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Faculty of Science

Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and


MATH 1241
Calculus II
Table of Contents
Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series
Introduction ................................................................................................................. U5-1
Section 11.1: Sequences ............................................................................................. U5-2
Section 11.2: Series ..................................................................................................... U5-8
Section 11.3: The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums ..................................... U5-14
Section 11.4: The Comparison Tests ..................................................................... U5-18
Section 11.5: Alternating Series ............................................................................. U5-21
Section 11.6: Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests ................ U5-23
Section 11.7: Strategy for Testing Series .............................................................. U5-27
Section 11.8: Power Series ....................................................................................... U5-29
MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-1

Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

11.1 Sequences
11.2 Series
11.3 The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums
11.4 The Comparison Tests
11.5 Alternating Series
11.6 Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests
11.7 Strategy for Testing Series
11.8 Power Series

In this unit, you will learn how to test sequences and series for convergence or
divergence. You will also learn how to determine the radius and interval of
convergence for a power series.

TRU Open Learning

U5-2 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Section 11.1: Sequences

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Find the formula for an , the general term of a given sequence.
• Determine if a given sequence converges or diverges.
• Find the limit of a convergent sequence.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 11.1 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

We have an intuitive idea of a sequence of numbers, that is, a list of numbers with a
pattern. There is a first term, a second term, and so on, with a relation between
successive terms so that we can tell what the next term will be. Each term is denoted
by using a subscript, so that {a1 , a2 , a3 , ..., an , ...} represents the sequence {an } with
a1 as its first term, a2 as its second term, and so on. Notice that a sequence is a
function whose domain is the set of positive integers. In function notation, we have
f (1) = a1
f (2) = a2

f (n) = an

We use the notation {an } or {an }n=1 to represent the sequence, and an for the nth

term. Some sequences may start with a subscript other than 1. We show two such
cases as part of the example below.

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-3

Example 1
For each of the following sequences, write out the first six terms.

a.  n 
 
 n + 2 n = 1

b.  n − 2 2 

( )
 n = 2

c. 1  n 
 1 + ( −1)  
2 n =1
nπ ∞
d. esin 6 
 
 n = 0


a.  1 , 1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 3 , 
 
3 2 5 3 7 4 
b.  
3 3 3

0, 1, 2 2 , 3 2 , 8 , 5 2 , 
 
{0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, }

d. 
1 3 3 1
1, e , e , e , e , e , ...
2 2 2 2

 

Some sequences, such as the famous Fibonacci sequence { f } (see Example 3 on p.


695 in 8th edition or p. 725 in 9th edition of SVC) are defined recursively, using preceding
terms of the sequence. Once the defining conditions are known, all terms of the
sequence can be found, although there is no simple way to find the nth term of the
sequence. It must be calculated by first finding all the previous terms of the sequence.

Example 2
Consider the sequence {g } defined recursively by

g1 =1, g2 =2, gn =2 gn−1 + gn− 2 , n ≥ 3.

Find the first eight terms of the sequence.

TRU Open Learning

U5-4 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Although the terms of the sequence can be easily calculated one at a time, the
pattern is not obvious and so we are unable to specify the value of gn . We already
g1 1,=
have= g2 2, so we now compute the remaining six terms:
2(2) + =
1 5
g4= 2(5) + 2= 12
2(12) +=
5 29
2(29) + 12= 70
g7= 2(70) + 29= 169
2(169) + 70
= 408
The first eight terms of the sequence are {1, 2, 5, 12, 29, 70, 169, 408} .

When there are infinitely many terms in a sequence, we can determine whether or
not that sequence has a limit; that is, we can find a number L such that lim an = L .

Thus, when the limit L of the sequence exists, L will be a number which is arbitrarily
close to an in the case where n is sufficiently large. The precise definition of the limit
of a sequence is given in Definition 1 on p. 696 in 8th edition or p. 726 in 9th edition.
To understand this definition better, read the discussion and study Figures 3–6 on
pp. 696–697 in 8th edition or Figures 4–8 pp. 726–728 in 9th edition.
A sequence, which has a limit, is said to converge or to be convergent. Otherwise,
we say that the sequence diverges or is divergent. There are two ways for a
sequence to diverge:
1. If lim an = ∞ or lim an = −∞ (see Definition 5 on p. 697 in 8th edition or Definition
n→∞ n→∞

3 on p. 728 in 9th edition), then the sequence {an } diverges.

2. The terms of the sequence do not get “close” to any number L as n → ∞. The
sequence {( −1) } is an example of such a divergent sequence since

{( −1) } ={−1, 1, − 1, 1, − 1, 1, }.


The six Limit Laws for Sequences are stated (without proof) on p. 697 in 8th edition
or p. 728 of the in 9th edition. The proofs are also omitted here. Other useful results
are the Squeeze Theorem for Sequences on p. 698 in 8th edition or p. 729 in 9th edition
that if lim an 0=
or the theorem that states = then lim an 0 (Theorem 6 on p. 698 in
n→∞ n→∞

8 edition or p. 729 in 9 edition). We can now use these theorems and laws to
th th

determine the convergence or divergence of many sequences.

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-5

Example 3
Find lim .
n→∞ 1 + 2n2

n2 1
lim = lim
n→∞ 1 + 2n 2 n→∞ 1
1 1
= =
0+2 2

Example 4
n ln n
Find lim 3
(1+n ) 2

x ln x
∞ and lim ( 1 + n ) =
We note that lim n ln n = ∞ . If we write f ( x) =
, we
n→∞ n→∞
(1 + x ) 2

can apply L’Hôpital’s Rule to f (x).

x ln x H
1 + ln x
lim = lim
x →∞ 3 x →∞ 3 1

(1 + x ) 2 (1 + x ) 2
= lim
x →∞ 3 1
(1 + x ) 2

4 1+ x
= lim
x →∞ 3x
4  1+ x 
= lim  
x →∞ 3 x  x 

4 1
= lim +1
x →∞ 3 x x

TRU Open Learning

U5-6 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

n ln n and applying Theorem 3 (p. 697 in 8th edition) or Theorem

Noting that f (n) = 3

(1 + n) 2

n ln n
4 (p. 697 in 9th edition), we get that lim 3
= 0.
(1 + n) 2

Example 5
Determine the convergence or divergence of the sequence {an } with

( n+1 − n . )
At first glance, the terms of the sequence appear to contain the expression ∞ − ∞, an
indeterminate form. However, we can avoid this by multiplying top and bottom by
n+1 + n .

( n + 1) − n
( n + 1 − n =2 )
n+1 + n
2 ( n+1 + n )
= .
 n+1 
2 + 1
 n 
 
11 1
Now lim = =
n→∞  n + 1  2(2) 4
21+ 
 n 

n→∞ 2
( 1
n+1 − n =.
Bounded Sequences

If we consider the sequences {an } and {bn } , where an = ( −1) and bn = n , we can

verify that −1 ≤ an ≤ 1, n ≥ 1, ≤ bn ≤ 1, n ≥ 1. Hence, by Definition 11 on p. 701 in 8th
edition or p. 733 in 9th edition , {an } and {bn } are bounded sequences.

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-7

Now, even though both sequences are bounded, {an} diverges, but {bn} converges
with lim bn = 1. What is the difference between these two sequences? The terms in

the sequence, {( −1) } ={−1, 1, − 1, 1, − 1, 1, } , oscillate, but the terms in the sequence

 n   1 2 3  are successively increasing. We say that the sequence  n  is

  =  , , ,...   
 n + 1  2 3 4   n + 1
monotonic increasing. Using Theorem 12 on p. 702 in 8th edition or p. 733 in 9th
 n 
edition, the sequence   , being a bounded, monotonic increasing sequence,
 n + 1
converges. In this case, the limit is 1.

Example 6
Consider the sequence {an } with a1 ==
1, an 1 + n−1 , n ≥ 2.
a. Show that {an } is increasing.

b. Show that {an } is bounded above.

c. Find lim an .

a1 = 1,
1 1
a2 =1 + (1) =1+ ,
2 2
1 1  1 1
a3 =1 + 1 + (1)  =1 + + ,
2 2  2 4

1 1 1 1
an =1 + + +  + n −1 =2 − ( n −1) shows the sequence is increasing,
2 4 2 2

an ≤ 2, n ≥ 1
 1 
= an lim  2 − n 
n→∞ n→∞
 2 

TRU Open Learning

U5-8 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Section 11.2: Series

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Determine whether a given series is convergent or divergent.
• Find the sum of a convergent series.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 11.2 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

It is important to distinguish between a sequence {an } = {a1 , a2 , a3 ,...} and the series
∞ ∞

∑ an , which is an infinite sum, a1 + a2 + a3 ... .To determine if the series

n =1
n =1

converges, we consider the sequence of partial sums, {sn } , of the given series. The
nth partial sum, sn , is the sum of the first n terms of the
series, so sn = a1 + a 2 +  + an , n ≥ 1.

So, for each infinite series ∑ an , we consider the associated sequence, {sn}, the
n =1
sequence of partial sums. It is the convergence or divergence of this sequence that
determines the convergence or divergence of the infinite series. If the sequence of

partial sums, {sn}, converges to a number, S, then we say that the infinite series ∑ an
n =1

converges or is convergent and has sum, S, and we write S = ∑ an .
n =1

If the sequence of partial sums, {sn}, diverges, then we say that the infinite series

n =1
diverges or is divergent.

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-9

Example 1
Determine the convergence or divergence of the following series.

∑ 1
a. n =1

∑ 3n
b. n =1


a. Since sn = 1 + 1 + ... + 1 = n and lim sn = lim n = ∞ , the series diverges.

n→∞ n→∞

s1 =
b. 3
1 1 4
s2 = + =
3 9 9
1 1 1 13
s3 = + + =
3 9 27 27
1 1 1 1 40
s4 = + + + =
3 9 27 81 81
It is not obvious that there is a formula for the nth partial sum of the series. We see
that each of the first four partial sums is less than 1 . If we study the series ∑ n on
2 2
p. 708 in 8 edition or p. 740 in 9 edition, we can then try to find a similar
th th

expression for sn. Although it may not be obvious in this example,= 1 1

sn  1 − n  . You
2 3 
may check s1 , s2 , s3 , and s4 to verify this. Therefore, the series converges and has
sum 1
. We will see below that this is an example of a geometric series.

Geometric Series
One of the important infinite series is the geometric series:

a + ar + ar + ⋅⋅⋅ +=
ar + ⋅⋅⋅n −1
∑ ar
n =1
n −1
, a ≠ 0.

Note that sn= a1 + a2 + ⋅⋅⋅ + an

= a + ar + ar 2 + ⋅⋅⋅ + ar n−1

a 1 − rn ).
1− r

TRU Open Learning

U5-10 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

For a derivation, see Example 2 on p. 709 in 8th edition or p. 741 in 9th edition.

Note that if | r |< 1 then lim r n =

0, so the geometric series
n →∞

n =1
n −1
=a + ar + ar 2 ... converges if | r |< 1 and its sum is
1− r

We write ∑ ar
n =1
n −1
1− r

In the case r ≥ 1 , the series is divergent.

Example 2

Find the sum of the first ten terms of the divergent geometric series, ∑2.
n =1

a(1 − r n )
The formula for the nth partial sum of a geometric series is sn = (see Box 3
1− r
a 2,=
on p. 709 in 8th edition or p. 742 in 9th edition). In this case,= r 2, and= n 10,
2 1 − 210 ( )
so s10 = 2046. Note that the given series diverges.
1− 2
Example 3
Find, where possible, the sum of the following geometric series:
24 192 1536
a. 3 − + − +
7 49 343
b. 10 + 9 + 8.1 + 7.29 + 6.561 +
a = 3 and r = − .
a. In this case 7
Since |𝑟𝑟| = > 1, the series diverges.

case, a 10
b. In this= = and r .
Since |r| < 1, the series converges and has sum

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-11

= 100.

The behaviour of the sequence of terms {an } can tell us something about the

series. Note that if the series ∑a
n =1
converges, then since

an= sn − sn−1 ,
= an lim ( sn − sn−1 )
n→∞ n→∞

= s−s
= 0,

where s is the limit of the sequence of partial sums {sn } . This result is stated as
Theorem 6 on p. 713 in 8th edition or p. 745 in 9th edition.
From this result, we have a Test for Divergence (see Box 7 on p. 713 in 8th edition
or p. 745 in 9th edition).

If lim an ≠ 0 or lim an does not exist, then the series
n→∞ n→∞
n =1
is divergent.

Note: We have just learned that if ∑a
n =1
converges, then lim an = 0. The
n→ ∞

converse of this statement does not hold. That is, if lim an = 0, this does not
∞ ∞
guarantee that the series ∑ an converges. Consider the harmonic series
n =1
n =1

which diverges (see Example 9 on p. 713 in 8th edition or p. 746 in 9th edition).
1 ∞ ∞
Here lim
= = 0 but ∑
an lim = an ∑ diverges. The harmonic series is a
n→∞ n
n 1 n
= n 1=

1 ∞
special case of the p-series. This is the series
n =1 np

that converges for p > 1

and diverges for p ≤ 1 (this is shown in Example 2 of Section 11.3, pp. 721–722

1 ∞
in 8th edition or p. 754 in 9th edition). So ∑ diverges and ∑ 2 converges
n =1 n n =1 n

but, in both cases, lim an = 0.


TRU Open Learning

U5-12 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Example 4
Determine whether each of the following series is convergent or divergent. If it is
convergent, find its sum.

a. ∑
n =1 n2 + 1

b. ∑e
n =1

c. ∑2 5
n =1
n − n −1

 1
d. ∑ ln  sin n 
n =1

n2 ∞
n→∞ n2 + 1
= 1 ≠ 0 so ∑
n =1 n2 + 1

1 ∞
< 1 so ∑   is a convergent geometric series
n −1  e 

= s =1
1− e e −1

1 ∞ 2

∑ 2
n 1=
5 = ∑ n

5 n 1  5 
− n −1

 2 
1 5 
=  
5 2
 5 
12 2
= = .
5  3  15
Hence the given series converges and has a value of .
 1  1
lim  sin  = 0 so lim ln  sin  = −∞ , hence the series diverges.
 n n →∞
 n

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-13

Example 5
Write N = 3.4597 as an infinite series and then express N as a rational number.

N = 3.459745974597 
3 + 0.4597 + 0.00004597 + 0.000000004597 + 
3 + 0.4597 1 + 10 −4 + 10 −8 + 
4597  1 
= 3+
10000  1 − 10 −4 
4597  10000 
= 3+
10000  9999 
3(9999) + 4597
29997 + 4597

TRU Open Learning

U5-14 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Section 11.3: The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Know when to use the Integral Test.
• Determine the convergence or divergence of certain infinite series using the
Integral Test.
• Estimate the sum of certain series, using an improper integral.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 11.3 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

We note that the Integral Test applies only to those series ∑a
n =1
where the associated

function f (with f(n) = an) has the properties such that f is continuous, positive,

decreasing on [1, ∞), and we are able to find 

f ( x) dx . When the improper integral


converges, then we conclude that the series ∑a
n =1
converges (see Figures 3 and 4 on

p. 723 in 8th edition or pp. 755–756 in 9th edition of SVC).

Example 1
Test the following series for convergence or divergence:

a. ∑
n= 2 n (ln n)2

b. ∑
n= 2 3n

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-15

a. The associated function f ( x) = is positive, continuous, and decreasing
x (ln x)2
on ( 2,∞ , o we apply the Integral Test.
⌠ ∞
1 1 

= lim −

⌡ 2 x ( ln x )
2 b →∞ ln x  2
1 1 1
= − lim = .
ln 2 b→∞ ln b ln 2

Since the improper integral converges, the series ∑
n= 2 n (ln n)2

b. The function f ( x) = is positive and continuous on [1, ∞). It is also decreasing

f ′( x) =
3 x (1) − x 3 x ln 3 )
32 x
3 x (1 − x ln 3)
32 x
1 − x ln 3
= ,
so f ′( x) < 0 for x > ≈ 0.91.
ln 3
To integrate f ( x=
) ( )
= x 3− x , we use integration by parts with
=u x=dv 3− x dx
−3− x
=du dx
= v
ln 3
⌠ ∞
− x 3− x  ⌠ 3− x

= 
 dx lim  +  dx
 3 x b →∞ ln 3 ln 3
⌡1 1 ⌡ 1
 −b 3 − b 1  −3− x 
= lim  +  + lim
b →∞
 ln 3 3 ln 3  b→∞ ( ln 3 )2 
 1
1 −b 3 1 −3− b
= + lim + − lim
3 ln 3 b→∞ ln 3 3 ( ln 3 )2 b→∞ ( ln 3 )2
1 1
= +
3 ln 3 3 ( ln 3 )2

TRU Open Learning

U5-16 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Since the improper integral converges, then by the Integral Test, the series


n =1 3n
also converges.

Convergence or divergence of a large class of series called the p-series can be

determined using the Integral Test (see Example 2 and Box 1 on pp. 721–722 in 8th

edition or p. 754 in 9th edition). The p-series is ∑ p and the conclusion is that the p-
n =1 n

series converges if p > 1 and diverges if p ≤ 1.

The error or remainder, Rn =s − sn =an+1 + an+ 2 + ..., when approximating the sum s
by sn is easily obtained (see discussion along with Figures 3 and 4 on p. 723 in 8th
edition or pp. 755–756 in 9th edition), using the improper integrals as a lower bound
and an upper bound on Rn as shown in Box 2 on p. 723 in 8th edition or p. 756 in 9th
edition; i.e.,
⌠∞ ⌠∞

f ( x ) dx ≤ Rn ≤ 

f ( x ) dx.
⌡ n +1 ⌡n

If we now add sn to all sides of the inequality, we get

∞ ∞
𝑠𝑠𝑛𝑛 + ∫𝑛𝑛+1 𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥)𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 ≤ 𝑠𝑠 ≤ 𝑠𝑠𝑛𝑛 + ∫𝑛𝑛 𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥)𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 as shown in Box 3 on p. 724 in 8th edition or p.
757 in 9th edition, which gives a lower bound and an upper bound for the sum, 𝑠𝑠 , of
the series.

Example 2
1 ∞
Approximate the sum of the series
n =1 n
2 ∑
by using the first eight terms of the series.

Estimate the error. How many terms are required to ensure that the sum is accurate
to within 0.002?

1 1 1
𝑛𝑛=1 ≈1+ + …+ = 1.5274
𝑛𝑛2 22 82

To estimate the error, note that

⌠ 1  1

= dx lim  − 
 x

⌡n x b →∞

 1 1 1
= lim  − = ,
b →∞ n
 b  n

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-17

Rn ≤ .
∞ 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 1
𝑅𝑅8 ≤ ∫8 = = 0.125
𝑥𝑥 2 8

The size of the error is at most 0.125.

1 π2∞
Note: Since we are given that ∑
n =1
n 2
≈ 1.6450 (see the middle of p. 722 in 8th

edition or top of p. 755 in 9 edition), we have s −=

th s8 1.6450 − 1.5274
= 0.1176.

To ensure accuracy to within 0.002 = , we need to determine the value of n so
1 1
that Rn ≤ . Since Rn ≤ , we need n = 500, so we need 500 terms to ensure
500 n
accuracy to within 0.002.

Example 3

Use n = 8 to estimate the sum of the series ∑
n =1 n2

∞ ∞
⌠ 1 ⌠ 1
s8 +  dx ≤ s ≤ s + 


⌡9 x2 8 
⌡8 x2
1 1
1.5274 + ≤ s ≤ 1.5274 +
9 8
1.6385 ≤ s ≤ 1.6524 (with error <0.002)

Since =
s ≈ 1.6450, we can verify our error bound.

TRU Open Learning

U5-18 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Section 11.4: The Comparison Tests

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Determine convergence (or divergence) of series using the comparison tests.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 11.4 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

There are two tests covered in this section—the Comparison Test and the Limit
Comparison Test. Both are used with series of positive terms. Examples 1 and 2
illustrate the use of the Comparison Test, while Examples 3 and 4 illustrate the Limit
Comparison Test.

Example 1

Test the series ∑n
n =1
for convergence or divergence.

n 1 1 ∞
Since =3
n +2 2 2
and the series ∑n 2
converges (the p-series with p > 1),
n + n =1


then the series ∑n
n =1
also converges.

Example 2

Determine whether the series ∑ converges or diverges.
n= 2 n3 − n

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-19

Note that an = is of the order of magnitude n = 1 , and so
3 3 1
n −n n2 n2
we suspect the given series will diverge. We also note that
n n
= 3
n −n 3
n 2
= 1
n 2

and that
1 1
> 1 for n ≥ 2. Since the p-series ∑ 1
diverges, the series
1 n =1
n 2
n 2
1 − 2 n2

n also diverges.
∑ 3
n= 2 n −n

The Limit Comparison Test

The Limit Comparison Test is given on p. 729 in 8th edition or p. 762 in 9th edition.
The cases, c = 0 and c = ∞ , are dealt with in Exercises 40 and 41 on p. 732 in 8th
edition or Exercises 48–49 on p. 765 in 9th edition.

Example 3
Use the Limit Comparison Test to determine the convergence or divergence of the

1 .
∑ 1+ e
n =1


We use the convergent geometric  1 < 1  series 1 ∞ ∞

 1  for comparison.
∑ e n
= ∑  
n 1 e
  =n 1=

Note that
n en
lim 1 + e = lim
n→∞ 1 n→∞ 1 + e n
= lim − n = 1 > 0,
n→∞ e +1

so the series ∑ 1+ e
n =1
converges by the Limit Comparison Test.

TRU Open Learning

U5-20 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Example 4
Use the Limit Comparison Test to determine the convergence or divergence of the


n= 2
n −1


We use the known p-series ∑
n= 2
for comparison. Note that
n 2

5 5
lim n − 1 = lim

n →∞ 1 n →∞ 5

5 n 2 −1
= lim = 1 > 0,
n →∞ 1
1− 5

so the series

1 converges by the Limit Comparison Test.

n= 2
n −12

Example 5
Use the Limit Comparison Test to determine the convergence or divergence of the

3n − 1
series ∑ n .
n =1 2

3 ∞
 3  for comparison. Note
We use the known divergent (geometric, > 1 ) series ∑  
2 n =1  2 

3n − 1
lim 2n =

n →∞ 3 3n
lim n
2 n n →∞ 3 − 1

n →∞ 1 − 3− n

= 1,

3n − 1
so the series ∑
n =1 2n
diverges by the Limit Comparison Test.

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-21

Section 11.5: Alternating Series

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Know when to use the Alternating Series Test.
• Carry out the test.
• Estimate the partial sums of an alternating series.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 11.5 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

An alternating series is a series whose terms alternate in sign. The nth term, an, of an
alternating series is either of the form an = ( −1)n−1 bn or an = ( −1)n bn , , where bn > 0. The test
for an alternating series is given on pp. 732–733 in 8th edition or pp. 765–767 in 9th
edition of SVC. There are two conditions, which will ensure convergence of an
alternating series (both must be met).
These two conditions are:
1. bn+1 ≤ bn , for all n
2. lim bn = 0

Example 1

1 .
Determine the convergence or divergence of the alternating series ∑ (−1)
n =1

1 1 1 1
=bn = , bn+1 and < ,
1. n+3 n+4 n + 4 n + 3 for all n
lim =0
2. n→∞ n+3
So the alternating series

1 converges by the Alternating Series Test.
∑ (−1)
n =1


TRU Open Learning

U5-22 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Example 2
Determine the convergence or divergence of the alternating series
n  1  ∞ n n+2

∑ (
n 1=
−1)  n + 1  =∑ ( −1) n + 1 .

1 +
 n1

bn =
n + 1, bn+1 =
n+3 n+2
Claim: <
n+ 2 n+1
Proof: (n + 3)(n + 1) < (n + 2)2
n2 + 4n + 3 < n2 + 4n + 4, (true for all n ≥ 1)

b. lim n + 1 = 1
n→∞ n + 2

Since the alternating series ∑ (−1)
n =1

satisfies (a), but not (b), it is divergent.

An estimate of the sum of a convergent alternating series can be made using the
Alternating Series Estimation Theorem (p. 735 in 8th edition or p. 768 in 9th
edition). If sn is the partial sum of the alternating series and the remainder is
Rn = s − sn , then the Alternating Series Estimation Theorem gives us the
inequality |𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛 | ≤ 𝑏𝑏𝑛𝑛+1 .

Example 3

( −1)
n +1

Find the sum of the series ∑
n −1 n5
accurate to three decimal places.

We begin with
1 1 1
s4 =1 − + − =0.9718
2 5 35 4 5
s5 =s4 + 5 =0.9722
s4 =s5 − 5 =0.9721

Since the term 15 ≈ 0.00006, it will not change the first three decimal places in the sum, S,
so by the alternating Series Estimation Theorem, S = 0.972 (to three decimal places).

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-23

Section 11.6: Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and

Root Tests
When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Determine whether a given series converges conditionally, converges absolutely,
or diverges.
• Know when to use the Ratio Test.
• Carry out the Ratio Test.
• Know when to use the Root Test.
• Carry out the Root Test.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 11.6 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

In this section, we consider the convergence or divergence of a series, ∑a n
, where the
n =1

terms an are not necessarily positive. Thus, we can ask about convergence or divergence
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
of ∑
n =1
an as well as that of ∑ an . If the series
n =1
∑n =1
an converges, then the series ∑a
n =1

is said to be absolutely convergent (see Definition 1 on p. 737 in 8th edition or p. 769 in

∞ ∞
9th edition of SVC). If the series ∑ an converges, but the series ∑ an diverges, then
n =1 n =1
we say that the series is conditionally convergent (see Definition 2 on p. 738 in 8th
edition or p. 770 in 9th edition). Theorem 3 on p. 738 in 8th edition or p. 770 in 9th edition
shows that an absolutely convergent series is also convergent. We can test any
alternating series for conditional and absolute convergence using the two tests
discussed in this section: the Ratio Test and the Root Test.

TRU Open Learning

U5-24 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Example 1

Determine whether the series ∑ (−1)
n =1

is conditionally convergent, absolutely

convergent, or divergent.

Since this is an alternating series, we can apply the Alternating Series Test.
1 1
an +1 = < = an , n ≥ 1
n +1 n
lim =0

So the series is convergent by the Alternating Series Test.

∞ ∞
Note that
=n 1=n 1
∑|an |= ∑ n
is a p-series (p = 1/2), and hence diverges. So the given

series ∑ (−1)
n =1

is conditionally convergent.

Example 2

( −1)n 2 n
Determine whether the series ∑
n =1 n2
is conditionally convergent, absolutely

convergent, or divergent.

2n < H > 2 n ln 2 < H > 2 n (ln 2)2
Note that lim = lim = lim = ∞.
n→∞ n2 n→∞ 2n n→∞ 2
( −1)n 2 n∞
Therefore, the series ∑ diverges.
n =1 n2

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MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-25

The Ratio Test

The Ratio Test is given on p. 739 in 8th edition or p. 774 in 9th edition. This is a test for
absolute convergence and is used when the behaviour of the ratio is easily calculated.

We determine the limit L of the ratio an+1 as n → ∞. We note that in the case L = 1, the test
fails. There are examples of both convergent and divergent series where L = 1 (see Note in
the middle of p. 740 in 8th edition or Example 3 p. 776 in 9th edition).

Example 3
Use the Ratio Test to determine the convergence or divergence of the following

a. ∞

n =1 3n
b. ∞
n! .

n =1 n10

Since all terms are positive, we can drop the absolute value signs.
a. an +1 (n + 1) 2 . 3n
= n +1
an 3 n2
1  n +1 
=  
3 n 
1  1
= 1+
3  n 
1  1 1
So lim 1 +  =< 1
n →∞ 3  n 3
and the given series converges.
an +1 (n + 1)! . n10
an (n + 1)10 n !
 n 
= (n + 1)  
 n +1 
 
 1 
= (n + 1) 
1 + 
 n

TRU Open Learning

U5-26 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

 1 
So lim (n + 1)  1  = ∞
n →∞
1 + n 
and the given series diverges.

The Root Test

The Root Test is given on p. 741 in 8th edition or p. 777 in 9th edition. This is another test
for absolute convergence and is used when the behaviour of an n is easily calculated. In
the Root Test, we determine L = lim an n with the series converging absolutely when L

< 1, and diverging when L > 1. The Root Test is inconclusive when L = 1.

Example 4
Use the Root Test to determine convergence or divergence of the following series:


n =1 nn

 3 + 5n 

n =1
 1 + 3n 
 

e2n 1
e2 e2
=an =
, ( an ) n
= lim
n→∞ n
0 < 1 so the series converges.

1 n
 3 + 5n  3 + 5n
=an =  , ( an
) n
 1 + 3n  1 + 3n
3 + 5n 5
lim = lim n = > 1,
n→∞ 1 + 3n n→∞ 1 3
so the series diverges.

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-27

Section 11.7: Strategy for Testing Series

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Use the eight-point strategy to determine convergence or divergence of a given

Study Plan
1. Read Section 11.7 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

In this very short section, as a summary of our study of series, we obtain an eight-
point strategy for determining convergence or divergence of a given series (pp. 744–
745 in 8th edition or pp. 779–780 in 9th edition). This strategy is merely a guide to
assist in determining which test for convergence or divergence should be tried first.
More than one test will succeed on some series. As you read through the six
examples in this section of SVC, you should complete the solutions using the test
indicated. Four additional examples follow here.

Example 1

Test the series ∑ n +1
for convergence or divergence.
n =1


1 > 1 for n ≥ 2. Since 1 diverges, then the series
We note that
n +1 n ∑ n
n =1

∑ n +1
diverges by the Comparison Test.
n =1

Example 2
∞ 3n
Test the series ∑ ( −3)
for convergence or divergence.
n =1

TRU Open Learning

U5-28 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

Since the terms of the series are in the form  ( −3) 3  , the Root Test is appropriate
 n 
 
 ( −27 ) 
here. Since lim   = 0, the series converges absolutely.
n →∞
 n 

Example 3

Test the series ∑
n =1
ln (sin
) for convergence or divergence.

Note that all of the terms of the series are negative. Since lim ln sin = 0, we have
n→∞ n
 1
lim ln  sin  = −∞ , so the series diverges by the Test for Divergence.
n→∞  n

Example 4

Test the series ∑ ( n n − 1) for convergence or divergence.
n =1

We compare with the harmonic series, ∑∞
𝑛𝑛=1 , which diverges.𝑛𝑛
 1 1  n
 2 − 2 ln n  n
1 1
ln n
n −1
e −1 n
n n
lim  
= lim
n →∞ 1 n →∞ 1 n →0 1
n n n2

= lim
(1 − ln n ) n n = ∞
n →∞ −1
So the series diverges by the Limit Comparison Test.

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-29

Section 11.8: Power Series

When you finish this section, you should be able to:
• Determine the radius of convergence of a power series.
• Determine the interval of convergence of a power series.

Study Plan
1. Read Section 11.8 of SVC. Take the time to do this carefully.
2. Read the Study Hints and Discussion.
3. Do as many odd-numbered problems as you need to do in order to meet the
objectives of this section. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are given
at the back of your textbook and complete solutions are provided in the Student
Solutions Manual.

Study Hints and Discussion

A power series is a series of the form

∑ cn ( x − a) n = c0 + c1 ( x − c) + c2 ( x − a) 2 +  (1)
n =0
where c, c0, c1, c2, ... are constants and x is a variable. We call this a power series in x

about a. When a = 0 we get the series ∑ cn x n = c0 + c1 + c2 x 2 +  (2)

For each value of x, series (1) and (2) are series of constants, and so they may be
tested for convergence or divergence.
We use the Ratio Test to determine the values of x for which the given power series
converges. We learn from Theorem 4 on p. 749 in 8th edition or p. 783 in 9th edition
∞ ∞
that a power series ∑ un = ∑ cn ( x − a) n
n =0 n =0

i. Converges only when x = a.

ii. Converges for all x ∈ ( −∞, ∞ ) .
iii. There is some R > 0 such that the power series converges for x − a < R and
diverges for x − a > R.

TRU Open Learning

U5-30 Unit 5: Infinite Sequences and Series

The number R in case (iii) is called the radius of convergence of the power series.
Excluding case (i), the power series will converge on an interval, called the interval
of convergence of the power series. This is the set of all values of x for which the
power series converges. Since the interval x − a < R (case (iii)) is equivalent to a – R
< x < a + R, the endpoints of the interval x = a – R and x = a + R are not included. In
each case, both endpoints must be tested individually in the series to determine
convergence or divergence at these points.

Example 1
Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the power series

(x − 3) n .
∑ 5n
n =1


In this case,

x − 3) ( x −=3)
n n +1
u 5 n
=un ,so n +1
u ( x − 3) 5
n n +1 n
5 5 n

Using the Ratio Test, the series converges if < 1 or x − 3 < 5 , so the radius of
convergence is R= 5. The inequality |x – 3| < 5 is equivalent to –2 < x < 8. We now
test the endpoints, –2 and 8.
∞ ∞
( −5) n
When x = –2, we get ∑ 5n
= ∑ ( −1)n , which diverges.
n =0 n= 0

∞ ∞
5n =
When x = 8, we get ∑ 5n
∑ 1n , which also diverges. Therefore, the series
n =0 n =0
converges when –2 < x < 8 or (-2, 8).

Example 2
Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the power series
( ln n)( x − 5 )

n= 2 n

In this case, u n = (ln n) (x − 5) , so

TRU Open Learning

MATH 1241: Calculus II U5-31

un +1
( ln ( n + 1) ) ( x − 5) n +1

n ( ln ( n+1) ) ( x − 5 )
( ln n )( x − 5)
un n +1 n + 1 ln n

un +1
So lim = x−5 .
n →∞ un

n ln ( n + 1)
(You can verify for yourself that lim and lim are both = 1.)
n →∞ n +1 n →∞ ln n
Using the Ratio Test, the series converges if |x – 5| < 1 or 4 < x < 6. We now test the

( −1) n ln n
endpoints 4 and 6. When x = 4, we get ∑ , which converges by the
n =2 n
Alternating Series Test.

ln n
When x = 6, we get ∑n=2 n
, which diverges by the Integral Test.

⌠ ∞ ln x
You can verify for yourself that the integral  diverges.

⌡ 2 x
Therefore, the interval of convergence is 4 ≤ x < 6 or [4,6].

See the paragraph at the top of p. 750 in 8th edition or the Note in middle of p. 784 in
9th edition about the checking at endpoints.

A Note on Assignment 5
You should now complete Assignment 5. Submit the assignment to your
Open Learning Faculty Member. Keep a copy of the assignment—it will be
useful if you wish to discuss your work with them.

TRU Open Learning

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