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The Forgotten Halls

of Brassfire
A 1st–3rd level adventure designed for use with Shadowdark RPG

“A solid brass door ye’ say? I’ve got just the right hammer!”
–Gromli “Goldbeard” Ironfist, mercenary–entrepreneur.

The Forgotten Halls of Brassfire is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License
and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC
Written by Brynjar Már Pálsson.

Cover art by @nbomedroned /

Check out their other amazing work over at

Other minor illustrations were generated with Midjourney A.I. software.

04 Overview
07 Ravine [areas 1–8]
11 Caverns [areas 9–14]
13 Ruins [areas 15–26]
19 NPCs & Creatures
22 Potion Table & Magic Items
23 Keyed Map

The keyworded descriptive elements in bold in the beginning of each area are
safe to share with the players. The bulleted descriptions below them are for the
GM only.

According to Lemenvios the Lesser –a historian of lesser renown– the Brassfire
Crags once spanned the entire mountain range where the legendary Kytherian
metalsmiths worked brass into wonders. Although no entrance has ever been
discovered, there’s never a shortage of poor village fools searching for it and
the treasures within.

Cragbairn. Dwarves descended from Kytherian slaves who have endured
generations of darkness and neglect. Frail, blind and savage, they reside
in areas 15–22, worshipping crumbling ruins with cruel blood rituals and
cannibalistic feasts. They are leaderless and rudimentary but fiercely protect
their halls from outsiders seeking to despoil them.

Sahuagin. Tall, blue–green and ruthless humanoids with webbed feet and
hands, neck gills and dorsal fins. These colloquially nicknamed “Seadevils”
make a habit of ambushing unwary villagers who tread too close to their lair.
They have made their home in areas 9–14 where they breed their young. Their
leader, Nerielle, is young and inexperienced, as their last Seer –Nerielle’s father–
was recently slain by the chuul.

Thugs. A haphazard group of delinquents chasing tales of riches and treasure.

They are leaderless and entirely opportunistic, seeking to get rich without
getting into danger.

◆◆ Feel free to pull a new crawler from here should a PC die.

Chuul. This horrible 8 foot long mix of crustacean, insect, and serpent is the
result of an ancient magical ritual gone awry. It mostly resides in the bottom of
the ravine but has made a nest for its tadpole offspring inside area 25. It can also
move around underground between its many burrows.

1 A group of treasure–seeking thugs are roaming the area.
2 The Kytherians’ secret is guarded by a giant crustacean.
3 A powerful amulet is hidden deep within the halls.
4 The massive brass doors can open by themselves.
5 The slaves who built it were entombed alive and guard it still.
6 They built an enormous brass mechanism capable of granting a wish.
7 Sahuagin leader is said to wield a mighty magical trident.
8 One of the Kytherian kings and all of his possessions were cursed.


◆◆ [1] Reservoir. Drops 40ft. down into 5ft. deep freshwater pool in area 1.

◆◆ [8] Ravine Path. A sahuagin hunting path leads to area 8.

◆◆ [6] Skylight. A crevice in the ceiling 50ft. above area 6.

Ravine. A cool breeze blows through over the rushing din of the freezing river a
hundred feet below. Directly above the broken stone bridge is a crevice in the
dirt ceiling, bathing the ravine with faint light from outside.

Caverns. Humid and warm, the cave interiors smell like sulfur and rotten eggs.
Ankle–deep warm water covers the slippery ground and slowly drains over the
edge of the ravine. Steam occasionally seeps out of cracks in the walls.

Ruins. Sounds of dripping water and the smell of rot fills the stale air. The
vaulted 20 ft. tall ceiling is carved from smooth granite, specked with flakes of
sparkling quartz that catch the light. The marble tiles in the floor and walls are
decrepit and decayed.

Brass Doors. Made from solid brass, 20ft. tall, 5ft. wide and 2ft. thick. They
operate on a vast underground hydraulic system. Opening a door requires a
nearby brazier be lit by placing a burning torch into its center receptacle. The
doors open one round later and stay open for as long as the torch burns in the
brazier, closing one round after being extinguished.

Burrows. A series of curving tunnels lead into the submerged underbelly of

Brassfire where a complicated hydraulic system operates. The maze–like tunnels
are about 7ft. wide, pitch black and filled with murky water. The chuul may
move into and out of a burrow with ease, taking 1–4 rounds to move between
burrows if in a hurry. Both sides of the sheer ravine wall are littered with hidden
burrow entries.

Thugs. Sneak into area 1 shortly after PCs enter dungeon. Hang around areas
1 and 2 digging through rubble, looking for treasure. Retreat toward area
1 if threatened, exit dungeon if needed. Avoid combat at all costs but loot
mercilessly. Mostly consistent of young, simple human villagers.

Cragbairn. Keep to areas 15–17 and 21, avoiding other areas unless when
attacking the sahuagin tribe. If overwhelmed, retreat to area 21 and barricade
themselves in. Only priests and other higher–ups allowed in area 22 during
ritual. Don’t know about any secret doors or what the receptacles do.

Sahuagin. Mostly keep to areas 10–13, avoiding area 23. Once per day check
the net in area 8 for loot and inspect / reset traps in areas 7 and 14. Retreat to
a pool if threatened. If overwhelmed, escape through area 8 exit or regroup in
area 10 pool. Terrified of the chuul. Know about area 23 secret door and traps.

Chuul. An extremely cunning predator. Tries to bring live prey to a nearby

burrow so it can feed it to its tadpoles in area 25. Mostly swims in the bottom of
the ravine and inside the subterranean hydraulic system. Drawn to extremely
loud noises outside of river. Retreats down into ravine or burrow if overwhelmed.


◆◆ Villagers fear the snoring monster heard in the scrublands.

◇◇ Note: The noise is coming from the malfunctioning door in area 2.

◆◆ Sahuagin “Seadevils” stole a kid playing by the river.

◇◇ Note: Tracks to area 8 are well hidden behind a waterfall. Kid is food.

◆◆ Two villagers went to dig a new well in the scrublands and haven’t returned.
◇◇ Note: Both are located in area 1.

◆◆ A village drunk peddles a crudely drawn map leading to buried treasure.

◇◇ Note: Map leads to scrubland, crevice entrance to area 6.


◆◆ “You stand in a decrepit stone chamber, having just emerged through an

adjoining cave entrance. In front of you stands a massive brass door and a
conspicuous brass recepticle.”
◇◇ Note: Start them off in area 2, immediately ambushing them with the
kolaras nesting in the rubble.

AREAS 4–8*
Danger level. Unsafe. Check for random encounters every 3 crawling rounds
and after opening the brass door in area 2. (1d6, 1 = encounter)

Light. Ambient light spills from tiny crevice 50ft. above bridge in area 6.

Rushing River. Communication limited to within Near distance.

NPCs. See page 19 for thug and sahuagin NPC generator.

*Includes areas 1–3 once the Brass Doors in area 2 are open.

2d6 Details
1 The chuul climbs up the ravine searching for prey for its tadpoles.
2-4 1d6 startled stingbats flutter out of a gritty hole in the wall.
5-7 Intense updraft upsets balance and blows out torches and lanterns.
2d4 thugs argue about how to share their newfound treasure.
(Roll on treasure table 0–3.)
12 2d6 sahuagin hunters carry a human captive to area 13.

Sound: Loud, mechanical rattling sound coming from area 2 echoes in the
cave. Villagers: A humanoid figure lying in the mud, unmoving. Floor: Wet
mud, sucks feet. Gear: Digging equipment scattered next to pool.

◆◆ Villagers. A man is sleeping against a wall, ankle broken. A woman’s torso is

crushed under a rock, legs sticking out.
◇◇ NPC. Eldric (resourceful, positive).
◇◇ Help. Eldric offers scroll (floating disk) for help to escape. Found it in area 2.

◆◆ Hole. Eldric and Lysandra were digging and fell into the hole together.

◆◆ Pool. Submerged tunnel leading to area 3 hidden under murky pool.

◆◆ Gear. Shovel, pickaxe, rusty lantern, bucket, rope, leather satchel.

◇◇ Satchel. Elkskin cloak(5sp), 1 torch and 1 healing poultice (1HP).

Brass Doors: Loud and repetitive mechanical rattling sound. Murals: Dwarf
slaves building a structure while being whipped. Skeleton: Wearing moldy black
robes with stars. Cave–in: Passageway south completely blocked by rubble.

◆◆ Brass Doors. Shut tight, mechanism broken. Once opened they don’t fully
close again.

◆◆ Brass Receptacle. Opens doors with lit torch.

◆◆ Corpse. Long dead wizard, looted. 1:6 chance to hide random tier 1 scroll.

◆◆ Cave–in. Evidence of hammer strikes. The cave–in was intentional.

◇◇ Kolaras. 4 starving kolaras are nesting atop the rubble.
◇◇ Dig. DC 15 STR, fail; debris falls 1d4 damage, success; uncover skeletal
forearm clutching well made bronze warhammer(12gp).

Water: Dark and murky, vision limited to close.

◆◆ Giant Leech. Hides in eastern crevice, hungry and hostile.

◆◆ Bottom. Littered with bones and gold coins.

◇◇ Loot. Roll 1d6: 1–2; 6d4gp, 3–4; Bead of Force, 5–6; Pearl of Power.
Treat any duplicate result as 4d4gp, max 130gp total.

Skeletons: Dozens of skeletal remains, desperate claw marks cover the walls
and doors. Bridge: Ruined marble bridge with two black pillars on either side.
Cave passage: Cool breeze comes from a narrow crevice. Drawbridge: Rotten
wood and frayed rope. Rats: Two small rats next to bridge fight over scraps.

◆◆ Skeletons. Dwarf slaves, locked inside, turned on eachother.

◇◇ Robed skeleton wears brass ring (15gp). Inscribed on the inside in dwarvish
is the phrase “This temple opens to me”.

◆◆ Bridge. Narrow ledge crumbles immediately if stepped on.

◆◆ Drawbridge. DC 12 DEX or plank breaks; foot stuck for 1 round.

◆◆ (F)Brass Banshee. See traps on page 23.

◇◇ If activated, three Cragbairn from area 15 come to investigate in one round.
Immediately trigger a random encounter.

◆◆ Rats. Two more giant rats are nesting in the corner next to the drawbridge.
◇◇ Nest. Miserable Maplewand is buried under a putrid refuse pile.

Cliff Wall: Roughly excavated sections of stone and dirt reveal an overgrown
hole in the wall leading into a lush underground structure. Tools: Bronze tools
lie discarded around the hole.

◆◆ (F)Brass Banshee. See traps on page 23.

◇◇ If activated, the remaining Cragbairn from area 15 move to investigate.
Immediately trigger a random encounter.

◆◆ Tools. Three. Old Kytherian clockwork invention combining a shovel and

pickaxe into a single versatile tool called a “Terranith”.
◇◇ Worth at least 50gp each. Gives advantage on checks made to dig.

Brass doors: Engraved with the face of a majestic dwarf looking up in veneration.
Crevice: Frayed rope dangles from crevice 50ft. above the bridge. Bridge: A corpse
is sprawled across the steps next to a precariously dangling backpack.

◆◆ Bridge. Four kolaras hide in their nest perched under the bridge.

◆◆ Brass doors. Touching the closed doors from this side activates the
engraving to speak in dwarvish: “The temple is currently closed. Please come
back later.”
◇◇ Replying to the door in dwarvish with the phrase “This temple opens to me”
opens the doors for one round.

◆◆ Corpse. Recently dead elf clutching a crudely drawn treasure map.

◇◇ Wears ragged leather armor, quiver holding 2d6 arrows and a shortbow.

◆◆ Backpack. 1 torch, 2 rations, shovel and roll twice on random potion table (p.22).

Crevice: A gentle breeze blows through the tight vertical passages in and out.
Trap: Dead cragbairn impaled on wood spikes protruding from the north wall.
South wall: Water soaks this whole wall and drips into small puddles below.

◆◆ Crevice. Requires an action to squeeze through.

◆◆ Trap. Two identical traps line the north wall 5ft. apart. Right one is already
activated, left one is hidden and ready.
◇◇ Spring–loaded spiked wall, DC 12 DEX or 2d6.

◆◆ Noise. Loud noise or activating the remaining trap will alert the sahuagin
hunters in area 8 that more intruders are coming.

Stone Pillar: Curves toward the south wall, forming an overhead arch. Pool:
Two shark–teethed humanoids stand next to the pool, surrounded by corpses.
Baskets: Reed baskets hug the stone pillar. Net: Water reed net spans the ravine.

◆◆ Stone Pillar. Primitive drawings cover this pillar, depicting Sahuagin

engaging in various water-centric rituals, diving gracefully into the depths of
the sea, their bodies intertwined with currents.

◆◆ Sahuagin Hunters. Tired after fighting off five cragbairn. Retreat through
pool and hide if attacked.
◇◇ NPCs. Nerielle (yellow eyes, naive leader), Kaanet (wears bovine skull helm,
protective of Nerielle).
◇◇ Gear. Nerielle wields tidepiercer and carries one healing potion.
◇◇ Retreat. Return with five more sahuagin hunters within an hour and set up
an ambush in the pool.

◆◆ Deal. Nerielle grants safe passage through caves if PCs promise to bring her
the clockwork amulet from within the ruins.
◇◇ One Chance. If they return empty–handed from ruins, they become food.

◆◆ Baskets. Three. One has 2d6 raw fish, another has 1d6 dead stingbats and
the third is full of junk and debris (roll on potion table).

◆◆ Net. Sturdy and easy to traverse if done carefully, otherwise DC 12 DEX or foot
stuck for 1 round.
◇◇ Size. 35ft. across and dips down 100ft. into the rushing river.
AREAS 9–14
Danger level. Risky. Check for random encounters every 2 crawling rounds and
after disturbing any pools. (1d6, 1 = encounter)

Light. Total darkness. All denizens are dark–adapted.

NPCs. See page 19 for Sahuagin NPC generator.

2d6 Details
1 The chuul invades the caverns searching for prey for its tadpoles.
2-4 1d4 curious sahuagin pups approach from a nearby pool.
5-7 Random PC plummets into 10ft. deep crevice of hot water.
8-11 1d4 sahuagin hunters defend against 1d4 invading cragbairn.
12 2d4 sahuagin hunters return from surface hunting trip.

Stone Cairns: Three evenly spaced 1ft. tall piles of nearly identical smooth
stones. West Wall: A concave wall covered in primitive drawings of ritual
offerings for fertility and offspring. Pool: Warm and 7ft. deep in the center.

◆◆ Stone Cairns. Part of sahuagin reproductive and fertility rituals.

◇◇ Fragile. Collapse if poked. This provokes any nearby sahuagin.


Fumaroles: Bubble and hiss out white vapor filling the cavern. Stalactites: Drip
rhythmically into pools. Reeds: Stacks of water reeds line fumaroles to dry.

◆◆ Fumaroles. Sulfuric smell, intense heat, choking. Visibility limited to near.

◆◆ Pool. Large murky pool connects area 10 with 11 and 12.

◇◇ 4 sahuagin commoners, 4 sahuagin pups and 6 sahuagin hunters lurk
below the surface.

Floor: Smooth stone covered in soft moss and lichen beds. Creatures: A dozen
blue–green, lithe figures. Basket: A small reed basket sits in the corner.

◆◆ Creatures. 5 sahuagin hunters, 3 commoners and 4 children.

◇◇ Hunters are sleeping on lichen beds inside the chamber.
◇◇ Commoners and children are making reed baskets next to the pool.

◆◆ Basket. Contains 4d4 Cave Pearls (5gp each)

◇◇ 1:6 chance to contain Mother of Pearl (70gp)


Walls: Adorned with calming algae and aquatic plants. Nests: Ten lichen nests
dot the floor. Creatures: Four sahuagin hunters guard the hatchery.

◆◆ Nests. Each nest contains 10–12 sahuagin eggs.

◇◇ Eggs are delicate and precious as only 1:3 successfully hatch.

◆◆ Sahuagin Hunters. Vigilantly watch the pool for intruders. Fight to the death.
◇◇ NPCs. Ozi (strong), Sirzet (kind), Attuc (sociable) and Keen (practical)


Walls: Carved to form natural shelves lined with ingredients and tools. Baskets:
Several water reed baskets are lined against the walls. Table: A large slab of rock
sits in the inner chamber, crowded by six green humanoids with dorsal fins.

◆◆ Baskets. 2d8 rations (fish), 2d10 rations (human).

◆◆ Table. Various cutting instruments and 21/2 human bodies.

◇◇ Under. Bric–a–brac bundled under the table. Roll on treasure table 0–3.

◆◆ NPCs. 3 sahuagin hunters eating, 1 commoner and 2 children cooking.

◇◇ Hunters. Attal (rude), Idi (clumsy) and Vennan (dutiful)
◇◇ Commoner. Norada (wise, cowardly)


Pool: Murky and shallow. Creature: A blue and green giant frog stands guard
next to the pool.

◆◆ Pool. Two sahuagin hunters watch from below the surface.

◆◆ Trap. Spring–loaded spiked wall, DC 12 DEX or 2d6.

◇◇ Deal. If they struck a deal with Nerielle, a sahuagin hunter warns them.

AREAS 15–26
Danger level. Risky. Check for random encounters every 2 crawling rounds or
after PCs make a lot of noise. (1d6, 1 = encounter)

Light. Total darkness. All denizens are dark–adapted.

NPCs. See page 19 for cragbairn NPC generator.

2d6 Details
1 The chuul emerges from a burrow searching for prey for its tadpoles.
2-4 1d4 cragbairn chanting and painting walls with their own blood.
5-7 1 random small item is stolen by a cunning giant rat.
8-11 2d4 hungry giant rats scurry out of a hole searching for morsels.
12 A wide–eyed sacrificial prisoner tries a desperate escape.


Plants: Tiled plant beds erupt with an unrecognizable jumble of vines and
leaves. Tools: Copper hoes and brass watering jugs strewn among greenery.
Creatures: Several rancid and mishappen figures recline on comfy leaf piles.

◆◆ Emberbloom. A soft, red weed grows in the undergrowth.

◇◇ 1:6 chance when walking around to develop an intensely burning rash.

◆◆ Watering Jug. One of the brass jugs is full of watered down acid.

◆◆ Cragbairn. Five. They are resentful for having guard duty during the ritual in
area 22. They mostly sleep and play a gambling game.
◇◇ NPCs. Luc (envious), Drav (missing fingers, greedy), Hadri (no teeth,
distrustful), Valers (dumb), Casi (crippled, resourceful).
◇◇ Game. Similar to liar’s dice but with teeth instead of dice. Piled up between
them are 19 polished stones (1sp each), 27gp and an intricate brass walking
cane (10gp).

Workshop: Messy stone table workbench with wooden chair. Shelves: Wooden
shelves lined with alchemical vials. Creatures: Two scruffy children wearing
sacks tied with rope play unattended with alchemical equipment on the floor.

◆◆ Workshop. Two brass vials behind workbench, roll twice on potion table.

◆◆ Shelves. Three vials of preserved alchemical ingredients (10gp each).

◇◇ Secret Wall Compartment. DC 18 DEX to pick, forcing it open breaks the
contents. Contains one potion of legendary deeds.

◆◆ Children. Brother and little sister play on the floor with a petrified griffon
feather (15gp). Are willing to trade their toy. Run to Mikos in area 17 if scared.
◇◇ NPCs. Gradsi (toddler, mischievous) and Hadtor (child, courageous)


Creatures: A burly, rank figure rocks back and forth on a corner bed while
reciting poem in dwarvish. Furniture: Each corner has a stone bed, table and
stool. Alcoves: Above each bed is an alcove for personal belongings.

◆◆ Cragbairn. Insane and unstable. His fingers are bloody and raw from
painting the poem in area 23.
◇◇ NPC. Mikos (nervous, speaks slow, jagged dwarvish).
◇◇ Gear. Mikos wields gladius of the arena master and is wrapped in a foul
blanket made from rat tail macrame.

◆◆ Deal. Mikos wants the clockwork medallion destroyed to ensure the

Kytherian Mechanism is never used again. In return he offers the key to the
secret wall compartment in area 16.

◆◆ Rats. Mikos’ two pet giant rats, Maxi and Deci, are nesting in seperate beds.

◆◆ Alcoves. 2:6 chance per alcove; roll on potion table. Otherwise roll on
random treasure table 0–3.


Benches: Two stone benches line the hallway. Hooks: Two brass lanterns hang
from copper hooks. Skeleton: Sitting next to rotten leather backpack, holding
an empty potion vial and a ramshackle wooden shield.

◆◆ Skeleton. Cracked emerald (60gp) and giant rat inside stomach cavity.

◆◆ Backpack. Ten iron pitons, iron crowbar and roll once on potion table.

Shelves: Empty moss–covered stone shelves border the room. Repository: Two
chair–sized brass hands protrude out from the floor in the middle of the room.
Corpse: Small body burnt to a crisp kneeling on the floor.

◆◆ Shelves. Full of moldy books and cobwebs.

◇◇ 2:6 chance to contain a random tier 2 scroll tucked in a corner.

◆◆ Hands. Left hand holds “The Ancestral Codex”, a Kytherian genealogy

compendium. Right hand holds “The Stonegrimoire”, a sacred Kytherian
ritual tome (90gp each).
◇◇ Trapped. Touching a hand causes electricity to continually shock you and
anyone touching you for 2d6 damage/round and stunning you. Touching
both hands simultaneously closes the loop, negating the damage.

◆◆ Burrow. Cragbairn avoid this room. Loud noises trigger random encounter 1
after 1d4 rounds.

◆◆ (F)Brass Banshee. See traps on page 23.

◇◇ If activated, immediately trigger random encounter 1.


Walls: Polished stone mosaics of blue and white waves. Plinths: Four stone
plinths arranged around central pillar. Pillar: Emits soothing, yellow light.

◆◆ Pillar. Touching the pillar changes the light’s color.

◆◆ Ooze. Four grey oozes encircle the pillar, mezmerised by the yellow light.
◇◇ While the light is yellow, the oozes are docile.


Table: Laden wooden table surrounded by stone benches. Walls: Wood
shelves with earthenware jugs and dishes. Hearth: Caved–in and full of rubble,
surrounded by copper pots. Creatures: Wicked, hunched figures chopping meat.

◆◆ Table. Three carved bodies, five copper knives, one large brass bowl full of
harvested vital organs.
◇◇ Two bodies are cragbairn, the other a sahuagin.

◆◆ Walls. An earthernware vial is hidden behind jugs, roll on potion table.

◆◆ Cragbairn. Three. Head chef and her two assistants–in–training are preparing
the vital organs for the blood ritual in area 22.
◇◇ NPCs. Maximilima (old, senile), Arm (cruel, eager), Octo (insecure, stutters).

Room: Curved meteorite walls emit low hum. Cages: Bronze bars, gate and wall–
mounted manacles. Guards: East cage guarded by deformed dwarves. Statues:
North wall entirely made of brass with large bas relief statues. Ritual: Robed
figures chant and move rhythmically in front of the statues.

◆◆ Curved Walls. Emit constant gravitational pull, DC 15 STR to move past,

dwarves immune.

◆◆ Cages. Doors are unlocked but rusted and noisy.

◆◆ Cragbairn Guards. Five. Taunt prisoners through bars.

◇◇ NPCs. Qin (takes short, quick steps), Appoa (long nails and hair), Pua (quiet,
shy), Juns (only wears loincloth, brutish), Antos (sniffs and licks everything).

◆◆ Prisoners. Two. Injured (1hp) sahuagin hunters manacled to the wall.

◇◇ NPCs. Artemido (athletic, brave), Kalistra (acrobatic, detests dwarves).

◆◆ Cragbairn Priests. Four. They dance and chant, pausing only to smear their
own blood on the floor in patterns and circles before resuming the dance.
They await the brass bowl from area 21 containing the ritual sacrifices.
◇◇ NPCs. Renatus (very old, bad memory), Valentina (perfectionist, cruel),
Scaurus (extremely short, club–footed), Clemens (weak, hates Valentina).

◆◆ Statue of Baldrak Stormhammer. Armored dwarf holding large warhammer.

◇◇ Plaque. He who united the lands into an empire.

◆◆ Statue of Hadrian Stoneheart. Crowned dwarf wearing toga, palms held out.
◇◇ Plaque. He who united the people, ushering in an era of peace.

◆◆ Statue of Magnus Forgebane. Meditating dwarf in simple robes, hands

resting on knees.
◇◇ Plaque. He who led the people in a spiritual search.

◆◆ Statue of Titus Goldbeard. Levitating dwarf with crustacean face and limbs.
One foot higher as if ascending, pincers holding a scroll.
◇◇ Plaque. He who transformed the people and awakened their souls.

Walls: Murals of dwarven kings and their deeds have been vandalized with
smeared blood. Niches: Four. Strewn with decrepit offerings in a stone bowl and
earthernware amphoras below a brass plaque.

◆◆ Brass Doors. North double doors require the knock spell to open.

◆◆ Niches. Murals around each vandalised in blood. Poem is in dwarvish.

◇◇ (SW) Stormhammer Niche. “Deep in the heart of a kingdom fair, Where
brass gleamed without a care, The people sang and danced merrily,
Unbeknownst to its trickery”
◇◇ (SW) Stoneheart Niche. “But one day, the device did stir, And whispers of
power it did confer, To those who touched its brass hand, A terrible fate
they did command.”
◇◇ (SE) Forgebane Niche. “The kingdom was consumed by fear, As it’s terrible
magic became clear, For those who sought its power and might, Were lost
forever to the eternal night.”
◇◇ (SE) Goldbeard Niche. “Beware, oh children, of this tale, And the brass
hand’s tempting veil, For its promises are but a snare, Leading to a fate,
dark and unfair.”

◆◆ Offerings. Roll 4d6gp and treasure table 0–3 for each niche.
◇◇ Amphoras. One per niche. A centipede swarm hides inside one of them.

◆◆ Burrow. Loud noises trigger random encounter 1 after 1d4 rounds.


Chandelier: Hangs from a high, vaulted ceiling. Pews: Dilapidated wood
benches engraved with laurel wreaths. Altar: Atop a raised dais. Statues: Two
brass statues wielding executioner’s axes. Corpse: One–armed figure lies prone
on the dais steps. Walls: Ruined banners featuring a white sun on a blue field.

◆◆ Chandelier. Brass. Four dormant oil lamps.

◆◆ Brass Altar. Small circular holes on each side reveal a brass clockwork
medallion magically suspended inside the hollow altar. Features bas relief
art of a forge, hammer, beard and heart.
◇◇ Buttons. Each bas relief art conceals a thumbsized button.
◇◇ Trapped. Reaching into the altar without sequencially pressing the buttons
in the correct order (Hammer, Heart, Forge, Beard) triggers hidden iris
blades to close around the hole, DC 18 DEX or 2d12 and amputation.
◇◇ Amulet. Retrieving the amulet disrupts the hydraulic system below. Murky
water bubbles and spews out of the altar along with 7 tiny chuul tadpoles.

◆◆ Corpse. Wears rusty chainmail armor. Their arm is cleanly severed.

◇◇ Hidden treasure in boot, roll on treasure table 0–3 until result fits.

◆◆ Banners. One of the banners is in pristine condition and worth 30gp.

◆◆ Burrow. Loud noises trigger random encounter 1 after 1d4 rounds.

Floor: Knee–deep murky water. Mechanism: Three embedded brass platforms
mounted with countless cogs and gears speckled in bluegreen rust. Brass
Pedestal: Holds a lever shaped like a hand reaching up.

◆◆ Nest. This entire chamber serves as the chuul’s lair.

◇◇ Thirteen tiny chuul tadpoles swim around hungrily in the water.

◆◆ Burrow. Partially hidden under the murky water. Chuul returns here once
every hour at least.

◆◆ Mechanism. The brass lever turns The Kytherian Mechanism’s mighty

wheels, but it doesn’t function until its seven missing Kytherian Cogs are
replaced. Once functional, activating the mechanism allows the operator to
undo one event of their choosing from history. Then, the seven Kytherian
Cogs magically scatter to far-flung locations.
◇◇ Curse. Changes to history are twisted, brutally transforming the recipients.


Room: Vaulted glass mosaic ceiling which catches the light and appears to
glow from the inside. Furniture: Central kneeling stool surrounded by stone
thrones in each corner. Alcoves: Four. Behind glass windows with bronze grilles.

◆◆ Creature. A hollowspawn has been drawn to the lingering despair of this

room. It hides behind a throne, striking with its withering stare once it’s
confident everyone is inside the room.

◆◆ Alcoves. Dust and grime make peering through the windows difficult. The
windows are hinged and locked with a small bronze latch.

◆◆ Treasure. Hidden behind each window are items once belonging to one of
the four Kytherian kings.
◇◇ (NW) Magnus Forgebane. Silk robes with brass buttons (100gp).
◇◇ (NE) Hadrian Stoneheart. Exquisite brass laurel brooch (60gp).
◇◇ (SW) Titus Goldbeard. Black leather belt with gold pincer buckle (150gp).
Cursed. Wearing this belt permanently swaps your highest and lowest
mental stats before the pincer buckle snaps the belt in two, destroying it.
◇◇ (SE) Baldrak Stormhammer. Battle scarred bronze helm with indigo
plume and polished edges (150gp, hammerhelm of the thunder king).

◆◆ Throne. One throne has a hidden brass lever on the back. Pulling it activates
one of the statues in area 25, striking anyone on the altar for 2d12.

NPCs & Creatures


d6 Names Appearance Behavior
1 Louie / Maura Muscular, strong Optimistic
2 Jaro / Berta Burn marks Manipulative
3 Egbert / Lina Wood teeth Reckless
4 Marten / Emma Eyepatch, missing fingers Sensitive
5 Lambert / Gaby Curly red hair Jealous
6 Torsten / Frawa Scraggly, thin Helpful


d6 Names Appearance Behavior
1 Koris / Anthia Sleek, athletic Predatory
2 Scylla / Kaan Slimy, oily Stealthy
3 Phana / Agnest Long dorsal fins Resourceful
4 Marhenai / Demos Iridescent scales Savage
5 Lysis / Urmodos Eye scar, one–eyed Agile
6 Anthene / Agal Large nose Vengeful


d6 Names Appearance Behavior
1 Rea / Ana Face tattoo Aggressive
2 Hems / Adis Large hands Bossy
3 Nika / Pelo Mangy, matted hair Cruel
4 Dap / Mag Pale skinned Selfish
5 Hesa / Demer Lip–splitting scar Cowardly
6 Abros / Elan Bushy beard/hair Fussy

centipede swarm giant frog
A crawling mass of weaving, sinuous Human–sized frogs with warty skin and long,
centipedes. sticky tongues.
AC 11, HP 18, ATK 3 bite +1 (1d4 + poison) MV AC 12, HP 10, ATK 1 tongue and 1 bite +2 (1d6),
near (climb), S -3, D +1, C +0, I -4, W +3, Ch -4, MV near (swim), S +2, D +2, C +1, I -3, W +0, Ch -3,
AL N, LV 4 AL N, LV 2
Poison. DC 12 CON or paralyzed for 1d4 Tongue. 1 creature in near DC 12 DEX or pulled
rounds. to close range.

chuul giant leech

A glossy black, blood–drinking slug as large
Brown, horse–sized lobster bug with tentacles
as a cat.
and pincers.
AC 9, HP 10, ATK 1 bite +1 (1d4 + attach), MV near
AC 15, HP 27, ATK 2 pincer +4 (1d8 + grab) MV
(swim), S +1, D -1, C +1, I -3, W -1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 2
near (swim, climb), S +3, D -1, C +3, I -1, W +1,
Ch -2, AL C, LV 5 Attach. Attach to target; bite auto–hits next
round. DC 12 STR on turn to tear off.
Grab. DC 15 STR or held in pincer. DC 15 STR to
break free on turn.
grey ooze
cragbairn Slick puddles the color of stone.
Deformed and rabid dwarves with empty AC 11, HP 9, ATK 1 tentacle +2 (1d6), MV near
and sunken eye sockets. Wear soiled rags (climb), S +1, D +1, C +0, I -4, W -3, Ch -4, AL N,
with pockets full of rats. LV 2
AC 10, HP 4, ATK 1 club +0 (1d6) or 1 sling (far) Impervious. Immune to damage from acid,
+0 (1d4 + ratsling) MV near, S +0, D +0, C +1, I -3, cold, or fire.
W +1, Ch -3, AL C, LV 1 Corrosive. Nonmagical metal that touches
Ratsling. 1:6 chance rat projectile survives and the ooze dissolves on a d6 roll of 1–3.
lands within close.
Malformed. Eyeless and blind, their hearing hollowspawn
has evolved. ADV on WIS checks to listen. A child–sized shade born of torment and
despair, feeding on the hope of others.
cragbairn priest AC 11, HP 4, ATK 2 rend +2 (1d6), MV near (fly),
Bulky robes hide a malformed and bloodied S -2, D +2, C +1, I -2, W -3, Ch -3, AL C, LV 4
figure, chanting in an old language. Withering Stare. Creatures who meet it’s
AC 10, HP 9, ATK 1 dagger (near) +0 (1d4) or 1 gaze, DC 12 CHA or stunned for 1d4 rounds.
spell +1, MV near, S +0, D +0, C +1, I -2, W +1, Ch -3, DC 12 CHA on turn to shake it off.
AL C, LV 2 Undead. Immune to morale tests.
Malformed. Eyeless and blind, their hearing Shadow Veil. Half damage from attacks from
has evolved. ADV on WIS checks to listen. non–magical sources.
Fleshweave (WIS spell). DC 11. Heal one
creature within close for 1d4 HP.
Fleshrend (WIS spell). DC 12. One target in far
takes 2d4 damage and violently vomits blood.

kolara stingbat
Harmless looking, cat–sized bears Darting, orange insect–bat with four wings
who leap onto unsuspecting and needlelike beak.
heads, latching on with their
AC 12, HP 4, ATK 1 beak +2 (1d4 + blood drain),
claws. Hunt in packs.
MV near (fly), S -2, D +2, C +0, I -2, W +0, Ch -2,
AC 13, HP 5, ATK 1 leap and 1 bite +3 AL N, LV 1
(1d4), MV near (climb), S -1, D +3, Blood Drain. Attach to bitten target; auto–hit
C +0, I -2, W +0, Ch +2, AL C, LV 1 the next round. DC 9 STR on turn to remove.
Leap. Jump up to double near and latch onto
1 target’s head. DC 12 STR on turn to remove, tadpole, chuul
until then target is blind. A slimy fish–like larvae the size of a leech.
Vicious. Cumulative 1:6 chance each turn
AC 10, HP 1, ATK 1 bite +0 (1 + feed), MV near
while latched to maim target’s face or head.
(swim), S -3, D +0, C +1, I -4, W -2, Ch -3, AL N,
LV 0
Feed. Attach to bitten target; auto–hit the
Rangy, plague–carrying rodents that infest
next round. DC 9 STR on turn to remove.
underground places.
AC 10, HP 1, ATK 1 bite +0 (1 + disease), MV near, thug
S -3, D +0, C +1, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 0 A bruised and boorish ruffian.
Disease. DC 9 CON or 1d4 CON damage (can’t
AC 13(leather + shield), HP 4, ATK 1
heal while ill). Repeat check once per day; end
shortsword +1 (1d6), MV near, S +1, D +0, C +0,
on success. Die at 0 CON.
I -1, W +1, Ch -1, AL C, LV 1
rat, giant
Cunning rats as large as cats. Mangy fur and
wormlike tails.
AC 11, HP 5, ATK 1 bite +1 (1d4 + disease), MV
near, S -2, D +1, C +1, I -2, W +1, Ch -2, AL N, LV 1
Disease. DC 9 CON or 1d4 CON damage (can’t
heal while ill). Repeat check once per day; end
on success. Die at 0 CON.

sahuagin commoner
Humanoids with sea–green skin, webbed
limbs and wearing tribal attire.
AC 11, HP 1, ATK 1 claw +1 (1d4), MV near
(swim), S +1, D +1, C +0, I -1, W +0, Ch -1, AL C,
LV 0
Half–Amphibious. Must be submerged in
water every 4 hours or suffocates.

sahuagin hunter
Humanoids with sea–green skin, webbed
limbs and shark teeth. Vicious hunters.
AC 14 (leather + shield), HP 9, ATK 2 trident
(near) +1 (1d6), MV near (swim), S +1, D +1, C +0,
I -1, W +0, Ch -1, AL C, LV 2
Half–Amphibious. Must be submerged in
water every 4 hours or suffocates.

Magic Items
d6 Potion Effect
1 Oil flask Shadowdark page 34
2 Potion of healing Heals 1d6 HP
3 Potion of defense AC 17 for 5 rounds
4 Elixir of health Cures poison and disease
Invisible for 10 rounds or until you
5 Potion of invisibility
attack or cast a spell
6 Potion of speed MV Double near for 5 rounds

Tidepiercer Clockwork Medallion

A jagged trident dripping ocean water. Tarnished brass medallion with numerous
ticking clockwork mechanisms.
Bonus. +1 spear.
Benefit. Regain 1d6 HP whenever you slay a Benefit. Wearer always knows the time of day
creature with this weapon. Wielder suffers no and what direction is north.
penalties for fighting underwater. Once per day this medallion can cast the knock
Curse. The spear must be submerged in spell without making a spellcasting check.
water every 4 hours or temporarily lose all
magical properties. Miserable Maplewand
Gnarled old branch with a broken tip and
Gladius of the Arena Master spindly roots jutting out of the handle.
A mirror–like blade that reflects the wielder’s Benefit. This wand contains the spells
image. invisibility (pg. 63) and silence (pg. 71).
Bonus. +0 shortsword. Can only be wielded by Curse. Each time you fail a spellcasting check
a fighter. with this wand, you can only whisper until
completing a rest. On a critical failure, it
Benefit. Wielder gains weapon master for this
teleports to a far-flung isolated location.
Personality. Miserable, senile. Only wants to
Curse. Weapon constantly amplifies wielder’s
be left alone with some peace and quiet.
bravado and pride.

Hammerhelm of the
Thunder King
A battle scarred bronze helm with indigo
plume and polished edges.
Benefit. This helm grants you a +1 bonus to
your armor class. Your attacks with maces
and hammers deal additional 1d8 damage.
Curse. You attract storms and bad weather.

Spiked wall trap. Spring–loaded board full of sharpened sticks, DC 12 DEX or 2d6.
Banshee trap. Tiny, flat, brass disk. When stepped on, it emits a gravitic field under–foot and a long,
extremely loud warning screech. DC 15 STR to escape, dwarves immune. DC 18 INT to re-arm, 1:6;
device destroyed.
Secret Doors. Murky underwater passages and grinding, revolving walls.

Spiked wall trap.

Brass banshee trap.
Brass door.
Brass receptacle.

cragbairn priests

sahuagin prisoners

cragbairn mikos

giant rats

grey oozes

giant frog

giant rat



giant leech
kolaras in/out


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