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Hribixul parthenogenesis, they have no need to ever deal with

NO. APPEARING: 1 others of their own kind, and are never found in groups.
SIZE: Large
Ecology: Hribixul are unnatural creatures, though
HD: 7 (d10)
whether they are the product of a crazed god’s visions or
MOVE: 50 ft., 30 ft. (climb)
a mighty wizard’s magic is unknown. They hold no natural
AC: 17
place in the ecology, but act as top-level predators, hunting
ATTACKS: 2 Claws (1d6), 2 Hooves (1d4), 3 Bites —
even humans and other large creatures such as dragons.
Llama (2d4), Sabertooth Tiger (2d8), and Serpent (2d6 +
They reproduce via parthenogenesis; once per year, when
Poison) — and 2 Constriction (2d8)
hunting is good, a hribixul produces a large egg. It lays this
SPECIAL: Acid Spit, Constriction, Darkvision 60 ft.,
egg in a cave high upon a cliff face (and distant as possible
Poison, Roar, Twilight Vision
from its own hunting grounds), and heaps atop the egg a
pile of dead and rotting carcasses. The egg magically feeds
INT: Animal
upon the carcasses, and over a period of seven seeks,
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil
grows, until a full-grown hribixul hatches from the egg.
TYPE: Magical Beast
TREASURE: 6 Treasure: Hribixul prefer to feed on rotting corpses in
XP: 765+7/hp their lair, which is usually the cave in which they were born.
A hribixul is a creature born of madness, a distant cousin Thus there are always scores of bodies of local humans
of the chimera — it has the forequarters of a sabertooth and other humanoids heaped about its nest, among which
tiger, the hindquarters of a llama, two long giant serpent can be found the remnants of their treasures.
tails, and three heads: sabertooth tiger, llama, and giant
Assassins and alchemists can remove any remaining
serpent. It stands as tall as a warhorse, and the serpent tails
doses of acid or poison from the glands that produce
are each 15 feet long and can operate independently. The
them; such requires at least one hour per dose removed.
large sabertooth tiger head is central, with the llama and
Also, as the creature usually lairs in its birthing cave, near
serpent heads to each flank. Though smaller and lighter
the bottom of its nest 1d6-2 remaining shell fragments
than a chimera, they are utterly inimical to their distant
can be found. An alchemist can use a shell fragment to
cousins, and attack each other on sight.
brew a potion of hribixul control that works as a charm monster
Organization: Hribixul are solitary, disdaining spell against any hribixul (the hribixul from which the
even others of their own kind. As they reproduce by egg shells were taken gets no save against the effect).
Range: Hribixul are found in forested hills and Roar: A hribixul may roar once per hour using its
mountains; they prefer areas with plenty of buttes and central sabertooth-tiger head. All within 120 feet must
mesas, from which they can perch to watch for prey. make a CL 7 Charisma save; there is no effect if the save is
They are generally found only in lands where Aztec, successful. Those with 3 or fewer HD/levels who fail are
Mayan, Incan, and similar cultures are dominant. frozen with fear for 7 rounds; those with 4 to 7 HD/levels
who fail run away from the hribixul at maximum speed for
Combat: Hribixul know nothing of tactics; they simply 7 minutes. Those with 8 or more HD/levels who fail are
attack with everything they have at once, as opportunity merely shaken, and suffer a -1 penalty to hit for 7 rounds.
permits. If encountered at distance, they first use their
acid spit and roar attacks, then close for tooth-and-claw Memnech
melee. They ignore poisoned opponents in favor of
opponents still standing. If victorious against a party of NO. APPEARING: 1+
opponents, they eat at least one victim before leaving for SIZE: Medium
their lair, preferably one poisoned and still alert, dragging HD: 5 (d8)
other victims along in their teeth and with their tails. MOVE: 40 ft., 60 ft. (fly)
AC: 20
Acid Spit: A hribixul can spit a very strong acid from its ATTACKS: 4 Swords (2d4+4 + 1d6 Fire)
llama head three times per day (a dose regenerates after eight SPECIAL: Darkvision 60 ft., Battle Chatter, Flame
hours of rest). This is a ranged touch attack with a maximum Aura, Immunities (Acid, Death Magic, Fire, Petrification,
range of 50 ft. The acid deals 2d4 points of damage upon Poison, Polymorph), Resistances (Cold, Electricity,
hitting; it also deals an additional 2d4 points of damage the Sonic), SR 5, Tongues, Twilight Vision
second, third, and fourth rounds. The acid can be neutralized SAVES: M, P
with water; half a full skin of water does the job. INT: High
The limited contact is not normally enough to damage ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral
metal armor, though such will be scarred and slightly pitted. TYPE: Extraplanar
Leather, partial leather, and hide armor loses one point of AC TREASURE: 5 (only double jewelry, if present)
protection for every three full rounds of acid damage the target XP: 680+5/hp
suffers per spit. However, against metal armors, on a natural 20 Memnech, also known as “Blades of Vengeance,” are
to hit, the acid strikes a vulnerable spot, such as a leather strap, beings from a distant planar sphere of order and balance.
and if not neutralized in four rounds it burns through the strap They hire out to various deities as mercenaries, but only
and reduces the value of the armor’s AC bonus by one point. for missions where the deity is avenging him or herself
on heretics, schismatics, blasphemers, desecrators of
Constriction: A hribixul can use both of its tails to perform temples, and the like, never for conquest or to fight in the
separate constriction attacks against any opponents within 15 deity’s other battles. The price is always paid in jewelry,
feet. The victim suffers damage from the initial slap, and which memnech often wear on their missions.
must make a successful Strength save to avoid a constricting
hold. On the round immediately following the use of this Memnech take the form of tall, muscular, hairless male
ability, the victim suffers the effects of the constriction and female humans with four arms and glowing eyes that
automatically. A new save is allowed to escape the creature’s blaze white with righteous fury. Skin coloration is always
clutches every round. A hribixul constricts its victim for 2d8 unusual, such as pure white, ebon black, blood red,
points of crushing damage per round. Breaking free requires lime green, and the like, to set the memnech apart from
a successful Strength check against CL 7. common mortals. They also have four feathered wings,
each feather alternating platinum white or ebon black.
Poison: A victim bitten by the serpent head must make Some appear to wear armor or clothing, while others are
a CL 10 Constitution save or immediately fall to the nude; their AC is 20 whatever they may appear to wear.
ground paralyzed; the victim dies 1d4 minutes later, as
all bodily functions are quickly shut down by the potent Organization: Memnech appear only in numbers
venom. A successful save means the victim is merely equal to or slightly greater than the power of their target
slowed, as per the spell, for 7 rounds. A hribixul can opponents, rounded up to the nearest hit dice/levels of
inject venom only three times per day (a dose regenerates the memnech. For example, if a party of adventurers
after eight hours of rest). with 43 total levels desecrates a shrine of a deity, the
deity can hire nine memnech (45 hit dice) to see to his the taunting; once concentration is lost, it cannot be
vengeance. Memnech can only be hired once against regained as long as the individual memnech that caused
any one target per incident, so if the targets survive the its loss remains. Opponents who lose their concentration
encounter with the memnech, they need never worry suffer a -2 penalty to hit, a -2 penalty to AC, a -1 penalty
about encountering memnech over that incident again. to all attribute checks, ability checks, and saving throws,
and must make a class-based Prime save whenever they
They hire themselves out to any deity or deific-level being, wish to cast a spell (against CL level of the spell). The
regardless of alignment, provided the cause is vengeance and memnech continues to chatter even after the target loses
the jewelry is worth at least 250 gp per level of opponent. concentration, adding further insult to injury.
Ecology: Memnech are not native to the mortal planes, Flame Aura: Memnech are wreathed with white
and have no natural place in the ecology. They are never flames of righteous fury; any being within five feet of a
around long enough to need to eat or drink, do not need memnech suffers 1d6 points of fire damage.
to breathe, and when slain, leave no remains.
Immunities (Acid, Death Magic, Fire, Petrification,
Treasure: Memnech appear wielding a glittering Poison, Polymorph): Memnech are immune to all natural
flaming broad sword in each hand; many also wear and magical forms of Acid, Death Magic, Fire, Petrification,
jewelry, usually of gold or platinum, often with gems. Poison, and Polymorph.
All this fades from the mortal realm when the memnech
is slain… unless the item is stolen or wrested from the Resistances (Cold, Electricity, Sonic): Memnech
memnech a round or more prior to its dying, in which have a +5 to save against Cold, Electricity, and Sonic
case the item remains on the mortal plane. attacks, suffer no damage on a successful save, and only
half damage on a failed save.
If a mortal steals a blade or a piece of jewelry from a
memnech, and the memnech is subsequently slain on the Tongues: Whenever the memnech speaks, a listener hears
mortal plane before he can recover it, the memnech can its speech in its own native tongue. Memnech can understand
attempt to recover his lost goods once per year thereafter, on any mortal tongue, even secret tongues and thieves’ cant, and
the anniversary of the theft, until the goods are recovered or can understand any non-secret tongue of the outer planes.
the thief is slain. This is the only time memnech appear on the
mortal plane other than when sent on a mission of vengeance. Quasi-Dragon
A memnech blade is a magical flaming broad sword; NO. APPEARING: 1
it has no bonus to hit or damage, but counts as magical SIZE: Small to Large
against opponents who need a magical blade to be struck, HD: 1 to 12 (d10)
and it also deals 1d6 points of fire damage per hit. The MOVE: 40 ft., 40 ft. (climb), 40 ft. (swim)
fire can be turned on and off at the will of the wielder. AC: 11 to 22 (10 + 1/HD)
ATTACKS: 2 Claws (Varies), Bite (Varies + Poison), and
Range: Memnech are native to a distant plane, and are Tail Slap (Varies) or Constriction (Varies)
found on the mortal plane only when sent on a mission SPECIAL: Darkvision 60 ft., Constriction, Mutants,
by a vengeful deity. Poison, Twilight Vision
Combat: Memnech appear above their targets, call out in SAVES: P
unison a brief synopsis of the sins of the transgressors, then drop INT: Animal
down and attack with their blades. Each memnech concentrates ALIGNMENT: Neutral
on a single target to the exclusion of all other concerns, calling TYPE: Magical Beast
out to his target the sins he committed against their employer in TREASURE: See Below
excruciating detail, as only a deity scorned can know. XP: (Does not include any mutations)
1 HD: 16+1/hp 2 HD: 32+2/hp
Battle Chatter: While engaged with an opponent, a 3 HD: 65+3/hp 4 HD: 130+4/hp
memnech recounts to it its sins it committed against 5 HD: 260+5/hp 6 HD: 370+6/hp
its employer in great and thorough detail, such that 7 HD: 585+7/hp 8 HD: 1,025+8/hp
all can hear. Every round, the opponent must make a 9 HD: 1,600+9/hp 10 HD: 2,400+10/hp
CL 5 Charisma save or lose his concentration due to 11 HD: 2,975+11/hp 12 HD: 3,625+12/hp
Quasi-dragons, also known as false dragons, dragon- After mating, the female deposits several dozen eggs in a pit
lizards, or dragon-serpents, are large, frilled and finned, she has dug in loose soil in swampy land; she then abandons
scaled creatures with features of both serpent and the eggs, and has nothing to do with raising the young, which
lizard and dragon. It is thought that they are either a hatch after two months. The young, (mere 1 hp, 1 HD
primitive ancestor to true dragons or a distant cousin creatures when born) make their own way individually in the
thereof. In some lands they are plentiful enough that swamp, competing with and eating each other, crocodiles,
they are considered true dragons, and true dragons are and other swamp denizens, wandering the bayous and bogs
considered to be the royalty of dragon-kind. until they reach 4 HD, when they then make their way into
nearby forests and hills. At this stage they seek to create a
The typical quasi-dragon has a body like that of a lizard, with lair, a nest in a cavern system where they can safely rest after
a neck as long as its body, and with a tail as long as neck and gorging themselves on cattle and sheep.
body combined. Its legs are short and stumpy, but quite strong,
giving them a sinuous serpentine appearance. The head is Once they reach 4 HD, quasi-dragons sleep a lot; it is more
crocodilian, with many long jagged teeth and a long red tongue. a short-term hibernation, really. They usually eat for several
Some bear horns upon their head and frills around their neck, days or even weeks, filling their belly nearly to bursting, then
especially old males, and they have a long line of spikes down hibernate for a number of weeks equal to the number of hit
their back. Midway down their back, on either side of the dice of creatures consumed during their frenzied feast (leveled
spikes, are long fins, like those on various species of lizards; in beings such as humans counting as only a single hit die).
some these take the appearance of vestigial wings. When they awaken from this hibernation, they are ravenous,
and the whole slaying and feasting cycle continues. If, during
A quasi-dragon’s body is one foot long per hit die, as is their hunt, they encounter another quasi-dragon, they put off
its neck; its tail is as long as the neck and body combined. the hunt until the other is slain or flees the territory.
Thus, a 1 HD quasi-dragon is four feet long altogether,
while a 12 HD quasi-dragon is 48 feet long from the tip At 8 HD, quasi-dragons are ready to breed, and join
of its snout to the tip of its tail. Skin coloration is usually the spring mating groups in distant swamplands, perhaps
grayish-black with a whitish-gray underbelly, though some even the very swamps in which they were spawned.
have reddish, greenish, or bluish scales, alone or in a
rainbow, and a few sub-breeds even have feathers! Those Treasure: Quasi-dragons like shiny things, in the
with coloration other than the basic grayish-black feature same fashion as many birds, and so like to collect armor,
the color(s) in deep colors on their frills and fins. weapons, gems, coins, and other shiny treasures from
their more intelligent victims. They do not recognize this
Organization: Unlike their more “advanced” cousins, as treasure, in the way a true dragon would, and so if it
quasi-dragons are solitary, only coming together during is stolen they rarely notice (though as they have a strong
mating season, when males fight for mating rights with sense of smell, they are more likely to follow a burglar as
the local females. During such times groups of up to a potential meal than in vengeance). If hibernating (50/50
a dozen adult males and females can be found, though chance if found in lair), a very lucky and very silent burglar
they are heard long before being seen, as mating rituals could possibly make off with just about everything in the
call for loud combat, roars and hoots, and trilling and lair… but any failure at moving silently gives a hibernating
cooing, in addition to displays with fins and frills. quasi-dragon a Mental save to waken (and any attack on a
quasi-dragon instantly brings it to full wakefulness).
Ecology: Quasi-dragons are usually the top predator
in their area, save for true dragons. They eat anything, Assassins and alchemists can harvest any remaining poison
preferring cattle and sheep, and thus are often enemies of from the quasi-dragon’s poison sacs; this requires one hour
farmers and ranchers. They prefer to lair in caverns, where per dose. Quasi-dragon teeth, as sharp as steel, can be used
they keep their nests lined with shiny things and the bones for arrowheads, knives, spar tips, or even short swords. An
of their victims. They like a variety of ecological niches, as alchemist can use a quasi-dragon brain to brew a potion of
they require swampy lands to breed forests and plains to quasi-dragon control, which operates as a charm monster
hunt, and hills and mountains to lair and sun themselves. spell against a single quasi-dragon of equal or fewer hit dice
The only ecological niche they are generally not found in is than the dragon from which the brain was harvested. An
wasteland; they even enjoy seacoasts, where they can swim armor smith can use quasi-dragon scales to make expert
and dive for large fish, whales, and sharks. and master-quality scale mail armor, three hit dice of scales

per man-sized suit, and/or shields equal to expert or master- Constriction: A quasi-dragon can use its long tail to
quality steel shields, one hit die of scales per small shield. constrict attacks against any opponent no taller/longer
than its HD in feet. The victim suffers damage from the
Range: Quasi-dragons favor areas with a variety of initial slap (equal to damage from a claw attack), and must
ecosystems in close reach — forests and plains for hunting, make a successful Strength save to avoid a constricting
waters for fishing and swimming, hills and mountains for hold. On the round immediately following the use of this
lairing, and swamps for mating. They also prefer areas with ability, the victim suffers the effects of the constriction
subterranean cavern systems, the better to hide and lair in, automatically. A new save is allowed to escape the
as well as nearby rural settled areas, the better to raid cattle creature’s clutches every round. Each round the victim
and sheep from ranchers and shepherds. suffers damage as listed in the table above. Breaking free
Combat: Quasi-dragons are not known for combat requires a successful Strength check against CL HD.
finesse; they essentially just bite and claw at an opponent until Mutants: Some quasi-dragons are mutants; they have
it is dead. Their body is so supple and quick they can even wings, fiery breath, spell-like abilities, or are even intelligent,
direct all four attacks — bite, two claws, and tail slap/constrict like true dragons! Perhaps 1 in 20 such creatures are mutants,
— at the same opponent in a round. When faced with mass with strange and unusual abilities as determined by the CK;
combatants, the quasi-dragon spits or breathes poison at the 20 example mutations are included below.
closest group first and then attacks the most heavily armored
opponent next, trying to wear them down first. Poison: A quasi-dragon has one dose of poison per hit
die; doses regenerate after eight hours, whether resting
QUASI-DRAGON COMBAT STATS or active. All quasi-dragons can inject their venom with
HD Size Claw Bite Const. Treasure Type a successful bit attack; those with 4 HD or better can
1 Small 1d3 1d4 1d4 – also spit venom in a line double their HD in feet (costs
2 Small 1d3 1d6 1d6 – two doses); those with 8 HD or better can also breathe a
3 Small 1d4 2d4 2d4 – cloud of poison (costs three doses), the cloud being four
4 Medium 1d4 2d6 2d4 1 times the quasi-dragon’s HD in length and twice it’s HD
5 Medium 1d6 2d8 2d6 2 tall and wide. The venom is very lethal; a failed CL HD
6 Medium 1d6 3d6 2d6 3
Constitution save indicates the victim falls over, dead
7 Large 2d4 3d6 2d8 5
before he hits the ground! A successful save indicates
8 Large 2d4 4d6 2d8 7
the victim falls to the ground paralyzed. Every 24 hours
9 Large 2d6 4d6 3d8 9
thereafter, another save must be made; success indicates
10 Large 2d6 5d6 3d8 11
11 Large 4d4 5d6 4d8 13
recovery, failure indicates continued paralysis, and a
12 Large 4d4 6d6 4d8 15
natural 1 on the save, succeed or fail, indicates death.

d20 Mutation
1 The quasi-dragon has full wings, and can fly poorly at a rate of 120 ft.
2 The quasi-dragon has a third pair of legs rather than fins, and can attack with an additional pair of claws each round.
The quasi-dragon has neither fins nor legs, and is very snake-like in appearance; it loses both claw attacks, but gains the
ability bite twice per round and to burrow through soil and dirt at a rate of 20 ft. per round.
The quasi-dragon has Low Intelligence and can speak the local language, if haltingly and poorly. Such creatures have a
4 random alignment, though 2/3rds are of Evil alignment. These Evil and intelligent quasi-dragons like to pass themselves off
as true dragons to local peasants, and require sacrifices of young virgin girls on a regular basis.
The quasi-dragon has a head like an elephant, complete with tusks with which it can gore for the same damage as a bite,
and it gains a second constriction attack with its long, prehensile nose.
The quasi-dragon’s scales are extremely large, thick, and hard, giving it an additional +6 bonus to AC. The scales of this
dragon can be used to make a suit of plate mail rather than scale, as per scale above.
The quasi-dragon breathes a line of fire in addition to all its other attacks, a cone twice as long as it has hit dice, and as wide as
it has hit dice at the end, dealing 1d6 points of damage per hit dice. It can breathe fire once per day per three hit dice, rounding
7 up, and recharges its breath one attack every eight hours. Alchemists can harvest the remaining fluid in the fire gland, requiring
two hours per dose, with each dose being used to create a potion of fire breathing that grants the imbiber the ability to breathe flame,
up to a total number of d6s equal to the hit dice of the quasi dragon, from 1 to full hit dice in a single round.
The quasi-dragon has High Intelligence and can cast spells as a wizard of a level equal to its hit dice. It knows only the
spells allowed to it by its level, and casts them without need for components or spell book. It can teach these spells to wizards
who accept it as their master, one spell level per month of service or (in some cases) per magic item traded, for it craves
magic items for its hoard.
The quasi-dragon has two necks and heads instead of a head, neck, and tail. It loses its constriction attack but gains an
additional bite attack. Though it has two heads, it has but one mind.
The quasi-dragon has Low Intelligence and the ability to polymorph into a single, unique animal, of the same size or
10 smaller than its own size, and back a number of times per day equal to its hit dice. It uses this ability to trick intelligent beings
and to scout out possible victims.
The quasi-dragon has three to seven heads, like a hydra; one is the main head, and the others are all secondary heads, with
1d10 HP each, separate from the hit points of the body and main head. If slain, a secondary head grows back over a month
while hibernating. Each secondary head can bite, though deals damage equal to the bite of a quasi-dragon of one less hit die
than the main head.
The quasi-dragon is a half-breed with a chromatic dragon, possessing the coloration, partial appearance, partial abilities,
and breath weapon of one of the following, d6: 1+2: red, 3+4: green, 5+6: blue. It has the same abilities as a true dragon
12 of its type of half its HD in age bracket. Breath weapon type is equivalent to that of the true dragon breed of the same
age bracket, though damage is merely 1d6 per hit die. The breath gland can be harvested by an alchemist to produce the
appropriate breath type, as per #7, above.
The quasi-dragon has a human-like head with horns and sharp teeth; it is quite horrible to behold, requiring any who gaze
upon it to make a Charisma save or flee in terror at full speed for one minute per HD of the quasi-dragon.
14 The quasi-dragon has a forked tail, granting it two constriction attacks per round.
The quasi-dragon has Low Intelligence and is centaur-like in form, with a humanoid-like torso where the head would
normally be. The torso is topped by a head as normal, and has two human-like clawed arms. It can attack with its normal
front claws and with its human-like claws at the same time; the smaller claws deal damage as a quasi-dragon of one fewer hit
dice. There is a 50% chance the quasi-dragon actually has High Intelligence and can cast spells, as #8, above.
The quasi-dragon has horns like a giant ram, and has a head butt attack in addition to its normal bite attack; the head butt
deals damage equal to that of a bite.
17 The quasi-dragon has a lion-like head; it retains its poison, and in addition has the ability to roar as per a dragonne.
The quasi-dragon has great tusks like a boar in addition to its normal fangs, and can make a gore attack each round in
addition to its bite attack. The gore attack deals damage as per a bite attack.
The quasi-dragon has a head like that of a gorgon, complete with the gorgon’s petrifying breath, useable four times per day.
It loses its normal poison and bite attacks, but gains a gore attack, which deals damage as per a bite attack.
20 Roll twice and combine results, re-rolling any second roll of 20.



By James Mishler
Graphic Design by Peter Bradley
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The body text of this product is in Garamond, section headings in Ronan, and the titles in Baldur. Thanks to Patrick “Mad Irishman” Murphy of Mad Irishman Productions
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This book uses the mystical, the supernatural, drugs, racism, sexism, insanity, and perversity for settings, characters, and themes. All such elements are elements of fiction, are
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Monstrous Menaces #4: Hribixul, Memnech, and Quasi-Dragon © 2009 by Adventure Games Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Adventure Games Publishing,
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depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts,
and special abilities; places, locations, environments, of this License with every copy of the Open Game
themes and graphic, photographic and other visual
creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities Content You distribute.
representations, including any text contained within
or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and
such items; (D) logos and trademarks, including but 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market
any other trademark or registered trademark clearly
not limited to Castles & Crusades, Castle Keeper, or advertise the Open Game Content using the name
identified as Product identity by the owner of the
SIEGE engine, Troll Lord Games, Adventure Games of any Contributor unless You have written permission
Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the
Publishing, or any other trademark or registered from the Contributor to do so.
Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the
trademark clearly identified as product identity by the
logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You
owner of the product identity, and which specifically
by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the to comply with any of the terms of this License with
excludes the open game content; (E) The names,
associated products contributed to the Open Game respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due
personality, descriptions and/or motivations of all
License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then
artifacts, creatures, characters, spells, enchantments,
“Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special
modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative 13. Termination: This License will terminate
abilities, places, locations, environments, equipment,
Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, gods, races,
means the licensee in terms of this agreement. and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
countries, cities, city states, political or geographic
features, historic events, groups, feats, spells, skills, 2. The License: This License applies to any Open aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
organizations, items, monsters, planes or deities in Game Content that contains a notice indicating that termination of this License.
this book as well as the names of any other thing the Open Game Content may only be Used under and 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is
originating from original Adventure Games Publishing in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed
or Troll Lord Games products and not stemming to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
from the System Reference Document, but not the may be added to or subtracted from this License except
game statistics contained in their stat blocks or other as described by the License itself. No other terms or 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
game mechanic descriptions (if any); the intent of conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content Open Gaming License v 1.0 Copyright 2000,
this designation is to protect every name, concept and distributed using this License. Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
description in this product, regardless of what the name
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game System Reference Document Copyright 2000,
is attached to, as well as every name that comes from
Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,
the original Adventure Games Publishing or Troll Lord
this License. Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material
Games products on which this product is based; the
strictest possible designation is desired; (F) All stories, 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
storylines, histories, plots, and thematic elements; (G) agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant Castles & Crusades: Player’s Handbook
Any and all content that is not otherwise Open Game You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive Copyright 2004, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis
Content by virtue of appearing in the System Reference license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Chenault and Mac Golden.
Document or being provided as Open Game Content Open Game Content.
in a work listed in Section 15, below. Basically, if it Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games; Authors Stephen
doesn’t have to be open by operation of the license, it You are contributing original material as Open Game
is not open in this product. And if it can be claimed as Chenault and Robert Doyel.
Content, You represent that Your Contributions are
Product Identity, it is. Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights Castles & Crusades: Player’s Handbook
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a: The to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Copyright 2006, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis
following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Chenault and Mac Golden.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update
Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to Monstrous Menaces #4: Hribixul, Memnech,
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE and Quasi-Dragon Copyright 2009, Adventure
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright of any Open Game Content You are copying, Games Publishing; Author James Mishler.
and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open modifying or distributing, and You must add the title,
Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name
copyrighted material including derivative works and to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open
Game Content You distribute.

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