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Scientific discoveries and advances in technology are supposed to make our lives
better. However, science often comprises the study of things around you for the sake
of knowing more about our world. This in itself seems like a good end to aim for. Is
it always necessary that what you learn in science is useful? Discuss.
Most discoveries have no use at the start. Einstein discovered that matter can be converted into energy

with his famous equation E = mc2. However, it was other scientists who made an atomic bomb out of this


Sir Alexander Fleming noticed that the mould on his germ culture dishes killed the germs. However,

it was only later that the first antibiotic, called penicillin, was extracted from the mould to kill germs and

save lives. Hence, we will never know how useful a discovery is, until more work is done on it.

Note to Teacher:
s of scientists in the past by
Students may learn from the attitude
Bank. It is hoped that by
doing the exercises given in the Idea
to adopt these attitudes in
doing these exercises, they will learn
their daily lives.

4 Introducing Science © 2008

© 2007 Marshall
Marshall Cavendish
Cavendish International
International (Singapore)
(Singapore) Pte
Pte Ltd

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