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Tangguh Expansion Project

WORK ACTIVITY (JOB) TITLE: Land Clearing use machete JSA NO.: JSA-LCI-TEP-033 R03


CSTS Construction 1. Signature:…………………………
1. 7. Name :……………………………. 2. Signature:…………………………
2. 8. Signature :…………………………. 3. Signature:…………………………
3. 9. 4. Signature:…………………………
4. 10. CSTS HSSE 5. Signature:…………………………
5. 11. Name :…………………………….. 6. Signature:…………………………
6. 12. Signature 7. Signature:…………………………
8. Signature………………………….
CRITICAL QUESTIONS: Everyone Ready/Capable to Work? Potential Spill/Gas Release Addressed? Worst Case Discussed?


Hard Hats Goggles Safety Harness Hearing Protection Barricades Other (List):
Safety Shoes Face Shield Safety Gloves Flame Resistant Clothing Gas Detector __________________________________________
Safety Glasses PFD/WorkVests Dosimeter Respirator / Dust Mask Life Line / Yoyo __________________________________________
Chemical Suit Blower Spill Kit / SOPEP Fire Extinguisher Radio


Work Permit Special Pre-Job Safety Discussions Ground Scan (underground utilities) Pollution Prevention Measures
(CS/HOT/COLD/Grating/Exca Emergency Rescue Plan Use of Specialized PPE Redundant Protection Measures
vation) Site/Job Orientation Compressed Gas Cylinder / Toxic gas Simultaneous Operations
Energy Isolation Access Control Commissioning authorization Lighting / Illumination Plan
Written Procedure STARRT CARD Chemical Handling Other :
PSSR Doc/Line Checklist
Lifting Hazards New Employees Elec. Shock/ Flash (includes utility lines) Dropped/Falling Objects Low Lighting Ionizing Radiation
Fall Potential Water/Drowning Hazard Haz. Chemical Exposure (includes H2S) Tripping/Slipping Breathing Hazard Other:
Skin Irritants Mech. Equip. Hazards Sharp Edges or Hot/Cold surfaces Excavation Hazard Environmental _________________________
Confined Spaces Fire/Explosion Potential Pinch/Crush/Striking Hazards Low Level hazard Extremes _________________________
Elev. Load/Work High Noise Levels Potential Release of Energy Fatigue/Biology Hazard Vehicle Operations _________________________
1. Melakukan persiapan kerja Work 1.1. Kondisi dan kesiapan 1.1.1. Karyawan yang terlibat dalam pekerjaan harus memastikan diri dalam keadaan fit Permit Holder,
preparation karyawan pada saat akan dan sehat untuk melakukan pekerjaan Ensure to persons involved shall be fit for Supervisor
melakukan pekerjaan work prior to work
Fitness of the employees 1.1.2. Pengawas harus melakukan pengecekan terhadap pekerja siap dalam
melaksanakan aktivitas pekerjaan Supervisor shall be ensuring that the workers
ready to do the task
1.1.3 Memberikan instruksi kerja harus jelas dan pekerja dapat mengerti tentang
langkah–langkah pekerjaan masing-masing yang diberikan oleh pengawas
Clear information and the worker understand of his task
1.2 Tidak mengikuti procedure 1.2.1 Kelengkapan dokumen dokumen yang ada seperti Method Statement, JSA / ensure Permit Holder,
Not follow the procedure completed the document ex :Method Statement, JSA Supervisor
1.2.2 Permit mendapat approval dari department yang terkait / ensure work permit get
approval from Client
2. Mempersiakan alat parang / Tools 2.1 Parang belum diinspeksi / 2.1.1. Parang sudah diinspeksi / ensure machete already inspected Permit Holder,
preparation machete machete dont update 2.1.2. Color code terpasang / ensure there are color code Supervisor

2.2 Parang mengenai tangan saat 2.2.3 Pasang cover pada parang / ensure install cover for machete Permit Holder,
dibawa / machete hit the hand Supervisor

3. Membersihkan lokasi secara manual 3.1. Slip / Trip 3.1.1 Operator di anjurkan beristirahat pada jam istirahat siang di shelter yang sudah Supervisor,
(parang) dan cangkul / Clean up the Terpeleset / tersandung disediakan. / Operator break on a lunch hour in the shelter that has been provided Foreman,
area by manual (machete) and hoe 3.1.2 Segera lapor pengawas jika merasa lelah. / Immediately report the supervisor if you Crew
feel tired.
3.2 Terkena parang / hit by 3.2.1 Orang yang memegang machete sudah di training / ensure the machete user Supervisor,
machete already trained Foreman,
3.2.2 Pemegang parang memakai pelindung kaki / ensure the machete user using foot Crew
3.2.3 Jangan bekerja terlalu dekat / keep distance between worker
3.3 Terkena cangkul sesama 3.3.1 Menjaga jarak antara pemegang cangkul atau jangan mencangkul Supv, PH,
pekerja yang menggali berhadapan / Keep safe distance with hoe or do not face to face when team
/ Contact with hoe doing it
3.3.2 Bergantian proses kerja saat mencangkul / Regular change of the worker
who taking hoe
3.4 Wildlife Hazard Bites, 3.4.1 Ensure persons can see clearly ahead and where they are placing their Supervisor,
stings in overgrown areas, feet. / pastikan orang dapat melihat dengan jelas dan mengetahui dimana Foreman,
jungle (bahaya satwa liar, mereka berada Crew
3.4.2 Be aware of high-risk areas (previously undisturbed areas, shade, high
gigitan, sengatan di daerah
foliage etc) / waspadai area yang beresiko tinggi, area yang sebelumnya
hutan) tidak terganggu, dedaunan tinggi
3.4.3 Ensure adequate proper PPE (head net, snake gaiters) are worn / pastikan
sediakan APD yang memadai (jarring kepala, pelindung gigitan ular)
4. Pemulihan lokasi / Site 4.1. Sampah / Waste 5.1.1 Semua sampah telah dipindahkan dari site sebelum permit di tanda tangani / Supervisor,
Reinstatement Ensure all waste material is removed from the site before the permit is signed off Permit Holder

4.2. Cuaca buruk , hujan dan 4.2.1. Dilarang bekerja saat hujan lebat / Working in heavy rain shall be prohibited Engineer &
angin kencang / Adverse 4.2.2. Lakukan inspeksi ulang dari kemiringan galian oleh insinyur setelah cuaca buruk / Supervisor
Weather (Rain/High Winds) Re-inspection checklist of slope excavation by engineer after adverse weather

5. Housekeeping 5.1. Bahaya tersandung / 5.1.1. Pastikan pengawas dan pekerja membersihkan akses atau jalan/ Ensure that Supervisor
Stumble Danger supervisors and workers cleaning or road access All crew
5.1.2. Pastikan jalan atau akses sudah aman untuk dilalui / Make sure the path or the
access is safe for traveling
5.1.3. Pekerja dan pengawas menjaga keseimbangan dan posisi tubuh saat beraktivitas /
Workers and supervisors maintain balance and body position during the move
5.1.4. Pekerja dan pengawas fokus dan berkonsentasi saat melakukan pengecekan batas
lokasi / Workers and supervisors focus and concentration when checking the site
5.2. Sampah / Waste 5.2.1. Pengawas memastikan tidak ada yang membuang sampah sembarangan / Supv, PH, and
Supervisors make sure no littering team
5.2.2. Pengawas menyediakan trash bag (tempat sampah) / Supervisory provide trash
bag (trash)

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