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Akhlat forked tongue of a serpent. Its flesh is as hard as bronze,

its teeth and claws like steel, and its breath is noxious like
NO. APPEARING: 1-6 swamp-gas.
SIZE: Medium
HD: 4 (d8) Akhlat speak an ancient dialect of the local tongue, and
MOVE: 20 ft., 50 ft. (fly) most also speak the current dialect and/or Common
AC: 17 Organization: Akhlat do not so much flock as simply
ATTACKS: 2 Claws (1d6) and Bite (1d10) travel together out of mutual protection from other
SPECIAL: Bray, Darkvision 60 ft., Hiss, Immunity creatures. When one is threatened, all defend, but they
(Sonic attacks and effects), Jibber, Roar, Spell Casters, are as likely to break out fighting each other as other
Squeal creatures, when they feel they are safe. The largest and
SAVES: P strongest tends to keep the peace; when he or she is
INT: High killed, the “flock” breaks apart in fear and each flees in
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil their own direction.
TYPE: Aberration
TREASURE: 3 Ecology: Akhlat are accursed creatures, descended from
XP: blasphemers against the gods, and a part of the curse is
1 HD: 11+1/hp that they can only feast upon the flesh of the rotting dead.
2 HD: 30+2/hp Thus they haunt graveyards and battlefields like vultures,
3 HD: 120+3/hp and wait for the flesh of the dead to fester. Sometimes,
4 HD: 160+4/hp though, they cannot wait, and so overcome their natural
These values do not include any spell-casting ability, if cowardice to seek out the living, that they may slay them
possessed. and let their bodies fester in the desert sun.

An akhlat is a chimerical creature, possessing the head Akhlat are immortal, unless slain; fortunately many
of a man, the feathered body and wings of a vulture, the of the young akhlat are slain by desert predators, and
legs and feet of a monkey, the arms and claws of a tiger, akhlat hate each other enough that their keep their
and the tail of an ass. The human head is overly large for own numbers quite low. However, a few akhlat are thus
the body, and bald; its eyes are black and beady like those ancient, and vaguely remember the days from before
of a vulture, its nose is large and long and blackened with they were cursed, though they tend to be quite mad;
warts, and its mouth is filled with tiger-like teeth and the these are invariably spell casters (see below).

Akhlat groups are usually either all males or all females, fighters, and use their ability to fly to great advantage. They
though some (10%) are mixed. Males and females usually can swoop down and grapple with small opponents, then fly
do not mix unless they are ready to breed, as they cannot up and drop these from a great height. Two can cooperate
stand each other, each blaming the other sex for their to do the same to a single medium-sized opponent, usually
current predicament. Mixed groups are thus either lightly armored wizards and rogues.
seeking to breed or are engaged in heated discussions
over who caused the fall of their ancient civilization and Akhlat are vain, and recall their great beauty before they
brought down the wrath of the gods. were cursed by the gods. A bard or other charismatic type
of the opposite sex might appeal to this vanity, causing
Akhlat females lay a clutch of 3d4 eggs once per year, the akhlat to delay attack or even let the adventurers pass
upon a night of the new moon. She broods over them in peace, provided they do not continue to trouble the
for three months, after which they hatch. Akhlat young akhlat lair. Miserable failure at this appeal causes the
can fly from birth, and are easily able to take care of akhlat to attack with fury, accusing all men (or women)
themselves, for so they must, as their mother abandons to be alike; the akhlat gains a +2 bonus to hit the specific
the nest when the first egg cracks. Akhlat are born small- offender during the ensuing combat.
sized, with 1 HD, Darkvision, Sonic Immunity and the
ability to Jibber and Squeal, and gain 1 HD and one Bray: Once per day an akhlat can bray like an ass. All within
random other ability for every 10 humanoid corpses they 50 ft. must make a save against Wisdom or be confused, as
consume thereafter. They attain full adult medium-size per the 4th level wizard spell confusion, for four rounds.
only when they attain 4 HD. Hiss: Once per day an akhlat can hiss like a snake,
Akhlat males lust after and yet also hate harpies and which summons five small venomous snakes that arrive
gynosphinxes; the former fear and flee from akhlat, as 1d3 rounds later; these snakes attack any non-akhlat
their songs have no power over them, while the latter within the area, and remain until dead or the enemies of
generally find akhlat to be a terrible nuisance, and even a the akhlat have fled.
danger in numbers. Jibber: Once per day an akhlat can jibber like a monkey.
Treasure: Akhlat treasure generally is incidental, usually All within 50 ft. must make a save against Wisdom or
being the goods carried by the dead that they feast upon. dance and hop around like a monkey for four rounds,
However, they like to collect holy and unholy symbols, unable to do anything but dance and hop; the victim
which are usually found in their lairs under piles of dung. suffers a -4 penalty to AC and loses any AC benefit from
Dexterity bonus and shield.
Akhlat are a veritable alchemist’s trove, though there is
danger in using bits of creatures accursed by the gods. A Roar: Once per day an akhlat can roar like a tiger. All
body part from an akhlat can be used to create a potion within 50 ft. must make a save against Wisdom or flee from
of polymorph self for the specific creature type (tail for an the akhlat as fast as possible, as though affected by the 4th
ass, tongue for a snake, foot for a monkey, feathers for a level wizard spell fear. The effect lasts for four rounds.
vulture, and claw for a tiger, one potion of each type per Spell Casters: There is a 1 in 20 chance that one in a
akhlat). The potion requires 100 gp in other materials and group of akhlat will be a spell caster, able to cast wizard
requires two days to brew. The potion allows the drinker spells as a 1st to 8th level wizard. Spells are learned
to polymorph into the form specified, however, there is a through long decades of ingesting the remains of
1 in 8 chance that the potion goes awry, and the imbiber is wizards, and so akhlat keep no spell books. Akhlat spells
trapped in that form, as per the polymorph other spell! are adapted to the akhlat physique for somatic purposes,
Range: Akhlat are native to hot and dry sandy and and forgo any need for any material component that
rocky deserts, plains, and wastes, and dry hills and costs less than 2 gp. Akhlat spell casters seek to slay
mountains. They prefer to lair in old ruins, especially wizards first, that they may feast upon their flesh and
ruined temples and ancient graveyards. perhaps gain new spells and greater power thereby.

Combat: Akhlat are cowards, and never fight unless Squeal: Once per day an akhlat can squeal like a vulture.
hungry or unless their lair is threatened. They resort first to All within 50 ft. must make a save against Wisdom or be
using their special abilities, then when they must, attack with held as per the 3rd level cleric spell hold person. The effect
tooth and claw. For all that they are cowards, they are deadly lasts for four rounds.

Oogloog causes illness. They possess no language of their own,
however, “speaking” to each other using a limited form of
NO. APPEARING: 1-4 telepathy effective over a 600 ft. range. They are also able
to completely commune, passing to each other complete
SIZE: Medium memories, by touching one another; transfer of memories
HD: 5 (d10) requires one round per hour of memory transferred.

MOVE: 20 ft., 20 ft. (climb) Organization: Oogloog at times seem to be individuals,

and at other times appear to operate with a hive-like mind
AC: 14 naturally, AC 20 with Force Field and efficiency. Each group has a very distinct hierarchy, which
seems to change without warning; one moment one oogloog
ATTACKS: Zap (2d4) or Stun (Stun) or Acidic Slam
is in charge, the next another might be in charge. The reasons
for these changes are inscrutable to humanoids.
SPECIAL: Acid, Blind Sight 120 ft., Command Oozes,
Oogloog often hire local bandits and other scum
Constrict, Immunities (Death Effects, Disease, Mind-
to do their bidding; they appear to them dressed in
Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun),
voluminous robes to hide their appearance, and pretend
Special Equipment, Stench
to be powerful wizards.
One or two oogloog are generally on scouting
INT: Special missions, to check out local powers, dangers, resources,
and so forth. Three or four oogloog are either on a raid,
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (Evil) looking especially for gems, precious metals, and magical
items, or are on a mission to build a gate.
TYPE: Ooze
Oogloog travel through time and space using two devices,
TREASURE: 5 (double gems)
either saucer-like vehicles or gates. Saucers are described
XP: 320+5/hp below; they must go to a new location first, where the oogloog
then build a gate, allowing ready access to a location. A three
Oogloog are giant alien amoeba-like beings with a or four-passenger saucer contains everything needed to build
cruel, inhuman intellect. On a humanoid scale, their a gate save for 100 pounds of gold, 10 pounds of platinum,
Intelligence would be placed in the High to Genius and 1,000 gp in value of precious gems, which must be found
categories; however, their form of sentience is locally to properly attune the gate.
significantly different from that of other organisms.
Once all materials are acquired, two oogloog require
Oogloog naturally take the form of a giant amoeba- one a week to build and then activate the gate, while the
like structure, essentially a bag of slimy acid filled with others stand guard (or alternately, one oogloog can build
small globules of foreign materials (i.e. food). They a gate in two weeks). Once the gate is activated, one
have great control over their shape, however, and can traveler can pass through the gate per minute, either way.
take on the form of a bipedal humanoid, complete with For a humanoid to pass through an oogloog gate to the
head, two arms, hands, fingers, two legs, feet, and toes. native oogloog world invites quick death, as the oogloog
Some possess a most cruel sense of humor, and enjoy home world has an acidic atmosphere (deals 5d10 points
preserving various body parts of victims, such as eyes of acid damage per round)!
and teeth, and using those to affect possession of such
body parts (though having “eyes” and “teeth” in this way Ecology: Though oogloog are not native to this world,
provides them no extra abilities to see or bite). they are still natural creatures, and require sustenance.
Like other oozes, they eat anything, including animals,
Oogloog can speak, emitting a whispering, bubbling vegetables, and minerals; however, they prefer living
voice from every part of their body at once, or limit flesh, animal or sentient, and enjoy the hunt and the
the emanation from a single part of their body, which screams of the dying as they are eaten alive.
emulates the motion of a mouth. Due to the process
that creates this sound, it is always accompanied by the However, oogloog are hardy creatures, and can survive
stench of rotting flesh, though not to the degree that it on mere minerals for weeks at a time. This makes them

even grumpier and more unpleasant to be around, Constrict: Oogloog can attempt to flow over their
especially to one another. victims to digest them. A Dexterity save is allowed, and
if successful, negates the attack. If the save is failed, the
The method of oogloog reproduction is unknown; it oogloog engulfs a part of the victim and can immediately
is presumed that they can only reproduce on their native begin secreting acid. Each round, a new save is allowed to
world, as no young are ever seen on other worlds. Lightning escape. It takes four rounds for an oogloog to completely
does not cause them to split, unlike certain other oozes. engulf a man-sized creature, merely one round to engulf
Treasure: Oogloog do no have any sense of art or a small-sized creature. When this occurs, the victim can
beauty; all treasures are kept for their utility. Metals and suffocate, and if the oogloog secretes acid, is automatically
gems are useful in constructing their strange pseudo- hit and suffers double damage from the acid.
magical devices, and certain metals are enjoyable as Command Oozes: Due to their inhuman intellect and
foodstuffs. As coins are usually the easiest way to get telepathic powers, oogloog can command any ooze within
gold, platinum, and other needful metals, they often 600 feet. Commanded oozes work at a much higher level
stockpile coins as others would raw materials. They of intelligence, due to the influence of the oogloog, but still
also collect magic items, as they are somehow useful in must otherwise operate within their normal limitations.
the construction of their technological devices. Other
treasures are kept either as trophies of their hunts for Immunities: Oogloog are completely immune to
food or to bribe locals to do their bidding. death effects, disease, mind-affecting spells and abilities,
paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stun effects.
When an oogloog is slain, the natural forces holding
its body together fail, and it falls into a puddle of acidic Special Equipment: On their own world, oogloog
goo. Providing it was not slain through fire or other have mastered a strange form of magical technology that
similar destructive force, and provided the ground is of provides them with unusual weapons, armor, and vehicles
stone, one to four pints of acid can be gathered from the adapted to their slime-like physique, designed such that
puddle of remains. This requires glass vials and stoppers only an ooze-based creature can actually use them
to hold the acid.
Oogloog Zap Gun: These strange weapons take the
Range: Oogloog can be found virtually anywhere on form of foot-long or three-foot long gem-encrusted metal
land; though they are not adversely affected by water, wands with strange projections, knobs, and depressions.
having evolved beyond such things, they prefer not to The foot-long guns have a base range of 100 feet; the
lair near large bodies of it, out of ancient superstitions. longer weapons a base range of 250 feet. Regardless of
As their strange vessels fly and phase, they and their ship size, they deal the same damage: 2d4 points of electricity
can be found in large underground caverns. damage with a “zap,” or a stun effect (CL 5 Strength save
of paralyzed for five minutes). The foot-long device is
Combat: Oogloog prefer to do any real fighting using worth 100 gp as a curiosity, the larger weapon 500 gp; a
their zap guns at a great distance; only when they hunt or wizard or alchemist might pay double that, to study the
are surprised by melee attacks do they use their natural strange magic fields generated by an intact device.
acid slam and constrict attacks. If all else fails, they cut
loose with a stench attack and flee. Oogloog Force Field: While on patrol, raiding, or
otherwise outside their lair, oogloog possess a two inch
Acid: Oogloog secrete a digestive acid that dissolves diameter, spherical glowing gem-encrusted metal device
any material except stone and magic items. Unlike that they retain within their bodies. This device provides
common oozes, however, they can choose to secrete the the oogloog with an AC 20, and absorbs up to 50 points
acid or not, at any point on their “body” with pinpoint of damage from any attacks that do get through, before
precision. When it so chooses, a constriction attack from being destroyed through kinetic overload. The device
an oogloog drenches the victim with acid. The victim’s regenerates one point of damage absorption per round it is
armor and clothing dissolve and become useless during not struck by an attack. The force field manifests less than
the first round. Heavy armor requires two rounds to an inch from their slimy skin, and adapts to their changing
dissolve. Once the skin is exposed, the acid damage shape. This field is normally invisible, but appears with a
begins to take effect. Magical equipment is not destroyed, shimmering glow whenever it is struck. As the device uses
but the acid soaks through or flows around it, and will precious gems, it is worth 500 gp as an esoteric piece of
damage the victim on the third round of constriction. jewelry, double that to a wizard or alchemist if it is intact.
Other Devices: Oogloog usually (75% chance) have juices upon the flesh of its victims. Any creature
1d4 other devices in their possession, each of which within 30 feet (farther if there is a strong wind) of the
emulates a useful 0th to 3rd level wizard spell. Examples oogloog is assaulted by the scent of rotting flesh. This
include magic detectors, mage-hand projectors, a disk nauseating stench causes the unfortunate victim to retch
that comprehends languages, a band that provides a continuously, reducing their effectiveness. If they fail
shield effect or protection from arrows, a fireball gun, a Constitution save, they suffer 1d4 points of subdual
a flying device, and so forth. Some of these items are damage from initial contact, and suffer a -2 penalty on all
designed for use by non-oogloog as well as oogloog; attack rolls. This penalty persists until two rounds after
these are use to bribe servants, and as such, always have the victim is no longer able to smell the stench.
a limited number of charges. Those useable only by
oogloog do not use charges. Woodwose
Oogloog Vehicles: Oogloog travel across space NO. APPEARING: 1, 3-18
and time in the bellies of saucer-shaped vehicles. Each SIZE: Large
vehicle is 10 feet in diameter, with the rim one foot tall HD: 7 to 9 (d8)
along the edge and with a sphere at the center, three feet MOVE: 40 ft.
in diameter per passenger; a saucer that would fit four AC: 15
oogloog would be 40 feet in diameter with a 12-foot ATTACKS: Slam (1d12) or Weapon+3
diameter sphere at the center. When the saucer lands it SPECIAL: Climb, Conceal, Darkvision 60 ft., Move Silently,
extends three legs from the sphere, such that the base of Odd Blood, Spell Casters, Spell-like Abilities, Twilight Vision
the sphere stands two feet from the ground. Weapons SAVES: P
and equipment are kept in compartments along the rim INT: Average
of the saucer, one of each weapon and two of each force ALIGNMENT: Neutral
field generator per oogloog. These vehicles are designed TYPE: Monstrous Humanoid
such that only oogloog can fit in them and operate them. TREASURE: 3 (double extraordinary items)
Exits are at the base of the sphere and along the edges XP:
next to the equipment compartments. 1 HD: 13+1/hp
2 HD: 30+2/hp
It is very difficult to open and get to the center of the 3 HD: 60+3/hp
oogloog saucer, requiring 2d3 hours of work with pry bars, 4 HD: 130+4/hp
hammers, chisels, and other such tools. Unfortunately, the 5 HD: 260+5/hp
incredible wealth of precious metals and gems that are 6 HD: 390+6/hp
found at the center herald disaster, as the systems that power 7 HD: 720+7/hp
the vehicle overload, glowing brighter and whining loudly, 8 HD: 925+8/hp
2d6 rounds after it is opened thusly. The resulting explosion 9 HD: 1,400+9/hp
deals 10d10 points of damage per passenger the vehicle was Also known as almas, bigfoot, sasquatch, wild men,
designed to fit. This damage occurs within 300 feet of the yeren, or yeti, woodwoses are seven to nine foot tall
vehicle, causing a lesser amount of damage in expanding humanoids covered with thick brown, brownish-red,
bands around the vehicle, to the amount of 10d10 less per black, or white fur. The hair covers it everywhere except
300 feet. Thus, the explosion of a four-passenger vehicle on the palms of its hands and feet, which are thick and
would deal 40d10 points of damage within 300 feet, 30d10 calloused. They look mostly human, with an apish cast to
points of damage from 300 to 600 feet, 20d10 points of face and build, and with very apish teeth but very human
damage from 600 to 900 feet, and 10d10 points of damage eyes. Woodwoses never wear clothing or jewelry.
from 900 to 1200 feet. Any creature slain by this damage
is disintegrated, as per the spell. The explosion also damages Some exhibit elvish blood or human blood, others
structures and even the very ground; nothing grows within orcish, ogre, or even hill giant blood, or even a mix of
in the radius of the explosion for one year per point of two or three other blood lines; woodwoses are able to
damage dealt by the explosion. breed with all five races, though one in eight of such
crossbreeds are sterile, and one in eight of those with
Stench: Once per day, provided it has eaten animal other blood go insane upon reaching puberty.
flesh within the last three days, an oogloog can release
from its body a horrible stench, the result of digestive Woodwoses speak their own tongue, plus Fey, and
usually also Common or other local human, demihuman, 1 HD and one foot every two years, and attain full adult
and/or humanoid tongues. growth and maturity at about age 14. They gain all normal
woodwose abilities as soon as they can walk, though they
Organization: Woodwoses are usually solitary, preferring do not learn to speak fully for another year or two.
quiet solitude even from their own kind. Woodwoses with
children remain together until the children attain adulthood, Once all children are grown, the mated pair usually
while a few remain together in extended family groups, with split and each goes their own way.
all descendents of the oldest living member of the band
and their mates remaining together. In this case, the eldest Treasure: Gold and other coins are incidental, left
is the leader of the family, and all others obey him or her from those who tried slaying the woodwose in the past.
without question. Woodwoses appreciate the natural beauty of gems, and like
to keep trophies of their victories over those who invade
Solitary woodwoses live in caves or shacks built to look their lands, so their lairs are usually decorated with old shields,
like part of the landscape; if they live among giant trees, they weapons, hunting horns, and the odd piece of memorabilia,
prefer to live high in the branches or amongst the roots of the perhaps even magic items (though never bones; they are
trees. Most family groups live in large cave systems, preferring not monsters, after all). They especially appreciate musical
to leave the caves in their natural condition, though if giant instruments, which they teach themselves to use, more or
trees are available, they may live in the branches. less, over long years of practice.
Woodwoses usually are friendly with any local fey and A wizard or alchemist can use a woodwose brain to create
elementals, as well as local treants. They tend to avoid other a potion that emulates any one of the druid-like abilities the
races, even elves, as they do not like their civilized ways. woodwose possesses (chosen when the potion is brewed);
They sometimes ally with druids, especially when their similarly, a woodwose heart can be used to make a potion of
homeland is in danger, but are not overly fond of rangers, longevity (though such is high alchemy indeed, and known
even those who prefer the wilderness to civilization. to but few). Unfortunately for the imbiber, there is a 1 in
6 chance that the potion also contains an advanced and
Ecology: Woodwoses are omnivores, though many virulent version of botulism; failure to make a CL HD
maintain a vegetarian diet (including eggs and fish) when Constitution save indicates that the potion drinker develops
possible. They live in harmony with the local ecosystem, virulent botulism in 1d6 hours, which causes weakness (half
making sure to gather and scavenge across a wide area, Strength) for 1d6 hours, then permanent paralysis, and each
and when necessary only hunt old or weak animals for day thereafter the victim must make a CL HD Strength save
their meals. They generally eat meat raw rather than or die of respiratory failure.
cooked, but know how to use fire and cook meat; some
even know how to use cooking utensils such as pots and Range: Woodwoses are, as their name implies, native to
pans, and cook stews and fry fish. forests and woodlands. They prefer temperate forests, but live
in all sorts of climates. The white-haired variety known as the
Woodwoses are immune to most diseases associated yeti is also at home in glacier-haunted mountain valleys.
with uncooked meat, such as E. coli, botulism and anthrax,
but have no other special immunities to diseases. Combat: Woodwoses avoid combat if at all possible,
as they are a peace-loving people. They use all their
Woodwoses are potentially long lived, at least as long lived powers and abilities to avoid combat or even contact.
as the elves, perhaps longer. Many die, unfortunately, all too Any trails and traces found of the creature are sure to
young, on the ends of human lances or humanoid spears, as be false, designed to lead the hunters into a trap, such as
they defend their wilderness. And as they only reproduce early toward a giant boar, a dragon’s lair, or other monster, or
in their lives, and in few numbers, they are a dying breed. into a dangerous thicket of thorns or over a cliff, as the
Woodwose women usually only have a single child at a woodwose can pass without trace at will.
time, though they are fertile for only about a two decades When roused to battle through invasion of their home or
following maturity, and so give birth to all their children other depredations, they are terrible foes, with even a weak
within a period of 10 to 20 years of each other. Children slap of a great hand strong enough to break a man’s neck.
are born with 1 HD, and like apes and humans, need to This is generally how they fight, though sometimes they use
be tended by their mother for about a year before they weapons such as large tree branches as clubs, or take up
walk on their own. They grow quickly, though, at a rate of spears or similar weapons left by previous invaders.
Climb: This extraordinary ability allows a woodwose to Move Silently: This ability allows a woodwose to move
climb up, down, or across a slope, wall, steep incline, or silently in wilderness areas. The woodwose can move up
even from branch to branch of a tree, brachiating as an to one-half normal speed at no penalty. At more than
ape (though they require large trees to be able to do so), one-half, and up to full speed, the woodwose suffers a
or unusually angled natural or man made slope or incline -5 penalty to the check, and he suffers a -10 penalty to
that others would find impossible to climb. When doing move silently while running or charging.
so, the woodwose moves at one-half normal speed. A
failed Physical check means that the woodwose makes no Odd Blood: A woodwose’s blood might run with the
progress; a check that fails by five or more means that the blood of other humanoids and even giants. There is a 1 in 12
woodwose falls and suffers falling damage. Woodwoses chance of any individual having other blood of random type;
cannot carry anything in their hands while climbing. if so, there is a 1 in 12 chance of having a second additional
When climbing typical natural slopes and man made blood line, and so on, until the roll fails. If the woodwose has
inclines, such as a cliff faces or steep steps, a woodwose other bloodlines, there is a 1 in 8 chance the woodwose is
does not need to make a check to climb the surface. insane (effectively chaotic evil), and actively seeks to dominate
or slay all other humanoids. These mad wood woses usually
Conceal: Woodwoses can conceal themselves seek out civilization, or even some rural facsimile thereof, and
preternaturally well in wilderness areas. With a successful use weapons and armor as would men and orcs. Sometimes
Physical check, woodwoses can camouflage themselves these sad, mad creatures become leaders of orcs, goblins,
so well as to be unnoticeable by most passers-by. or primitive tribes of men, and lead them on murderous
Woodwoses can attempt to both conceal themselves rampages against other tribes and villages.
and move silently, and are so good at this maneuver they
suffer no penalty to the rolls, but must still make both If a woodwose has blood of another race, it is considered
rolls. They can still move at half normal speed while both fully a woodwose and fully of that other race, for
concealing and moving silently. purposes of magical weapons and effects.

Woodwoses cannot conceal themselves if being Spell-like Abilities: A woodwose can use the following
observed, even casually, before the conceal check is spells at will, one per round, as a druid of a level equal to
attempted. If the observer is momentarily distracted, his hit dice: calm animals, detect snares and pits, endure elements,
the woodwose can attempt to use this ability. While the know direction, pass without trace, and speak with animals.
observer averts its attention, the woodwose can attempt Spell Casters: 1 in 20 woodwoses are also druids, with the
to get to a hiding place of some kind. Again, because abilities of a 1st to 12th level druid. If the elder of a band is a
they are preternaturally proficient at this, they suffer no druid, there is a 50% chance each of the other adult members of
penalty to conceal themselves after being observed. the band are druids, though the elder will be of the highest level.



By James Mishler
Graphic Design by Peter Bradley
Adventure Games Publishing
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The body text of this product is in Garamond, section headings in Ronan, and the titles in Baldur. Thanks to Patrick “Mad Irishman” Murphy of Mad Irishman Productions
for the use of the Ronan and Baldur fonts. For Ronan, Baldur, and other excellent fonts, plus a ton of great character sheets, including character sheets for Castles & Crusades,
go to

This book uses the mystical, the supernatural, drugs, racism, sexism, insanity, and perversity for settings, characters, and themes. All such elements are elements of fiction, are
intended for entertainment purposes only, and do not reflect the beliefs of the writers or publishers. Any resemblance between characters and situations in this book, and persons
living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental. Reader discretion is advised.

Monstrous Menaces #3: Akhlat, Oogloog, and Woodwose © 2009 by Adventure Games Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Adventure Games Publishing, Monstrous
Menaces, and respective logos are Trademarks of Adventure Games Publishing. All Rights Reserved. All characters, names, places, items, art, and text herein are copyright
Adventure Games Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

This book is published pursuant to a License from Troll Lord Games. The rules-based content appearing in this book is derived from the Castles & Crusades Player’s Handbook
Copyright © 2004 Troll Lord Games. Castles & Crusades is property of and copyright 2004 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades, C&C, Castle Keeper, the
Castles & Crusades logo, SIEGE engine, and the SIEGE engine logo are Trademarks owned by Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved.

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This book is published under the Open Game License potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, any Product Identity, including as an indication as to
(OGL) version 1.0a by permission of Wizards of the upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another,
Coast, Inc. The Open Game Content appearing in this other form in which an existing work may be recast, independent Agreement with the owner of each element
book is derived from the 3.0 System Reference Document, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate
copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All contents, reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly compatibility or coadaptability with any Trademark
excluding the OGL, is property of and copyright 2007 display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
Adventure Games Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes containing Open Game Content except as expressly
the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
Designation of Open Game Content: Any content extent such content does not embody the Product owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark.
herein that appears in or derives from the System Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content
Reference Document (v3.5) is hereby designated as and any additional content clearly identified as Open does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that
Open Game Content. Any questions regarding the Game Content by the Contributor, and means any Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity
Open Game Content in this product should be directed work covered by this License, including translations and used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title
to James Mishler at derivative works under copyright law, but specifically and interest in and to that Product Identity.
Designation of Product Identity: Product identity is excludes Product Identity. (e) 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game
not Open Game Content. The following is designated “Product Identity” means product and product line Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the
as product identity pursuant to OGL v1.0a(1)(e) and names, logos and identifying marks including trade work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
(7): (A) product and product line names, including dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines,
Castles & Crusades, Castles & Crusades: Player’s 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated
plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, Agents may publish updated versions of this License.
Handbook, Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasures, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses,
Castles & Crusades: Castle Keeper Guide, and any and You may use any authorized version of this License to
formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
all product names from published Troll Lord Games photographic and other visual or audio representations;
and Adventure Games Publishing products; (B) logos, originally distributed under any version of this License.
names and descriptions of characters, spells,
identifying marks, and trade dress; (C) all artwork, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy
logos, symbols, graphic designs, maps, cartography, and special abilities; places, locations, environments, of this License with every copy of the Open Game
depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities Content You distribute.
themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and
representations, including any text contained within 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market
any other trademark or registered trademark clearly or advertise the Open Game Content using the name
such items; (D) logos and trademarks, including but identified as Product identity by the owner of the
not limited to Castles & Crusades, Castle Keeper, of any Contributor unless You have written permission
Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the from the Contributor to do so.
SIEGE engine, Troll Lord Games, Adventure Games Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the
Publishing, or any other trademark or registered logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You
trademark clearly identified as product identity by the by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the to comply with any of the terms of this License with
owner of the product identity, and which specifically associated products contributed to the Open Game respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due
excludes the open game content; (E) The names, License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then
personality, descriptions and/or motivations of all “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
artifacts, creatures, characters, spells, enchantments, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special 13. Termination: This License will terminate
Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein
abilities, places, locations, environments, equipment, means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, gods, races, and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
countries, cities, city states, political or geographic 2. The License: This License applies to any Open aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
features, historic events, groups, feats, spells, skills, Game Content that contains a notice indicating that termination of this License.
organizations, items, monsters, planes or deities in the Open Game Content may only be Used under and 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License
this book as well as the names of any other thing in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be
originating from original Adventure Games Publishing to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
or Troll Lord Games products and not stemming may be added to or subtracted from this License except enforceable.
from the System Reference Document, but not the as described by the License itself. No other terms or
game statistics contained in their stat blocks or other conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
game mechanic descriptions (if any); the intent of distributed using this License.
Open Gaming License v 1.0 Copyright 2000,
this designation is to protect every name, concept and 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
description in this product, regardless of what the name Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of
is attached to, as well as every name that comes from this License. System Reference Document Copyright 2000,
the original Adventure Games Publishing or Troll Lord
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,
Games products on which this product is based; the
agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material
strictest possible designation is desired; (F) All stories,
You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
storylines, histories, plots, and thematic elements; (G)
Any and all content that is not otherwise Open Game license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the
Open Game Content. Castles & Crusades: Player’s Handbook
Content by virtue of appearing in the System Reference Copyright 2004, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis
Document or being provided as Open Game Content 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If Chenault and Mac Golden.
in a work listed in Section 15, below. Basically, if it You are contributing original material as Open Game
doesn’t have to be open by operation of the license, it Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure
is not open in this product. And if it can be claimed as Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games; Authors Stephen
Product Identity, it is. to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Chenault and Robert Doyel.
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a: The 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update
following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Castles & Crusades: Player’s Handbook
the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to
Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc Copyright 2006, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis
include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Chenault and Mac Golden.
of any Open Game Content You are copying,
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright modifying or distributing, and You must add the title,
Monstrous Menaces #3: Akhlat, Oogloog,
and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name
and Woodwose Copyright 2009, Adventure Games
Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open
Publishing; Author James Mishler.
copyrighted material including derivative works and Game Content You distribute.
translations (including into other computer languages), 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use

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