When we use the FTC, we introduce an intermediate step with its own
notation (middle of p. 397 in 8th edition or top of p. 404 in 9th edition). This step
allows us to write the antiderivative down before we actually use it in the
computation of a definite integral. So, we write
⌠ b
f ( x=
) dx F ( x=
) F ( b ) − F ( a ) .

 a
⌡ a

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-12

Example 3
Evaluate the integral ∫ −1
(1 + 2 x)dx .


The integrand f ( x)= 1 + 2 x is continuous on [–1, 3]. An antiderivative of f is

F( x)= x + x 2 , so by Part 2 of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus we have

( )
3 3
x x 2 
∫−1 (1 + 2 x)dx =+ −1

= 3 + 32  − (−1) + (−1) 2  using F(3) − F( −1)

= 12.

Example 4
Find ∫−π2 (sin x + cos x) dx.
d d
Since = ( − cos x ) sin x and= ( sin x ) cos x ,
dx dx
an antiderivative of sin x + cos x is − cos x + sin x.

( − cos x + sin x )
π (sin x + cos x ) dx


  −π   −π  
=  − cos π + sin π  −  − cos   + sin  
  2   2 
=  −( −1) + 0  − 0 − 1
= 2.
Note that you have to know these exact values. Look in Appendix D Trigonmetry to
refresh your knowledge.
The final example, which is similar to Example 9 on p. 398 in 8th edition or p. 404 in 9th
edition, shows that care must be taken to ensure that a function is continuous on the interval
[a, b] in order to use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate an integral.

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-13

Example 5
What is wrong with the following calculation?
2 2 2
⌠  1 ⌠  1 

 
x=– dx  x2 –2+  dx
⌡–1 
x   
⌡–1  x2 
x3 1
= – 2x – 
3 x  −1
 23 1   (–1)3 1 
=  – 2(2) –  –  – 2(–1) – 
3 2  3 (–1) 
8 1  1 
=  – 4 –  –  – + 2 + 1
3 2  3 
8 1 1
= –4– + –3
3 2 3
1 1
= 3–7 − = –4
2 2

 1
Note that  x –  is not continuous on [–1, 2] as it is not defined at x = 0 , so the
 x
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus does not apply. This is actually an improper
integral. We will see how to evaluate this kind of integral in Section 7.8 and you may
2 2
⌠  1
check later that 
 
x– dx does not exist.
⌡–1 
x 

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-14

Section 5.4: Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Know what an indefinite integral is.
• Distinguish between a definite and an indefinite integral.
• Know the table of indefinite integrals.
• Know the Net Change Theorem and its applications.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 5.4 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

Note the warning on p. 403 in 8th edition or p. 409 in 9th edition of SVC on the
difference between a definite integral (a number) and an indefinite integral (a family
of functions). Note also the convention on pp. 403–404 in 8th edition or p. 410 in 9th
edition; that is, where a formula for an indefinite integral is given, it is valid only on
the interval for which the function is defined.
The Net Change Theorem on p. 406 in 8th edition or p. 412 in 9th edition is a
restatement of FTC2, using a rate of change. Taking the integral of a rate of change
gives us the net change. Note that when we take the integral of velocity (rate of
change of distance with respect to time), we get the displacement.
To get the total distance travelled, we have to take the integral of the absolute value
of the velocity function (see Example 6, p. 407 in 8th edition or p. 414 in 9th edition).

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-15

Example 1
Find ∫ (1- x ) (1 + x − x )dx.

First, we multiply to get

∫ (1- x ) (1 + x − x )dx= ∫ (1 − x + x − x − x + x3 )dx

2 2 2

= ∫ (1 − 2 x + x ) dx
2 3

2 x4
=x − x3 + + C.
3 4

Example 2
Water flows from the bottom of a storage tank at a rate of 𝑟𝑟(𝑡𝑡) = (10 − 𝑡𝑡)2 litres/min
where 0 ≤ 𝑡𝑡 ≤ 10, 𝑡𝑡 in minutes. Find the amount of water that flows from the tank in
the first five minutes.

By the Net Change Theorem (see p. 406 in 8th edition or p. 414 in 9th edition), the
amount of water that flows from the tank is
5 5 5
∫0 𝑟𝑟(𝑡𝑡)𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 = ∫0 (10 − 𝑡𝑡)2 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 = ∫0 (100 − 20 𝑡𝑡 + 𝑡𝑡 2 )𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑.
𝑡𝑡 3
The antiderivative 𝑅𝑅 (𝑡𝑡) = 100𝑡𝑡 − 10 𝑡𝑡 2 + .
5 125 875
So ∫0 𝑟𝑟(𝑡𝑡)𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 = 𝑅𝑅(5) − 𝑅𝑅 (0) = 500 − 250 + = litres.
3 3

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-16

Section 5.5: The Substitution Rule

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Perform integrations, using the Substitution Rule.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 5.5 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

In this section, you will learn to integrate certain functions using the Substitution
Rule. The Substitution Rule is one of several techniques used to perform
integrations. As you read through the development of the Substitution Rule on pp.
412–413 in 8th edition or pp. 419–420 in 9th edtion, you will notice that it involves the
Chain Rule for differentiation, which you can find in Unit 3 of Calculus I (Section 3.4
of SVC). Recall that the Chain Rule is used to differentiate composite functions; i.e.,
functions of the form f g ( x ) . )
In using the Substitution Rule, the change of variable or substitution

u = g ( x ) is made so du= g′( x)dx.

Therefore, we need to identify the function that is u and then find du.
A good way to perform the Substitution Rule is by using a substitution box. This box
contains the equations you need to make the substitution and is usually written at the side.

u = g( x)
du= g′( x)dx

Note the Substitution Rule for Definite Integrals (Box 6) on page 416 in 8th edition or
page 423 in 9th edition, and remember to use the new limits for integration when you
make a substitution.

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-17

Example 1

Evaluate ∫ x 2 (1 + x 3 )5 dx.


First, we let u= 1 + x 3 and set up our substitution.

u = 1 + x3
du = 3 x 2 dx
= x 2 dx

Then we have
∫ x (1 + x ) dx =
∫u 3
2 3 5 5

1 5
u du

1  u6 
=  +C
3 6 
1 6
= u + C.
Now we substitute back u = 1 + x3 to obtain
(1 + x 3 ) + C.
(1 + x 3)5 dx =
Note that we can check our answer by taking the derivative.

d 1  1
( ) ⋅ 3x
3 6
 (1 + x ) + C  = ⋅ 6 1 + x3 2

dx  18  18
( )
= x2 1 + x3

Example 2
⌠ 5
Evaluate 
 4t + 1 dt.

⌡ 2

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U1-18


4t + 1 du =
= dt
= t 2= u 9
= t 5= u 21
⌠ 5 ⌠ 21

 4t + 1 dt =

 u

⌡ 2

⌡ 9 4
1 ⌠
= u du
4 ⌡ 9
1  2 23 21 
=  u 
4 3 
 9 

= 21 21 − 27  .
6 

Note that alternatively we may find the indefinite integral in t and then apply the
limits for t.
So we would have
⌠ ⌠

 4t + 1 dt = u where u =4t + 1

⌡ 4
1 2 23
= ⋅ u
4 3
= (4t + 1) 2 .
⌠ 5
1 3 5

So 

4t + 1 dt =
( 4 t + 1 ) 2

⌡ 2 2

=  21 21 − 27  .
6 

A Note on Assignment 1
You should now complete Assignment 1. Submit the assignment to your
Open Learning Faculty Member. Keep a copy of the assignment—it will be
useful if you wish to discuss your work with them.

TRU Open Learning

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